I Messenger 5 13 final

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NOVEMBER 27, 2015

November 27, 2015 Issue 5 Number 13

CRUISING Scholarship winner Jivani and Dr. Linda Amerson



NOVEMBER 27, 2015 “Fly away ‘Birdman’ – there’s a new one-shot wonder in town. EXHILARATING!”

Message to the People...

-Guy Lodge, Variety

“A MASTERPIECE.” -Matt Holzman, KCRW Los Angeles

Review 7


Give thanks and please GIVE!




adopt films

Ask Alma 14

T'is the season to be thankful and merry! As we enter this busy holiday season, I'm wishing you, your family and friends all the very best. What I'm hoping is that you all will think about the Tom Joyner Foundation as you make your year-end donations. Every donation makes a difference - no matter the amount. We're also accepting applications for the Denny's Hungry for Education Scholarship Program and the 2016 Tom Joyner Foundation Full-Ride Scholarship. If there are any high school seniors who will be graduating in the spring of 2016 or if you know anyone, please encourage them to apply for the Full Ride Scholarship. This program offers students full tuition and stipends for up to 10 semesters to cover on-campus room and board and books. Have you heard about who we've already booked for the 2016 Fantastic Voyage? Patti LaBelle, Charlie Wilson, Angie Stone, Fantasia andJazmine Sullivan - just to name a few. Register today atBlackAmericaWeb.com. Visit TomJoynerFoundation.org to get news about HBCUs and learn more about our efforts. As always, your support will help keep scholars in school! Donate today!

and Cheryl

Reel-ality TV Talk 27

I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011 IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A. Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IMESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com.



Spiritually Speaking

NOVEMBER 27, 2015

Being Saved, Acting Saved Take Your Pick

By James A. Washington

Okay, so you’re saved. Now what? Most of you know I believe faith is a verb. I sincerely think it requires doing of some sort. This doing thing can be confusing, especially for a new Christian, one who is struggling to understand where he or she fits in God’s kingdom. One of my more knowledgeable friends always lets me know that God’s plan for us is never complicated. We bring complexity to it and the devil revels in our self imposed mental frustration. How often do we question our role, our mission, our duty to the Lord? For me, I sometimes wind up doing nothing in the name of the Lord because I have confused myself by merely questioning what I should be doing. Now y’all know the devil is loving this stuff. The questioning keeps me from doing anything and I’m the one asking me the questions. The answer to this self imposed inertia is clearly stated in Ephesians 2:10. “For we are

God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” So the answer to your confusion is simple. Do good works. This is the playbook for every Christian. Ready set…Do good works. I think we can all distinguish between good and bad works or, no works at all. To top that, this scripture also reminds us that this work is indeed prepared in advance e for us. It is our spiritual destiny if we accept the Word of God as the will of God. And the Word of God demands that we do good works particularly for each other. It’s that whole love your neighbor as yourself thing. “Be very careful, then, how you live, not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5:15-17. So my job on a daily basis is to do good works. My mission as a Christian is to do good works. My destiny as a man of God is to do good works. Boy, this is becoming easier and easier. God is truly not a God

of confusion. Now if I just stay out of my own way, I’ll be just fine. As complicated as I’ve made it seem, my Christian game plan starts to take shape when I get up in the morning and think do something good for somebody. That singular thought should produce a singular mindset to take advantage of the opportunities life presents. Hopefully, I am now programmed to do rather than not do. My steps are divinely ordered and even though I may fall short at times, I will not fall off. I can honestly say being recognized for what you do rather than what you say is seen on a spiritual level that suggests you never need a pat on the back from this world. Now if you’ve ever been confused about this like I was, take the will of God and march into the world armed with the Word of God and maybe all of your questions will be answered too. I know mine have. May God bless and keep you always. James jaws@dallasweekly.com

By Donald Lee

Also, check out the conclusion of his seven-part series on domestic violence awareness on next week.


Setting Our Minds on the Things Above



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

DCCCD experts offer advice on surviving holidays with less stress Family and friends can push the wrong buttons. They know you, and years of therapy can send the most emotionally-stable holiday celebrant into a tailspin. Slow down. Smell the flowers. You don’t have to attend every family event, run to every sale or purchase gifts for everyone who buys for you, human behavior experts say. “The holidays have become an all too familiar hustle and bustle,” said Johnny Castro, a faculty member who specializes in family studies and human development at Brookhaven College. “Take a stance against overdoing and overspending during the holidays. I tell people all the time that less is more.” Castro sees holidays as a great time to see family and friends – but not all during the rush of the season. Sending regrets is not a social blunder. “You can’t make every event, and you shouldn’t,” Castro said. “Avoid the hype. Don’t create an environment of overstimulation.” Children come with their own set of unrealistic expectations. Oftentimes, their toys are not toys but “blow-up-the-budget” electronics, Castro observed. “Take a stance against ‘more is more,’” he said. “It is important to make and stick to a holiday budget because all of those December sales will become bills in January.” In addition to monitoring children, keep tabs on the elderly, Castro said. Check for signs of fatigue and stress in older adults. Sometimes a short walk or a quick nap is in order.

For people who are already overspent, overwrought and overindulged, experts suggest a selfimposed “time out” for the entire family, including children. Children are grand manipulators. They know how to get what they want. But parents have the power to set limits, Castro said. “If they have one or two really good gifts, that’s probably enough,” Castro said. “Parents feel the need to want to buy all of these things. A 2-year-old getting a phone is probably something you need to hold off on.” Instead, parents should concentrate on a child’s needs. Usually, one or two items are sufficient. “Parents feel validated if they buy something the child really needs,” Castro said. “Children get bored easily. Whatever gift you buy, they end up playing with the box. It’s really easy to get into the trap of buying what’s popular rather than what the child needs or is interested in.” That is just some of the advice from human development specialists at Dallas County Community College District, and they remind us that the holidays can be difficult for people who have lost family members during the year, too. Expecting a perfect holiday is especially trying for those who have lost loved ones, said Steve Carter, who teaches human behavior and psychology at El Centro College. “Sometimes it’s hard to move completely away from a loss, so embrace the memories and share them,” Carter said. “And know that extended sadness may be a sign of season depression.” Write down a

pleasant memory on a piece of colored paper, wrap ribbon around it and share that memory on Thanksgiving or Christmas, he suggested. Seek out professional help during profound periods of sadness. “Don’t suffer in silence,” Carter said. We can focus on other activities as we celebrate the holidays, Carter added. Volunteering is a healthy outlet that can make the holidays special. “If you find yourself lonely, often the most important gift you can give is caring,” Carter said. “Volunteer opportunities abound. Find one that’s meaningful to you, and make helping a tradition. You may find yourself happier after giving your time.” Alcohol should be limited to an acceptable amount because drinking does not make holidays less stressful. Instead, it magnifies problems, Carter said. Here are some of the best coping tips for the holidays offered by experts: n Laugh, because it can carry way stress. n Sing or play music. n Breathe. n Eliminate early morning rush by getting up a few minutes earlier. n Sleep 7 to 8 hours a day. n Eat well-balanced meals. n Hydrate. n Exercise. n Smile, because January will soon be here.

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NOVEMBER 27, 2015

Let’s End the Dysfunction By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson The newly elected Republican Speaker of the House, Congressman Paul Ryan, has declared that he wants to work with Democrats and Republicans alike. In his first speech as the Speaker of the House, he asked his colleagues to pray for one another, saying that significant problems were not being solved by the House of Representatives. “We are adding to them,” he said. At 45 years of age, Speaker Ryan is the youngest legislator to hold the post since the 1800s. While he is solidly conservative, I am hopeful that the new speaker will eschew demands from extremists in his party and help to heal the dysfunction that has played the House in recent years. A divided, politically charged, uncollaborative caucus has manufactured one crisis after another. Too frequently, our nation has been threatened with a government shutdown, or watched in disbelief as a rambunctious, divisive faction held the full faith and credit of our nation hostage as they poisoned critical legislation with

harmful, destructive policy riders. And while the majority in Congress hoped that Speaker’s Ryan’s ascension into office signaled an end to the dysfunction, he has indicated that radical policy riders may be attached to the upcoming appropriations bill, the result of which could lead to another government shutdown. I, and a majority of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, believe that the American public deserves better, more reasoned governance than this. We were moving in the right direction when we passed a bi-partisan two year budget agreement. We were hopeful that government agencies would benefit from the ability to make strategic decisions and plan for the best uses of its resources. This basic business practice is essential for providing quality public service to millions of Americans who benefit from services, like Social Security Retirement and Disability, Veterans Healthcare, Medicare and Medicaid. Unfortunately, the House of Representatives is again considering contentious policy riders that threaten our ability pass responsible, prudent legislation.

Some Republicans have offered a litany of radical policies riders that attempt undermine the Clean Water Act, weaken the Dodd-Frank reforms that protect us from future financial crises like the one that weakened us in 2008, and thwart efforts to remove lead paint from millions of homes. These actions threaten the physical and financial security of the very people we were elected to protect. I will forcefully fight against the passage of these harmful policies, and I encourage my Democratic and Republic colleagues to do the same. Let’s commit to doing what is best for our constituents. Acting in the best interest of our country requires that we reach across the aisle, defy political boundaries and work in earnest to find fair and prudent solutions to our nation’s problems. I am hopeful that Mr. Ryan will resist becoming an echo of the most extreme voices in his party and avoid the gridlock that has plagued the House for far too long. We know that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” We have been granted a sacred trust; honoring that trust requires that we act with integrity, vote our conscience and govern according to the unfailing principles of democracy. The future of nation depends on it.

DAYSPRING FAMILY CHURCH exceeds goal and feeds 2200 families for Thanksgiving (Irving, TX) – Dayspring Family Church, located at 618 Beltline Rd., in Irving, Texas had expected to distribute food boxes to 2000 families on Saturday, November 21st. Instead they distributed boxes to 2200 families! There was enough food in each box to feed a family of seven for a week! In essence, more than 15,000 people will be fed this week for Thanksgiving, thanks to Dayspring Family Church, its, members, donors and prayers. The Thanksgiving Food Give Away was a vision that Pastor Sonjia B. Dickerson shared with her husband, the Bishop of the church, Keith Dickerson when they started the Church in 1994. That year, five families received food boxes. Most of the families who received boxes were pre-screened and referred by non-profit

organizations and churches. They were either on government assistance or just struggling on incomes that are at or below the poverty level. There were also families in need who heard about the give-away, and decided to come and see if they could get some assistance. No one was turned away. Everyone who came received not only food, but clothing from the church's temporary on site clothing store, in its Family Life Center, Mother's Haven Boutique. Each family got to pick out two outfits per family member and that included shoes. Wellcare Medicare Advantage Health Care Plan was on hand to provide information and they supplied the participants with fixings for their stuffing. Dayspring Family Church is an Official North Texas Food Bank Facility, that provides food for those in

need on a weekly basis. The church also has a Summer Feeding Program, in which they deliver 350 meals per day (17,500 meals in a 10-week period) to children in Irving and Hurst in low income areas. Other ministries under Sonjia B. Dickerson Ministries and Dayspring Family church include 7 satellite women conferences (in and outside of Texas) and a leader development training program that includes a monetary scholarship for each graduate. For more information about Sonjia B. Dickerson Ministries, visit www.sonjiadickerson.com. For more information on Dayspring Family Church, visit www.dayspringfamilychurch.org.



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

Men of the Heartland! QUIT PLAYIN’ By Vincent Hall

December 1 is WORLD AIDS DAY! "Our people have made the mistake of confusing the methods with the objectives. As long as we agree on objectives, we should never fall out with each other just because we believe in different methods, or tactics, or strategy. We have to keep in mind at all times that we are not fighting for separation. We are fighting for recognition as free humans in this society." MALCOLM X



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

Money Run: Devil cashes in on streets of Berlin A review of the movie Victoria By Eva D. Coleman

While it eventually returns to where it started, the ascension after that is one that leads to “A MASTERPIECE.” From the flicker in the first frame, many deaths. euphoric twists and turns Playing with the devil, or encapsulate viewers on an epic oneallowing use by the devil leaves take journey as Victoria takes risks Victoria weeping over what that pay off. she’s witnessed and walking Victoria, played by Laia Costa, is a away alone...with cash, I might young woman from Spain who works add. ONE CITY. ONE NIGHT. ONE TAKE. in a cafe. She’s out on the town, It’s far from the experience partying solo. of life’s disappointments she Upon exiting the basement party previously shared. zone, she ascends to the street level While Victoria might have where all hell breaks loose...perhaps you questioning her decisions a rise of the devil from the pit. or wanting to rush some Set in Germany, Victoria portions of the film that seem adopt films encounters four Berliners during her to go on much longer than exit. They’ve made a few attempts, needed, the movie sets you up to no avail, to get into the club. for a ride or die adventure that They shout at the bouncers that they’ll one day places you in the middle of all the action. own the club. While this may not eventually ring true, they’ll definitely own the night. Sonne, played by Frederick Lau, appears to be the most sane out of the troublesome four. His attraction to Victoria is magnetic. This forceful pull is somewhat envied by the rest of his crew. In addition, its magic lures Victoria to take part in an evening of drunkenness, druginduced highs, mayhem and crime that proves fatal for the majority of the group. This movie leads viewers into dark spaces. Some of the most dramatic moments are those with no dialogue at all. Intense music heightens the emotion of seeing the facial expressions during a muted conversation among a few of the men and Victoria during an elevator scene. A fierce piano performance conducted by Victoria, showcasing her skills to Sonne, is very telling as well. They even discuss the foreign name of the music piece...which translates to Devil. Since the story never stops...no cuts, no next day, nothing; weaving from scene to scene is cinematography at its finest. The orchestration of such a feat is remarkable and leaves you wondering, “Where is this movie taking me next?” “Fly away ‘Birdman’ – there’s a new one-shot wonder in town. EXHILARATING!” -Guy Lodge, Variety

-Matt Holzman, KCRW Los Angeles






NOVEMBER 27, 2015

Inaugural African American elected officials' Thanksgiving Brunch State Sen. Royce West, State Rep. Toni Rose, Dallas Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Erik Wilson, Dallas ISD School Board Trustee Lew Blackburn, and Paul Quinn College President Michael Sorrell recently hosted the First Annual African American Elected Officials Thanksgiving Brunch at Paul Quinn College's Zale Library. More than 70 current and former African American elected officials were present at this historic event. Former State Representative and Pastor Emeritus of St. Luke Community United Methodist Church - Dallas, Rev. Dr. Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr., delivered a powerful luncheon address that beckoned them to come together, stay together, and move forward together. He offered a number of examples that reiterated that "We either learn how to live together or perish separately as fools." "Looking across the room there was a collection of influence, abilities and knowledge that we must take advantage of to form a common agenda that will address the needs of African Americans across Dallas County and the region," said Sen. West. "We may not always have this opportunity, so the time to act is now. We can rally around issues such as obtaining quality education for our children, access to healthcare and jobs that pay a livable wage. Improvements in these areas will benefit not only African Americans but will contribute to the quality of life in all of our respective communities."

Sen. West ended the luncheon by calling for officials to develop a set of objectives and goals and to establish benchmarks that can be measured moving forward.

ANNUAL E AWARDS HONORS ‘DELIVERING EXCELLENCE‘ – Nominations were sought among Dallas and Fort Worth area minority owned businesses, corporations, public sector agencies and minority business advocates for the annual E Awards of the Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council last Friday, November 20th at the Hyatt Downtown Dallas. The Council’s 2015 E Awards dinner, Delivering Excellence, recognizes companies and individuals who have made significant strides in minority supplier inclusion, utilization and growth opportunities. Awards were presented in the areas of Buying Entity Advocate of the Year, Buyer of the Year, Corporation of the Year, Executive Advocate of the Year, MBE Advocate of the Year, MBE Supplier of the Year, and Public Sector Agency of the Year. “These awards are very significant as Entrepreneurs and Corporations continue to push forward creating opportunities and driving inclusiveness,” said Margo Posey, President of the Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council. “We really appreciate and applaud the firms and individuals who received

these honors,” Posey said. “These firms believe in excellence and have succeeded because of their outstanding performance.” Companies are nominated by Council membership – minority businesses by corporations and corporations and public agencies by minority firms for the E Awards. Winners were announced the night of the event. The following are the companies and individuals who received awards in 2015: • Executive Buying Entity Advocate of the Year – Greg Spoon, DFW International Airport • Minority Business Enterprise Advocate of the Year – Clifton Miller, Cemetrics • Buying Entity Buyer of the Year – Mark W. Olson, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics • Supplier Diversity Professional of the Year – Elyria Waddy, AT&T • MBE Supplier of the Year Class I (under $1million) – Castle Business Solutions • MBE Supplier of the Year Class II ($1-$10 million) – Three PDS • MBE Supplier of the Year Class III ($10 $50 million) – Telecom Electric -more- • MBE Supplier of the Year Class IV ($50 million plus) – Facility Interiors • Public Sector Agency of the Year – DISD •

Corporation of the Year - Oncor Several Mega Deals of contracts over $25 million were also noted at the event. Those achievements recognized this year totaled more than $5.8 Billion. The companies involved in these transactions included: Argent Associates and AT&T Asociar and Fujitsu Diamond P Enterprises and AT&T Goodman Networks and AT&T Goodman Networks and AlcatelLucent Group O and AT&T Link America and AT&T Logisticorp Wholesale Trade LLC and AT&T SHI International Corp. and AT&T Pinnacle Technical Resources and AT&T Telcobuy.com and Alcatel-Lucent Telcobuy.com and AT&T Thos S. Byrne , Ltd. dba Byrne Construction Services and Parkland Health & Hospital System Universal Display & Fixtures and PepsiCo “Our event truly signifies and recognizes the importance of minority businesses to the Dallas and Fort Worth area,” said Margo J. Posey, President of the Council. For additional information, contact the Council office at (214) 630-0747.



NOVEMBER 27, 2015



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

U.S. Senator, others sleep in streets in support of homelessness By Tiamoyo Harris Howard University News Service

WASHINGTON – With city officials poised to demolish a makeshift homeless community of tents and with the imminent destruction a huge homeless shelter in southeast Washington, the Covenant House International’s annual “Sleep Out” demonstration and fundraiser took on a more poignant significance. The 50 people who awoke from their sleeping bags on the streets on 13th and Pennsylvania Street around Freedom Plaza on last Friday were not part of the estimated 11,000 homeless people in Washington. Instead, they were people with homes who were trying to help the homeless and disconnected youth during a national fundraiser in more than 16 U.S. cities. The event, now in its fourth year, urged people to register to be “sleepers” on the street, encouraging each sleeper to raise about $2,500. According to Covenant House, the point the demonstration is to show youth that someone cares for them and that they care enough to see their struggle. Brandon Martinez, 18, a former homeless youth, participated in the effort. Martinez said seeing other

people sleep out in support of the homeless gave him a lot confidence to speak on homelessness. He now has a home thanks to D.C. Covenant, he said, and plans to enroll in culinary school after getting his G.E.D. diploma. Martinez participated in a panel in the John A. Wilson building across from Freedom’s Plaza before the Sleep Out with four other participants in the D.C. Covenant program. “I feel like a lot of people are ignorant and blissful about teen homelessness,” Martinez said. ““D.C. Covenant has really been wonderful to me and everyone else. They accept everyone, no matter what.” During the event, sleepers and supporters heard the stories of other D.C. Covenant volunteers, and listened to local talent before finding a spot in the street to sleep. Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska also participated. Sullivan came in support of the Alaska Covenant, which also had sleepers supporting the homeless Thursday night and Friday morning in Anchorage, Alaska. Sullivan said he was impressed by the stories he heard from the participants. “I was kind of blown away by listening to these young men and women,” he said. “They have wisdom way beyond their years.” “I’m very honored to be here,

and just like I think a lot of people that you see here are sleepers, I just want to be able to give back.” The D.C. Covenant, which 20 years ago, has helped thousands since its inception, said Guy Brami, chair of the board of directors. Last year, the organization provided over 58,000 meals and placed over 351 people through its GED program, Brami said... Brami said the purpose of the organization’s annual event is to focus the city on the issue. “The upper side of the awareness is the awareness to the business community,” he said. “This is focused on bringing sleepers here who are business community leaders so that they can come here and be sponsored. It’s just like a 10 k run.” Jasent Brown is director for D.C. ReEngagement Center, a government-sponsored program that helps young high school reconnect with educational options and receive a high school diploma or GED. She and her staff of five raised over $5,000 for the Sleep Out in the past six weeks by asking friends and family to donate. “A lot of times especially since we’re all case manager as well, we get phone calls in the middle of the night saying ‘I’m sick and stuck at the park and have nowhere to go,’” Brown said. “In order for us to understand how they felt that night, how scared they were, how cold they were, we’re sleeping out. So when they call us and say it was cold, we can say, ‘Yes we know how cold it was for you.’”

Small Business Saturday highlights Impact of Shopping Small By Yolanda Garcia Olivarez South Central Regional Administration U.S. Small Business Administration

As the voice for our nation’s entrepreneurs, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) celebrates small businesses on a daily basis. When our small businesses do well, our communities do too. Therefore, as part of our annual tradition, I encourage you to join millions of Americans and “shop small” on Small Business Saturday®, Nov. 28. Small businesses represent the dynamic demographics of the United States, encompassing everyone from your mom and pop shops to your neighborhood’s recently opened specialty boutique or traditional manufacturer. On the heels of Black Friday, shopping small is a concrete way to support small businesses – the same businesses that generate two of every three net new jobs, and deliver essential goods and services to America’s communities 365 days a year. Shopping small packs a big punch to the U.S. economy. Last year,

there were 88 million consumers “Shopping Small” on Saturday. 77% of consumers said Small Business Saturday® inspires them to “Shop Small” through the year and not just for the holidays. In addition, 66% of consumers state the main reason they support small businesses is because of their contributions to the community. You can do your part with these six simple steps: If you’re a business owner, make sure you’re prepared for the holiday season by checking out helpful advice athttp://www.sba.gov/ smallbusinesssaturday. 2. If you’re a customer, commit to making at least one purchase from a locally-owned small business retailer. Get to know the owner, and make your gift more meaningful by sharing their story as part of what you give your loved ones. 3. Also, after a day of shopping I encourage you to continue to support small businesses by dining small at your favorite small business restaurant.

4. Enjoy the experience. Travel outside your comfort zone -- and away from your computer screen -- to discover an out-of-the ordinary shopping district with some trendy local stores. 5. Take part in Small Business Saturday® on social media, using the hashtag #SmallBizSat, #ShopSmall and #DineSmall to amplify your support. If you find a great small business retailer with unique products, Tweet or Facebook your find so others can enjoy it too. 6. When you open your gifts, start a conversation about which one came from the most distinctive and creative sellers. This can make for great debate over egg nog or your holiday drink of choice. I know I’ll be shopping small with my friends and family on Saturday, Nov. 28. I encourage you to do the same – and remember that “shop small” refers to whom you buy from, and not how much you buy! (Yolanda Garcia Olivarez serves as the SBA’s South Central Region VI Administrator and is based in Dallas/Fort Worth. She oversees the agency’s programs and services in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.)



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

QUESTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES The Last Word By Dr. Julianne Malveaux Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist based in Washington, DC. She can be contacted at www.juliannemalveaux.com.



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

Lexus Verses and Flow Scholarships presented Lexus is proud to announce 16 recipients of the 2015 Lexus Verses and Flow Scholarship. The scholarship program is presented in partnership with select Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and is an expansion of the groundbreaking “Verses and Flow” program, featuring poetry, spoken word and music. Scholarship recipients will be awarded $5,000 in recognition of their community leadership and academic excellence. Since its inception last year, the scholarship program has awarded $180,000 to ambitious students. The recipients of the 2015 Lexus Verses and Flow Scholarship are: Clark Atlanta University (Atlanta, GA) – Akilah Grace and Zachary Nevels Florida A&M University (Tallahassee, FL) – Shanice Cooke and Erica Jones Grambling State University (Grambling, LA) – Jimmitriv Roberson and LaTerra Smith Hampton University (Hampton, VA) – ZaMari Love and Malikah Saafir Howard University (Washington D.C.) – Allyson Carpenter and Carmin Wong LeMoyne-Owen College (Memphis, TN) – Jamarco Lang and Alexis Moore

Spelman College (Atlanta, GA) – Kayla Dean and Kiara Hill To be considered for the scholarship, students completed an application and submitted a written or video essay detailing how they are community leaders, the importance of community and the benefits of attending an HBCU. “These Lexus Verses and Flow Scholarship recipients are accomplished in school and in their communities,” said Brian Smith, Lexus vice president of marketing. “These young adults are highly motivated and we’re excited to reward them for their efforts. We wish them all the best and know they’ll positively shape and enhance the lives they touch.” The scholarship coincided with the fifth season of “Lexus Verses and Flow,” the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Image Award-nominated variety show. Lexus Verses and Flow is broadcast on TV One. Blending electrifying musical and soul-stirring spoken word performances, the eight-episode season featured mega-watt stars Assasin, Avery Sunshine, B.o.B, Charlie Wilson, Chrisette Michele, Estelle, Jazmine Sullivan, Jussie Smollett, Leela James, Melanie Fiona, Raekwon, and Sevyn Streeter alongside more than 25 of the best up-and-coming poets.

North Carolina A&T University (Greensboro, NC) – Destiny Dawson and Malcolm Howard



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

Investigations into Sandra Bland death near conclusion By Sen. Royce West (D- Dallas) Few can claim to be totally unaware of the events surrounding the untimely death of 28-year old Sandra Bland on July 13 this year. In fact, controversy surrounding the case has garnered national and even international attention. But soon, the investigations will end and it will be up to a grand jury to decide whether the evidence presented warrants a criminal trial. Sandra Bland died in a Waller County jail cell three days after her much-debated detainment and arrest by a Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) trooper. I decided immediately (after being asked to comment on this case just three days after her death) that a bright light needed to be shone on the investigation that has civil rights advocates demanding justice and critics saying the victim and even her family were at fault. On July 21, I convened a meeting of state and local law enforcement officials, state and local elected officials and civil rights advocates on the campus of Prairie View A&M University, where Ms. Bland had returned to begin a new phase of her life. We were joined by Texas' Lieutenant Governor and fellow legislators to hear reports from DPS, Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith, Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis and Prairie View Police Chief Larry Johnson. We reviewed footage of the stop by Trooper Brian Encinia; heard and viewed the confrontation and arrest. We saw time-condensed footage of the morning's events in the area and hallway outside the cell where Bland died. Few in the room of 40-50 participants would deny that mistakes were made. I am comfortable in saying also that no one entered Ms. Bland's cell on the morning that she expired prior to her being discovered unresponsive. Several facts critical to current investigations quickly emerged. July 16, DPS released a statement saying that Encinia acted in violation of department policy on several counts and soon afterwards, the video of the traffic stop was made public. The same day, the Texas Commission on Jail Standards reported that Waller County Jail officials could not prove they met training standards for inmates with mental health issues and had failed to properly monitor Bland within the hour before she was found unconscious. Amid calls for transparency, several investigations were launched. There was an internal investigation initiated by the Waller County Sheriff's Department. DPS announced that its Texas Rangers Division would investigate Bland's case and also asked the FBI to take a look. District Attorney Mathis formed a five-member special prosecutor panel; none of whom practice in Waller County. I can report that DPS trooper Brian Encinia remains on administrative leave pending the outcome of the criminal investigation. Further disciplinary actions are contingent on its findings. An initial setting of the grand jury took place on Thursday, November 12. More information has been requested by prosecutors

prior to another grand jury setting to be held before the end of 2015. This includes identifying the onlooker who recorded Bland's arrest before being told to leave by Encinia. U.S. District Civil Court Judge David Hittner has ordered Prairie View police to produce any video recorded by the two units who arrived at the traffic stop, one of which transported Bland to jail. Prosecutors have also asked Prairie View police for records that indicate training received by those officers. Hittner will hear the lawsuit filed by the family of Sandra Bland. The Texas Attorney General's Office has joined Waller County in asking for the suit to be dismissed. Both say Bland's death by hanging "suicide" was partly due to her family not posting bond for her release. An early January 2016 civil court setting will allow time for the criminal investigations to be completed, say officials. CITY LOCAL TRUCK DRIVER

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Ask Pam

Indirectly Subsidizing my Ex Hi Alma,

Q - I’ve been on Medicaid for several months and drawing SSI from Social Security Administration (SSA). I’ll be turning age 62 next month, I was informed by SSA that my SSI would go away because I’ll start drawing a Social Security Retirement check. Since my retirement income will be significantly greater than the SSI I’ll no longer be eligible for Medicaid assistance. I’m concerned about keeping some medical assistance so my question is will I get Medicare too when I turn 62 next month? A - That depends; people are eligible to enroll in Medicare prior to age 65 only if they’re on Social Security Disability and have met the 24-month waiting period, or have a special condition. Check with the Social Security Administration to see when you will be eligible for Medicare. If you find that you’re not eligible for Medicare yet, then you can always visit yourtexasbenefits.com or call 2-1-1, that’s if you live in Texas, to find what medical resources are available in your area. Medicare Annual Open Enrollment period: October 15th thru December 7th. The Affordable Care Act - Federal Marketplace Exchange – 2016 Open Enrollment period: November 1st 2015 thru January 31st 2016.

P A M E L A J. D A Y E S is a Licensed & Certified Health Insurance Agency serving North Texas area. She is passionate about learning and gaining knowledge in the area of HealthCare reform. She is devoted to passing on that knowledge in particularly to the Senior Market. Her expertise is in making Medicare clear and understandable. I look forward to answering your questions. Email questions to askpam@med-supps.com Follow me: Twitter: pjdayes Facebook: askpamdayes

NOVEMBER 27, 2015

position to help his mother and that he needs to back off and let this go?

My wife is vicious with a capital V! We were married S.J. Baltimore, Md. for 8 years and over that time had two sons. She did everything imaginable. She lied, stole, manipulated. Wow S.J., Here’s a few examples. She stole money from her employer, lied to her family, said I was abusing her, what a tough life-storm to sustain. I commend you had several affairs and called the police and tried to on maneuvering through such difficulty while have me arrested under false pretenses. It was keeping yourself and your sons safe. I’m sure it was absolutely insane. heartbreaking and not what you expected when you Finally, she walked out on us and I raised my two boys alone. said “I do.” God bless you Big Papa for stepping up and taking Both are fine young men, now 21 and 23. I never care of your boys. I’m happy to hear they have remarried. I just worked hard and devoted my grown into fine young men, no doubt, fed by your Ask Alma time to my boys. Luckily, my sister and my mother love and the example you set. Yep, you did right. By Alma Gill helped out, and the boys are very well rounded. I And that’s why your son is stepping up to help his via George Curry Media can’t say that however about my ex. mother. She continued her shenanigans and ended up in Don’t be mad at him. He has longed for his mother and out of jail. She just recently resurfaced and isn’t doing well. all these years. Wishing, hoping, praying she’d come back, at She has AIDS and is asking my son to help her. He just finished least trying to make up for all the strife and hurt she caused and college and is barely making it on his own. He’s determined to maybe even wipe away a tear or two. But she didn’t do that. Or, help hisMOM and, from what his brother tells me, is giving her at least that’s what we think. Just because he hasn’t shared any $200 a month. You know that means he’s short every month “restin’ on my heart” information with you, doesn’t mean she and I’m having to replenish that $200 for him to make ends hasn’t expressed her sorrow and asked for forgiveness from him. meet. That means I’m giving the woman who took me through And it doesn’t mean she didn’t love him or that he doesn’t – or hell money every month. shouldn’t – love her. You’d be surprised how illness and death I’m pissed. I don’t think I can take it much longer. I don’t want to shines a light on regret. Your son has had a tough time. alienate my son, but how do I let him know he is not in a You’ve always been there for him. Don’t stop now. If it isn’t a financial hardship for you, keep funneling the money. God is using you to bless your

son and your ex-wife. I know it’s hard, but there’s so much more in store for you on the other side – and I don’t just mean in this difficult circumstance. Your son won’t have his mother long, but he’ll always have the memory of how his father, faced with the greatest of burdens, forgave the source of his troubles – and did so out of love for his son and his family. Let this one play out silently. Don’t think about your ex, support your son. He needed you then and he needs you now. Help him believe he’s done all he could for his mother. “In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free.” Your son is calling, be the answer to his prayers. Alma Alma Gill's newsroom experience spans more than 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on F a c e b o o k a t "A s k A l m a " a n d t w i t t e r @almaaskalma.



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

Terrorism is a 'Black Issue' By George E. Curry George Curry Media Columnist

It was disturbing to listen to some people calling in Friday during my weekly radio segment on Keeping it Real with Rev. Al Sharpton who displayed only a passing interest in the issue of world terrorism or failed to realize how international violence should be a major concern to people of color, especially African Americans. Of course, there were callers who were on top of the issue and I commend them. But I want to address the narrow-minded, knee-jerk reaction that somehow violence committed on foreign soil is not a "Black issue" or shouldn't be a priority. Even if one subscribed to such nonsense in the past, that should have been eradicated last Friday with the attack on guests at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako, the capital city of the West African country of Mali. An al Qaeda-affiliated group took credit for the attack that left at least 27 people dead, including five gunmen. At least 170 were taken as hostages in the dramatic early morning assault. Mali was once one of three African empires that controlled the transSaharan trade of salt, slaves, gold, and other precious commodities. I don't know how you get any "blacker" than that. Although we seem to have conveniently forgotten about them, it wasn't that long ago that a social media campaign was organized around the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. Several hundred school-age girls were kidnapped in April 2014 near the town of Chibok that garnered international attention. Some escaped after being abducted, but 219 are still believed to be missing. In August, nearly 300 girls not part of the original schoolgirl kidnappings by Boko Haram were rescued by Nigerian troops in the northeastern Sambis Forest. It is not known how many others are being held by Boko Haram.

Although Nigeria is the largest staging ground, terrorism is no stranger elsewhere on the continent. On Aug. 7, 1998, in what is commonly referred to as the East African Embassy bombings, U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania were struck. According to the State Department, 224 persons - including 12 Americans, 32 Kenyans and eight Tanzanians were killed and more than 4,000 others were injured in the truck bomb attacks. One of my friends, Edith Bartley, an African American, lost her father, U.S. Consul General Julian Bartley, Sr., and Julian, Jr., her younger brother and only sibling, who was working a summer job, in the Nairobi bombing. My Black Parisian friends, who confront some of the same discrimination challenges African Americans face in the U.S., aren't exempt from terrorist attacks in France or anywhere else they travel. Although Paris has captured international headlines and sympathy following the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks on four different locations there, including the Bataclan Theater, that resulted in the deaths of 130 people and injuries to 368 others, terrorism in Africa isn't receiving anywhere near the attention it deserves. According to a report issued last Wednesday by the Institute of Economics & Peace, "Also notable over the past year is the major intensification of the terrorist threat in Nigeria. The country witnessed the largest increase in terrorist deaths ever recorded by any country, increasing by over 300 per cent to 7,512 fatalities. Boko Haram, which operates mainly in Nigeria, has become the most deadly terrorist group in the world. Boko Haram pledged its allegiance to ISIL (also known as the Islamic State) as the Islamic State's West Africa Province (ISWAP) in March 2015." For the first time, Boko Haram has overtaken ISIL as the group that caused the most terrorism deaths.

"Deaths attributed to Boko Haram increased by 317 per cent in 2014 to 6,644. ISIL was responsible for 6,073 terrorist deaths," the report stated. It explained, "Terrorism remains highly concentrated with most of the activity occurring in just five countries - Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria. These countries accounted for 78 per cent of the lives lost in 2014." But terrorism is spreading, with the number of countries experiencing at least 500 terrorism-related deaths increasing from five to 11, a 120 percent increase over the previous year. Of the six new countries with 500 or more terrorism deaths each year, four of them are in Africa - Somalia, Central African Republic, South Sudan and Cameroon, according to the report titled, "Global Terrorism Index: 2015." And some say terrorism isn't a Black issue? In terms of loss of life, the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. were by far the largest, claiming 2,296 lives, including the19 terrorists, and property and infrastructure damage exceeding $10 billion. Many Blacks, including 12 African American firefighters, lost their lives that day. However, many have been ignored in the numerous services commemorating 9/11. Media columnist Richard Prince pointed out that Time magazine, for example, published 64 pages of photos of 9/11 victims, none of whom were identifiable as Black. Whether the media identifies them are not, Blacks, like Whites, are frequent victims of terrorist attacks.

George E. Curry is President and CEO of George Curry Media, LLC. He is the former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine and the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service (NNPA). He is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. Curry can be reached through his Web site, georgecurry.com. You can also follow him at twitter.com/currygeorge, George E. Curry Fan Page on Facebook, and Periscope.



MAYOR’S INTERN FELLOWS PROGRAM TO ANNOUNCE MAJOR GIFT AND KICK OFF 2016 STUDENT RECRUITMENT ON NOV. 30 AT NORTH DALLAS HIGH Gift is particularly significant in light of Depression-era levels of employment for teens; summer youth employment has declined 40 percent over past 12 years, minority teens hit hardest WHAT: Just in time for the holidays and bringing cheer to Dallas public school students, Chase is expected to announce to announce a major gift to the Mayor’s Intern Fellow’s Program. Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings also will kick off the 2016 student registration drive during the media event, which will be held Monday, Nov. 30, at 12:15 p.m. at North Dallas ISD High School (check in at noon). Dallas ISD Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa will be on hand to support the event. The gift is especially significant in light of the fact that across the United States young people are experiencing Depression-era levels of employment. Chase will report that there has been a 40 percent decline in summer youth employment over the past 12 years, and the minority-teen population has been hit the hardest. The Mayor’s Intern Fellows Program targets public school students, the majority of students who will be first-generation college students. For them, the experience is life-changing and eyeopening.

NOVEMBER 27, 2015 Since the Mayor’s Intern Fellows Program began in 2008, more than 1,400 students have participated. The 2015 program was the largest to date – 1,790 Dallas public high school students applied for internships, 1,075 qualified for the Job Fair, and 350 students were hired by 94 businesses and 124 nonprofits, who paid a total of $687,072 in salaries to the students. Modeled after the prestigious White House Fellows Program, the Intern Fellows Program prepares motivated teens to become the leaders of tomorrow. Founded in 2008, the Mayor’s Intern Fellows Program introduces high school students to careers and employment opportunities in industries and companies where they have expressed interest. The students get exposure to a variety of fields, including technology, healthcare, law, finance and accounting, education, the nonprofit sector, advertising/marketing/public relations, engineering, manufacturing and hospitality, and many more. Students participate in eight-week paid internships – earning a minimum of $9 an hour for 20-40 hours per week – at Dallas businesses and nonprofits. WHO: Brief remarks will be made by Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, Dallas ISD Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa, Elaine Agather, chairman of JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Dallas, and three former Mayor’s Intern Fellows – Kaitlyn Contreras, Nigel Wilson and Jesus Gamez. WHEN: Monday, Nov. 30, at 12:15 p.m. (check in at noon) WHERE: North Dallas ISD High School – Library, 3rd Floor 3120 Haskell Ave., Dallas 75204




NOVEMBER 27, 2015

How Blind is Black America? Blackonomics By James Clingman

Gil Scott-Heron once asked: "Just how blind will America be? The world is on the edge of its seat; defeat on the horizon, very surprising,' that we all can see the plot and claim that we cannot. Just how blind America?" Today, 40 years later, we ask, "Just how blind will Black America be?" We should be able to see the plot, but many claim they cannot. We are heading down the same political road that got us into our current condition of political impotence and irrelevance. The next election and all of its current hoopla exposes the continuous game being played not only on Black America but on America in general. Any discerning person can see it. U n f o r t u n a t e l y, m u c h o f o u r discernment is invested in the lives of "The Housewives of ..." and all the other nonsense many of our people watch religiously. We are too busy living vicariously through the TV lives of other folks who are paid to carry on a bunch of foolishness, to curse one another out, to threaten one another, and to insult one another. We are blind to our own demise right now. But when October 2016 rolls around, we will be in a frenzy of registering to vote, albeit uninformed and ill-prepared to face the ensuing four years of the same mistreatment and neglect we have suffered under previous political administrations. Political candidates said, "Game on!" months ago and the best we are able to muster are a few demonstrations, disruptions, and discussions about whether our lives

matter to them. We have asked candidates what they are going do in response to our plight, but we have not made appropriate and commensurate demands in that regard. In other words, we have a lot of rhetoric, but no substantive reciprocal relationships with any of the candidates. In all the debates thus far, there was one question pertaining to Black folks. It came from a Black man, CNN's Don Lemon, who selected the ridiculous question from a viewer: "Do Black lives matter or do all lives matter? The question was silly and meaningless; the candidates' response was to ignore the question. Political candidates know that Black lives did not matter when 2000 Nigerians were slaughtered in the Baga Massacre in Nigeria, which took place the same time as the 12 Charlie Hebdo murders. They know that the 147 students killed at Kenya's Garissa University in April 2015 did not matter, but the 132 killed in Paris do matter. Want more? They knew that the lives of 985,000 Tutsis in Rwanda did not matter during that massacre in 1994-1995. They know, and we know as well, that Black lives do not matter in "Chiraq" and other cities where we are killing one another. So why ask that dumb question? Just how blind will Black America be? As we are led down the primrose path by the likes of "pleaders" rather than real leaders, as we buy-in to their sell-out of Black people in exchange for a few crumbs from their master's table, the speed of our headlong plunge to the bottom increases exponentially. Can't you see, Black America? It matters not who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; you have been and are being played. You are being duped with your eyes wide open. Right now many Black folks are arguing about Hillary, Carson, and Trump, as

though we have some power to determine our own political destiny rather than one of them being in charge of it. Here's the point. As Brother Gil Scott-Heron suggested, even though it's obvious that our elected officials will do whatever they want to do, legal or illegal, in our name, we turn a blind eye to it rather than changing the political game and playing to win. If you would listen to The Watergate Blues, The Bicentennial Blues, The New Deal, and We Beg Your pardon, you will see that 40 years ago Gil Scott-Heron told us what the political deal was; we would not listen then and we are still blind to the realities of political chicanery. Just how blind will Black America remain, y'all? Our political engagement must be pragmatic; it must be for real, not some childish game where candidates are free to simply ignore us as they seek our socalled "precious" votes. Our political dilemma has never been the lack of a "Black" president, no more than it was in the 60s and 70s when we thought it was a lack of Black politicians. Our problem was and is our lack of political involvement beyond voting, our failure to build political power based on an economic power base, and our reliance on political symbolism over political substance. The Watergate Blues poses the question: "How much more evidence do the citizens need; that the election was sabotaged by trickery and greed?"

 Jim Clingman, founder of the Greater Cincinnati African American Chamber of Commerce, is the nation's most prolific writer on economic empowerment for Black people. He can be reached through his website, blackonomics.com.



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

University of Missouri Football Team Picks up Hammer of By Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. President, Rainbow PUSH Coalition

graduation time comes, and many athletes are left behind and left out.

via George Curry Media

Meanwhile, good minority students - and many, many good White students - struggle to pay excessive tuition and fees, too often ending up buried under massive loans that will burden them them for decades.

Paul Robeson. Muhammad Ali. Bill Russell. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Jim Brown. Curt Flood. Hank Aaron. The "Black 14" at the University of Wyoming. The St. Louis Rams. Michael Sam. Tommy Smith and John Carlos, black-gloved fists in the air. LeBron James and Derrick Rose, wearing "I Can't Breathe" T-shirts. These are only a few of the most visible African American athletes who risked their positions, their high status in our culture, their endorsements and their high salaries in the cause of civil rights and equal justice.

Strategically, they chose a moment to act when they had leverage over a million dollars in potential TV revenues. It was smart organizing, and it worked. As the old saying goes, rabbit hunting is a lot less fun when the rabbit has a gun.

Not all the athletes that championed fair play were African American, of course. Roberto Clemente comes to mind immediately. Bill Walton spoke out against the Vietnam War. Billie Jean King stood up for women's equality in sports. Brooklyn Dodgers captain Pee Wee Reese stood by Jackie Robinson on the ball field, making it clear that the color line had been crossed for good.

In this case, of course, the "gun" was nonviolent protest against racial injustice. African-American athletes showed their clout.

Now, the University of Missouri football team has shown us what real "Tigers" do when it's time to pick up the hammer of justice. These African American players stood by the student protesters and hunger striker Jonathan Butler. Interestingly, their White teammates and their White coach, Gary Pinkel, then joined the cause. And change came to the campus. The students and the athletes showed that they had studied Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the lessons of the Civil Rights Movement. They were disciplined, nonviolent, focused - and they used their leverage to demand a role in their own educations.

A sleeping giant awoke. Today's colleges spend a lot of time recruiting African American athletes but much less time recruiting young African American scholars. No expense is spared to develop a young halfback, but fewer and fewer Pell Grants are available to support young chemists. Good athletes are awarded scholarships (unless they get hurt), while their universities reap millions in tickets sales and revenue from jerseys and sports bling. Athletic departments are supposed to be appendages of universities, but it often appears that the reverse is true. African American players are empowered on the field, but much less so in the classroom. Think about college basketball. The entire sports world focuses on "March Madness," when integrated teams from all over the nation compete for sports glory. But what about "May Sadness," when

On Saturday afternoons, those of us who are sports fans choose to root for our teams based on uniform color rather than skin color. This was not always so. It's a change in American culture that deserves celebration. And it teaches us a lesson for the rest of society, because young African Americans can compete and excel when the playing field is level, when the rules are public, when the goals are transparent, when the referees are fair. Our sports playing fields are level, and our teams are diverse, multicultural, multiracial and successful. Our societal playing fields are not so level, are less diverse, and the rewards are less evenly shared. College campuses are good places to learn this lesson and to begin to discuss how to do better.

We have learned to survive apart as individuals; ]but in the globalized 21st century where most people are Yellow, Brown, Black, non-Christian, poor, female, young and don't speak English -- we need to learn how to live together to prosper. The Missouri student/ athlete protests just taught us a lesson in nonviolent change. We should learn from it. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. is founder and president of the Chicago-based Rainbow PUSH Coalition. You can keep up with his work at www.rainbowpush.org



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NOVEMBER 27, 2015 Perry County, was shot by a state trooper



NOVEMBER 27, 2015


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VOL.1 NO.16

By Cheryl Smith - Texas Metro News

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City of Dallas Sanitation Dept.


INSIDE Speaking of People Ron Price elected to national organization post

Light rail, Trinity River road highly scrutinized in South Dallas By Patrice J. Holmes

INSIDE Metro 3 Perspectives 5 Community Calendar 6 Lifestyle 12 HBCU Homecomings 19

Page 2

Studies by the University of Texas at Dallas Institute of Urban Policy, United Way and Texas A&M are taking place now to assess the quality of life in the South Dallas community before billion dollar projects involving the new DART Light Rail and the Trinity


Toll Road are brought to the area. Some construction has begun with the demolition of homes to follow later this year. At a meeting held by the three institutions, a focus group of sorts dished ideas and findings on the surveys that have told the story of the residents of South Dallas. “We are measuring conditions that may vary from street to street,” said Dr.

Timothy Bray, director of the Institute of Urban Policy Research. He helps


YVETTE BROOKS Your Curlfriend!

training in administering the anonymous surveys. “Over three to four years there are changes in conditions and we want to know how it affects the area.”

Evaluating President Obama’s First 100 Days Political analysts, both mainstream and Black news media and intellectuals around the country have given their grade evaluation on President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office, marked on April 30. Here’s how several people from the local front graded the new president.


Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson


Grade: A Page 4

“I am deeply impressed with the progress that President Barack Obama has made during the first 100 days of his administration. Already we are seeing evidence of the administration’s plan to dig our country out of recession and develop long-term, sustainable prosperity. President Obama has made two trips abroad, proving to us and to the world that he intends to repair our frayed alliances and restore our international leadership. Finally, the Obama administration’s code of ethics has brought much-needed transparency and accountability to the White House. President Obama is delivering on the change that he promised.”


Mavericks surpasses Spurs in playoffs


Available at newstands in Garland, Plano, Balch Springs, Seagoville, Rowlett, Mesquite, Richardson, East and North Dallas

Page 9

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison


Grade: C “In just 100 days, we’ve seen an alarming acceleration of policies that will take America down the wrong track. The administration has proposed trillions of dollars in new spending, which will result in higher taxes on Americans, while sharply raising our indebtedness to foreign creditors. On the national security front, I am very concerned about the President’s intention to close Guantanamo without a workable plan to relocate detainees. It is my sincere hope that, moving forward, the administration will adopt the productive, responsible approach to our nation’s challenges that Americans deserve.” (The office of John Cornyn of Texas was contacted but did See 100 DAYS, page 19



Remebering Joe Hudson Jr. Page 1 0

The Dallas Weekly

years celebrates 56 Black of serving the Community


Why Democracy hangs in the balance


Volume No. 56 Issue No. 18

The Long and Winding Road editorial@dallasweekly.com

FAMU Rattlers victorious

Page 13

No. 1 serving the African American Community

April 30-May 6, 2009


In having the conversation about building within South Dallas, many issues arise with respect to GWENDOLYNand JONES education business in Ask The Advocate See ROAD, page 19

PROPOSITIONS 1 AND 2 Why YES means no and NO means yes Dallas is abuzz at the election issues before them on May 9 when citizens are asked to vote on the controverD’LYTE sial & EBONY Convention Music Happenings Center Hotel that is being backed by Mayor Leppert. But what does voting “no” and voting “yes” mean? It is important to remember that the propositions are to amend the Dallas City Charter which, among other things, gives the MISSpower RAY to acquire city the Going Deep in Roots property fortheany public purpose. The propositions are worded to prohibit the city from acting on these before stated powers. Therefore, if a citizen would like the city to maintain those powers, they are to vote NO and vice versa. See VOTE, page 38

VALDER BEEBE That Celebrity Interview

Just+ like+ a+ potential+ target+ can+ not+ immediately+ identify+ a+ predator,+ it+ is+ often+ hard+ to+ point+ out+ the+ victim+of+sexual+assault+or+domestic+abuse.++There’s+ no+ big+ letter+ tattooed+ on+ their+ forehead+ or+ a+ certain+ look,+smell+or+hairdo+that+will+alert+you+that+the+person+ you+are+looking+at+is+the+survivor+of+what+many+have+ assault. April+is+Sexual+Assault+Awareness+Month+(SAAM)+ and+there+are+full*scale+efforts+to+“raise+public+aware* ness+ about+ sexual+ violence+ and+ to+ educate+ commu* nities+and+individuals+on+how+to+prevent+sexual+vio* lence.” This+year’s+campaign+“focuses+on+healthy+sexuality+ and+ child+ sexual+ abuse+ prevention.”+ +Advocates+ are+ encouraging+“everyone”+to+join+the+conversation+and+ start+talking+about+“healthy+childhood+development+to+ prevent+child+sexual+abuse.” Almost+two+decades+ago,+January+1,+1996,+Tamecka+ Grate+ was+ violently+ attacked+ and+ her+ recovery+ has+ been+ called+ a+ “miracle.”+ It+ wasn’t+ long+ after+ the+ attack+ before+ the+ valiant+ 24*year*old+ was+ giving+ interviews,+ telling+ of+ the+brutal+assault+that+almost+ ended+her+life+as+doctors+op* erated+for+over+13+hours+to+re* move+a+pair+of+scissors+from+ her+skull.+ If+you+saw+her+today,+you’d+ Tamecka Grate Frazier see+ just+ another+ beautiful+ woman+ who+ is+ in+ love+ with+ her+ life,+ her+ family+ and+ living.+ Ms.+Grate’s+attacker,+Emanuel+Moffert,+26,+who+ac*

Page 15



X-Men Origins: WOLVERINE Movie Tidbits Pg. 12

How to brand you


THE BISHOP’S DAUGHTER Page 10 Volume No. 55 Issue No. 44

stop+it? She,+like+so+many+other+young+victims,+was+not+be* Roland S. Martin lieved+**+which+caused+considerable+trauma+as+the+vic* tim+is+twice+victimized.++ Admittedly+some+“victims”+have+lied,+producing+an* “I+ am+ enormously+ thankful+ and+ other+level+of+victims+in+the+wrongfully+accused,+but+ humbled+that+NABJ+has+bestowed+ there+ are+ other+ levels,+ like+ that+ victim+ who+ remains+ this+amazing+honor+on+me+for+my+ silent+ for+ whatever+ reason+ and+ the+ family+ and+ loved+ work+ as+ a+ fearless+ voice+ in+ advo* ones+ of+ the+ aforementioned+ who+ oftentimes+ don’t+ cating+ the+ critical+ issues+ facing+ Page 5 know+what+to+say+or+do. voters+ in+ the+ 2012+ election,+ but+ Now+who+is+the+victim?+ especially+as+they+relate+to+African+ It+ could+ be+ a+ newborn+ baby.+ + Of+ course+ you+ think+ Americans,”+ said+ Martin.+ “I+ hope+ that+this+couldn’t+be+the+case.+Unfortunately+there+are+ Obama’s win may this+honor+serves+as+a+lesson+to+any+ so+ many+ cases+ of+ very,+ very+ young+ babies+ being+ as* young+ or+ veteran+ journalist+ that+ face limitations

See Sexual Assault, page 18Curry looks at the George

York$Times+best*selling+author+with+ nearly+two+million+books+in+print.+ Now+ in+ his+ tenth+ year+ on+ the+ air,+ Baisden+ wants+ his+ radio+ family+ to+ know+he+did+everything+in+his+pow* * the+air+as+soon+as+possible+in+a+way+

future with President Obama

See Martin, page 11


International Metro

Nation elects first African

Page 6

Perspectives 4L5 American president , as Barack wins handidly INSIDE PAGES: Community Calendar 6 Lifestyle

See Baisden, page 6


Obama3wins election and makes ...



Lifestyle Is gospel music dying? Swagger Puzzle




Business Food for thought Congresswoman addresses

Heart disease remains high on list of illnesses Page 15



Management blamed for issues

Page 8

Michael Baisden Oak Cliff Chamber Page 12

Prevent heart attacks

all the Find out on Marvel’s n lowdow mutants t PG. 12 weirdes

APRIL 19, 2013



How to avoid the Swine flu


tually+ dated+ her+ neighbor,+ was+ caught+ before+ he+ was+ able+ to+ rape+her,+but+the+ assault+ was+ so+ brutal+ that+ the+ scars+left+behind+ could+ have+ con* tinued+to+assault+ her,+ if+ not+ for+ a+ loving+ family,+ November 6 church,+ com* munity+ and+ her+ faith. G w e n d o l y n+ Debra Mars Jones+ was+ as* The election is over saulted+ by+ her+ step*father.+ + She+ asked+ herself+ the+ * now we can begin son+act+this+way+toward+me?+Am+I+responsible?++Did+I+ Election night coverage on do+something+to+cause+this?++Did+my+caretakers+know+ KKDA focuses on issues

* * ed+ afternoon+ drive+ radio+ programs+ heard+in+the+top+urban+markets.++ Exum,+his+business+manager. He+ is+ also+ a+ TV+ talk+ Baisden+ began+ his+ career+ as+ an+ New$


Choose either or

APRIL 1, 2013

Martin named NABJ Journalist of the Year

WASHINGTON**+**+The+Nation* al+Association+of+Black+Journalists+ (NABJ)+ has+ announced+ that+ Ro* land+ S.+ Martin,+ nationally+ syndi* cated+ columnist,+ television+ host,+ and+radio+and+television+commen* tator,+ is+ to+ receive+ the+ organiza* Recycle this tion’s+Journalist+of+the+Year+award.+ newspaper when It+ is+ one+ of+ NABJ’s+ most+ covet* finished ed+ honors+ celebrating+ the+ accom* reading plishments+of+black+journalists+and+ City of Dallasthose+ who+ support+ blacks+ in+ the+ Sanitation Dept. media.+Martin+was+selected+for+the+ No. 1 serving the African American Community award+by+NABJ’s+Board+of+Direc* 12, 2008 www.DallasWeekly.com tors.

Michael Baisden leaves airwaves -Skip Murphy moves to slot + Nationally+ syndicated+ radio+ personality+ Michael+ Baisden+ an* nounced+a+hiatus,+from+his+radio+on+ his+ Facebook+ page.+ Baisden,+ who+ commands+a+daily+audience+of+over+ seven+ million+ listeners,+ said+ he+ is+ unable+to+discuss+the+particulars+but+ concluded+ that+ a+ deal+ could+ not+ be+ made+on+mutually+agreeable+terms.+ Recognized+as+one+of+the+most+in*

NO 2 ISSUE 32 APRIL 19 2013




Say NO to any ASSAULT

New Voices


Welcome Home Ambassador Ron Kirk!


Single Mom Chronicles p.12


Digital Illustration: Joseph Shelby








Joyce Ann Brown lost Nine Years, Five Months and 24 Days of her life !






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NOVEMBER 27, 2015

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NOVEMBER 27, 2015

CHERYL’S WORLD Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to hear informative, entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking commentary and news with veteran journalist Cheryl Smith and sports guy Andrew Whigham on Sundays at 8a.m. and Mondays at 6p.m., Felicia Shepherd on Tuesdays at 6p.m., Inside the 234 with Dareia Tolbert on Thursdays at 6p.m., and Miss Yvette at noon on Saturdays

" I w a n t D r. King to know that I didn't come to Selma to make his j o b d i f f i c u l t. I re a l l y d id co m e thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realize what the a l t e r n a t i v e i s, perhaps they will be more willing to hear Dr. King." Malcolm X



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

CALENDAR December 1 WORLD AIDS DAY The Dallas Civil Rights Museum will host an Open House from 12:00 PM 7:00 PM to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Montgomery (Alabama) Bus Boycott. Rosa Parks made history when she refused to move from the front row designated for African Americans to the back to make room for a Caucasian rider. Mrs. Parks was arrested for failing to comply with the driver’s demand for Blacks to move back. Visitors to the Dallas Civil Rights Museum will have an opportunity to select from our 381 Civil Rights Facts basket to get information about the Modern Civil Rights Movement. Events before and after the Montgomery Bus Boycott will be highlighted. Tours will be conducted throughout the day.

SBA Dallas/Fort Worth District will host three seminars explaining the Affordable Care Act to Small Businesses 11:00am-1:00pm Arlington City Council Chamber 101 W. Abram Street Arlington, TX 760101 Register on Eventbrite with the link below: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sba-freeaffordable-care-act-seminar-whats-newfor-2016-and-what-should-you-knowtickets-19591856771 Thursday December 3, 2015 8:30am11:00am Bill J. Priest Center 1402 Corinth Street Room # 1530 Dallas, TX 75215 Register on Eventbrite with the link below: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sbafreeaffordable-care-act-seminar-learn-whatsnew-for-2016-and-what-should-youknow-tickets-19593482634

Tuesday December 8, 2015 11:00am1:00pm Eastfield College 3737 Motley Dr Rm G101 & G102 Mesquite, TX 75150 Register on Eventbrite with the link below: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sbafreeaffordable-care-act-seminar-learn-whatsnew-for-2016-and-what-should-youknowdallas-tickets-19593590958

Looking for an evening to relax after an exhausting week? Check out Spoken Word poets, Prudence the Auset and Rage Almighty. They're going to bring the word and some great jazz. It will be the perfect night cap to soothe the appetite.

December 3

Dallas Convention Center Theater Complex Physical Address: 1309 Canton Street | Dallas, TX 75201

100blackwomenofamerica.com 6-8 pm 1409 S. Lamar, Loft 217 Membership reception

December 4 The Christmas on Caddo Fireworks Festival will celebrate 21 years of holiday fun on Saturday, Dec. 5 at Earl G. Williamson Park in Oil City, Louisiana. Activities kick off at 3:30 p.m. with arts and crafts, food vendors, live music, carnival rides and more. The fireworks show by Durr’s Pyromania Fireworks of Bossier will begin at 6:30 p.m. This year’s firework show is dedicated in memory of Pat Allen, a longtime supporter of the Christmas on Caddo Fireworks Festival. Admission is free. A special carnival preview night will be held Friday, Dec. 4 where guests can be the first to enjoy carnival rides and games. Gates open at 5 p.m. Admission is $20. **** Weaves Etc. Ribbon Cutting 3333 Camp Wisdom Rd. Dallas, Texas 75237 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. www.weavesetc.com ***** Coffee with Cops on Friday, December 4 from 7a-9a at the McDonalds at 4330 DFW Turnpike (Cockrell Hill and 30)


Friday and Saturday, December 4 & 5, 2015 @ 9pm Clarence Muse Cafe Theater

***** Plaza Theatre in Downtown Garland presents a FREE showing of Irving Berlin's "Holiday Inn" on December 4 at 7 p.m., and "White Christmas" on December 5 at 7 p.m. Tickets: Admission is free and open to the public. Plaza Theatre 521 W. State Street Downtown Garland 972-205-2790

December 5 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter (NDSA) is joining forces with AARP Texas to present a free, limited-capacity workshop to empower attendees to address modern life challenges. The event will be held at Hamilton Park United Methodist Church, Christian Life Center, located at 11881 Schroeder Road

December 11 District 4 / “Deck the Halls” Christmas Celebration 1st Floor Lobby Dallas City Hall



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

Time: Starting @ 6pm – 6:55 (Mingle & Gingle) / 7pm – 11pm (Christmas Celebration)

8:00 PM The Hall of State

at the Sheraton from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. The luncheon highlights the importance of education and child abuse awareness in the community. Proceeds support DCAC’s work in improving the lives of abused children in Dallas County and providing national leadership on child abuse issues. This year’s event is cochaired by Paula Richmond and Megan Steinbach.

3939 Grand Avenue Dallas, TX 75210

Sixth annual Black on Black Mingle and Jingle - A Holiday & Dance Experience on December 11-12, 2015. The festivities begin at 6 p.m. each night at the DBDT studios located at 2700 Ann Williams Way in the Dallas Arts District.

December 16 Tarrant County Mayor’s Luncheon, the Fort Worth Club, benefitting UNCF.

April 2

December 12 KWANZAAFEST 2015 At Fair Park 100 BLACK MEN HOLIDAY PARTY 2015

HERB ALPERT & LANI HALL 8 p.m. Majestic Theatre The nonprofit AT&T Performing Arts Center and AEG Live announced Herb Alpert and Lani Hall will perform at the Majestic Theatre in downtown Dallas. Center Members get access to the best available seats. Call Membership Services at 214-978-2888 or go to www.attpac.org/support to join. Center Membership presale began Tuesday, September 29 at 10 a.m. Ticket prices for Herb Alpert & Lani Hall range from $76.75 to $36.75 and can be purchased, beginning on October 2 at 10 a.m., online at www.attpac.org, by phone at 214-880-0202 or in person at the AT & T P e r f o r m i n g A r t s C e n t e r Information Center at 2353 Flora Street (Monday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Tuesday thru Saturday 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.). The Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center (DCAC) will celebrate the 9th annual Appetite for Advocacy Luncheonfeaturing keynote speaker Brené Brown on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 12 p.m. at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel, 400 N. Olive Street. A VIP sponsor reception will be held following the luncheon in a private room

DCHHS Offers Free STD and HIV Testing on World AIDS Day Dec. 1 Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) is participating in the global initiative World Aids Day by offering free testing for sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV on Dec. 1. DCHHS health officials are urging Dallas County residents to take advantage of this free opportunity to get tested for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. “This event will allow us the opportunity to not only test individuals, but also to raise awareness,” said Zachary Thompson, DCHHS director. “It is important for everyone to know their status, get educated about prevention and treatment, and help eliminate stigma associated with the epidemic.” In addition to free HIV testing, DCHHS will offer testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis at no cost as well Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the following location: Dallas County Health and Human Services 2377 N. Stemmons Fwy. Dallas, Texas 75207 In 2013, 768 people were diagnosed with HIV in Dallas County and more than 15,000 were living with the virus. “Individuals can take charge of their long-term health by first knowing their HIV status,” said Dr. Christopher Perkins, DCHHS medical director/ health authority. “As soon as an individual is diagnosed with HIV, they can begin managing the virus by receiving early intervention and treatment, and by living a healthy lifestyle.”



Reel-ality TV Talk By Marquesa LaDawn George Curry Media Columnist

First, let's welcome Ms. Facts of Life legend herself, Kim Fields to the Real Housewives of Atlanta. First impression: Part of her appeal is watching how she interacts with the ladies. Her first taste of relating with the RHOA divas was Kenya Moore. Kenya stopped by and re-introduced herself and asked Kim to become an executive producer on her project. Her face said, heck no! It seems they are familiar with each other from having worked with Tyler Perry. I loved how Kenya put herself in the same category as Kim, in terms of TV legends. Kim gave her look that communicated: Really? Later in the show, we met Kim's beautiful family. It was interesting to see the simplicity of her life. Looking forward to getting to know the "real person" - bring it Kim! Back to the RHOA divas, of course the season had to kick off with fireworks between the ladies, this time it was Sheree and Kenya. Yes, instigated by Kenya. I liked how Phaedra called Kenya out in a nice way. So much so Kenya had to leave the party early, with the pie on her face and all. She's not the only one a bit embarrassed. Peter has issues, too. He's mad, defensive and stupid, all rolled into one. I fear he's pushing Cynthia to her breaking point. They teased Cynthia and told Peter maybe it's time for us to shut this union down. Uummm!

NOVEMBER 27, 2015 Porsha, oh so young and at times naive, called herself introducing her new love to her friends and family. With her new love of a couple of months, she practically proposed and he was sweating bullets. I can't help but think she felt a bit envious of the news that her younger sister is pregnant before she is. Porsha is the star of the family and needed to steal the spotlight back. The only problem is that she should have discussed her intentions with her new man, who really seems uncomfortable. According to news reports, they didn't last. Oh love, is so unpredictable. Yet, I appreciate the spirit of staying in the game! This season is off to a great start... * The "who will build their home faster" battle between Kenya and Sheree is fun to watch; * Phaedra and Kandi friendship struggle is like watching a movie, not sure of what happens next; * Cynthia and Peter's marriage struggles are heartbreaking but organic and raw; * Porsha is trying so hard to find a lover with whom she can start a family, which is nail-biting and interesting; * Kim Fields trying to find her place in the RHOA world. Well, I'm watchin' you girl. Can't wait to see what will happen next and (drum roll, please) * Nene telling anyone who will listen that she's on her way back to RHOA, which is kinda funny and confusing. She actually told the ladies on The View that she felt ganged up on, although that's her trademark. Quick update: I had to stop watching Dancing with the Stars after my girl Tamar Braxton left. It's not interesting to me. But I'm impressed with how her health issues are of concern to everyone. She's building a celebrity brand in a short period of time. You go girl! Marquesa LaDawn is a professional businesswoman who escapes the pressures of living in New York City by retreating into the real world of reality TV. Follow her on twitter @realityshowgirl, Periscope and subscribe to her podcast at www.RealitytvGirl.com

Speaking of not-so-harmonized unions, Phaedra and Kandi finally spoke. Kandi shared how she felt so hurt by Phaedra's negative talk and so much more. Phaedra shared how she needed Kandi to be more supportive along with hubby Todd. But Todd is proud to be buddybuddy with Apollo, in part because of bad business with Phaedra; Kandi shared that concern. It appears that Phaedra is looking to make peace and so is Kandi. But what made the scene extra spicy was Kandi's assistant sharing how Phaedra is not capable of being a real friend to Kandi and he broke it down. Wow! That wasn't the only "wow" moment.



NOVEMBER 27, 2015

POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers

877.373.8477 Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today!

Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at www.streetsafe.peopleguard.com PAGE 28

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