Volume 9
Issue 10 May 16, 2014
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
They Came. They Saw.
They Learned! Patients and visitors saw quitee an unusual (and fun n) scenario o at PPMC April 244: hundreds of children walking throu ughou ut the hosp pital, somee wearringg scrubs, otthers in lab coats, and some even do onnin ng haiir nets. Weelcome to 2014 Takee Your Chiild to Work Day! From 8 a.m. – noon, faculty an nd staaff fro om departm ments arou und th he hospital weent out of their way to make it a morniing fu ull of fun an nd learnin ng. In thee ED, blackk lights an nd special hand soap helpeed teaach kids aboutt the prevaalence of geerms and the imporrtance of han nd-washin ng. Memb bers of thee strokke teeam introd duced kids to a new on nline videeo game th hat involvves navigatting a clot-busting spaceeship intra--arterriallyy, shootingg down clots that prevent the paassagee of bllood to thee brain, wh hile avvoid ding large atherosclerotic plaques on the arterrial wall. When clot-buster mediciine ru uns ou ut, players must answer stroke kn nowleedge questions in order to refill it an nd continue playing.
Up in n Orthopaeedic su urgeery, the nurssing staff demonstratted ho ow medical lift ftss are used to help pattients with h mobilityy and (continued on back)
Heartfelt Thanks Letter from a grateful patient to the faculty and staff in PPMC’s division of Infectious Diseases: You truly are a group of caring, professional and just wonderful individuals that Penn Medicine… should be so very proud of all of you. To the young lady who took my vitals, I apologize, your name at this moment escapes me, but thank you so very much for your care, kindness, professionalism, and every positive attribute that shined from within you, which wa as so sincere. Bless all of you, the ere was not a staff member who did d not share a ca cari ari ring ingg smi m le with me e. The doct ccttors there are so o very forrtunate to have all of you. I onnlyy spoke to a couple of you and met with manny of you for just a short wh hile, buut your caring hearts will rem main wiitth me forever.
They Came. They Saw.
They Learned! (continued from front)
encourage nursing safetty byy preventting staff ff from having to o lift patients. In Food Services, PPMC registered dieticians talked about how the hospital takes care of the dietary needs for all patients, including those with diet-specific neeedss. Aft fter takin ng a behiind-tthe--scenes tour of the kitchens, thee kid ds were trreated to o a healtthy make-your-own yoggurtt parffait bar. In thee OR, kid ds gowned up and got han ndss-on with h an intteractive lap paro oscopy surrgerry dem monstration n thaat alllowed them to go “fishing”” forr Herrshey’s Kisses. Faculty and staff in Path hologgy & Lab boratoryy Meediccine gavee kids a tour of their lab space and taught them all about the vital role they play in every aspect of health care. Kids were given a behindthe-scenes look at the critical workk Patth & Lab b Med co ontrib buttes to thee field of medicine an nd ho ow th hese pro ofessionaals peerfo orm and d interpret thousandss of laborratory teests annu uallyy. Many thanks to all depaartm ments for their many effo orts in providing so much enteertain nment and educcation n in n one fun n day! For more photo os frrom the day, please see th he Presby Bulletin online.
In October, hundreds of cyclists will hit the streets of Philadelphia and beyond for “The Ride to Conquer Cancer” benefitting Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center (ACC). This incredible, twoday, 150+ mile ride will raise vital funds for breakthrough cancer research, education and patient care. The Ride will bring together communities of cancer survivors and cyclists who train and fundraise for months, and their supporters. Thousands of people, including Riders, crew members, staff and volunteers, are expected to participate. Penn Medicine leaders, researchers and physicians will also be well represented. UPHS CEO Ralph Muller and Abramson Cancer Center Director Chi V. Dang, MD. PhD, are co-captains for the UPHS/ACC Team. “The funds raised through The Ride will be put to use to power our breakthrough cancer research, and world-class education and patient care programs right here in Philadelphia,” said Dr. Dang. The course starts in Philadelphia and runs through the surrounding area’s picturesque countryside with an overnight camp midway where participants will slumber in tents and enjoy hot meals, showers, live entertainment, massages, and other festive activities. The ride start and finish will be held on October 11 and 12, with pit stops for food, and beverages, and public cheer stations that will be set up along the route to support riders as they pass.
PPMC Patient Safety Hero Award Winner Penn Presbyterian Medical Center is proud to name Jordan Jackson-Barton, EVS, the newest recipient of the Patient Safety Hero award! The Patient Safety Hero Award honors those who go the extra mile to maintain a safe environment at PPMC. Jordan is a shining example of the culture of excellence we work to maintain at PPMC and makes the safety of patients and staff his top priority. Congratulations to Jordan Jackson-Barton. He is a true PPMC Patient Safety Hero.
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/