Presby bulletin 7 25

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Volume 9

Issue 15 July 25, 2014

PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

Penn Medicine Hospitals Named Among Top Ten in the Nation and #1 in Philadelphia By U.S. News & World Report Penn Medicine hospitals have been ranked among the top hospitals in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. t With the newly combined results for HUP and Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, we were ranked as the 7th best hospital in the United States, one of onlyy 17 institutions named to the publication’s Honor Roll out of nearly 5,000 hospitals nationwide. This year’s improved rank ra nkin ings gs can be la larg rgel elyy attributed to our pe p rfect pa p tient safety scores (5 points out of a possible 5), which were more heavily weighted in the latest survey. Improving patient safety at Penn Medicine is a continuous effort, said Pat Sullivan, PhD, vice president of Quality and Patient Safety, made possible thro th roug ughh th thee de dedi dica cate tedd an andd co collllab abor orat ativ ivee ef effo fort rtss of man anyy fa facu cultltyy an andd st staf afff within the Health System. For example, one of the U.S. Newss patient safety indicators focuses on occurrences of post-operative bleeding or the appearance of a hematoma (poc (p ocke kett of blo lood od)). If so some meth thin ingg lilike ke thi hiss ha happ ppen enss to one of ou ourr pa patitien ents ts, “w we thoroughly review the patient’s case and then work together to develop any needed specific interventions for quality improvement,” she said. “It’s very nice to be recognized for our successes by U.S. News, but patients safety and the highest quality care is our #1 goal each and every day.” Penn Medicine’s rankings in 10 different specialties also rose, with eight areas namedd to the top 10 programs in th the natition. Our ranki kings on th the programs covered by U.S. Newss are as follows: Cancer #11, Diabetes & (continued on back)

Summer Spotlight on Skincare Throughout the summer, the Presby Bulletin will be giving you the lowdown on what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun’s rays. y

Fact or Fiction: Apply sunscreen before you go out and you’ll be fine for the day. FICTION: You need to apply prior to going outside but then every hour (and again after going in the water). And be sure to use enough. Each application should be one ounce, or roughly the size of a golf ball.

Penn Medicine Hospitals Named Among Top Ten in the Nation and #1 in Philadelphia By U.S. News & World Report (continued from front)

Endo docr c inol o og ogyy #11,, ENT #3, 3, Gas astr t oe oentter e ol o og ogyy #10, 0, Ger e ia atr t ic cs #100, Gyn #1 ynec ecol olog ogyy #1 #100, Car ardi diol olog ogyy an andd He Hear artt Su Surg rger eryy #7 #7, Ki Kidn dney ey Diso Di sord rder erss #1 #133, Neu euro rolo logy gy & Neu euro rosu surg rger eryy #9 #9, Or Orth thop opae aedi dics cs #22 22, Psychiatry #12, Pulmonology #7, and Urology #8. Penn Medicine wass al wa also so ran anke kedd as “hi high gh-p per erfo form rmin ing” g in Op Opht htha halm lmol olog ogyy an andd Rheumatology. In addition, HUP-PPMC was ranked #1 in the Philadelphia area andd Pennsylva l nia i Hospiitall was rankkedd #66 in the h region. i PAH was also ranked “hig gh-pe p rformingg” in the followingg nine adult specialties: cardiology and heart surgery; diabetes and endocrinology; gastroenterology and GI surgery; geriatrics; gynecology; nephrology; neurology and neurosurgery; pulmonology; and urology. Chester County Hospital, the Health System’s newest member hospital, was ranked #17 in the region. In the crowded Philadelphia health care environment, to have all four of our hospitals recognized so highly in this annual survey is a significant accomplishment.

It’s Not Too Late! Register Today for the Bike MS: City to Shore Ride Don’t on’t forget to register for the Bike MS City to Shore Ride, in which Team UPHS/PENN, will with your help, be the largest team! We’re counting on new and veteran cyclists to keep the momentum going strong and join the team this September 27 & 28 for an even more successful year. As alw lway ayss, the here re is tr trul ulyy an opt ptio ion n fo forr ev ever eryo yone ne - you can choose h to parti ticiipate t as a cycli list, t a viirtual t l cycli listt (i (iff you can’t’t ride,, but want to fundraise)), or a volunteer at the team’s Finish Line tent. Thanks to you, the 2013 team of 288 riders raised an amazing i $17 1744,74 7400.

PPMC PHARMACY DIRECTOR NAMED 2014 PHARMACIST OF THE YEAR Nishaminy Kasbekar, PharmD, corporate director of pharmacy services at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, has been named Pharmacist of the Year 2014 by the Pennsylvania Society of Health System Pharmacists (PSHP). The highest honor bestowed by the society, the award acknowledges the recipient’s sustained contributions to all aspects of the profession. The award letter states, “Nishaminy has made a great name for herself in the field of pharmacy, while at the same time creating a positive name for her health system, and the local, state, and national pharmacy associations.” Kasbekar was also selected for her role as a clinical specialist in infectious disease, her leadership at UPHS, and her role in professional organizations. As part of the administrative team at Penn Medicine, Kasbekar “continuously shows her creativity and dedication toward the enhancement of clinical services within hospital pharmacy,” the letter notes. A former president of, and current past president of PSHP, Kasbekar is also a member of the Delaware Valley Society of Health-System Pharmacists and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. The award will be presented at the PSHP Annual Meeting on Oct. 15-17 in Bethlehem, Pa.

The team has set an impressive fundraising goal of $150,000. With Wi th so mu much ch imp mpor orta or tant ta nt wor orkk an and d re rese sear se arch ar ch tak akin ingg pl in plac acee at ac UPHS, the team’s fundraisingg has more sign g ificance than ever. For more information about the ride or to regi g ster todayy, please see the Presby Bulletin online.

Contact Us: Katie Delach | |

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