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FAIR? 1 Year Subscription $45.00Is Dallas?
page 5
bscription $45.00
By Cheryl Smith Publisher
Who am I?
Students of the Black Press have heard the stories of the role Black newspapers played in preparing readers for a new way of living when they migrated North from the South. There were several lessons that needed to be shared so that our “country� relatives could be better prepared for living in the big city without embarrassing themselves or their people. In 1923, on the pages of publications like the Chicago Defender, our brothers and sisters were instructed to avoid certain tendencies that were acceptable practices in the South.
Volume 6, No.25
Metro News
A Mother’s Pain A Son’s Passion
Foster care saved his mom, now Mavs’ Ferrell plans to save others By Dorothy J Gentry Sports Editor
It’s a sunny, breezy Saturday in Garland, Texas: a suburb of Dallas. Dozens of kids are running around the courtyard at Jonathan’s Place – a large foster care and adoption facility - sporting a white t-shirt with a smiling brown bear plastered across the front and the words Ferrell Family Foundation in large font.
In walks Dallas Mavericks guard Yogi Ferrell, also sporting the same t-shirt as the kids. And next to him is his mom, Dr. Lydia Ferrell, holding a gorgeous two-year-old baby girl with a yellow ribbon in her hair and the biggest smile. Her name is Jada and she’s a foster child in the care of Dr. Ferrell; one of dozens over the past few years. You see, Yogi’s mom has a pasSee FERRELL, page 9
By Shonedra Redd
Now as I think about some of the things we do in public today; I often wonder if maybe we need to dig into the archives and start the process all over again because for some reason we’ve forgotten some of those lessons, like: • House slippers, like house robes, are for the HOUSE; • Hair curlers (rollers) if worn outside, should be covered by a scarf; • Use an iron on your clothes to avoid coming out looking unkempt; See TRUTH, page 6
Brother Malcolm, Mrs. Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.... all prominent names, synonymous with the Civil Rights area. These national leaders paved the way for local social justice advocates like Willie Rainwater, president and founder of Christ Community Connection. The Rainwater name is prestigious throughout the Carrollton/Farmer’s Branch community. Driving in town, one might even stumble across a street or elementary school named in the family’s honor. But, life hadn’t always been this way. As a matter of fact, to some in the early 60s, the name may have been a cause for dissent. During this time, Willie Rain-
Juanita and Willie Rainwater
water said he and his siblings experienced racism and segregation in public schools. In chronicling his experiences attending grade school in the city, he said by high school, he and his “colored� classmates would be bussed into classes at Booker T. Washington in Dallas. Disgruntled with the unfair treatment of her children and those
How do you mend a broken heart-the Cosby I know and the man who was convicted
I used to love me some Bill Cosby. Not only because he was America’s Big Daddy, but also because he was fun and funny. Most of the times that I was around him, I felt lifted. He had that deep, heh heh heh laugh, and that sweet smile, and then he loved some HBCUs, so what could you say?
Jada, Dr. Lydia Ferrell and Yogi Ferrell
sion for foster children: to love, support, protect and care for them.
Rainwater family has history of service
Chicago Defender
in the neighborhood, Rainwater’s mother petitioned for change to the school board. They denied her request, so she voiced her concerns to the Dallas Chapter of the NAACP, which at the time was located conveniently across the street from Booker T. The chapter warned of the uphill battle to integrate and how “the blacks and the whites would turn against you.� However, his mother prayed and believed that she was moving in God’s will to fight discrimination not only for her children but those who looked like her own. A year later, the courts would decide segregation was unlawful and his mother’s vision would become reality as her daughter would be See RAINWATER, page 13
By Dr. Julianne Malveaux
Yeah, there was that irascible thing; that pull up your pants and don’t steal the cake preachy conversation. But there was the $20 million that he and Camille gave to Spelman College and the fraction of which I was able to wangle from him for Bennett College. We had this conversation, once upon a time, when he said that he loved me, and I replied, as much as you love Dr. Cole, and he said yeah. So I said, “Where is my $20 million?� If you love me even ten percent as much I get 2 million. He laughed. I laughed. He spent a day at Bennett talking to my students. Now he has been convicted as a sexual predator, and while there will be an appeal, the fact that more than 60 women have made accusations is daunting. Even if half of them are piling on, enough of them have made the case that a man who has been an amazing philanthropist has also been an awful sexual predator. How do I mend my broken heart? See MALVEAUX, page 2 www.texasmetronews.com
TIME names Congresswoman “One of Most Influential People in the World” By Freddie Allen (Editor-In-Chief, NNPA Newswire)
TIME magazine recently honored Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. According to a press release about the honor, “The list, now in its fifteenth year, recognizes the activism, innovation and achievement of the world’s most influential individuals.” Waters said that she was shocked and surprised by the recognition and that she “felt very, very blessed” to receive the honor. In a commentary about the award, “Black-ish” actor Yara Shahidi wrote
that, “Congresswoman Maxine Waters of the 43rd District of California, a.k.a. Auntie Maxine, has made my generation proud to be nieces and nephews.” Shahidi continued: “She is adored and admired by people who care about social justice and is oh so eloquent in letting the world, particularly the White men of Congress who dare test her acumen, know that she is not here for any nonsense.” Waters said that for many young people, she is one of the few lawmakers willing to step outside of the box of a traditional, non-confrontational lawmaker to speak truth to power. And even though, she captured the
attention of millions in a viral video exchange with United States Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, Waters acknowledged that the use of the phrase “reclaiming my time” is a part of the regular order of business in Congress. “It’s what we use when it is our time to speak and we’re being ignored by the people who are on the panel and you want to shut them down,” Waters said. “We use it when we’re being interfered with by another member of Congress in a debate.” Waters continued: “It was something that I used at a time when it was important for me to let Mr. Mnuchin know that he couldn’t have his way that it was my time and I intended to use it and he could not usurp it.”
Malveaux on Bill Cosby,
Indeed, my heart is broken. It started breaking with the first allegation. It continued to break as the accusations piled up. How could I, how could we, reconcile the image of a man whose humor and dadliness engaged a generation with a man who, by his own admission, drugged women so he could have nonconsensual sex with them. What is real, what is fake, and how do we begin to enjoy powerful episodes of the Cosby Show without thinking of the man who was just convicted? So do we throw the art out? Do we decide that the engaging body of work is now worthless because the creator is horribly flawed? Do we decide that Fat Albert wasn’t really fat and funny, that Theo and Rudy weren’t amazing kids, that I Spy didn’t spy, that the Cosby body of work is useless? I will make no excuses for a man who has been convicted as a sexual predator, even as I confess my affection for him. But I wonder if we can separate the art from its creator, especially when we conwww.texasmetronews.com
sider the fact that Cosby broke so many barriers as he created his art. And while he deserves more than a wink and a nod
or a slap on the wrist, I think it also important to consider context. Who taught this man to be a sexual predator? Was this the norm in Hollywood at that time? Cosby was raised well enough to know the difference between right and wrong, and he was not only wrong but also butt wrong to drug women to have sex with them. One could be a misunderstanding. Sixty is an epidemic. Even if half of them are making it up, thirty, twenty, ten, or even one is more than enough. So my heart breaks for our culture, and for that which many will throw away. Meaning, do Cosby’s crimes invalidate his art? Will all eight seasons
continued from front page
of the Cosby show be kicked to the curb because its creator is an extraordinarily flawed man? Will a moment in history, a moment when the ensemble depiction of a dynamic Black middle-class family entertained a nation, be obliterated by the judgment of one man? I am not sure of the answer. I am certain, though, that my heart is broken. Cosby will appeal and he may prevail. Or, he may not. But I am among those who cherish the memories of the Cosby show, the Cosby philanthropist, the funny and irascible man who came to my campus, talked good sense to my students, and cared. Cheers to him for lifting up Black colleges. Shame on him for violating women. How can I reconcile these images? How can I mend my broken heart? Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest book “Are We Better Off? Race, Obama and Public Policy” is available via www.amazon.com for booking, wholesale inquiries or for more info visit www. juliannemalveaux.com
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Texas METRO NEWS Formerly Kuumba Heritage News
MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110 Cheryl Smith PUBLISHER - EDITOR news@texasmetronews.com Nina Garcia Marketing/Sales Manager EDITORIAL TEAM Terry Allen Eva Coleman Dorothy J. Gentry Vincent Hall Richard Alexander Moore Shonedra Redd Betheny Sargent Dr. Felicia N. Shepherd Dareia Tolbert Andrew Whigham III EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Marva J. Sneed DESIGN/LAYOUT 619 WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Alana King PHOTOGRAPHERS Wallace Faggett Kevin Griffith Richard Manson
MB Distribution Editorial submissions
-1397 0-1397 1 1Year YearSubscription Subscription$45.00 $45.00 CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS
The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. www.texasmetronews.com
No Ma’am, No Ma’am!
Quit Playin’ By Vincent L. Hall “White House aide Kelly Sadler responded to Sen. John McCain’s opposition to President Donald Trump’s pick for CIA director by saying Thursday morning that “he’s dying anyway,� a White House official told CNN. There was a moment in the lifetime of this nation that made us proud. Arizona Senator and 2008 presidential candidate, John Sidney McCain III, put a woman in her place. Although civility and a consciousness of courtesy are in the rear view mirror of American history now, McCain exemplified the courage of his convictions in two words, spoken two times. Time Magazine recalled the valiant and almost Byzantine example of his bravery in a July 2017 article. “A woman came up to McCain at a rally and said, “I can’t trust Obama. I have read about him, and he’s not, he’s not — he’s an Arab.� Her comment prompted McCain to immediately shake his head and take the microphone from her. “No ma’am,� McCain said. “He’s a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about.�
McCain continued to defend Obama during the event even as his supporters voiced their surprise in the background. “He is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as President,� McCain said. “If I didn’t think I’d be one heck of a better President I wouldn’t be running, and that’s the point. I admire Sen. Obama and his accomplishments, I will respect him. I
It’s probably too far-fetched for millennials and political novices to conceive, but there was a time when American politics was not so virulently divisive. The Klan-styled rallies being held in milky suburban enclaves by Donald Trump had been moth-balled. Even hard-core, card-carrying Democrats once admired and considered the arguments and platforms of the GOP. There was a time when Repub-
want everyone to be respectful, and let’s make sure we are. Because that’s the way politics should be conducted in America.� My defense of the ailing war hero and outstanding public servant consists of the same words McCain’s used. To Kelly Sadler; ‘No ma’am, no ma’am; it’s Trump’s America, not Senator McCain who is dying.’
lican just meant different views, not a wholly different world. Plenty of minority voters were impressed with Bush I and Bush II. Senator Jack Kemp of New York, found traction with civil rights leaders of every persuasion. President Nixon drowned with Watergate but got much love for ending the draft. When someone saves you
from Viet Nam, you don’t give a damn what banner they carry. And that’s exactly why the deterioration of respect for public service is so hard to deal with. Despite still enjoying enormous popularity, Bill Clinton was a draft dodger just like “Captain Bone spurs� that lives rent free at 1600 Pennsylvania now. But at least Clinton was respectable enough to publicly honor the sacrifices of men like McCain and others. Void of a national dr aft, 90% of those who enlist in the armed forces come from meager backgrounds. In the Trump era, honor and decency have dissipated. The heat of narcissism has consumed our will for humane consideration. Sadler parroted the serial sentiments of her irreverent, irrelevant and irascible boss. Former Vice President Joe Biden was right in declaring that “decency has hit rock bottom.� Ms. Sadler is obviously as immersed in her insolence and self-righteousness as her boss. To the glib and gleeful assertion that Mc Cain is dying; no ma’am, he’s not dying. Here’s my Shakespearean remix: Trumpists will die many times before their deaths; McCain will never taste of death but once. And then he will live on eternally as a hero. No Ma’am; you got it wrong! #QuitPlayin #StayWoke Vincent L. Hall is an author, activist and award-winning journalist.
2018 Commencement message: Paul Quinn College President, Dr. Michael J. Sorrell, gave the commencement address to the Duke Law School Class of 2018. Thanks for breaking it down for the audience by talking about JUSTICE FOR ALL. The Class of 1994 graduate said, “Demonstrate your love for justice by engaging in issues of the day!� He told the graduates that he hoped they would live a life of leadership: Lead from where you are, lead with humility, lead
with courage and strength, lead with vision and a plan, lead leaving places better, lead with love, compassion and caring.� You must hear the entire speech. It was enlightening, informative, inspiring and challenging. The class will remember who their speaker was and there were probably many in the audience who took notes or used their cellphones to record the outstanding speech!
Racial Mortgage Disparities persist as Federal Housing Enforcement lags
Speaking Truth to Power By Charlene Crowell
Deputy Communications Director, Center for Responsible Lending
In the classic movie film, “Gone with the Wind,” the owner of the Tara plantation admonished his daughter for remarking that she didn’t care about her home. In a sharp rebuke, Gerald O-Hara declared that “land was the only thing worth living for, worth fighting for…worth dying for.” For the fictional O’Hara family, Tara was their home, and the source of the family’s wealth. Fast forward to the 21st century, having a home remains a rock-solid route to building wealth that grows and becomes a key opportunity to share that same wealth inter-generationally. Unless you are among those who have been denied your own American Dream. New research by the Center for Responsible Lending finds that today’s racial wealth gaps were supported and sustained by the federal government’s Fair Housing Administration (FHA). From the program’s inception during the 1930s, FHA perpetuated racial discrimination by making mortgage credit broadly available to White borrowers and at the same time, excluding Blacks and other people of color. Experience Black Film & TV on Xfinity On Demand. Learn More More importantly, FHA has an important role to play in leveling today’s mortgage finance field and its twotiered system.
“These homeownership rate disparities did not occur by chance,” argued Peter Smith and Melissa Stegman, authors of “Repairing a two-tiered system: The critical but complex role of FHA.” “The homeownership rate gap between Whites and people of color is in large part due to historic federal housing policy choices that created decades-long impacts.” CRL, however, credits FHA mortgage lending as an important aid to the nation’s economic recovery following the Great Recession. As much of private mortgage lending retreated during the housing crisis, FHA increased its purchase market share to 42 percent in 2009. Prior to that economic crisis, FHA’s market share was only 8.8 percent of the market. FHA also sustained the mortgage market and provided broad liquidity for wealthier borrowers in addition to low-to-moderate income families. FHA’s refinancing of toxic subprime loans saved many family homes from foreclosure and became a sustainable alternative. Today, with much of the mortgage market recovered, unnecessarily tight and expensive credit in the conventional mortgage market often makes FHA the only option to finance homeownership for low- to moderate-income borrowers, lower-wealth borrowers, and borrowers of color. This single-option also means that borrowers broadly denied the
lower-cost, most-affordable private loans available, have a slower rate of home appreciation due to fees and insurance that accompany government-backed loans. CRL’s analysis of mortgage data from 2004 to 2016 found that: • The FHA market share for Black and Latino borrowers now approaches half of all purchase mortgage lending to these borrowers; • FHA is the major source of mortgage credit for higher-income Black
financial bailout of failing financial institutions, during the housing collapse. These lenders exit the program at a time when it is inadequately funded and lacks up-to-date technology that could enhance its administrative functions. Further, the exit of large banks additionally became a gateway for non-depository institutions to fill the market’s gap. Non-banks, subject to fair lending protections, are not however included in the Community Reinvestment Act. Many of the financial abuses that led to the housing crisis began with unregulated and non-bank lenders. Many lenders will argue that the retreat from FHA was caused by actions taken by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Justice under the False Claims Act. This federal law allows the government to hold companies accountable for making “false claims” to the government about their products or services. Beyond being assessed damages for infractions, enforcement of the law can additionally include a company or representative being banned from future federal funds or contracts. State attorneys general would counter this lender claim by pointing to the $25 billion national mortgage settlement reached with five of the nation’s largest mortgage servicers as evidence that lenders engaged in egregious conduct in clear violation of the law.
It is important to note that the withdrawal of banks leaving the FHA insured program, comes at a time of record profits, made possible in large by taxpayer dollars that provided a financial bailout of failing financial institutions, during the housing collapse. and Latino borrows as compared to conventional lending; • Tight and expensive credit in the conventional market has led to FHA becoming the only mortgage option for many borrowers of color, low-to-moderate income families, and lower-wealth families. • Of the top 10 FHA home purchase lenders in 2004, five were banks and five were non-depositories; by 2016, eight of the top 10 FHA lenders were non-depositories. It is important to note that the withdrawal of banks leaving the FHA insured program, comes at a time of record profits, made possible in large by taxpayer dollars that provided a
The significance of major banks withdrawing from the mortgage market is further underscored by other findings shared in a related report by the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA): • Since 1988, close to $1 billion in victim compensation has resulted from lawsuits alleging redlining and discrimination by mortgage lenders; • Housing discrimination complaints grew from 2016 to 2017’s 28,843 cases; • Of 2017’s discriminatory housing complaints, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) processed less than five percent, or 1,311; and • Among the 6,896 complaints processed by state and local Fair Housing Assistance Program Agencies, the Department of Justice brought only 41 cases. “As the 2018 Trends Report shows, we must put an end to the many institutionalized barriers that prevent too many families in this country from fair access to housing,” said Lisa Rice, the NFHA President and CEO. “We cannot build a thriving society as long as our nation is plagued by discrimination, segregation, and severe economic inequality.” CRL President Mike Calhoun said that in the year that marks a half century of the Fair Housing Act it is appropriate to acknowledge the journey traveled in five decades. It’s also the time to, “look ahead to the hundreds of miles yet to travel, before fair housing is a reality for all,” Calhoun said. Charlene Crowell is the Center for Responsible Lending’s Deputy Communications Director. She can be reached at Charlene.crowell@responsiblelending.org.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2018 www.texasmetronews.com
MY TRUTH continued from page 1
• Clean your nose before you leave out of the house; • Make sure your clothes are not covered with lint balls; and • Whatever you do, don’t spit in public because nobody wants to step in your waste. Which brings me to my truth. I think it’s terrible to spit in public. And I’m not just talking about the savages who would spit on folks who were attempting to hold this country accountable to ALL citizens. I’m talking about those who will relieve themselves anywhere without thought of discretion, using a tissue or seeking privacy. So imagine the look on my face as I prepared to participate in the 23andMe Ancestry attempt to set the world record for the most ancestry tests simultaneously conducted in one venue. There I was at the beautiful Perot Museum of Nature and Science, where 99 others were going to simultaneously spit. When a reporter asked me what I expected to learn from the test results, I told him that while It would have been great, I was sure that the results would not come back that I am 100% Wakandan. Hey, what can I say? If you read my column last week, you understand that I realize the impact of colonization and slavery on African people. Check it out at www.texasmetronews.com. I’m not confused, I told the reporter. I know that my bloodline was compromised. www.texasmetronews.com
Actually it seems that of the two, descendants of enslaved Africans are more willing to acknowledge their ancestors than the descendants of the owners of enslaved Africans are. To talk about the peculiar institution of slavery is definitely unacceptable and offensive to people on both sides. Having mixed ancestry had to be a choice then as it is today, some believe. There was surprise, however, from some in the audience when it was revealed by the 23andMore representative that event emcees Kellie Rasberry and J-Si Chavez, of the Kidd Kraddick Morning Show, both have Sub Saharan African ties, according to the tests they took earlier. Someone asked, “What does that mean?” I didn’t answer, because guess what? It wasn’t my truth and when my results are revealed, I’m going to share with you, because that is my prerogative. To ignore my rule about spitting in public, I did just that so I can share the information with my family and those who love me. It is imperative that we know where we come from because the information may help us to understand why we do the things we do. It’s important to have the FDA approved documentation that 23andMore will provide. Will the results change my attitude? What if I find that I am a descendant of someone great, or someone mediocre? Will I do like some folks do when they win the lottery—and change? We’ll know in 6-8 weeks!
www.texasmetronews.com May 9-19
Day-Luxe (Rooftop/Patio) Day Party at Slater’s 50/50 2817 Greenville Ave., Dallas 3pm-8:30pm
The Meeting (of Martin & Malcolm) by Jeff Stetson at Hall of State in Fair Park 3939 Grand Ave. Dates and Times vary. Tickets: aareptheatre.net or call 972-572-0998
May 21
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Strange and Unusual Beard and Mustache Contest. At Ripley’s in Grand Prairie 601 E. Palace Park Way at 2pm Register: Ripley’s.com/grandprairie
2012-Wesley A. Brown died. The 1st. Black to graduate from the U.S. Naval academy in 1949. Born 4/3/27
Janet Jackson Birthday 1966
DeSoto Chamber of Commerce Small Business Summit at TownePlace Suites by Marriott DeSoto 2700 Travis St. 3 day event 5-15-5-17 for more info @DESOTOCHAMBER
Creations of Fashion at Howell and Dragon 1130 Dragon St., Ste. 12, Dallas from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
May 17
“Where are You Outreach” Host: Hollywood Hernandez and 1011 Grill. Serving the Homeless with food, Clothes & more. 9am-11am. at 10 Eleven Grill 1011 Corinth St. & Lamar, Dallas.
WellMed Charitable Foundation (WFC) will present the City of Dallas with a $150K grant at Southwest Center Mall, 3662 W. Camp Wisdom Road, Ste. 1084, Dallas 1pm
4th Annual All White Affair at The Magnolia Hotel 6070 N. Central Exp, Dallas 9pm-2am
May 22
1963 Asa Phillip Randolph labor and civil rights leader died in New York City. He organized the 1st Black labor union.
1954 U.S. Supreme Court outlawed segregation in public school system. (Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas).
3939Grand Ave., Dallas 3pm-5pm Tickets: eventbrite.com
1952 Mr. T (Lawrence Tureaud), film/TV actor was born.
May 16
Sizzling Summer of Soul Party All White Affair at Home 2 Suites by Hilton 1300 E. Center Park Blvd. DeSoto 8pm.12am. Tickets: DeSotoTexas. Gov/Parks Malcolm X Festival at Pan-African Connection Bookstore Art Gallery and Resource Center 4466 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas from 11am-7pm
Election Watch Party Host: Paula Rosales at Mac’s Southside 1701 S. Lamar St. Dallas 7pm-1am Join the BIG party, watching the election results roll in for Judge Paula Rosales’s Dallas County Court 4!
DBCC Monthly Webinar Wednesday 11:30-12:30pm CDT on the 4th Wed. every month Register: register.gotowebinar.com
“We all have Secrets” Stage Play at Hall of State 3939 Grand Ave., Dallas 7pm-9pm Tickets: eventbrite.com
May 25
1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision (Plessy v. Ferguson upheld “separate but equal” doctrine. Lupus Awareness Month Put on Purple Day We can’t do it alone- We need your support. It’s easy to participate! Here’s how you can #PutOnPurple for Lupus awareness.
DJ Cut Creator at Lava Cantina 5805 Grandscape Blvd., The Colony. Tickets: www.ticketfly.com Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Hosts Its Blue and White Weekend. Comedy Show at the A A Museum at Fair Park 8pm.
May 26
2014 Poet/Author Maya Angelou died. Born 4-4-28
May 29 1980-Attempted assassination of Vernon Jordan, Jr., president of the National Urban League.
May 30 CeeLo Green, singer Birthday 1974
Eventfully Yours Presents Keep on Dancing Swing Out Party at Eventfully Yours 7640 NE Loop 820, Ste. 110 North Richland Hills. From 8pm-1am Hosted by Lynne Hayes KRNB 105.7
1965 Vivian Malone became 1st Black to graduate from the University of Alabama.
May 31
May 20 2003 Ruben Studdard became the 1st Black to win “American Idol”
40th anniversary of the Elusive Ladies of the Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority at Florida A&M University.
15th Church Anniversary of The New Light Church Pastors Shaun & Marian Rabb 9314 Elam Rd., Dallas newlightchurchdallas.com 214-391-3430 Guest Speaker: Rev. Darrien Toliver of Greater Mt. Sinai M.B.C., Dallas
May 19
Mother & Son Soirée at African American Museum of Dallas 3536 Grand Ave. at 5pm
1956 Althea Gibson won the woman’s singles title of the French Open. 1st. Black to win a major tennis title.
QUE RICO DFW Latin Cuisine Fest 2018 On Simonton Rd. Dallas, 2pm-9pm Tickets p3nlhclust404.shr.prod.phx3. secureserver.net
Pam Grier, actress, birthday 1949.
Malcolm X born 1925. He was a Black Nationalist and civil rights leader, and orator.
Stage Play Stick Fly at Jubilee Theatre 506 Main St., Ft Worth. Dates & Times Vary 5-25-6-24.
Brian McKnight, Johnny Gill, & Eric Benet Music Hall at Fair Park 909 1St Ave., at 8 pm
Armed Forces day
Gladys Knight singer Birthday 1944
Bill (Bojangles) Robinson, Actor born in 1878. Died 11/25/49
LCUPN- May Monthly Mixer at Concrete Cowboy 3685 The Star Blvd., Frisco 5:30pm-10pm
May 18
The Rock Daniel Records Junior Gospel Artist Contest! Dead line for Registration: Rockdanielrecords.com
May 28
Brian Culbertson Colors of Love Tour Feat: Avery Sunshine at Music Hall at Fair Park 909 1st Ave. Dallas 7:30pm
Dallas Animal Services added a new Dangerous Dog Task Force Meeting. Thursday, May 17, 2018; 3: (Regularly scheduled meeting) Tuesday, 5-22-18 5:30 pm at J. Erik Jonsson Central Library, 5th Fl. at City Hall, L1FN Auditorium
Lit AF Tour Hosted by: Martin Lawrence at Verizon Theatre 1001 Performance Pl. Grand Prairie at 7:30pm
1975 Moms Mabley died. 1st. Black comedienne to have a best-selling record.
1975- Rev. Jesse Jackson became 1st Black to address a joint session of Congress.
95th Founder’s Day Celebration 2018 Alpha Rho Chapter Nat. Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. at Doubletree by Hilton-Love field 3300 W. Mockingbird Ln. Dallas. Donation $50. 11:30am.
8th Margarita Meltdown 2018 Dallas Farmers Market 920 S. Harwood, 12pm-8pm taste! & sample! www.dallasmargaritameltdown.com
The Art & Soul Festival-Dallas Host: Live XXV Entertainment at Dirty 30 650 Exposition Ave. 2pm-7pm
May 24
May 27
May 23
Urban Traders Market in Downtown Arlington 400 E. Division St.11am-5pm also on 6-16-18 Host: Urban Union
Ribs & Laughs Comedy Series at Red Hot & Blues 9810 N. Central Exp, Ste. 600, Dallas 7pm-9pm Complimentary Tickets; www.fatratproductions.com
Marrying for the Wrong Reasons Stage Play at Hall of State
Kirk Franklin at The Pavilion at Toyota Factory 300 W. Las Colinas Blvd. Irving at 5:30 pm
1870 The first Civil Rights Enforcement Act passes in Congress. Designed to protect the voting rights of Blacks.
June 1 1979- President Carter Proclaimed June as Black Music Month 1862- Slavery was abolished in all U.S. Possessions. Morgan Freeman’s D.O.B in 1937
Music in the Park Valley Ridge Park Amphitheater 2850 Park Ridge Dr., Cedar Hill Free June at 8 pm (6-1, 6-9, 6-16, 6-23, 6-30) Bring a lawn chair or blanket
Spiritual and Crystal Adviser by Veronica Perez
FEATURED STAR: TAURUS – THE BULL – 04/20 - 05/20 Stay humble through your triumphs. Refrain from “I told you so” usage, once you are told. Inspiration/Influence – Taking time for self can help heal the toxins clouding your mind. Your Chosen Healing Crystal - NEBULA STONE – Inspiration; intellect; relaxing, enhance spiritual psyche. Lucky Numbers – GEMINI – The Twins - 05/21 – 06/20 You’re seeing things more clearly. Liberate yourself from your own doubts. CANCER – The Crab – 06/21 – 07/22 You’re filled with inner strength and great leadership. Don’t fail yourself now. LEO – The Lion – 07/23 – 08/22 Stay in tune with your fiery nature and steer clear of reckless dangers. VIRGO – The Virgin – 08/23 – 09/22 Great things are on horizon, huge changes are all loving and positive. Stay clear of those who drain your energy LIBRA – The Scales – 09/23 – 10/22 Tame the wild fire within. Don’t let it overcome your true wisdom.
SCORPIO – The Scorpion – 10/23 – 11/21 Embrace the chaotic sides of life. Reveal to yourself the appreciation of misunderstandings. SAGITARIUS – The Archer – 11/22 – 12/21 Make a decision. Two opposing forces are joined in battle. It’s all up to you. CAPRICORN – The Goat – 12/22 – 01/19 Move past this “stalemate”. Until you do, there can be no more progress. AQUARIUS – The Water Carrier – 01/20 – 02/18 Stop being a victim of your own mind. Change perception and let all fears go. PISCES – The Fish – 02/19 – 03/20 Surrounded from all sides by “danger”, looking up can help you “take flight” and leave the mess. ARIES - The RAM - 03/21 - 04/19 You understand your personal responsibility and you are empowered by it. Act accordingly. Daily Oracle Reading: Ask and it is given The measure of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel. Blessings to all! You are loved! ^_^
Guide Your Light Right Mother Earth is going through transformations, frequency changes, an “Upgrade” a “Makeover”, causing human energies to shift into higher consciousness awareness, this can be intense, and at times, a hurtful experience to the unprepared humanity. Let’s work as ONE! Seek within, to win! “V” is calling on you to challenge inner-self and reach higher to shine brighter!! Call on “V”, your Starseed Lightworker for Spiritual advice and Crystal readings. Pleiades Renegade Member Family of Light, system buster on call! Text Starseed Lightworker: 214-710-0418 Email: vperez311. unity@gmail.com www.texasmetronews.com
Teen wants to Chill with ‘Boyfriend’
Ask ALMA Dear Alma,
My 17-year old-daughter claims she has a boyfriend. I said no u don’t your too young. Now she says she wants to chill at his house for a little while; she says his mother said it’s ok & will be there & it’s ok with his mother. I want to talk to this mother. Am I overreacting? I don’t like this & don’t know what to do. Is this age appropriate for dating & going to his house?
Momma Ohhh Momma, You know what I’m thinking. I’m thinking the same thing you’re thinking – which is, what we were doing at 17, at his house, on the bus, in the lyeberrie (I know it’s spelled library) LOL, which is where you told your Mama you’d be studying. We thought we were being grown
and our mother’s knew all along, just like you will. I think 17 is an appropriate age to visit a beau with parental supervision. And no, I don’t think it’s overreacting to contact the mother of her “so called” boyfriend. There’s no need to become instant BFF’s. All that’s required is the two of you should maintain an open line of communication.
I think it tears at their confidence to be reprimanded for something they cudda, wudda, may have done. I’d love to see you give her some slack and see what happens.
much of her drama requires you to hover, so here’s my two cents. All of our daughters should be given the benefit of the doubt until proven differently. I think it tears at their confidence to be reprimanded for something they cudda, wudda, may have done. I’d love to see you give her some slack and see what happens. Don’t force her to carry your “when-I-was-a-young-girl” handbags of blunders and burdens. She’s entitled to make her own mistakes. That’s an expected part of life, and you’ll be there, full of mother wisdom and direction. Offer trust and teach her what it means to be trusted. Believe in her and let her know that you expect her to make the right choices when necessary. Your side-eye will keep her on the straight and narrow. When it’s time for her to make those life decisions, it won’t be the whispers of her boyfriend or
the dare of a girlfriend that will deter her from doing the right thing. It will be the thought that she doesn’t wanna deal with her “no-nonsense-oh-no-youdidn’t” mother, the one who unconditionally trusted her.
Now, with that being said, indulge me for a minute. Everybody knows a teenage girl eats drama at every meal; it’s a part of her digestive system. The quandary is how Alma Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and twitter @almaaskalma.
Ferrell Family, continued from front page
That passion grew out of her own pain and experience as a product of the foster care system. And that passion has reached her son as on this day, they launch the Ferrell Family Foundation, whose mission is to bring awareness and support to the ever-growing foster care system. “This right here, helping foster kids, is something I’m passionate about and the reason why is my mom. She used to be in foster care in her teens and is now a foster parent and has taken in about 20 kids,” Ferrell said. “I’d be at college and my mom would text me and write, ‘Oh, we have another baby!’ She would send me a picture. I couldn’t wait to get home and see the baby. “We’re just trying to give them a better life. That’s the biggest thing. Just trying to support them.” Yogi then reaches out to pick up his foster sister. Jada eagerly holds out her arms for him to hold her and lays her head on his shoulder; something you can tell she is comfortable doing, the love between the two apparent for all to see. “Ever since I’ve known her, since we got her, she’s had a smile on her face,” Ferrell said. “That’s the biggest thing is putting a smile on kid’s faces and changing their lives. So that’s the main reason why me, my dad and mom decided to start this foundation - to help and support foster kids.” Her Story Dr. Ferrell comes to the podium and Jada jumps into her arms. Dr. Ferrell and Yogi could pass for sister and brother. Same facial features. Same smile. And now, the same passion. “I was basically a child of
neglect at a pretty young age,” Dr. Ferrell shares. “I was fortunate enough to have some family placement but I was in foster care until I aged out at 18. I was also fortunate enough to have help from the state to help me go to college. Even aging out of foster care, you want to be able to support these kids and have a chance to go to college. It’s really important to try to live a successful life no matter how you started.” Dr. Ferrell ended up going further than anyone thought after spending years in the foster care system. She went on to college and medical school, obtaining her medical degree from Indiana University, the same university her son attended. “I ended up getting my medical degree from IU which is a great accomplishment but also shows these kids that they can also make it further despite their startup in life,” she said. “I’ve lived in California for quite some time. Even there, living in South Central LA, it was a pretty rough atmosphere for me. Growing up there, going to Indianapolis and being a child of neglect and being in the foster care system helped develop me as a person.” Dr. Ferrell said when she gets the kids as babies, she is on a mission. “I’m just trying to make a difference. And even if I don’t get to keep them, I want them to remember, not necessarily me, but to remember the love that I gave them. That’s one thing that they’ll never ever forget. I don’t do this for me. I do this for them.” His Passion Yogi beams proudly at his mom as she shares her story
with those assembled. “She’s a strong woman that’s for sure,” he said. “She was telling me about how she grew up and how it was tough for her and her siblings. She didn’t want me or my siblings to have the life that she had growing up so she worked hard every single day. And I’m very thankful for it. “She made it. Through the trenches. It was rough for her. She came out and was on top,” he said. “She’s been a great parent, supportive of me and my basketball career. I’ve seen how she’s become such a strong woman and now she’s giving back being a foster parent so I’ve kind of seen that and she’s making all of these kids so proud and happy so I just want to do that same thing.” Yes, his mom’s pain has definitely turned into his passion. “For me, personally, it’s always giving back to the kids. That’s the first and foremost thing. Because they are the next generation. They are going to power our country and move the community into a positive direction. “I just want to give back to those kids who didn’t have the same life that I had, the same support system growing up. So I’m trying to show support for them and let them know anything they want to be in life, they can be.” That look of pride and happiness Yogi had on his face as his mom spoke has now transferred to Dr. Ferrell’s face as she watches Yogi hold Jada and speak on this topic. “He’s always been a great brother. He’s always been. He loves kids. He just loves children. And even before I started fostering, he always loved the kids,” she said. “He’s a very giving person and I think that that is important. Even as a teammate on the Mavericks. You want a team-
Ferrell Family Foundation launched in Garland with Jonathan’s Place.
mate who is a giver. He just has such a soft, soothing soul and is a down-to-earth kind of kid. He really likes being a servant and I think his background being a Christian also plays into that.” Support From the Top Two very familiar faces are also present on this sunny day in Garland helping Dr. Ferrell and Yogi launch the Ferrell Family Foundation: Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban and General Manager Donnie Nelson. “The heart that they have for helping the under-privileged is so encouraging. We all would have loved to grow up with perfect households with a mom and dad but the reality is in this day and age it’s few and far between,” Mr. Nelson said. “To have a guy like Yogi step up in a leadership role, on the front lines, to reach out and touch these young kids and to have his mom and dad here for support is just great. “He is doing the good work that she started and he’s picked up the spade and started right here in Dallas and it’s a blessing.” Added Mr. Cuban, who is also decked out in a Ferrell
Family Foundation T-shirt and jeans, “This is a good man. This guy’s a fighter. And one of the beautiful things about Yogi is that he realizes how blessed we are, how fortunate we are and not everyone is as luck as we are. And that it’s important to give back.” Jonathan’s Place According to the latest statistics available, there are 14,000 kids in foster care in Texas. “Jonathan’s Place has been caring for these kids and they’ve done so the last 27 years,” said Allicia Frye, CEO of Jonathan’s Place. “We are grateful to Yogi launching his foundation and joining us in this cause to assist these children and ensure that they have a safe and loving home. “May is Foster Care Month and as you can see, there is a need here,” she continued. “We recruit families and these kids deserve to have loving homes just like every other child and this is a way to bring awareness to them.” Jonathan’s Place provides safe, loving homes and promising futures for abused and neglected children, teens and young adults. It is a leading regional university for foster
care, emergency shelter, girls therapeutic counseling, transitional living and national safe place and is quickly establishing itself as a leader in the foster care world in the United States. “I am extremely passionate about advancing the foster care system for not only the current foster kids but all of the great foster parents that pave the way for these amazing kids,” Ferrell said. “Jonathan’s Place is a trailblazing organization that tackles a lot of unfulfilled areas for our foster youth and continues to find avenues to bridge the gaps for their longevity of health, empowerment and overall wellbeing.” All in attendance on this beautiful, sunny day in Garland head outdoors for some basketball and arts and crafts with Mr. Ferrell, Mr. Cuban and others. They’ll laugh and play and high-five and later, eat pizza served by Mr. Ferrell himself. Dr. Ferrell and Jada are enjoying the festivities. Yogi is too. He’s smiling, running around with the kids, passing out hugs and serving pizza. His mom’s pain has become his passion. www.texasmetronews.com
Hollywood Hernandez Live
By Hollywood Hernandez
Breaking In Mo t h e r ' s Day weekend Gabrielle Union debuted her new movie, Breaking In, a home invasion movie where she plays a mom who will stop at nothing to rescue her two kids who are being held hostage in the house. They end up in the house in the first place when the family travels to the isolated fortress built by her father, who died from injuries sustained in a car accident. But was it an accident? There are a lot more unanswered questions like that in the movie. Like where did her father get the huge sum of money that he had stashed in the house? Was he a crook or a spy? Where is Shaun's (Gabrielle Union) husband? But the biggest question is how did she become Liam Neeson and Bruce Willis all wrapped up into one? For a simple mother of two, she has some amazing fighting skills. However, if you leave reality for a while, this is an enjoyable movie. Union is clearly the star of the film as www.texasmetronews.com
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the protective mother who battles (and usually gets the best of) four criminals who have broken into the house. You'll find yourself cheering for the mother as she is relentless in her efforts to rescue her kids and just about the time the plot runs out of steam; the movie comes to an end. (It runs for just about 90 minutes.) Breaking In is rated PG13 for plenty of violence and a few bloody images. Just like last year's Kidnap with Halle Berry, this is a star vehicle for Gabrielle Union to carry the movie on her back. Her action scenes and her catch phrases ("You picked the wrong house!) are memorable even if the entire movie is not. On my "Hollywood Popcorn Scale" I rate the movie a MEDIUM.
Are you the Annoying Colleague?
FiNeSse Consulting has been blessed over the years to conduct numerous workshops. It is not a company that only works with the "Mean Girl" issues. Talking to students, parents, and professionals has been exciting and rewarding. We strive on conflict resolution and team building with both genders of all age groups. I noticed a few things in my last conflict resolution workshop that I wanted to share in this latest edition of Doc Shep Speaks. Observation Number 1: Musical chairs-this group contained 30 individuals. A good mixture of ages, gender, and ethnicities. As individuals trickled in, I observed three men who were already seated, proceed to get up and move chairs around so that others coming in would not sit close to them. Seriously Men! Presenter’s Rule of Thumb #1: Do not assume that all men and women are mature. If you keep that thought in mind, you will get through your presentation with the perfect poker face. Anyway, being the cool presenter that I am, I waited until everyone was seated and then proceeded to mix everyone up. Attend-
ees were no longer sitting next to their "BFF" or “Homie." Just in case you were wondering, a few gave me the side-eye glance and attempted to be difficult, but the majority complied with my request. I noticed that those same three men refused to move. Unbeknownst to them I proceeded to use my conflict resolution skills on them. End result, they moved to their designated spots and became my new best friends..well at least until the workshop was over. Presenter’s Rule of Thumb #2: Sometimes you have to make a polite "ass" out of someone to set the tone for the workshop. I never raised my voice or treated those men in a disrespectful way. By me going through the steps, they started to process how foolish they were behaving in front of their colleagues and decided to comply. Observation Number 2: The Case of the Whitleys- During the workshops, I gave scenarios for participants to work through in their groups. The group chooses a "reporter" to share what the group discussed. Typically, the most outspoken person is selected from the group or the individ-
ual will volunteer themselves the task. During the reporting stage of the workshop, this particular outspoken individual was eloquent in her delivery but also very long winded. She went from giving the synopsis of what her group discussed, to her personal opinion, as well as her professional/educational background. Maddening! You may not realize it, but this is a self esteem piece. It was important to her for everyone in the room to know who she was and her background. Therefore, she was determined to incorporate herself while sharing her group’s response. When an individual gets long winded and starts to ramble, they have the "Case of the Whitleys.” I am a big fan of the television show A Different World. Jasmine Guy, portrayed southern bell Whitley Gilbert, who was always accused of excessive talking or attempting to dominate the conversation. When Whitley is talking, you can not getin a word. So what do you do when you have a Whitley Gilbert in your workshop? Presenter’s Rule of Thumb #3: Make sure you give a 5-minute rule to share out and stick to it. If it looks like the reporter is having difficulty "finding the period", as the presenter you politely interject and restate what the individual has shared. Thank the group for their responses and quickly move on to the next group. By restating what the individ-
ual said, you are showing the participant you were listening as well as being respectful of their time. The workshop was a success and my 3 stubborn men actually shook my hand after the presentation. Nice! MY POINT: Relational Aggression (Bully/Mean Girl) is about isolation, exclusion, intimidation, etc. When those men moved their chairs around to keep others from sitting next to them, they were trying to "exclude" others from their group. Individuals who try to dominate a conversation are typically trying to intimidate the other party(ies) into submission in some sort of way. Please do not misunderstand. If you are an outspoken individual, that is a great trait to have. High self-esteem, outspoken individuals, can speak their minds but recognize the importance of allowing others to talk. Individuals with low to moderate self-esteem are overcompensating. Those are the ones who have "The Case of the Whitleys." So be careful out there and make sure you are allowing others to talk and share their opinions as well. A conversation requires two or more individuals. It is not a conversation or dialogue if one person is monopolizing the conversation. So be careful my outspoken friends. ~Doc Shep Speaks
Valder Beebe Show - That Celebrity Interview
Ms. Patti LaBelle There are days when you get to work and it’s the most exciting day you’ve experienced. This is my experience with my interview with Miss Patti LaBelle. I have been so blessed in what I do. I interview the stars; Gabrielle Union, Tyler Perry, Common and many more. Yet there was a specialness in speaking with Ms. LaBelle on the topic of Type 2 diabetes which she has lived with and managed for over 20 years. In case you are unaware here are a few interesting facts about Diabetes: According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes Atlas, 415 million adults have diabetes. That equates to (1 in 11 adults) or 415 million people in the United States. Non-Hispanic black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native adults are about twice as likely to have diagnosed with some form of diabetes as non-Hispanic white adults. 86 million adults aged 20 years and older have prediabetes. I hope I have gotten your attention with these facts. Diabetes is a serious disease and today’s medical professionals now link Diabetes with Heart Disease. My interview with Patti LaBelle was fun, yet serious for us as the viewing audience. The interview can be viewed on my satellite network ValderBeebeShow. com also affiliate 411RadioNetwork.com. Legendary singer, songwriter and entertainer Patti LaBelle. Need I say more! One of the most inspirational people! Patti shared with our audience her courageous journey of transforming her lifestyle and health after a surprise Diabetes diagnosis. She shared her personal tips on how to eat healthier, exercise more
and simply live simple and happier. VBS: Ms. LaBelle, we are aware that you have Type 2 Diabetes, you’ve share that on your national and international platform. How do you manage your Type 2 Diabetes? PL: Now, So Easy! I cook all the time. I cook my food when at home or on the road so that I know what’s in my food. I know the calories, carbohydrates, sugar and of course, less salt. On the road I take my pots and pans. I set up a kitchen in my hotel suite. VBS: While on the road do you keep to an exercise routine? PL: Yes, I’ve started exercising a bit more than I did 22 years ago. I walk my dog. I even get in the pool. I cannot swim but I move like I swim and that’s good exercise. Also, I move when I am on stage. Now that’s really great exercise for me. That’s what I have been accustomed to for 54-years. VBS: Any food tips when managing Type2 Diabetes? PL: Yes, I treat myself better. For everything I use Calorie Countdown. It’s so good with my macaroni and cheese, cereals, coffee and omelets. Whatever I use milk for I now use Calorie Countdown. VBS: What do you think about having Type 2 Diabetes for over 22 years? PL: I’ve got Diabetes but Diabetes do not have me! Check out Patti LaBelle’s latest CD, Bel Hommage. Visit ValderBeebeShow.com for the complete interview and more THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW; Youtube.com/ valderbeebeshow, 411RadioNetwork.com and VBS affiliate broadcasters.
Confidence Plus Discipline Equals Power
Spiritually Speaking by James A. Washington
I have two words for you today; confidence and discipline. Both of which, when viewed spiritually, exude Godly principles. Put this on the Holy Spirit, but discipline is an amazing thing. When applied to faith, be it natural or supernatural, the result is spiritual confidence. Spiritual confidence and discipline, without ego or arrogance, gives you an attitude of awareness and knowledge and dare I say power? The example I’d like to use is of those saints in the Upper Room, when the Holy Spirit came upon them on the day of Pentecost and instilled everyone there with well, confidence and discipline. These people ultimately came to demonstrate a level of faith that was used via the power and grace of God to spread the Word of God all over the world. If you look at the be-
fore and after of this Pentecostal happening, you’ll begin to see my point. Prior to this, the faithful were huddled in secrecy, being faithful to the belief that what Jesus had told them, was indeed true. God would send another. That ‘Other” turned out to be the Holy Spirit, who imbued them with more of what they already had. Now their confidence in the truth of Jesus, coupled with their discipline to spread that word, manifested itself in their ability to communicate the gospel to the world. The world has not been the same since. The question then becomes, in what is your confidence and discipline based? Where do you get the necessary power to have your gifts fortified? Does your faith give you
the strength to acquire the discipline necessary to know what you should be doing in the Lord’s name and then do it? I believe the result is the power to know that you can do anything through Christ Jesus, provided you were called to do it. I also believe
good news here is that wherever the Holy Spirit resides, change will occur, the right kind of change. Of those anointed in the Upper Room, many were faced with the opportunity to make their lives easier, if they would simply maintain the secrecy of their faith. Spiritually based faith and confidence gave each the power to boldly speak the truth. Remember Peter denied Christ three times without confidence. Some would call that cowardice. After Pentecost, he was buoyed by confidence and discipline. Power is the Word that comes to mind here. You remember Paul at Ephesus? “When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.” Acts 19:6. Here, these twelve men were already baptized but knew nothing of the Holy Spirit. After, we
The question then becomes, in what is your confidence and discipline based? Where do you get the necessary power to have your gifts fortified? Does your faith give you the strength to acquire the discipline necessary to know what you should be doing in the Lord’s name and then do it? scripture illustrates to us that without spiritually based discipline, it is practically impossible to stand up to the trials and tribulations of life, but also impossible to withstand the temptations that seek to control our sometimes out of control behavior. The
are told, they began to preach the gospel. Can’t you see the power gained and their growing confidence? There is nothing restrictive about this kind of discipline. It is in fact quite liberating. They knew that they knew the same way we know that we know. It’s that change thing again. It’s called being set apart and not having to apologize or keep it a secret. I believe it lets us stand up as Christians in the face of criticism, adversity and temptation. We may still fall, but we will not fail because our infrastructure has been fortified. Let me be clear. I believe that discipline coupled with confidence invites the Holy Spirit to take up permanent residence in your soul. It’s what I’m looking for and what I’m praying for, for me and for you. And look out world when that happens. Like someone once said to me, I’m a different kind of soldier. Believe it or not, so are we. May God bless and keep you always.
continued from front page one of the first to attend R. L. Turner High School. By this time, Mr. Rainwater had already graduated from Booker T and he said he believed someone needed to continue his mother’s work. “Somebody needed to be a leader and needed to continue making change in the community.” So he decided to start his own organization in the early 70s, Christ Community Connection. The group would help diversify the city by providing ideas on how to integrate: from Black assistant city managers, to Black educators and those who were qualified to fill various leadership positions. According to Mr. Rainwater, doors continued to open when those in power realized “we aren’t going away, we are for real.” From Then To Now In 1997, Mr. Rainwater, along with his organization, started the 1st MLK Parade in Carrollton, which is followed by a program celebrating the contributions of not only the civil rights leader but also the community.
Mr. Rainwater said that he believed the parade was a great way to “bring blacks and whites together…we know a lot about their history but we wanted them to become interested in ours and to see it’s not bad.” In the beginning, he struggled to gain support from community leaders but through perseverance found ways to unify the city through quality programming and initiatives, such as the parade.
Christ Community Connection Board Members
On April 28 the organization also wrapped up its 24th annual golf tournament at River Chase Golf Course in Coppell. This year’s golf tournament was held in honor of Jerry Redd, board member and
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community servant, who passed away two years earlier. The money raised provides over 300 meals to students that cannot afford a lunch yearly, equips students with school supplies, and awards six scholarships to graduating seniors in the Carrollton-Farmer’s Branch school district.
What’s Next And How Can You Help? On June 16, Christ Community Connection will be hosting a clean-up project at the Historic Carrollton Black Cemetery. This cemetery dates back to the 1800s and holds the pioneers of the Black community in Carrollton. The organization welcomes volunteers. If you are interested in participating in the group’s service projects and/or attending meetings, they are scheduled for every 2nd Thursday and are usually held at the Carrollton Public Library. For additional information, contact leerainwater@ tx.rr.com or visit the organization website at http://www.christcommunityconnectioninc.com/. The organization also encourages donations, which will continue to assist in unifying the community through quality programming, echoing Mr. Rainwater’s message, “We can love and live together.”
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