2 minute read
Message from the Dean’s Development Council co-chairs
In students’ own words:

Photo: Annemarie Mountz
Barbara (EDU 1970) and David Kucharski (ENG 1970) are the co-chairs of the Dean’s Development Council.
We hope each of you is safe and healthy, and that we all remain so during these challenging times. As the College of Education approaches the final stretch of the Greater Penn State Campaign, the Dean’s Development Council continues to support the college’s Development staff and its members remain optimistic that we will reach, and perhaps exceed, our targeted goals by June 2022. Dean Kimberly A. Lawless and new Director of Development Steve Wilson have provided strong guidance and leadership along with their energy and enthusiasm as we move forward.
It has been more than 20 years since we established an endowed undergraduate student scholarship in the College of Education. Like many donors, we have been fortunate to meet with the recipients of the scholarship. The experience of hearing their stories and listening to their aspirations has been truly rewarding.
Their thank you letters, along with our conversations with them, have given us a deeper understanding of the impact the scholarship has had on them, not only financially but personally. Relieving
somewhat their financial burden, reducing their need to work while in school, and allowing them more time to be students are consistent themes in their letters. You can see some of their comments in the box on this page.
Thanks so much to each of you, our fellow College of Education donors. Your philanthropy makes a difference in the lives of our future educators.