Recommendation to increase PA tourism office funding
In our assessment, destination marketing of Pennsylvania is underfunded and funding should be increased to $35 million.
In our assessment, destination marketing of Pennsylvania is underfunded.
We recommend Pennsylvania increase its annual state tourism funding to $35 million.
Pennsylvania destination marketing funding is below the benchmarks we analyzed. In addition, Pennsylvania has an extensive, successful and growing tourism industry. Destination marketing of Pennsylvania has not only lagged industry growth, it has been significantly reduced.
We analyzed the optimal level of destination marketing funding for Pennsylvania. In this assessment, we considered the level of annual funding that would be: 1) consistent with the range of destination marketing funding currently in place in comparable benchmark destinations; 2) expected to yield effective returns on investment by increasing the number of visitors to the state; 3) realistic to support based on current visitor volumes; and, 4) adequate to support growth of the destination. Based on our analysis, we recommend Pennsylvania increase its annual state tourism funding to $35 million.
| Tourism Economics