I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
AUGUST 26, 2016
I Messenger
CURRY 1947-2016
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
“I care about the students!�
Wyntress Ware 23 Free - Take One !VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDS IN
Garland,Rowlett Mesquite Richardson
Student Cherish Greer with George Curry and with me at a NABJ Conference in Oklahoma.
September 16, 2012
Free - Take One
Bringing new s and information fr om acr oss the state and ar ound wor ld!VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDS IN & the E.Dallas Volume XI Issue 3 www.texasmetronews.com
Garland,Rowlett Mesquite Richardson & E.Dallas
Volume X- Issue 243 August 1-15, 2012 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Phalconstar.com Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00 Volume X- Issue 243 August 1-15, 2012 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Phalconstar.com Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00
Ernestine Shepherd
A Tragedy
Critic’s Choice
13 Get Ready to Laugh INSIDE
George was right then and in subseWhenever I talked to George E.. Curry quent scenarios. Whether it was Sen. about the impact he could have as the Barack Obama, Sen. Hillary Clinton, or leader of the National Association of Black Ambassador Ron Kirk, George was there Journalists (NABJ), he would always finish with positive input. his lengthy response with, “I care about I last saw him in Selma, AL for the 50th the students. That’s where I want to work.� Commemoration of Bloody Sunday. As For George the biggest impact he could always he was focused on sharing the have on journalism and NABJ would come experience with the world. in the form of training aspiring journalists !VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDS IN Through his eyes he helped the world and that was a job he did well. AT .EWSSTANDS IN see!VAILABLE so much. Admittedly, part of my motivation for That was the last time that I saw George, having George come to Dallas and the Garland,Rowlett but I haveMesquite so many great memories of this Southwest to work with students was man. so that students could see that I was not Richardson He introduced me to Mamie Till Mobley crazy and there were others out there who E.Dallas Till’s mother), and he taught me were a whole lot tougher than I could ever (Emmett& how to use email. be. They needed to see George Curry in He wrote the book on the late, great Jake the raw and they’d be prepared for almost Gaither, but I had to make sure he knew anything. I loved watching George work his “magic� that I interviewed the coach and wrote a story when I was a student at Florida A&M as he taught lessons that don’t appear in University. any textbooks. When he received the NABJ Journalist of If I wanted George to do anything for the Year Award, it was an emotional time me, all I had to do was say, “it’s for the for him. students.� I was so glad that moment was shared But he was also there for the adults. with his good friend Gerald Boyd, who I remember attending an NABJ Convenhad just been going through some tough tion and being selected to ask President Bill Clinton a question. I looked for George times. As I plan to attend George’s celebration and upon realizing he wasn’t there, I called of life in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, I can’t help him only to find out he was recuperating but feel sad at times. Then something that from heart surgery. he said or did will flash across my mind Although I tried to end the call, he was and I begin laughing uncontrollably. determined to help. First he assured me George;s legacy is intact. He spoke truth that whatever question I chose, critics to power. He lifted as he climbed. He would take issue. Then he gave me several gave a voice to the voiceless. suggestions. I read my question to him What a blessing! and he told me to “go for it.�
In Your Town 3 Perspectives 5 On the Campaign Trail 6 Community Calendar 9 Lifestyle 12 HBCU Homecomings 17
LIFE Call 972-464-1790
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Garland,Rowlett Mesquite Richardson & E.Dallas
Month Phalconstar.com Garland,1stTexas (972) 926-8503 Fax (903)Garland, 450-1397 $45.00 Fax (903) 450-1397 3 August 1-15, 2012 Published & 15th EachPhoneMonth Phalconstar.com Texas 1 YearPhoneSubscription (972) 926-8503
Ernestine Shepherd shows what the new 75 looks like!
Free - Take One
1 Year Subscription $45.00
AUGUST 26, 2016
I Messenger
HALL: The Trump Train Is On Time!
Given ample time to think critically amidst all of the sense-
Quit Playin’
Klan robe. Ain’t no shame in their game! Honestly, Trump as a singular is no major worry for Black folks; he’s just the latest figurehead to mimic segregationists like Barry Goldwater, George Wallace or the soft, covert racism of Ronald Reagan. No, it’s the forty plus million Whites who are mingling and meandering between the dining cars and caboose that cause the torment and terror. It hurts to believe that one in three of your fellow “fantasy football” foes think less of you than you thought. It hurts when you have to add an extra
Martin was a crucial crossover in the current culture of race relations. Trayvon was a flashback for Baby Boomers and a flash of reality for every generation younger. Dr. Jeremiah Wright reminded us that rather than follow the wisdom of our Jewish brothers whose call to “zachor” is “Never forget,” we failed to teach Black children about our own liberation story. No story is more integral to our survival. Some Blacks purposely withheld the emasculation, disrespect and dehumanization in our history. Some Blacks wanted their
layer of consideration into every transaction you have with a friend, neighbor, co-worker or stranger who just happens to be White. It hurts to wonder what American children think of this bullsh*t and how it will affect their psyches. America never paused at the intersection, but Trayvon
children to live above this legacy of abuse and humiliation. I didn’t realize until I was 30 that my grandmother fried chickens and baked cakes for family road trips because she faced “White only’ signs traveling as a little girl. Racism and rabid White nationalism was palatable
by Vincent L. Hall less police shootings and the resurgence of conspicuous racism, Black America would admit that Donald Trump’s candidacy is personal and very hurtful. Now it’s senseless to utter this publicly because in America whining is a White Male privilege. Everyone else’s cry for justice falls on their deaf ears. Transparently speaking, African-Americans have been emotionally wrecked and socially mangled by the Trump Train. To Trump supporters and the media, these stationed soirees look like large well-attended campaign depots. To Blacks, Browns, Arabs and progressive Whites, Trump disembarks to speak at suburban KKK rallies. Trump is the keynote speaker at “klavern” gatherings where the participants lack the social respect or fear to don hoods. Passengers of the Trump Train wear xenophobia like a Blood Drop Cross patch on a patented
when America believed it was cordoned to a centralized orifice which we loosely call “The South.” But the Trump Train is transcontinental and has proven that racists are greater in number than expected, and are proportionately represented in the North and all points East and West. We knew electing Barack Hussein Obama was not a referendum on retiring prejudice, but we did want to believe that the blatant racism we perceived from the GOP was in our heads and not in their hearts. The Trump Train is hurtful because we realize that his passengers who hate Muslims, Mexicans and any other nonWhite entity, hated Black folks first and never stopped. But Chris Rock’s “Never Scared” brought it home. His comedy is always timely and provides a prophetic destination. “When the Iraq war started, White guys with their flags hats and flag underwear were saying “I’m an American, I’m American. F*ck all these foreigners!” And that was cool. “I’m an American, I’m American. F*ck the French!” That was cool. “I’m an American, I’m American. F*ck these Arabs!” Then they went to “I’m an American, I’m American. F*ck these illegal aliens!” Then I started listening, because I know Niggas and Jews is next. It’s like any day now. That train’s never late. The Trump Train, like America’s “racial exceptionalism” is always on track and always on time and that hurts!
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
Our Soldier
George Curry remembered 1947-2016 By Hazel Trice Edney
(TriceEdneyWire) - Pioneering Civil rights and Black political journalist George E. Curry, the reputed dean of Black press columnists because of his riveting weekly commentary in Black newspapers across the country, died suddenly of heart failure on Saturday, August 20. He was 69. Rumors of his death circulated heavily in journalistic circles on Saturday night until it was confirmed by Dr. Bernard Lafayette, MLK confidant and chairman of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference shortly before midnight. "This is a tragic loss to the movement because George Curry was a journalist who paid special attention to civil rights because he lived it and loved it," Lafayette said through his spokesman Maynard Eaton, SCLC national communications director.
lustrated, the St. Louis Post Dispatch, and then the Chicago Tribune. But he is perhaps best known for his editorship of the former Emerge Magazine and more recently for his work as editor-in-chief for the National Newspaper Publishers Association from 2000-2007 and again from 2012 until last year. His name is as prominent among civil rights circles as among journalists. He traveled with the Rev. Jesse Jackson and appeared weekly to do commentary on the radio show of the Rev. Al Sharpton, "Keepin' It Real." When he died he was raising money to fully fund Emerge News Online, a digital version of the former paper magazine. He had also continued to distribute his weekly column to Black newspapers.
Curry's connection to the SCLC was through his longtime childhood friend, confidant and ally in civil rights, Dr. Charles Steele, SCLC president. Lafayette said Dr. Steele was initially too distraught to make the announcement himself and was also awaiting notification of Curry's immediate family.
George E. Curry is former editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service. The former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine, Curry also writes a weekly syndicated column for NNPA, a federation of more than 200 African American newspapers. Curry, who served as editor-in-chief of the NNPA News Service from 2001 until 2007, returned to lead the news service for a second time on April 2, 2012. His work at the NNPA has ranged from being inside the Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in the University of Michigan affirmative action cases to traveling to Doha, Qatar, to report on America's war with Iraq. As editor-in-chief of Emerge, Curry led the magazine to win more than 40 national journalism awards. He is most proud of his four-year campaign to win the release of Kemba Smith, a 22-year-old woman who was given a mandatory sentence of 24 1/2 years in prison for her minor role in a drug ring. In May 1996, Emerge published a cover story titled "Kemba's Nightmare." President Clinton pardoned Smith in December 2000, marking the end of her nightmare.
Curry is the author of Jake Gaither: America's Most Famous Black Coach and editor of The Affirmative Action Debate and The Best of Emerge Magazine. He was editor of the National Urban League's 2006 State of Black George Curry with Michelle Miller and Cheryl Smith at NABJ Regional Conference Steele and Curry grew up America report. His work in journaltogether in Tuscaloosa, Ala. ism has taken him to Egypt, England, where Curry bloomed as a civil rights and France, Italy, China, Germany, Malaysia, Thaisports writer as Steele grew into a politician The following is his edited speaker's biography land, Cuba, Brazil, Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria, the and civil rights leader. as posted on the website of America's Program Ivory Coast, Mexico, Canada, and Austria. In Bureau: August 2012, he was part of the official US delCurry began his journalism career at Sport Ilegation and a presenter at the USBrazil seminar
AUGUST 26, 2016 on educational equity in Brasilia, Brazil. George Curry is a member of the National Speakers Association and the International Federation for Professional Speakers. His speeches have been televised on C-SPAN and reprinted in Vital Speeches of the Day magazine. In his presentations, he addresses such topics as diversity, current events, education, and the media. Born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Curry graduated from Druid High School before enrolling at Knoxville College in Tennessee. At Knoxville, he was editor of the school paper, quarterback and co-captain of the football team, a student member of the school's
George Curry with then-Duncanville High School Student Jerve Williams
board of trustees, and attended Harvard and Yale on summer history scholarships. While working as a Washington correspondent for The Chicago Tribune, he wrote and served as chief correspondent for the widely praised television documentary Assault on Affirmative Action, which was aired as part of PBS' Frontline series. He was featured in a segment of One Plus One, a national PBS documentary on mentoring. Curry was part of the weeklong Nightline special, America in Black and White. He has also appeared on CBS Evening News, ABC's World News Tonight, The Today Show, 20/20, Good Morning America, CNN, C-SPAN, BET, Fox Network News, MSNBC, and ESPN. After delivering the 1999 commencement address at Kentucky State University, he was awarded a Doctor of Humane Letters. In May 2000, Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee, also presented Curry with an honorary doctorate after his commencement speech. Later that year, the University of Missouri presented Curry with its Missouri Honor
I Messenger Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism, the same honor it had earlier bestowed on such luminaries as Joseph Pulitzer, Walter Cronkite, John H. Johnson, and Winston Churchill. In 2003, the National Association of Black Journalists named Curry Journalist of the Year. Curry became the founding director of the St. Louis Minority Journalism Workshop One of many NABJ Conventions that George Curry attended in 1977. Seven years later, he became founding Illustrated. director of the Washington Association of Black Journalists' annual high school journalism Curry was chairman of the board of directors of workshop. In February 1990, Curry organized Young DC, a regional teen-produced newspaa similar workshop in New York City. While per; immediate past chairman of the Knoxville serving as editor of Emerge, Curry was elected College board of trustees; and serves on the president of the American Society of Magazine board of directors of the Kemba N. Smith Editors, the first African American to hold the Foundation and St. Paul Saturdays, a leadership association's top office. training program for young African American males in St. Louis. Before taking over as editor of Emerge, Curry served as New York bureau chief and as WashCurry was also a trustee of the National Press ington correspondent for The Chicago Tribune. Foundation, chairing a committee that funded Prior to joining The Tribune, he worked for 11 more than 15 workshops modeled after the one years as a reporter for The St. Louis Post-Dishe directed in St. Louis. patch and for two years as a reporter for Sports
CBC Chairman G. K. Butterfield’s Statement on the Legacy of George E. Curry WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressional Black Caucus Chairman G. K. Butterfield (NC-01) released the following statement upon hearing news of the passing of esteemed journalist, George E. Curry:
“The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) joins with members of the press from around the country to mourn the loss of George E. Curry, a pioneer in Civil Rights and journalism. “A native of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Curry was an esteemed journalist with a career that spanned decades. He was highly regarded as the Dean of Black journalists for his unique perspective and engagement during the height of the Civil Rights era, and his weekly commentaries continued to enjoy wide circulation until his untimely death. “Curry started his career in journalism at Sports Illustrated and later wrote for the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the Chicago Tribune. He would later serve in a series of lead editor roles including his tenure with Emerge Magazine and more recently as the Editor-in-Chief with the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and as the editor and publisher of EmergeNewsOnline.com, which highlighted African American news from around the country. “George E. Curry was a giant in journalism and he stood on the front lines of the Civil Rights era and used his voice to tell our stories when others would not. The CBC offers our sympathies and condolences to his friends and family, his readers from around the country, and to the countless number of individuals he mentored in the art of reporting and journalistic writing until his untimely death.”
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
AUGUST 26, 2016
I Messenger
Free Job Training: WorkPaths @CitySquare Ongoing. Free information sessions held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month; CitySquare; 1610 S. Malcolm X, Dallas 75226. Five-week Food Service & Hospitality course began August 1, 2016. Contact: 214-823-4409; dbranch@citysquare.org. ******* Free Reading Tutoring Dallas Public Library; 1515 Young, Dallas 75201. Learn to read better program for adults. Contact: 214-671-8291; http://www.dallaslibrary.org/literacy ********** Community Lawyering Center Open for Business - Mondays – Saturdays; days and evenings by appointment. 4716 Elsie Faye Heggins, Dallas, 75210. Eligible citizens may seek free legal services at this UNT Dallas College of Law Community Center about such issues as: disability, veterans, and social security claims; rental agreements; wills and probate; minor criminal offenses; record expunctions; mediations; and immigration. For info, call:
I Messenger
cal, Bella: An American Tall Tale, produced in Association with New York’s Playwrights Horizons Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre • 2400 Flora Street in the AT&T Performing Arts Center Full Run: Sept. 22 – Oct. 22, 2016 • Press Night: Fri., Sept. 30 at 8 p.m. Tickets: 214-880-0202 or www.DallasTheaterCenter.org ******
Project Unity presents Together We Ball - Police and Pastors Basketball Game at P.C. Cobb Field House, Dallas **** Kirk Franklin presents Gospel Brunch featuring Robert Hall & Company, 11am-1:30pm at the House of Blues, 2200 N. Lamar Street, Dallas ****
Paul Quinn College will celebrate its 2016 Homecoming, November 3rd thru 6th, celebrating 144 years of nationbuilding... “Greatness: One Step At A Time” *****
Bandan Koro Concert @ The SDCC 8/25/2016 - 8/27/2016 South Dallas Cultural Center- Bandan Koro presents a celebration of life through African Drum, Dance, & Culture. It will be an evening of invigorating performances filled with the rhythms, dances and songs of West Africa.
COSIGN celebrates its 5-year anniversary with the release of Issue 19, and an event featuring the best in fashion, music and art that the city has to offer.
August 26 Best Southwest TGIF Legislative Breakfast Series at Methodist Charlton Medical Center 7:40a.m. presents a look at Tourism - Our Cleanest Industry with Janie Havel of Texas Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Tourism.
August 27 469-351-0024 or x0025 Dallas Black Dance Academy Fall Classes Early Bird Registration Ends August 27, 2016 Dallas Black Dance Academy is offering 50 dance classes in the fall beginning September 6, 2016. Modern, Jazz, Ballet, Pointe, Horton, African, Tap, Hip Hop, and Mommy & Me dance classes are available. The academy also provides Zumba and Stretch & Tone fitness classes. Registration is underway. There will be an Academy Registration Day/Open House on Saturday August 27, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Parents can register their children, meet the teachers, tour the facility, and purchase dance apparel. August 27th is the last day for early-bird registration where you save $10 off of the registration fee. For details on the Fall classes visit www.dbdt.com/ academy or email academy@dbdt.com. ***** Community Health Worker Certificate Training Now thru early September. Become a certified community health worker. Enroll now for the fall class (Sept. 13 – Dec. 1, 2016). Weekday classes: 6 – 9 pm. Some Saturday training. Cost: $700 (scholarships available). Location: UT Southwestern. Contact: Lori Millner; 214-648-8338. Registration: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ FALLCHWCOURSE. **** Dallas Theater Center Announces World Premiere Musi-
AUGUST 26, 2016
Marketing Using Social Media DBCC Grow your business with industry-tested tactics and tools. Learn about creating sales funnels, advertising and promoting via social media.10:00 AM thru 11:30 AM **** Free Composting Class - 8:30 a.m. to noon. Environmental Waste Services, 1434 Commerce St. See a hands-on demonstration of how to build and maintain a compost pile. Class is available to Garland residents only *********** Naturally YOU Workshop.. Doing Business with YOU in Mind)!! 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM (CDT) - The Grove,- 501 Elm Street #450, Dallas, TX 75202 *** Westside - The Greater Works Church Denim and Diamonds Women’s Conference 8:30 am-1pm at the Westside Baptist Church Assembly Hall, 900 Bellaire Blvd., Lewisville, TX. Keynote Speaker: Sis. Doris Willis, First Lady, Morse Street Baptist Church, Denton, TX ***** Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center Athletic Cookout celebrating Basketball and Baseball participants, 11am2pm, 5150 Mark Trail Way, Dallas **** Henna Tattoo Fundraiser, 1-5pm 2304 W Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013-6028, ladies get your feet, hands or partial arm enhanced! Call to RSVP 817 265 8854
August 28
August 30 Business Expo/Taste of Balch Springs 5-7pm,Tickets $4 in Advance $5 at the door
August 31
Texas Coalition of Black Democrats - Dallas Chapter, first General Membership Meeting:, African American Museum 6:00pm-7:00pm
September 1 Legends, Sept. 1-24 Granville Arts Center Leading ladies of yesteryear are at each other’s throats in the uproarious Legends. Granville Arts Center, Small Theatre, 300 N. Fifth Street, Downtown Garland 972-205-2790
September 3 DeSoto Arts Live! Art and Music Festival 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. DeSoto’s Town Center Outdoor Amphitheater
AUGUST 26, 2016
I Messenger
Calendar The Theta Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. presents it’s inaugural Martinis and Linen Part, SHAKEN NOT STIRRED, 9pm - 1am in the Orion Ballroom, 400 South Zang Blvd, Dallas. For tickets, call Anthony Brown 214-534-0381. Attire: Linen A Survivor, A Story and A Dream featuring Marion Forbes, 7 PM - 10 PM Medical Center of Lewisville Grand Theater, 100 N Charles St, Lewisville, Texas 75057 ***** Alabama vs USC Ultimate Tailgate Party 1 PM - 7 PM 1010 Collins - Entertainment & Event Center 1010 N Collins St, Arlington, Texas 76011
September 4 Fair Park Labor Day Weekend Blues & Jazz Festival 6pm-11pm on the lawn at the African American Museum, 3536 Grand Avenue. Co-hosted by Radio One Dallas’ Mark McCray and WFAA’s Angela Madison. Call 214-565-9026 ext 304 for tickets
September 6
DSDN’s Rockin’ Mom Retreat Hilton Dallas Fort Worth Lakes September 9-11, 2016
September 10 J. Spivey Productions presents Gigantic Gospel Concert 2016 featuring Tasha Cobbs, CeCe Godbolt, Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Pastor Kim BUrrell, Jessica Reedy, Kathy Taylor & Favor, Casey J. Doors open 3p.m. and show begins at 4p.m. Friendship West Baptist Church, 2020 W. Wheatland Road, Dallas. MORGAN STANLEY PRESENTS DERON WILLIAMS CELEBRITY DODGE BARRAGE 2016 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Frisco Fieldhouse USA, 6155 Sports Village Rd., Frisco, Texas Deadline to register is Aug. 29. Spectator tickets to the games are $10 per person (with children 5 and under free). For team registration and ticket purchase, go to deronwilliams.com/pointofhope. ****** The Pan African Connection Art Gallery, Bookstore and Resource Center presents Racial Disparities in America by Jamal A. Hasan, at 2pm at 4466 S. Marsalis Ave, Dallas, TX.
September 11 TIRE RACK® STREET SURVIVAL® teen driver safety is coming to Grand Prairie to stop the #1 killer of teens
WHAT: Tire Rack Street Survival® Teen Driving School WHERE: Lone Star Park, 1000 Lone Star Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 WHEN: Sunday, September 11th; 8:30am – 4:30pm HOST: Lone Star Chapter - BMW CCA
September 15
ITY OF FORT WORTH WORKSHOP: RFP, RFQ, ITB AND BEST VALUE Thursday, September 15, 2016 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (CDT) Fort Worth Business Assistance Center 1150 South Fwy Fort Worth, TX 76104 Third Annual PlayPride LGBT Competition, Bishop Arts Theatre Center, 215 South Tyler St, Dallas. 7:30pm
September 16 Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center Hosts New Family-Friendly Concert Featuring Nationally Renowned Child Musicians at the Majestic Theatre. Event proceeds will support DCAC’s life-changing work of providing justice, hope, and healing to Dallas County’s most severely abused children. Tickets start at $50. For more information, please call 214-818-2682, email encore@dcac.org, or visit dcac.org/ encore. ****** Live Well Free Health and Wellness Expo at Destiny Pointe Christian Center, 2350 East Mayfield Road, Arlington www.shazzyfitness.com
Fort Worth Museum Science and History Celebrity Lecture Series commemorating the 15th anniversary of 9/11: An Evening with Michael Hinson 7-8pm. Reservations are required. For more info, visit www. fortworthmuseum.org. I-35E/US 67 Project (formally known as The Southern Gateway Managed Lanes Project). The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) invites you to join us at the upcoming public hearing. Christ for the Nations Institute Freda Lindsay World Missions Building 444 Fawn Drive Dallas, TX 75224 Open House: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Formal Hearing: 7:00 p.m.
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
AUGUST 26, 2016
HACU offers scholarships The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) invites all accounting students to apply for the $10,000 HACU Deloitte Student Leadership Award and a full HACU Conference Scholarship to attend the 2016 HACU Conference in San Antonio, TX.
I Messenger
Women Mentoring A c a d e my
Launch in Dallas, TX October 8th
Invest in Yourself – and Reap the Rewards! 63% of women have NEVER had a formal mentor
HACU in partnership with Deloitte LLP is offering a $10,000 award to high-achieving accounting students who have demonstrated leadership qualities through academics and community involvement. Please read the information below for eligibility requirements and application instructions.
Participation Fee $500 For an application email Bernice@bernicewashington.com OR CALL 972-757-0875
Eligibility requirements Accounting major GPA 3.5 or above Classification: Sophomore or Junior Full-time student attending a four-year college or university U.S. citizen or permanent resident The deadline to apply is Friday, September 2, 2016 Applicants who demonstrate a strong interest in future employment with Deloitte will be considered for the award and the possibility to obtain a paid internship with Deloitte. For more information and to apply, visit www.hacu.net/ leadershipaward.
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
Changing Our Racial Narrative Child Watch By Marian Wright Edelman President, Children’s Defense Fund
via George Curry Media
Marian Wright Edelman is president of the Children’s Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to www.childrensdefense.org
AUGUST 26, 2016
SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER by George E. Curry (George Curry Media Columnist)
speak on her healing process after unexpectedly losing her husband and becoming a widow. Author and workshop presenter Beverly L. Robinson will share her journey of how she survived sexual assault and learned to live a life free from guilt. Young entrepreneur Brandi Thompson will speak on launching your business and building your brand! Licensed therapist and Breaking Chains Life Classes group leader Donetta Beasley, LCSW will join the speakers during a Q&A panel session. - Fit and Faithful Living is hosting its Woman of HonAmong the participants will be graduates of Fit and or Empowerment Conference on Saturday, October Faithful Living's Breaking Chains class. Italia Anguiano 1, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. It will feature learned to break the chains of sexual abuse she had 80-year-old Ernestine Shepherd, the Guinness Book of been carrying since she was a child. She stopped beWorld Records Oldest Performing Female Weightlifting ing a victim and learned to take action to meet new Champion. The series will be held at the Hyatt Regency life goals. "I would blow up North Dallas hotel located at 701 East TEXAS and be angry and hateful METRO NEWS Campbell Road in Richardson, Texas and had no constructive 75081. way to deal with my emoThe daylong event is focused on tions and nightmares," helping women break the chains of Italia Anguiano explained. unhealthy habits. The Empowerment "Depression kept me inacConference includes speakers who will tive, but Breaking Chains educate and empower women to live helped me to take action healthy lifestyles that include regular and crawl out of my dephysical activity, good nutrition, and pression. Being able to mental wellness. talk about what happened CELEBRATING made a big difference." The events include dinner and a birthday reception to celebrate ErnesThe Breaking Chains tine Shepherd's 80th birthday. Mrs. class helped Chandra Shepherd will share how she transMarshall-Henson learn to formed herself from an average middle-aged wom- accept and manage her diabetes diagnosis by giving an in her late 50s into a bodybuilding diva at 80. The her a healthy eating plan she could easily follow. She personal trainer, professional model, and competitive also stopped using overeating as an emotional crutch. bodybuilder says she is happier and more fulfilled than "The group kept me in check and took the time to make she's ever been in her life. sure I was OK. I could call on any of them," said Chandra Other speakers include: Marshall-Henson. "I am determined not to go on insulin Certified Life Coach and founder of Fit and Faithful and Breaking Chains is helping me to meet that goal." Living LaChanda Dupard, who with 25 years of marFor ticket information, visit: www.fitandfaithfulliving. riage experience, will speak on how to strengthen your org. marriage. Make it a special experience and spend the night at Professional Life Coach Kofi Williams will speak on the Hyatt Regency North Dallas hotel in Richardson, accepting and loving yourself while single and/or di- Texas. Book your room using our Special Fit and Faithful vorced! Living $89.00 hotel rate. Professional Life Coach Dr. Gretchel Johnson will
Featuring 80-year-old Bodybuilder Ernestine Shepherd
Free - Take One
Garland,Rowlett Mesquite Richardson
Garland,Rowlett Mesquite Richardson & E.Dallas
September 16, 2012
Free - Take One
Br i n g i n g n e ws a n d i n f o r ma t i o n f r o m a c r o s s t h e s t a t e a n d a r o u n& d tE.Dallas h e wo r l d!VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDS IN
Volume XI Issue 3 www.texasmetronews.com
Volume X- Issue 243 August 1-15, 2012 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Phalconstar.com Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00
Volume X- Issue 243 August 1-15, 2012 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Phalconstar.com Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00
A Tragedy
Critic’s Choice
Get Ready to Laugh INSIDE
In Your Town
5 On the Campaign Trail 6 Community Calendar 9 Lifestyle 12 HBCU Homecomings 17
Ernestine Shepherd shows what the new 75 looks like!
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
AUGUST 26, 2016
I Messenger
I Messenger Praise Party Conversation I’m Dareia and I overcame and conquered low self-confidence, insecurities, bullies, and poverty. As the dark-skinned child in my family, I grew up despising my appearance— feeling like an outcast, inadequate, and as if my beauty would never measure up to my vanilla and caramel complexioned siblings. Oftentimes, I likened myself to an “ugly duckling.” Heartbreaking to recount, my 8-year old and 14-year old self internalized these negative and damaging thoughts. To compound the issue, school peers would make scathing comments on my appearance, calling me “ugly, unattractive, and unfit”—reinforcing this concept of “not being good enough” that was already polluting my mind. On top of grappling with low self-worth, poverty was another opponent to beat. Although my parents worked and sacrificed tirelessly to meet our basic needs, staying afloat financially was always a struggle. My three siblings and I grew up in a one bedroom home, where my sisters and I shared a bed up until high school graduation. There were times when the pantries were empty, leaving us uncertain about our next meal, or times when we ran out of gas and were subjected to pushing the car to a safe area due to my mother’s over-estimation of the gas meter and lack of money to replenish the tank in that moment. Despite the hardships, challenges, damaging words and thoughts, my faith in God and later, self, helped me to overcome, conquer and achieve a level of success that surpassed my 8-year old and 14-year old imagination and dreams. Somewhere around the age of 16, something finally clicked internally. I started to realize that I am beautiful and that my perception of self should not be dictated
AUGUST 26, 2016
Dareia Tolbert
by societal standards or by what others think. Failing to grab hold of this concept at age 16 would have made my life dramatically different, limiting my options to the subjective thoughts and attitudes of others. I learned to free myself from those chains and to fully embrace the “me” God created. After this realization, I was able to blossom into a “beautiful swan.” As for poverty, I fought and am still fighting every day with prayer, persistence, patience, hard work and resilience to create a better and more sustain-
able world for myself, immediate family, and the family I will one day build. As the saying goes, “Anything worth having is worth fighting for,” and I will continue to strive until all of my goals are fully realized. And I urge you to do the same because one day, you will pass down your story of how you overcame and conquered to a little girl hanging on to a hope and a prayer that something different, better and greater will soon come.
AUGUST 26, 2016
I Messenger
Auntie has nothing nice to say
Dear Alma,
My niece is all in love with Gabby Douglas and thinks she can one day tryout for the Olympic team. LOL, now that’s funny. She’s awkward, uncoordinated and too fat to be in the Olympics. Her laugh is so loud it makes my skin crawl and I have never, ever seen her exercise. Her mother is getting on my last nerve. She’s collecting money from the family for her daughter to start gymnastic lessons. She said it’s expensive and she needs help. Help? For what? A teenage fat farm? My niece is not, let me repeat, not Olympic material. I am embarrassed and I’m not trying to give her any of my hard earned money and neither should anyone else in the family. I’m sure I can use Facebook, but how
Ask Alma: by Alma Gill
NNPA News Wire Columnist Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and Twitter @almaaskalma.
else can I let all our friends and family know they should not contribute to this disaster? Signed Keepin It Real with My Niece Dear Keepin It Real, Oh my, my, girl, I hereby nominate you as runner up for the worst aunt in the world! Why would you speak such negative comments about your niece? What you think and what you feel are just your opinion and your feelings are note facts. Speaking again of your comments, I just gotta say, they sure do look ugly on you. Your niece has the right, in this country at least, to pursue her dreams without your permission. Passions are personal and grow inside the hearts of each of us, individually. You don’t get to pick which dreams work best for someone else.
When a child shows interest, your role is to lead the way. When a young person becomes absorbed in a particular sport, artistic endeavor or reading activity, it’s your responsibility as the adult, to assist them in said particular pursuit – positively! Lookahear Auntie Unlucky, find your path to patience and take a long, long walk. Clear your mind and ponder, not everything that pops in your brain needs to trickle down and spill out of your mouth. Move out of your nieces’ way, and stop trying to block her blessings. If you can’t control your negativity and shush your mouth, just write a check and keep your distance. She doesn’t need your wrong wind beneath her wings to fly to success. Change your attitude or get out of her way. Alma
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
"Downtown Police shootings spring South Dallas Leaders into actions"
On Saturday, August 27, 2016 at New Hope Baptist Church 5002 South Central Expy Dallas, Texas 75215 @10:00 am a Coalition of Black organizations will hold a meeting to openly discuss the July 7th shootings of five Dallas Police Officers in downtown Dallas.
the horrible conditions black people in America are living in everyday,” said Thomas Muhammad, Chairman Dallas NBUF. ”It quickly becomes obvious that the police shootings of unarmed black folks was just the trigger causing young people to act.
“We, however feel that it is the Saturday's meeting represents overall and overwhelming slum the first public community conditions, the lack of decent discussion in South Dallas/Fair housing, grocery stores, wholePark, well-known as the heart of some entertainment centers, Black Dallas, since the shootings. decent livable wage jobs, quality public schools the list is enorThe groups will speak to subjects mous!” such as police and community relationships, community New Hope is the oldest black protests, police accountability, church in Dallas with a long hisaccountability on all elected tory of community involvement. officials, the over saturation of Senior Pastor Ronald Jones is homeless in the area following the former Mayor of the City of the closing of homeless encamp- Garland, Texas. ments downtown, anger among black youth, the importance of Among confirmed organization strengthening Dallas's existing attendance are: Presidents of the police review board with invesNational & Local Black Police tigative and subpoena powers Associations, the National Black and ways that youth can tackle United Front (NBUF) Dallas problems of slum conditions in Chapter, Next Generation Action majority black neighborhoods Network (NGAN), Dallas Chapand more. ter NAACP, NCTEMTS, Dignity Homeless Action Network, "If you listen very carefully you Nation of Islam Mosque #48, hear everyone from the comBexar Street Coalition of Common black person in commumunity Organizations, Masjid nities across America to Black Al-Islam, Deacons of New Hope Lives Matter to the young men Baptist Church, as well as dozens who fired upon police saying of Youth Leaders and area neighthey're fed up and frustrated at borhood residents.
Muhammad continued, “And the irony of all this is that as the DPD call on community protest leaders to not protest downtown, they themselves are sponsoring large protests at Dallas City Hall calling for pay increases, threatening to transfer to other cities and intimidating the mayor and council members! This is very surreal.” The group will set up a community "South Dallas/Fair ParkThink Tank" with breakout committees meeting regularly to come up with solutions for the major ills that plague the area. They will also seek support from national groups like the Black Police Assn and Black Lives Matter working together along with other organizations with national outreach to bring national media attention to Dallas to help expose the pure neglect black communities like South Dallas/ Fair Park face. Many believe Dallas could be a good test case and model for the rest of the nation, says organizers. For more contact 214-460-7672 or tmuhammad2003@yahoo. com
AUGUST 26, 2016
I Messenger
Join in the efforts to put an end to Family Violence! Log on to www.iwillrise.org or call (888)230-RISE and see how you can help or get help!
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
Call 972-464-1790
AUGUST 26, 2016
I Messenger
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016
Transitional and Proven Leader for Interim President of the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce
Position: Interim President Organization: Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Location: Dallas, TX Type of Employment: Full-time with benefits or Consultant
The Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 90th year as an advocate for the creation, growth and general welfare of African America businesses in Dallas and the North Texas region. The Interim President will lead and manage the chamber during an executive search for a permanent President and assist with the transition of leadership. The position will be for at minimum of six months and the Interim President can apply for the permanent President position. Excellent candidates for the Interim President position should possess the following qualifications and experience: Great passion to make a difference in the African American community Day-to-day leadership and management of a major organization and its staff Report to a board of directors and achieving the board's metrics and goals for the organization Success in gaining funding from corporations, government, and grants of at least $25K per transaction Fiduciary responsibility of a major organization including managing an annual budget of $500K and monitoring an organization's financial statements and activity Great credibility and relationships with C-Suite executives, bankers, and leaders in the Dallas area that have lead to major partnerships Success managing and staff development Exemplary writing and presentation skills Develop policies and procedures to flawlessly execute the operations of a major organization Public relations and marketing for a major organization Bachelor's degree in business or related field preferred Please follow the directions below to apply: Send resume to dljames@dbcc.org with job code IP1 in the subject line of email. Within the body of the email, please answer the following questions: Why are you passionate and interested in the position? What proven success (examples) do you have in the qualifications and experience required of the position? What is the greatest accomplishment you can bring to the organization? What positive feedback have you been given by your supervisor or clients at you current or former employer?
Join Big Tex’s Team: State Fair of Texas Seasonal Job Applications Now Available Online! Are you an outgoing, friendly and energetic person who likes to celebrate all things Texan? Join Big Tex’s team for the 2016 State Fair of Texas! Working at the Fair is just as fun as a visit to the annual event. The State Fair provides more than 6,000 seasonal job opportunities every year, with approximately 1,500 to 1,600 people employed directly by the State Fair of Texas. As the annual event is a collection of small businesses, the remaining seasonal positions report to independent contractors including concessionaires, ride operators and vendors. Applications for seasonal positions can now be found online, with opportunities available in the following departments: Coupon Sales, Creative Arts, Special Events, Exhibits, Food Service, Gates, Livestock Operations, Maintenance, Midway Games, Security, Ticket Office and Tram Operations. To apply for a seasonal position at the State Fair of Texas, please visit BigTex.com/Jobs. Don’t have a computer? No problem. Visit your local public library to see if it has computers available for job seekers, or this year the State Fair is partnering with several local computer labs that will allow people to use their facilities to complete the online application process. Please find details on some of the participating locations below: In partnership with the Wilkinson Center: Eastfield College, Pleasant Grove Campus 802 S. Buckner Blvd., Room 222 Dallas, TX 75217 Contact: Myra Collins 214.821.6380 x 214 Friday, July 29, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday, August 5, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday, August 26, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Cornerstone Baptist Church 1819 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX 75215 214.426.5468 Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Tuesday & Thursday, open until 6 p.m.)
TR Hoover Community Center 5106 Bexar St. Dallas, TX 75215 214.421.2420 Monday, August 8, 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 9, 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 10, 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Details related to future potential locations will be posted as they become available at BigTex.com/Jobs. The 2016 Fair runs from Friday, September 30 through Sunday, October 23.
AUGUST 26, 2016
I Messenger
(Fort Worth, Texas) — Dallas Fort Worth International Airport has awarded JCDecaux, the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, a 10-year concession contract to provide advertising and sponsorship services. Fort Worth-based Ware + Associates, has partnered with JCDecaux and will be responsible for generating local sales throughout the term of the concession.
high-definition spectacular video walls, and interactive directories in the baggage claim areas.
The new advertising program will consist of 75 percent digital advertising displays, including a network of 70 and 75-inch digital screens,
For advertising rates and information, please contact Ware’s offices at (817) 451-9273.
“Ware + Associates is pleased to be a part of JCDecaux’s endeavor to deploy a digital advertising program for DFW International Airport,” stated Wyntress Ware, president and CEO. “We’re looking forward to promoting local businesses on this high-technology platform.”
Wyntress Ware
Back to school events scheduled
This fall, in conjunction with Federal Agency Partners, the White House Initiative on HBCUS will be present “Back to School Week” September 19th thru 23rd. This week is designed as an opportunity for federal agencies to directly interact with HBCU students to share information about the agency and insight into internships, fellowships and employment. We will feature a variety of events, both virtual and in-person, designed to expose students further to the federal landscape. (Note: all virtual events are scheduled according to Eastern Standard Time) The week will feature a wide variety of events aimed at all HBCU students whether their majors are in STEM or the Humanities; en-
tering freshman or graduate students looking for fellowships; or students just thinking about possible career paths. For the full listing of events, updated weekly, please check out our “Back to School Week” webpage: http://sites. ed.gov/whhbcu/federal-agency-opportunities/ back-to-school-week/.
Some agencies will host in-person events designed specifically for HBCU students in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. (Non-local and visiting HBCU students are welcome to attend, but please note that travel assistance will not be offered.) As many of these events have registration requirements and participation limits, I would encourage you to not only inform your students about these
opportunities, but encourage them to register as soon as possible. These events are a great opportunity to meet federal policy-makers, congressman, and other special guests! On behalf of the Federal Agency Partners and the White House Initiative on HBCUs, I want to thank you for getting the word out regarding Back to School Week. To stay informed and up-to-date, please follow us on Twitter @ WHI_HBCUs and search using the hashtag #HBCUB2School. If you have general questions regarding “Back to School Week”, please feel free to contact Tammi.Fergusson@ed.gov.
I Messenger
AUGUST 26, 2016