Volume 9
Issue 13 June 27, 2014
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
NATIONAL NURSES WEEK Last month, PPMC and the American Nurses Association took part in celebrating National Nurses Week, which begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. The purpose of National Nurses Week is to raise public awareness of the value of nursing and to help educate the public about the vital roles registered nurses play in meeting the health care needs of the American people. Patients often recognize that a nurse is the health care professional with whom they and their families have the most direct contact. But they might not realize that nurses also are leaders in improving the quality of care and expanding access to care. This year’s theme, “Nurses: Leading the Way,” recognized nurses as leaders at the bedside, in the boardroom, throughout communities and in the halls of government. At PPMC, dedicated nurses are leading initiatives to increase access to care and improve outcomes by focusing on primary care, prevention, wellness, chronic disease management and the coordination of care among health care providers and settings. As part of our on-going effort to recognize our staff for their contributions and dedication to our patients, PPMC hosted a breakfast for nurses and, also in May, recognized the winners of the UPHS Nursing Excellence Awards, the Penn Presbyterian Merit Awards and the Gem Awards. Award nominations hit an all-time high this year, which speaks to the excellent care being delivered to our patients. We would like to congratulate all our award winners, and thank every member of our nursing team for their contributions to our organization and our patients.
Summer Spotlight on Skincare Summer is in full swing and everyone is ready to head outdoors to enjoy the sunshine. But it’s essential that you enjoy it safely. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in this country. In fact, more non-melanoma cancers are diagnosed each year than the combined totall of breast, lung, prostate, and colon. Americans have a one in five chance of being diagnosed with a non-melanoma cancer… and the vast majority of cases are caused by radiation from the sun. Throughout the summer, the Presby Bulletin will be giving you the lowdown on what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun’s rays.
Fact or Fiction: Sunbathing is fine as long as you wear sunscreen. FICTION: Sunscreen is a false security blanket. Sunbathing is very bad even with sunscreen.
Penn Medicine CAREs Grant Winners Saturday, July 12, 2014 PPMC invtes you to enjoy the park and a de deli lici ciou ouss me meal al wit ith h yo you u fa fami mily ly, fr frie iend ndss and d co-workkers on Satturday, d Jully 12, 2014 20 14. Tickkets t are onlly $39.34 34 and d incllude d admission to both parks and an all-youcan-eat catered meal from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Park Pa rkin ingg Vo Vouc uche hers rs als lsoo av avai aila labl blee fo forr on only ly $8! Purcha Purc hase se you ourr ti tick cket etss at the PPM PMC C Ca Cash shie ier’ rs booth on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from fr om 9 a.m .m. m. – 12 p.m .m. m. an and d 1 p.m p.m. m. - 3 p.m .m. m.
Thank you for joining us in Penn Presbyterian Medical Center Day!
Raymond Rodriquez, MD, FACC, FACP, clinical assistant professor of Medicine in the division of Cardiovascular Medicine, has received funding that will go toward testing supplies to use at the 2nd Enon Tabernacle Men’s Health Fair taki ta king ng pla lace ce thi hiss mo mont nthh. Ant ntic icip ipat atio ionn is tha hatt 15 1500 00 Afr fric ican an Ame meri rica cann me menn fr from om Philadelphia will attend to have cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose read andd to be pr p e-screenedd for prosttate t cancer. Each quarter, the CAREs Foun Fo unda datition on awa ward rdss gr gran ants ts of up to $5,,000 pe p r pr p ojject to communityy and hospital-based programs on behalf of employees or Perelman School of Medicine students whoo vo wh volu lunt ntee eerr th thei eirr titime me to support those programs. For more information and to app pplyy, pl p ease visit www.Pennmedicine.org/community. Deadline for applications for the next round of grants is September 1. Congratulations to all the winners of a Penn Medicine CAREs grant for the third quarter of FY14! •
Tiffany Ali, Radiology – CPUP: Penn Medicine Woodbury Heights Cares
Jennifer Catrambone, Emergency Department – CCH: Caring Clothing for Chester County Hospital Emergency Room
Yoonhee Ha, Center for Health Care Innovation – PSOM: Unity Clinic
Paul Huberty, Strategic Planning – CCH: Expa p ndingg Access to Mammograms at La Comunidad Hispana
SOM: M: Un Unitited ed Com ommu muni nity ty Clilini nicc Bi Bike ke Gregory Kennedy, Medical Student – PSO Rodeo
Brandi Simpson – 4 East
Rebecca Kim, Medical Student – PSOM: Penn Human Rights Clinic
Angela Burrus – 4 East
Jennifer Lai, Vascular Surgery – HUP: Vision Care and Glasses for Folk Arts Cultural Treasures Charter School
Kevin Sims, Penn Transplant Institute – HUP: Philadelphia Black Gay Pride Vision Care and Glasses for Folk Arts Cultural Treasures Charter School ealth Project
Steven Sust, Psychiatry – CPUP: Asian Mental Health Outreach
Candace Syres, Neurology – PAH: In Your Language: Parkinson’s Disease Education
Jeffrey O’Neill, Engineering Services – PAH: Bucks County Admirals Hockey Team
January Presby Stars Congratulations to the January 2014 Presby STAR winners, who each received $100 and a certificate recognizing their Presby STAR efforts.
Teresa Schwarz – Cardiac Ultrasound Sarah King – EVS Donald Moyer – 4 East
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/