Texas Metro VOL 4 ISSUE 6
Teacher and Students Design Breast Cancer Awareness Tee-Shirt
November 4, 2015
Rigged: Racial Bias in Jury Selection By Marc H. Morial President and CEO National Urban League
When Elizabeth Oyetunde, Sade Burkman’s Aunt died of breast cancer in 2014 the pain of her passing was almost too much for her to bear. Aunt Elizabeth, a nurse in El Paso, Texas had lived with the disease for eight years. She was 50 years old and left five children behind. Sade Burkman is a 7th and 8th Grade English teacher at Nova Academy Prichard. She took up her crusade to educate others about breast cancer a few years before her aunt died. She wanted to share risk factors, diagnosis and treatment options. In 2013, Ms. Burkman asked Nova Academy to join the public awareness campaign. She was granted permission to pass out pink ribbons in October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The second year, she created a display that included pink paraphernalia associated with the disease. The 2015 Celebration Life Campaign is more personal. It marks the more than one year anniversary of Aunt Elizabeth’s death. So, she partnered with her students and together they used their artistic abilities to design a tee-shirt to memorialize all who have been impacted by the disease. “I told them I wanted a heart (love), wings (faith), and ribbons (hope). After three tries they got it right,” Ms. Burkman said. Statistics indicate that breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. Nearly one in eight women born in the U. S. today will get breast cancer at some point. If found and treated early, many women can survive breast cancer. Ms. Burkman said it is important for students to understand this disease because it has broad implications not just for the victims but for family members. Participating in the national observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month helps heal the pain Ms. Burkman feels about losing her aunt. She said she is pleased with the support she receives at her school, especially from Nova’s CEO. “I am most grateful to Donna HoustonWoods, for her encouragement and support. I mentioned to her last year that I wanted to do something a little more and I left it at that. When school started she reminded me of my intentions. She supported the tee-shirt idea. Staff members wear them each Wednesday in October. She said in tears, “I’m happy.”
“Illegal and unconstitutional jury selection procedures cast doubt on the integrity of the hole judicial process. They create the appearance of bias in the decision of individual cases, and they increase the risk of actual bias as well.” – Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, Peters v. Kiff (1972)
During the Reconstruction Era, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1875. The act guaranteed all citizens, particularly African Americans, equal treatment and access to public accommodations, public transportation and protected their right to serve on juries. This week—140 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1875—the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a Georgia death penalty case that serves as an intolerable reminder that people of color continue to
be unlawfully excluded from jury service because of their race. In 1987, Timothy Foster, an African American, was convicted and sentenced to death by an all-white jury in the murder of an elderly white woman. Foster, who was 18 years old at the time of the crime, is seeking a new trial on the basis of racial discrimination by the prosecution, who he
claims deliberately singled out and purged all prospective Black jurors. Coincidentally, Foster’s death sentence came only a year after the Supreme Court had ruled in Batson v. Kentucky that excluding potential jurors based on race was unconstitutional and violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The clear message of Batson v. Kentucky to not exclude jurors based on race failed to police the behavior of prosecutors in Timothy Foster’s case. And Foster’s case is a textbook example of racial discrimination that is often so hard to prove. In this rare instance of well-documented misconduct, prosecutors used a variety of methods to single out and remove potential Black jurors. After getting access to the prosecution’s jury selection notes in 2006, Foster’s lawyer found “an arsenal of smoking guns in this case,” including
prosecutors highlighting the names of potential Black jurors, circling the word “black” on questionnaires, and taking note of Black jurors as “B#1” or “B#2.” Despite the efforts of our federal government and the Supreme Court to address and eliminate racial discrimination in the jury selection process, the practice continues to run rampant, and unchecked, throughout our criminal justice system—a system where more than half of the people on death row are people of color. African Americans make up 42 percent of that number, while they make up only 12 percent of the United States population. Deliberately excluding people of color from juries only serves to undermine our confidence in the credibility of our nation’s criminal justice system. How can we believe justice is being served if the system is so blatantly rigged?
See RACIAL BIAS, page 8
NAACP files brief in support of University of Texas Admissions Standards Case BALTIMORE – The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and its Texas State Conference this week filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting admissions standards at the University of Texas at Austin. In a brief filed Monday, lawyers for the NAACP asked the court to continue allowing a “holistic review” of student performance when determining entry for college applicants. “Race is merely a fraction of one factor that admissions officers may consider when looking at an applicant as a unique individual,” the brief states.
“UT’s constitutionally permissible holistic review process recognizes the simple truth that race is still relevant in American society, and that race may help shape and inform individual perspectives and experiences.” This is the second time the Court will hear arguments in the case filed by Texas resident Abigail Fisher, who was denied admission to the university in 2008 and challenged the decision in federal court, claiming that the university’s consideration of race in its admissions process violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The case was sent back to the Fifth Court
of Appeals, which upheld its previous ruling. In the brief, attorneys for the NAACP cite the long history of racial segregation in Texas, which creates a compelling interest for the university to seek racial and ethnic diversity in its student body. The brief also notes that Fisher failed to meet threshold academic qualifications and therefore was not injured by the university’s consideration of the race of any applicant who did meet those threshold standards. Oral arguments in Fisher vs. Texas are scheduled for December 9.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
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It’s time to get your booths for
KWANZAAFEST 2015 Call 214- 653-6671
Statler Hilton Redevelopment Interior Finish-Out M/WBE Outreach TriArc Construction LLC, General Contractor are seeking local Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises subcontractors and suppliers for the Statler Hotel Project Subcontractor Opportunities Tape bed paint, doors, frames, hardware, flooring, carpet, wood, floor ceramic tile, stone tops glass, mirrors. Thursday, October 29, 2015 2pm-4pm
Location: Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla St Dallas Texas 75201 Room L1FN (Parking is available a lots near and/or at City Hall street level for a fee) For additional information: Melissa Coates, 214-789-4810 Lionel Jaramillo, 214-549-3620 To RSVP for this event, please contact Demetria L Bivens, 214-484-2046 or demetria@consultantsdlb.com
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Investigation Lands Cedar Park Man in Jail for Possession of Child Pornography
AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced the Attorney General’s Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) successfully executed a search warrant resulting in the arrest of Gerardo Gamez, 44, of Cedar Park, for ten counts of possession of child pornography. A CEU investigator was able to determine Gamez was downloading and sharing images and videos of child pornography. CEU Investigators executed a search warrant at Gamez’s residence resulting in the discovery of numerous videos of child pornography on Gamez’s laptop computer. During a subsequent interview, Gamez confessed to downloading and possessing the child pornography videos. “Today, we can say another individual who has been arrested no longer poses a threat to the children of Texas, thanks to efforts of the Child Exploitation Unit,� said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. “Protecting our children and our communities from criminals is one of the most important jobs we have as law enforcement and I thank all of those involved who helped bring this man to justice.�
Let’s Talk!!
You are invited to attend our Parental Engagement Session.
(All Moms, Dads, Grandparents and Guardians are strongly encouraged to attend).
• Host: Children On The Mend, Inc. Where: Beckley Saner Recreation Center • 114 W. Hobson Ave, Dallas, Texas 75224 Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Why: To gain special insight to help our parents with our children. Contact: 469-454-9164 for more information *Light refreshments provided*
The Institute of Creative Arts through the National Institute of Culture and History invited dance companies from only six countries to take part in the international Dance X BZ Festival. While in Belize, the DBDT professional company will perform an entertaining and diverse program as well as participate in a second program at the Bliss Centre for the Performing Arts. Company members will also conduct master classes and workshops throughout the community.
Former Dallas Mayor and Councilman Dwaine Caraway held a press conference recently in front of the George Allen Courthouse to discuss his campaign and his stance on guns, mental health and domestic violence.  The candidate for Dallas County Commissioner unveiled key messaging for his campaign in moving forward towards the 2016 Democratic Primary Election set for March. He said he will introduce a gun buy back program, because “guns don’t kill people,� instead irresponsible people with guns do. Caraway also talked about domestic violence and encouraged men and women to keep their hands to themselves. Citing mental health issues as a major concern, he said efforts must be made to deal with mental illness.
Dallas Black Dance Theatre Performing in Belize and Mexico The Dallas Black Dance Theatre (DBDT) continues its tradition of sharing its artistic excellence internationally with two tours scheduled in November 2015. DBDT starts off the month performing in the Festival Internacional de OtoĂąo in Matamoros, Mexico November 4-8, 2015. The company closes the month performing in Belize City, Belize November 24-30, 2015 at the Dance X BZ 2015.
Together we can make a difference!
for DBDT II.
The Texas Attorney General’s Office works to protect children by taking child predators off the Internet and putting them into jail. This agency proactively seeks out and arrests predators who commit crimes against children using technology and the Internet. The office utilizes the latest technology to track down some of the most profoundly evil predators on the Internet. Attorney General Paxton urges all parents and teachers to realize the risks our children face online, and take steps to help ensure their children’s safety. For more information on cyber safety, please visit: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/cj/cybersafety.
Caraway discusses domestic violence, gun laws and mental illness
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
The Patronato del Festival Internacional de OtoĂąo invited DBDT II to give a performance as a part of its 25th annual festival that celebrates arts and culture in Matamoros, Mexico. The second company will perform three works on November 7, 2015 in the Teatro de la Reforma. The company will also present a Master class and perform an outreach activity as part of this International Residency. “Dallas Black Dance Theatre is so excited to be returning to the Festival Internacional de OtoĂąo after 19 years, for this wonderful cultural exchange,â€? said Nycole Ray, the Artistic Director
Dallas Black Dance Theatre has formed an ongoing collaboration with the Institute of Creative Arts because former DBDT dancer Jamie Thompson is a native of Belize. “We are thrilled about this exchange. This is an opportunity to continue our mission of bridging cultures and what better way than performing on an international stage,â€? said DBDT Associate Artistic Director Melissa Young. DBDT II has a second international tour date in the Spring of 2016. The company will take part in the Fintdaz Festival in Iquique, Chile May 6-14, 2016. The official invitation said DBDT II was invited to take part in the festival because of the contribution the company makes to the universal creative knowledge. While in Chile the company will perform three performances as well as provide dance workshops. During its 39-year history, the Dallas Black Dance Theatre has a tradition of sharing its talents with the world starting in 1991 when the company performed in Lima, Peru and did a 10-city performing tour in Italy. The Dallas Black Dance Theatre opens its Dallas season with the Director’s Choice series November 6-8, 2015 in the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre located at 2400 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas 75201. The Friday and Saturday performances start at 7:30 p.m. The Sunday matinee starts at 2:30 p.m. Director’s Choice also includes: The Dallas premiere of Joffrey Ballet Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Margo Sappington’sStep Out of Love, a hard-hitting piece for five women set to a commissioned rock music score by Stephen Forsyth. International choreographer Christopher L. Huggins’ Night Run, a quick-paced ballet that captures the feel of what happens when time is running out at night. Master choreographer, the late Talley Beatty’s fun and competitive old school throw back - A Rag, A Bone, and A Hank of Hair, set to the music of Prince and Earth, Wind and Fire. Alvin Ailey lead dancer Hope Boykin’s in¡ter¡pret, a light-hearted dance to a classic Tchaikovsky score. DBDT ALL ACCESS - After the curtain closes there will be premium post-performance activities - on Friday a Talkback with Choreographers and on Saturday an On-stage Dance Celebration. For more details and ticket information, visit www. dbtd.com.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
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MALVEAUX: Questions for the candidates
Texas METRO NEWS Formerly Kuumba Heritage News Founded by Theresa Thrash in 1994 to the Glory & Honor of Jesus Christ
Bye, bye Biden. The Vice-President who might have given the Honorable Hilary Clinton a run for her money has concluded that the timing is not right for him.Â
hands of white officers magnify this. What are your plans to reform a system that is so clearly biased that half of prison populations are MAILING ADDRESS African American (yet only 13 percent of the 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway population)? Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203  Clinton needs someone to rattle her cage, By Dr. Julianne to push her to be more focused in the general 8.      African Americans disproportionately WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM Malveaux election. Now, Senator Bernie Sanders will depend on Social Security, mainly because as 214-941-0110 push her to the left. Biden may have pushed few as a third have company provided pensions. on race, and whom would you offer it to? Cheryl Smith her back to center, enhancing her electability. Calls for Social Security reform have included PUBLISHER - EDITOR  proposals to cut benefits, raise the retirement  publisher@texasmetronews.com  age, or both. What is your position on Social No matter. The late Congressman William Yvette Brooks 3.      Do you believe in targeted programs? Security changes? How do you think African Clay (D-MO) often said that black folks should OFFICE MANAGER In other words since African Americans were Americans are affected by these changes? What have “no permanent friends, no permanent disproportionately hit by the Great Recession, will you do to mitigate the disproportionate BJ Fullylove enemies, only permanent issues�. How hard should this community get disproportionate Marketing Director impact of social security changes on African will African Americans push candidates for assistance in recovery funding. How would Americans? President in 2016, whether they are African Becky Lewis you manage this?  Executive Assistant American or white, Democratic or Republican,  legacy candidates (Bush, Clinton), or outsiders? 9.      Who are the African Americans on your EDITORIAL TEAM 4.      How do you define affirmative action?  campaign team? What are their roles? Will you We should directly challenge these candidates on race matters, and push it as aggressively as Do you agree with its premise and support its contract with African American entrepreneurs Eva Coleman Tonya English implementation?  we can. to do your printing, or media buys and to Amanda Fitzpatrick provide other services? Do you have a goal for  Vincent Hall Richard Alexander Moore  5.      The African American unemployment what percentage of your campaign budget will Hats off to the #BlackLivesMatter movement Thomas Muhammad for doing exactly that – pushing until our rate has been twice that of whites for five be awarded to African American businesses? Yodit Tewolde  issues garnered recognition among Democrats. decades. Do you feel any obligation to close Andrew Whigham Republicans were not asked, nor did they the gap? How would you approach that? Too 10.   Do you support the Affordable Care Act, DESIGN/LAYOUT many have accepted this employment gap which increases health insurance availability volunteer, their perspective on race matters. RG By Design as historic. Should the African American for African American, as well as all Americans? www.rgbydesign.com If you do not support the Affordable Care Act, If I were questioning these candidates on race community accept this as a permanent gap? PHOTOGRAPHERS how will you improve health access?  matters, here’s what I’d ask about their views: Historically, African Americans heavily 6.      How would you deal with some of Wallace Faggett  support democrats, and from what I see in the Kevin Griffith 1.      What do you think about race relations the educational challenges in the African Richard Manson Republican field, we should continue to do in our nation? If you think they are broken, how American community, from differences in dgdaphotographer.com so. However, Democratic candidates should would you fix them? If you think everything is high school graduation rates, to differences in not take the African American community for CIRCULATION/DISTRIBUTION fine, how do you account for the differentials we college attendance?  Would you increase the MB Distribution granted and those Democrats in the race should can measure in terms of income, employment Pell Grant, and where would the money come be willing to answer these questions. from? How strongly will you support HBCUs and educational attainment? Advertising (Historically Black Colleges and Universities), Hilary Clinton enjoys significant support sales@texasmetronews.com  and can these institutions expect more support among African Americans. Our support should !VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDS IN Editorial submissions 2.      Do you think that race matters? How? from your administration? Garland,Rowlett not excuse her from asking questions about her editorial@texasmetronews.com Do you think that the Presidential bully pulpit is Mesquite support of African Americans. If we don’t ask  an appropriate platform from which to raise this Richardson 7.      The criminal justice system seems her these questions, we have no right to ask issues? Assuming that you are inaugurated in & E.Dallas them of others. January 2016, what would be your first speech biased against African Americans, and the recent spate of the killings of black men at the An I Messenger Enterprises LLC Publication
Free - Take One
The Last Word
Free - Take One
972) 926-8503 $45.00 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00 ar Subscription CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.
Texas Metro News salutes our veterans!
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A Green FaceBook??
Quit Playin’ Vincent Hall Vincent L. Hall is an author and award-winning columnist.
Thank God for mothers like Roni Dean-Burren, who take more than a passing interest in the education of their children. When Cody, her 15-year-old son and student at Houston’s Pearland High came home, he pointed out what he believed to be a wrongly-worded photo caption, to his mother. This now infamous textbook, sanctioned by the Texas State Board of Education featured a caption which read; “Slave ships brought millions of workers from Africa to the southern United States to work on agricultural plantations.” In its historical context, this misrepresentation is tantamount to saying that Dr. Martin Luther King walked out onto the balcony of the Lorraine Motel just in time to catch a bullet from his waiting assassin James Earl Ray. In other words, a truth perverted is just an outright lie! My instincts say to pause here and acknowledge Texas State Board of Education Trustee,
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
Mavis Best Knight, first elected in 2002. Trustee Knight has led a very vocal and well-chronicled fight against Conservative voices who want to rewrite and establish an American history that excludes slavery and oppression. You can go back to a New York Times article in 2010 which detailed her vehement opposition to these types of willful infractions upon the truth. We should all thank mothers like Roni Dean-Burren for (1) being astute enough to catch this egregious attempt to “Whitewash’ history and, (2) for modeling the proper use of social media; which is best used to create revolutionary communities through the conveyance of significant information. This is the real power of
Facebook. Now I know that you think Facebook is fantastic because you get 350 people who don’t really know or like you to send their “best” on your birthday. But this victory proves that the urgency of now dictates the need for a new paradigm for utilizing the advances of communicative technology. It’s not as if we have not had
In 1936, Harlem mailman and union worker, Victor Hugo Green and his wife, developed a publication they saw a need for. “The Negro Motorist Green Book” served as a travel guide and Atlas to arm Black families with traveling information as they drove through “hotbeds” where segregation was strictly enforced. Google “Sundown towns,” and
a workable form of Civil Rights activism through “social media” before. The efforts just weren’t as technologically savvy, or as easily or widely disseminated. In fact, there is a documentary on the horizon titled, “The Green Book” which buoys my argument.
read the history of those places where African-Americans were prohibited after dark. If you thought declaring martial law with nightly curfews like Ferguson or Baltimore was something new for Black folks… think again. Green surveyed his network of
fellow postal workers around the country to suggest and advertise towns where Coloreds could get hotels, dining, or into night clubs without being arrested or lynched. Green printed an average of 15,000 copies per year. It was an idea he borrowed from Jews in America who were also prominently featured in the all-too-familiar signs in the Deep South that read; “No Jews, No Dogs, No Niggers!” Eventually, The Green Book evolved to include essays and journalistic works. In 1948, Green wrote that the need for his book would surely diminish soon. He died in 1960 at the age of 68. The Civil Rights Bill was not passed until 1964 and the 30-year-old Green Book printed its last copy in 1966. Maybe someone needs to publish a Green Face Book. From the looks of it, we ain’t safe or significant in school or in the streets. And if you just gotta have it, we can allow selfies and birthday well wishes!!
Affordable Health Insurance is Here for You From the Capitol Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
November 1st marked the beginning of the third Open Enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act. During this period, millions of Americans will choose quality, affordable health insurance options for 2016. The final day to enroll or change a healthcare plan is December 15, 2015. Those who meet the deadline will have an effective health
insurance plan on January 1, 2016. The late enrollment period will conclude on January 31 for insurance beginning on March 1, 2016. The Affordable Care Act, signed into law by President Obama in 2010, has changed the social fabric of our nation. Now, millions of people who lacked health insurance are covered by plans that protect them and their families.
The law eliminated pre-existing condition exclusions; allowed young adults to remain on their parent’s plan until the age of 26; ended many unfair practices by insurance companies; and allowed provider choice for treatment. Prior to the Affordable Care Act, nearly five million Texans, representing 32 percent of our state’s population, were uninsured. They lacked access to routine care and regularly utilized hospital emergency rooms for their primary care. The Affordable Care Act expanded access to healthcare for people in Texas, allowing them to enroll in the federally-facilitated Marketplace when state officials
refused to establish a State-Based Marketplace. The number of people that signed up in Texas was the second largest in the country, according to federal officials. Only the state of Florida exceeded Texas in signing up uninsured citizens. The Affordable Care Acts also provides financial subsidies for individuals and families that need assistance to afford their health care premiums. This law, which has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, is a tremendous benefit to individuals and families in our country. This law makes it clear that our country believes quality affordable healthcare is a fundamental right due to all Americans.
If you are applying for health insurance for the first time, please go to healthcare.gov and follow the simple instructions. You will be asked to identify your state of residence and prompted to answer some very simple questions. You will not be denied health care coverage because of prior health conditions. I have fought for affordable healthcare for all Americans for more than 23 years. We finally have it. I urge you to utilize this opportunity and enroll to protect your health.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
November 7 The Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center (DCAC) will host its 9th annual ART for ADVOCACY auction on Saturday, November 7, 2015, at F.I.G. (Fashion Industry Gallery), 1807 Ross Avenue, celebrating the transformative power of art therapy and honoring those who find expression through creativity. The event will highlight 100 local and regional artists in a silent art auction, with a special guest performance by ISHI. ********** Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 25th Annual Sisterhood Luncheon, “Uncompromising Commitment to Community” 11:00am-2:00pm Radisson Hotel North-Fossil Creek 2540 Meacham Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76106 Tickets are available at http://www. fortworthdst.org/event-page.html on the event tab until November 1, 2015.
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Texas Horse Park 811 Pemberton Hill Road Dallas, TX 75217 Please RSVP to TrinityCommonsFoundation@MOJConsulting
Invites you to salute our Veterans with Heroes House
NOVEMBER 14TH 2015 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
CUMMINGS RECREATION CENTER 2996 Cummings Street Dallas, TX 75216 Lunch will be provided RSVP kindly to Amanda Crowe by November 6, 2015
November 8
Guest Speaker: Rev. Al Sharpton Civil Rights Activist Friendship West Baptist Church
November 20- 21
November 10
Children On the Mend, Inc. (Niños en Reparación, Incorporado) Parental Engagement Session. Beckley Saner Recreation Center, 114 W. Hobson Ave, Dallas, Texas 75224 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. •Contact: 469-454-9164
November 13
The 3 Redneck Tenors, the "America's Got Talent" virtuosos' brings their southern charisma along with their trained vocal technique to TBAAL in a "Can't We All Just Get Along?" concert. The 3 Redneck Tenors hit the Clarence Muse Cafe Stage, at 8:15pm. Tickets can be purchased by calling TBAAL Box Office at 214743-2400 or Ticketmaster 800.720.6865 The South Dallas Cultural Center proudly presents ''EVERLAST'' the 15th Annual South Dallas Dance Festival on November 13th – 15th. Arga Nova Dance will collaborate with the best dance companies in the DFW area to choreograph an everlasting weekend for dance lovers. There will be 3 days of solo and group performances, a free film screening, an industry roundtable and a master dance class.
November 14
NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet fundraiser of the local NAACP-Dallas Branch At 7:00 P.M. At the Hilton Garden InnMarket Center, Speaker: Dr. W. Marvin Dulaney, Professor- Univ. of Texas at Arlington There will be a reception honoring Vonciel Jones Hill for her tireless efforts at the local, state and national levels, making numerous trips to Austin and Washington. The Trinity is moving forward thanks to her! 5PM - 7PM
“Tellebration-Dallas: For God So Loved Those Loud Black Girls,”. It's a two-night womancentric, adult-storytelling event where five African American women storytellers will be spilling the tea on their lives. Each one taking a turn at the mic to tell the truth the whole truth - about what happened on “that day” or “that one time.” ****** An evening with Freda Payne in the Clarence Muse Theatre at the Black Academy of Arts adn Letters DREAM ANGELS JAZZ LUNCH Sunday, November 22nd from 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM RICHARDSON WOMAN'S CLUB ... 2005 NORTH CLIFF DR, RICHARDSON , TX Tickets $100.00 Table of 8 $800.00 Pay via website
November 25 Dallas Theater Center’s Holiday Classic A Christmas Carol Returns to the Wyly Theatre Partners with North Texas Food Bank for 8th Consecutive Year By Charles Dickens Adapted by Kevin Moriarty Directed by Christie Vela Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre • 2400 Flora Street in the AT&T Performing Arts Center Previews: Nov. 25 – Nov. 30, 2015 • Full Run: Nov. 25 – Dec. 26, 2015 • Press Opening: Tues., Dec. 1 at 7:30p.m. Tickets: 214-880-0202 or www.
CALENDAR DallasTheaterCenter.org
December 16
Tarrant County Mayor’s Luncheon, the Fort Worth Club, benefitting UNCF.
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SDCC provides exciting programming The South Dallas Cultural Center will host “Tellebration-Dallas: For God So Loved Those Loud Black Girls”, November 20-21, 2015. It's a two-night woman-centric, adult-storytelling event where five African American women storytellers will be spilling the tea on their lives. Each one taking a turn at the mic to tell the truth the whole truth - about what happened on “that day” or “that one time.” Tellebration!™ the event has been in existence for 18 years, and the South Dallas Cultural Center is one of approximately 400 official sites around the world to host this event. No topic will be off limits: aha moments, good and not so good life choices, relationships, career blunders, surviving divorce, cancer and bad sex. “Tellebration-Dallas” goes live for two nights, Friday, November 20, and Saturday, November 21, 2015. Pre-show reception with wine and light fare starts at 6:30 p.m.; showtime begins at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Limited tickets available. Get yours today at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tellebrationdallas-for-god-so-loved-those-loud-black-girlstickets-18947983930 For more info, visit www.unshackledproductions. com or call the South Dallas Cultural Center at (214) 939-2787. The South Dallas Cultural Center proudly presents ''EVERLAST'' the 15th Annual South Dallas
Dance Festival on November 13th – 15th. Arga Nova Dance will collaborate with the best dance companies in the DFW area to choreograph an everlasting weekend for dance lovers. There will be 3 days of solo and group performances, a free film screening, an industry roundtable and a master dance class. The running theme will be “legends” and “future legends” with a spotlight on the legendary Alvin Ailey. This year’s master class will be led by April Berry, former principle dancer with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and the Artistic Director with Dallas Black Dance Theater during the 38th season. This annual festival will offer evening performances on November 13th & 14th at 8pm and matinee performances on November 14th & 15th at 3pm. Tickets are $10.00 at the SDCC box office. Discounted tickets are available for seniors, students, A~N~D donors and members of DCNT. The film screening will be followed by an industry roundtable on November 13th at 6pm and its absolutely free. The master dance class will be free on November 14th at 6:00 pm. Space is limited and a reservation is required at 214-8862321. The SDCC is located at 3400 S. Fitzhugh Ave. Dallas, Texas 75210.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
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Challenging Life Issues tackled at Free Community Workshop Women’s Group teams with AARP to address security, health and finances, life planning sessions on how to protect personal identity and assets from fraudulent schemes; how to achieve personal goals; and how to make long-terms plans in the areas of home, community, finances and health. The event will be held at Hamilton Park United Methodist Church, Christian Life Center, located at 11881 Schroeder Road, 75243. The half-day workshop begins at 9:30 a.m. and is free, but seating is limited to the first 100 people to register online at https://.cvent.com/125Dallas or call toll-free 1-877-926-8300. Lunch and workshop materials will be provided at no cost. A “shredding truck” will be onsite to dispose of unwanted documents.
Jada Burton Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter (NDSA) is joining forces with AARP Texas to present a free, limited-capacity workshop to empower attendees to address modern life challenges. On Saturday, Dec. 5, 2015 the two organizations will conduct interactive
“This event is a continuation of the work we are doing with AARP to protect the community’s hard earned property and assets from con artistsPlus, we’re offering the AARP’s signature programs on achieving personal goals and long-term planning to create better futures in key areas of life,” said Jada Burton, NDSA president. “We’re pleased to partner with this high-caliber organization to offer these programs free to the community — members and members, and to all age groups.”
RACIAL BIAS, continued from front page And studies have shown that diversity makes for a better jury. In comparison to all-white juries, racially diverse juries are said to take longer to deliberate, they consider a wider variety of perspectives when deciding and make fewer factual errors. We cannot allow our constitutional right to be judged by a jury of our peers to be abused based on a prosecutor’s implicit or explicit racial bias—lives are at stake. If we are going to effectively address prosecutorial misconduct, there must be real enforcement of rulings like Batson v. Kentucky to prevent the exclusion of jurors based on their race. Along with enforcement, there must be punishment. Right now, prosecutors are not taken to task when racial bias rears its ugly head during jury selection. With enforcement and monitoring, we can discover the patterns and punish the offenders. Foster’s case has pulled back the curtain on an ugly and unlawful practice that we must remedy if we want a criminal justice system we can believe in. Fortunately, we are decades past the all-white juries of the Jim Crow era, but we have a long way to go if we are committed to bring justice into our jury pools for all our nation’s citizens.
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Get your booth for
KWANZAAFEST 2015 CALL 214-653-6671
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
The Black Academy of Arts and Letters (TBAAL) - The 3 Redneck Tenors, the "America's Got Talent" virtuosos' brings their southern charisma along with their trained vocal technique to TBAAL in a "Can't We All Just Get Along?" concert. Saddle up for a side splitting ride as Matthew Lord, Blake Davidson and Jonathan Fruge remind audiences that in life, "it's not just the destination, it's the journey." With racial harmony being a concern among most Americans, The 3 Redneck Tenors want to use their talents to show us that we have more in common than we know. "We are so excited to be coming to The Black Academy of Arts and Letters," said Blake Davidson, whose stage name is Billy Billee. "I bet you never thought you'd see us here," said Matthew Lord, whose stage name is Billy Bob. Audiences may be expecting just comedy, but they will be wowed by the groups' powerful and beautiful vocals. Don't let the name fool you, their vocal performance is anything but “Redneck.” The 3 Redneck Tenors hit the Clarence Muse Cafe Stage, Friday, November 13 and Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 8:15pm. Tickets can be purchased by calling TBAAL Box Office at 214-743-2400 or Ticketmaster 800.720.6865 or by visiting Ticketmaster.com. For Group Discounts of 10 or more, contact TBAAL Audience Development and Group Sales office at 214-743-2506.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
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Convene a National Commission on Race and Poverty
By Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. President, Rainbow PUSH Coalition via George Curry Media
When the Founders wrote the Constitution, Blacks were considered three-fifths human. In a compromise at the constitutional convention, the Constitution was written to allow slave states to count each slave as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of the census and for elections. Slaves couldn't vote, but they could increase the population and thus the representation of slave states. T:5”
We've come a long way since then. The Civil War - the most brutal in the nation's history - ended slavery. The Civil Rights Movement ended segregation and gave African Americans the right to vote. But we still have a long way to go. It used to be said that Blacks carried twice the burden of Whites. Unemployment rates among African Americans are generally twice those of Whites. Poverty is nearly three times that of Whites. Homeownership is about 60 percent that of Whites. In critical ways, African Americans rank even lower. The typical African-American household, for example, has about 1/10 the wealth of the typical White household, a disparity that has tripled over the past decade. Now a study by the New York Times documents what we know to be true: Driving while black is dangerous. African Americans are significantly more likely to be pulled over while driving for traffic violations than whites. When pulled over, they are twice as likely to be searched, even though police are far more likely to find drugs and weapons in the searches of Whites than Blacks. In Chicago, Blacks are five times more likely to be searched when
stopped than White drivers, even though the police are less likely to find contraband when searching them.
Better monitoring and training of police, who should live in the neighborhoods that they patrol.
Part of the reason, police argue, is that African Americans are more likely to live in impoverished neighborhoods. As the Washington Post reported, poor African Americans are 10 times more likely to live in high poverty census tracts than poor Whites. In Chicago, about 35 percent of poor African Americans live in poor neighborhoods while about 4 percent of Whites do. Housing discrimination, zoning patterns, redlining by banks, public housing construction all combine to pen poor African Americans in poor neighborhoods.
But police reform is not sufficient. We need a transformation of housing policy to spread low-cost housing across metropolitan areas. We need aggressive enforcement of laws against redlining, a crackdown on banks and auto companies that target African Americans for the highest rate and trickiest loans. We need real investment to put people to work, to provide public transport that can take them to where the jobs are, and to give children a fair start from the beginning. President Barack Obama is in Chicago this week at a gathering of police chiefs. It is important to keep pushing for police and criminal justice reforms, but the "therefore" must go far beyond.
And then the police are assigned to patrol aggressively in what quickly become "high-crime districts." This is a recipe for tension, suspicion and violence. And as distrust rises, crimes go unsolved as residents don't trust the police enough to cooperate. This is the "whereas": whereas racial disparity is clear and destructive. The real question is the "therefore": therefore we will act. Too often the complaint ends with the whereas and little or no attention and resources are devoted to the therefore.Therefore we need reform of our criminal injustice system.
It is time to convene a National Commission on Race and Poverty to go beyond reporting on the whereas and start detailing the therefores.
Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. is founder and president of the Chicagobased Rainbow PUSH Coalition. You can keep up with his work at www.rainbowpush.org
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Change gonna come Spiritually Speaking by James A. Washington In the midst of imminent change in my life I ran across this and am sharing again. Most of us would agree with the concept that the one sure thing that we know about life is change. The comparison to a roller coaster seems appropriate, a frightening one at that. Life is full of twists and turns and inevitable ups and downs with people coming and going and emotions frayed at the proverbial last nerve because of it. Life takes your plans and destroys them in favor of its own. It’s enough to make anyone skeptical about life’s purpose. We question everything we hold dear. As Christians, we know free will is supposed to have something to do with what happens to us as we each choose or don’t choose, decide or don’t decide. Our fate is wrapped in the outcome of each. We often find
ourselves caught up in quagmires of discontent due to situations we created by simply making the wrong choices. That’s why I find the subject of change in scripture so fascinating. “In paths they have not known, I will guide them.” Isaiah 42:16 clearly indicates that when you attempt or are forced to changed your life, seek God, because divine help will be needed. It’s a spiritual requirement. Oftentimes in the bible, whenever someone begins to accept Christ, challenges await. Fear is prevalent and faith gets tested. I mean walking by faith and not by sight is unnatural in the natural world. It just is. This kind of change in your spiritual life is supposed to fortify everything in your supernatural existence. Joshua 1:9 lets us know that from the moment we begin to consciously expand our awareness of God, we must take Him everywhere we go or, risk losing ourselves to our own devices, much like the Israelites in the desert. “Be not dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with you wherever you go.” The easiest thing to fall prey to in this life it appears is all of the stuff, the temptations, the tragedies that will surely come our way every day, particularly as Christians. We live in a materialistic world framed in 30 second sound bites, news of instant wealth and the constant pursuit of more. Fantasy and instant gratification are but a click away.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
If you have no spiritual fallback position, you will get caught up in defining yourself by how much you have, what you can buy and what pleasures you can exploit. And don’t forget to buy a gun to protect it all from those who have no qualm about taking it from you. Under these circumstances life can make you feel inadequate and anxious as it constantly challenges you and changes your outlook about it. More, you see, is never enough. Now this spiritual awareness that I mentioned gives perspective to all of this change and disruption. The bible promises peace and peace of mind. “My presence shall go with you and give you rest.” Exodus 33:14. The understanding of eternal existence, of the spiritual side of man should allow you to put into perspective the contradictions and absurdities in this life. I am constantly amazed at how little I really need in life as I grow older, compared with what I thought I needed when I was younger. Focusing on God actually brings clarity to the soul and subsequently order to life’s chaos. Peace of mind abounds in the hearts of those who know and seek the truth. Purpose is simplified and life’s changes and challenges become easier to navigate. In this context free will merely acts as confirmation of the obvious. “Whatever is born of God overcomes the world.” 1 John 5:4. May God bless and keep you always.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
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Dallas Black Dance Theatre opens 39th Season with Director's Choice
Do you know this man?
Dallas Black Dance Theatre company members watch international choreographer Hope Boykin demonstrate a sequence of steps of the dance she created.
Master Choreographer Hope Boykin Refreshes her Original DBDT Work "Hum ha yeah" There is no music, but choreographer Hope Boykin creates her own sound language. "Wah huh sah" Boykin's sounds communicate both beat and movement. "Then zoom" The 12 members of the Dallas Black Dance Theatre company move to her beat and follow her dance moves. This is all part of the creative process that Boykin, a 16-year veteran of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, uses to refresh in.ter.pret, the dance she created 9 years ago for the Dallas Black Dance Theatre. Boykin watches the dancers closely as they move. "I love to refresh my works and make them original for the members of a specific company," explained Hope Boykin. "I watch the way a dancer moves even while stretching and may see a motion I can incorporate while refreshing the dance. During the interview Hope is standing, but in constant motion herself. She is swaying, stretching, moving to her own beat, while answering questions. "The fact that Ms. Williams likes this piece so much that she has given me the opportunity to come back and restage it for her Director's Choice program is a huge honor," said Boykin. "I loved the way the company performed it the first time, but now the current dancers
can make this piece their own." Then Hope Boykin turns on the music. It is a classic Tchaikovsky score. The dancers move keeping her sound language in their mind while they dance the in.ter.pret moves that now flow to Tchaikovsky. Hope describes her piece as lighthearted, quick, fun, and whimsical with expansive fullmovement. "I use classical music all the time to create new contemporary dance works," explained Boykin. "I love to see my work come alive!" in.ter.pret is part of the Director's Choice series that opens the 39th season for the Dallas Black Dance Theatre. Director's Choice will be held November 6-8, 2015 in the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre located at 2400 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas 75201. The Friday and Saturday performances start at 7:30 p.m. The Sunday matinee starts at 2:30 p.m. Director's Choice also includes: The Dallas premiere of Joffrey Ballet Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Margo Sappington's Step Out of Love, a hard-hitting piece for five women set to a commissioned rock music score by Stephen Forsyth. International choreographer Christopher L. Huggins' Night Run, a quick-paced ballet that captures the feel of what happens when time is running out at night. Master choreographer, the late Talley Beatty's fun and competitive old school throw back A Rag, A Bone, and A Hank of Hair, set to the music of Prince and Earth, Wind and Fire. DBDT ALL ACCESS - After the curtain closes there will be premium post-performance activities - on Friday a Talkback with Choreographers and on Saturday an Onstage Dance Celebration. For more details and ticket information visit www.dbtd.com. Founded in 1976 by Ann Williams, the mission
of Dallas Black Dance Theatre is to create and produce contemporary modern dance at its highest level of artistic excellence through performances and educational programs that bridge cultures and reach diverse communities. With an ever-expanding national and global audience, the company employs a diverse, multi-ethnic troupe of dancers performing for audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Located in the downtown Dallas Arts District, Dallas Black Dance Theatre is a nationally recognized professional modern dance company that engages the cross-cultural community through contemporary modern dance presented from the African-American experience. Over the course of its history, DBDT has performed worldwide for 3.5 million arts patrons and 2.5 million students, grades K-12, and annually serves more than 100,000 people, including more than 20,000 youth. Dallas Black Dance Theatre's professional company, DBDT, consists of 12 fulltime professional dancers performing a mixed repertory of modern, jazz, African and spiritual works by nationally and internationally choreographers. The company members hail from across the country from California to Washington D.C. as well as overseas from British Columbia and Trinidad/Tobago. DBDT's second company, DBDT II, consists of 8 volunteer artists from around the nation to support DBDT's growing local and regional educational outreach. Dallas Black Dance Academy, the official school of Dallas Black Dance Theatre, celebrates 42 years of providing dance instruction to the community. Over 475 students participate weekly in 50 dance classes of ballet, jazz, tap, modern, and African. Classes are located at DBDT studios, as well as in local schools and community centers.
POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers.
Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? Will it matter when it is your sister, mother, aunt or grandmotheror maybe YOU? If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers
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NOVEMBER 4, 2015
TRUCKING 519 N. Cedar Ridge Dr., Suite #7 Duncanville, TX 75116 www.mycrossroadtruck.com We are seeking Local City Drivers who must have a Class A - Commercial Driver License. NOTE: All Drivers must have a clean background (no felonies or misdemeanors) and at least one year driving experience with a clean MVR. Must have medical card, valid DL, SSC card, DOT card and must pass a required physical and drug screening. Driver should have a minimum of one year of driving experience in the last 3 years and 5 years of driving experience in the last 10 years. Must be 21 years of age and have a required High School Diploma/GED. Minimum Requirements Driver’s License Type: Class A - Commercial Commercial Driver’s License Endorsement: X - Combination of N and H T - Doubles/Triples Between $900.00 /WK and $1,000 / WK. Rotating Shift - home daily. Work week - full time 30-45 hours. Additional details: We are looking for drivers who are safe and will not have customer complaints. Driver must be free of accidents, service violations, and accident services. Cell: 214-475-3052 Office 214-245-5157 or email us at cr.trucking519@gmail.com
Resume: raylcarr@yahoo.com, (214) 514-9553 or
TRUCKING 519 N. Cedar Ridge Dr., Suite #7 Duncanville, TX 75116 www.mycrossroadtruck.com
Seeking Team Drivers (OTR). .42 cents per mile, must have a Class A - Commercial Driver License. NOTE: All Drivers must have a clean background (no felonies or misdemeanors) and at least one year driving experience with a clean MVR. Must have medical card, valid DL, SSC card, DOT card and must pass a required physical and drug screening. Driver should have a minimum of one year of driving experience in the last 3 years and 5 years of driving experience in the last 10 years. Must be 21 years of age and have a required High School Diploma/GED. Minimum Requirements Driver’s License Type: Class A - Commercial Commercial Driver’s License Endorsement: X - Combination of N and H T - Doubles/Triples Additional details: We are looking for drivers who are safe and will not have customer complaints. Driver must be free of accidents, service violations, and accident services. Cell: 214-475-3052 Office 214-245-5157 or email us at cr.trucking519@gmail.com
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
Local Small Businesses get over $1 Billion in SBA Loans! FORT WORTH-The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Dallas/Fort Worth District Office announced that lending in the district’s 72 counties reached over $1 billion for the first time in the history of the office in fiscal year 2015, which ran from October 1st to September 30th. This new record in lending put $1.046 billion in the hands of 1,982 entrepreneurs and small business owners to expand their businesses and create jobs. This represents an increase of 18.7% in dollars and 18.3% in number of loans over the same period last fiscal year. Of the 166 lending institutions in the district, Wells Fargo was the top lender in dollars by providing over $65.3 million in SBA loans. Compass Bank was the top lender in units by providing 307 loans to small businesses. “We are still celebrating this tremendous success that the Dallas/Fort Worth market has achieved” said SBA’s South Central Regional Administrator Yolanda Garcia Olivarez. “More than $1 billion was guaranteed by the SBA to 1,982 local small businesses. This is something that speaks volumes to products the SBA provides and the great partners we have supporting our mission such as the North Texas Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders
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(NTAGGL). Once again we have reached record numbers that will benefit more than the small retailer or construction firm but also the DFW economy as a whole, that consists of 72 counties.” In fiscal year 2014, SBA loans totaled $881.1 million with 1,675 loans and in 2013, SBA loans totaled $813 million with 1,522 loans in the DFW district. “This is a huge achievement that not only helps the almost two thousand small businesses served but it also helps our communities where those business are located by providing jobs and overall economic growth” said Herbert Austin, SBA’s DFW District Director. “We could not have reached this milestone without the strong support of our lenders and the hard work done by SBA’s resource partners such as Service Corp of Retired Executives (SCORE) and the Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs).” SCORE and SBDCs provide free counseling and consulting to prospective and current small businesses on how to start and grow a business. Both can help with developing a business plan, conducting market research, identifying small business financing, and other services.
NAACP Committee Now Receiving Nominations for the 101st NAACP Spingarn BALTIMORE – NAACP National Board of Directors Chairman Roslyn M. Brock has announced that the Association is soliciting nominations for the 101st Spingarn Award. All nominations for the 101st Spingarn Medal must be submitted, in writing, on or before December 31, 2015. To be accepted, the postmark date on the envelope must be no later than December 31, 2015. The Medal, which was instituted in 1914 by the late J. E. Spingarn, then NAACP Chairman, is presented annually to the man or woman of African descent and American citizenship who has made the highest achievement during the preceding year or years, as well as consideration of an overall body of work by an individual. The purpose of the medal is twofold – first, to call the attention of the American people to the existence of distinguished merit and achievement among Americans of African descent; and secondly – to serve as a reward for such achievement and as a stimulus to the ambition of youth of African descent. Recent Medalists include Sidney Poitier, Maya Angelou, the late Julian
AIRLINE CAREERS Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance
Bond, Myrlie Evers-Williams, Earl G. Graves, Sr., Colin Powell, Oprah Winfrey, Vernon Jordan, Honorable John Lewis, the late Honorable Constance Baker Motley, the late Honorable Robert L. Carter, the late Honorable Oliver W. Hill, Sr., Honorable John Conyers, Ruby Dee, Cicely Tyson, the late Lena Horne, Mrs. Frankie Muse Freeman, Harry Belafonte, Jessye Norman, and Quincy Jones. Nominations must include a detailed, current biographical profile of the nominee, highlighting relevant activities and achievements. Supporting and verifying documents such as news clippings, honors received, etc., should also be attached. This information should be clearly typewritten or printed, as it must be reproduced. The final selection of the Medalist is made by a Committee of Award, which is selected by the Association’s Board of Directors. The Committee’s decision is final in all matters affecting the Award. Nominations should be addressed to: The Spingarn Medal Award Committee, Attention: Mrs. Mildred B. Roxborough, 340 W. 42nd Street, P.O. Box 822, New York, NY 10108.
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DAYES: Ask Pam about healthcare Question: I’ve been on Medicaid for several months and drawing SSI from Social Security Administration (SSA). I’ll be turning age 62 next month, I was informed by SSA that my SSI would go away because I’ll start drawing a Social Security Retirement check. Since my retirement income will be significantly greater than the SSI I’ll no longer be eligible for Medicaid assistance. I’m concerned about keeping some medical assistance so my question is will I
get Medicare too when I turn 62 next month? Answer: That depends; people are eligible to enroll in Medicare prior to age 65 only if they’re on Social Security Disability and have met the 24-month waiting period, or have a special condition. Check with the Social Security Administration to see when you will be eligible for Medicare. If you find that you’re not eligible for Medicare yet, then you can always visit yourtexasbenefits.com or call 2-1-1, that’s if you live in Texas, to find what medical resources are
available in your area. Medicare Annual Open Enrollment period: October 15th thru December 7th. The Affordable Care Act - Federal Marketplace Exchange – 2016 Open Enrollment period: November 1st 2015 thru January 31st 2016.
P A M E L A J. D A Y E S is a Licensed & Certified Health Insurance Agency serving North Texas area. She is passionate about learning and gaining knowledge in the area of HealthCare reform. She is devoted to passing on that knowledge in particularly to the Senior Market. Her expertise is in making Medicare clear and understandable. I look forward to answering your questions. Email questions to askpam@med-supps.com Follow me: Twitter: pjdayes Facebook: askpamdayes
That man, that man! Ask Alma
Hi Alma, I’m divorcing my husband of 24 years (The ink is just about Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans over 25 years, dry). We have been apart for including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@ the last three years. yahoo.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and I’m new to dating again. I’ve twitter @almaaskalma. been with my new guy for two always wanted to try or learn a new years. We met on eHarmony. ‘He’s language. Use this time to be good to amazing inside & out and I love him. yourself. Your first marriage ended I’m 47. in divorce, that doesn’t mean you’re My guy is 46. He is divorced. He has lacking, unlovable or incomplete. been divorced for 2.5 years. He was Ok, you’ve met a new guy, that’s apart from his ex for three years before cool. Allow him to come to the the divorce was final. So he’s been conclusion of marriage on his own, single for 5.5 years. not meet a demand or ultimatum. I I believe in marriage and I do want to understand it’s been two years, but get married again. How long should I there’s no set limit to how long a date him? What’s enough time to give a great relationship should last before man to pop the question? Elizabeth Hi EB, Not quite set free! Until the ink dries, you’re still legally married, pretty woman. TBT you have yet to join the squad of single sisterhood and trust me when I say, there are huge differences between each stage of marriage, separation and divorce. All three phases has its own umbrella of uncertainties. Like me, you married young. You’ve spent a large part of your life with one fella, exercising the commonality of compromise. This explains your comfort in cohabitation, longing for togetherness, and an extended view for two. Ain’t nothing wrong with that but wait, for goodness sake, and let’s pull up for a minute to reevaluate. What if you take more time to center @yahoo.com, (214) 514-9553 and focus on you? Figure out your likes or and dislikes independently, without the consideration of another. Have you taken a vacation alone? Sign up for a class you’ve
marriage; that’s a personal choice. You and I both know that marriage doesn’t make a relationship better nor does it complete who you are as a woman. You’ve had 25 years of practicing to be a good wife, live and love yourself unmarried for a few more years to come. You said dating’s still new to you, and if that’s the case, this isn’t the time to remarry. If, and, or when that time rolls around, you won’t need to Ask Alma, you and he will know that you know that you know. And oh what a joy it will be. Alma
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
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KWANZAAFEST 2015 Get your booth today Call 214-653-6671
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
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Invites you to salute our Veterans with Heroes House
NOVEMBER 14TH 2015 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
CUMMINGS RECREATION CENTER 2996 Cummings Street Dallas, TX 75216 Lunch will be provided RSVP kindly to Amanda Crowe by November 6, 2015