Volume 8
Issue 12
June 14, 2013
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Annual Bike MS:
City to Shore Ride It’s that time again! Get your bikes out, get some exercise, and feel the beach breeze at the finish line! Register ter for the MS Bike ride aand jo join the UPHS/PENN PENN team on Sept 28 (and, if riding back to Woodcrest station, on September 29) as we ride and cross the finish line in Ocean City, NJ. We were the largest team last year and we hope to continue the momentum. Our goal is 300 riders or more! Choose the distance you want to ride: 25, 50, 75, 100 miles on September 28, or also do the ride back, 75 miles on September 29. You can also register online. Check out the Presby Bulletin online for a direct link to register as a team member and when prompted, be sure to indicate the UPHS/PENN Team: Use the word ‘tradecard’ as the discount code and save $10.00 off the registration until 7/31/13.
BREAKING GROUND FOR ADVANCED CARE On Wednesday, May 15, Penn Medicine and Penn Pre resb sbyt y er yt eria ian ia n Me Medi dica di call Cent ca nter ter (PPM (P PMC) PM C) officia iall llyy br ll brok oke k ground d on the new Advanced Care Hospital Pavilion. With the completion of the expansion project – slated for January 2015 – PPMC will ha have ve the infrastructure and nd pro rogr gram amma mati ticc su supp ppor ortt need ded d to become Penn Medicine’s Level-I Regional Resource Trauma Center. Upon comp pletion,, th thee Tr Trau auma ma Cen ente terr at Penn nn Med edic icin inee wi will ll tra rans nsfe fer from its current nt bas asee of ope pera rati tion onss at the Hospital i l of the Univ Un iver ersit ity off Pennsylvania (HUP) to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. The new 178,,00 0000 sq squa uare re foo oott Ad Adva vanc nced ed Care Hospital Pavilion will feature overall upgrades and enhanced capa p ci c ty for eme merg rgen ency cy, su surg rgic ical,l trauma and critical care patients i at PPMC. In addition to an ad adde ded d em emer erge genc ncyy ba bayy an and d operatiing room capacit ca ity, a new state-of-the art trauma resuscitation area will be dedicated to the evaluation and stabilization of critically injured patients. “We al alll find it a ve very ry excit itiing time i for Penn Presbyterian,” said Harvey Waxman, MD, chief of Cardiology, PPMC, in a spe peci cial al vid ideo eo pre rese sent nted ed at th the ceremony. “A And we beli lieve that it will open a new era in the history of Penn Presbyterian Medical Center.” (continued on back) L to R: Harvey Waxman, MD; John Flamma, MD; Alyson Cole, MPM; Ralph Muller; Councilwoman Janie Blackwell; J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD; R. Joey Fay; Michele Volpe; Pat Reilly, MD
Along with Penn Medicine faculty, staff and leadership, two former Penn Medicine trauma patients were also in attendance at the ceremony. James Heany and Maribeth Marburger’s stories, told briefly by Ralph Muller, CEO of UPHS, and J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD, Executive Vice President of the University for the Health System and Dean of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, were met with applause from the crowd. “It has been a long road to recovery and rehabilitation and one that she marked in 2012, by participating in the Broad Street Run,” Dr. Jameson said of Ms. Marburger. “Penn Medicine is very happy to have been a critical partner in her road to recovery and we are very happy to have her here with us today to share in this event!” In addition to Dr. Jameson and Mr. Muller, the event also featured remarks from Michele Volpe, CEO, PPMC and The Honorable Jannie L. Blackwell, Philadelphia City Councilwoman, both of whom commended the efforts of PPMC faculty and staff on their hard work, positive attitude and assistance throughout the early stages of the project. “You have all demonstrated time and time again a commitment to innovation, improvement, and superior patient care,” said Volpe. “It is because of this level of excellence that we can move forward with confidence, knowing that Penn Presbyterian, in partnership with our colleagues across Penn Medicine, will step up to the challenges ahead and meet them with conviction.”
Clinical Nutrition News Lauren Ginipro (left) and Erin Gerlach (right)
PPMC’s Clinical Nutrition team is pleased to announce exciting changes in the department. Lauren Ginipro and Erin Gerlach, two of our staff dietitians, recently passed thee ex th exam am to be beco come me cer ertitifified in Nu Nutr trititio ionn Su Supp ppor ortt. Thi hiss is a big acc ccom ompl plis ishm hmen entt an andd is ver eryy pr prou oudd to ann nnou ounc ncee their success. The team also has two new additions: The first is Carlie Maraddonna RD RDN N, LDN DN, CN CNSC SC whho has been a di dietiitiian for five years and is also certified in Nutrition Supp pport. She joins PPMC from Einstein Medical Center and is curr cu rren entltlyy pu purs rsui uing ng her Mas aste terr of Art rtss de degr gree ee in Pu Publ blic ic Administration. Welcome to the Presby family, Carlie! Our other addition is Lauren Carver, who recently comp co mple lete tedd an int nter erns nshi hipp at Dre rexe xell Un Univ iver ersi sity ty. Lau aure renn comp co mple lete tedd he herr cl clin inic ical al rot otat atio ionn at the Hos ospi pita tall of the University of Pennsylvania and is aready familiar with the Penn Medicine syystem. Lauren is currentlyy eligi g ble to sit for the dietetic registration exam and is interested in doing research at some point in her career. Welcome Lauren!
See the Presby Bulletin online for a direct link to view the full video that was presented at the ceremonial groundbreaking.
Construction update: In addition to the Pavilion groundbreaking, the oxygen farm moved on May 18, and work on the loading dock will be complete July 16. The movement of the oxygen farm and the loading dock will pave the way for the foundation and excavation of the Pavilion footprint and ED expansion.
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/