I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
OCTOBER 14, 2016
I Messenger
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
Ati's Professional Face Painting
Who is Ati? Ati is the Owner of Ati’s Professional Face Painting. A certified Make - Up Artist and a Face Painter, Ati is also a Registered Nurse and safety is of utmost concern. Only FDA compliant material is utilized and a fun- filled positive event is the delivery - within satisfaction. Ati has an Art degree and she loves face painting. “I'm animated, uplifting and terrific in transforming each child into the character they desire,� she said. “I ensure satisfaction. My prices and services are compatible and unbeatable.� How did Ati’s Professional Face Painting get its start? “I adore children and have a passion for the Arts. Therefore, I combined my two passions into one big happy service of delivery. Initially, I started out face painting for a company that hired me on to huge events. As a result, I was exposed to some well- known athletes and new friends who encouraged me along with my husband, to go into the face painting business for myself. Hence, I started my own company in the year of 2014.�
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I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
CLINGMAN: Blaming the Victim Blackonomics By James Clingman
NNPA Newswire Columnist
Now that the dust has settled around President Obama’s comments at the Congressional Black Caucus Banquet, let me give you my take on the subject. In 2010, immediately following the midterm elections, in some instances, Black folks were blamed for the “Shellacking” as Barack Obama put it, of Democrat candidates. Again in 2014, the rancor directed at Blacks for failing to vote was raised to an even higher level. In response, U.S. Representative, Marcia Fudge, in an article by Sabrina Eaton of Cleveland. com, noted that “preliminary exit polls showed the African American proportion of the electorate increased over the 2010 midterms, and urged critics to ‘find another scapegoat. Don’t blame us!’”fudge Fudge continued, “Our community organizations and churches mobilized to encourage early voting opportunities with programs like ‘Souls to the Polls,’ and African American activists and state leaders stood ready to combat any instance of voter intimidation or fraud,” her statement said. “Black elected officials crisscrossed the country to discuss the urgency and importance of this election. We phone banked, knocked on doors and held ‘Get Out the Vote’ rallies. Our losses were not a referendum on African American political engagement. We did our part, so don’t blame us!” In 2008 and 2012, Black voters turned out in unprece-
dented numbers to were offering, and that just wasn’t help Obama win the good enough.” Presidency. Now in The excuses for the midterm 2016 as the first Black meltdowns among Democrats President prepares to over the past decade or so are leave office, Black vot- essentially what we call “blamers will again be held ing the victim.” Black people are responsible for turning out in really victims of the political sysdroves. We have been given our “marching orders” once again by the President during his “most passionate” speech ever, as some have described it, to the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). Obama declared, “I will U.S. Rep Marcia Fudge and President Baack Obama consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this commu- tem in this nation. We have been nity lets down its guard and fails “clowned” by political pundits to activate itself in this election,” and sycophants, and now we are Obama said with a stern look and caught in their web of false prombooming passion. “You want to ises and lack of reciprocity for our give me a good send-off, go vote.” votes. While it is well known that I don’t know what the CBC fewer Blacks vote in midterm has said or will say in response elections than we do in Presi- to President Obama’s admonishdential elections, it just may be ment to them to protect his legthe result of Black people seeing acy by voting for Hillary, thereby ourselves being taken for granted giving him a “good send-off;” but after the President gets elected here are my requests of Brother and very little that was promised Barack in return for his good send during the campaign was deliv- off. These requests can be read ered afterwards. In 2002, NAACP in full on http://www.iamoneoftChairman, Julian Bond, said hemillion.com/our-planks.html Democrats “failed to engage Af- among our twenty-two platform rican-American voters. They had planks. all the issues on their side: high unemployment, failing pensions, 1. Get Brother Edward people losing vast sums of money Pinkney out of prison in Michiand the stock market crash. But gan. Since when do trumped up the Democrats didn’t push these charges and false accusations on issues. Instead they offered pale a misdemeanor crime get a pershadows of what the Republicans son ten years in a maximum secu-
rity prison? Plank #20 2. Exonerate Marcus Mosiah Garvey, in support of his son, Dr. Julius Garvey. Plank #22 3. Amend the 13th Amendment by removing the “Exception Clause.” Plank #11 4. Support misconduct and/or malpractice insurance for police officers. Plank #6 5. Change your mind about reparations for descendants of African enslaved people, and suggest ways it can be done. You can begin by advocating reparations for the victims of the Tulsa Riot in 1921. You supported reparations for Filipino war vets, and surely you support the Japanese reparations of 1988, Native Alaskans in 1971, and reparations for the Jewish people. Why not in our case, which is just as reasonable as all the others? Plank #14 6. Finally, we would love to for you to be a guest on the Carl Nelson Show, www.woldcnews.com, where conscious Black people hang out. Mr. President, these are just five of our planks, both internal (those that call for our own personal responsibility toward one another) and external. A good send-off for our Black President should include, at a minimum, your support for these few requests. Your legacy will be even greater among the folks who have supported you for the past eight years if you reciprocate to your own demand of us to “Go Vote!” If you refuse to help us, as Marcia Fudge said, “Don’t blame us.” fudge2 Comments Off , Pings Off. Former Editor of the Cincinnati Herald Newspaper, James Clingman is the founder of the Greater Cincinnati African American Chamber of Commerce.
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
How to Self Destruct Without Being Rich
of Chrysler, Motorola and a former chief judge of the U. S. Courts of Appeals. This book, from a black millionaire*, represented the diversity and makeup of the country despite the title. The point here is that most credible American CEOs, close the gap, act the part, set the tone, and By Dr. J. Ester Davis enlighten the future for all Americans. In the late 90’s, Earl Graves, foundThe 2016 election is less than 40 er publisher of the Black Enterprise days and 40 nights away. The loud Magazine came to Dallas with his message here . . is to take seven new book “How to Succeed in Business Without Being White.” I found my autographed copy and refreshed myself on some poignant points. I remember what he said to me in a later television interview. So many people wondered about his choice for the title, which he answered straightforwardly with candor. However, reading the book for the second time, brought today’s time fully into view. My attention was drawn to the diverse statements made in a part of the book. The main forward was penned by Robert Crandall, then Chairman & CEO, American Airlines. Maxine Waters, U. S. Congresswomen said “. . . this book is “magnificent souls to the polls.” If from a man who clearly loves Amerwe do not do this, we will all self deican business...” struct without our ambitions. The first eight pages have comThis presidential election is a nightments from notables such as the mare on every Main Street and back CEO of AT&T, Robert E. Allen; alley in America. The image, the George Fisher, CEO, Eastman Kofussing, the language, ahh, the name dak Company; Quincy Jones, CEO, calling (however, I do admit that reQuincy Jones Productions; the CEO
My Day
ferring to Mr. Trump as a ‘socially untrained Rottweiler who whenever off his leash’ . . .is a clear and present danger of the Republican candidate who could be President. How sad is that? Most damaging is the nation’s look at the building of tension, the 20-year old nonsense we care nothing about, the gutting and omission of public education, twilight tweets, the built-in obvious biases. . . all in the name of America’s future and America direction. Please be informed that you are so very wrong. We do not want this in our country. In President Obama’s message at the Congressional Black Caucus Dinner, his last speech as Commander-in-Chief, the President of the United States for the last eight years, received a rousing standing ovation on the progress that we have made as a nation. The President said “there is no such thing as a vote that does not matter. It all matters.” Further he said, “if you believe that your vote does not matter, read up on your history.” The President energetically pronounced that “if you want to give me a good sendoff. . .if you care about my legacy which is your legacy. . . go vote!” And finally, go vote. For the last time. Go vote. Take souls to the polls. Early voting starts October 24.
Join. . . Ester Davis Show as speaker at “Women-on-Top” Luncheon, Friendswood, Texas. www.esterday.com, Must see videos on-line.
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
You are invited to attend the Graduation Celebration of The Dallas County STAR Court Diversion Program Graduates
Prostitution, Drug Rehabilitation and Mental Health Judge Elizabeth Frizell, Presiding Judge Criminal District Court 7
Monday October 24th at 2pm Frank Crowley Criminal Court Bldg., 7th Fl. Criminal District Court 7 133 N. Riverfront Blvd. Dallas, Texas
Class of 2017:
It’s time to do your thing! Plan, prepare, produce! WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
Why are poor unmentionable? The Last Word By Dr. Julianne Malveaux There is no question that Hillary Clinton “won” the September 26 Presidential debate. She was knowledgeable, composed, unflappable, and occasionally even funny. Her opponent, who had the temerity to criticize her “stamina”, seemed to lack stamina of his own. By the time the 90-minute debate was over, the rude, sniffling, frequent water-sipping Mr. Trump looked like a candidate for enforced bed rest. Mr. Trump was the loser, but he was not the biggest loser. The biggest losers were the unmentionables, the people who received scant attention, in the debate. There were 43.1 million poor people in the United States in 2015, 13.5 percent of the population. Yet they were barely mentioned. To be sure, moderator Lester Holt started the conversation between Clinton and Trump by asking a question about economic inequality. But neither Clinton nor Trump mentioned poverty or hunger, which remains a problem in the United States. Both talked about shoring up the middle class. Clinton and Trump aren’t the only ones who avoid highlighting hunger and poverty when issues of economic inequality are discussed. When Vice-President Joe Biden was charged with focusing on the middle class in his “Middle Class Task Force” early in the Obama Administration, there was a conspicuous silence about the status of the poor. While President Obama has lots of issues to deal with,
the poor have not been a priority for him. The Census Report that was released on September 13, Income and Poverty in the United States: 2015, documents improvements in our nation’s poverty status. Between 2014 and 2015, there were 3.5 million fewer people in poverty, and the poverty rate dropped quite significantly, from 14.8 percent to 13.5 percent. The poverty rate for African Americans dropped from 26.4 to 24.1 percent, and child poverty dropped from 36 percent to 32.7 percent among African Americans. Either Clinton or Trump could have talked about this economic good news with the caveat that while the drop in the poverty level is encouraging, there is still way too much poverty in our nation. One in five children under 18 live in poverty, along with one in three African American children. One in five African American households (and one in eight households overall) have incomes below $15,000 a year. Further, there is significant “extreme poverty” in our country, people who earn less than half the poverty line. Half of all poor households are among the extreme poor. One in ten African American households qualifies as extremely poor, which means an income of less than $12,000 for a family of four. How can someone earn so little? All it takes is a low-wage job with unstable hours. A minimum wage worker who works full-time, full-year earns a scant $15,000 a year, but many low-wage jobs aren’t full-time, full-year. Many low-wage workers get “flexible” scheduling, which means that their hours of work are not guaranteed. Sometimes they are called to report for
work, but if business is slow they can be sent home. There are few protections for these workers, which is why the Fight for Fifteen ($15 an hour) has gained such momentum. To his credit, President Obama signed an executive order that requires federal contractors to pay at least $10 an hour to their workers. He has also signed an executive order requiring that federal contractors provide paid sick leave for their employees. Clearly, this administration is not indifferent to poor people. They just don’t talk much about them. But the poor should not be our unmentionables. They are the living proof that our predatory capitalistic system is terribly flawed. Thus, even as the 2015 report on income and poverty celebrates economic progress (with incomes finally rising after years of stagnation), it also suggests that too many hard-working people are living in a state of economic deprivation. More than 35 percent of African American households have incomes below $25,000. Many of these families have incomes above the poverty line, but not by much. While I know that Hillary Clinton has more compassion for the poor, and has articulated solutions that will help end poverty (Mr. Trump, on the other hand, once said the minimum wage was “too high”), I think it important to hear matters of hunger and poverty addressed in the context of the Presidential debates. Our flawed economy has pushed the poor to the margins, but candidates can shed light on their issues and garner mainstream attention for them. Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest book “Are We Better Off? Race, Obama and Public Policy” is available via www.amazon.com
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
Community Calendar October 15
Roots celebrates the connection we have with plants and their extension to our ancestors. The work featured is from the “Garden Series” and contains plants obtained primarily from the Alisa’s family garden *****
October 16
The South Dallas Cultural Center is located at 3400 S. Fitzhugh Ave. Dallas, Texas 75215. For more information or to schedule a tour for your group call 214-670-1998. Admission is FREE ***** Free Reading Tutoring Dallas Public Library; 1515 Young, Dallas 75201. Learn to read better program for adults. 214-671-8291; http:// www.dallaslibrary.org/literacy ***** Community Lawyering Center Open for Business - Mondays – Saturdays; days and evenings by appointment. 4716 Elsie Faye Heggins, Dallas, 75210. For info, call: 469351-0024 or x0025 ***** Dallas Theater Center World Premiere Musical, Bella: An American Tall Tale, -2400 Flora Street in the AT&T Performing Arts Center. Full Run: Sept. 22 – Oct. 22, 2016 • 214-880-0202 or www.DallasTheaterCenter.org Paul Quinn College celebrates 2016 Homecoming, November 3rd thru 6th, celebrating 144 years of nationbuilding... “Greatness: One Step At A Time”
October 13 The Grandeur Fashion Show A Royal Reveal. 6:00 PM Majestic Mixer 7:30 Show starts. Early bird $20, @Door $30, VIP $35 VIP@Door $40. Live Performances + Live Painting + Photo Booth. Location: Lofty Spaces 816 Montgomery Street Dallas, TX 75215 “TENDERLY: THE ROSEMARY CLOONEY MUSICAL” Garland Civic Theatre presents this exciting musical based on the life of the legendary Rosemary Clooney. Join the actors and a jazz trio as you follow Rosemary Clooney’s journey from her simple Kentucky childhood through her rise to Hollywood stardom. Tickets: $27 available at GarlandArtsBoxOffice.com, 972-205-2790 or in-person at the Granville Arts Center Box Office, open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and two hours before each performance. 300 N Fifth St Garland, TX 75040
October 14 GARLAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA WITH VIOLINIST KIARRA SAITO-BECKMAN - Garland Symphony Orchestra kicks off the Symphony Goes Wild 2016-2017 season with violinist Kiarra Saito-Beckman performing Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35. Tickets: available at GarlandArtsBoxOffice.com, 972-2052790 or in-person at the Granville Arts Center Box Office, open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and two hours before each performance. 300 N Fifth St Garland, TX 75040
Thought. Live performance by Dallas Flamenco as they perform authentic flamenco dance. Jennifer Kindert, Dallas illustrator and artist offers tutorials on how to create Guatemalan Worry Dolls, Brazilian maracas, Cuban paper bird collages and Mexican tooling art. At 2PM- 4PM. 1515 Young Street Dallas, TX 75201
Attention parents of high school seniors! The Class of 2017!!! The Concord Church 35th Annual Dr. E.K. Bailey Beaux and Debutantes for Christ Gala interest meeting will be on Sunday, October 16th from 3-5 in the fellowship hall. Dallas Park and Recreation presents HBCU College Fair at Beckley Saner Park, 114 W. Hobson Ave. 10a-2p Calling All Comrades Young and Old! The Black Power Meet Up is in Celebration of 50 Years of Black Power Movement in Dallas and around the world. 4-6PM --- Bring your Black Power archives --memories/stories of victory/photos/newspaper articles for inter-generational networking and learning exchange with Dallas members of the 1966 Black Panther Party, All African People’s Liberation Army, SNCC, Black Women’s United Front, the Omari Dancers, the BlackStar Printing Collective, Nation of Islam AND Black Lives Matter, Next Generation Action Network, Dallas Action, Guerrilla Mainframe and all Black Power groups. ***** The National Black United Front Houston presents: Sankofa Caravan To The Ancestors™ - A spiritual journey in honor of our Holy Afrikan Ancestors on the historic shores of Galveston, Texas leaving Act of Change, 3200 Lancaster Rd. Suite 623, Dallas, TX. 75216 @ 1:00am Saturday, October 15. (Buses will begin loading@ 11:30pm Friday Night October 14) and returning to Act of Change @ 1:00am Sunday, October 16. $57.00 Per Seat. BRING OR WEAR WHITE CLOTHES. Payment Deadline – Monday October 9. You can donate to the Black Wall Street Fund on www.fredsentertainment.com. For more info contact: Fred Ghaffar 214-607-6445 x21 ***** The ReNu You Makeover Weekend
DALLAS’ BEST BARBEQUE TOUR Dig into sublimely tender “Q” at some of the best barbecue emporiums in Dallas and beyond - .including the BBQ joint that was voted “Best BBQ in Dallas” by the pit-masters themselves! Enjoy terrific beer at a local brewery. The price includes bus transportation, water, soft drinks and other beverages on the bus (you can also bring your own beverages if you like), beer at the brewery, tour guide, samples and much more. Bring your favorite buddies - or just bring yourself. BUY 4 OR MORE TICKETS at www.dallasbychocolate.com AND SAVE $4! Enter code EAT. ****** Festival Latino at the Dallas Public Library, a celebration of dance, art and culture; in partnership with Big
October 19 Dallas Mavs vs. Houston Rockets 7:30pm
ALPHA PHI ALPHA Fraternity “Standing on the past, looking to the future” at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel 400 N. Olive St. Dallas TX, 75201
Candidates for elected positions serving Dallas, Denton and Collin Counties will participate in a moderated forum sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter (NDSA), in partnership with Plano North Metroplex Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. The Candidates Forum will be held at Sheffield Intermediate School, 18111 Kelly Blvd. Dallas, TX 75287 on Wednesday, October, 22nd at 7 p.m.
October 21
October 23
90th Annual Awards Banquet 2016- The Dallas Black Chamber’s Annual Award Banquet is celebrating 90 years of constructive leadership in the African-American business community. The highlight of the event is the giving of the Thomas L. Houston Community Service Award, established in 1985 to honor individuals who have made significant volunteer contributions to the civic enhancement of Dallas’ African American Community. The keynote speaker for this special event is Antoinette Tuff, an Atlanta educator who saved a school under siege by a gunman. 6:00 PM thru 8:00 PM
LegnA Entertainment and Shawn Ghotti Entertainment will serve as the exclusive presenting partners of ATL INVASION headlining Atlanta rappers T.I. and 2 Chainz that will be hosted by K104 FM’s personality Hollywood Bay Bay-The Ambassador taking place on Sunday, October 23 at The Bomb Factory.
October 22 The Kids Ultimate Fitness Challenge is the nations largest mobile fitness event traveling from coast-to-coast dedicated to helping keep kids healthy and active. At the Kids Ultimate Fitness Challenge, kids of all ages get the opportunity to flex their physical fitness by participating in a time-based obstacle course that includes sprinting, jump roping, wall crawls, hurdles, jumping jacks, sit ups, and tunnel crawls, before finishing off the course with a 20 foot confidence climb and 60 meter dash to the finish. It will be from 10am until 6pm at the University of Texas at Dallas. ***** #CommunityConversations! Discuss important topics such as #VotingRights #Redistricting #Homelessness #Education this our time to make our voices heard by our ballots! From 10 am - 12 PM. Tarrent County Administration Building 3500 Miller Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76119 C.C RUSSEAU BLACK AND GOLD 2016 SCHOLARSHIP
October 28
Xi Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. presents Masquerade Ball on Greek Street honoring the local community leaders and raising scholarship funds for local students 1010 N. Collins Street - Entertainment & Event Center, ***** PCCenter’s 15th Anniversary Celebration, 11am-2pm, 1229 East Pleasant Run Road, Suite 302, DeSoto, TX 75115. Come and network with other community volunteers at the Job Fair, Community Services Event, and High School Completion Rally. The Annual Halloween Street Party 2016. The Oaklawn Street Party which has turned into a major Dallas event returns Saturday, October 29, 2016 (the Saturday before Halloween) from 7pm to 2am in the 3900 block of Cedar Springs. At 6 pm on African American Museum of Dallas 3536 Grand Ave, Dallas, Texas 75210 ***** COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE ANNOUNCES 2016 WINGS OVER DALLAS WWII AIRSHOW
OCTOBER 14, 2016
City Men Cook Thank You Party
I Messenger
A Taste of the South, Inc.
City Men Cook held its Annual Thank You Party October 8, 2016 at the Meadows Conference Center hosted by Community partners FedEx and Texas Metro News. This year’s volunteers received gifts from our Swag partners - Miss Jessie’s and Marketplace Excellence’s US Virgin Islands. Hosted By Dr. Omai Kofi and City Men Cook managing founder, Terry Allen, Pictured
Photo Credits: 1016 Media/Ariel Proctor
Omai Kofi and Terry Allen
Vicki Hicks and Omai Kofi
Texas Metro News Ticket Winners Chef Jeff Gales and Mark Proctor
Liberty Mutual Marcus Fuller
Red Carpet Manager Neal Cross with Omai
FedEx Sales Executive and Father Vince Bradford
Mark Proctor and Omai
Chef Jeff Gales
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
Olympiad shares inspiring message
Donnetta Henry, Northeast Texas Cluster Coordinator; Michelle Carter, Olympic Gold Medalist; and Katina Semien, South Central Regional Director for Alpha Kappa Alpha
MCKINNEY, TX – 2016 Olympic Shot Put Gold Medalist, Michelle Carter, spoke and participated at a luncheon hosted by the Northeast Texas Cluster of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. The sorority gathered on Saturday,
October 8, 2016, at the Sheraton McKinney hotel for their annual retreat. This year’s event, “Champions of Launching New Dimensions of Service with Service on My Mind and Sisterhood in My Heart,” incorporated the administration themes of the sorority’s
International President, Dr. Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, and the newly elected South Central Regional Director, Katina Semien, Esq. The “Shot Diva” spoke about her long career in throwing the shot put and how she was inspired to win gold in her third trip to the Olympics. Wearing her precious gold medal around her neck, Ms. Carter said, “I learned how to be patient, because sometimes things don’t always come when we want it or how we want it, but when it’s your time, it’s your time and at that moment it was my time.” Ms. Carter also participated in the luncheon by passing out awards to attendees who had been champions in other ways. The luncheon recognized individuals and chapters for voter registration efforts and donations toward the community service initiative. To learn more about Ms. Carter, visit her website at www.shotdiva.com. Every year the Cluster focuses on a community service initiative in the area where the retreat is being held. This year Frisco Fastpacs was the recip ient of the Cluster’s community service donation, which was over 1,200 backpacks and nearly 5,000 non-perishable food items and school supplies. Heather Canterbury, Executive Director of Frisco Fastpacs, shared the history of the organization and how much donations help the underprivileged children of Frisco. To learn more about Frisco Fastpacs, visit their website at www.friscofastpacs.org. For more information on Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and its programs, visit www.aka1908.com.
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
Changing Our Racial Narrative Child Watch By Marian Wright Edelman President, Children’s Defense Fund
via George Curry Media
Marian Wright Edelman is president of the Children’s Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to www.childrensdefense.org
OCTOBER 14, 2016
Public Notice I, Johnson Jr., Willie-Earl, a living man, hereby give Public Notice of my Status as the beneficiary /beneficial owner of the estate a.k.a.: “WILLIE EARL JOHNSON JR.” and all res/ corpus / property titled in said name. Said estate was organized under the laws of The State of California, was established on September 30, 1946 in San Bernardino, California and has a birth record certificate number of 46-144651. If anyone claims to have any other claim, right, title or interest in said estate they must send same along with verified evidence supporting same via mail to your address or email to: wej1@hushmail.com by no later than October 28, 2016.
I Messenger The National Black United Front Houston presents: Sankofa Caravan To The Ancestors™ A spiritual journey in honor of our Holy Afrikan Ancestors on the historic shores of Galveston, Texas where We pay homage to their memory. Leaving Act of Change@ 1:00am Saturday, October 15th (Buses will begin loading@ 11:30pm Friday Night October 14th) Returning to Act of Change Late Saturday Night, October 15th 3200 Lancaster Rd. Suite 623, Dallas, TX. 75216 $57.00 Per Seat PLEASE BRING OR WEAR WHITE CLOTHES Payment Deadline – Monday October 9th 2016 Please Donate To The Black Wall Street Fund Payment Page on www.fredsentertainment. com For more information contact: Fred Ghaffar 214-607-6445
I Messenger Legal Clinic and Job Fair The Verna’s H.E.L.P. Foundation is pleased to announce the support of other Great Supportive Organizations participating this weekend for the Legal Clinic and Job Fair. Others are Essendant a Fortune 500 Business with warehouses worldwide, The Veterans Administration, VASH (VA Supportive Housing) Programs, The CitySquare Organization - Job training and employers, and the City-Wide CDC Re-Entry Program which have all confirmed along with Attorneys and Judges. The Verna’s H.E.L.P. Foundation and the CAW CLARK LEGAL Clinic, with Co Sponsors - Dallas URBAN HEALTH and VERNA’S VENTURE’S LLC, present the Dallas Metro Community to a FREE Diversified Legal Clinic and Job Fair- Oct 15 and 17, at the Good Street Baptist Church, 3110 Bonnie View - Dallas TX. 75216. The upcoming October event- The legal Clinic and Job Fair, is a two day event. Saturday, Oct. 15, the Legal Clinic, attendees will be able to discuss, one on one with Probate, Tax, and Criminal Attorneys, Judges, Dallas County D A Attorneys, Dallas County Probation Consultants and other legal professionals, to assist with UN-Paid Tickets, Probate, Probation, Homeless Veterans, and all questions about their legal concerns. Private conference rooms will be available. At this legal clinic Dallas Veterans Affairs will have consultants to assist many veterans about benefits and the HUD-VASH PROGRAM (A HUD Housing program) and to discuss information to veterans that need help with housing. The annual Job Fair Monday October 17, 2016, 8 a.m to 5 p.m., will host numerous employers/agencies to promote and recruit for job opportunities.
ACA Marketplace opens Nov. 1 Enrollment period runs through Jan. 31, 2017 The fourth open enrollment period into the Health Insurance Marketplace begins Nov. 1, 2016 and runs through Jan. 31, 2017. Through the Marketplace, individuals are able to go to one place to search for health coverage options and choose from the health plans avail-
OCTOBER 14, 2016 able in their area. The best source for information about the Marketplace is the website www.healthcare. gov. The website is available 24/7 and provides information on how the Marketplace works, what the benefits are and key deadlines. Individuals can also call 1.800.318.2596 to speak with trained customer service representatives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For individuals needing further assistance, Parkland Health & Hospital System will have certified application counselors available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday thru Friday in Parkland’s Business Office to answer questions about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and provide help enrolling in the Marketplace. The Business Office is located on the first floor of the old Parkland OPC, 5201 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, 75235. Certified application counselors will not be available at any of Parkland’s Community Oriented Primary Care health centers. “We will have a limited number of certified application counselors available to assist patients with the enrollment process,” said Rhonda Miller, Parkland’s Senior Vice President of Revenue Cycle. “We encourage those who may qualify for the Marketplace to log into the government’s website or speak to one of the government’s trained customer service representatives.” Most people must have qualifying health coverage or pay a fee for the months they don’t have insurance. Health coverage exemptions are available based on a number of circumstances, including certain hardships, some life events, health coverage or financial status and membership in some groups. Additional information on exemptions is available at www.healthcare.gov. In addition, a special enrollment period (SEP) outside of the yearly open enrollment exists for those with certain life events including losing health coverage, moving, getting married, having a baby or adopting child. If an individual qualifies for an SEP, they usually have up to 60 days following the event to enroll in a plan. If they miss that window, they have to wait until the next open enrollment period to apply. Those who may need assistance can contact Parkland’s Customer Service department at 214.590.4900. For more information about Parkland’s services, visit www.parklandhospital.com.
Calling NABJ Students!
Applications for the 2017 Short Courses are now open! Join NABJ and our partner universities for the 2017 Short Courses! During the Short Courses participants will receive instruction from faculty and experienced industry reporters, news directors, producers, videographers and graphic designers. Participants will produce newscasts, webcasts, podcasts, video slide shows and social media sites, as well as learn strategies on how to market their skills to secure a job after graduation. Applicant must be: A current member of NABJ Be currently enrolled in a four-year accredited college or university Majoring in journalism or communication Be a junior, senior or graduate student Possess a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 Applications will be accepted online only. Please the following documents ready to upload before beginning the application: Cover Letter A high-quality professional headshot with a white or black background A 200 word summary of your current experience and what you hope to learn Resume (one page) Transcript (Scanned, low resolution PDF or JPG) Contact information for three references (Full name, title, phone number, and email) NABJ membership number Web links to your most-recent work samples
DFW-ABJ URBAN JOURNALISM WORKSHOP APPLICATIONS The Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists (formerly the Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Communicators) will present its 28th annual Urban Journalism Workshop for high school and college students. For more information or to apply, log on to www. dfwabj.com Applications must be returned by December 31, 2016 to: DFW/ABJ c/o Cheryl Smith 320 South RL Thornton Freeway, Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203
OCTOBER 14, 2016
I Messenger
21st Anniversary of the Million Man March Holy Day of Atonement | Atlanta, GA. 10.16.16
This year’s Holy Day of Atonement observance will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, October 14th – 16th. The Keynote Address by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is scheduled for October 16th. Live Webcast – October 16, 2016 – 2PM EDT Onsite tickets are available via charitable donation at the following locations: Online Ticket Sales: The Atlanta Fox Theater Nation of Islam Southern Regional Headquarters, Muhammad Mosque No. 15
3642 Campbellton Rd., SW – Atlanta, GA. 30331 Availability: Sundays 11am-2pm and Thursdays 10am-4pm Contact: 678-705-1361 and 404-549-7573 Blue Seas Express Restaurant 890 Joseph E. Boone Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30314 Availability: Mon-Thur 11am-8pm / Fri-Sat 12pm-10pm / Sun 12pm-5pm Contact: 404-330-8818
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
Should I Be Worried about My Husband’s “Mancations” with his Best Friend
Ask Alma: by Alma Gill
NNPA News Wire Columnist Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and Twitter @almaaskalma.
Dear Alma,
and ain’t nothing wrong with means? It means you’re creating that. Sometimes you just want to stories in your mind instead of I’ve been married for six years get away and enjoy the scenery taking care of your business. and I love my husband so much. with your good buddy and take That, Honey Chile, will get We met when he was in the a vacation from family life. you in trouble. Don’t indict your Navy. Is that a little weird, does that husband based on your imagmean you’re on “the down ination. Stop listening to your The last year that he was in, I low?” Ummmm, I say, “no.” sister, her idle mind is in overgot pregnant, so we agreed it drive. She’s not married to your would be best to move close to He was an individual person husband, you are. my family and I was very hap- with friends before you married py about that. He is a good You know better than provider and takes care of anyone else what’s goThat, Honey Chile, will get you ing on in your house. me and our daughter. What you should be in trouble. Don’t indict your husHere’s the thing, my husdoing is defending band takes a trip with his your husband. band based on your imagination. best friend who is still in How about that! Use the Navy every year. It’s that week or so that just the two of them, not Stop listening to your sister, her he’s gone to try somethe extended family. thing new on your idle mind is in overdrive. She’s not own bucket list. My sister said that is strange for two men to married to your husband, you are. Grab a fork and apgo on trips together. She preciate the time ensaid that I need to find out joying your own pie of what’s going on and make sure him. passion! Trust him, trust yourhe’s not on “the down low.” self and tell your sister to mind He joined the Navy to travel her business. What do you think? and that’s what he did. Just beAlma cause he’s out of the military, Signed, doesn’t mean he no longer en- Alma Gill’s newsroom experiHome Alone Wife joys that passion or the lifelong ence spans more than 25 years, friendships he’s made during including various roles at USA Tothat time. day, Newsday and the Washington Dear Home Alone Wife, Post. Email questions to: alwaysasBefore you were born Sweet- kalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Sounds to me like your hus- ie, grandmothers use to say, “an Facebook at “Ask Alma” and Twitband appreciates the experience idle mind is the devil’s work- ter @almaaskalma. of traveling with an old friend place.” Do you know what that WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM
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OCTOBER 14, 2016
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OCTOBER 14, 2016
I Messenger
Join in the efforts to put an end to Family Violence! Log on to www.iwillrise.org or call (888)230-RISE and see how you can help or get help!
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
HBCU Homecoming...more than a football game!
The HBCU Homecoming events go beyond the football game and halftime show. For the uninitiated, you can expect some of the livest activities for students and alumni from step shows to talent shows, pep rallies to parades, concerts to comedy shows. Traditional events include the Homecoming coronation and Fall convocation. There is something for everyone.
Lincoln (MO) vs. Saint Joseph’s @ Jefferson City, MO 2:00pm CT SAINT JOSEPH’S 27 LINCOLN (MO) 17
Livingstone vs. Saint Augustine’s @ Salisbury, NC 1:00pm ET SAINT AUGUSTINE’S 38 LIVINGSTONE 27 2 OT Miles vs. Central State @Fairfield, AL 1:00pm CT MILES 36 CENTRAL STATE 0 Prairie View A&M vs.Alabama State @ Prairie View, TX Blackshear Stadium 2:00pm CT PRAIRIE VIEW A&M 24 ALABAMA STATE 17 OT
10/1/16 West Virginia State vs. Virginia-Wise @ Institute, WV 1:30pm ET VIRGINIA-WISE 39 WVS 37 10/8/16 Alabama A&M vs. Alcorn State @Huntsville, AL Lewis Crews Stadium 2:00pm CT ALCORN STATE 42 ALABAMA A&M 19 Cheyney vs. Lock Haven @ Cheyney, PA 1:00pm ET LOCK HAVEN 51 CHEYNEY 12 Chowan vs.Bowie State @ Murfreesboro, NC 3:00pm ET BOWIE STATE 21 CHOWAN 14 Lane vs. Benedict @ Jackson, TN Lane Field 2:00pm CT LANE 19 BENEDICT 18
Virginia Union vs. Lincoln(PA)@ Richmond, VA 1:00pm ET VIRGINIA UNION 39 LINCOLN (PA) 6
10/15/16 Alcorn State vs.Texas Southern @ Lorman, MS Spinks-Casem Stadium 2:00pm CT Arkansas-Pine Bluff vs.Alabama A&M @Pine Bluff, AR Golden Lion Stadium 2:30pm CT Bowie State vs. Virginia State @ Bowie, MD 2:00pm ET TV Broadcast - ASPiRE Network Central State vs. Lane @ Wilberforce, OH McPherson Stadium 1:30pm ET Clark Atlanta vs. Benedict @ Atlanta, GA CAU Panther Stadium 2:00pm ET Delaware State vs. Florida A&M @ Dover, DE Alumni Stadium 2:00pm ET
Edward Waters vs. University of Faith @ Jacksonville, Fl
Hampton vs. Morgan State @ Hampton, VA 2:00pm ET Kentucky State vs.Miles @ Frankfort, KY Alumni Stadium 2:00pm ET Langston vs. Bacone @ Langston, OK W.E. Anderson Stadium 2:00pm CT Lincoln (PA) vs. Elizabeth City State @ Lincoln University, PA LU Football Stadium 1:00pm ET NC Central vs. Savannah State @ Durham, NC O'Kelly-Riddick Stadium 2:00pm ET Tennessee State vs. Eastern Kentucky @ Nashville, TN Nissan Stadium 6:00pm CT Internet Webcast - OVC Network Winston-Salem State vs. Saint Augustine's @ Winston-Salem, NC Bowman Gray Stadium 1:30pm ET
SC State vs. Delaware State @ Orangeburg, SC Oliver Dawson Stadium 1:30pm ET Southern vs. Arkansas-Pine Bluff @ Baton Rouge, LA A.W. Mumford Stadium4:00pm CT Texas College vs. Wayland Baptist @ Tyler, TX Rose Stadium 2:00pm CT Texas Southern vs. Jackson State @ Houston, TX BBVA Compass Stadium 2:00pm CT Tuskegee vs. Kentucky State @ Tuskegee, AL Cleve L. Abbott Stadium 1:00pm CT Virginia State vs. Lincoln (PA) @ Ettrick, VA Rogers Stadium 2:00pm ET
10/29/16 Bethune-Cookman vs. Delaware State @ Daytona Beach, FL 4:00pm ET Elizabeth City State vs. Virginia Union @ Elizabeth City, N.C. 1:30pm ET
10/22/16 Albany State vs.Clark Atlanta @ Albany, GA ASU Coliseum 2:00pm ET Benedict vs. Morehouse @Columbia, SC 2:00pm ET Florida A&M vs. Hampton @ Tallahassee, FL Bragg Mem 4:00pm ET Fort Valley State vs.Central State @ Fort Valley, GA Wildcat Stadium 2:00pm ET Howard vs. NC A&T @ Washington, DC 1:00pm ET
Fayetteville State vs. Livingstone @ Fayetteville, NC Luther “Nick” Jeralds Stadium1:30pm ET Grambling State vs. Arkansas-Pine Bluff @ Grambling, LA Eddie G. Robinson Mem.Stadium 2:00pm CT Jackson State vs. Prairie View A&M @ Jackson, MS Veterans Memorial Stadium 2:00pm CT
Miss Valley State vs. Grambling State @ Itta Bena, Miss. 2:00pm CT Morgan State v. NC Central @ Baltimore, MD Hughes Stadium 1:00pm ET Saint Augustine's vs. Fayetteville State @ Raleigh, NC 1:00pm ET
OCTOBER 14, 2016
In Memoriam
Thomas Mikal Ford
Fans, family and the Hollywood community are mourning the passing of Tommy Ford. 'Martin' star Thomas Mikal Ford has passed away at age 52. The actor was reportedly recovering from knee surgery when he suffered a ruptured aneurysm and fell into “a state of unconsciousness” on Wednesday afternoon while recovering in an Atlanta hospital, according to TMZ reports. Ford's wife, Gina, confirmed that he was on life support after fellow actor and comedian Anthony Anderson sent out a tweet suggesting that Ford had passed before later deleting it. Actor Martin Lawrence also posted a message on his Instagram after learning of Ford's hospitalization. Other celebrity friends also spoke out to quiet the rumors and ask for prayess on social media as Ford continued to fight for his life. Family members reportedly made the difficult decision to turn off the life support late Wednesday afternoon, as Ford's health continued to decline. He spent his last moments surrounded by love ones. -Essence Actor Tommy Ford is a Hollywood veteran who became famous for his role in the syndicated sitcom MARTIN as Martin Lawrence’s best friend and side-kick “Tommy”. He recently completed four seasons on TV One’s hit show, WHO’S GOT JOKES hosted by Bill Bellemy, as the hilarious Pope of Comedy. This series was sizzling hot! In the past few years Tommy has starred in more than 15 films: FIRST IMPRESSION; HILLBILLY HIGHWAY; IVY LEAGUE; WHO DID I MARRY; UNSPOKEN WORD; DOUGLASS U; DREAMS (The Movie); NO MORE GAMES; SWITCHING THE SCRIPT; HARD
LESSONS; 4 PLAY; MISSISSIPPI BLUES, BACK COURT and others. In addition to a new tv series called BASKETBALL WIVES. Recently, Tommy has been focusing on building a successful career behind the camera. He has directed and produced several webisodes; television dramas; and sitcom pilots: BLVD WEST; ANCESTORS; TROUPE; HEALING 100 HEARTS; COM-
I Messenger
recurring role as the fun-loving father on UPN’s The Parkers, Ford is constantly making changes in his career and finding success in any endeavor he chooses to take on. He followed a long time dream and launched a series of award winning children’s books that are designed to promote healthy, spiritual, and non-violent living while guiding young people towards becoming better people. He has been involved in numerous legitimate theater productions for which he has received tremendous critical acclaim for his producing, directing and acting efforts. Among those productions are Jonin, South of Where We Live, (Drama Logue Award, Image Award nominations), Monsoon Christmas (Drama Logue & Image Award), Living Room (Image Award nomination) and Distant Fires (Drama Logue & Image Award nomination) among a host of others.
EDY CAMP; FLIPPING BIRD & BRICK BY BRICK. He directed and produced seven films: CONFLICT OF INTEREST; BABY MAMAS CLUB (May 28th Lionsgate release); BEAT STREET RESURRECTED (Lionsgate release); THE CLUB; AT MOMU’S FEET; BREEZES; and most recently, SWITCHING LANES. Mr. Ford joined the cast of three wonderful television productions called on UPLIFTING NETWORK called: SUGAR MAMAS, TO LOVE AND TO CHERISH and IN THE MEANTIME. Whether playing Tommy on FOX’s hit Martin, displaying a versatile style on FOX’s drama New York Undercover or his
Tommy is excited to introduce two variety talk shows and a documentary that he is filming in Atlanta: Don’t Be Stupid is best described as a Bill Maher “meets” Chelsea Lately on Collar Greens! Spoken Word with Hank Stewart The Poet, highlights amazing poets and spoken word artists. At the time of his death he was also filming a documentary entitled: REVERSE THE LYNCH CURSE an empowering piece about breaking curses of fear distrust and envy. Tommy is proud to pioneer a host of other amazing projects. Services are pending.
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016
HBCU Football: Is it just a game? Southwest Airlines State Fair Classic - Grambling State University vs. Prairie View A&M University
By Andrew Whigham, III
Jonathon Wallace with 2:42 in the first quarter. Usually, when the Fall comes At this point, both teams were around in Dallas, it means one or going back and forth. Several two things. The Grambling State turnovers occurred. Until, KinUniversity (GSU) Tigers vs. the Praicade and GSU got their groove rie View A&M University (PVAMU) on with an 11 yard run to pay dirt. Panthers’ game and the State Fair Jonathon Wallace successfully of Texas. By all means everything completed the PAT to make the fell into place on October 1, 2016. score 16-14 in favor of PVAMU at The beautiful backdrop from the 10:39 in the second quarter. the Texas Star (Ferris Wheel) is in GSU would score again before the distance. The aromas from the the half when PVAMU’s Lorin great foods of the State Fair of Winston couldn’t handle a high Texas was in the air. #1 Devante Kincade throws downfield as defenders snap and push the ball out of the If you never attended a Historare watching him carefully. back of the end zone for a safeical Black College and University ty. That tied the score at 16-16 all (HBCU), football, you are missing drive started at the 31 yard line on their half with 2:00 minutes left in the half. an event full of pageantry, music, ambiance of the field. Both teams continued to battle prior half and competition. The Panthers were mixing the run and pass time. GSU’s Jameel Jackson intercepted Green From the time you step in the stadium, it’s “Showtime.” The crowd is normally dressed to as the Tigers tighten up keeping them to no at the 42 yard line to bring the quarter to an a “T.” The Barbershops, Hair Salons, Nail shops yards gained. GSU made a critical mistake by end. As the teams were preparing to go to the and stores met their weekly goals during an roughing PVAMU’s Trey Green that kept the drive alive. locker rooms. The crowd grew with anticipaevent of this magnitude. Then, Demarquo Lastrappe got a 50-yard tion of the PVAMU’s Marching Storm with the Most of the crowd will show their suppass from Green and Owen Hoolihan added Black Foxes and the GSU’s World Famed Tiger port for their school of choice by wearing the the point after touchdown (PAT) to pad the Marching Band with the Orchesis Dance Comschool colors. Most fans are peacock proud as Panthers’ lead to 9-0. pany performances. they parade around the venue. By the way, this The Tigers responded with a 75-yard drive It has been known at half time most is before the game starts. Both Bands were demonstrating their me- that ended in the red zone, and then Jonathan football spectators will go to the concession stand and get ready for the second half. Not ticulousness showmanship from the stands, Wallace missed a 23-yard field goal attempt. PVAMU took advantage of the GSU’s at an HBCU game. The crowd wants to see the playing popular songs, both old and new for their captive audiences assembled. By this missed opportunity and marched down the bands perform. Often times the crowd would prefer the time, the game begins and the focus redirects field from the 24 yard line. Lee and the Panthers appeared to have the Tigers on their halftime over the game itself. The presentato the playing field. heels as they moved the ball to the GSU’s 33 tion of the Campus queens and their escorts PVAMU kicked off to GSU’s Martez Carter yard line. are part of the pageantry. that led to poor field position to start the game From that point, Dawonya Tucker rush for PVAMU went on first and was followed by for the Tigers as Carter stepped out at the four yard line. The Tigers ran two plays that man- 33 yards to the for a touchdown, Owen Hooli- GSU. Both bands gave everyone their money’s han added the PAT with 5:08 left in the quarter worth. The songs, formations, musicianship, aged to promote the first score of the game. the tributes and the dancing are what comThe scoring began with PVAMU’s Will Skin- to give the Panthers a 16-0 lead. At this point, the wheels came off of the pletes the dynamics of halftime at an HBCU ner sacking GSU’s Devante Kincade from Dallas Skyline High School in the end zone, giving Panthers wagon and GSU scored 16 unan- game. Now the question of the day for the SouthPVAMU a 2-0 lead at the 14:22 mark in the first swered points. GSU got things going and the momentum changed in their favor. Kincade west Airlines State Fair Classic Half time is: Who quarter. connected with Chad Williams on a 13 yard was the best band at halftime? Let us know @ With the ensuing free kick the Panthers’ passed to make the score 16-7 with PAT by
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016 hbcudfw@yahoo.com ter. We will reveal the results in The scoring ended for GSU the next edition. with a Kincade running for 14 Once the halftime perfor- yards for the score, to give GSU mances completed, most spec- a commanding 36-16 lead with tators exited the stadium for re- 3:01 left in the game. freshments and visited the State Both teams unveiled some Fair of Texas. new uniforms for the 53,183 This occurs often after half- there in attendance. time as the stadiums become The Tigers currently have empty. a three As the teams game winreturned to the ning streak field for the secagainst the ond half. They Panthers in notice that the the Southcrowd dwindled west Airas always at an lines State HBCU game. Fair Classic. This is culture After when you atthe game, tend any HBCU b o t h Classics or any B a n d s HBCU game. p ro v i d e d The second the crowd half continued with selike the first half lections finished with to seal the GSU dominating deal for with 20 unanthe Classic. swered points. FinalGSU’s defense ly, HBCU got stronger games are as PVAMU’s ofmore than fense wasn’t a football moving the ball game, it’s c o n s i s t e n t l y. an event GSU’s offense full of pagwas working eantry, with precision GSU’s Orchesis Dance music, as PVAMU’s de- Company during Halfambiance fense was com- time and coming up short. petition. GSU’s Jestin “It’s all that Kelly rushed for 2 yards to pay and a bag of Chips.” If you have dirt at the 09:00 mark. Jonathon not witnessed an HBCU footWallace converted the PAT to ball. I wouldn’t tell anyone. It’s a make the Score 23-16. must!!!!!!!!!!! Jestin Kelly scored on a 2 Current records: GSU - (4yard run making the score 29-16 1, 3-0 Southwestern Athletic GSU. Jonathon Wallace’s PAT was Conference), PVAMU – (3-2, 3-1 blocked, keeping the score 29-16 Southwestern Athletic Conferat the 10:29 mark in the 4th quar- ence
Miss Prairie View’s Court
Miss Grambling’s Court
PVAMU’s Marching Storm at halftime
I Messenger
OCTOBER 14, 2016