Presbybulletin 6 13 14

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Volume 9

Issue 12 June 13, 2014

PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center


AUGUST 12-17 The National Veterans Wheelchair Games (NVWG) is a sports and rehabilitation program for mili mi lita tary ry ser ervi vice ce vet eter eran anss wh who o us usee whee wh eelc lcha hair irss fo forr sp spor orts ts com ompe peti titi tion on due to spi pina nall co cord rd inj njur urie iess, amp mput utat atio ions ns or certain neurological problems. Attr At trac acti ting ng mor oree th than an 500 ath thle lete tess ea each ch year, the NVWG is the largest annual whee wh eelc lcha hair ir spo port rtss ev even entt in the wor orld ld. Ther eree ar aree ma many ny opp ppor ortu tuni niti ties es to volunteer for the games throughout thee we th week ek inc nclu ludi ding ngg: at athl hlet etee me meal alss and registration, block party setup, tr up tran ansp spor orta tati tion on, qu quad ad rug ugby by scor sc orek ekee eepe per, r, and mor ore! e! Vis isit it the Pre resb sbyy Bull Bu llet etin in onl nlin inee fo forr mo more re inf nfor orma mati tion on or to sign-up as a volunteer. Parties intterrestted in d in vollunt nteeri rin ng sh hould ld register no later than June 15. If you have any questions, you can reach out to the Penn Medicine office of Public Affairs at 215.662.7030 or e-mail

Recognizing Nursing Excellence Last month, at the 14th annual celebration, Penn Medicine recognized the winners of its Nursing Clinical Excellence Awards. “The winners are illustrative of the contributions made by nurses,” said Mary Naylor, director of the New Courtland Center for Transitions and Health at Penn’s School of Nursing. “You work as a team. You confront complex challenges, using quality measures to address challenges. You are part of the solution to drive changes in health care.” In addition to recognizing the winners in each of four categories from all the entities, the celebration included announcing the winner of the inaugural UPHS Victoria Rich Transformational Leadership Award. This year’s winner is Elizabeth Quigley, MSN, BSN, RN, nurse manager of Labor and Delivery at Pennsylvania Hospital.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THIS YEAR’S WINNERS FROM PPMC! Lillian Brunner Clinical Judgment and Decision Making Award d – Dolores Risica, BSN, RN, Clinical Nurse IV Dorothy Botdorf Award for Clinical Leadership – Vernice Perry, BSN, RN, CNOR, Clinical Nurse IV Helen McClelland Award for Clinical Scholarship p – Courtney Foody, MSN, RN, Clinical Nurse III Rosalyn J. Watts Nurse-Patient/Family Relationship Award d – Gina Terranova, BSN, RN, CCRN-CSC, Clinical Nurse III Also in May, announced the winners of its new Rising Star award. The honor, given for the first time this year, is presented to an RN who has been working in a professional nursing setting for five years or less and who has demonstrated strong nursing knowledge and clinical leadership skills, and exceeded role expectations in patient care and professional endeavors. (continued on back)

Recognizing Nursing Excellence (continued from front)

Congratulations to this year’s Philadelphia Tri-State region winner, PPMC’s Jennifer Baciu, RN, BSN, CCRN. In addition to the many hats she wears at PPMC, Baciu chairs the hospital professional development committee and organizes health screenings for the West Philadelphia community. Baciu is driven to be challenged clinically, has requested to take care of sicker patients, and views each challenging patient as an opportunity to learn. She achieved CCRN certification last year and is currently enrolled in a graduate MSN degree program.

BIKE TO CREATE A WORLD FREE OF MS ON SEPTEMBER 27 & 28 Free Team Jersey Deadline: Pleeasse reegister and complete your waivver by no laater than n Ju uly 200th to guarantee your free Team UPHS/ PEN NN Jersey. Reccoggnized d by Bicyyclingg Magazzin ne as th he “Best Cycling Getaway in NJ,” th he Bikke MS: City to Shoree Rid de prromises to be the best cycling experrien nce on the east coaast. Thiss yeaar marks thee 34rrd annivverrsaary of the Bike MS City to Shore Ride, in n wh hicch Team m UPH HS/PE ENN wiill, with your help, be the larggesst team m! We’ree cou untting on new and veteran cyclists to keep the mom mentum m goiing stron ng and joiin the team this September 27 & 28 for anottherr succcesssful yeaar. We’vve worrked with Garry Scheib, chief operaatin ng officeer fo or UP PHS, an nd th he teaam’s founder, to set a systemwid de goal again n of recru uittin ng 3000 teeam m members. As always, there is trully an opttion n for everryo one - you can choose to participate as a cyclist, a virrtu ual cyycllistt (if you can n’t rid de,, but want to fundraise), or a volunteer at th he teeam’’s finish line ten nt. Th Than nks to you, the 2013 team of 288 riders raised d an am maziing $1744,740 an nd qu ualifi fied for the highly-coveted finish linee teentt an nd wo on fi five awaards. Each peerson n wh ho raaisess th he miiniimum $300 receives a customized team jerseyy to o weear durin ng th he riide and acceess to the finish line tent with plen ntyy of fo ood & givveaw wayys. Don n’t forgget about our annual UPHS/ PEN NN pastta din nnerr rigght beforre th he rid de. See the Presby Bulletin onliinee for a direct link to registterr as paart of the UPHS/PENNTeam, and use th he prom mo ‘trad decarrd’’ to saavee $10 off registration until 7/20.

Penn Program for Mindfulness Summer 2014 Programs The Penn Program for Mindfulness is a Mind Mi ndfu fuln lnes esss-Ba Base sed d St Stre ress ss Man anag agem emen entt program that teaches individuals how to use medi dittati tion as th the priimary tooll for long-tterm stress management. Special Event: An Evening with Dr. Dan Gott Gott ttli lieb eb: b: A Mindf indfull Jou ourn rney ey fro rom m Trau Trauma ma and Recovery to Gratitude and Love – University City, June 26, 2014, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Join us for this special presentation by Dan Gottlieb, practicing psychologist and host of “Voices in the Family,” a weekly radio program heard on WHYY-FM. Dan will explain how we can reawaken our ability to experience joy and awe in the ordinary. He will share how his difficult life events— including personal failures, feelings of alienation, sexual abuse and a traumatic injury that resulted in his quadriplegia— gave him the opportunity to reconnect with emotions and live in the moment. For more information or to register go to

December Presby STARS Congratulations to the December 2013 Presby STAR winners, who each received $100 and a certificate recognizing their Presby STAR TAR efforts. Debra Morris – EVS Jacquiline Taylor – Pulmonary Lab Maria Gardizy – SICU Tanesha Betsill – Nuclear Cardiology Kacie Rushforth – Emergency Department

Contact Us: Katie Delach | |

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