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OCTOBER 7, 2016

OCTOBER 7, 2016

I Messenger


MAVS New DJ is a




I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016


Ati's Professional Face Painting


Who is Ati? Ati is the Owner of Ati’s Professional Face Painting. A certified Make - Up Artist and a Face Painter, Ati is also a Registered Nurse and safety is of utmost concern. Only FDA compliant material is utilized and a fun- filled positive event is the delivery - within satisfaction. Ati has an Art degree and she loves face painting. “I'm animated, uplifting and terrific in transforming each child into the character they desire,� she said. “I ensure satisfaction. My prices and services are compatible and unbeatable.� How did Ati’s Professional Face Painting get its start? “I adore children and have a passion for the Arts. Therefore, I combined my two passions into one big happy service of delivery. Initially, I started out face painting for a company that hired me on to huge events. As a result, I was exposed to some well- known athletes and new friends who encouraged me along with my husband, to go into the face painting business for myself. Hence, I started my own company in the year of 2014.�




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I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

HALL: That $2 Mouth Quit Playin’

by Vincent L. Hall

My paternal grandmother, Mable, was quick witted and even faster at getting to the point. My Grandmother Hall would often recite her favorite admonition: “Don’t let your two dollar mouth get your million dollar ass in trouble.” It’s unfortunate that Donald Trump never met my grandmother. I agree with Comedian Bill Maher’s assessment that Trump is a “Whiny little bitch,” and the first debate with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton proved it. Trump throws hard hitting punches like George Foreman, but can’t take a punch from a welterweight like Barney Fife. Ok Millennials... Long before there was a Barney who loved everybody, there was a co-star in the mythical town of Mayberry: Officer Barney Fife. You can Google it if you need to, but what I mean is that Trump has big talk but can’t handle the walk. Any

blow of force and he cries and whines…like a little bitch. Secretary Clinton’s team carefully studied Trump and baited him with perfection. As if she saw the curtain closing with the 90-minute debate about to end, she blurted out, “Hey you big dumb ass, what about Alicia Machado?” He seemed to gasp as if the former Miss Universe might walk into the ring with a sign that read “Round 15.” Who could ever have known that the mere mention of Machado’s name would touch off the firestorm that it did? Trump went straight to Twitter, and the Clinton campaign knew he would because they studied his previous fights. Trump has sparred with so many opponents that you may have forgotten. So let me refresh your memory. The New York Times carries a supplemental page that chronicles these Twitter rants and as of late August Trump was up to 258 minor incidents that he transformed into major scuffles. Fox News (FN) is his major hub these days, but he had his run-ins with several of them. Juan Williams a longstanding, if not the only credible Black journalist on


the FN plantation made Trump angry. “He (Juan) asked if he could have pictures taken with me. I said fine. He then trashes me on air! You never speak well of me & yet when I saw you at Fox you ran over like a child and wanted a picture” FN’s star anchor, Megan Kelly is not the only one to suffer the wrath of Trump’s tiny thumbs on the Twitter trail. Senator Elizabeth Warren is “Pocahontas,” and Secretary Clinton is “Crooked Hillary,” which is tame compared to what she’s called by the uncircumcised brutes who rush to his race rallies. Former presidential hopeful Jeb Bush was “low energy” and Trump used his technology to proclaim that the 2012 GOP candidate, Mitt Romney “choked like a dog.” Trump doesn’t stop at just two of the three branches of government. Liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg felt his wrath: “An incompetent judge!” “Has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me.” “Resign!” The ultra Conservative Chief Justice John Rob-

Barney FIfe

erts couldn’t escape being mocked; “My judicial appointments will do the right thing unlike... Roberts.” “He let us down.” Trump talks more smack than an East Coast Rapper trying to make a rep for himself. The problem is that if America is weary of “politics” it is because we are tired of the big talk that never translates to action. The second debate will be coming soon and Clinton will bait this “government subsidized tycoon” again. Trump is like a high school dropout; he has no class! Trump will never release his tax statements so we may never know how much this chump is worth. But the wisdom of my grandmother gives me enough to surmise that Trump’s $2 mouth has gotten him into more trouble than he ever imagined. The Whiny Little Bitch!


I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

Texas Voters: Get the facts about Voter ID law By Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos

Voting helps determine the future of our cities, counties, state, and nation. As the Texas Secretary of State, I am the state’s chief election officer charged with ensuring all eligible Texans know what they need to do to cast their ballots. My office has undertaken a statewide voter education campaign engaging voters and working to ensure that all qualified voters in Texas understand what they need to bring to the polls in order to vote in ongoing and upcoming elections. If a voter possesses a form of approved photo ID, the voter must use it to vote. Currently, there are seven forms of acceptable photo ID in Texas: • Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) • Texas personal identification card issued by DPS • Texas License to Carry a Handgun issued by DPS • Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS • U.S. passport • U.S. citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph • U.S. military identification card containing the person’s photograph With the exception of the U.S. citizenship certificate, the approved photo ID must be current or have expired no more than four years before being presented for voter qualification at the polling place. If the voter has continued access to their acceptable form of photo ID, but, for example, forgets to bring it to the polling place and/or leaves it, for example, at home or in their car, the voter still possesses the acceptable form of photo ID and must use it to vote. If the voter does not possess and cannot


reasonably obtain one of the seven forms of approved photo ID, the voter has additional options when casting their ballot in person. As provided by court order, if a voter does not possess and is not reasonably able to obtain one of the seven forms of approved photo ID, the voter may vote by (1) signing a declaration at the polls explaining why the voter is reasonably unable to obtain one of the seven forms of approved photo ID, and (2) providing one of various forms of supporting documentation. A voter whose photo identification has been lost, stolen, suspended, revoked or expired more than four years does not possess one of the acceptable forms of photo ID, and, if the voter cannot reasonably obtain a replacement of the identification that was lost, stolen, suspended, revoked or expired or another form of acceptable photo ID, the voter is eligible to present a supporting form of identification, execute a Reasonable Impediment Declaration, and, assuming they otherwise qualify, vote a regular ballot. Supporting documentation can be a certified birth certificate (must be an original), a valid voter registration certificate, a copy or original of one of the following: current utility bill, bank statement, government check, or paycheck, or other government

document that shows the voter’s name and an address. Government documents that include a photo must be original and cannot be copies. If a voter meets these requirements and is otherwise eligible to vote, the voter will be able to cast a regular ballot in the election. Voters with a disability may continue to apply with the county registrar for a permanent exemption to showing approved photo ID (which now may be expired no more than four years) at the polls. Also, voters who (1) have a consistent religious objections to being photographed or (2) do not present one of the seven forms of approved photo ID because of certain natural disasters as declared by the President of the United States or the Texas Governor, may continue apply for a temporary exemption to showing approved photo ID at the polls. In addition, voters age 65 or older, those with a disability, or those who will be out of the county during both early voting and Election Day may vote by mail. The deadline to request a ballot by mail is Oct. 28. The General Election is Nov. 8. Early voting runs from Oct. 24 to Nov. 4. The last day to register for the election is Oct. 11. I am currently traveling throughout Texas to talk as part of a non-partisan, bilingual voter education campaign called Vote Texas. This campaign seeks to ensure all voters in all communities understand when, where, and how to vote. Vote Texas is reaching, among others, voters in urban and rural communities, senior citizens, first time voters, military members, and minority groups. My team and I are committed to reaching the voters of our great state. For more information regarding voting requirements and voter ID, please visit VoteTexas.gov or call 1-800-252-VOTE.


OCTOBER 7, 2016

Ask Vanessa: Vanessa Morrison is a HR copywriter, a New Hire Consultant/Coach. She has been in business for seven years writing resumes and now teaches others and is the author of Maximize Your Job Success Series, most recently Maximize Your Job Success – Writing Your Resume – 8 Essentials to Get HR’s Attention to be released this fall. For speaking engagements, you can contact her at 214-810-5790. You can submit your questions about your resume to resumereminders@gmail.com.

I Messenger


You are invited to attend the Graduation Celebration of The Dallas County

Profile Summary and why it is important

Here is where we address the most common issues regarding resumes. From time to time there will be an article written on trends concerning the resume, as well as articles pertaining to resumes and interviews. Now that you know you need to have a resume and what it is for. After listing the job title you are applying for, this week I will address the Profile Summary. Some of the most commonly used names is Objective Statement, Summary, Profile Statement, Professional Summary, Executive Summary or Summary of Qualifications. Objective Statements have pretty much gone away and aren’t used anymore. Let’s take a look inside the Profile Summary and why do you have to have it. The Profile Summary is where you connect your personality, with the mission and vision of the company you are applying for along with the position. You will need to look at the job description to see what type of person they are looking to hire. This is where you really let your greatest strengths in this role shine through, and should be highlighted here. You need to also state the number of years of experience; I like to do it this way. If the job description calls for 5 years of experience and you have 7 years of experience; I like to list, the years of experience as 5+ years of experience. I am doing this because once the computer scans your resume, it will highlight it and won’t throw it out. The computer has an applicant tracking system on it and will highlight those words in the job description along with keywords. Thus, the reason for looking at the job description and looking at the mission and vision of the company you are applying to. Once you have the job description, the mission and vision of the company, and your greatest strengths, along with your years of experience, then you are ready to write the Profile Summary. An example of a profile should look like this: Focused and engaged management operations and customer support professional of 5+ years in strategic operations task planning and coordination and customer relations to ensure exceptional delivery of goals and objectives. Proficient and energetic team player with strong ability to strategize and collaborate with multiple management and department teams to maximize operations and business initiatives. Now that you have become enlightened to your Profile Summary, go ahead and try writing yours. Now that you have become enlightened to your Profile Summary, go ahead and try writing yours.


STAR Court Diversion Program Graduates Monday October 24th at 2pm Frank Crowley Criminal Court Bldg., 7th Fl. Criminal District Court 7 133 N. Riverfront Blvd. Dallas, Texas Prostitution, Drug Rehabilitation and Mental Health Judge Elizabeth Frizell, Presiding Judge Criminal District Court 7

A NIGHT FOR THE STARS BEAUTY INDUSTRY AWARDS & GALA ANNOUNCE 2016 HONOREES The best and the brightest in fashion and beauty will come together on Sunday, December 11th for the 5th Annual Night for the Stars Beauty Industry & Awards Gala! The event will take place in Downtown Dallas at the historic Old Red Museum located at 100 South Houston Street. The evening will celebrate the icons and legends of the beauty industry in high style with a red carpet procession, musical entertainment and fashion show!


I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

Forgive Yourself Be Free

Spiritually Speaking

By James A. Washington

Another word about forgiveness, if you don’t mind. This is a critical concept and worth repeating in and for the spiritual health of many so called Christians who profess faith as their spiritual cornerstone. I am rereading a book that I highly recommend by Beth Moore, Jesus, the One and Only. It is turning my soul inside out because I am getting prayer answered with each chapter and is the impetus for this column. But back to forgiveness for now. How many of you repent, but remain in a guilt ridden state of mind because you really don’t believe God will forgive you? If there was ever a challenge of faith, I believe this is it. Deep down inside, you can’t really live a life of spiritual freedom, because you have never thought God would really forgive you for all that ‘sinnin’ you used to do and sometimes miss doing even today. I bring this up because I believe you and I are dealing with another clever trick of the devil. If you really don’t believe you’ve been forgiven,


you keep asking God to forgive you. Please follow me for a minute. If you keep asking for something that is already done, the mere prayer insults the God who took care of this for you. Enter the devil. Since you cannot accept your own forgiveness, you cannot stand on the faith you profess in God. Hence, you cannot live the life God has cleared you to embark upon. That’s a hypocrite. Enter Jesus. He took care of that. You are forgiven. Your faith in Him allows you to accept that forgiveness and move on in freedom, which brings you courage for the testimony, your testimony that undoubtedly will help someone else. The ensuing behavior change in you lets the world know your faith is real. That’s a believer. Some might say that’s a soldier for the Lord. Anyway you look at it, its basis rests in the belief of whom Jesus was, what He did, why He did it and who He did it for i.e. you and me and anybody who looks like us. Face it. You are forgiven; not because I say so, but because Christ says so. Deal with it please. With it comes a peace that defies understanding and a peace

that surely will set you free. It does not matter your degree of sin, your quantity or your perceived propensity to sin again. Christ did not and does not discriminate on that basis. Remember, you had nothing to do with this. God’s grace is what I’m talking about. That forgiveness thing should resonate in the soul when it collides with that grace thing. It’s up to us, you and me, to accept it. And when we do, something wonderful happens. You begin to see yourself as God sees you. You begin to understand the beauty of salvation and oddly enough, you truly want others to understand this gift also. Your testimony takes shape and your words are then shaped around the blessing that is Jesus Christ. Reread Luke and the tears that washed the Savior’s feet. “Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven, for she loved so much…” Luke 7:47. The answer to your being able to forgive yourself lies not within you but within the One who has already forgiven you. May God bless and keep you always.



OCTOBER 7, 2016

I Messenger

Foundation Words of Wisdom: Yielding the Right of Way to Jesus 4:23) Be still and see the salvation of the Lord. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and He will Sin is a heart disease exalt you in due time. We that can only be cured by can’t triumph and come the Great Physician, Jeto great skills. We can do sus. Running the Chrisgreat things with God’s tian race takes dedication help, if we only surrender and discipline. to God’s Master Plan. We can do this by linThe enemy seeks to ing up with the bible and kill, steal and destroy. Sanever ever try to make tan will lead us straight Missionary the bible line up to us. Ms. Cm Carter to hell. Jesus came that Come to Jesus: Jesus we might have life and gives us an open invitation. (St John 10:9) “I am the door, by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture. Truly, there is a void in each of our lives that only the Lord can fill. We are all born in sin and shaped in iniquity. That is why we must be born again of the Spirit. The shortest distance between us and God is on our knees in prayer. We can’t cash on heaven’s bank without first making a deposit. The Gospel of Christ is free but isn’t cheap. There is no respect of person with God. We have all sin and come short of the Glory of God. Living without trust in God is like walking on ice and driving in the fog. Always hear the truth. The people who refuse to hear the truth will lose their capacity to know the truth. Each small step of Faith is a giant step of growth. God’s truth uncovers the devil’s lies. Take on the mind of Christ. (Eph. Written through the inspiration of God by Prayer Warrior Missionary Ms. Cm Carter


have it more abundantly. (St. John 10:10) We show our love for God, when we share His love with others. As true Christians of God, we are not only a “Filling station but a Service station.” Every Christian occupies some kind of pulpit and preaches a sermon each day. To survive the storms of life we must stay anchored on the Rock of the Ages-Jesus Christ. We all need to pattern our lives after Jesus Christ.


I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

Community Calendar Roots celebrates the connection we have with plants and their extension to our ancestors. The work featured is from the “Garden Series” and contains plants obtained primarily from the Alisa’s family garden ***** The South Dallas Cultural Center is located at 3400 S. Fitzhugh Ave. Dallas, Texas 75215. For more information or to schedule a tour for your group call 214-670-1998. Admission is FREE ***** Free Reading Tutoring Dallas Public Library; 1515 Young, Dallas 75201. Learn to read better program for adults. 214-671-8291; http:// www.dallaslibrary.org/literacy ***** Community Lawyering Center Open for Business - Mondays – Saturdays; days and evenings by appointment. 4716 Elsie Faye Heggins, Dallas, 75210. For info, call: 469351-0024 or x0025 ***** Dallas Theater Center World Premiere Musical, Bella: An American Tall Tale, -2400 Flora Street in the AT&T Performing Arts Center. Full Run: Sept. 22 – Oct. 22, 2016 • 214-880-0202 or www.DallasTheaterCenter.org ***** Paul Quinn College celebrates 2016 Homecoming, November 3rd thru 6th, celebrating 144 years of nationbuilding... “Greatness: One Step At A Time”

October 6 My Forward Life’s inaugural GLOW Summit. . GLOW is a one-day event designed to provide you with the inspiration and tools needed to explore; to truly actualize a life and career on your own terms. No business cards allowed. www.myforwardlife.com Dancing with the Stars in District III with State Rep. Yvonne Davis at 7 PM, 1724 Cockrell Dallas, TX 75215. To RSVP Call 972-274-1627 Donation:$60

October 7 Award winning Snoop Robinson’s Frenemies, the Stage Play at Friendship West Baptist Church, 2020 W. Wheatland Rd, Dallas featuring Kenny Gardner and Chrystale Wilson at 8p.m. www.snooprobinson.com Jim Austin On Line presents The Three Kings of Blues Guitar --Freddie King, Albert King and BB King--featuring Ray Reed, Dylan Bishop and Larry Lampkin, at 7p.m. at the Austin Event Center, 1111 East Berry Reception for State Representative Toni Rose at CLUTCH BAR - From 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm,, 2520 Cedar Springs Road Dallas, Texas 75201 For More Info Call: (214) 280-1869


October 8 DFW beauty guide will be hosting a free makeup class from 2pm-6pm Saturday at Magnolia Hotel. A Taste of Nigeria - Air Hogs Stadium, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, Grand Prairie. 12pm-8pm The Arlington Grand Prairie Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. 30th Anniversary 7pm. Guest Speaker, Reuben A. Shelton III, ESQ., Senior Grand Vice-Polemarch, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. at Blue Cypress Hotel, 117 S. Watson Rd., Arlington, TX Sankofa Global presents Sankofa Talks - Black Wall Street Building featuring Dr. Boyce Watkins, at the Frederick Douglass Human Services and Justice Center 616 W. Kiest Blvd. Hosted by Shuckey Duckey. For more info, call 469-297-6404. Dallas NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet: Speaker is Dr. Frederck D. Haynes III

October 10 A Celebration for Rose Pearson at Red Oak Ballroom in Sundance Square Norris Meetings and Events Center 304 Houston St. Fort Worth, TX 76102 6:00pm - Reception ****** Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Country View Golf Course, 240 W. Belt Line Road, Lancaster, TX

October 11 Dallas MAVs vs. Oklahoma City Thunder 7:30pm - American Airlines Center

October 13

October 21

The Grandeur Fashion Show A Royal Reveal. 6:00 PM Majestic Mixer 7:30 Show starts. Early bird $20, @Door $30, VIP $35 VIP@Door $40. Live Performances + Live Painting + Photo Booth. Location: Lofty Spaces 816 Montgomery Street Dallas, TX 75215

90th Annual Awards Banquet 2016- The Dallas Black Chamber’s Annual Award Banquet is celebrating 90 years of constructive leadership in the African-American business community. The highlight of the event is the giving of the Thomas L. Houston Community Service Award, established in 1985 to honor individuals who have made significant volunteer contributions to the civic enhancement of Dallas’ African American Community. The keynote speaker for this special event is Antoinette Tuff, an Atlanta educator who saved a school under siege by a gunman. 6:00 PM thru 8:00 PM

“TENDERLY: THE ROSEMARY CLOONEY MUSICAL” Garland Civic Theatre presents this exciting musical based on the life of the legendary Rosemary Clooney. Join the actors and a jazz trio as you follow Rosemary Clooney’s journey from her simple Kentucky childhood through her rise to Hollywood stardom. Tickets: $27 available at GarlandArtsBoxOffice.com, 972-205-2790 or in-person at the Granville Arts Center Box Office, open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and two hours before each performance. 300 N Fifth St Garland, TX 75040

October 14 GARLAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA WITH VIOLINIST KIARRA SAITO-BECKMAN Garland Symphony Orchestra kicks off the Symphony Goes Wild 2016-2017 season with violinist Kiarra Saito-Beckman performing Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35. Tickets: available at GarlandArtsBoxOffice.com, 972-2052790 or in-person at the Granville Arts Center Box Office, open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and two hours before each performance. 300 N Fifth St Garland, TX 75040

October 15 Dallas Park and Recreation presents HBCU College Fair at Beckley Saner Park, 114 W. Hobson Ave. 10a-2p The National Black United Front Houston presents: Sankofa Caravan To The Ancestors™ - A spiritual journey in honor of our Holy Afrikan Ancestors on the historic shores of Galveston, Texas leaving Act of Change, 3200 Lancaster Rd. Suite 623, Dallas, TX. 75216 @ 1:00am Saturday, October 15. (Buses will begin loading@ 11:30pm Friday Night October 14) and returning to Act of Change @ 1:00am Sunday, October 16. $57.00 Per Seat. BRING OR WEAR WHITE CLOTHES. Payment Deadline – Monday October 9. You can donate to the Black Wall Street Fund on www.fredsentertainment.com. For more info contact: Fred Ghaffar 214-607-6445 x21 ***** The ReNu You Makeover Weekend

October 16 Attention parents of high school seniors! The Class of 2017!!! The Concord Church 35th Annual Dr. E.K. Bailey Beaux and Debutantes for Christ Gala interest meeting will be on Sunday, October 16th from 3-5 in the fellowship hall.

October 19

Dallas Mavs vs. Houston Rockets 7:30pm

October 22 The Kids Ultimate Fitness Challenge is the nations largest mobile fitness event traveling from coast-to-coast dedicated to helping keep kids healthy and active. At the Kids Ultimate Fitness Challenge, kids of all ages get the opportunity to flex their physical fitness by participating in a time-based obstacle course that includes sprinting, jump roping, wall crawls, hurdles, jumping jacks, sit ups, and tunnel crawls, before finishing off the course with a 20 foot confidence climb and 60 meter dash to the finish. It will be from 10am until 6pm at the University of Texas at Dallas. #CommunityConversations! Discuss important topics such as #VotingRights #Redistricting #Homelessness #Education this our time to make our voices heard by our ballots! From 10 am - 12 PM. Tarrent County Administration Building 3500 Miller Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76119 C.C RUSSEAU BLACK AND GOLD 2016 SCHOLARSHIP GALA ALPHA PHI ALPHA Fraternity “Standing on the past, looking to the future” at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel 400 N. Olive St. Dallas TX, 75201

Candidates for elected positions serving Dallas, Denton and Collin Counties will participate in a moderated forum sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter (NDSA), in partnership with Plano North Metroplex Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. The Candidates Forum will be held at Sheffield Intermediate School, 18111 Kelly Blvd. Dallas, TX 75287 on Wednesday, October, 22nd at 7 p.m.

October 28 Xi Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. presents Masquerade Ball on Greek Street honoring the local community leaders and raising scholarship funds for local students


I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

2016 State Fair Classic Highlights

G S U 3 6 P V 1 6



I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

Elite White Entitlement is dangerous

Editor’s Note: Recently members of the Southern Methodist University Band decided to kneel during the playing of the national anthem at a football game to focus attention on the violence that Black men especially are being subjected to. An SMU alum wrote a scathing letter condemning the actions of the students. There’s so much to talk about as emotions are varied. In the wake of the vocal stance that professional athlete Colin Kaepernick has taken, calling attention to the hypocrisy of the national anthem and refusing to stand while the song is played; a teacher at North Springs Charter School in George was sent home because she stood with students who were attempting to observe five minutes of silence in support of Black Lives Matter, The Volleyball team at DeSoto High School knelt prior to a game, and rumors began circulating that administrators at Cedar Hill (TX) High School forbade athletes to participate in any form of “disrespect” toward the anthem.

Here are some other viewpoints:

By Devean R. Owens Five brave band students, along with others in the student section, at my alma mater decided to “stand up” for what they believe in at an SMU football game last weekend. They knew going in that they would experience a great deal of backlash but also knew that in the end their courageous act was vital seeing that two unarmed Black men were murdered by police officers earlier that week. James Hairston ’83 decided to express his first amendment right by voicing his opinion on the issue.


What I find ironic is the fact that the students he wants to see removed from the band were expressing their same INALIENABLE first amendment right – free speech. Hairston obviously missed the memo from SMU stating, “The strength of a great university is reflected in its commitment to the broad exchange of ideas and philosophies. SMU respects the diversity of opinions within the University and supports the right of free expression for each member of its campus community.” Becoming a member of a community, club, or organization does not automatically negate your rights as an American citizen. Affiliations are only part of who you are as a person, they do not define you. Hairston’s oped is a prime example of the culture that is SMU. Instead of accepting the position of the university, he decides to use his money and title to threaten the university (not uncommon at SMU) by stating, “We have students, parents, and donors who look at SMU as a place to send their children, invest their resources to help

continue to educate students and Alums - proud of their school - who I feel were disrespected by the band members in a public and humiliating fashion.” I, as a two time alumna, am not disrespected and certainly not humiliated. I feel great pride and joy that the passion and fire for justice is still alive and well within an atmosphere that continuously tries to extinguish it. I’m not quite sure who gave Hairston the right to speak for all SMU alumni but if I had to guess, it was probably his white male privilege. “These members, as individuals, can exercise their free speech at any time, in their space – not affiliated with SMU at any time. But, during the National Anthem or anytime they are representing SMU, in any capacity, this is unacceptable.” Any time you tell someone where, when, and how to express their “free speech”…it’s not actually free speech, right? As an undergraduate student, when we were protesting blatantly racist and threatening comments on social media, everyone told us it was

free speech. Do we not have the same rights? SMU has and continues to breed a culture of toxic white hegemony that detrimentally affects marginalized students on a daily basis. Any time students begin to speak out against the injustices they encounter on campus, in their organizations, in the residence halls, in the classroom; they are silenced and shut down. This has been a recurring cycle since Black students integrated the university in the ‘60s. The combination of racism and classism suffocates students of color who have just as much right to be there as their white counterparts. As an alumna, I want to see SMU become a more inclusive place for students of color, students with disabilities, LGBTQ students, female students, low SES students...these changes can only begin by dismantling the systemic barriers and toxic culture that continues to permeate the Boulevard.

M Awardee and Hunt Leadership Scholar, Devean R. Owens graduated with a B.A. in advertising and public relations & strategic communication in 2014 as well as a M.Ed. in educational leadership in 2016. She is currently a first year Ph.D. student in the Education Policy, Organization and Leadership Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign.


I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

Our reality: Being Black in America

The DeSoto High School volleyball team knelt during the National Anthem prior to their game recently. The teammates were supported by their coach, school board trustee president Carl Sherman and other community leaders.

By Micaela Watkins When I heard the news regarding the death of Terence Crutcher last week, I once again broke down in tears. To a few, this is just another hashtag that will come and go. To some, it is another story in which the egregious actions of an officer were acceptable, or even necessary. But to so many of us, it is a reminder. It is a reminder that our safety is not guaranteed. It is a reminder as to why so many, ranging from Colin Kaepernick to the five outstanding members of the Mustang band, have taken a knee to stand against injustice. Less than 24 hours into mourning the death of Mr. Crutcher, we hear of the death of Keith Lamont

Scott. At this point, it almost feels as if being Black in America has fixated a target on our backs. When five members of the Mustang Band made the brave decision to take a knee, I’m sure they knew the potential for backlash was imminent. The unfortunate reality of this situation is that so many people have either failed to see the true meaning of this silent protest, or they acknowledge and knowingly ignore it. The fact that Colin Kaepernick took a knee and has been called the N word and had his life threatened, is proof that this problem exists. When the Mustang Band 5 chose to take a knee, and subsequently, people like James Hairston believe they should be removed from the band - and others be-


lieve expulsion is due - it is proof that this problem exists. This silent protest, like Black Lives Matter, is not anti-police, it does not promote or condone violence, and it is not anti-American. This silent protest is a cry of a broken, betrayed, and hurt community. This protest is a peaceful plea for justice.. We, too, are Americans and we are asking our fellow Americans to see our tear-filled eyes, empathize with our pain, and help us in restoring justice. No one deserves to live in fear the way I and so many other African Americans do. My challenge for all who are so blatantly opposed to kneeling during the National Anthem is to take a moment to practice understanding.

Take a moment to try grasping the mindset of the downtrodden. How must it feel to say, “stop shooting us” and be met with a response that begins with “but?” How must it feel to literally live in fear- for yourself and your loved ones? The truth is, that is not everyone’s reality but it is mine. I am a proud graduate of Southern Methodist University and I was even blessed to study at Oxford University. But my reality is: before some may even know that, they will only see that I am a Black woman. We do not kneel in an effort to disrespect our country or any of our servicemen and servicewomen. We kneel in hopes that you may see us and see our pain. We kneel in hopes that you may one day stand up, and fight with us side by side, to make justice our new reality and love overcome hate. Micaela S. Watkins is a 28 year old native of Fort Worth, Texas. She attained her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Southern Methodist University in 2011. While at SMU, she was the captain of the nationally ranked Mock Trial team, and active with the Association of Black Students as well as Voices of Inspiration Gospel Choir. During her undergraduate career, she had the honor of interning for then State Representative, and current Congressman, Marc Veasey. She is the reigning Ms. Black America CoEd and works professionally as an appraiser and business tax analyst.


I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

Changing Our Racial Narrative Child Watch By Marian Wright Edelman President, Children’s Defense Fund

via George Curry Media

Marian Wright Edelman is president of the Children’s Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to www.childrensdefense.org



OCTOBER 7, 2016

I Messenger The National Black United Front Houston presents: Sankofa Caravan To The Ancestors™ A spiritual journey in honor of our Holy Afrikan Ancestors on the historic shores of Galveston, Texas where We pay homage to their memory. Leaving Act of Change@ 1:00am Saturday, October 15th (Buses will begin loading@ 11:30pm Friday Night October 14th) Returning to Act of Change Late Saturday Night, October 15th 3200 Lancaster Rd. Suite 623, Dallas, TX. 75216 $57.00 Per Seat PLEASE BRING OR WEAR WHITE CLOTHES Payment Deadline – Monday October 9th 2016 Please Donate To The Black Wall Street Fund Payment Page on www.fredsentertainment. com For more information contact: Fred Ghaffar 214-607-6445



I Messenger


OCTOBER 7, 2016

Class of 2017:

It’s time to do your thing! Plan, prepare, produce!



I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

Lassiter Early College High School receives TEA Recognition – Wright L. Lassiter Jr. Early College High School at El Centro College has met State Accountability Standards by the Texas Education Agency and earned all seven distinctions in these areas: * Academic Achievement in ELA/ Reading * Academic Achievement in Mathematics * Academic Achievement in Science * Academic Achievement in Social Studies * Top 25 Percent Student Progress * Top 25 Percent Closing Performance Gaps

* Postsecondary Readiness Campuses earn a distinction if they are in the top 25% of their comparison group of similar schools across the state. Mr. St. Ama attributes this accomplishment to the dedication and teaching excellence by the faculty as well as the determination and motivation of the student body to be academically successful.

SBA honors 15 Small Business Owners Graduate Juan Reeves of Smokey Johns Bar-B-Que shares his success during the graduation ceremony The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) South Central Region Administrator Yolanda Garcia Olivarez will honor 15 small business owners during her remarks at the Dallas/Fort Worth Emerging Leaders Graduation that will be held at the DFW Minority Supplier Development Council locat-

ed at 8828 North Stemmons Freeway, Room 510, Dallas, TX. The event begins at 2:30 p.m. This is the ninth year the Dallas/ Fort Worth District has offered this executive-level training. Nationwide the SBA Emerging Leaders Initiative has helped over 3,000 promising small business owners in underserved communities across the country sustain and grow their businesses, providing training they can use to succeed and create jobs. The program is offered at no cost to the participants. WHO: SBA South Central Region Administrator Yolanda Garcia Olivarez and Juan Reeves, President Smokey John’s Bar-B-Que WHEN: 2:30 p.m. WHERE: DFW Minority Supplier Development Council located at 8828 North Stemmons Freeway, Room 510, Dallas, TX Graduates: 2016 Dallas/Fort Worth Emerging Leaders Initiative graduates are: 1. Shehzad Bhayani, 7 Seas Group U.S.A. 2. Russ Oonk, Aero Composites and Structures Inc. 3. Krista Blanton, American Commodities, Inc. 4. Devin D. Guinn, AquaGreen Global, LLC 5. Kelvin W. Armstrong, Armstrong Solutions, Inc 6. Tim Jacquet, Apple Capital Group Inc. 7. Michelle E. Roberts, Beecon Learning, LLC 8. Kirk Grady, GWG Wood Group, Inc. 9. Michael Moussa, PartSnap 10. Holly S. Peña, Peña Search Consulting, LLC 11. Juan Reaves, Smokey John’s Bar-B-Que and Home Cooking 12. Kumar Nandigam, TEKPROS, Inc. 13. Kimberly Booker, The Center for Psychological Services 14. Laura Thomas, U.S. Total Care, Corp 15. John Randall, Zyvex Labs, LLC The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 and since


January 13, 2012 has served as a Cabinet-level agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation. The SBA helps Americans start, build and grow businesses. Through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations, the SBA delivers its services to people throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam. www.sba.gov

Candidates Forum for Denton, Dallas and Collin Counties Dallas -- Candidates for elected positions serving Dallas, Denton and Collin Counties will participate in a moderated forum sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter (NDSA), in partnership with Plano North Metroplex Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. The Candidates Forum will be held at Sheffield Intermediate School, 18111 Kelly Blvd. Dallas, TX 75287 on Wednesday, October, 22nd at 7 p.m. The nonpartisan event is free, open to the public and designed to give voters an opportunity to hear from candidates running for state and local offices in areas serving Far North Dallas and suburban communities including Carrollton, Lewisville and Plano. The evening will also include questions from the audience. “This is an opportunity for voters to meet the people who make decisions that impact their lives. As a public service sorority, we feel it is our duty to help ensure voters are as educated as possible when they vote on Nov. 4th, entering the voting booth with knowledge and purpose,” said NDSA President Jada Burton. Confirmed candidates include those running for Texas House Districts that serve the three counties, as well as those seeking offices of Dallas District Attorney, judges, justices of the peace and others.


I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016



I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

Our Girlfriend Doesn’t Get It Hi Alma –

Within my group of friends, I have a female friend who likes a male friend who is also within the group. The female recently joined the group, but the male has been around some time. The female has tried her best game and, to much dismay, has not won over the male friend. The male friend, however, has given every cold shoulder possible. She, unfortunately, is slow to catch on. Others have tried to politely intervene, but the female keeps knocking. It has progressed to the point that the male friend has stopped coming around, and no one in the group is happy. The group now feels the need to address the issue, almost like an intervention. What do you suggest? Leah Hi Leah, There are two ways to handle this situation: Your way (the easy way) or my way (the harder way). We both know that this woman has been reading too many Cosmo and Essence articles describing the perfect relationship.

Ask Alma: by Alma Gill

NNPA News Wire Columnist Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and Twitter @almaaskalma.

You know the ones – “How to Make Him Love You in 30 Days.” (I wonder why we never see such articles in a men’s magazine. LOL). I remember back in the day when I would read and scan the information into my memory, hanging on every word. Thank goodness I’m all grown up now and I know better. Here’s what I suggest: Somebody pick up a copy of the book by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tucillo, He’s Just Not That Into You. It’s based on an episode of “Sex and the City.” It gives straight up, no-nonsense descriptions of when a man just really doesn’t like you. Some women can be extremely smart about everything in life except man. Some lose all sense of rational thoughts and acceptable behavior. We come up with the best of the best excuses for dealing with a dead-end and or non-existent relationship. I know you know what I’m sayin’. This book offers the best guidance one can receive. Wrap that book in a pretty gift bag with beautiful tissue paper. I mean, go all out. Not in front of everybody, but at the end of the evening, walk her to her car and give it to her. This should


take place just between the two of you. Umhm, that would be nice. Or, you can go Nene on her and say loud and strong, “Girl, stop bothering him. He don’t like you like that, and you’re embarrassing yourself. Leave him alone and act like you got some class!” Bam! Case closed, it’s ova (LMBO). Whew! I get carried away sometimes. Allow me to swerve back over to the path of politeness. Have a one-on-one with your girl and share the following: One of the better qualities about men is that they aren’t that complicated, and we love them for that. Almost always there are no mixed messages, no need to read between the lines. It is what it is, and he’ll tell you if you listen. Stop, rewind, push play and let me say that again: All you have to do is listen. So ladies, stop rearranging his words in your mind to mean what you want him to say. If you push up on him and there’s no response, he’s just not into you. Remind her it’s not the end of the world. It’s just a pebble on her path of life. She needs to touch up her lip gloss and keep it moving. Alma


I Messenger


OCTOBER 7, 2016

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OCTOBER 7, 2016

I Messenger

Join in the efforts to put an end to Family Violence! Log on to www.iwillrise.org or call (888)230-RISE and see how you can help or get help!



I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

HBCU Homecoming...more than a football game!

The HBCU Homecoming events go beyond the football game and halftime show. For the uninitiated, you can expect some of the livest activities for students and alumni from step shows to talent shows, pep rallies to parades, concerts to comedy shows. Traditional events include the Homecoming coronation and Fall convocation. There is something for everyone. 10/1/16 West Virginia State vs. Virginia-Wise @ Institute, WV 1:30pm ET

10/8/16 Alabama A&M vs. Alcorn State @Huntsville, AL Lewis Crews Stadium 2:00pm CT Cheyney vs. Lock Haven @ Cheyney, PA 1:00pm ET Chowan vs.Bowie State @ Murfreesboro, NC 3:00pm ET Lane vs. Benedict @ Jackson, TN Lane Field 2:00pm CT Lincoln (MO) vs. Saint Joseph's @ Jefferson City, MO 2:00pm CT Livingstone vs. Saint Augustine's @ Salisbury, NC 1:00pm ET Miles vs. Central State @Fairfield, AL 1:00pm CT Prairie View A&M vs.Alabama State @ Prairie View, TX Blackshear Stadium 2:00pm CT Virginia Union vs. Lincoln(PA)@ Richmond, VA 1:00pm


10/15/16 Alcorn State vs.Texas Southern @ Lorman, MS Spinks-Casem Stadium 2:00pm CT Arkansas-Pine Bluff vs.Alabama A&M @Pine Bluff, AR Golden Lion Stadium 2:30pm CT Bowie State vs. Virginia State @ Bowie, MD 2:00pm ET TV Broadcast - ASPiRE Network Central State vs. Lane @ Wilberforce, OH McPherson Stadium 1:30pm ET Clark Atlanta vs. Benedict @ Atlanta, GA CAU Panther Stadium 2:00pm ET Delaware State vs. Florida A&M @ Dover, DE Alumni Stadium 2:00pm ET Edward Waters vs. University of Faith @ Jacksonville, Fl Hampton vs. Morgan State @ Hampton, VA 2:00pm ET Kentucky State vs.Miles @ Frankfort, KY Alumni Stadium 2:00pm ET Langston vs. Bacone @ Langston, OK W.E. Anderson Stadium 2:00pm CT Lincoln (PA) vs. Elizabeth City State @ Lincoln University, PA LU Football Stadium 1:00pm ET NC Central vs. Savannah State @ Durham, NC O'Kelly-Riddick Stadium 2:00pm ET Tennessee State vs. Eastern Kentucky @ Nashville, TN Nissan Stadium 6:00pm CT Internet Webcast - OVC Network Winston-Salem State vs. Saint Augustine's @ Winston-Salem, NC Bowman Gray Stadium 1:30pm ET


Albany State vs.Clark Atlanta @ Albany, GA ASU Coliseum 2:00pm ET Benedict vs. Morehouse @Columbia, SC 2:00pm ET Florida A&M vs. Hampton @ Tallahassee, FL Bragg Mem 4:00pm ET Fort Valley State vs.Central State @ Fort Valley, GA Wildcat Stadium 2:00pm ET Howard vs. NC A&T @ Washington, DC 1:00pm ET

Miss Valley State vs. Grambling State @ Itta Bena, Miss. 2:00pm CT Morgan State v. NC Central @ Baltimore, MD Hughes Stadium 1:00pm ET Saint Augustine's vs. Fayetteville State @ Raleigh, NC 1:00pm ET SC State vs. Delaware State @ Orangeburg, SC Oliver Dawson Stadium 1:30pm ET Southern vs. Arkansas-Pine Bluff @ Baton Rouge, LA A.W. Mumford Stadium4:00pm CT Texas College vs. Wayland Baptist @ Tyler, TX Rose Stadium 2:00pm CT Texas Southern vs. Jackson State @ Houston, TX BBVA Compass Stadium 2:00pm CT

Fayetteville State vs. Livingstone @ Fayetteville, NC Luther “Nick” Jeralds Stadium1:30pm ET Grambling State vs. Arkansas-Pine Bluff @ Grambling, LA Eddie G. Robinson Mem.Stadium 2:00pm CT Jackson State vs. Prairie View A&M @ Jackson, MS Veterans Memorial Stadium 2:00pm CT Johnson C. Smith vs. Saint Augustine's @ Charlotte, N.C. 1:00pm ET Morehouse vs. Ft Valley State @ Atlanta, GA 2:00pm ET NC A&T vs. Florida A&M @ Greensboro, NC Aggie Stadium 1:00PM ET Norfolk State vs. Morgan State @ Norfolk, VA Dick Price Stadium 2:00pm ET Savannah State vs. Howard @ Savannah, GA Theodore A. Wright Stadium2:00pm ET Shaw vs. Winston-Salem State @ Durham, NC Durham County Stadium1:00pm ET

11/24/16 Alabama State vs. Miles @ Montgomery, AL ASU Stadium 3:00pm CT 93rd Turkey Day Classic / Internet Webcast - ESPN3

Tuskegee vs. Kentucky State @ Tuskegee, AL Cleve L. Abbott Stadium 1:00pm CT Virginia State vs. Lincoln (PA) @ Ettrick, VA Rogers Stadium 2:00pm ET

10/29/16 Bethune-Cookman vs. Delaware State @ Daytona Beach, FL 4:00pm ET Elizabeth City State vs. Virginia Union @ Elizabeth City, N.C. 1:30pm ET



OCTOBER 7, 2016

I Messenger

DALLAS MAVERICKS HIRE IN-ARENA DJ The Dallas Mavericks have hired a new member of the in-arena entertainment team: DJ Poizon Ivy. Born Ivy Awino in Nairobi, Kenya, and raised in Dallas, Texas, Ivy attended The DJ Poizon Ivy Hockaday School and worked as a Mavs BallKid on gamenights for over six years. “I grew-up with the Mavs and I’m a huge fan,” Ivy says. “Somehow I always knew I’d be back and I’m honored to start working for this organization again.” While attending Marquette University, she found her place at WMUR, the student-run

radio station and became “DJ Poizon Ivy.” Since then, she’s shared the stage with the likes of Nas, Wiz Khalifa, Lupe Fiasco, B.o.B, J. Cole, Juicy J and more, always striving to learn and work with the best in the industry. Now back in Dallas, Ivy has become the official DJ of the Dallas Wings (WNBA) and Skylar Diggins’ Shoot 4 the Sky Basketball Camp Tour. “We were looking for someone who knows and lives for basketball, but also has an ear for what’s happening in the music world. We believe she is going to elevate our in-game experience and we’re excited to have her on board,” said Jonathan Kornblith, Creative and Game-Day Director. DJ Poizon Ivy’s first game was October 3rd (preseason) versus the Charlotte Hornets.

Dante Wesley helps raise funds for alma mater University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

“Legends and Legacies – An Evening with NFL Stars,” a gala event, aimed at bringing some of the all-time greatest players to ever play in the National Football League (NFL) to the city of Little Rock, generating proceeds to support scholarships for football student-athletes at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB). Celebrity NFL guests were: Jeff Bostic of the Washington Redskins; Wallace Francis of the Atlanta Falcons and Buffalo Bills; Jay Novacek of the Dallas Cowboys and St. Louis/ Phoenix Cardinals; Dante Wesley of the Carolina Panthers, Chicago Bears, New England Patriots and Detroit Lions; and Monte Coleman, UAPB’s head football coach, who played with Washington.



I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

MAVs coach looks ahead to season

By Dorothy Gentry Texas Metro News Sports Editor

The Dallas Mavericks’ head coach Rick Carlisle has never been one to mince words. The popular, well-respected coach, now entering his 8th year as head coach, led the team to it’s only NBA Championship in 2011 and last year agreed to a five-year contract extension worth $35 million that begins next year. Carlisle addressed the Mavs ever-changing roster, new additions, owner Mark Cuban and more during the Mavs Media Day Monday at the American Airlines Center. On Harrison Barnes and his role: I spent a good portion of the summer with him; at his basketball camp in Iowa; in Vegas during the Olympics games; here this past moth and he’s a great worker. He’s a guy with a great intellectual curiosity for the game. He’s a different kind of player than what we have had here so I think he is one of the most exciting guys we have brought into this thing in recent years. His skill set and body type is a little bit different. His personality is a little different. We were very fortunate to be able to land him here. He’s a guy that can play two positions easily on offense. He can guard more positions than that on defense. His defensive ability and also his rebounding ability are two things that we will really depend on. On possible roles: Carlisle added that Barnes will play some at the 4 with Justin Anderson at the 3, Wes Matthews at the 2. We’ve got a group that can switch and do some things and give us some flexibility. Powell is another guy we will add in there. We have some interesting options on the defensive end. We will look to develop those as we go.


MAVS Coach RIck Carlisle

On Mavs Owner Mark Cuban and whether his involvement in current events including the presidential election is a distraction: No, he is not a distraction. One of the things I told the team, especially our new guys, is that one of my desires on a day-to-day basis especially during the season is to have Mark around the team as much as possible. It’s become more impossible because now he’s become a big TV star with Shark Tank and everyone wants them on their news show and want to get his opinion on things. But I don’t look at things as a distraction. We have an owner here who cares and I want him to see what’s going on every single day. On the Mavs’ youthful roster and if it changes the way he coaches or approaches the team: We are excited. We have some younger guys who have a good chance to make this team. There is going to be a lot of competition in training camp. Player development has been a big emphasis for us every since I got here and it’s getting to a greater crescendo every year. With the way the CBA is, you’ve got to develop your young players. So I don’t think it’s going to be any different but we are always vigilant about techniques and helping guys

develop. Whether it’s on video, or on court things, whatever. On turnover of players: We love it. What’s more exciting than getting 7 new guys? New blood. It’s fresh every year. You look at it a couple of different ways. You can view it as a negative and if you do, it’s a pretty good chance its going to be a negative. I don’t see it that way. I think it’s exciting. I love the challenge. I always love getting to know new players because I learn things from our new guys. On Wesley Matthews’s comeback: I know he is excited. Being at a100 percent health would help anybody. I stayed in contact with him all summer. He’s been waiting for this for a long time. He’s one of the best competitors we have in our sport and having a guy like that on your team is something I am excited about. On Mavs’ formula for winning: One of the realities with our team is, if we get 5 or 6 guys averaging double figures, that will be our best chance to win. Guys having real huge, individual scoring bits doesn’t translate to us into having the best chance to win. On Andrew Bogut and his playing time: He had around a 20-minute threshold last year. Is this where he belongs now? I don’t know what his minutes will be. There is a strong possibility he will play more than that for us. But we will have to see how things develop. Health always plays into it. He had a big summer with playing in the Olympics, etc. I know he is feeling better so his health is not in question. But a guy like him that’s 32, been around the league for a while and has had a busy summer traveling, we are going to bring him along at the right place and pace and allow him to work into this thing the right way.


I Messenger

OCTOBER 7, 2016

Dallas MAVs discuss how they will address protest of National Anthem By Dorothy Gentry Texas Metro News Sports Editor

In between talking about new teammates, team goals and their defensive strategy, the Dallas Mavericks took time to address the protest of the National Anthem started by San Francisco 49er’s quarterback Colin Kaepernick. “We're going to be 100 percent supportive of our guys with whatever they decide to do,” said Head Coach Rick Carlisle, also speaking for owner Mark Cuban. "We don't know what our guys are going to do at this particular point in time. “But my feeling is our right to protest can bring important attention to the necessity for change. My further view is that protest backed by persistence and action always provides the best chance for meaningful change.” Carlisle, speaking at the Mavs Media Day on Monday at the American Airlines Center, said he and Cuban – who has taken on a more vocal political stance in recent weeks, specifically with the presidential election – met with the team that morning and addressed a number of issues including the national anthem protests around the nation. Carlisle said Cuban gave his views and backed whatever the team decides. "It's a time where people need to communicate. People need to talk,” Carlisle said. “That's why I was really glad that Mark was here today to have this discussion with our guys, just to let them know we were going to be behind them." Team leader Dirk Nowitzki had this to say, “Everyone has their freedom of speech in this country, that’s why we all love this country. “ I think it (the protests) has definitely started a discussion and I think, as the preseason goes along, we will have meetings with the team about what we want to do and how can we contribute to making this

world a better place and we will come up with a solution.” He continued, “I think if we do something, the whole team has to be on the same page. And we will go from there. But it is definitely something that has started a discussion in every locker room and that is probably a good thing.” New Maverick Harrison Barnes agreed. “In terms of his (Colin’s) message. I support, obviously, what he is standing for. The oppression of black people is never an easy topic to talk about, it makes people uncomfortable,” Barnes said. “We as a team haven’t decided whether we are going to do something. As Dirk said

earlier, whatever we do, we are going to do it in unity.” Newly-acquired big man Andrew Bogut, an Australian native, offered his unique perspective. “This country prides itself on free speech and if someone wants to do that, it is more than within their right,” he said. “On a per-


sonal level for me, I know there is a lot of history here from centuries back which I can’t relate to too much growing up in Australia, although we have our issues there as well. “But being around my African American teammates, I’ve been more educated on things throughout my career. In the same sense, it’s hard for me. America’s been a place that has let me live my dream and play NBA basketball at the highest level.” Bogut continued. “I understand my teammates point of view if they didn’t want to stand and be a part of that protest. But at the same time, I’m thankful that America has provided a lot for me and my family.” Having clearly given the topic deep thought, he added, “So it’s a tough one for me. I’m very supporting of my teammates but at the same time, the country, much like Australia, is built on free speech and everyone has an opinion on different types of things and everyone has the right to do what they feel is right. “The discussion has been opened. I have no issue what Colin is doing. If he thinks that will help the cause, go for it,” Bogut concluded. Wes Matthews said the team will handle this issue “the right way.” “This is something we will discuss as a team and something we are going to look at. I know that people have their own opinions on this issue, and it definitely is an issue,” he said, adding, “We are going to handle this the right way. I am not saying that kneeling or protesting is a bad thing. I think, with this organization, we will have the support to voice what we feel we want to voice but we will do it as a unit and we will do it by communicating with one another. “


I Messenger


OCTOBER 7, 2016


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