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JULY 8, 2016

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JULY 8, 2016



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JULY 8, 2016


Truth is... 11



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JULY 8, 2016

I Messenger Grand Connection

Mother-Son duo bridges southern comfort and community Story and Photos By Eva D. Coleman

While Texas brought the heat, Joshua Horton brought the tunes. This mixmaster mashed up more than music during the Fourth of July weekend as he performed double duty as deejay/greeter and manager. Potatoes, chicken fried steak and many other southern favorites were all around as well. His employees were hands-on in the experience that he and his mother hope to provide Garland residents at the Grandy’s location on North Garland Avenue. “Grandy’s has been here about 40 years in this location,” Horton said, adding, “This is a new era, a new day.” The location is under new management by Horton and his mother, Lowniece (Lolisa) Horton. Their re-grand opening celebration filled with music, food and fun focused on togetherness. “My son is a new owner and he wanted the community involved and to do special events for the

kids and that’s what today is all about,” Lolisa said. Mother Horton is no stranger to Grandy’s. As a franchisee for two different locations for close to 10 years, her experiences, at times, have left her feeling battered and fried. A die-hard entrepreneur, she has kept pressing forward, overcoming obstacles and facing challenges. Lolisa sold the location she coowned in Carrollton and has revamped a partnership, this time with her son, at the Garland one. “I lost quite a bit of money and he [Joshua] said he wants to make sure I get my investment back that I lost in the other business, and at the same time, hopefully it works for him and he can keep it,” she said. Joshua sees it as a way to give back. “I’ve watched her do so much, especially for me personally and for our family and it’s my opportunity to say, ‘okay, it’s my turn to do something for you now,’” he explained. Mother and son both shared that the

past two weeks as partners have been challenging. “Overall, he’s a hard

owners in the past... they say it’s a Grandy’s that has really not worked and they

and potatoes on a late night and you get hungry about 8:30 or 9, we got it.”

worker,” Lolisa said. “He’s dedicated but he means well.” Joshua, with an ever present smile on his face, seems ready to face any and all challenges. “It’s not been easy, but each day we make it work and each day it gets better,” he said. As they get used to working as a team on the inside, their focus seems to remain on what’s outside. “This Grandy’s has had so many different

threatened to close it, so hopefully we can keep it open and it works out to bring the community together,” Lolisa said. A short time under the new management model has proven to be a success. Joshua proudly informed his mother that their location earned top honors in sales for Texas for the past two weeks. Great customer service means a lot and the menu speaks for itself. “If you love your mom’s mac and cheese, we got it,” said Joshua. “If you love that southern steak

From cinnamon rolls, peach cobbler, brownie bites and even breakfast burritos, he continued to name with pride all that Grandy’s offers. “It’s food for everybody, really, but it always goes back to southern comfort.” May the comfort of this mother-son relationship reign supreme as they strive to satisfy every customer at:


Grandy’s 145 North Garland Avenue Garland, TX


I Messenger

JULY 8, 2016

Humpty Trumpty!by Vincent L. Hall Quit Playin’

cease being GREAT before or after the infidels duly elected that uppity N$GG3R? “

Humpty Trumpty promises a wall When the scribe finds nothing sufficient to say about the subject, Humpty Trumpty is certain he must survey subtexts and minor characters. Who then, art the villain’s friends and closest company? Enter (far) stage right, Paul to fall But none of his henchmen and none of his men Can ever make Trumpty Presidential my friend!! Nursery Rhyme adaptation by V. Lewis Hall

by Vincent L. Hall least now you know it!!

Classic literary works are a staple and source for writers. Times can be trying when trying to describe what everyone is trying to describe during trying times. Ok it’s obvious I’m not a poet, but a

Ok, I’ll stop with the foolishness…But only when America stops the foolish frolicking with Humpty Trumpty. The thematic thrust this week will suggest that any attempt to form a literary depiction of Donald J Trump calls on every poem, play or piece of prose that the human mind can recall. Trumpty beckons the recollection and reexamination of mixed metaphors, double entendres and dangling participles. Trumpty is one hard egg to crack. No pun intended. For instance in a classic quote, comedian Carol Burnett once said; “Words, once they are printed it, have a life of their own.” Sounds great, but even Trumpty’s words in print have not worked. Few have survived the unrelenting onslaught of the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal. Each has printed his damning words, which would write the epilogue for most political aspirants. But alas, Trumpty navigates his wall. In his book, “Politics and the English language” circa 1946, George Orwell made a scholarly observation. “A scrupulous writer, in every sentence that he writes will ask himself at least four questions; what am I trying to say? What words would express it? What image or idiom will make it clearer? Is this image fresh enough to have an effect? Great advice, but Epistolarians of far greater intellect and letter than I have found no use in Orwell’s theorem. When it comes to this “Teflon Don,” nothing seems to stick. Trumpty sticks his neck out for that 30% of the GOP that are stuck on the glory years of race superiority and a homogenized populous. Trumpty’s Troops must ask themselves; “Did America


Manafort; the diabolical campaign and stage manager in charge as Humpty Trumpty auditions for the highly sought after role of president. The Washington Post detailed his career and skullduggery this way. “Among Manafort’s boasts: representing kleptocrats Ferdinand Marcos, Mobutu Sese Seko and Kenya’s Daniel arap Moi, defending Saudi Arabia’s interests against Israel’s and Pakistan’s against India’s, and making the case for a Nigerian dictator, a Lebanese arms dealer and various and sundry Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs. He successfully lobbied to arm a Maoist rebel in Angola; needlessly extending fighting that killed thousands. It is Manafort’s right to represent dictators and thugs and regimes that torture. But now this man, who made his fortune helping the rich and powerful get more so, is setting up a general-election campaign that portrays Trump as a man of the people and Clinton as the captive of special interests.” Manafort shone a light on Trumpty, but there are better words for this would be despot and kleptocrat. His essence was nestled securely in Shakespeare’s “Mac Beth.” Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. Hopefully Shakespeare’s wisdom is timeless and Trumpty isn’t crack resistant.


JULY 8, 2016

I Messenger

Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce Luncheon and Reception

Media guru Keith Clinkscales of REVOLT TV was the speaker for the FWMBCC’s 36th annual luncheon.Awards w ere presented to Carlos Walker, David Cooke, Richard L. Knight III, and Randle Howard. PHOTOS BY EVA COLEMAN



I Messenger

JULY 8, 2016

A letter to the next president of the U.S. To Be Equal

By Marc Morial

President and CEO National Urban League

As we observe the 40th anniversary of the State of Black America®, the similarities in the nation in 2016 and that which then-National Urban League Executive Director Vernon Jordan documented in 1976 are disheartening. Our nation was struggling to overcome the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Pressure was building to slash social services for the poor, who were demonized and characterized as “chislers.” Communities were rocked by hostility and violence triggered by legal challenges to the social status quo. As with every economic downturn, communities of color bore the brunt of the decline. Black Americans remained nearly twice as likely as whites to be unemployed. Since 1976, the Black unemployment rate has consistently remained about twice that of the white rate across time, regardless of educational attainment. The household income gap remains at about 60 cents for every dollar. Black Americans are only slightly less likely today to live in poverty than they were in 1976. On the criminal justice front, Jordan noted that Blacks were underrepresented in law enforcement in 1976. “The City of Chicago is an example: with a population that is 32.7 percent black, it has a police force that is only 16 percent black.” Today, in hundreds of police departments across the nation, the percentage of whites on the force is more than 30 percentage points higher than in the communities they serve. “The urgency of the problems that grip the American people allow no time for delay or for half-way measures,” Jordan observed. There have been times when Americans have met our shared challenges – as well as those of the international community – with full-measured urgency. When Europe found itself in physical and economic ruin after World War II, the United States invested $13 billion (or what would be approximately $130 billion today) to help rebuild Western European economies through the European Recovery Program, more


commonly known as the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan ushered a dramatic increase in economic growth in European history. Though the plan officially ended in 1953, the unprecedented economic growth it sparked continued over two decades. Former National Urban League President John Jacob introduced the concept of an urban Marshall Plan for America in the 15th State of Black America® in 1990. At the time, he said the nation should commit itself to completing “our unfinished revolution for democracy and human rights.” Dear Mr./Madame President, that revolution remains unfinished. Since 2006, the United States has spent nearly $50 billion rebuilding Afghanistan through the Afghanistan Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program. The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2008, infused the nation’s faltering financial institutions with investments of more than $400 billion. Whether we call it “recovery,” “rehabilitation” or “relief,” it is time for America to demonstrate that very same commitment to our own struggling urban families and communities. The necessity is as powerful and compelling as it was for Europe, Afghanistan or Wall Street. That is why, with this milestone 40th Anniversary State of Black America®, the National Urban League proposes a sweeping and decisive solution to the nation’s persistent social and economic disparities. We call it the Main Street Marshall Plan: Moving from Poverty to Prosperity. This bold and strategic investment in America’s urban communities requires a multi-annual and multi-pronged commitment of $1 trillion over the next 5 years that would course correct our main streets. Our nation needs investments in: Universal early childhood education A federal living wage of $15 per hour, indexed to inflation A plan to fund comprehensive urban infrastructure A new Main Street small- and micro-business financing plan focusing on minority-and-women-owned businesses Expansion of summer youth employment programs


Expanded homeownership strategies Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Targeted re-entry workforce training programs administered through community-based organizations Doubling the Pell Grant program to make college more affordable Expansion of financial literacy and homebuyer education and counseling Expansion of the low-income housing voucher “Section 8” program Establishment of Green Empowerment Zones in neighborhoods with high unemployment Affordable high-speed broadband and technology for all Increased federal funding to local school districts to help eliminate resource equity gaps As America’s urban communities continue to struggle in the slow rebound from the Great Recession, we can expedite the recovery by taking a lesson from the pages of our history books and similarly focusing our efforts with great vision and purpose-filled ambition. Our economy and infrastructure have been shattered, not by bombs and tanks, but by malfeasance and indifference. Under President Obama, the nation has made great strides in stabilizing the economy. In eight years, America has gone from losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month to 73 consecutive months of job growth. During President Obama’s term, the private sector has added 14.4 million new jobs, and the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act is widely credited with protecting the nation from a second Great Depression. However, much more remains to be done. The benefits of the recovery have not reached the Main Streets of our most troubled communities. We cannot continue to rely on policies that have proven ineffective in communities with high unemployment and low income. You see, we are not asking for a new deal; we are demanding a better deal. As a nation, we must focus our resources and efforts on the neighborhoods where they are most needed. Vernon Jordan realized in 1976 that it was incumbent upon the National Urban League to confront the problems that Washington refused to acknowledge. Forty years later, we continue on that path to progress – with a clear purpose and an even clearer plan.

JULY 8, 2016

I Messenger





I Messenger

JULY 8, 2016

NTTA Diversity Program surpasses 30% for second consecutive year The North Texas handle. It also gives them much needed experience nesses to form successful partnerships that meet Tollway Authority and exposure to skill sets they sought to develop in the needs of clients," explained R. Keith Jackson, (NTTA) released its di- the past and provides opportunities for training in P.E., Vice President, Atkins. "We have found the proversity participation new growth areas. gram so beneficial that we promote the concept to numbers and for the A P Engineering Consultant, Inc. (APEC) credits other clients." second year in a row the ROAD program with enabling it to build caHNTB Corporation and EJES began their ROAD contract spending pacity, increase revenues, and create sustainability partnership six years ago. Through that relationship with disadvantaged-, through continuous work on the NTTA General En- their team is working on the NTTA Program Management Consultant contract. minority-, or wom- gineering Consultant (GEC) solicitation. Anthony Coleman, NTTA en-owned business "Without the ROAD program, my firm would not EJES is providing project management support Director of Business of enterprises has sur- have stood much of a chance to be able to partici- to HNTB on the project. EJES performs database adDiversity passed 30 percent. pate in large projects," said Anuj M. Patel, President ministration, contract administration, construction The NTTA imple- of APEC. management oversight, and PS&E design review. mented several outreach and diversity participaFrom 2011 through 2013, ROAD paired APEC In order for the NTTA ROAD program to work, tion strategies beginning in 2009, including the Re- with mentor Atkins, a worldwide design, engineer- there has to be an environment where both comlationships and Opportunities Advancing Diversity ing, and project management consultancy. Atkins panies feel safe and secure in sharing information (ROAD) program. "Through the ROAD and challenges. "EJES was able program NTTA has paired 31 minorito express company challenges ty- or women-owned businesses with faced in the architect/engineering larger prime contractors in the menindustry and to receive sound adtorship program," explained Anthony vice from HNTB's wealth of knowledge," said Edwin Jones, CEO/ Coleman, NTTA Director of Business President of EJES, Incorporated. Diversity. "The NTTA diversity participation numbers are up 24 percent "EJES has gained a vast amount since the ROAD program started." of knowledge that has assisted in In 2008 NTTA spent $432 million on the growth and development of road projects, awarding $63 million to the company, both operationally D/M/WBEs. Of that amount $10 million and in business development." went to D/M/WBE prime contractors. HNTB and EJES have partnered In 2015 NTTA spent a total of $164 milon several pursuits and were relion dollars on contracts, awarding $50 cently selected for the TxDOT GEC million to D/M/WBEs. Of that amount team. "HNTB has thoroughly $31 million went to D/M/WBE prime R. Keith Jackson, P.E. Vice President Atkins and Anuj M. Patel, P.E. President APEC. enjoyed being a part of the contractors. NTTA R.O.A.D program and has NTTA developed the ROAD partlearned from and built strong renering program to enhance the opportunities for and APEC teamed up, responded to NTTA's GEC lationships with each of our partners" says Michael disadvantaged-, minority-, and women-owned solicitation, and won the contract. As prime con- Hegarty, HNTB Vice President and North Texas Ofbusinesses to work on agency projects. The core sultant, Atkins supports bond-related services for fice Leader. "The ROAD program has increased the number of the ROAD program is to create an atmosphere NTTA, and APEC has conducted peer reviews and of ready, willing, and able companies to compete where business relationships can flourish. It allows participated in annual inspections. "ROAD fits hand-in-glove with Atkins' culture of for projects in addition to creating a potentially smaller companies to participate in larger projects that they may not currently have the capacity to developing strong relationships with small busi- larger subcontracting pool of construction services



JULY 8, 2016

I Messenger

Peter Aguirre, CFM Senior Vice President of AGUIRRE RODEN and Spenta Irani, P. E., Transportation Manager for Jacobs.

and professional services candidates," explained Anthony Coleman. While not all ROAD teams resulted in NTTA work, the teams still consider the relationship productive. Jacobs Engineering Group and AGUIRRE RODEN were paired up through the ROAD program in 2014.

Mike Hegarty, Vice President and North Texas Office Leader HNTB and Edwin Jones, CEO/President EJES.

They have not been able to bid on a NTTA project together, but they have used the ROAD concepts to strengthen their working relationship on a five-year DFW Airport project. Peter Aguirre, CFM Senior Vice President of AGUIRRE RODEN, says his company has developed a robust program from being mentored by Jacobs. "The ROAD program has been a holistic approach in which every part of our company benefited. This resulted in process improvement from sales

to accounting to production for our team," said Peter Aguirre. The Jacob-AGUIRRE RODEN relationship is an example of how the ROAD mentor/protégé program is not just a one-way street with the protégé receiving all the benefits. AGUIRRE RODEN led the training on successful hiring practices and Jacobs has incorporated some of those procedures into their practice. "Discussion with AGUIRRE RODEN has helped us with the on-boarding experience of our employees," said Spenta F. Irani, P.E., Transportation Manager for Jacobs. "This program has provided us with good practices from smaller firms and shown us how we can utilize those to enhance our business." Under the ROAD program, mentors and protégés meet on a regular basis to build their strategic partnership. ROAD also has a networking component that allows all the prime contractors and sub-contractors in the program to become better acquainted through quality time at various events. After six years the NTTA ROAD program is seeing a second genera-


tion of mentors ... subcontractors that started out in the program as mentees, have now become primes and mentors to other subcontractors in the ROAD program. EJES has moved from mentee to mentor to smaller businesses. In 2014 it became a mentor to Design Consulting Engineers (DCE) through the ROAD program. "EJES assisted us in developing marketing strategies and business development relationships with the City of Dallas and DFW Airport projects, said DCE President Mannan Abdul, P.E. "We provide added value to the mentoring program because of our understanding of the challenges small businesses face that larger firms are unable to address," said Edwin Jones, CEO/President of EJES. "Since 2009, the volunteer-based Relationships and Opportunities Advancing Diversity (ROAD) program has helped build relationships between prime contractors and consultants who otherwise wouldn't have the platform to connect," concluded Coleman.


I Messenger

JULY 8, 2016


From staff reports

Thursday, July 7, 2013 was a long night and as Dallas Police Chief David Brown said, there are no words to describe the hurt so many are feeling as gunfire erupted as a peaceful rally in downtown Dallas came to an end. The rally, organized to show unity and support, following the murders of two Black men by police officers in Baton Rouge, LA and Falcon Heights, Minnesota, was called not only peaceful, but positive and “loving” by some attendees as attention focused on working together to end the “senseless killings.” One attendee talked about how there was a spirit of cooperativeness between attendees and the police officers assigned to the rally. That is until the gunfire, which some thought were fireworks. Attendees could be seen fleeing the scene and looking for cover. State Sen. Royce West (D-Dallas) said, “What was a peaceful protest has been marred by outside agitators.” When daybreak arrived, the body count included one of the shooters, who has been identified as Micah Xavier Johnson and five police officers. While police are still gathering information about the “shooter,” Chief Brown said that during negotiations with Mr. Johnson, the 25-year-old, who just had a birthday on July 2, acknowledged that he was not affiliated with any groups and said he was upset about Black Lives Matter, the police shootings of Black people, and he wanted to “kill white people.” During a press conference, one of many, Chief Brown and Dallas Mayor Michael Rawlings praised officers for their quick response and asked for prayers and support.

ly showed that although he was walking through the streets with a weapon, when the shooting began he and his brother found police officers and turned the weapon over to them. After the tweet, Corey Hughes said he saw threats on his social media pages. Following the release of additional footage, some who posted disparaging remarks about Mr. Hughes apologized for what Flags flying at half mast outside Dallas Police Department some called a photo credit: Hailey Clarke Zion Hall “lynch mob mentality. “We don’t feel much support most days,” He said, however that he did not get an said the Chief. Gatherers for the march were focused on apology from the police. “I can’t believe it,” said Mark Hughes. “I imthe shootings of Mr. Sterling and Mr. Castile, along with other murders by police; but Mayor mediately flagged down police (and gave Rawlings said Dallas has fewer police shoot- them the gun) and then later they lied, sayings. “We are the best.” He also praised Dallas ing they had video of me shooting. I’m conArea Rapid Transit (DART) and Dallas County cerned!” As families start with preparations for funerofficers for their professionalism and support. als, the investigation continues. Chief Brown Out of 14 shot, one DART officer Brent Thompson, 43, was among the five officers said they are looking at other suspects and killed by Johnson. There were also two civil- seemed visibly upset that negotiations broke down between officers and Mr. Johnson. ians wounded. The breakdown resulted in the decision to President Barack Obama called the Dallas send in a bomb robot which was detonated killings, “vicious, calculated and despicable.” Mark Hughes was not shot but he feels vic- and despite reports that Mr. Johnson killed timized because Dallas Police tweeted his pho- himself, his death was a result of the bomb, to, naming him as a “suspect.” Footage clear- said Chief Brown.

Interfaith Prayer Service held in Dallas’ Thanksgiving Square


Just this week, these are the violent acts topping headlines, but there are so many more that go unreported. Dallas 14 shot by sniper 5 police officers dead 1 shooter dead 2 civilians wounded

Baton Rouge Alton Sterling Minnesota Philando Castile Atlanta Unidentified Black man found hanging from a tree in Atlanta. See www.texasmetronews.com

JULY 8, 2016

I Messenger

Truth is...Living a healthy life What is a healthy lifestyle anyway? A healthy lifestyle is a life which aims to keep and improve one’s health and wellbeing. In efforts to do so, one must seek knowledge wisdom in all aspects of their lives. Health is not limited to physical well being.

By Dr. Keisha Lankford Truth is ..... A healthy lifestyle is an amazing life. Of course, we can not stop all bad things from occurring in our lives, but we can definitely not contribute to them.

Spiritual, physical, psychological and emotional health is also very important. In fact, we often place emphasis on the physical, because it is visible, but if we don’t effectively and adequately appropriate time and healing for the whole body, the physical health will be the least of our worries! When embracing a healthy overall lifestyle, we must undergo a serious self analysis

and discover what’s been beneficial to us, what our strengths are, and what our weaknesses are! What disadvantages and advantages do we have? What do we enjoy doing and what it is that we’re good at doing? Asking ourselves, “am I doing what I was created to do?” If not, “Why aren’t I?” What or who is holding me back from being my personal best? Is it my associations, my surroundings, or myself? Usually fear of failure or rejection is our greatest setback, but we must remember, if we are not honest and true to ourselves, why should anyone else be true to us?

Free yourself. Try it, do it. Many may not understand but all that is required is that

you understand. Believe, hope, nurture your dreams and goals! Aren’t you glad some of the greatest of all times didn’t allow fear to keep them from their dreams? Just imagine what the 60s would be without Berry Gordy’s Dream, “Motown!” Motown produced music that made people feel good despite their difficulty in a very oppressed time. It instilled pride, promoted respect and often helped heal very deep wounds. What dream are you sitting on that could possibly make a contribution to our society/ world? Be true to God; your creator and yourself! Honestly, that is where the journey truly begins! Now that’s healthy living! Enjoy the journey, you deserve it!

Don’t Believe the Hype! #Blacklivesmatter WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM


I Messenger

JULY 8, 2016

#BlackLivesMatter By Dorothy Gentry Contributing Editor

Two black men shot dead in two days at the hands of police officers, their encounters caught on camera phone or filmed is what was on my mind almost 14 years ago when I found out the precious cargo I was carrying was a male child. Yes. Fourteen years ago, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were on my mind. Not them specifically, but their encounters with police…and their end… Dorothy Gentry their lives reduced to headlines and hashtags. I was about to raise a black male child in a world that sees them as a danger. And the end of Alton and Philando, and Trayvon and Eric and even Rodney King, RIP, has ALWAYS been in the crevices of my mind, threatening to erupt at anytime. It’s because of the legacy of how black men in this world are treated that I hover maybe a tad bit too much over my one and only child. It’s because of the color of his skin and his gender that I hesitate when he asks, “Mom, can you drop me and my friend off at the movies?” It’s because I know the history of how blacks were and to a large degree, STILL are treated in this world that I yell at him to change a piece of clothing that I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea about. Be it his favorite hoodie, sweatpants, Jordan sneakers with the laces not tied or ripped jeans. GO PUT ON SOMETHING ELSE!!! He doesn’t understand. He thinks “I’m trippin.” Most black male youths don’t. But we, the parents do. We understand our fears, our concerns, our worries over our black male babies. And we struggle. Do we tell them why we are afraid? Do we explain the decades long dangerous dynamics between police and black people? Do we share the history of this nation and it’s hatred and go get ‘em mob mentality toward blacks? Do we encourage them to be respectful to adults, especially the police? Do we explain why certain articles of clothing they put on make our hearts drop and cause us to cringe because we know how they will be judged? Do we tell them that there are good policemen out there that are truly there to protect and serve, like my brother Bobby? Do we explain that even though they haven’t done anything, they HAVE in some folks eyes just by being black and male. Do we? The answer is YES. We tell them their history. We tell them the past. We tell them about Medgar Evans, Emmett Till, the lynchings, Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and now…Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. And we also tell them to say “yes sir” and “no sir.” To don’t make any sudden moves. To always be respectful. To keep your hands out of your pockets. To not buy any Skittles, or sell any CDs on the streets or to reach for ANYTHING suddenly when a gun is pointed toward you. We tell them the whole story. And we don’t leave out that we are there for them, that we love them, that God made them to be the beautiful black men that they are and that they should square their shoulders, hold their heads up, look others in their eyes and be black and proud of who they are. Then we let them go. And pray and trust our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ that they will be okay.

Alton Sterling

#ButMurdersContinue By Ruby Woolridge Special to I Messenger

We just celebrated the birth of this nation on July 4 and my birthday on July 5, this week. The joy of those two celebrations were dampened this morning by the news of another black man being shot and killed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana by the police. Alton Sterling, 37, a resident of Baton Rouge was killed outside a convenience store where he was Ruby Woolridge selling CDs. My morning was punctuated with the scene of his 15-year-old son crying because of the loss of his father. All I could think was here we go again. This situation keeps happening with the same results. A person of color is killed, outrage is shown, an investigation is conducted but the status quo continues. When will we change the way we handle these situations? I applaud the Arlington, Texas Police Chief who responded quickly when a police officer shot an unarmed young man at a car dealership. The courts disregarded the chief’s actions and failed to take action against the police officer on behalf of the victim. I was married to a state law enforcement officer for two decades, and understand personally what law enforcement officers face each day. Officers put their lives on the line when they put on the uniforms and strap on their guns. They are trained to deescalate crisis situations instead of reaching for a weapon to resolve the issue. It is time for us to have a national conversation about this issue. It is time that we stop doing what we have always done because people are continuing to die and nothing is being resolved to avoid these deaths of unarmed black men and women. Let’s start working together to improve the quality of life of all Americans. The Declaration of Independence states, …”all men/women are created equal… they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights… life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Was this right preserved for Alton Sterling? Ruby Faye Woolridge is the Democratic Nominee Congressional District 6-Texas

Dorothy Gentry is an educator and journalist.


Philando Castile


JULY 8, 2016

I Messenger

Congresswoman Johnson gives moving remarks on shootings

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson delivered the following statement about the Dallas shooting on the Floor of the House of Representatives:

they serve remains extremely tense, and we must do everything we can not to enflame this tension even further. We need to recognize the root cause of this tension and work to end the divisiveness between law enforcement and citizens.

“Mr. Speaker, the calculated ambush and murders of the Dallas law enforcement officers during a peaceful protest in downtown Dallas last I do also want to commend night was a disgraceful act of the Dallas Police Department, violence. Dallas Police Chief David Brown, and the Dallas Area My prayers and sympathy Rapid Transit for their brave go out to the families of the and swift response to the officers slain and the victims shooting. of the shooting. These officers are among Our response going forward, some of the most capable and not just in Dallas but across professional law enforcement our nation, will be more imofficers in the country and portant now than ever before. I commend them for their bravery during this incident. My thoughts and prayers are also with the families of Mr. Speaker, I ask not for a Alton Sterling and Philando moment of silence but also a Castile who violently lost moment of firm action! their lives this week as well. We must de-escalate the vioWe need to bring meaningful lence. legislation to the floor that will help bridge the divide This recent violence serves between law enforcement as a stark reminder that reand our communities. lations between law enforcement and the communities Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM

yield back.” In addition to her statement on the Floor of the House of Representatives, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following additional written statement: “As more details of the shooting unfold, I encourage and implore the people of Dallas to remain calm.

In these moments, it is important to remember the love of our community is much more powerful than the desire to retaliate. This past week has been tragic and the events of the week remind us that there is very real tension between many communities and their law enforcement. This tension cannot be enflamed. We must continue to pray, search our hearts and souls, and bridge divisions in our communities so that unspeakable violence like this will never happen again.” Link to Video of Floor Speech: https://youtu.be/o5t7-y6Owoo


I Messenger

JULY 8, 2016

Supreme Court rejects challenge to Affirmative Action



JULY 8, 2016

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JULY 8, 2016

JULY 8, 2016

I Messenger




I Messenger


by Alma Gill NNPA News Wire Columnist Dear Alma, I am new to your page. I am 50 years old, all my kids are grown and out of the house. I have been divorced over three years, and now I’ve been seeing someone for the past 7 months. For real, it’s like he is my ex’s twin brother, and yes I love him. But my ex calls me once a week. We’ve even talked about getting back together. But now I am in love with two men. Is that wrong? Let me be clear, I don’t want my ex back. They both are 42 years old. My ex’s birthday is 4/26/72 my boyfriend 9/24/72, they both are dark skin and bald headed. They both are around 5’6” and have the same build. Neither likes to drink or smoke. They both love to go to movies and out to dinner. I’m telling you,


JULY 8, 2016

Dating My Ex-Husband’sTwin’ he likes the same thing my ex does. So it’s kind of hard for me to get my ex out my system. When my new boyfriend, reminds me of my ex, and I do mean in every way, even the love making, the caressing, it’s like my ex sent him to me to replace him. So I am just at a loss right now. Even though we are divorced, and I still love him, and he has moved on. Confused

and start anew. Step away from your conjugal comfort zone, where you’re still snug, as a bug in a rug with your ex. Let him go and pay attention to the man who’s standing in front of you before he becomes a distant memory. Can you imagine how he’d feel if he knew you were comparing him to your ex? That’s so totally disrespectful on your part. I mean really, let’s flip this wig for a minute – if your new Boo described you

When my new boyfriend, reminds me of my ex, and I do mean in ev-

ery way, even the love making, the caressing, it’s like my ex sent him to me to replace him. Dear Confused, Although you say, you don’t want your ex-husband back, you talk to him regularly and you’re openly discussing the possibility of a reconciliation. Hmmm, what is that about Mz. Lady? Couples divorce because what’s broken can’t be fixed and they’ve exhausted all their options. My advice to you is to leave those broken pieces on the floor

ex-husbands ConFunkShun. It’s time for you to exit his “Love Train.” Like you said, he’s moved on, it’s been three years, now so should you. By now at our age, we’ve learned, “not everybody that you love will love you back.” And let’s take it one step further, “not everybody you love deserves to be loved by you.” Can I get ah amen! Let him go sweetie, don’t be afraid. Release what’s behind you and embrace what’s in front of you. Just because you don’t know what’s around the corner of life, doesn’t mean it isn’t something that’s good for you. Cuddle up to 50 with aplomb, live to embrace what’s unfamiliar. It builds character and makes you sexy, self-assured and resilient.

In your descriptions, you didn’t touch on the character of either man, just the physical and visual similarities. That could just be defined as your type, liking or preference, not the reincarnation of another man’s twin. Frankly my dear, when you make comparisons, you allow yourself to give life to your insecurities.

Ex-husbands are ex’s for a reason; forgive him, but don’t forget why he’s no longer your husband. When you’re experiencing real love, no one else matters but that person. Sharing that part of your heart, the value, the respect and the admiration can only be directed towards one person. Real, authentic, mature love exists between two people. It becomes a union that is so intertwined, there’s no space or time for a side piece.

Stop seeking comfort in your


as a “carbon copy cutie” from his past, you’d be livid!


I Messenger

JULY 8, 2016

Johnson speaks on the issues ‘Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis’ Act Washington, DC - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson applauded the passage of H.R. 2646, the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act in the House of Representatives. The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support, with a final vote count of 422 – 2. Congresswoman Johnson was the lead Democratic cosponsor of the bill. “H.R. 2646 is a demonstration of more than three years of collaboration between not only myself and Congressman Tim Murphy (RPA), the sponsor of the bill, but the many other members and organizations that came to the table to offer feedback, suggestions, and at times criticism,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “The end result is a bill that remains focused on enabling the most severely mentally ill to access the treatment they desperately deserve while allowing their family and caregivers to help them along the way.” “This legislation contains several necessary provisions including the establishment of an Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder,” explained Congresswoman Johnson. “It eases

our nation’s chronic shortage of psychiatric beds and requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to clarify confusing HIPAA rules surrounding mental health patients. The legislation also increases grant programs that have proven results in helping individuals with serious mental illness gain access to treatment like Assisted Outpatient Treatment and Assertive Community Treatment.” “As two of the few mental health providers serving in Congress at this time, Congressman Murphy and I have always been focused on the need of the severely mentally ill. While the homeless and prison populations are particularly vulnerable to mental illness, they are the individuals that get the least amount of attention and access to mental health services. Through our work, we have gained a deep understanding of patient needs. Right now, those needs are not being met. I am hopeful that this bill will be a framework to help us move the needle forward on mental health treatment in America. We still have a long way to go, but the passage of this legislation is certainly a big step forward.” Duncanville Fire Department will Receive the ‘Assistance to Firefighters Grant’ Washington, DC - This award was made under the Fiscal Year 2015 Assistance to Firefighters Grant WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM

(AFG) Program. “We must continue to support our first-responders with all the resources they require to maintain their readiness to respond to hazards and emergencies of all kinds,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “I am glad that the Duncanville Fire Department will be able to use these funds to obtain much needed protective equipment and further their training.” The assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program is an important component of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) effort to strengthen the response and increase the level of preparedness for our nation’s fire departments. The purpose of the AFG Program is to award grants directly to fire departments, non-affiliated Emergency Medical Services (EMS) organizations, and state fire training academies to enhance their ability to protect the health and safety of the public, as well as that of first-responder personnel. Since 2001, the AFG program has provided approximately $6.4 billion in grants to first-responder organizations across America. Grantees will be able to view more information about their grants starting this Friday at this following link (http://www.fema.gov/firegrants).


I Messenger

JULY 8, 2016

Ringling Bros. to make Guinness World Records® attempt Collecting more than 17,500 pairs of shoes for a charity is no easy feat. However, if anyone can, it would be Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® and the generous circus fans across the Metroplex as all participate in a Guinness World Records® attempt for ‘Most Shoes Donated to a Charity in a 24-Hour Period’ on August 8-9 at The Big Feat – The World’s Largest Shoe Drive, a Ringling Bros.® Special Event. Shoes collected at AT&T Plaza at American Airlines Center will be donated to Rockwall-based The Shoe Bank, a non-profit providing shoes to families locally and throughout the world. Once collected and tabulated, all shoes will be redistributed by The Shoe Bank as kids go back to school. The current world record of ‘Most Shoes Donated to a Charity in a 24-Hour Period’ is 17,526 pairs of shoes and was achieved by Iglesias Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) in Manilla, Philippines on April 29, 2016. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, in Dallas County alone, 30% of youth 18 and under live below the poverty line, which equates to 196,000 children in need. Because of this, the world famous Ringling Bros. Clown Alley know they even have big shoes to fill and are up to the challenge! It’s time to put ourselves in the shoes of those in need by donating shoes that are in great condition. Shoes must be in New or Like New condition. Sneakers are preferable. All Youth and adult sizes are needed. Unfortunately, no sandals, open-toed shoes, flip-flops or high heels can be accepted. Circus fans may drop off shoes at the following locations beginning July 15th, with shoes collected

in advance being delivered to The Big Feat – The World’s Largest Shoe Drive on Tuesday, August 9. • From now until Monday, August 8 at 94.9 KLTY studios and at KLTY events throughout the month of July. KLTY Studios is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:30pm, and is located at 6400 Beltline Road, Suite 120, Irving, Texas 75063. For more information, go to http://www.klty.com/ communityevents. • The Shops at Willow Bend at the customer service kiosk during normal mall hours. The mall is located at 6121 West Park Boulevard, Plano, Texas 75093. • American Airlines Center at the Administrative Entrance on the north side of the arena on Monday through Friday from 9am5pm. The arena is located at 2500 Victory Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75219. There will be free parking at the Lexus Parking Garage, which is adjacent to the northeast corner of the arena at 2620 North Houston Street. • AT&T Plaza at American Airlines Center on Monday, August 8 from 8pm to 10pm and on Tuesday, August 9 from 7am to 7pm.

• Additional drop-off locations listed at RinglingCharityShoeDrive.com. The Big Feat – The World’s Largest Shoe Drive is a great opportunity for families, scouts, churches, neighborhoods and co-workers to put their best foot forward and help the community. To learn more or ask for donation boxes for your group, visit RinglingCharityShoeDrive.com. In addition to the shoe drive, there will be circus celebration as Ringling Bros. attempts to break the world record. On Tuesday, August 9 from 5pm-8pm, circus fans are invited to bring pairs of shoes to AT&T Plaza at American Airlines Center, where there will be a host of fun activities for Children of All Ages including performances by the world famous Ringling Bros. Clown Alley, face painting, circus games, and more. An adult 18 years of age and older must be present when shoes are being donating so that they can sign-off on the donation log for Guinness World Records. In addition to participating in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, those attending the Tuesday evening party will receive a Certificate of Participation, plus a free circus voucher (good for any D/ FW performance) will be given out to the first 1,000 adults 18+ for each qualifying pair of shoes donated. Please donate shoes prior to 7pm so that shoes can be counted and logged for Guinness World Records prior to the end of 24-hour donation cycle, which ends at 8pm. To learn more and to see how you can participate, visit RinglingCharityShoeDrive.com.

Join in the efforts to put an end to Family Violence! Log on to www.iwillrise.org or call (888)230-RISE and see how you can help or get help!



JULY 8, 2016

Spiritually Speaking

by James A. Washington The concept of freedom has been rattling around in my brain lately. I am focusing on the freedom afforded all of us who claim salvation through Christ. There is something quite liberating when you know or realize that you have been “set free.” Have you ever thought about what that really means? The word release comes to my mind. However you want to describe it, I think the revelation of Jesus as Lord and Savior removes a lot of barriers and obstacles and yes, burdens, that we as human beings place upon ourselves. That’s why I believe as people initially come to Christ, they are overcome by a fresh perspective about life. It’s an enlightened one; one filled with less pressure. I think that’s why folk cry in church when it happens. “For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore and do not submit again to

I Messenger

Free at last Free Indeed a yoke of slavery.” Galatians not, so have you. 5:1. The question is what are These things have hopefully you a slave to? been replaced with honesty In a very real sense, this and integrity, hope and type of freedom provides truth, confidence, self worth, incredible spiritual insight the promise of everlasting where addictions are life and yeah I know, above overcome, hurt feelings are all love. healed, guilt is removed and One of the hardest things insecurities conquered when to understand in this life, Jesus enters the picture. and then act upon, is this Whatever you have been love yourself thing. God enslaved by, you become even commands us to love freed from. our neighbors as we love One of the biggest things ourselves. Without Christ that happens when Christ in your life, I believe that enters your life is that fears concept of self love can are conquered. And if we’re sometimes be distorted honest with ourselves, we and in many cases become all have fears. I know I do. perverted. It can be the fear of being Love with humility is alone, of being without, of an awesome thing. When being humiliated, ostracized love is set free within you, or even the fear of dying. life takes on a whole new The knowledge of Christ in meaning. You no longer all of these situations cancels have to live in the shadows those fears. You are released of pretense; rather, you can from them. That’s what I believe people mean when they say “set free.” That’s EARLINE GADSON how I’ve come 9-10-1934 - 6-10-2014 to understand real joy in the context of spiritual awareness i.e. being blood bought and saved. I have been set free from fear, anger, greed, selfishness, self doubt and even self hatred. Believe it or

now live in the light of truth. I can be who I really am and so can you. Then the world will see you as God sees you and not who you think it ought to see. I am who God made. If that’s good enough for God, then certainly it’s good enough for anyone who wants to deal with me and that includes you. I am free and it is wonderful. Freedom is my gift from God paid for by Jesus Christ. Know the truth and the truth shall set you free. You are not what the world would have you be. You are what God made you to be. Seek Him and you will undoubtedly find the real you. May God bless and bless and keep you always.





2-12-1947- 6-13- 2015


I Messenger

JULY 8, 2016

Community Calendar July 8 “Poets N Jazz #6” featuring 39 Poets Step up to the mic and toast the end of 39 seasons when 39 young TBAAL poets, singers and actors celebrate 39 glorious years of triumphs! Come lift your flute and have a good time as TBAAL sails into our 40th SEASON! Produced by Curtis King with Jiles King. ****** Friday and Saturday, July 8 and July 9, 2016 @ 9pm Clarence Muse Cafe Theater Dallas Convention Center Theater Complex Physical Address: 1309 Canton Street | Dallas, TX 75201

July 9

Cheryl Smith’s Don’t Believe the HYPE Celebrity Bowlathon 2016

USA Bowl 10920 Composite Drive, Dal-


las. Call 214-941-0110 for team registration and sponsorship opportunities The North Texas Comic Book Show returns to Dallas on Saturday July 9th with special guests: Basil Gogos - the Master of Monsters, internationally acclaimed painted cover artist for Famous Monsters of Filmland. Kerry Gammill - Superman artist. Carl Potts - former Executive Editor at Marvel Comics and creator of the Alien Legion series. Doug Hazlewood inker on titles including The Flash and Superman. Larry Stroman - artist on Alien Legion, The Tribe, and X-Factor. Thousands and thousands of comic books, toys, and collectibles will be available at this family friendly event. It will be held Sunday at the Dallas Market Center.

July 11 It’s Football–Fit for Kids featuring NFL Alumni Heroes (former Dallas Cowboys). Dallas NFL Alumni Youth Football Camps feature safe, non-contact football instruction for kids ages 6-14 years old. Develop athletic skills, football skills, life skills and have a blast with NFL Alumni Heroes and professional, USA Football Certified Coaches. Play running back, quarterback, wide receiver– and learn Heads Up Football for a better, safer game! It will be starting at 8:30a.m.held at 800 West Campbell Drive Richardson, TX 75080.

July 13

The Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the “Entrepreneur’s Toolkit Brown Bag Lunch Series. This will focus on four key areas for healthy business growth- marketing, finances,human resources, and technology. Through this series of quick yet information packet sessions, new and experienced entrepreneurs will gain the skills they need to lead their business. It will be at 11:30 AM- 1:30 PM. Go online to register.

July 15 Chrisette Michele will be performing at the Verizon Theatre, Friday at 8pm. Go online to purchase your ticket.

July 16 Moving Forward Together: Less Talk, More Action Community Town Hall Forum, St. Paul United Methodist Church, 1816 Routh Street - Dallas, TX 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Chris Tucker Will be live Saturday at 8p.m. @ the Verizon Theatre in Grand Prairie TX. Go online to purchase your tickets. ******* Join the Leadership Dallas Alumni Association for a morning of volunteer service at the North Texas Food Bank from 8:45am-11:30am.

July 28 Texas Rangers play the Kansas City Royals at Globe Life Park in Arlington. Baseball @ 1000 Ballpark Way Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011

July 31 Vancouver WhiteCaps Vs. FC Dallas will be Sunday at 6:00pm held at the Toyota Stadium and Soccer Center.

August 5

July 21 Drake & Future with Roy Woods, DVSN, and special guest will be coming to Dallas on Thursday 7pm.

July 23


K.Michelle will be performing at the House of Blues in Dallas TX Saturday @ 8:30 PM. Doors open at 7:30 PM. This is an all age event.

JULY 8, 2016

I Messenger

Community Calendar August 13

Tickets $4 in Advance $5 at the door

Maze featuring Frankie Beverly & Chaka Khan with special guest Raheem DeVaughn will be at the Verizon Theatre Saturday at 8p.m. Tickets prices ranges from $34.75$150.00. You can purchases your tickets online.

September 24 Live Well-Go Green Expo: Exhibitors Wanted

The City of Garland is seeking exhibitors for the Live Well-Go Green Expo (formerly the Healthy Living Expo), scheduled on Saturday,. Those interested may download an Exhibitor Application at GoGreenGarland.org. Contact GoGreenGarland@ GarlandTx.gov

November 5 ICDC Kick-off reception for the formal 30th anniversary celebration, Our Journey to Thirty... an exhibition celebrating the 30th anniversary of ICDC.

August 14 Chrisette Michele will be performing at the Verizon Theatre, at 8pm. Go online to purchase your ticket.

August 23 The Dallas Regional Chamber will host four of the most influential Members of Congress at an interactive luncheon on Tuesday from 12PM-1:30PM. Leaders of our North Texas Congressional delegation will discuss important issues that impact our region, including infrastructure, environmental regulations, and federal budget priorities. Following a panel discussion, the congressmen will answer questions from the audience.

August 30 Save the Date! Business Expo/Taste of Balch Springs Tuesday, August 30, 2106 5-7pm




I Messenger



JULY 8, 2016

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