What'snew 5 17 13 vs2

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Volume 2


Number 7 May 17, 2013

Pennsylvania Hospital

Nation’s First Hospital Pharmacy Residency Program on the Road to Accreditation

`` Shown clockwise from the bottom left are: Tiffany So (Pharmacy resident), Poonam Chhunchhua (Pharmacy resident), Lisa Lifshin (surveyor), Jane Pruemer (surveyor), Sara Stahle, Dominic Mignone, Dan Wilson, Lindsay Varga, Liz Marino, Carolyn Orendorff, (program director), Jackie von Vital, Tracy Miller, Thanh Pham, Mina Ricciardelli, and Dennis Constan.

`` Pennsylvania Hospital Apothecary Shop, c.1920s.

Inside What’s the Big Idea?.................2 Farewell to the Dynamic Duo of Patient Safety and Performance Improvement.............................2 Recognizing Those on the Front Lines at PAH.........3 Third Annual Team UPHS/Penn 2013 MS City to Shore Ride.....3 What’s Happening.....................4

Recently, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) came to PAH to conduct a Residency Accreditation Survey. The ASHP is a national professional organization with nearly 40,000 members, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and students, who provide patient care services in hospital, health systems, and ambulatory clinics. For the past 70 years, the ASHP has been at the forefront of efforts to improve medication use and enhance patient safety by advocating and supporting pharmacy staffs so they may help people achieve optimal health outcomes. “The Pennsylvania Hospital Pharmacy did a terrific job on the ASHP survey,” said Suzanne Y. Brown, MS, RPh, director of Pharmacy Services. “On behalf of the Department of Pharmacy Services, I would like to thank all who participated in the survey. The survey team was impressed not only with our level of Pharmacy services, but with the way we effectively addressed patient care from an interdisciplinary team approach. They commented that the collaboration across the disciplines was evident in every session of the survey,” said Brown. As a result of the successful survey, the surveyors are recommending accreditation for the PAH Pharmacy Residency Program to the ASHP Commission on Credentialing at their bi-annual meeting in August. The Commission will then vote and the PAH Pharmacy will receive final notification in September. “It’s really exciting for our Pharmacy Team and Residency Program to receive this recognition,” added Brown. “We’re

committed to working with our colleagues throughout the hospital to provide the best medication management for our patients. And we firmly enforce the ASHP vision that medication use will be optimal, safe, and effective for all people — all the time.” A plaque currently on the wall outside the Great Court Conference Room reads: The First Hospital Pharmacy in the thirteen colonies was established at the Pennsylvania Hospital in 1752. It was moved into this room in 1800 and remained here until 1927. It was in this room in March of 2013, that the first hospital pharmacy learned that the first pharmacy residency program at Pennsylvania Hospital would be recommended for accreditation to the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Commission on Credentialing.

Women and the Civil War........4 Annual Total Compensation Statements: Now Online!.........4


What’s the Big Idea? You can submit your ideas from May 14–June 7! The Your Big Idea Challenge focuses on finding opportunities for all us in Penn Medicine to be more efficient while continuing to excel at our tripartite mission of patient care, education and research. The Challenge includes some new features and enhancements over last year — including the Prove Us Wrong challenge, where submitters will have a chance to develop an idea even if it doesn’t make it through to the next round right away. More ideas will be implemented than last year, and faculty and staff will be provided with training and resources to pursue ideas independently.

What’s the Cost-Savings Challenge? Building off the success of the innovation tournament, this Cost-Savings Challenge provides a forum for everyone to contribute. A strong cultural attribute of Penn Medicine is our ability to respond to a challenge by discovering new and better ways of improving care. To that end, a Cost-Savings Challenge was started on May 14, which encourages members of the Penn Medicine Community to submit their cost savings ideas. Ideas that hold promise will be reviewed and validated for cost savings potential.

How does it work? Faculty and staff submit cost-savings ideas via the Your Big Idea Website, www.pennmedicine.org/yourbigidea. Ideas are evaluated by the entire Penn Medicine community on the website, and by an interdisciplinary Review Team. Ideas are then tagged as either a “Quick Fix,” “Commissioned Idea,” or a “Prove Us Wrong” idea. Each of these paths has its own unique workflow that provides training and resources for implementation.

`` Patient Services Kiosks, a winning idea from the first innovation tournament, are now being piloted at PPMC.

•  Quick Fix

Ideas that can be easily implemented with immediate cost savings opportunities; •  Commissioned Idea

Ideas that hold promise but need further validation for their cost savings potential; •  Prove Us Wrong

Ideas that don’t appear to have cost savings potential—but faculty/staff are provided an opportunity to present additional evidence of viability of their idea to senior leaders. The deadline for submissions is Friday, June 7. For the complete YOUR BIG IDEA Cost Savings Challenge Timeline, please visit: www.pennmedicine.org/yourbigidea.


Farewell to the Dynamic Duo of Patient Safety and Performance Improvement

After nearly two decades of dedicated service at PAH, Dorothy A. Counts, RN, MA, CPHQ, and Janet E. Creely, RN, CPHQ, CCM, are retiring from their positions of Clinical Director of Quality and Patient Safety, and Director of Patient Safety, effective June 7. Colleagues can join in celebrating the careers of Dorothy and Janet in the McClelland Conference room on May 29, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Pennsylvania Hospital’s dynamic duo of patient safety and performance improvement, Dorothy and Janet both came to PAH from Presbyterian Medical Center 19 years ago. Together, they developed first rate organization-wide programs for quality, patient safety, performance improvement, regulatory readiness, and clinical resource management. Their diligence and dedication helped to enhance patient safety, improve quality and decrease hospital acquired infections, making a clear difference for our patients. Dorothy and Janet are leaving behind quite a legacy. Together they spearheaded a hospitalwide regulatory readiness program and helped PAH to achieve four successful tri-annual TJC Surveys and multiple biannual PA Department of Health licensure surveys. “Personally, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from Janet and Dorothy,” said Daniel Feinberg, MD, chief medical officer at PAH. “As I have told many people at PAH, they taught me most of what I know about quality and patient safety. Their professionalism is consummate and I will truly miss working with them.” Best wishes of health and happiness to Dorothy and Janet as they embark on this exciting new chapter of their lives.

Recognizing Those on the Front Lines at PAH The following individuals have been selected so far for 2013:

Darryl Randolph – March

Barbara Bowman – February

Mary Feehan – April

The Welcome Desk and Security Services formed a shared governance committee this year and launched an Employee of the Month Award. Recipients are staff members that have been chosen because they exhibit compassion towards patients, visitors and coworkers. They are customer-focused role models for RelationshipBased Care and dedicated employees who display teamwork with colleagues throughout the Hospital.

Donna Fragala – January

The staff of the PAH Welcome Desk and Security Services are usually the first people patients and visitors encounter when entering the Hospital. These staff members literally serve on the front lines of patient care.

T hir d A n n u al

Team UPHS/Penn 2013 MS City to Shore Ride “Tour de Elm Garden” Rolls Through PAH on June 11

Team UPHS/Penn Recruitment Event Calendar: Night Owl Recruitment Kick-off Thursday, May 30, 7–10:30 pm Coffee Cart Lobby Stop by the Coffee Cart for some complimentary cookies. Register for the ride and/or take your chance at entering your pick for the Tour de Elm Garden winner for some fabulous prizes. The 2013 MS City to Shore Team UPHS/Penn recruitment fundraiser will kick off this month at PAH with the third annual “Tour de Elm Garden” to highlight upcoming events. Two-time champ, Laboratory’s own Bill Hunt, will attempt to achieve an unprecedented trifecta victory against Rehabilitations Services’ Arley Johnson and sophomore Tour de Elm Garden rider Ben Palubinsky of The Pavilion. Look for a potential fourth mystery rider who may surprise the bunch with some mad riding skills! Registrants and supporters alike are invited to come and cheer on their favorite “Café rider” and take their shot at guessing which rider will come in first while supporting Team UPHS/ Penn. The first, second, and third place winners will receive fabulous raffle prizes. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. So be sure to stop by. Winners will be drawn Thursday, June 27.

“Tour de Elm Garden” Tuesday, June 11, 11:30 am–1:30 pm Elm Garden Cafeteria Register for Team UPHS/Penn at the discounted rate or just come and support your Team by entering your pick as our riders take off. “Tour de Elm Garden” Finals Thursday, June 27, 11:30 am–1:30 pm Elm Garden Cafeteria Last chance to register for Team UPHS/Penn at the discounted rate or just come and support your Team by entering your Tour de Elm Garden pick. Raffle prize winners will be announced at 1:30 p.m. This year marks the 33rd anniversary of the Bike MS City to Shore Ride, in which Team UPHS/Penn, will, with your help, again be the largest team! We’re counting on new and veteran cyclists to keep the momentum going strong and join the team this September 28–29, for an even more successful year.

The Team is working with Gary Scheib, UPHS chief operating officer, HUP executive director and the team founder, to set a system-wide goal again of recruiting 300 team members and raising $150,000 this year. As always, there is truly an option for everyone: you can choose to participate as a cyclist, a virtual cyclist (if you can’t ride, but want to fundraise), or a volunteer at the team’s Finish Line tent. Register by July 26, and receive a free Team UPHS/Penn jersey. Thanks to you, the 2012 team of 318 members raised an amazing $158,385 and qualified for the highly-coveted finish line tent and won five awards: Largest Overall Team, Largest Corporate Team, Top Fund Raising Team, $100,000 Club, and Millennium Circle Team. Garry Scheib and more than 13,000 local people living with MS are again counting on you for what’s sure to be another outstanding year for the Team UPHS/Penn. Don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of the movement to Create a World Free of MS™. We can’t do it without you! For more information contact Team Captain, Dan Wilson, MBA, BSN, RN, FABC, vice president, Allied Health and Ambulatory Service at dan.wilson@uphs.upenn.edu or Suzanne Brown, MS, RPh, director, Pharmacy, at suzanne.brown@uphs.upenn.edu.


WHAT’S H a p p ening

Y o ur res o urce f o r e v e n ts a n d happe n i n g s thr o u g h o ut PA H a n d P e n n M e d ici n e

For complete events listing, please visit What’s New on the Inside Penn Medicine web site at: http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside

May/June May 18

Relay for Life – JKCC Survivorship Month Kick-off

May 20

Harrison Fund Applications Deadline

2013 Hubschman Award Reception

May 30

Women and the Civil War PAH will conclude its 2012–2013 Exhibition Lecture Series on Wednesday, May 29, at 6 pm, in the Helen McClelland Conference Room, 2 Pine Building, with “Women and the Civil War.”

`` A portrait of Dorothea Dix.

May 23

Guest speaker Judith Giesberg, PhD, associate professor of History, Villanova University, will discuss the activities of woman during the Civil War. Dr. Giesberg is the author of several books on the Civil War including Civil War Sisterhood: The United States Sanitary Commission and Women’s Politics in Transition (Northeastern University Press); “Army at Home”: Women and the Civil War on the Northern Home Front (University of North Carolina Press); Keystone State in Crisis: Pennsylvania in the Civil War (Pennsylvania Historical Association Series); and numerous articles. To RSVP or for additional information, please contact Stacey Peeples at 215.829.5434 or stacey.peeples@uphs.upenn.edu

2013 Healthiest Employers Awards Program, Featuring Dr. Gary W. Dorshimer

June 9

2013 Delaware Valley Congenital Heart Walk

June 10

2013 Pennsylvania Hospital Auxiliary Golf Tournament

June 13 Employee Service Awards

June 18

2013 Ehrenzeller Award Ceremony and Reception

WHAT’Snew Editorial Staff Staff Editorial

Sally Sapega Sapega Sally Director of of Internal Internal Communications Communications Director Olivia Fermano Fermano Olivia Editor and and Photographer Photographer Editor

Annual Total Compensation Statements: Your annual Total Compensation Statement gives you a “big picture” view of the value of your UPHS pay and benefits. The newest statement, showing the total value of your benefits and compensation for the period January 1, 2012–December 31, 2012, is now available online. Visit the Human Resources website, www.uphshrandyou.com and click on one of the links for the Total Compensation Statement. New this y ear : It’s easier to access your statement! Just use your network ID and password.


Now O nli ne !

Did you know your statement is also a valuable tool to use in retirement planning? Review the Retirement section to be sure you’re participating in all the retirement plans that you’re eligible to join and that you’re making the most of your opportunities to plan for your future. In order to receive a Total Compensation Statement, you must be a UPHS employee, enrolled in UPHSflex benefits, and have a hire date on or before June 30, 2012.

Pamela Furches Furches Design Design Pamela Graphic Design Design Graphic Barry Ogburn Ogburn Barry Photography Photography

Administration Administration

Susan E. E. Phillips Phillips Susan Senior Vice Vice President, President, Public Public Affairs Affairs Senior Contact What’snew What’snew at: at: Contact Department of of Communications Communications Department Pennsylvania Hospital Hospital Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA PA 19106 19106 Philadelphia, phone: 215.829.6799 215.829.6799 phone: email: olivia.fermano@uphs.upenn.edu olivia.fermano@uphs.upenn.edu email: WHAT’Snew isis published published biweekly biweekly for for PAH PAH WHAT’Snew employees. Access Access WHAT’Snew WHAT’Snew online online at at employees. http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/whats-new/. http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/whats-new/.

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