Volume 3
Number 9
May 2, 2014
Pennsylvania Hospital
PA H C e l e b r at e s
National Nurses Week
National Nurses Week is celebrated annually by professional associations, health care facilities, governments, and communities from May 6, National Nurses Day, to May 12, the birthday of the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale. The American Nurses Association National Nurses Week 2014 theme, “Nurses: Leading the Way,” honors nurses as leaders at the bedside, in the boardroom, throughout our communities, in education, and in government. Held in high regard and considered trusted patient advocates, the public has ranked nursing as the top profession for honesty and ethics in an annual Gallup survey for the past 12 years. `` PAH CNO Partnership with Leaders at the Bedside Team
Inside Transforming Nursing..............2 PAH ED Nurses Shine at 2nd Annual UPHS Emergency Research Day ............................2 PAH Nurses have HEART! continued...................................2 From Red Carpet to Canvas: Creative Nurses Care Beyond the Bedside................................3 Please Welcome Sarah Johnson, CHRO..............3 Nurses Week Events.................3 What’s Happening.....................4 Donate Life Campaign Continues ...............4 Wellfocused Walk-Off...............4
Patients often recognize that a nurse is the health care professional with whom they and their families have the most direct contact. However, they might not realize that nurses also are leaders in improving the quality of care and expanding access to care. Nurses practice in diverse roles, such as clinicians, administrators, researchers, educators, and policymakers. They are leading initiatives to increase access to care and improve outcomes by focusing on primary care, prevention, wellness, chronic disease management, and the coordination of care among health care providers.
Be sure to check out this issue of What’s New for nursing highlights and National Nurses Week events at PAH!
Did you know? »» Nursing is the nation’s largest health care profession, employing nearly three million professionals. »» The U.S. government projects that more than one million new RNs will be needed by 2022 to meet the demand for nursing care as Baby Boomers swell Medicare enrollment by 50 percent by 2025, and millions of individuals obtain new or better access to care under the health care reform law.
PAH Nurses have HEART! Pennsylvania Hospital deploys the Professional Practice Model of Relationship Based Care. Relationship Based Care focuses on three specific areas: the care provider’s relationship with the patient, the care provider’s relationship with self, and the care provider’s relationship with their colleagues. In 2013, Relationship Based Care was implemented at PAH. The care delivery model of Modified Primary Nursing was the focus of a retreat with key hospital stakeholders and a large representation of clinical nurses. At the
retreat, groups of staff developed acronyms they thought best described nursing and the delivery of care at PAH. Three acronyms were proclaimed the winners: COURAGE, FIRST, and HEART. Via an electronic survey tool made available to all nursing staff, HEART — Holistic, EvidenceBased, Advocating, Resources, and Teamwork — was voted the winner by a large majority as nurses felt it most accurately described the way they delivered care at PAH. In the summer of 2013, the HEART Bundle was developed and has since been
\ \ \ Continued on page 2
Transforming Nursing Leadership C o ng r a t u la t i o n s to Elizabeth (Betsie) Quigley MSN, BSN, RN, nurse manager, Labor and Delivery at PAH, who is the recipient of the inaugural UPHS Victoria Rich Transformational Leadership Award. Established in 2013 by the UPHS Chief Nursing Officer’s Council, this award recognizes a Penn Medicine nurse who is an effective communicator, a complex problem-solver, a creative visionary and innovator, and who consistently acts with honor and character, accurately evaluates and deploys staff, and inspires and motivates others to move the organization to a higher level of performance. Nominated by her colleagues from all levels of staff, Betsie is the first in health system to receive this honor. “Betsie truly exemplifies the qualities of Transformational Leadership. She has had a tremendous impact on the practice of professional nursing throughout the health system,” said Mary Del Guidice, MSN, BS, RN, CENP, chief nursing officer at PAH. “Three years ago as a University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing graduate student, Betsie led the design and implementation of the health system orientation process which has now been recognized as a national model. Betsie’s nomination recognizes her as a true leader from a strong foundation of values, patient centeredness, compassion, and unrelenting standards of professionalism and quality patient care.”
PAH ED Nurses Shine at 2nd Annual UPHS Emergency Research Day Shown here are PAH nurses Theresa Coleman, BSN, RN, and Cora Snyders BSN, RN, CEN (not pictured, Alexandra Ries, BSN, RN, CEN) presenting their recent evidenced-based practice initiatives at the 2nd Annual UPHS Emergency Research Day poster session. “These were the only two posters that were presented by Nursing out of all Penn Medicine hospital entities,” said Lisa Verseput, MSN, RN, CEN, nurse manager, Emergency Department. “This is a huge accomplishment for our nurses and speaks volumes to their professional progression.” “We are so proud of the PAH Emergency Department for elevating nursing and representing us at the health system level,” added Tonya Johnson, MSN, RN, CCRN, clinical director of Medicine, the Network Center, Cardiology, and the Emergency Department.
PAH Nurses have HEART! \ \ \ Continued from cover implemented in all PAH Medical/Surgical units, Critical Care units, the Emergency Department, Women’s Health Services, and in the Perioperative Nursing Department. “The Heart Bundle is how we operationalize our care delivery at PAH,” explained Kathryn Farrell, MSN, RN, Quality and Patient Safety coordinator at PAH. The HEART Bundle brands the PAH Patient Experience and ensures that excellence is delivered to every patient, every time, on every unit. The Bundle includes three strategies noted in the evidence to support nurses in transforming the patient experience: a safety huddle which is
performed at shift change with all staff to address potential safety concerns, bedside report which allows the patient to be active in the discussion regarding their care, and a daily patient goal which also encourages patient to participate in their care plan. Focusing on the importance of building relationships, the HEART Bundle truly places the patient and their family at the center of their care. The med/surg nursing team on 5 Cathcart was the first unit to implement the HEART Bundle. Since its implementation, there has been a
`` Shown here from left to right are some of the 5 Cathcart Nursing Team who were first to implement the HEART Bundle: Ann Coughlan, BSN, RN, CMSRN; Lauren Stricker, BSN, RN; Liz Slipp, BSN, RN; Lauren Walker, BSN, RN; Colleen Sabol, BSN, RN, CMSRN; Nadine Robinson, PCT; and Sakeena Reese, PCT.
significant increase in patient satisfaction scores regarding percentile rankings in the following areas: “Nurses Explain Things in a Way You can Understand” and “Nurse Listens Carefully to You.”
P ennsylvania H ospital
Nurses Week Events Monday, May 5 – Friday, May 9
Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Poster Session Pine Building Basement Hallway
Monday, May 5 2 – 4 a.m.
Night Shift Ice Cream Social
6:35 – 10:30 a.m.
F rom R ed C arpet to C anvas :
Creat ive Nurs es Care B e yond the B ed side Have ever heard the phrase, “It takes a special type of person to be a nurse”? In today’s world of health care, it seems it just isn’t enough for nurses to be clinically proficient and intelligent. They must always be sensitive and empathetic — yet resilient enough to resist burnout. Oh, and yes, they can’t be squeamish or uncomfortable handling patients in the most intimate of situations. A nursing career seems so demanding one can only wonder — how do they do it? Yet they do, do it, day after day, for years on end. So when you hear about nurses who have what can only be referred to as a whole other career — one that showcases a completely different skill set no less — it’s doubly impressive. Discover the unique talents and dual careers of filmmaker Lary Campbell, RN/ HN, CRC, and artist David Lentz, RN, MSN, both nurses at PAH, by visiting the Penn Medicine News Blog at: http://bit.ly/RPIRts.
Please Welcome…
Sarah Johnson, CHRO Sarah Johnson has been appointed Chief Human Resources Officer for Pennsylvania Hospital. Sarah joined Penn Medicine in 2011, as the Chief Human Resources Officer for Home Care and Hospice Services. During her tenure at Home Care and Hospice Services, Sarah has been an integral part of Home Care and Hospice Services Leadership team. Her many accomplishments include developing creative recruitment strategies for rehab positions, RNs, and LPN’s across agencies, and establishing multiple communication forums for staff and Senior Leadership. Sarah also implemented many strategies to improve overall employee engagement for Home Care and Hospice Services. Sarah began her career as a Human Resources Manager for Aramark and was the on-site Representative for HUP and PPMC. Prior to joining Penn Medicine, she spent seven years in various human resources positions at South Metro Health System, a non-profit agency in St. Paul, Minnesota, and worked in executive searches at Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates, a firm that specializes in the placement of executives in higher education. Sarah earned her Bachelor of Arts at Kenyon College and her Master of Business Administration from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Recognition Breakfast for all Nursing and Physician Staff Great Court
12 – 1 p.m.
Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Poster Session Pine Building Basement Hallway
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Ice Cream Social
Tuesday, May 6 2 – 3 p.m.
Presentation: Nurses Leading the Way (CEUs provided) Susan Keim, MSN, MS CRNP University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Refreshments to follow | Zubrow Auditorium
Wednesday, May 7 2 – 3 p.m.
Presentation: Q_UALITY – What is missing …YOU! (CEUs provided) Bruce Boxer, PhD, MBA, MSN, RN, CPHQ Director, Nursing Education, PAH Book signing and refreshments to follow in the Historic Library
Thursday, May 8 7 – 8 a.m.
Presentation: Q_UALITY – What is missing …YOU! (CEUs provided) Bruce Boxer, PhD, MBA, MSN, RN, CPHQ Reception to follow
2 – 3 p.m.
The 4th Annual Relationship-Based Care Nursing Awards Reception to follow in the Portrait Gallery
9 – 11 p.m.
Evening Shift Ice Cream Social
Friday, May 9 3 – 5 p.m.
Nursing Clinical Excellence Awards Ceremony Zubrow Auditorium | Reception to follow in the Portrait Gallery
WHAT’S H a p p ening
Y our resource for events and happenings throughout PA H and P enn M edicine
For complete events listing, please visit What’s New on the Inside Penn Medicine web site at: http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside
April–June May
Donate Life Campaign Continues Adrienne Harmon and Mary Frances Steele, Intensive Services Case Management Program staff at Hall-Mercer, are shown here celebrating National Blue & Green Day. Held April 11, Blue & Green Day was part of Phase II of the HAP Donate Life Hospital Campaign to increase the number of registered organ, eye and tissue donors. Adrienne and Mary Frances, who won a free pizza party for their colorful and spirited participation in Blue & Green day, provide emergency services for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Learn more about organ and tissue donation at the final Donate Life employee registration drive in the Elm Garden Cafeteria from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday, May 7.
Penn Program for Mindfulness Spring Course Offerings
May 15
Start of Greensgrow CSA Summer Season at PAH
May 15
Deadline for Penn Medicine “Impressions of Philadelphia” Photography Contest More than 121,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. Today, 18 of them will die because not enough organs are available for transplantation. In Pennsylvania alone, there are more 8,400 people waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. For more information about donation and to directly register your decision to be a donor, please visit http://www.donors1.org/penn.
May 16-18
Penn Wissahickon Hospice’s Annual Camp Erin
July 14-17
UPenn Baseball Summer Youth Camp
October 11-2
Ride to Conquer Cancer©
WHAT’Snew EDITORIAL STAFF Editorial Staff Olivia Fermano
Wellfocused Walk-Off C oming M ay 5 UPHS employees….get your walking shoes ready!
The Wellfocused Walk-Off is the first ever entity vs. entity steps competition and anyone and everyone can participate! There will be two sets of winners recognized at the end of the eight-week challenge: the UPHS entity with the highest average number of steps and the top five individual persons who have the highest total steps.
device such as a Fitbit, the Nike+ or the RunKeeper app. Those electronic devices automatically sync to the Healthy Rewards site and log your steps for you once.
To track your steps you can either use a regular pedometer to manually enter your steps in the challenge or use an electronic
Sign-in to the Healthy Rewards site on May 5, to join the Wellfocused Walk-Off challenge and start walking!
Note: To sync your device in the healthy rewards site, go to settings, then click on the electronic devices tab and connect your device.
Sally EditorSapega and Photographer Director of Internal Communications Pamela Furches Design Olivia Fermano Graphic Design Editor and Photographer Barry Ogburn Pamela Furches Design Photography Graphic Design
Barry SusanOgburn E. Phillips Photography Senior Vice President, Public Affairs Holly Auer
Administration Director of Communications
Susan E. Phillips Senior Vice President, Public Affairs Sally Sapega Director of Internal Communications Contact Contact What’snew What’snew at: at: Department Department of of Communications Communications Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Hospital Hospital Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA PA 19106 19106 phone: phone: 215.829.6799 215.829.6799 email: email: olivia.fermano@uphs.upenn.edu olivia.fermano@uphs.upenn.edu WHAT’Snew WHAT’Snew isis published published biweekly biweekly for for PAH PAH employees. employees. Access Access WHAT’Snew WHAT’Snew online online at at http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/whats-new/. http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/whats-new/.