Spring 2022 Penn State College of Education Alumni Magazine

Page 14


Change-makers make memorable impressions


uring the course of our lives, we typically encounter a few people who make a strong, positive, memorable difference to us. People who do not subscribe to the “one-size-fitsall” philosophy of education, but rather identify and then respond to the needs of their students. People who are committed to inspiring and nurturing leaders who go on to make a positive impact locally, nationally and globally. We asked current students and alumni about people in the College of Education who made that kind of difference to them. Excerpts of responses recognizing current members of the college follow.

Suzanne Brokloff, academic adviser “Suzanne is a source of passion and information and has pushed me to chase after so many opportunities while studying here. She has helped me build my toolkit as an educator and is prepared to make sure I succeed when my time here has come to an end.” ~ Terrance Jefferson, undergraduate

David Gamson, faculty, EPS “Dr. Gamson runs a very interactive class with different activities and projects that we were able to do. He taught me a lot both about the history of education, as well as how to be a good teacher. When I struggled on a test, he helped me by giving me different studying methods as well as tips when taking the test itself. He cares for not only the subject he teaches, but also his students.” ~ Kailee Warner, undergraduate

Tania Germino, faculty, C&I “Professor Germino’s love and excitement instilled in learning is infectious. I would be so excited to go to class every day, not only to learn, but because I got to spend time with my role model. She created powerful connections with every single one of us and I had never previously been in a college classroom environment such as this.” ~ Hope Morrison, undergraduate 12 Penn State Education

Jennifer Hanna, faculty, EPCSE

“Dr. Hanna is extremely understanding, knowledgeable, great at teaching, comforting and a great listener. She cares about her students and enjoys teaching them about things in and outside of class. She always is grateful for having us be part of her class and is willing to take time to help and guide us in the best way she can. As much as she’s grateful for us, I hope she knows that we’re just as grateful for her.” ~ Nadine Mumaw, undergraduate

Richard Hazler, faculty, EPCSE

“He has helped me and many other counselor education students navigate the muddy waters of graduate school in every way possible. Dr. Hazler’s wisdom and foresightedness helped us think bigger than ourselves by seeking a bigger impact on the community. His vast knowledge, experience and interpersonal style inspired me to work harder and walk in his shoes in my future career.” ~ Mahmood Salim Almaawali, graduate student

Stephanie Hopkins, academic adviser

“Stephanie Hopkins is a shining light in the Penn State education community. She values each student immensely and ensures they have the tools and information needed to be a successful and happy student.” ~ Loren Perry, undergraduate “I hope that Stephanie knows how much she has helped me in feeling stable in my time at Penn State.” ~ Caroline Clontz, undergraduate “She made me realize that although teaching can be stressful, it is going to be worth it in the end. She knew I had a drive and passion for it, and she expressed this greatly in our meetings.” ~ Ava Massetti, undergraduate

Jim Krombach, faculty, C&I

“As a supervisor, Jim made the whole process of student teaching seamless. I knew that I and my fellow student teachers could always turn to him for guidance and help with anything. I am so thankful to have him

as a supervisor and a mentor during my last semester of college.” ~ Megan Campbell, alumna

Susan Land, department head, LPS

“Dr. Land gave me the freedom and guidance to create a unique area of research focus, and supported my interests in non-traditional, non-academic jobs. She was also very understanding of my personal challenges related to immigration, motherhood and health. At every step of my Ph.D. I felt supported and encouraged.” ~ Sonia Tiwari, graduate student

Brenda Martinez, staff, OESE

“Brenda has helped create a physical space in the College of Education building where I can freely vent about what’s on my mind while getting advice or just support. She makes sure I know I can go to her with any problems and welcomes me into the Office of Education and Social Equity between classes. Having a place to hang out with other students and staff, watch a movie or get solid advice has changed my experience.” ~ Miranda Lucero, undergraduate “From helping me with the financial aspects of college to checking in on me during my hard times, I have always felt genuine care and understanding from Brenda. It also gives me great hope to see someone who shares my cultural identity as such a leader in a huge campus like this one. She is my real-world example of the representation readings and I understand my future role as a leader even more.” ~ Melanie Tobar, undergraduate

Scott McDonald, faculty, C&I

“Dr. McDonald challenged us to create thoughtful and welldesigned lessons that would push our students and push us as educators to understand the world around us a little better. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have learned with and from Dr. McDonald.” ~ Douglas Womelsdorf, alumnus

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