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Volume 7 Issue 15 July 27, 2012

PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

Penn’s 5K for Nutrition


Penn’s Institute on Aging (IOA) possesses es one of the world’s most eminent research organizations committed to advancing the understanding of the cause and treatment of aging-related diseases like Alzheimer’s. Penn Medicine and the IOA can make the difference that will yield new knowledge, find cures and change the lives for millions of people suffering around the world. Join us September 30, 2012 at 8am for the first 5K for The IOA & the Memory Mile Walk. Both events will be held on a unique course on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania. Starting in front of the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine (PCAM) it will run through Penn Park with its skyline views of the City before finishing on the College Green at the Fine Arts Building Plaza. Free parking is available with race bib in PCAM. For more information or to register internally, please visit http://uphsxnet.uphs. Participants can also register externally at under their Online Registration link. Registration Fee: $20 prior to September 15th ($15 with Penn student ID) $25 after the 15th and on race day Register early to receive your T shirt for the race! Registration limited to the first 500 runners and walkers Awards will be given to top three (3) male and female runners in six age groups. Register early to receive your t-shirt for the race!

WELLFOCUSED DISCOUNTS AND BARGAINS Be good to your health and your wallet with the discounts and bargains available to you! Did you know you can gett reiimbursed Did b d $150 for workking out 120 tiimes per year if you are enrolled in either the Penn Pe nnCa Care re PPO or KP KPOS OS ben enefi efitt pla lan n through Independence Blue Cross (IBC) Healthy Lifestyles Program? The IBC Hea ealt lthy lt hy Lif ifes esty es tyle ty le Pro rogr gram gr am also allows you to be reimbursed up to $200 per year for enrolling in and comp co mple leti ting ng a wei eigh ghtt ma mana nage geme ment nt program! Aetna members can receive disc di scou ount ntss fo forr we weig ight ht man anag agem emen entt prog pr ogra rams ms, ho home me exe xerc rcis isee eq equi uipm pmen entt and for joining a gym! Check out the IBC Healthy Lifestyles Program Guid Gu idee an and d Ae Aetn tna’ ass Di Disc scou ount nt fl flyyer for other discounts and reimbursements, and take a look at the Wellfocused Disc scou ountt and Rei e mb mbur u se semeentt pag age, e, all located online at http://www. to find other ways y to save!!!

Keep Your Skin Safe This Summer Here’s tip #3 in the Presby Bulletin’s summer skincare series.


Tip #3 Wear protective clothing. Wearing hats and clothes that cover the skin are excellent ways to reduce your risk of skin cancer. Eyes are also susceptible to sun damage, so be sure to wear sunglasses that protect against UV rays.

Presby STAR Winners

Congratulations to the May 2012 Presby STAR winners, who each received $100 and a certificate recognizing their Presby STAR status.

Taking the LEAN Road to Better Care Have you ever wondered why you are so tired at the end of your work day?? Do yo ou want to kno ow if th here are mo ore ways you u can help patients duriing their tim me at PPMC C? Typ pical qu uestions likke these can be an nswereed by using the fundamentals of LEA AN – an app proach thatt makes the “rightt workk easier to do o” by identiffying opporrtunitiies for improvem ment. Earlier this month, PPMC’s Department of Ortho opediccs kickeed off a LE EAN project to im mprove patient and d staff experiiences, ease of pracctice, and reduce th he length off stayy for jo oint replacem ment patientts. The prrocesss began n when a multidisciplin nary team of ten facultyy and staff was coacheed by a conssultant from m Healthcaree Performaance Partnerrs, with supp port fro om CEQI.. The team examined the current workfl flows of a patient being schedu uled for surrgery in the outpatientt clinic through in npatien nt dischargee. After obseerving and an nalyzin ng 15 different jo ob functions with hin the processes, the team ideentified d opporrtunitiies for improvem ments to positiivelyy impacct the patien nt experiencce. In ord der to take ad dvantage of these opporrtuniities an nd implemeent changes, two rapid impro ovemen nt events aree planned fo or thee weekks of July 30 and Septem mber 24. With the heelp of a cross funcctional team from m vario ous disciplin nes at PPMC C, thesee eventss will serve to develop, test, and imp plem ment so olutions. Loo ok for updattes in futuree issues of th he Presby Bulletin to seee how w they improve thee Joint Replacemeent service line..

Francesca Sestito – Echocardiography William Laury – Respiratory Jeff Atzert – Nursing GI Shadiyah Abdour Raheem – Admissions Vera Wilkerson – Transport Thank you for your hard work everyday, helping our patients. From Left: Feba Varghese, CRM; Fabian Marechal, Ortho Pract ices; Connie Sumner, Nursing; Chris Melnic, Ortho Resident Vibette Robles, Nursing; Barbara Schrader, Infection Control; Sara Ashley Edwards, Social Work; Finnah Pio, CEQI; Chris Hughes, Physical Therapy; Dan Littlefield, HPP Consultant; Not pictured: Kim Pavan, Nursing Informatics

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