Presbybulletin 7 11

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Volume 9

Issue 14 July 11, 2014

PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

CHALLENGING OBESITY STEREOTYPES AND DISCRIMINATION Join the Cultural Diversity Committee—along with nurses, social workers, allied health professionals, and community leaders – for upcoming educational events focused on raising awareness about the obesity epidemic and challenges and solutions for diverse populations.

SPECIAL BROWN BAG Thursday, July 17, 1-2 PM Providing Sensitive Care for the Bariatric Patient Featured Speakers: Johncy Joseph, BSN, RN, CN III and Victoria Brown, BSN, RN, CN III, Transplant and Bariatric Surgery Gardner Conference Room, 1st Floor, Wright Saunders Bldg. | PPMC campus at 39th & Market Streets Bariatric patients often encounter judgment, insensitivity, and disrespect in their interactions with health professionals. This program is designed to increase health professionals’ awareness of the need for sensitivity in caring for bariatric patients and to assist them in identifying their own biases. Through storytelling and group discussion, participants will learn more sensitive ways of responding to these patients which, in turn, lead to safer, more effective care. This FREE pre-conference program is open to all UPHS employees.

5TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE OF PPMC’S CULTURAL DIVERSITY COMMITTEE Please SAVE THE DATE! Friday, October 24, 2014 Room 106 Penn Heart & Vascular Pavilion | PPMC campus at 39th & Market Streets The Cultural Diversity Committee is proud to announce that 2014 marks the committee’s 5th annual conference! This year’s theme is “Obesity Challenges and (continued on back)

Summer Spotlight on Skincare Throughout the summer, the Presby Bulletin will be giving you the lowdown on what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun’s rays.

Fact or Fiction: Sunscreen sprays are better than lotion. FICTION: A sunscreen you actually use is the best! In other words, any sunscreen is better than no sunscreen, but you should make sure it has an SPF of at least 30 and broad spectrum coverage [both UVA and UVB].


Solutions for Diverse Populations: Eliminating Disparities and Increasing Inclusion.” The morning session will feature a panel presentation on obesity, which has become one of the most pressing public health concerns facing our community and our nation. Affordable, easily accessible hightech tools and the latest behavioral incentives to support weigh loss are just some of solutions to be addressed. The afternoon session will explore the myth of healthy obesity and the influence of public policy on turning around the obesity epidemic. Participants will leave the conference inspired and armed with the tools to create their own community action plans to prevent and reduce obesity. Watch for full program details and registration information in future issues of the Presby Bulletin.


Security Awareness For Employees PPMC employees are reminded to use available services and common sense when travelling especially during evening and late night hours.

PENN WALKING ESCORT (898-WALK) Walking escorts are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, between 43rd & 30th St. and Market St. to Baltimore Ave. Escorts are also available from 10:00AM until 3:00AM between 50th & 30th and Spring Garden St. to Woodland Ave. via the University’s partnership with the University District Ambassador Program.

How to request a Walking Escort: •

Ask any Public Safety Officer on patrol or inside a building

Call 215-898-WALK(9255) or 511 (from Penn campus phone)

Use one of the many building and blue - light ephones located on and off Penn’s campus.


February Presby STARS Congratulations to the February 2014 Presby STAR winners, who each received $100 and a certificate recognizing their Presby STAR efforts. Kathryn Grasing – 4 East Nathan Jennato – Wound Care Beth Costa – 4 East

Penn Transit Services, 215-898-RIDE (7433), operated by Penn’s Division of Business Services, provides mobile escort services for all members of the Penn community, from 6PM – 3AM daily (*on-call for emergencies, 3AM to 7AM), operating within the following boundaries: 50th Street – 20th Street and Spring Garden Street to Woodland Avenue. A PennCard ID (HUP ID) is required for use of these services. Remember, security would rather be called and not needed, than needed and not called. For more safety tips and reminders, please visit the Presby Bulletin online.

Joy Cantuba – MICU Carly Murphy – Emergency Department

Contact Us: Katie Delach | |

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