Convert Persuasion: Great Way To Get What You Want Nowadays, many people look for covert persuasion as a skill that can give them many advantages when learning it. There is a fact that nurturing the covert persuader in you will bring in many benefits in many aspects of your life. Whenever you feel difficulty when negotiating with other people or when closing a deal, you can think of covert persuasion to get what you want. Covert persuasion techniques with a subconscious level can help you win over other people to your side. Even the most stubborn, resistant people who might never be open to your argument, product, or romantic advances in their conscious minds can often be influenced by using advanced covert persuasion techniques. One of the most non-obvious yet very effective techniques of getting someone's attention is by story-telling. Everyone loves to hear a story and it is one of the most effective ways of letting someone listen to what you have to say when usually, they wouldn't. Storytelling is the covert persuasion technique that can be applied to almost any situation, not just in selling. For example, you have a partner who drinks alcohol excessively. You can tell your partner about someone you've just met who has an alcohol-addicted husband. Tell a story of how that husband has ruined his family's relationships and finances because his bad habit has affected his way of thinking. Your partner would associate that story to his own drinking habit. Now wouldn't this a better alternative than just telling your partner to "stop drinking because it's bad"?
It is much easier to convince a person about something that you know is true rather than convince them about something that is bogus. Do not oversell your product because if your products fail or cannot live up to the promises that you gave your customers, it will just boomerang to you and you will end up having a bad reputation in the sales industry. The skillful use of covert persuasion techniques is an art form that must be developed with careful practice and the guidance of a proven expert. If deployed improperly, you will wind up wasting your time - and potentially alienating the very person that you are trying to win over. When you tell a story, you make people lower their resistance subconsciously. You are also able to explain yourself more and make complicated concepts easier to understand. When people listen to your stories, they tend to view another part of life or of the world that they don't have any idea of. When people are caught in your stories, they open their minds to accept new ideas and concepts.
Making the readers feel like you are letting them in on a special secret is also a good way technique of covert persuasion. You do not make them feel like they are being aggressively offered to buy a product or avail of a certain service. You simply make them feel like they are special and that you want to share success secrets exclusively with them. This one of the covert ways of convincing and persuading people which works great in getting what you want and closing the deal.