Thought-provoking, informative, enlightening and entertaining news and commentary from around the world! VOL 5 ISSUE 27
March 4, 2016
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• Henry Etta O’Neal Regional Director
Bonita Herring International Grand Basileus
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Southwest Regional Conference I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
held in Dallas p 5-9
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MARCH 11, 2016
Black Wall Street Tour and Ceremony Tulsa, Oklahoma Sunday May 29, 2016 Charter Bus Departing Dallas to Tulsa at 7:30 am from The Act of Change 3200 Lancaster Rd Suite #623, Dallas, TX 75216 $60 per seat. Departing Tulsa to Dallas after Activities Late Sunday Evening Please bring your own food & drink as it will be a long day.
Egbe Egunfewa African Spiritual Society will host a community ceremony to pay homage to our ancestors that were murdered during the terrorist attack on Black Wall Street and during slavery. For more information call Bro. Fred at 214 607 6445 DEADLINE FOR ALL MONIES IS MONDAY, MAY 23, 2016
Please Donate Directly To The Black Wall Street Fund
Go to Payment Page – I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Message to the People...
2016 NABJ Region I Conference The National Association of Black Journalists will host the 2016 Region III Conference April 8 - 10 at the Downtown Memphis Sheraton, 250 N. Main St., Memphis, TN. This year's conference theme "Race Matters: Looking Back, Moving Forward" reflects on the impact race has had on recent coverage from police shootings to the upcoming elections. While in Memphis, a city with a history of civil rights, we see the similarities between the racial issues of past and present day, with an eye to prevent repeating them in the future. This conference will feature insightful programming that will impact working journalists, freelance and transitioning journalists, public relations practitioners, entrepreneurs and students. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to network with other journalists, public relations professionals and entrepreneurs in workshops that will include the return of our interactive producers/reporters boot camp and student interview critiques. Other exciting workshops include the issue of protecting journalists in the field, mid-career choices and changes, journalists and PTSD, Black Twitter and social media, and for the first time, a special two-part IRE workshop. Our 2016 Region III Achiever will be awarded and another first, R3's new "Media and Me Essay Contest" for aspiring high school journalists. Fo r q u e s t i o n s , d e t a i l s a n d p a r t n e r s h i p o p p o r t u n i t i e s at or 301-405-8281.
Dr. Theodore Lee, Jr. P. 25
I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011 IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A. Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IMESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
The Supreme Court Vacancy By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
The unfortunate passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has created a vacancy in the highest court in the land that must filled. It should be filled without delay, because there are important matters before the Court. Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution is very clear—the President shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint judges of the Supreme Court. This constitutional process should not be diminished into a political game. The nation’s highest court should not be diminished into a political pawn. More importantly, we must consider the impact or “precedence” our current leaders are setting for our future leaders. Are our current leaders willing to instruct our nation’s future leaders to ignore the Constitution during an election year? I should hope not.
My hope actually goes beyond the single act of confirming a Supreme Court nominee. It is my hope that my colleagues and I put aside our political differences and give the electorate the representation they deserve – a government that takes seriously the shared responsibility of running a fully-functional, effective government. I am not interested in chiming in to add to the politicization of this process. Instead, I want to focus on the critical reasons for ensuring that our nation’s highest court is fully functional. During this term, the Court will rule on issues, including abortion, unionization and individual voting rights. In a Court that is split 4-4, these issues will remain unresolved. American citizens are disadvantaged when public confidence in our justice system is eroded, because its highest court is powerless. It can no longer protect individual civil rights, protect consumers, or decide critical issues related to police brutality and employment discrimination. Upon taking office, we all take an oath of office: to support and defend the Constitution. That affirmation is bigger than any party or a single election cycle. The Constitution is clear that the President shall nominate, and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint Supreme Court justices.
become discretionary during an election year. If the Senate fails to act in 2016, the Supreme Court will go two terms and well over a year, with a vacancy. By contrast, since 1975, the average number of days from nomination to final Senate vote is approximately 67 days. There are recent examples of the President and Senate being from opposite parties, but still being able to come to a consensus to fulfill this vitally important constitutional duty. In 1988, a Democrat-controlled Senate confirmed President Ronald Reagan’s nominee Justice Kennedy. We must call on the Senate to look to the examples of these past leaders to lay a blueprint on what can be accomplished today. Our democracy has, from its founding, served as the beacon of justice for countries across the globe. It is something that I have always been proud of, and I hope that it is a legacy that we will leave for our children and our children’s children. It’s time that we recognize and confront the dysfunction that plague our political system and make a strategic decision to do the jobs we were sent to Washington to do. The American people deserve and demand no less.
There is no law, written or unwritten, that these constitutional obligation
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. to meet in Dallas and options are considered, researched, and analyzed carefully before decisions are made. Support each other to ensure Sorors are able to reach their full potential in any endeavor. Established: November 12, 1922, at Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana. Membership: 85,000+ Division: Five Regions Central, Northeastern, Southeastern, Southwestern, Western. Service Channel: Over 500 chapters in the U.S., Bahamas, Bermuda, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, Germany and Korea. Sorority Flower: The yellow tea rose. Sorority Mascot: The Poodle. Sorority Colors: Royal blue and gold. It is the mission of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority to enhance the quality of life for women and their families in the U.S. and globally through community service. Our goal is to achieve greater progress in the areas of education, healthcare, and leadership development. Our members, affiliates, staff and community partners work to create and support initiatives that align with our vision. We visualize a world in which all women and their families reach their full potential in all aspects of life and are able to create unlimited opportunities for future generations. These values align with our vision and mission and represent the intent of our Founders. For the women of Sigma Gamma Rho, this means to always:
SISTERHOOD Value the contributions of all members and affiliates-- in unmatched collaboration. Embrace different perspectives. We do not compete against each other. Instead, we share an approach where all opinions
RESPECT Treat everyone in our diverse community with dignityincluding, but not limited to current and potential Sorors, affiliates, staff, and partners. Adhere to the Sorority's policies, procedures, training standards and behavior guidelines. HONESTY Speak up and tell the truth as we see it with tact, regardless of the popularity of our views. When decisions are made, we support the outcome. ACCOUNTABILITY Hold ourselves accountable for our actions. We offer no excuses, we accept responsibility. INTEGRITY Adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, accountability and personal responsibility. When conducting Sigma business, we put the Sorority's interest ahead of our own. EXCELLENCE Deliver the best outcomes and highest quality community service through the dedicated effort of every member. We deliver greater value than expected. COMMUNICATION Advance the free flow of accurate and truthful information through transparent communications. Fo s t e r i n f o r m e d d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g t h ro u g h o p e n communication. Protect confidential and private information. Avoid conflicts of interest. Work to strengthen the public's understanding of the mission and vision of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated.
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Consider our personal image and behavior, because we understand we represent the Sigma sisterhood in all aspects of our daily lives Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was organized on November 12, 1922, in Indianapolis, Indiana, by seven young educators: Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Vivian White Marbury, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Mae Downey Rhoades Martin and Cubena McClure. The group became an incorporated national collegiate sorority on December 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to Alpha chapter at Butler University. Soaring To Greater Heights Of Attainment Around The World, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., as a leading national service organization, has met the challenges of the day and continues to grow through Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service. From seven young educators, Sigma Gamma Rho has become an international service organization comprised of women from every profession. Sigma Gamma Rho offers its members opportunities to develop their unique talents through leadership training and involvement in sorority activities. Sorority activities provide an atmosphere where friendships and professional contacts are developed which often lead to bonds that last a lifetime.
Sigma Gamma Rho's commitment to service is expressed in its slogan, "Greater Service, Greater Progress." The sorority has a proud history of offering service wherever chapters exist, including OPERATION BigBookBag, a program designed to address the needs, challenges and issues that face school-aged children who are educationally at-risk in local homeless shelters and extended care hospitals. The objective is for chapters to provide their local homeless shelters and children hospitals with educational materials, equipment and supplies. Other national projects include Wee Savers, Project Reassurance and Habitat for Humanity, Sigma Gamma Rho built seven homes across the United States in Florida, District of Columbia, Wisconsin, California, and Texas. The service of Sigma Gamma Rho from a global perspective includes Project Africa and Project Mwanamugimu. Through active participation in programs and through networking with other organizations such as the National Council of Negro Women, Urban League and the NAACP, Sigma's legacy of service to improve the quality of life for all mankind continues.
Greater Service Greater Progress Since 1922
Sigma women are dedicated to helping each other and their personal success is recognized in The AURORA and through various awards.
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Notable members There are several notable women who are members of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Television, film and radio Hettie Vyrine Barnhill - singer, dancer, actress, choreographer Louise Beavers - actress (film Imitation of Life, 1934) Lee Chamberlin - actress Merri Dee - longtime news anchor and reporter, WGN-TV CW Chicago Ellia English - actress/producer, (sitcom The Jamie Foxx Show') Anna Maria Horsford - actress, (sitcoms Amen (TV series) and The Wayans Bros.) Mother Love - daytime talk show host, radio personality Linda McClure - actress, model Marilyn McCoo - actress, singer Hattie McDaniel - actress, first African-American to be nominated and to win an Academy Award for her supporting role in the 1939 epic movie Gone with the Wind Okema T. Moore - actress Brenda Pressley - actress Victoria Rowell - actress, The Young and the Restless, foster care activist LaRita Shelby - entertainer, host, singer, motivational speaker, former Miss Black World Monique Williams - reporter, WOLO-TV ABC Columbia Tonya Lee Williams - actress, The Young and the Restless Audrey Jones - Emmy Award winner, producer of The View Music Vanessa Bell Armstrong - Grammy-nominated gospel recording artist Myiia "Sunny" Hawkins - Gospel recording artist, songwriter, Broadway actress, Pastor Eva Jessye - first African-American female to receive international distinction as a professional choral conductor, conducted choir at March on Washington, 1963 Maysa Leak - Grammy-nominated jazz singer MC Lyte (born Lana Michele Moorer) - Hip-Hop recording artist Kelly Price - Grammy-nominated R&B singer Martha Reeves - R&B and Pop singer, former politician, former lead singer of the Motown girl group "Martha and the Vandellas" Comedy Leighann Lord - comedian Ms. Dupree - comedian, Tom Joyner Show Politics and government[ 'Lindy' Marie Corrine Morrison Claiborne Boggs - 1st female U.S. Representative in Louisiana Corrine Brown - U.S. Representative, D - Florida Eugenia Charles - 1st female Prime Minister of Dominica, 1st female elected head of government in the Americas Gwendolyn Sawyer Cherry - 1st African American female to serve on the State Legislator in Florida, educator, lawyer, author, Florida House Representative Elaine H. Palmer - 215th Civil District Judge, Harris County, Texas Georgia Davis Powers - 1st female and person of color elected to the Kentucky State Senate Robin Kelly - U.S. Representative, D - Illinois Andrea C. McElroy - former Council 1st Vice President of the Township of Irvington, New Jersey Service and activism Hydeia Broadbent - HIV/AIDS activist, motivational speaker
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
The 2014-2016 Southwestern Region Executive Board
Seven young women of Indianapolis, Indiana, had a dream of a legacy for greater service and achievement through higher education. These women—Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Bessie Mae Downey Martin, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Cubena McClure, and Vivian White Marbury established Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, on November 12, 1922. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority’s aim is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public Service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmark of the organization’s programs and activities. Sigma Gamma Rho addresses concerns that impact society educationally, civically, and economically. It was at the 14th Boule, which convened in New York City, New York, on December 27-30, 1939, that the Southwestern Region was officially established. Following the 14th Boule, the Southwestern Region was organized in 1940 in the home of Soror Lucille Hicks Sheppard, in Houston, Texas, under the leadership of Soror Mary Scales Greenwood, who served as Regional Syntaktes from 1940-1948. During her tenure, Soror Greenwood organized the most chapters in this region. Although the Southwestern Region was founded in 1940, its presence could be felt years before its official founding date when six educators were interested in furthering greater womenhood, scholarship, community service and leadership. As a result of their vision, the Alpha Lambda and Gamma Sigma Chapters were founded in 1928. The first Boule held in the Southwestern Region took place in Houston, Texas, on December 27-29, 1938, and was hosted by the Alpha Lambda and Gamma Sigma Chapters. The region has placed layers in the foundation of the organization with the creation of the sorority mascot "The Poodle" designed by Past Regional Syntaktes Quindonell Robertson. To open avenues for other ladies in our communities the Philo Comrades, now Philo Affiliates were organized in 1943 in Galveston, Texas under the leadership of Past Syntaktes Mary Scales Greenwood. We continue to serve in key roles on the national, regional and local levels assisting with the growth of this great sisterhood.
20th Southwestern Region Syntaktes Henry Etta O'Neal Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator LaShonda M. Johnson Youth Services Coordinator Nkza Campbell Grammateus Dr. Alice Cryer-Sumler Tamiochus Dr. Essence Robinson Anti-Grammateus Shaundria Woodard Epistoleus Vernelia McKnight National Education Fund Trustee Karen Y. Williams Parliamentarian Chantay Canty-Doyle Rhoer Coordinator Miesha Butler Philo Coordinator Barbara Foreman National Projects Coordinator Shantana Robinson Chaplain Mary Walker Sergeant-At-Arms Juanice Shelton Music Directress Dr. Vivian Johnson Legal Advisor Glenda Clausell Elliott, Es. Honorary Members - Past Syntakti
8th Southwestern Region Syntaktes Quindonell Robertson 14th Southwestern Region Syntaktes Janice Walker 15th Southwestern Region Syntaktes Janet Armand 16th Southwestern Region Syntaktes Dr. Faith E. Foreman 17th Southwestern Region Syntaktes Dr. Patricia H. Hiller 19th Southwestern Region Syntaktes Brenda J. Canty International Officers in the Southwestern Region International Legal Advisor Karyn Thomas, Esq.
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
CNN AND TV ONE TO HOST DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL TOWN HALL ON MARCH 13 Silver Spring, MD - CNN will partner with TV ONE to host the "CNN-TV ONE Ohio Democratic Presidential Town Hall" on Sunday, March 13 from 8-10 p.m. ET, two days before five states hold primary contests. Moderated by Roland S. Martin, host and managing editor of TV ONE's "News One Now," and Jake Tapper of CNN, the nationallytelevised primetime special will take place at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, and air live on CNN and TV ONE. Emphasizing issues facing Black America, the two-hour event will also be simulcast on Urban Adult Contemporary Radio One stations in each of its 15 urban markets and live-streamed online and across mobile devices via CNNgo. The March 13 event will follow a similar format of the five critically acclaimed Democratic and Republican town halls that CNN has hosted this year and serve as the closing statement in this "Super Tuesday" Democratic primary before F lorida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio hold primaries on Tuesday, March 15. "Every election matters, and this year's Presidential campaign is no different," stated Martin. "African Americans are some of the most astute voters. The issues we care about the most deserve to be addressed by anyone seeking to be President of the United States. I look forward to vigorous and honest
discussion with former Secretary Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders." Following the Town Hall, "News One Now" will continue putting the news into perspective from 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. ET on Monday, March 14 in a special two-hour edition broadcasting from the student union facility at The Ohio State University. In addition, viewers are encouraged to visit News One N ow ' s c o m p a n i o n we b s i t e N e w s O n e. c o m a n d #NewsOneNow on Twitter for a chance to have Martin ask Clinton and Sanders their questions. w i l l a l s o f e at u re c l i p s a n d community interviews from the event. " T h i s mu l t i - p l a t f o r m n e w s initiative combines the complementary strengths of our two org anizations to reach members of the African American community via every available ave nu e, " s ay s B r a d S i e g e l , President of TV ONE. "CNN and TV ONE working together can facilitate discussion of issues particularly relevant to our audience, an underserved yet very important constituency."
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
When You Get to the Fork in the Road, Don't Stop Spiritually Speaking…. By James A. Washington
My church has been teaching on New vs. Old Covenant principles and I was reminded that there is a huge reality surrounding the facts and faith of lost and found. It gave me a history lesson about something I wrote about some time ago. Have you ever been lost; I mean really don’t know where you are, what you’re doing, how did I get to this place lost? I used to wouldn’t or couldn’t admit that to anyone. But, if the truth be told, I’ve been emotionally, clinically, physically, chronically and of course, spiritually lost many times in my life. It’s no accident that finding me by me coincides with me finding my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You see lost in the secular realm can mean a lot of things, including, simply being lost in time and space. Geographically, that can mean not knowing which direction to turn in order to get to a particular place at a specific time. Spiritually, being lost runs the gamut from borderline lunacy to physical depravity, from chasing your own tail to sniffing everybody else’s. For those not following my point, merely consider those times in your life when you couldn’t explain your own dumb behavior to anyone, including yourself. Think, if you will, about all of those times when you were in the middle of where even you knew
you weren’t supposed to be, but dare I say, you chose not to leave. Folks that’s being lost in the truest sense of the word, if you engage in destructive behavior but can’t stop, live a lifestyle you despise but feel obligated to continue, stay in an abusive situation and won’t leave, love yourself so little that you lose sight of who you really are, blame the world for your predicament and won’t do anything to change it, you just ain’t lost. You oh hell naw lost! The point of the sermon was biblical context will guide you from the foundation of the Old Covenant to the truth of the New. Today we are found in Christ. If being spiritually lost is in essence a state of mind, doesn’t it stand to reason then that being spiritually found is also a state of mind? You all know how it feels after being lost for a few minutes or a few hours and finally getting going in the right direction. You’ve not yet reached your destination but you experience great joy in the fact that you absolutely know where you’re going. Being spiritually found, or finding yourself spiritually brings the same feeling, only tenfold, because really, most of us have been spiritually lost for more than a few minutes, or a few days or even a few years. To wake up on any given morning and recognize the truth about which I write, necessitates praising God in a manner only the saved can understand. At that point, in that moment of understanding, confusion
gives way to clarity, lunacy gives way to sanity, turmoil bows to peace, purpose replaces insignificance and the angst of the spirit is replaced by faith in the Almighty. It’s an awesome thing y’all with some awesome responsibilities. I believe once you find yourself spiritually, there is one irrefutable fact you must acknowledge. You can no longer plead ignorance to the ways of the Lord. No longer can you play victim to your own self induced frailties. No longer can you claim weakness as an excuse for succumbing to your self-inflicted wounds. This new found spirituality thing bears a price tag for redemption. Salvation does indeed require a paradigm shift. But it’s okay. Just like being on the wrong highway all night and finally finding the right one, even though you’ve gone far out of your way, there’s nothing like finally getting it right. Now it’s just a matter of time. “He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know the time or dates the Father has set by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you’…” All I’m trying to say is being found is so much better than being lost and being spiritually found is considerably better than being spiritually bankrupt. Maybe I’m just glad to know the difference. May God bless and keep you always.
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Your time to SHINE!
Dallas Black 2016 Marriage Day
Celebr ation ANNUAL th
Saturday, April 23
You're cordially invited!
Winning couple will receive a couples getaway at any Omni Hotel & Resort
Omni Hotel in downtown Dallas. Event Registration is FREE and opens March 2016.
REGISTER TO ATTEND We invite you to join us as we honor outstanding couples who have been nominated by family and friends for "Couple of the Year" award. These special couples are celebrated amidst 250-300 guests, where two winning couples will be announced and inducted into the DBMD Hall of Fame. There will be great food, live music, dancing, laughter and some tears as attendees from all over the Dallas area come to celebrate the value of successful marriages in the African American community.
To Register to Attend and get your FREE tickets visit 5%.3 %')231!3)/. /0%.2 !1#(
Event sponsored in part by Enroll in a relationship workshop online ),,#1%23 $ 3% 9 !,,!2 %7!2 9 Partial funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FK0085. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
No Passport required for International Day of Service McKINNEY, TEXAS, — Refugees or evacuees different set of circumstances can bring people from other countries to the U.S. and ultimately our local communities. The International Day of Service in Collin County, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, March 12, 2016, at the American Red Cross of McKinney, 1450 Redbud Dr., McKinney; seeks adventurist local volunteers. No passport is necessary to travel the world locally and help global citizens. The American Red Cross and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. – Collin County Alumnae Chapter encourage the community to learn more about Red Cross International Services and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. International Awareness through the International Day of Service Resource Fair. Essie Hennie, Red Cross employee and member of Collin County Alumnae, a dynamic energized woman committed to firing up the community on being more than good local citizens but being good global citizens as well. “I don’t think people realize that the American Red Cross helps people find their family members after they’ve been separated due to conflict and/or war and even after a catastrophic disaster,” said Hennie. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., a recognized and registered advocacy organization with the United Nations, the membership supports and invests heavily to improve the infrastructure throughout Africa by providing safe drinking water through water tanks and wells, building an elementary school in Haiti, and a hospital for women and children providing access to prenatal care for women in Kenya. Additional opportunities to learn more about the various ways that one can become involved with the Red Cross are: Give Blood CPR/First Aid Classes Disaster Action Team (local everyday heroes who respond to a home fire or any other local disaster) Come out and learn more about volunteer opportunities with Red Cross, Delta Sigma Theta and other community organizations.
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
M a
MARCH 11, 2016
North Dallas Free Community Fitness Event “Journey to Wellness” in Its 4th Year Organizations, community residents invited to participate DALLAS — It’s that time of year again when North Dallas and surrounding communities are urged to get off the couch, put down the remote, get moving and join the North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter (NDSA) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in its 4th Annual “Journey to Wellness.” On Saturday, March 12, 2016 the sorority, in partnership with the City of Dallas - Willie B. Johnson Recreation Center will host this communitywide fitness and w e l l n e s s e ve n t from 8 a.m. until 1 p. m . a t t h e center’s location, 12225 Willowdell D r i v e, D a l l a s , Texas. Rain or shine this event will take place.
mile run or walk, a health fair featuring organizations that will provide tips on ways to achieve health eating habits and practical ways to keep families physically active. The importance of water in achieving and maintaining good health will be emphasized this year. “Water is a vital element in a healthy body. Recent news headlines illustrate what happens when a
community is without this precious resource,” said Jada Burton, NDSA president. “We’re working to increase awareness of how water facilitates healthy living and graceful aging.” Healthy snacks and plenty of water will be on hand for participants to refresh and recover following their trek along the Cottonwood Trail located behind the recreation center.
Now in its 4th year, the goal of the event is to provide a morning of exercise with a 3-
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Money Management Work$hops Saturday, March 19, 2016 Frankford Townhomes Center 18110 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75287
9:30 a.m. – 11: 00 a.m. Entrepreneurs: Business Plan Development
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Consumers: Healthy bank account management and debt free living
FREE – Open to the Public
DST-NDSA, P.O. Box 830604, Richardson, TX 75083 214-452-7835
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
Ask Pam Q - I’ve been on Medicaid for several months and drawing SSI from Social Security Administration (SSA). I’ll be turning age 62 next month, I was informed by SSA that my SSI would go away because I’ll start drawing a Social Security Retirement check. Since my retirement income will be significantly greater than the SSI I’ll no longer be eligible for Medicaid assistance. I’m
MARCH 11, 2016
concerned about keeping some medical assistance so my question is will I get Medicare too when I turn 62 next month? A - That depends; people are eligible to enroll in Medicare prior to age 65 only if they’re on Social Security Disability and have met the 24-month waiting period, or have a special condition. Check with the Social Security Administration to see when you will be eligible for Medicare. If you find that you’re not eligible for Medicare yet, then you can always visit or call 2-1-1, that’s if you live in Texas, to find what medical resources are available in your area.
Medicare Annual Open Enrollment period: October 15th thru December 7th. The Affordable Care Act - Federal Marketplace Exchange – 2016 Open Enrollment period: November 1st 2015 thru January 31st 2016. P A M E L A J. D A Y E S is a Licensed & Certified Health Insurance Agency serving North Texas area. She is passionate about learning and gaining knowledge in the area of HealthCare reform. She is devoted to passing on that knowledge in particularly to the Senior Market. Her expertise is in making Medicare clear and understandable. I look forward to answering your questions. Email questions to Follow me: Twitter: pjdayes Facebook: askpamdayes
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Consumers, Entrepreneurs Get Free Advice on Making and Managing Money Workshops open to Consumers and Entrepreneurs Dallas – Consumers who want to enhance their money management skills and entrepreneurs wanting to create business plans for existing or planned businesses are invited to free Money Management Workshops hosted by the North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on Sat. March 19. The workshops are open to the public and will be held at the Frankford Townhomes Community Center, 18110 Marsh Lane, Dallas, TX 75287. The Entrepreneur Workshop will be from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Consumer Workshop will immediately follow at 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Both workshops will be taught by industry experts. Simeon Terry is a 27 year veteran in diversity and inclusion management and the 2013 recipient of the Dallas Business Journal Minority Business Leader Award. Terry will provide attendees with step-by-step guidance in completing a business template that conforms to the recommendations of the Small Business Plan Administration. The goal of the workshop is to help entrepreneurs create a strategic foundation for a profitable business. For those who own a business, the workshop will assist them in fine-tuning their business objectives and long-range planning processes.
We are looking for order pullers, loaders & unloaders for Terrell, TX. Taking applications 9:00am 12:00pm Tuesday-Friday. Please apply in person @ Action Logistics 301 E. Apache Trail, Terrell, TX 75160
The consumer workshop, taught by financial advisor Kimberly Evans, will focus on basic money management and give attendees a simple, easy to understand action plan to increase or improve their savings, plan for the unexpected and develop good money management habits. Evans is a Licensed Financial Advisor, an IRS Certified Tax Preparer and a Certified Housing Counselor. She is the founder of Purposed Consulting, LLC, a financial management firm that specializes in personal and financial empowerment, investing and retirement planning. “We are hosting these workshops because sound money management is an important step for both personal and professional success,” said Chapter President Jada Burton. “The workshops will be very hands-on in that attendees will get a sense of what works best for them. Guests will walk out with basic knowledge to help achieve their financial goals and a plan that can be implemented tomorrow if they so desire.” Attendees are asked to bring their own laptop computers. For more information or to make reservations, go to or send an email request to:
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Reel-ality TV Talk By Marquesa LaDawn, George Curry Media Columnist
I must admit that channel surfing several years ago, I popped in an episode of the Real Housewives. I initially judged and acted outraged and planned to turn the channel. But I couldn't, it was just too polarizing and real. I remember these questions going through my mind: * Why would anyone put themselves on blast like this? * I wonder how much that house costs? * Is she really spending that much money on a trinket? * She seems lonely and desperate, now I get it? * I could never... really? This is so good * I appreciate her honesty, but gosh this is embarrassing. And the list continues... then I found myself, recording episodes in fear of missing them. Yearning to know what happens next. Then before I knew it, I was hooked on several Real Housewives shows. Let's break down what's addictive... The luxury... Do you remember Yolanda's refrigerator from "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills"? Heck it has its on Twitter account. One of the newest housewives on that show is Erica Jayne, married to the famed attorney who won the Erin Brockovich case. She has a church, which I don't think she uses, in her house, just because. Lisa Vanderpump on the same show is a show stopper; she actually has a mini petting zoo, right in front of her house.
It's not just the houses, it's the lifestyle. The meals, the clothes, the venues, the cars, it never ends. The vacations... It's common practice to see the every Real Housewife franchise cast mates go on vacations together. Knowing that they would never do that in real life, but there are numerous benefits! * Luxurious hotels are always nice to see; * Fabulous meals are being served that make your mouth water; * Close quarters with nowhere to go, or family to run to, creates drama on steroids * There's often too much drinking, which brings out the feisty personality in everyone * There's often company that mixes things up, like on a recent Real Housewives of Atlanta episode, when one of the wives brought in their rude but grown nephews. This led to a confrontation with Kenya and one of the nephews getting arrested along with accidentally knocking out his aunt when she tried to intercede. The break ups... OMG! Very few marriages survive the attention. I think of Porsha (RHOA), she didn't have a chance. She entered the show as a Stepford Wife and a few seasons later, she divorced and showed a wild side. What about Tamara from RHOOC, she's still feeling the pain of her nasty divorce and she's remarried.
One of the more recent is Phaedra (RHOA); her husband will be locked up for eight years, she's must do something. Teresa Giudice, (RHONJ) who just completed, her prison time, is still committed to her marriage, even though, Joe, is going away this month for three years. I'm reading her book now! The most famous divorce of The Real Housewives, comes from New York City; Bethenny Frankel is still fighting, nearly four years later for her money. The Paycheck... Let's be real, this is the "why" for most of the housewives behind fame! But, if they are smart, strategic and savvy, the paycheck can grow infinitely. How you ask? * Creating their own product - Skinny girl anyone? You do know this is a million dollar company several times over? * Endorsements - well, this is not just for the sports guys * Drama on steroids gets you a lot of camera time and big paychecks. Ask Nene, still Queen Bee in that world; * Other shows - you are now famous and other shows will leverage that fame! * Books - Yep, I'm reading Teresa Giudice's book now, interesting so far. * Spinoff shows - Lisa Vanderpump, Kandi Buruss * Hit songs in spite of talent - Kim Zolciak, Luanne de Lesseps and Kenya Moore and the list continues! Bottom line, whether we can relate or we just judge, it's addictive!
Marquesa LaDawn is a professional businesswoman who escapes the pressures of living in New York City by retreating into the real world of reality TV. Follow her on twitter @realityshowgirl, Periscope and subscribe to her podcast at
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
WNBA’s Dallas Wings announce Preseason Schedule for inaugural season in DFW Metroplex  Wings to Play at the Defending Eastern Conference Champion Indiana Fever on May 1st; Mother’s Day Home Game Against Connecticut Sun on May 8th  Arlington, TX., – The WNBA’s Dallas Wings today announced the preseason schedule for the team’s inaugural season in the DFW Metroplex, highlighted by their first home game on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8th, against the Connecticut Sun.  The Dallas Wings tip-off their preseason on May 1st in Indiana against the defending Eastern Conference Champion Indiana Fever. Due to a possible conflict with NBA Playoffs, a contingency date of May 2nd against Indiana may be in effect. This game will be followed by the Mother’s Day game on May 8th at 1:30pm (CT), which will
be the first-ever preseason game the Wings will play in the DFW Metroplex, as they welcome the Connecticut Sun to College Park Center. Single game tickets for the Mother’s Day game went on sale on Friday, March 4 at 10:00am (CT), and can be purchased at or by calling (817) 469-9464. “We are very excited to get the 2016 Dallas Wings season started, and what better way to kick-off our inaugural season here in the Metroplex then to play a preseason game on Mother’s Day,� said David Swatzell, President, Dallas Wings. “This will be the beginning of an exciting year for the Wings as we compete for a WNBA Championship.� The Wings’ regular season home opener, which will serve as the first-ever regular season WNBA game to be played in the DFW Metroplex, will be on Saturday, May 21st at 7:30p.m., at College Park Center, the team’s home court, against the San Antonio Stars. The Wings will play home games at College Park Center, a state-of-the-art 7,000-seat arena conveniently located on the campus of The University of Texas at Arlington. The 2016 WNBA regular season runs from Saturday, May 14th through Sunday, Sept. 18th. A complete gameby-game listing of the schedule is available at http:// Season ticket packages and information about the Dallas Wings can be found at or by calling (817) 469-9464. To follow the franchise via social m e d i a , p l e a s e v i s i t w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / dallaswingsbasketball/, @DWingsHoops on Twitter or @DallasWingsBasketball on Instagram.
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I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
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MARCH 11, 2016
Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists URBAN JOURNALISM WORKSHOP APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED The Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists (formerly the DallasF o r t Wo r t h A s s o c i a t i o n o f B l a c k Communicators) will present its annual Urban Journalism Workshop for high school and college students in 2016. This 12-week workshop is open to students in Dallas, Tarrant, Ellis, Collin and Denton counties. Students receive hands-on experience working with seasoned professionals who have gained a reputation l o c a l l y a n d n a t i o n a l l y, a s w e l l a s internationally. The program, which emulates one started by George Curry, Gerald Boyd and other members of the Greater St. Louis Association of Black Journalists in St. Louis, has graduated students who have gone on to anchor newscasts, edit newspapers, open public relations firms and produce radio shows. Mr. Curry visits the Dallas workshop students annually to conduct his “basic training.” Mr. Boyd died of lung cancer in 2006. “We’re excited about continuing the tradition that was started almost 30 years ago,” said Eva Coleman, one of the instructors for the program. “I am looking forward to working with students this year.” Ms. Coleman, who teaches radio and television in Frisco ISD will be overseeing the radio and television segments of the workshop, pulling together experts in the field.
Previous speakers have included: Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk, Senator Royce West, Star-Telegram editor and columnist Bob Ray Sanders, Dallas Morning News columnist Norma Adams Wade, Our Texas Publisher General Berry, PR gurus Lyria Howland and Rose Gafford, Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Irwin Thompson, K104’s Sam Putney, 97.9’s Gary with the T, Dallas Examiner Publisher Mollie Belt, Producer Haile Gerima and Dallas Weekly Publisher James A. Washington. Ms. Smith, who has been with the program since its inception, took over the directorship in the mid 90s and continued through 2004. Ms. Smith returned to the program as director in 2007. At the conclusion of the workshop, the students will participate in a closing ceremony where they will present a newspaper, television and radio broad-casts, a website and a special project. For more information about the workshop, contact Ms. Smith at 214-941-0110. Mail completed applications to: DFWABJ 320 South R.L. Thornton Frwy #220A Dallas, TX 75203
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Dallas ISD Trustees recognize essay contest winners, oratory competition winner Winners of an essay contest that was part of the Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr. African Heritage Lecture Series were recognized at the Feb. 25 Dallas ISD Board of Trustees meeting. The series, presented by St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church, heralds the beginning of African-American History Month each year. This year’s theme was, “Speaking to the elephant in the room: The church’s response to the …isms.” The following writers were recognized in the Youth Night essay contest: First place: Anthony Harris, Jarrod Wheeler Second place: Justice Bradford, Diamond King - Third place: William Perkins, Debrciya Everett - Honorable Mentions: Lorenzo Hicks, Ira Wheeler and Fredrika Lucky. Also honored at the meeting was Lyriq Turner (pictured), the Dallas winner of the 2016 MLK Jr. Oratory competition. Turner, a fifth-grader at Charles Rice Learning Center, delivered her winning speech at the meeting.
Madison High welcomes future students during showcase event Cheerleaders from James Madison High School welcome future students during a showcasestyled event. Photo Courtesy: Dallas ISD
— Eighth-graders from Billy Earl Dade Middle School who will attend James Madison High School next year as freshmen got a firsthand look at the school and the programs it offers on March 4. After a pep rally-style orientation that included performances by the school’s cheerleaders, drill team and band, students could talk to students and staff members who are involved in the various
programs. One major change will be that next year, Madison will offer a Collegiate Academy program. Principal Gayle Ferguson Smith said that Madison’s student population is one of its benefits; it is the smallest Dallas ISD high school, and that allows each student more opportunities to participate in activities. Of the school’s 450 students, 200 of them are student-athletes.
With the most-recent UIL realignment, she said Madison won’t face any other district school in athletic or academic competitions. That means students will compete against smaller, more rural schools. That gives Madison an even better chance to continue its long tradition of excellence. “This is a great place to feel at home,” she told the students. “Everyone knows everyone.”
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Get out of the way ex-wife Dear Alma,
unaccompanied. Giving an ultimatum to your partner is like offering a cold glass of pride and arrogance. The offer of “my way or the My husband was married very young, highway” doesn’t give the other person a from the age of 20-22. The marriage was a reasonable choice or viable option. You have disaster and they divorced without having one of two decisions to make. You can turn the a conversation or even seeing each other in other cheek and wait for this circus to pass court. He didn’t contest it or show up to through town, (‘cause we both know it will), the court date. She recently found him on or you can start to do what’s needed to regain Facebook and asked if she could give him your number one “I’m every woman-wife #1” a call. When he came and asked me about status. The choice is up to you. Since your it, I said it would be ok. My husband and I husband was honest enough to bring this to are very close; we have successful adult your attention and ask for permission, I don’t children, and a lovely grandchild. We are think these long talks are a threat to your very active in our church. I said yes, Ask Alma marriage. As you mentioned, she’s in one because we’ve had a wonderful life, a By Alma Gill state and you guys live in another. When one happy and loving 25 years of marriage. I via George Curry Media takes the time to finalize, wrap up life lessons was ok with it at first, but lately they’ve and loose ends over the years, it can be been having long conversations on the cathartic. I think he’s trying to extend a more phone and what I thought was going to compassionate side of himself because she’s ill. be a one or two time thing, is still going on. He talks to her while I’m in the room. They seem to have a really good friendship building. My patience has run thin. I Don’t fault him for that. Deal with him based on what recently told him the conversations need to stop and he he actually does, not what you’ve imagined him doing. said no. She’s not married, lives in another state, and Mark my words, the rambles of reminiscing will begin has cancer. He says he wants to be there for her, but I to roll away, because at some point one of them will don’t think that’s his place. I trust my husband but I remember why they divorced in the first place. I don’t trust her. I think she is lonely and just reminiscing anticipate that will be your husband. If you had asked about my husband. I know I opened this can of worms me this question 20 years ago, I would have told you to but what do I do to put the lid back on. Should I tell him to get the steppin’ but I know better now. threaten to leave and give him an ultimatum? Twenty-five years is a long time and as his wife, you’ve gotta dig in deep, do a better job of weathering this D.T. Tampa, Fla. storm. TBT Tampa, It would never sit well with me to tell someone to leave a marriage of 25 years. What may be a deal breaker for one, might not be for another. What I will say is, you are not the number one woman in your husbands heart – right now. I know, I know, that’s a handful of hurt to hold, but honesty is what you get while sitting in the Ask Alma Café, and you my dear took a seat. First and foremost, don’t ever offer an ultimatum, or you may find yourself
Since it’s the first real tsunami in your relationship, lay down some rules but don’t grab your umbrella and run. Tell him what’s on your mind, tell him how this situation makes you feel and ride it out. I’ve got a good feeling about your husband and I think he’ll revert with a sack of sorries before you know it. Be prayerful, exercise your patience and rely on your faith. You’ve invested 25 years of your life to this man and your family. Play to win in this game called marriage, and remember you’ve got a 25-year home field advantage!
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
B v M
J C p r D a K
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
MARCH 11, 2016
Dr. Theodore Roosevelt Lee, Jr.
WAKE: Friday March 11, 2016 7:00- 9:00 PM Marsalis Ave Church of Christ... 2431 S.Marsalis Ave Dallas Texas 75216 Funeral: Saturday March 12, 2016 11 AM Marsalis Avenue Church of Christ 2431 S.Marsalis Ave Dallas Texas 75216 Golden Gate Funeral Home In lieu of flowers please send donations to the Dr. Theodore R. Lee Jr. Scholarship Fund @ UNCF 501 Elm Street, Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75202
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
I MESSENGER March 11 Neighborhood stories @ The SDCC You're invited to the free screening of the latest film in our "Neighborhood Stories" program. This film explores the Bonton and Ideal neighborhoods in South Dallas. Initially it was a series of segregated developments built for black Dallasites The Panelists will be: Milton Baker, former Bonton resident, H.I.S. Bridgebuilders Gerald Britt, former Ideal resident, CitySquare Sherri Mixon, Ideal resident, T.R. Hoover Clifton Reese, Bonton resident, H.I.S. Bridgebuilders Craig Weflen, Filmmaker, bcWORKSHOP Moderator - Vicki Meek @ 7pm South Dallas Cultural Center Theater
New Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church will host its 11th Annual Raymond B. Spencer Scholarship banquet on March 11th 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Fort Worth Hilton Hotel. The Featured keynote speaker will be Dr. Rev Raphael G. Warnock, Ph.D., a civil rights leader and new generation trailblazer. Dr. Warnock is the senior pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, the church home of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
March 10-13 SAVE THESE DATES! March 10 - 13, 2016 Friends of the South Dallas Cultural Center cordially invites you to celebrate the retirement of Vicki Meek Thursday, March 10, 2016 Preview Opening Reception: T Vasquez and Montoya Williams show All artists who have shown in the gallery during Vicki's tenure. Free- Open to the public Friday, March 11, 2016 10:00 am Paul Quinn College 10am - Vicki Meek: Black & Blue: Cultural Oasis in the Hills A part of the Nasher XChange 2013 Exhibition 10:15 am - Artist Talk Free- Open to the public Lunch - TDB South Dallas Cultural Center Wonderful Weekend at the Center 7pm – 8:30pm Film Screening “BONTON + IDEAL” – A Dallas Neighborhood Stories Film
MARCH 11, 2016 by BC Workshop Narrated by Vicki Meek Jammin' @ the Center Jazz Jam Session 12midnight -3 am Free- Open to the public Saturday, March 12, 2016 5 -7pm - Arthello Beck Gallery Opening T Vasquez and Montoya Williams Free- Open to the public 8pm Dinner – La Calle Doce Lakewood Jazz Karaoke TBD Sunday, March 13, 2016 Vicki Meek 365 CELEBRATION! City Performance Hall 4pm - 6pm Ticket information to follow
March 12 Mind Your Body Funk-a-thon Benefiting NAMI Dallas If you like to get down, get funky and get loose. Then, groove to the beat at the Mind Your Body Funk-a-thon, benefiting NAMI Dallas. WHERE: NXT Rep Fitness 2600 W Mockingbird Ln. Dallas, TX 75235 WHEN: Saturday, March 12 and Saturday, April 30 9:00am – 10:30am TICKETS: $10 registration at, ****** MaDea’s on the Run - Two shows 3p.m. And 8p.m. At the Verizon Theatre in Grand Prairie. Call 888-929-7849 ****** Community United Methodist Church at 4501 S. Marsalis Ave. in Dallas, 75216, hosting a FREE health and wellness fair this spring and I'd very much appreciate promotion of this family fun event on your community calendar. The Health and Wellness Fair will be held at Community United Methodist Church, at 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Participants are Methodist Dallas Medical Center and Mammogram ***** Jazz is hot in "Big D" and jazz lovers and would be jazz lovers don't want to miss one of America's most beloved jazz performer, WILL DOWNING! Get your tickets and prepare for a fantastic Dallas night on the town. We can't rock without you, so come on out and rock at TBAAL for another memorable Jazz Weekend! Hosted by TBAAL Board of Directors and Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. @ 8pm
Naomi Bruton Main Stage Admission $25 // $30 Jazz Appreciation Educational Youth Workshop Saturday, March 12 , 2016 @ 12pm Clarence Muse Cafe Theatre Admission-Pay What You Can No Passport Required for International Day of Service An American Red Cross and Local Sorority Resource Fair McKINNEY, TEXAS, MARCH 3, 2016 — Refugees or evacuees different set of circumstances can bring people from other countries to the U.S. and ultimately our local communities. The International Day of Service in Collin County, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, March 12, 2016, at the American Red Cross of McKinney, 1450 Redbud Dr., McKinney; seeks adventurist local volunteers.
March 13 Vicki Meek Cultural Icon Retirement Celebration City Performance Hall 2520 Flora St. Dallas, TX 75201 5pm Free RSVP Required To RSVP Call 214-871-5000 Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. is proud to host The Power of Exchange, a forum that helps facilitate the initiation of relationships between Toyota's current direct suppliers and Diverse Businesses (MBEs and WBEs). This event is an important affirmation of Toyota's commitment to diversity and inclusion and strives to assist our supplier partners in achieving their diverse business development goals. When: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Time: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM - Central Time Embassy Suites Dallas - Frisco 7600 John Q Hammons Drive Frisco, Texas 75034 (469) 718-5589
2nd Sunday Jazz Jam. The Labyrinth Walk Coffee House (LWCH) invites you to participate if you enjoy listening, playing or singing to Jazz in a quiet setting. Admission is free!!! Tips will be distributed among the performers. The monthly event is held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff at 3839 W. Kiest Blvd, Dallas, TX 75233.
I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
I MESSENGER The Jazz Jam goes from 5 to 7 pm and is followed by Drum Circle at 7:15 to around 8:15 pm – drummers, beginners and advanced welcome.
March 18-19
Southwest Regional Conference at Renaissance Hotel
MARCH 11, 2016 having a marital crisis. Well when the wife goes off .........You'll just have to see for yourself :-) March 18th & 19th at 7:30 pm. #sdcc365 #filmscreening #moviescreening #dallasculture #free #thingstodo #dallas #comedy #drama
March 19 2016 National Women’s History Month Program Women’s Education – Women’s Empowerment 12:00 Noon Black Police Association of Greater Dallas,211 Centre St, Dallas, TX 75208 $10.00 per Person Leadership Conference Perfect Effort Book Signings Workshops Speakers EXPO FREE ADMISSION Limited Time Only Vendor Spaces Available Special Promotion $79.00 (Includes Draped Table, Chairs, Attendance Fee & Lunch) Workshop Presenters / Speakers / Panel Facilitators New Year...New You..Perfect Effort Leadership Conference We Can Do IT Positive Connection for Women Saturday March 19, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM CDT Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Dallas -DFW Airport N. 4441 W. John Carpenter Freeway Irving, TX 75063
"Losing Ground" Hey Film Lovers! You're invited to our FREE screening of "Losing Ground" - a groundbreaking film by Kathleen Collins.....It's a comedy-drama about a Black American female philosophy professor and her insensitive, philandering, and flamboyant artist husband who are
Hip Hop Cowboys Fifth Annual Spring Rodeo will be rocked by rapper and hip-hop artist Paul Wall, a Grammynominated artist with Swishahouse Records and Atlantic Records who is known for his incredible freestyle ability. Soul and R&B singer-songwriter Betty Wright will be wowing the crowd with her performance, including hits like “Clean Up Woman” and “Tonight is the Night.” David and Tamela Mann of “It’s a Mann’s World” on BET are expected to make an appearance. Tickets are on sale now for the event, which will be held at Mesquite Arena at 1818 Rodeo Drive in Mesquite on Saturday, March 19. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 7 p.m. with a grand entry rodeo parade.
March 20 In The Words Of Sistah: I Am Here The longest running all female poetry/spoken word show of its kind. Poetry lovers are invited to celebrate 9 years of finger snapping and spoken word that Touches, Moves, and Inspires! Featuring: Anita Crethers, Barbara Audacity, Eden The Enchanted, Elle Davis, Emotion Brown, Jessica Velasquez Jus Tay, Lady Caress, ReviveAll Special Guest Performance by Rage Almighty Music by Lyn Lyric Smith Dance by Day Hall Hosted by B Randall Sunday, March 20, 2016 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM South Dallas Cultural Center - 3400 S Fitzhugh Ave Dallas , Texas 75210
March 24 An Evening With Great Women WHEN: Thursday, March 24th, 2016; 5:30 pm-7:30 pm WHERE: Tarrant County College - Trinity River Campus Join us for a night of networking, learning how to #BeHeard & celebrating Women's History Month. ************
An Evening With Great Women Join us for a night of networking, learning how to #BeHeard & celebrating Women's History Month. Thursday, March 24th, 2016 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tarrant County College - Trinity River Campus 300 Trinity Campus Circle, Fort Worth TX 76102March 27 We Takin' It To The Roots Y'all!
"Our people have made the mistake of confusing the methods with the objectives. As long as we agree on objectives, we should never fall out with each other just because we believe in different methods, or tactics, or strategy. We have to keep in mind at all times that we are not fighting for separation. We are fighting for recognition as free humans in this society." MALCOLM X I Messenger 320 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 | 214-941-0110 |
not apprehended PAGE28 Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers
877.373.8477 Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today!
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The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |
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