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I Messenger


SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

I Messenger

America is great again! The Facts of the Obama Economic Legacy U.S. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson WWW.MYIMESSENGER.COM



I Messenger

Saluting the Moodys, Nashs, Wyricks, Mayos and McCowans

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016


In numerous seminars I’ve Curtistene McCowan and Frank heard that people are not staying Eugene and Carole Joycelyn Mayo on the job, that there’s no loyalty. are celebrating 50! Gone are the days of people What a joy to hear that there remaining on a job long enough are men and women who worked to receive even a 10-year pin, let it out, overcame the obstacles and alone a 25-year watch or 50-year faced the challenges; all the while trinket of some type. growing together to form a solid, I’ve also heard similar stories spiritual, uplifting foundation. about marriage. These are the type of relaPeople get tired at the first sign tionships showcased by Anthem of adversity. They get goingwhile Strong Families and founder of the going is good for them. Black Marriage Day and the WedCelebrating 55 years For many to survive five years ded Bliss Foundation, Nisa MuThe Wyricks is a monumental feat. When cou- hammad. ples made those vows, they had no There’s a movement to save the 13 idea what they were facing. black family and marriage does I’ve heard it gets tough. No help. RIP shade here. I just want to shine a We have to impress upon our spotlight on some special people. youth that healthy relationships Billy !VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDS IN This year, I happen to know of are important and healthy marMurkledove five couples who are celebrating riages help build stronger comGarland,Rowlett !VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDS IN 15 signigicant milestones: Paul and Garland,Rowlett munitites! Mesquite Bessie Moody were married 58 Congratulations MoodMesquiteto the Richardson years ago, Joseph and Herdercine ys, Nashs, Wyricks, Mayos and Richardson & E.Dallas Nash were married on Valentine’s McCowans. May you be blessed & E.Dallas Day 56 years ago; Ernest and Ruth with many more years together! Wyrick are celebrating 55 years Cheryl of wedded bliss; R. (972) and926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 Phalconstar.com Garland,and TexasLeonPhone 1 YearSmith Subscription $45.00

Free - Take One

Month 3 August 1-15, 2012


Free - Take One

Published 1st & 15th Each Month Phalconstar.com Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00


I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

HALL: Frienemies Don’t Play! Quit Playin’

by Vincent L. Hall

Whodini, a Brooklyn based, 80’s rap group asked a now famous question you may recall. Their 1984 hit asked; “Friends, how many of us have them, friends, the kind we can depend on?” A new stage play due to rock Dallas, appropriately named “Frienemies,” seeks to remind us how rare real friendship is. Your personal accounting of friends is bound to be shorter than the list of Frienemies you’ve enlisted over the years. Director/playwright “Snoop” Robinson proffers this wisdom; “You need to keep your friends close and your Frienemies closer.” Chrystale Wilson, who was the poster girl for Frienemies in her iconic role as “Ronnie in Ice Cube’s film; “Player’s Club” will lead the headliners of this spellbinder. Frienemies also features several local celebrities and budding thespians. Local Judge Shequitta Kelly, former Assistant District Attorney Heath Harris and Abeni Jewel are named among those who will cast

their stars on the stage. Life comes with tragedies and unexpected disasters within close friendships. Frienemies is an exciting, hard-turning stage play that reveals how selfish intentions and willful treachery transform former friends into eternal enemies. Ok, I get it. You don’t quite get the concept of Frienemies which is what linguists call a portmanteau, so here’s an example. So you found a friend, say his name is Ronald Hump. Hump says that he wants to save you from your poverty-stricken neighborhoods and horrible Third World conditions. Hump says your schools

are bad, you are getting shot in the streets and “Your people” are doing worse now than you were in chattel slavery and Jim Crow laws. Hump begs your indulgence; “What do you have to lose…Vote Ronald Hump…I can fix it.” But then you realize that Ronald Hump didn’t care to befriend you. Hump was


actually trying to become better friends with some people who didn’t like him because he doesn’t like you. The moral is that Frienemies like Ronald Hump are dangerous and deserve your close scrutiny.

ducers, musicians and visual artists in this city, and the truth is…we do not support our own.

In February 2011, Dallas’ Snoop Robinson produced and directed, “She’s Not Our Sister,” the stage play, Anyway… which sold out on opening night and was later readapt Frienemies’ main charac- ed and showcased in film ter Tracey helps her so called on The Gospel Music Chan“best friend” get a job within nel. Snoop’s latest film “Her the company she works for. Eyez,” received the 2015 That’s what friends do right? Excellence Award for Best However, Tracey is unaware Film of the Year during the her “Bestie” has personal Diamondnique Productions goals of her own and she is Playwrights Awards Gala. Of the dozen works he has willing to do whatever and whomever it takes to achieve produced are titles like “Bold Evil Liar,” “Snoop Robinher covert mission. son’s Sinful Confessions,” and “Racial Conscience.” Snoop plans to take Frienemies to the “C-Market,” or what we used to call the chittlin’ circuit. This strategy is emblematic of the dedication and work ethic that makes him a tireless perfectionist and an up and coming star. Actors Raison Thompson, Alexandria Warfield, Brandon Armstead, China Mitchell, Kenny Garner, Andre Terry, LeTitia Owens, and Frienemies is a very im- Nae Callihan round out his portant stage play for sev- cast. eral reasons. First and foreYou don’t want to miss most, the message is old and Frienemies, because you trite, but one that most of us have enough enemies already. never learn. Support folks in your The second point of significance is that Dallas’ arts community…for a change!!! community is much deeper and more abundant than it Whodini posed the quesever gets credit for. There are tion, but the answer is yours. some major theatrical pro-


I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

America Is Great Again: The Facts of the Obama Economic Legacy By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Listening to the political messages of this campaign season, many candidates will have you forget just how deep of a hole this country was in eight years ago. You don’t have to go far to hear someone claim “we have to make America great again” or “we need to bring back our jobs from overseas” or any other numerous claims that suggest America is in worse shape than it was before the election of President Barack Obama. Until every able bodied citizen is able to find a job that can allow them to provide for themselves and their family, we will still have work to do. The facts, however, show that our Nation has come a very long way from the dire straits we were in when Barack Obama was elected. If we rewind the clock back eight years, the economic outlook for the country was very bleak. America was embroiled in “the worst financial crisis in global history, including the Great depression,” according to former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke. The private sector had lost 4.5 million jobs and


nearly $13 trillion1* in household wealth was eliminated in the final year of the Bush presidency. Bush policies pushed the unemployment rate to peak at 10.0%2* by October of 2009. Current political narratives would have your forget just how deep the hole our country was in when President Obama came into office. There is so much political rhetoric dominating the airwaves that suggests we must “make America great again,” and bring our country back from the brink of disaster. The facts, however, suggest an entirely different narrative. The facts are simple. Under the leadership of President Obama, America has had a historic economic recovery. The economy has added 15.1 million private sector jobs in his past 78 months in office. The facts are that the unemployment rate in America has been cut in half to 4.9% since it peaked in October 20093*. The facts are that the nearly $800 billion American Recovery Reinvestment Act (commonly known

as the “stimulus package”) was a critical policy that was able to jumpstart the recovery that our economy has seen over the past six years. As America prepares for a monumental election between two candidates with vastly different visions for America, I ask that you separate facts from rhetorical fiction. The facts are that America has made great strides in the past eight years. Right here in Texas, we have seen the benefits of investments in infrastructure and the recovery of the automobile industry. There is a lot of information to sift through during election season. Citizens throughout Texas and the rest of the country must sort through the rhetoric and campaign ads, to find the facts and the truth. This is part of our civic duty as Americans to make an informed choice on our ballots. Yet one thing must be clear, America never lost its greatness, but in fact, under President Barack Obama, America has remained great and will continue to be great.


I Messenger Johnson has served under the first Black president and could serve under first Female president

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

President Barack Obama and Member of Congress Eddie Bernice Johnson Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson is in her twelfth term in Congress representing the 30th Congressional District of Texas. In December of 2010, Congresswoman Johnson was elected as the first African-American and the first female Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. From 2000 to 2002, she was the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education. Within these roles, Congresswoman Johnson continues to emphasize the need to invest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. In addition to the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, she is also a current member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. She has served on this panel since being elected to Congress in 1992 making her the highest ranking Texas on the committee. She also serves on the Aviation Subcommittee, the Highways and Transit Subcommittee and Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee. In 2007, Congresswoman Johnson was appointed by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James L. Oberstar (D-MN) to serve as Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment during the 110th and 111th sessions of Congress. She was the first African-American and

first female to chair the Subcommittee. While holding this position, Congresswoman Johnson co-authored and introduced the Water Resources Development Act. She successfully secured necessary votes, and led Congress in overriding President Bush’s veto of the legislation. The veto override was one of only three experienced by President Bush during the eight years of his presidency. The Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment has jurisdiction over water conservation, pollution control, infrastructure, and hazardous waste cleanup among other items. Congresswoman Johnson has previously served on the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials. She also served in roles as the Senior Democratic Deputy Whip; Chair of the House Metro Congestion Coalition; CoChair for the Congressional Caucus on Homelessness; and Co-Chair for the TEX21 Congressional Caucus. A forum which addresses transportation needs in Texas through the reauthorization of TEA-21. Congresswoman Johnson is the Founder and Co-Chair of the Diversity and Innovation Caucus and of the House Historical Black Colleges and Universities Caucus. She has also had the honor of serving as chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus during the 107th Congress, and

Former Cedar Valley President Jennifer Wimbish with Member of Congress Eddie Bernice Johnson and policies, working tirelessly towards improving human rights throughout the globe. Congresswoman Johnson’s acclaimed initiative, “A World of Women for World Peace,” has won national and international recognition. Congresswoman Johnson is widely recognized as one of the most effective legislators in Congress. She is credited with originally authoring and co-authoring more than 150 bills that were passed by the House and Senate and signed into law

The Texas delegation following the attack on police officers in Dallas. currently co-chairs the Technology and Infrastructure Development Taskforce within the Congressional Black Caucus. In addition to these roles, she is a current member of the Congressional Task Force on Seniors. Since joining Congress, Congresswoman Johnson has earned the reputation of being a stateswoman dedicated to the improvement of U.S. foreign relations


by the President. She also has a long-standing reputation for providing excellent constituent services to the people who elected her. Congresswoman Johnson distinguished herself as a dynamic scholar soon after beginning her studies in nursing at Notre Dame University’s St. Mary’s College, School of Nursing. She passed the National Board Examination ahead of her sched-

uled graduation date and immediately started her career as a registered nurse in 1955. She later took advantage of expanded educational opportunities by enrolling in Texas Christian University, where she completed her studies for a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Congresswoman Johnson went on to become the Chief Psychiatric Nurse at the V.A. Hospital in Dallas. In 1972, she became the first nurse ever elected to the Texas State House; and eventually, the first nurse ever elected to the Texas State Senate and the United States Congress. While serving in the Texas State House, Congresswoman Johnson remained committed to her educational goals and received her master’s degree in Public Administration from Southern Methodist University in 1976. Because of her commitment to public service and her passion for public health, she was appointed by President Carter to serve as the Regional Director of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. However, her commitment to the residents of Texas never wavered. In 1986, Congresswoman Johnson was elected to the Texas State Senate, becoming the first female and first African-American from North Texas to hold the office. Congresswoman Johnson is the proud mother of one son, Kirk, and grandmother to three grandsons, Kirk Jr., David, and James. *1,2 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016


I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Humble is as Humble Does

Spiritually Speaking

By James A. Washington

I went to church a while back intent on hearing the message from a particular preacher only to find him missing in action. The guest minister’s sermon on humility was a stark reminder that it’s all about the message and not necessarily the messenger. Fortunately for me, that was one of the enlightening moments when I came to Christ that oddly enough, was a key principle taught by the preacher I was set on hearing that Sunday. Again, my life now, I don’t believe in chance and coincidences. Humility as preached on this day was to be looked upon with Philippians 2 as the backdrop. That entire chapter is devoted to Paul’s message to the church at Philippi regarding the effort to “imitate Christ’s humility.” As I listened humility went somewhat uncomfortably from a docile concept of passive behavior to a clear fact and demonstration of power and strength rooted in faith. It was made crystal clear that Christ chose to consider Himself at best equal to, if not lesser than His fellow man. That’s you and me. The “ah-ha” moment comes when you recognize this is God we’re talking


about. He consciously chose to make himself human in order to serve His divine purpose. The text tells us to “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Now my recollection of Christ says that a pretty good description of

If you’ve looked down your nose at anyone for any reason, if you really think you’re better than someone else, then you think you’re better than Jesus; who thought Himself no better and even less than you. how He looked at His duty is pretty much what got Him killed. I mean has anyone else noticed that the most dangerous, therefore the most powerful and important thing you can do in life is to care about someone else more than you care about yourself? You see this humility thing does indeed have teeth. Paul teaches us that it is our fundamental responsibility as Christians, to be united in our effort to emulate Jesus’ denunciation of status, pride, ego and self. Surely if anyone

one a right to be arrogant, it was the living Son of God. Think about it. You try being the walking talking Word and deliberately transform yourself into a mere mortal. Become Christ and die willingly at the hands of men. Now don’t spend too much time on this because you couldn’t do it. Fortunately Paul, as the minister made clear, is not asking you or me to do the impossible. However, he made it plain enough that our Christian goal should be service unto man. Put a lid on what we think of ourselves and prideful independence in favor of a collective interdependence upon each other and the Almighty. Christ died to save us all here in Philippi. Paul tells us that our conduct must be rooted in the following truth. Out of this thing called humility, Christ saved the world. Are we better than Him? Think it through. If you’ve looked down your nose at anyone for any reason, if you really think you’re better than someone else, then you think you’re better than Jesus; who thought Himself no better and even less than you. He died in service to us, you and me. Do something good for someone else today simply because you can. If you don’t get this or refuse to… May God bless and keep you always.



I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Black Women Beware:

Are Our Hair Products Killing Us? By Danielle James Atlanta Daily World

A bombshell new report from Black Women for Wellness, an LA-based advocacy and research group dedicated to the health and wellness of Black women, released a 60-page document this spring with shocking finds linking many major hair care brands to toxic and poisonous chemicals. The report, titled Natural Evolutions: One Hair Story accuses the hair care and personal care industry of lacking regulation as well as causing major health problems among Black women. We aim to expand healthcare access, reduce toxic hair care chemicals that are prevalent in our community and build political advocacy in California and beyond. ~ Black Women for Wellness, Mission Statement After five years of research (including data collection, focus groups, and historical research), the research indicates that our beauty routines may be contributing to our demise. The consistent exposure to certain products is affecting our health. HelloBeautiful spoke exclusively to Teni Adewumi, Environmental Justice Research and Policy Analyst for Black Women for Wellness, explaining the reasoning for conducting this study. “There wasn’t a lot of literary information on the products that we use and what that specifically means for Black women. The little information and the little research we found was not very

promising. We wanted to know what group of black women might be most impacted.” “Really looking at the products we use as Black women, we use these products more

frequently than any other ethnic group. We wanted to know if these products were affecting us in any kind of way.” ~ Teni Adewumi on why Black Women for Wellness conducted this study Black women and girls already have a disadvantage and overwhelming burden as a result of disparities in health care. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the United States’ largest philanthropy dedicated to health, estimates Latinos and African-Americans experience 30 to 40 percent poorer health outcomes than white Americans. Our hair health is at risk due to lack of information of products, affecting the safety of hair dressers, and causing serious health issues including respiratory problems, obesogens, and cancer at higher rates than our female counterparts of other races. Here are the findings from


the report: Reproductive Issues The American Journal of Epidemiology determined that the use of hair relaxers is linked to uterine fibroids in Black wom-

en and girls. This will affect approximately 80% of Black women over their lifetime. The study interviewed more than 23,000 Black women across the span of 12 years (1997-2009) and found twoto-three times higher rates of fibroids among Black women. The possibility of unregulated and untested chemicals as well as the amount of chemicals we place in our hair and scalp is potentially dangerous. While Black Women for Wellness admit that there is still more testing needed to determine birth outcomes and the use of hair care products, they do present information regarding the links between miscarriage, low birth weight, and chemicals found in products used by hair dressers that are causing some concern. They bring light to the fact that even though the national rates of infant mortality have been decreasing, “Black wom-

en still have rates of infant death 2.2 times higher than White women (11.46 to 5.18 respectively).” Respiratory Issues The One Hair Story research paper called out a UK study that estimated 14-20% of cosmetology students drop out during their first two years due to contact dermatitis. 7 out of 10 hairstylists will likely suffer a form of work-related dermatitis during their career. “Hair care professionals work with many chemicals that are known to adversely affect the respiratory system. Chemicals such as formaldehyde, ammonia, and bleaching agents have been known to lead to breathing difficulties such as coughing and wheezing, heightened sensitivity, and in some cases occupational asthma.” ~ Natural Evolutions: One Hair Story It’s estimated that African-Americans are almost three times as likely to die from an asthma-related cause in comparison to White Americans. According to The One Hair Story, “Increased risks from traditional asthma factors such as air pollution and occupational exposures leave Black hair dressers at a greater risk for harm.” “My friend [has] 20 years in the industry,” one focus group participant said. “My friend doesn’t have fingerprints anymore…my friends can’t go to the DMV and put their hand down and [get] fingerprints anymore.”


I Messenger

Roots celebrates the connection we have with plants and their extension to our ancestors. The work featured is from the “Garden Series” and contains plants obtained primarily from the Alisa’s family garden ***** The South Dallas Cultural Center is located at 3400 S. Fitzhugh Ave. Dallas, Texas 75215. For more information or to schedule a tour for your group call 214-670-1998. Admission is FREE ***** Free Reading Tutoring Dallas Public Library; 1515 Young, Dallas 75201. Learn to read better program for adults. 214-671-8291; http:// www.dallaslibrary.org/literacy ***** Community Lawyering Center Open for Business Mondays – Saturdays; days and evenings by appointment. 4716 Elsie Faye Heggins, Dallas, 75210. For info, call: 469-351-0024 or x0025 ***** Dallas Theater Center World Premiere Musical, Bella: An American Tall Tale, -2400 Flora Street in the AT&T Performing Arts Center. Full Run: Sept. 22 – Oct. 22, 2016 • Press Night: Fri., Sept. 30 at 8 p.m. 214-880-0202 or www.DallasTheaterCenter.org ***** Paul Quinn College celebrates 2016 Homecoming, November 3rd thru 6th, celebrating 144 years of nationbuilding... “Greatness: One Step At A Time”

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Community 40 years later, TBAAL Founder and President CURTIS KING sits at the breakfast table reminiscing and evoking the unfiltered and tumultuous rise of an African American cultural arts institution (TBAAL), 10am TBAAL To purchase tickets, call TBAAL Box Office at 214-743-2400 **** City of Venus Second Annual Venus Neighborhood Night Out. By hosting the event three days before other cities celebrate National Night Out, local residents and friends will have the chance to participate the following Tuesday with their friends and families in other cities. State Fair Classic Grambling State University v Prairie View A&M University Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Sigma Lambda Chapter presents IceCold Tailgate- Prairie View and

Champion, at the Hyatt Regency North Dallas hotel, 701 East Campbell Road in Richardson, Texas 75081. Crunkoberfest at intrinsic Smoke House and Brewery 11 AM- 4 PM at 509 W. State St Garland TX, 75040 972-272-2400 The Ultimate Tailgate Martin Luther King Blvd.

October 7 Award winning Snoop Robinson’s Frenemies, the Stage Play at Friendship West Baptist Church, 2020 W. Wheatland Rd, Dallas featuring Kenny Gardner and Chrystale Wilson at 8p.m. www.snooprobinson.com Jim Austin On Line presents The Three Kings of Blues Guitar --Freddie King, Albert King and BB King--featuring Ray Reed, Dylan Bishop and Larry Lampkin, at 7p.m. at the Austin Event Center, 1111 East Berry

October 2

Big Texas Rally for Recovery - Health officials, advocates and persons in recovery are expected to converge on the Ron Kirk (Continental Avenue Bridge) for the day-long awareness-raising event.

Reception for State Representative Toni Rose at CLUTCH BAR - From 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

October 3 Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University 1887 - present

2520 Cedar Springs Road Dallas, Texas 75201 For More Info Call: (214) 280-1869

September 30 The Fahari Arts Institute presents the 7th Annual Marlon Riggs Arts Festival on September 30th – Oct 1st. This year’s festival will be in conjunction with Dallas Southern Pride Weekend. 8pm at the South Dallas Cultural Center located at 3400 S. Fitzhugh Ave. Dallas, Texas 75215. Tickets are $5, for more information call 214-939-2787. BLACK FRIDAY SCREENING CALENDAR 9/30/16 - Mogul Exclusive with Black Friday - Cast Members: Dr. Mike Roberts, Dr. George C. Fraser, Dr. David M. Anderson, David Wren, Producer/Director Ric Mathis, Director Arthur Muhammad, Pastor Dameon Madison, Investors: Douglas Eze and Jerrell Cox. Moderated by Dr. Cheryl Action Jackson of Minnie’s Food Pantry at Friendship West Baptist Church ******* Honoring Our First Responders All day event. Prices: $8-$16, First responders receive free admission to the GeO-deck with a valid ID ****** Three tenors with soul, JERAMY WILSON, NICHOLAS MOORE and LAWYER TURNER light up the Muse with a mixed-bag of Pop, Hip-Hop, Neo-Soul, R&B and gospel music. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1, 2016 @ 9pm Clarence Muse Cafe Theater ****** Film Panel Q&A Community economic opportunity at Skyline Ranch 1801 Wheatland Rd, Dallas TX. NETWORK, INVEST, PITCH.

October 1 50th Wedding Anniversary-Frank Eugene and Carole Joycelyn Mayo. *****


October 8

Dallas Mavs Charlotte


DFW beauty guide will be hosting a free makeup class from 2pm-6pm Saturday at Magnolia Hotel. ****** A Taste of Nigeria - Air Hogs Stadium, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, Grand Prairie. 12pm-8pm

Hornets 7:30pm at American Airlines Center Grambling Edition, 3126 Al Lipscomb Way, Dallas. 1am

October 4 National Night Out 2016 in this year’s 33rd Annual National Night Out.

October 6 - until **** Celebrating Life Foundation presents Sister to Sister 15th Annual Fitness Festival 8:30 am - 12 noon, Alan E. Sims Cedar Hill Recreation Center, 310 East Parkerville Road, Cedar Hill, TX 75104 Fit and Faithful Living’s Woman of Honor Empowerment Conference from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m, featuring 80-year-old Ernestine Shepherd, the Guinness Book of World Records Oldest Performing Female Weightlifting

My Forward Life’s inaugural GLOW Summit. . GLOW is a one-day event designed to provide you with the inspiration and tools needed to explore; to truly actualize a life and career on your own terms. No business cards allowed. www.myforwardlife.com Dancing with the Stars in District III with State Rep. Yvonne Davis at 7 PM, 1724 Cockrell Dallas, TX 75215. To RSVP Call 972274-1627 Donation:$60

The Arlington Grand Prairie Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. 30th Anniversary 7pm. Guest Speaker, Reuben A. Shelton III, ESQ., Senior Grand Vice-Polemarch, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. at Blue Cypress Hotel, 117 S. Watson Rd., Arlington, TX Sankofa Global presents Sankofa Talks - Black Wall Street Building featuring Dr. Boyce Watkins, at the Frederick Douglass Human Services and Justice Center 616 W. Kiest Blvd. Hosted by Shuckey Duckey. For more info, call 469-297-6404.

October 10 A Celebration for Rose Pearson at Red Oak Ballroom in Sundance Square Norris Meetings and Events Center 304


I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Calendar Houston St. Fort Worth, TX 76102 6:00pm - Reception

****** Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Country View Golf Course, 240 W. Belt Line Road, Lancaster, TX

October 21

October 13 The Grandeur Fashion Show A Royal Reveal. 6:00 PM Majestic Mixer 7:30 Show starts. Early bird $20, @Door $30, VIP $35 VIP@Door $40. Live Performances + Live Painting + Photo Booth. Location: Lofty Spaces 816 Montgomery Street Dallas, TX 75215

October 15 Dallas Park and Recreation presents HBCU College Fair at Beckley Saner Park, 114 W. Hobson Ave. 10a-2p The National Black United Front Houston presents: Sankofa Caravan To The Ancestors™ - A spiritual journey in honor of our Holy Afrikan Ancestors on the historic shores of Galveston, Texas leaving Act of Change, 3200 Lancaster Rd. Suite 623, Dallas, TX. 75216 @ 1:00am Saturday, October 15. (Buses will begin loading@ 11:30pm Friday Night October 14) and returning to Act of Change @ 1:00am Sunday, October 16. $57.00 Per Seat. BRING OR WEAR WHITE CLOTHES. Payment Deadline – Monday October 9. You can donate to the Black Wall Street Fund on www.fredsentertainment.com. For more info contact: Fred Ghaffar 214-607-6445 x21

November 12

November 11-20

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc - Kappa Zeta Chapter presents

Nov. 11-20 at the Plaza Theatre Downtown Garland , Plaza Theatre 521 W. State Street

October 11

Dallas MAVs vs. Oklahoma City Thunder 7:30pm American Airlines Center

niversary celebration, Our Journey to Thirty... an exhibition celebrating the 30th anniversary of ICDC.

90th Annual Awards Banquet 2016- The Dallas Black Chamber’s Annual Award Banquet is celebrating 90 years of constructive leadership in the African-American business community. The highlight of the event is the giving of the Thomas L. Houston Community Service Award, established in 1985 to honor individuals who have made significant volunteer contributions to the civic enhancement of Dallas’ African American Community. The keynote speaker for this special event is Antoinette Tuff, an Atlanta educator who saved a school under siege by a gunman. 6:00 PM thru 8:00 PM

October 22 The Kids Ultimate Fitness Challenge is the nations largest mobile fitness event traveling from coast-to-coast dedicated to helping keep kids healthy and active. At the Kids Ultimate Fitness Challenge, kids of all ages get the opportunity to flex their physical fitness by participating in a time-based obstacle course that includes sprinting, jump roping, wall crawls, hurdles, jumping jacks, sit ups, and tunnel crawls, before finishing off the course with a 20 foot confidence climb and 60 meter dash to the finish. It will be from 10am until 6pm at the University of Texas at Dallas.

America’s favorite Patsy Cline tribute stars America’s favorite Patsy Cline, Julie Johnson. This happy, loving tribute to Country music’s most enduring superstar traces the legendary singer’s rise from her hometown in Winchester, Virginia to the Grand Ole Opry, Las Vegas and Carnegie Hall. Patsy Cline defined the term “crossover hit” by dominating country, blues, pop and gospel charts simultaneously in the 1950s and early 1960s Tickets: $25 at GarlandArtsBoxOffice.com, 972-2052790, or in-person at the Granville Arts Center Box Office, open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tickets will also be available at the door of the Plaza Theatre two hours prior to the performance. *** Join the Thanksgiving Love Train when soul balladeer WILL DOWNING and jazz great NAJEE team up for a memorable and unforgettable pre-Thanksgiving night of jazz, R&B, soul and neo-soul music. HOSTED BY TBAAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS and BRANCH, ROLAND, HILLIARD EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT, INC.

11th Annual Taste of Blue Wine/Spirit Tasting & Silent Auction, Gemstone Banquet Hall @ Park Plaza Towers, 13111N. Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75243. Benefiting the Storks Nest Charity Fund of Dallas.

November 19 Join the Thanksgiving Love Train when soul balladeer WILL DOWNING and jazz great NAJEE team up for a memorable and unforgettable pre-Thanksgiving night of jazz, R&B, soul and neo-soul music. HOSTED BY TBAAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS and BRANCH, ROLAND, HILLIARD EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT, INC. Naomi Bruton Main Stage $100-VIP Seating and Private Backstage Meet-andGreet** $50- Orchestra Level $45- Mezzanine

***** The ReNu You Makeover Weekend

October 16 Attention parents of high school seniors! The Class of 2017!!! The Concord Church 35th Annual Dr. E.K. Bailey Beaux and Debutantes for Christ Gala interest meeting will be on Sunday, October 16th from 3-5 in the fellowship hall.

October 19

Dallas Mavs vs. Houston Rockets 7:30pm

October 28

Xi Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. presents Masquerade Ball on Greek Street honoring the local community leaders and raising scholarship funds for local students 1010 N. Collins Street - Entertainment & Event Center, ***** PCCenter’s 15th Anniversary Celebration, 11am-2pm, 1229 East Pleasant Run Road, Suite 302, DeSoto, TX 75115. Come and network with other community volunteers at the Job Fair, Community Services Event, and High School Completion Rally.

November 5 ICDC Kick-off reception for the formal 30th an-



I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

The National Black United Front Houston presents: Sankofa Caravan To The Ancestors™ A spiritual journey in honor of our Holy Afrikan Ancestors on the historic shores of Galveston, Texas where We pay homage to their memory. Leaving Act of Change@ 1:00am Saturday, October 15th (Buses will begin loading@ 11:30pm Friday Night October 14th) Returning to Act of Change Late Saturday Night, October 15th 3200 Lancaster Rd. Suite 623, Dallas, TX. 75216 $57.00 Per Seat PLEASE BRING OR WEAR WHITE CLOTHES Payment Deadline – Monday October 9th 2016 Please Donate To The Black Wall Street Fund Payment Page on www.fredsentertainment. com For more information contact: Fred Ghaffar 214-607-6445



I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Dallas Black Dance Theatre and AT&T present 10th Annual DANCEAFRICA FESTIVAL and PERFORMANCE

Dallas Black Dance Theatre (DBDT) and AT&T present the 10th Annual DanceAfrica Festival and Performance "In Celebration of our Heritage." The festivities include a Saturday parade and marketplace featuring fun for the entire family, with nightly dance performances in the Dallas Arts District, October 7-8, 2016. The performances will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Dallas City Performance Hall, 2520 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas 75201.

Forces of Nature Dance Theatre from New York is the special guest and will perform half of the program. Forces of Nature utilizes a unique blend of performing arts with traditional West African dance. The company has performed and toured widely throughout the U.S. and abroad taking part in the First International Black Dance Festival (UK), the International Dance Festival in

Aruba, and the 12th Annual Festival for Peace in Moscow. Forces of Nature also led the historical procession for Nelson Mandela during his first appearance in the United States in 1990. Abdel R. Salaam is the Artistic Director of Dance African Festival at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM).

All five Dallas Black Dance Theatre performing companies will be on stage for nightly performances on Friday and Saturday, Octo-

ber 7-8, 2016, including DBDT, DBDT: Encore!, Allegro Performing Ensemble, Senior Performing Ensemble, and Junior Performing Ensemble. Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts' World Ensemble will also perform.

The parade kicks off Saturday, October 8, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. at Dallas Black Dance Theatre located at 2700 Ann Williams Way, Dallas, Texas 75201. The parade will conclude at the Annette Strauss Square where the marketplace will be held. The parade will be led by the founder of DanceAfrica festivals across the country Dr. "Baba" Chuck Davis, followed by drummers, dancers from all five DBDT dance companies, special guest artists, and market place participants. The African marketplace will be filled with vendors, art, food, and children's activities from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Free performances of dance, music, spoken word and storytelling will accent the marketplace festival that will take place at the Annette Strauss Square, 2389 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas 75201. For DanceAfrica performance ticket information, October 7-8, 2016, at 7:30 p.m., visit www. attpac. "DanceAfrica is about community, bringing people together, and sharing our African heritage,"


explained Dr. "Baba" Chuck Davis. "African traditions and language are preserved through dance. Dance is total celebration!" Dr. Davis will conduct several African dance master classes the week before the festival. Dallas Black Dance Theatre will host a free class at its studios located at 2700 Ann Williams Way on Wednesday, October 5, 2016, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

2016-2017 | Performance Sponsors DanceAfrica is presented by AT&T. "This festival of week-long activities immerses North Texas residents in the beauty and wonder of African dance and music," said Angela Ross, AT&T's Vice President of External & Legislative Affairs. "AT&T has a strong history of embracing the arts, diversity, vibrant culture and educational initiatives in the communities we serve. We are proud to continue our partnership with the city's namesake dance company, Dallas Black Dance Theatre." Co-sponsors: Union Bank, Texas Commission on the Arts, City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs Supporting Sponsors: The Dallas Arts District Foundation Endowment of Communities Foundation of Texas 2016-2017 | Season Sponsors Legacy Sponsor: Harold Simmons Foundation Season Sponsors: City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs, Texas Instruments, NBC 5, Yellow Cab, The Downtown Business News, I Messenger, American Airlines, The Dallas Weekly 2016-2017 | Season Supporters Season Supporters: NorthPark Center, Texas Commission on the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, Lexus, OverseeMyIT, The Dallas Examiner, The Dallas Post Tribune, Elite News, BEHR Group Holdings, AT&T Performing Arts Center


I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Changing Our Racial Narrative Child Watch By Marian Wright Edelman President, Children’s Defense Fund

via George Curry Media

Marian Wright Edelman is president of the Children’s Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to www.childrensdefense.org



SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

I Messenger

Celebrating Love!

I Messenger salutes Ruth and Ernest Wyrick as they celebrate 55 years of Love. Their love -- for one another, for God and their families -is an example worth celebrating and showcasing!



I Messenger


SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Class of 2017:

It’s time to do your thing! Plan, prepare, produce!



SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

WILLIAM GARTH SR. William Garth Sr., the publisher and chairman of the Chicago Citizen Newspaper Group, died Friday, September 23, 2016 of complications associated with diabetes. He was 78. Garth, who started working at the Citizen Newspaper in 1969 as an advertising sales representative, eventually purchased the Chatham Citizen, South End Citizen and Chicago Weekend in 1980 from former Congressman Gus Savage. The South Suburban and the Hyde Park editions were later added. His publishing did not end there as Garth later founded Garthco Publications, which published PUSH Magazine, a bimonthly national publication. Garth became the first Black person to be elected president of the Illinois Press Association (IPA), the state’s largest newspaper association and the office trade organization for Illinois weekly and daily newspa-

SHARON MUHAMMAD Sharon M. Butler was born on November 12, 1942 and passed away on September 27, 2016. Sharon loved and valued her family and treasured her relationships as a sister, mother and grandmother. She provided wisdom, comfort and security for her family. Sharon became a dedicated member of the Nation of Islam where she shouldered many responsibilities as protocol director for the mosque coordinating visits from local, regional and national dignitaries, serving as the M.G.T. Secretary and the Local Representative for Trade and Commerce. She supported the Nation with her time, talents and her beautiful loving and giving spirit. The funeral service will be held on Friday, September 30, 2016 11:00 AM at Evergreen Memorial Funeral Home.

BILLY FRED MURKELDOVE Billy Fred Murkeldove was born on No-

In Memoriam

I Messenger

pers. Garth was chairman of the Quentis Bernard Garth Foundation, which he founded in memory of his youngest son in 1995. The QBG Foundation provides scholarships to the disenfranchised inner-city youths in the Chicago area. To date, the foundation has helped over 49 students and has disbursed over $1 million in scholarship awards. He was a dedicated activist and leader in the business community, who maintained memberships and positions with several business organizations. He held various professional leadership positions with numerous organizations including being the former president of Midwest Region III of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), board member of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, a lifetime member of the NAACP. Garth was the recipient of numerous local and national awards and honors, including carrying the torch through Chicago during the 2002 Olympics.

VISITATION is Friday, September 30, 2016 at AA Rayner Funeral Home, 318 East 71st Street, Chicago, Illinois. HORSE LED PROCESSION – Saturday, October 1, 2016 – 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (Route: Funeral home to church lineup at AA Rayner Funeral Home), 318 East 71ST Street, Chicago, Illinois. WAKE: Saturday, October 1, 2016 — 11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. SERVICES: 12:15 P.M. – 2:15 P.M. New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church 754 East 77th Street (Cottage Grove) Chicago, Illinois 60619 INTERMENT: Oak Woods Cemetery, 1035 E. 67TH Street Repast: immediately following: New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church 754 East 77th Street (Cottage Grove) Chicago, Illinois 60619 In lieu of flowers the family is asking that donations be sent to:

vember 23, 1943 to the parentage of Ober D. and Clara Dorothy Murkeldove (Mott) in Mexia, Texas. He was educated in Dallas Public Schools, attending Dunbar Elementary and James Madison High School where he excelled in sports, particularly football and track. He was a member of the Madison State Championship Track Team of 1962. He was voted by his teammates as Most Likely to Succeed Athletically. In his years at Madison he formed many strong and long-lasting friendships that continued until his passing. Billy also received an Associate’s Degree from Mountain View College. Most everyone knew him as “Murk.” Murk had many interests outside his professional career including being a 33rd degree Mason, a semi-pro football player for the Dallas Panthers, and an owner, coach and player on the semi-pro football

team The Ferris Wheels. He rode his 1956 Harley Davidson chopper with the African Bandits, and served as a community organizer and communication director for that organization in the 1970’s and 80’s. He is one of the founders of the annual Harambee Festival. He is also one of the founders of the first Martin Luther King Jr Day parade in Dallas. Murk always enjoyed a competitive game of dominoes with family and friends and listening to good music. Murk accepted Christ and became a member of True Vine Missionary Baptist Church in Ferris, Texas. He leaves to cherish his memory his wife of 44 years Bobbie (Scott), three sons – Greg, Keith and Cedric; three grandchildren, Jazmine, Cedric and Dequinton; his mother, Dorothy Murkeldove; brothers, Edward, Bruce, Keith and Jason and a host of in-laws, nephews, nieces, cousins, family and friends. A wake service will be held on Friday, September 30, 2016 7-7:45 PM at Evergreen. The homegoing celebration will commence on Saturday, October 1, 2016 11:00 AM at Ideal Family Church, 1000 Red Bird Lane.




I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016



I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Anxiety About Step-Son’s Wedding

Hi Alma –

My stepson, who I adore and have known most of his life, is getting married next summer. I love him and love the girl he is getting married to. Here is my problem. There is bad blood between his mother and me. I tried for years to get along with her and even acted as a buffer between her and my husband on many occasions. I did this to the point of causing myself anxiety because I just wanted everyone to get along so badly. About three or four years ago, after being married to my stepson’s father for almost 17 years, I snapped. I lost my temper with her; there was a very ugly scene that even took place in a courtroom in front of a judge. It was something I will never forget. I haven’t spoken to this woman since. When my stepson visits, he shares comments that she continues to make about me to this day. I don’t engage at all. I will not let him hear me bash his mother in any way. If this was any other woman, I would be out for blood, but I realize that the people who would get hurt are my stepsons, who I love so, I suppress my anger. But back to why I’m writing: How do I attend this wedding with a woman that I know does not hesitate to start fights, regardless of who is around. She will be surrounded by her very large family, and I will basically be there with a small handful of my family members. I will be outnumbered. And did I mention that I am estranged from my husband, too? That I’m not so worried about, but it still causes tension. And, Alma, where do I sit? Jackie B., South Carolina OMG Jackie, sounds like you’ve already lived through one Jerry Springer moment, and you don’t

Ask Alma: by Alma Gill

NNPA News Wire Columnist Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and Twitter @almaaskalma.

want to participate in another. I don’t blame you, girl; it can suck the life right out of you. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding of your step-son, and congratulations to you for loving him unconditionally. The one-on-one relationship between the two of you is special, and that’s how it should be. Step-parents are an extension of original parents. A relationship with step-children cannot be defined by the relationship you have with the original parent. Once you commit as a step-parent, you commit to that child for life. Now, back to your dilemma. I applaud you for taking the high road, which most times, as you know, is the road less traveled. The high road can be a lonely place…it’s usually not where you find the fist bumps, the I-got-your-backs or the you-go-girl road signs. Now here’s where my advice gets a little tricky — I want you to stay on that road. It’s great that your step-son is able to include you and wants you to be a part of this most special occasion. But you need to lay back. You know how there are different levels of guests at a wedding? You have the “family” guest, the “really good friends” guest and the “friends from work” guest. For that day, I’d like you to participate as a “friends from work“ guest. I say that because, from what I read in your letter, there’s a chance for Jerry Springer – Round 2 moment, and you certainly don’t want that to happen. I’m a step-mother, so I’m not asking you to do anything I wouldn’t do. I love my step-daughter, TaKisha, with all my heart. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her, so I sympathize with your situation. There was a moment in our lives when I had to take a step back. I took the high road. I took the blame and all that extra madness that comes along with it.


Yes, it broke my heart. Yes, it made me sad, but those are the yield signs along the way on the high road. Be mindful, be guideful (is that a word? LOL). What I’m trying to say is, you can control this. You know the rituals of a wedding. They’re all basically the same. I’d suggest you arrive on time, sit down with five minutes to spare. And since you asked, sit five rows behind his mother. You don’t need to get there early and stand outside with the smokers checking everything out. Take your seat, smile, and shut your mouth. Don’t chime in about anything, not the wedding colors, the bridesmaid dresses, the soloist — nothing. Remember, you’re on the high road. Once the couple exits, smile, smile, hug, hug and go get in your car. Make your way to the reception. Walk in and find your seat. I’m sure they’ve made appropriate arrangement for the reception seating. If not, since you asked, sit on the opposite end of the hall from her. You don’t have to be seen. You don’t have to be all up in the middle of the mix, and you shouldn’t. He has a mother and a father. Both, I’m assuming, will be front and center at the celebration. You’re no longer with his father and you don’t want to throw down with his mother, so step back. Repeat it with me: “I’m taking the high road.” If she heads in your direction with some foolishness, that’s your cue to leave. Please, please don’t engage this woman, no matter what. If tensions run high and things get out of hand, take a deep breath, grit your teeth and keep it moving – down the high road!


I Messenger


SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

I Messenger

Join in the efforts to put an end to Family Violence! Log on to www.iwillrise.org or call (888)230-RISE and see how you can help or get help!



I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

HBCU Homecoming...more than a football game!

The HBCU Homecoming events go beyond the football game and halftime show. For the uninitiated, you can expect some of the livest activities for students and alumni from step shows to talent shows, pep rallies to parades, concerts to comedy shows. Traditional events include the Homecoming coronation and Fall convocation. There is something for everyone. 10/1/16 West Virginia State vs. Virginia-Wise @ Institute, WV 1:30pm ET

10/8/16 Alabama A&M vs. Alcorn State @Huntsville, AL Lewis Crews Stadium 2:00pm CT Cheyney vs. Lock Haven @ Cheyney, PA 1:00pm ET Chowan vs.Bowie State @ Murfreesboro, NC 3:00pm ET Lane vs. Benedict @ Jackson, TN Lane Field 2:00pm CT Lincoln (MO) vs. Saint Joseph's @ Jefferson City, MO 2:00pm CT Livingstone vs. Saint Augustine's @ Salisbury, NC 1:00pm ET Miles vs. Central State @Fairfield, AL 1:00pm CT Prairie View A&M vs.Alabama State @ Prairie View, TX Blackshear Stadium 2:00pm CT Virginia Union vs. Lincoln(PA)@ Richmond, VA 1:00pm


10/15/16 Alcorn State vs.Texas Southern @ Lorman, MS Spinks-Casem Stadium 2:00pm CT Arkansas-Pine Bluff vs.Alabama A&M @Pine Bluff, AR Golden Lion Stadium 2:30pm CT Bowie State vs. Virginia State @ Bowie, MD 2:00pm ET TV Broadcast - ASPiRE Network Central State vs. Lane @ Wilberforce, OH McPherson Stadium 1:30pm ET Clark Atlanta vs. Benedict @ Atlanta, GA CAU Panther Stadium 2:00pm ET Delaware State vs. Florida A&M @ Dover, DE Alumni Stadium 2:00pm ET Edward Waters vs. University of Faith @ Jacksonville, Fl Hampton vs. Morgan State @ Hampton, VA 2:00pm ET Kentucky State vs.Miles @ Frankfort, KY Alumni Stadium 2:00pm ET Langston vs. Bacone @ Langston, OK W.E. Anderson Stadium 2:00pm CT Lincoln (PA) vs. Elizabeth City State @ Lincoln University, PA LU Football Stadium 1:00pm ET NC Central vs. Savannah State @ Durham, NC O'Kelly-Riddick Stadium 2:00pm ET Tennessee State vs. Eastern Kentucky @ Nashville, TN Nissan Stadium 6:00pm CT Internet Webcast - OVC Network Winston-Salem State vs. Saint Augustine's @ Winston-Salem, NC Bowman Gray Stadium 1:30pm ET


Albany State vs.Clark Atlanta @ Albany, GA ASU Coliseum 2:00pm ET Benedict vs. Morehouse @Columbia, SC 2:00pm ET Florida A&M vs. Hampton @ Tallahassee, FL Bragg Mem 4:00pm ET Fort Valley State vs.Central State @ Fort Valley, GA Wildcat Stadium 2:00pm ET Howard vs. NC A&T @ Washington, DC 1:00pm ET

Miss Valley State vs. Grambling State @ Itta Bena, Miss. 2:00pm CT Morgan State v. NC Central @ Baltimore, MD Hughes Stadium 1:00pm ET Saint Augustine's vs. Fayetteville State @ Raleigh, NC 1:00pm ET SC State vs. Delaware State @ Orangeburg, SC Oliver Dawson Stadium 1:30pm ET Southern vs. Arkansas-Pine Bluff @ Baton Rouge, LA A.W. Mumford Stadium4:00pm CT Texas College vs. Wayland Baptist @ Tyler, TX Rose Stadium 2:00pm CT Texas Southern vs. Jackson State @ Houston, TX BBVA Compass Stadium 2:00pm CT

Fayetteville State vs. Livingstone @ Fayetteville, NC Luther “Nick” Jeralds Stadium1:30pm ET Grambling State vs. Arkansas-Pine Bluff @ Grambling, LA Eddie G. Robinson Mem.Stadium 2:00pm CT Jackson State vs. Prairie View A&M @ Jackson, MS Veterans Memorial Stadium 2:00pm CT Johnson C. Smith vs. Saint Augustine's @ Charlotte, N.C. 1:00pm ET Morehouse vs. Ft Valley State @ Atlanta, GA 2:00pm ET NC A&T vs. Florida A&M @ Greensboro, NC Aggie Stadium 1:00PM ET Norfolk State vs. Morgan State @ Norfolk, VA Dick Price Stadium 2:00pm ET Savannah State vs. Howard @ Savannah, GA Theodore A. Wright Stadium2:00pm ET Shaw vs. Winston-Salem State @ Durham, NC Durham County Stadium1:00pm ET

11/24/16 Alabama State vs. Miles @ Montgomery, AL ASU Stadium 3:00pm CT 93rd Turkey Day Classic / Internet Webcast - ESPN3

Tuskegee vs. Kentucky State @ Tuskegee, AL Cleve L. Abbott Stadium 1:00pm CT Virginia State vs. Lincoln (PA) @ Ettrick, VA Rogers Stadium 2:00pm ET

10/29/16 Bethune-Cookman vs. Delaware State @ Daytona Beach, FL 4:00pm ET Elizabeth City State vs. Virginia Union @ Elizabeth City, N.C. 1:30pm ET



I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

Join Big Tex’s Team: State Fair of Texas Seasonal Job Applications Now Available Online! Are you an outgoing, friendly and energetic person who likes to celebrate all things Texan? Join Big Tex’s team for the 2016 State Fair of Texas! Working at the Fair is just as fun as a visit to the annual event. The State Fair provides more than 6,000 seasonal job opportunities every year, with approximately 1,500 to 1,600 people employed directly by the State Fair of Texas. As the annual event is a collection of small businesses, the remaining seasonal positions report to independent contractors including concessionaires, ride operators and vendors. Applications for seasonal positions can now be found online, with opportunities available in the following departments: Coupon Sales, Creative Arts, Special Events, Exhibits, Food Service, Gates, Livestock Operations, Maintenance, Midway Games, Security, Ticket Office and Tram Operations. To apply for a seasonal position at the State Fair of Texas, please visit BigTex.com/Jobs. Don’t have a computer? No problem. Visit your local public library to see if it has computers available for job seekers, or this year the State Fair is partnering with several local computer labs that will allow people to use their facilities to complete the online application process. Please find details on some of the participating locations below: In partnership with the Wilkinson Center: Eastfield College, Pleasant Grove Campus 802 S. Buckner Blvd., Room 222 Dallas, TX 75217 Contact: Myra Collins 214.821.6380 x 214 Friday, July 29, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday, August 5, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday, August 26, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.



I Messenger

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

ABOUT THAT CAR: 2016 Jeep Renegade

By Russ Heaps – MyCarData.com

Need a Car? Got Credit issues? Call Steve Mitchell at 972-464-1790



SEPTEMBER 30, 2016


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I Messenger


SEPTEMBER 30, 2016


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