239 House / UNA Arquitetos
Nelson Kon
Architects: UNA Arquitetos Location: So Paulo, Brazil Project Year: 2016 Photographs: Nelson Kon
Authors: Cristiane Muniz, Fbio Valentim, Fernanda Barbara, Fernando Vigas Collaborators: Joaquin Gak, Henrique Te Winkel, Marcos Bresser, Otvio Filho, Pedro Ivo, Rodrigo Carvalho Pereira Constructor: Adm. E Resp. Tcnica Eng. Antonio Nogueira Structure: Cia de Projetos Installations: Pessoa e Zamaro Waterproofing : Proassp
Frames And Wood Work : Marcenaria Da Fazenda Lightning Design : Ricardo Heder Landscaping: Soma Arquitetos
Nelson Kon
From the architect. A house designed for a specific Family, even if the Project is conceived for any person.
Nelson Kon
Site Plan - Landscape
Nelson Kon
More feminine than masculine, the house embraces a 5 decades jabuticabeira (fruit tree), in the middle of the site. A small ptio is created, towards which almost all rooms turn to, a porch, living room, dining room, kitchen, studying room and a bedroom.
Nelson Kon
Nelson Kon
Those inflections on both arms seek closer views of the trees but also viewing themselves, as two small houses that look at each other. The morning sunlight enters the children bedrooms, in the same faade that folds a concrete wall defining the house entrance. Some other bigger trees were already there as well, on the edges of the site, as Tipuanas, Jerivs, Palmeiras and Pitangueiras.
Nelson Kon
In order to enjoy those tree tops, together with city views, a swimming pool and terrace occupy the rooftop.
Nelson Kon