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Week of October 19, 2016

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Week of October 19, 2016

Activists vow to work together to end violence RALLY JUST THE BEGINNING, ACTIVISTS SAY By Cheryl Smith Intervention is what community activists are calling for in the wake of another shooting in South Dallas. Surrounded by members of several community and religious groups, a former elected official, and carrying a letter of support from the Black Police Association of Greater Dallas, Min. Dominique Alexander of the Next Generation Action Network, called for an end to the violence as he talked about the random shooting of a young child and announced a rally to address concerns. “The Next Generation Action Network is joining the community in standing up and speaking out against senseless violence,” he said. “Poverty and high unemployment rates cause desperation and anger that often materialize in fatality. While outward solutions are being rallied for in our legislation and in our job markets we call to action every member of the community to bear the responsibility for making

Please see ACTIVISTS, page 8

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Week of October 19, 2016



Former First Lady Graça Machel launches New Women’s Network By Stacy M. Brown (NNPA Newswire Contributor)

In an effort to transform the narrative and negative perceptions of African women and children, Graça Machel, the former first lady of two African nations, recently established a first of its kind Pan African Women in Media Network (WIMN). The network of women journalists will work in conjunction with the Graça Machel Trust. “The Graça Machel Trust’s women’s rights program is based on our aim to multiply the faces and amplify the voices of women, especially in areas where they are underrepresented,” said Machel, who is also the founder of the Foundation for Community Development in Mozambique. “Through our women’s networks in agribusiness, finance and ‘Women Creating Wealth,’ we foster links and build a critical mass of highly-qualified and active women across sectors and professions who can work collectively to influence, shape and drive the socio-economic policies to ensure that they achieve economic prosperity and social change.” The Graça Machel Trust works across the African continent to amplify women’s movements, influence governance, and advocate for the protection of children’s rights and dignity. The Trust consolidates the work of Machel and seeks to build on her legacy by inspiring the younger generation to take up new challenges and create societies that value and care about social justice. Machel noted that the primary mission is to amplify the voices of women’s movements, influence governance and promote women’s leadership and contributions in the economic, social, and political development of Africa. The Trust also advocates for the protection of children’s rights and dignity. Recognizing the crucial role that media plays in shaping societal attitudes, Machel said it’s important that women are at the center of transformation within the media landscape. The new network has also gained the support of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), the Black Press that’s comprised of approximately 208 African-American owned newspapers across the United States. “The National Newspaper Publishers Association supports and salutes the Graça Machel Trust that effectively empowers African women. When African women are empowered, it results in advancing all

African people throughout the world,” said Dr. Benjamin Chavis, the president and CEO of the NNPA. “The Diamond Empowerment Fund, co-founded by Russell Simmons, me and others also recognizes the extraordinary global leadership of Graca Machel and the Graca Machel Trust. I vividly remember meeting Graça Machel at her home in Maputo, Mozambique along with her husband South Africa President Nelson Mandela and my colleague Russell Simmons in 2006.” Chavis continued: “We discussed the ongoing struggle and movement to transform Africa for progress and the liberation of all who stand for freedom and equality.” Prior to her marriage to Mandela, Machel was the wife of Mozambique President Samora Machel. She also served for more than a decade as that country’s minister of education and culture. Machel said that WIMN will drive coordinated messaging and build awareness on issues related to health, education, and women’s economic empowerment, which will have a positive effect on women and children. “Given the influential role that media plays in shaping societal attitudes, the network seeks to change the present narrative of women that presents them as powerless victims and ignores the many positive stories and successes,” Machel added. “When economically empowered, women take control of their lives, set their own agendas, provide solutions to their problems and challenges, and develop self-reliance.” Machal added: “To build a strong and equitable future for all Africans, we acknowledge the fundamental contribution of women and ensure that we create a supportive and enabling environment where they are able to fully participate and benefit.” The network will also create an inter-generational platform to allow young talented female journalists to

participate and work alongside the continent’s more seasoned veterans. WIMN will comprise an initial group of about 30 to 40 women journalists, bloggers and influencers, officials said in a statement. “Women and children’s issues have tended to make headlines more as victims that are helpless, abused and exploited yet women and children have, over time, been capable of so much more, having overcome many obstacles and excelled in many sectors of the economy and society,” said WIMN board co-chair Susan Makore. “The amazing stories need to find more expression in our media. Therefore, I hope to do my part in ensuring that key stories that highlight and celebrate the various facets of children and women’s activities across all sectors are given prominence in the media by working with my colleagues

that run media houses, especially in Zimbabwe where I hail from.” Bronwyn Nielsen, the co-chair of the WIMN advisory board, said that Africa’s youth and female dividends are at the core of the continent’s future and, with the right support. “It is a fact the women and children who can positively impact the future from an economic growth and development perspective,” said Nielsen. “I look forward to working with my fellow board members and all the members of this privileged network to jointly leverage our circles of influence under the esteemed guidance of Mrs. Machel to drive this agenda deep across the continent with both speed and passion.”

Week of October 19, 2016




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The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

Week of October 19, 2016

JACKSON: Counting my blessings at age 75

Blessed are those who plant seeds in the faith that others might enjoy the forest. This Saturday is my 75th birthday. I have been blessed to see how many of the seeds we planted have taken root and turned to sturdy trees. I was born in Greenville, S.C., to an unwed teenage mother. I grew up in a home poor in resources but rich in love, supported by a loving family, a tight community and a strong church. Yet we quickly learned that we were like birds in a cage, caught in the bars of segregation. I went to segregated schools with double shifts. Often we had one book for six of us. Public spaces — bathrooms, water fountains, pools — were closed to

us. We sat at the back of the bus. We saw no black police officers or firefighters, no black car dealers. We were expected to adjust our hopes down to fit our circumstances. But change was in the air and we rattled the bars of that cage. My parents, classmates, teachers and minister instilled high hopes and expectations. My classmates and I chafed at the limitations. Sit-ins began to take place across the South. As a college student in Greensboro, N.C., I helped lead demonstrations to desegregate the theater and local cafeterias. After being arrested in 1960 for the first time for trying to use a public library in my hometown of Greenville, I lost my fear of jail, experiencing the dignity that comes from standing up —

or sitting in — for a cause that is just. I was joined by a partner for life and children to nurture. I met Dr. King, and was honored to learn at his side. We grew close at Selma. We suffered the sting of de facto segregation in Chicago and its suburbs. We marched, confronting injustice with nonviolent protest. Nonviolence demanded discipline in the face of provocation, love in the face of hate. Many were injured; some gave their lives. The blood of the martyrs haunted us but propelled us. And that movement transformed America. After Dr. King was taken from us, I fought to make his dream real. But the war on poverty was lost in the rice paddies of Vietnam. Our agenda

couldn’t get a hearing. We began a drive to register African-Americans to vote. After seeking out other candidates, I decided to take our case to the American people, running for president in 1984 and 1988. We registered millions, and helped change the national agenda. And 20 years later, I was blessed to be in Grant Park celebrating the election of Barack Obama. I imagine sometimes the struggle for equal rights as a symphony. The first movement — with the clash of chains and the cannons of war — was to end slavery, culminating in the Civil War, the Civil Rights Amendments to the Constitution and a Reconstruction Please see JACKSON page 7

Republicans willing to dance with Devil to win The Last Word By Dr. Julianne Malveaux

NNPA Newswire Columnist

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is anticipating a Trump win in November. Or, at least, he is preparing for it. He says that if Republicans hold sway in the White House, the House and the Senate, he plans to use budget reconciliation to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) and give tax cuts to the wealthy. Ryan says he will not even attempt any bipartisanship, as he shoves his regressive agenda down the throats of our people. Instead, he says that he can make it work, especially if he has a Trump White House. This is, perhaps, why Republicans who appear to have at least a little bit of good sense are going for Trump’s nonsense. They know that Mr. Trump, with his head in the cloud and his rhetoric in the gutter, will let them get away with anything they want. He will agree to their tax cuts, because they coincide with his agenda to reward the wealthy. Trump will go along with cuts to

Obamacare, because he wasn’t loving it in the first place. He will let conservative Republicans hold sway, especially if they reward him with their votes in November. Paul Ryan calls his plan a “Better Way� policy agenda. It is an aggressive move that assumes that Republicans will control both the House and the Senate. They might not – if people vote, and vote down ballot, there is a real chance that Democrats can control the Senate. The House is a much bigger challenge, and it is likely that Republicans will continue to hold sway in the house. But there are too many folks who say they won’t vote, and their votes could make a real difference. In Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Florida (among other states), those who choose to refrain from voting are really voting for a Trump-Ryan agenda. The attack on Obamacare is especially problematic. While the President’s Affordable Care Act is clearly flawed, it expanded health insurance for more than 20 million people. It isn’t the desired single payer care, but it provides opportunity and takes the first step in expanding the social contract since the Roosevelt years. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) can be used as a foundation

to expand health insurance coverage and, in my mind, get us closer to the ultimate goal of a single-payer system. But legislators rejected the single-payer plan that Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Ma) proposed for decades. The Affordable Care Act is a compromise. We need to move forward in improving the ACA, not backward in repealing it. Trump and Ryan would restrict access to health care instead of expanding it. According to Politico, Paul Ryan thinks that a divided government contributes to gridlock. He’d be happy if the presidency, the House of Representatives, and the United States Senate were all controlled by Republicans. What about the rest of us? Does he see our voice in this? Not according to Ryan. He tells Politico “I’m tired of divided government. It doesn’t work very well.� He seems to ignore the fact that there are legitimate differences among legislators and that these differences need to be worked out. He is uninterested in compromise. Instead, he wants to shove his position down the throats of other people. Paul Ryan has explicitly called Donald Trump a racist. He has eschewed many of his policies. Other Republicans have been openly repulsed by

their bellicose standard bearer and disturbed by his racist bluster and his wacky rhetoric, but they have thrown their discernment to the wind, embracing the man they have described as a rabid racist, because they prefer him to an embrace of integrity. As we count down to the November 8 election, people are coming forward to say they are either undecided, conflicted, or would rather vote for a third party candidate, because they can’t tolerate Clinton Trump. The bottom line is that either Clinton or Trump will win the Presidency. Really. Those Republicans who support Trump are openly supporting evil. They will dance with the devil to their detriment. African Americans, especially, need to look at what Trump has promised. He has promised discrimination. He has described our lives as hell. He has been a bully and a documented discriminator. He has been too much. He should be enough to repel us. Paul Ryan has called Trump a racist, but he is willing to dance with the devil because it serves his purposes. What about you? Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest book “Are We Better Off? Race, Obama and Public Policy� is available via www.amazon.com

Week of October 19, 2016


HALL: Politics, Poverty and the P Word!

Quit Playin’ By Vincent Hall Obviously this is an aggregation of three topics that Donald Trump has no concept of or serious knowledge about. In fact his brand of braggadocios and blubber has helped me coin a new phrase. I blended ignorance and arrogance to create; “Ignarrogance.” Donald Trump does not just suffer from “Affluenza” we can safely add Ignarrogance to his list of cognitive disabilities. As it relates to politics, Trump and the whiny sheep that flock to him are politically challenged. Is the political system rigged? Hell yes! Democracy demands that the majority by whatever manner it is calculated, rules. Were slavery, denying women the right to vote, Japanese interment or the election of 43 White male presidents rigged systems? Hell yes! Do what the oppressed have always done…Overcome!!! Even basketball is rigged. It doesn’t matter how great your jump shot, if you can’t traverse the court without double-dribbling,

you can’t win. Politics, like basPresident Obama and his ketball has rules. framers will be known as Trump is bitching vociferousthe most politically astute ly about the same media that in history. Especially as the undermined his 16 formidable vastness of America’s enand politically accomplished sconced racism is being unopponents. Most politicians covered by Trumpism. conjectured that Trump was VP wannabee Mike Pence the weakest and least qualified is a convincing prevaricator of them all. and a seasoned politician. Someone needs to tell this The problem is that Trump’s “Dreamsicle” toned troglodyte, Ignarrogance won’t allow that it’s called political science him to listen to talented for a reason. Politics, at the lifelong GOP politicians and Reverend Damien Durr state, national and multinational operatives. level, involve more of the scienMy favorite comedic host; tific disciplines than any other. Bill Maher, recited these poll facts. “When Politics and political movements employ asked does the earth go around the sun or the sciences of math, accounting, statistics, does the sun go around the earth, 25% of psychology, ecology, theology, sociology, Americans got it wrong. 35% of Americans drama, education, law and almost any other cannot name one branch of government; science you can name. only 36% can name all three. 80% of AmerTrump believes he has created a “move- icans think the sacred Islamic holiday; Ramament like never none ever before,” but lily- dan is the cheap non-healthy noodle college white lynch mobs aren’t new. kids live on.” William Jefferson Clinton and George W. One has to wonder if Trump was among Bush may look like idiots beyond their re- these respondents. spective fan bases, but they were smart My philosophy is that the aim of politics enough to assemble and listen to teams that should always be to address and eliminate could navigate and negotiate victory; twice! poverty. But for the politician, poverty must


be more than “living in bad neighborhoods where people get shot.” Most of America suffers from some form of poverty as described in the preachments of Reverend Damien Durr, a young social justice advocate. Durr advanced that there are “Five spheres of poverty. Economic; I have no bread, Political; I have no power, Spiritual; I have no hope, Physical; I have no health, Cultural; I have no name.” The five facets of poverty are no doubt more obvious among “The Blacks.” But as you peruse persistent issues like sexual assault, gay bashing, immigrant abuse and the growing number of White males who commit suicide and turn to meth and heroine in desperation, you realize that America’s poverty rate is close to 50%. Americans in poverty are a problem that the Ignarrogance of Donald Trump cannot begin to address. Oh yeah; and then there was the last “P Word” subject. Believe me; any man who has to brag to another man about “how or how much” he gets doesn’t have a clue. Donald Trump knows very little about politics, poverty or that other P Word. Vincent Hall is an author, activist and award-winning journalist.

SHARPTON: Presidential Debate: What Was Left Out SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER

By Rev Al Sharpton

NNPA Newswire Columnist

As I watched the second Presidential debate last night, I was mindful of the fact that several topics were simply ignored and not even brought up by either the moderators or the candidates themselves. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are running to be President of the United States — a position that entails not only handling domestic situations, but also serving as one of the most pertinent figures on the world stage. And yesterday, in front of an international audience (thanks to technology), there was no mention of Haiti when the latest reports

show that over 1,000 people have died from the devastation of hurricane Matthew. Back here at home, police and criminal justice reform are core issues that many communiHillary Clinton ties are pushing for continuously. How could this debate, taking place 15 miles from Ferguson, in the shadows of where Michael Brown was killed, fail to even touch on this important subject? Ignoring our concerns is continuing to marginalize us and we refuse to be left out. Reuters reported today that Haiti started burying some of its dead in mass graves as over 1,000 people died, and now some 1.4 million are in need of humanitarian as-

sistance. Doctors are warning of a cholera crisis and sadly, more deaths can be expected as disease spreads. How can we have a Presidential debate at the same time that Donald Trump such a huge tragedy is taking place in the western hemisphere and it’s not even mentioned? If over a 1,000 people died in another part of the world, the debate would have opened with a question about it. We would be lying to ourselves if we think otherwise. Even when it comes to the subject of immigration, why are the high number of Haitian deportations never discussed? These are glaring omissions that we cannot just gloss over — nor should we.

Two years ago, we at National Action Network were organizing rallies and pushing to get justice for Eric Garner who died after being placed in a police chokehold in Staten Island. While calling for accountability and reform in this case, another tragedy took place a few weeks later in Ferguson, MO when 18-yearold Michael Brown was shot and killed by police. The issues that we raised with Garner’s death, Brown’s death and others through the years were not even uttered on the debate stage Sunday night. The rallying cry for criminal justice reform has now gained support from both the left and the right, but somehow there wasn’t even one question about it. As communities of color and the poor continue to suffer the most from harsh poPlease see SHARPTON page 7



Community Calendar

Roots celebrates the connection we have with plants and their extension to our ancestors. The work featured is from the “Garden Series” and contains plants obtained primarily from the Alisa’s family garden *****

The South Dallas Cultural Center is located at 3400 S. Fitzhugh Ave. Dallas, Texas 75215. For more information or to schedule a tour for your group call 214-670-1998. Admission is FREE

C.C RUSSEAU BLACK AND GOLD 2016 SCHOLARSHIP GALA ALPHA PHI ALPHA Fraternity “Standing on the past, looking to the future” at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel 400 N. Olive St. Dallas TX, 75201

***** Free Reading Tutoring Dallas Public Library; 1515 Young, Dallas 75201. Learn to read better program for adults. 214-671-8291; http://www.dallaslibrary.org/literacy ***** Community Lawyering Center Open for Business - Mondays – Saturdays; days and evenings by appointment. 4716 Elsie Faye Heggins, Dallas, 75210. For info, call: 469-351-0024 or x0025 ***** Dallas Theater Center World Premiere Musical, Bella: An American Tall Tale, -2400 Flora Street in the AT&T Performing Arts Center. Full Run: Sept. 22 – Oct. 22, 2016 • 214-880-0202 or www.DallasTheaterCenter.org Paul Quinn College celebrates 2016 Homecoming, November 3rd thru 6th, celebrating 144 years of nationbuilding... “Greatness: One Step At A Time”

Candidates for elected positions serving Dallas, Denton and Collin Counties will participate in a moderated forum sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter (NDSA), in partnership with Plano North Metroplex Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. The Candidates Forum will be held at Sheffield Intermediate School, 18111 Kelly Blvd. Dallas, TX 75287 at 7 p.m.

October 21 90th Annual Awards Banquet 2016The Dallas Black Chamber’s Annual Award Banquet is celebrating 90 years of constructive leadership in the African-American business community. The highlight of the event is the giving of the Thomas L. Houston Community Service Award, established in 1985 to honor individuals who have made significant volunteer contributions to the civic enhancement of Dallas’ African American Community. The keynote speaker for this special event is Antoinette Tuff, an Atlanta educator who saved a school under siege by a gunman. 6:00 PM thru 8:00 PM

October 22 The Kids Ultimate Fitness Challenge is the nations largest mobile fitness event traveling from coast-to-coast dedicated to helping keep kids healthy and active. At the Kids Ultimate Fitness Challenge, kids of all ages get the opportunity to flex their physical fitness by participating in a timebased obstacle course that includes sprinting, jump roping, wall crawls, hurdles, jumping jacks, sit ups, and tunnel crawls, before finishing off the course with a 20 foot confidence climb and 60 meter dash to the finish. It will be from 10am until 6pm at the University of Texas at Dallas. ***** #CommunityConversations! Discuss important topics such as #VotingRights #Redistricting #Homelessness #Education this our time to make our voices heard by our ballots! From 10 am - 12 PM. Tarrent County Administration Building 3500 Miller Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76119


HOWLING FUN HALLOWEEN AT REUNION TOWER- Come to Reunion Tower to make your Halloween UN-BOO-LIEVABLE! On October 29, boys and ghouls get half off admission tickets to the GeO-Deck when they come in costume. Offer is valid for kids 12 and under. Enjoy Halloween themed activity sheets and design your own paper pumpkin with crayons. Cloud Nine Café will offer light snacks, including creepy cocktails for “mummies” and daddies. $16 Adults; $8 for children ages 4-12; $14 for Seniors TRINITY RIVER WIND FESTIVAL The Trinity River Wind Festival brings together a unique set of elements. The location is in the Dallas Floodway near the Trinity River providing festival goers close access to this natural resource. The free festival is full of wind-driven recreational fun for people of all ages. From 11:00am - 5:00am 111 W. Commerce Street Dallas, TX 75207

kin Festivals” according to Fodor’s Travel and “One of the World’s 15 Most Breathtaking Gardens” by Architectural Digest. This year’s Pumpkin Village will highlight the “Art of the Pumpkin”, through November 23, featuring over 90,000 pumpkins, gourds and squash by the talented horticulture team 8525 Garland Road Dallas, TX 75218 Adele will return to North America for her first tour in five years. She will come to Dallas for two nights on November 1 & 2, 2016. Tickets on sale at 2500 Victory Avenue Dallas, TX 75219

November 3 John P. Kee & NEW LIFE LIVE Same night, Same stage! Bring back the Hymns Live Limitless Church 3838 Spur 408 Dallas TX Tickets $17 online, $25 at door, $30 VIP- Online only

November 5

October 23 HARAMBEE FEST Martin Luther King Center, Dallas

October 19

Dallas Mavs vs. Houston Rockets 7:30pm

CAF Wings Over Dallas WWII Airshow at Dallas Executive Airport (DEA) presented by Frost Bank. The event will commemorate the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor and feature TORA! TORA! TORA!, an award winning re-creation of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. Tickets are on sale at www. wingsoverdallas.org with advance purchase discounts available. From 10AM - 7PM, 5303 Challenger Dr. Dallas, TX 75376

Week of October 19, 2016

LegnA Entertainment and Shawn Ghotti Entertainment will serve as the exclusive presenting partners of ATL INVASION headlining Atlanta rappers T.I. and 2 Chainz that will be hosted by K104 FM’s personality Hollywood Bay Bay-The Ambassador taking place on Sunday, October 23 at The Bomb Factory.

October 28

Early Voting Day Party Noon to 5:00pm Tutta’s Pizza at Record & Ross in the West End Free Appetizers (provided by St. Luke Community United Methodist Church) Short walk to polling location at 2pm; Free drink tickets to first 100 people that return to the party from the polls with an “I Voted” sticker; happy hour prices al day; and DJ Flip spinning throughout.

October 30

HOMECOMING THE AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSEUM, DALLAS PRESENTS THE SCOTT JOPLIN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA OF HOUSTON 5PM at the Black Academy of Arts & Letters on 1319 Canton, Dallas, TX 75202. Benefiting the South Dallas Children’s Choir. Ticket Available at the African American Museum or www.ticketmaster.com ****** ICDC Kick-off reception for the formal 30th anniversary celebration, Our Journey to Thirty... an exhibition celebrating the 30th anniversary of ICDC.

November 4

Xi Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. presents Masquerade Ball on Greek Street honoring the local community leaders and raising scholarship funds for local students 1010 N. Collins Street - Entertainment & Event Center, ***** PCCenter’s 15th Anniversary Celebration, 11am-2pm, 1229 East Pleasant Run Road, Suite 302, DeSoto, TX 75115. Come and network with other community volunteers at the Job Fair, Community Services Event, and High School Completion Rally.

October 29

The Annual Halloween Street Party 2016. The Oaklawn Street Party which has turned into a major Dallas event returns Saturday, October 29, 2016 (the Saturday before Halloween) from 7pm to 2am, 3900 block of Cedar Springs. ***** COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE ANNOUNCES 2016 WINGS OVER DALLAS WWII AIRSHOW - The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) announces the first


***** AFRICAN FASHION SUMMIT PRESENTS: SHADES OF DIVERSITY Tickets available at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/dallas-fashion-week-vendor-opportunities-african-american-fashion-exp o-tickets-16367640052

October 31

SWEET N’ TREAT Halloween event in Grand Prairie! Participants will enjoy FREE games, face painting, kid’s crafts, and trick-or-treating at the Farmers Market! Prepare to dress to impress, ask “Trick-or-Treat” and bring a large bucket for candy! From 7 PM - 9PM . 120 W. Main Street Grand Prairie, TX 75050

November 1 AUTUMN AT THE ARBORETUM With the welcome change of seasons comes one of “America’s Best Pump-

“An Evening with Kim Fields” Friday, 4 & Saturday, 5 @ 8:15pm Clarence Muse Café Theatre $20 Wooing millions worldwide on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and a stint run on ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta,’ veteran actress and director, KIM FIELDS is back at one of her favorite home-base theatres performing an evening montage about the facts of her life with laughter, a few tears, amazing stories and some great music! Get up close and personal as Fields takes the audience on her 40-year journey in showbiz! Hosted by Board Member Gwendolyn Hunt.

NOVEMBER 5 24-HOUR FILMFEAST Featuring the Films of Thomas Allen Harris 12Noon- Clarence Muse Café Theatre $5 - Screening and Talk Two award-winning directors and producers, THOMAS ALLEN HARRIS and DON PERRY illuminate the Human Condition and the search for identity, family, and spirituality in their films. A clear vision and voices in America Cinema, Harris and Perry will be on hand to share their incredible knowledge and experience in a one-on-one talk back. Hosted by Board Member Shari Lamb.


Week of October 19, 2016

Kevin Hart kills in new stand-up “What Now?” By Dwight Brown

(NNPA Newswire Film Critic)

Has success spoiled Kevin Hart? Forbes Magazine lists him as 2016’s highest paid comedian with an annual income of $87.5 million, from June 1, 2015, to June 1, 2016. Unlike many of his cohorts (Jerry Seinfeld, etc.) Hart makes lots of his income from live performances in large stadiums where he can earn $1 million a pop. So, it’s fitting that his latest live concert film was shot outdoors at Philadelphia’s Lincoln Financial Field, in Hart’s hometown. Fifty thousand people ate up his bawdy, personal humor like they were famished. Spoiled by success? Maybe. Spoiled by his fans? Definitely, yes The ninety-six minutes of hilarity opens with a mock James Bond shtick over the titles that segues into Hart hooking up with Halle Berry as they scheme and con some crooks out of their money at a casino’s no-limit poker table. The spoof is funny (written by Hart), unexpected and features a cameo by a profanity-spewing Don Cheadle as Hart gets under his skin. Hart: “Don’t you have an empty room at Hotel Rwanda?” Clad in a tight-fitting black muscle T-shirt and a fancy gold-jeweled necklace he takes center stage, staring out into a record-setting night. He’s filled a football stadium, every seat, ardent fans and a very multicultural audience.

They’ve come to see a brand of comedy that eschews politics, topical news and social issues. The humor sticks to Hart’s personal life, kids, fiancée and sexual prowess (he calls satisfying his paramour “Operation put a hole in your back”), or lack thereof. Scatological humor, penis jokes, sex toys—nothing is off the table. One of the reasons Hart’s game is so prime for live performances is that fans can see him up close or on jumbo screens as he doles out his brand of physical humor. He stalks the stage, mimics odd characters (a woman with one shoulder, a man with no knee caps), prances, dances, makes funny faces and bugs his eyes out like he just saw his mother naked. It’s all intricately intertwined with an endless supply of anecdotes. It’s enough to make you laugh so hard you’ll wet yourself.

Sharpton on the debate, lice tactics, disproportionate summonses, arrests, tougher sentences and more, we need to know precisely where the candidates stand on these issues. What will either Clinton or Trump do to stop unjustified police killings, or to reform policing in America? What kind of Attorney General would they nominate? What kinds of recommendations from President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing would they implement? These are all extremely relevant and pertinent questions that were completely left out of this second Presidential debate. As a civil rights leader, much of my work has focused on fighting on behalf of the voiceless, advocating for justice and ensuring that we have a seat at the table. When people already face societal inequities, ignoring their concerns is not alleviating those inequalities

The best joke line involves Hart sending his seven-year-old son out to empty the trashcans at the end of their long driveway, in the ‘burbs of Southern California. Standing at the door he hears his kid yell and sees him start running towards the house. It’s as if he’s being chased by a mountain lion. Hart slams the door, locking the offspring out so he can protect himself. It’s an outrageously funny bit that highlights his keen ability to tell stories that become so crazy and graphic you think that you witnessed the whole thing firsthand. Director Leslie Small (“Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain”) guides the concert footage with little fanfare and lots of close-ups of folks in hysterics. Peter S. Elliot and Guy Harding cut the footage down to a tight hour and a half. It’s just enough time for Hart to do his thing

continued from page 5

- it is simply disenfranchising them further. Social exclusion is a real thing and we saw it on full display during this debate. Whether done on purpose or subconsciously, the moderators and candidates simply left out certain topics and challenges that we need solutions and answers for. When people sometimes ask why I continue to organize and march, this is why. We cannot afford to be left out. We must raise our voices ourselves.We refuse to be further silenced. And we can’t have drive-by shooting candidates or moderators; the tasks before us are far too great, and we need to know who is and who isn’t up to the challenge. Rev. Al Sharpton is a civil rights leader, activist, and founder and President of National Action Network (NAN). He has dedicated his life to the fight for justice and equality.



and not wear out his welcome. Tim Story is credited with directing the James Bond segments, which are fairly intriguing and fill out some crucial time, otherwise this live performance film would barely last 80 minutes. Be prepared to laugh. Be prepared to sit through some routines that are not as funny as others. What gets you over the rough spots is this diminutive comedian’s uncanny ability to welcome you into his life, like he’s invited you over for a poker game and he’s just telling you what happened to him the past week—no holds barred. Any comic who is willing to talk about the skid marks in his white underwear has no compunction about putting it all out there to get a laugh. That kind of attention-needy humor is what gets 40 million fans to follow him on social media. If you’re in his corner, this film will hit your funny bone. If you’re not, he’s trying to win you over. Hart says, “If we can laugh together, we can live together.” It’s a branding slogan that’s too long to put on a welcome mat, but you’ll get the point. Dwight Brown is a film critic and travel writer. As a film critic, he regularly attends international film festivals including Cannes, Sundance, Toronto and the American Black Film Festival. Read more movie reviews by Dwight Brown here and at DwightBrownInk.com.

cont. from page 4

that showed the potential of multiracial coalition politics. The second movement began with the drums of reaction — the Klan, the Supreme Court legalizing apartheid, to its shame, 100 years of segregation. But the symphony ends with trumpets hailing the triumph of the civil rights movement — the Supreme Court outlawing segregated schools, the opening of public accommodations, the Voting Rights Act. Dr. King left us, and the third movement — the movement for equal opportunity and for economic justice — remains unfinished. The racial wealth gap yawns at record levels. Poverty disproportionately blights the lives of too many black mothers and babies. The systemic bias of our criminal justice systems

literally takes lives, as we’ve witnessed over and over again. We have a long way to go. At 75, I see how far we have come. Our progress has always come from struggle and sacrifice. The powerful do not dispense change; the people must demand it. And now, I am buoyed by the movements that are stirring — by Black Lives Matter, the Dreamers, the Fight for $15, and the Democracy movement pushing back against attacks on voting rights and the poison of big money. In my lifetime, the civil rights movement has made America better. Our diversity is now our strength. Doors once locked have been forced open. We reject those who would divide us along lines of race or religion or region. And we continue to work, to march, to demonstrate and to push for a more perfect union. At 75, I celebrate my blessings.


Activists hold rally

Community activists address store worker at TMA Convenience Store. They inform him that there will be a rally Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at sure that we do not exterminate each other in the meantime.” Gathered across the street from a convenience store in the 2300 block of 2nd Street, speakers at a news conference criticized businesses for what some called encouraging criminal activity resulting in the second shooting in less than a week. “It’s important for us to note that anytime young people hang out on corners, things like this keep happening,” said Thomas Muhammad of the National Black United Front - Dallas Chapter. “People claim territory and we’re calling on store owners to tell them, ‘If you’re not shopping, move around.’” Former Dallas City Councilwoman Carolyn Davis echoed the sentiments of many as she discussed the work that was done in the area during her tenure. “We dealt with several stores, making sure they had things to operate and be good neighborhood stores,” she said, pointing around to different street corners. “The responsibilities have to lie on someone. Every Saturday and Sunday this area, and others in our communities, are filled with people hanging out.” While some are just neighborhood people playing dominoes and having fun, she acknowledged, there are also those who are dealing with drugs, being violent, promoting the criminal element and terrorizing upstanding citizens. “Time is out for this craziness,” she continued. “I shouldn’t have to run again (for re-election) to make sure these things don’t happen. We must work with Dallas Police Department, work with the community and deal with mental health issues.” Min. Alexander said the problem can and will be fixed pointing out that the rally on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 2302 South Second Avenue, at 6:30p.m. is just the beginning. “We have to fix the problem. This baby (7-year old shooting victim) has called us out here to say enough is enough.” Referencing the coalition gathered for the press conference, Minister Shaheed Muhammad, of the Nation of Islam’s Muhammad’s Mosque #48, said, “Unity is more powerful than the atomic bomb. We’re assembling 10,000 people and we are going block to block, street to street. We’re going to be hands on in this community.” Extending prayers to the victims and their families, Thomas Glover,

Week of October 19, 2016


continued from front page

6:30p.m. at 2302 South Second Street in Dallas. They also ask him to work with local police to discourage loitering.

president of the Black Police Association of Greater Dallas, in a written statement said, “As an association of professional law enforcement officers, we vigorously oppose the senseless violence that produces victims of all ages. The Black Police Association believes that the preservation of life and the safety of our citizens must outweigh any other agenda. “Stopping this endless chain of violence is a cause that must not be bound by race, gender, religion, or political views, but by the human virtue of doing what is right.” According to Glover, the association “vigorously supports” seeking a solution to the violent crime problems plaguing the city. Following the press conference members of the coalition went across to visit with the store owner about the activity around the TMA Convenience Store. Ms. Davis informed the worker that his boss should have a sign dis-

played that will alert police officers that loiterers are not welcome. The worker, who wanted to remain anonymous, but later divulged more information, said that his store was not the problem. He talked about wanting to work with police and the community, noting that he has a good relationship and that “this store has never been robbed in over 30 years.” “I know this community and I have a good relationships with people. I see the problem and it is not this store,” he said, adding that he was frustrated that his store was being targeted. Acknowledging that his store sells primarily beer, cigarettes and chips, he said they also sell a “legal” piece of paraphernalia that is sued to smoke Crack. That admission was enough to send some of the group into an agitated state as they called for a boycott of the store.

Week of October 19, 2016





Dating My Ex-Husband’s ‘Twin’

Ask Alma:

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by Alma Gill

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Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and Twitter @almaaskalma.

Dear Alma, I am new to your page. I am 50 years old, all my kids are grown and out of the house. I have been divorced over three years, and now I’ve been seeing someone for the past 7 months. For real, it’s like he is my ex’s twin brother, and yes I love him. But my ex calls me once a week. We’ve even talked about getting back together. But now I am in love with two men. Is that wrong? Let me be clear, I don’t want my ex back. They both are 42 years old. My ex’s birthday is 4/26/72 my boyfriend 9/24/72, they both are dark skin and bald headed. They both are around 5’6” and have the same build. Neither likes to drink or smoke. They both love to go to movies and out to dinner. I’m telling you, he likes the same thing my ex does. So it’s kind of hard for me to get my ex out my system. When my new boyfriend, reminds me of my ex, and I do mean in every way, even the love making, the caressing, it’s like my ex sent him to me to replace him. So I am just at a lost right now. Even though we are divorced, and I still love him, and he has moved on. Confused Dear Confused, Although you say, you don’t want your ex-husband back, you talk to him regularly and you’re openly discussing the possibility of a reconciliation. Hmmm, what is that about Mz. Lady? Couples divorce because what’s broken can’t be fixed and they’ve exhausted all their options. My advice to you is to leave those broken pieces on the floor and start anew. Step away from your conjugal comfort zone, where you’re still snug, as a bug in a rug with your ex. Let him go and pay attention to the man who’s standing in front of you before he becomes a distant memory. Can you imagine how he’d feel if he knew you were comparing him

Week of October 19, 2016


to your ex? That’s so totally disrespectful on your part. I mean really, let’s flip this wig for a minute – if your new Boo described you as a “carbon copy cutie” from his past, you’d be livid! In your descriptions, you didn’t touch on the character of either man, just the physical and visual similarities. That could just be defined as your type, liking or preference, not the reincarnation of another man’s twin. Frankly my dear, when you make comparisons, you allow yourself to give life to your insecurities. Stop seeking comfort in your ex-husbands ConFunkShun. It’s time for you to exit his “Love Train.” Like you said, he’s moved on, it’s been three years, now so should you. By now at our age, we’ve learned, “not everybody that you love will love you back.” And let’s take it one step further, “not everybody you love deserves to be loved by you.” Can I get ah amen! Let him go sweetie, don’t be afraid. Release what’s behind you and embrace what’s in front of you. Just because you don’t know what’s around the corner of life, doesn’t mean it isn’t something that’s good for you. Cuddle up to 50 with aplomb, live to embrace what’s unfamiliar. It builds character and makes you sexy, self-assured and resilient. Ex-husbands are ex’s for a reason; forgive him, but don’t forget why he’s no longer your husband. When you’re experiencing real love, no one else matters but that person. Sharing that part of your heart, the value, the respect and the admiration can only be directed towards one person. Real, authentic, mature love exists between two people. It becomes a union that is so intertwined, there’s no space or time for a side piece. Alma

Week of October 19, 2016






Week of October 19, 2016

Faith is a Verb Spiritually Speaking by James A. Washington

Scripture says you should live your life in such a way that those around you can see the Jesus in you. “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. I know that sounds good. But what does it really mean? The only explanation that works for me is the one that talks about service, i.e. doing something in the name of the Lord. I still believe faith is a verb. We all know no one can live a perfect life. But it shouldn’t take a district attorney’s cross-examination to figure out where a person is coming from. The man who professes to love Jesus shouldn’t be okay with cheating on his wife, be content with a life of crime, or rationalize illicit sex, drugs and satanic rock and roll. If so, then the Lord cannot be your leader, nor Christ your example. We’ve all done it to some degree, but at some point in your supposed walk with God, your behavior, your obedience, your principles and integrity must shine through. Perfection may be impossible, but serious effort is not only possible, it’s mandatory. You’ve got to give it your best shot each and every day. You can and will fall short, but it shouldn’t be for lack of effort. I forget who said, if you try you might fail. But if you don’t try, you’re guaranteed to fail. Please note that God requires effort. Allow me to testify about what I know to be true. My Bible says the closer we come to Jesus, the more we experience the blessings of God. And why wouldn’t we?

After all, those are Jesus’ footprints in the snow. The path to righteousness is clear. The goal is simple. Be in right relationship with God. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be given you as well.” Matthew 6:33. This ‘seeking’ to me has always meant working in some capacity. Jesus said, “As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent me.” John 9:4. Now none of us has Jesus’ pedigree, but I am not opposed to working for what I want. I’ve done it all my life. You probably have too. So the important question is how hard are you willing to work knowing that your very soul is at stake? Just what are you willing to do to let the world know who you are and whose you are? The good news of the gospel makes it clear that this is easy, if not ridiculously easy. Love God and love your neighbor. In this context love is a verb. Do enough so that the Jesus in you meets the Jesus in me. Do something, anything, that another person can’t mistake for anything else but kindness from above. For me, I’m asking God to walk with me in an effort to witness (see this column). I don’t exactly have it down yet. I’m finding that it’s not something you can study. I do know it’s triggered by the recognition that somebody needs to hear, in my case read, a word from God. You should know that at that particular moment, God has chosen you to deliver His Word. So open your mouth and speak. This work that I am trying to focus on is recognizing that I must let go and let God use me to uplift another human being. For those of you who are used to this, you know this is a very humbling experience. But, “…If a man will not work, he shall not eat…And as for you brothers, never tire of doing what is right…” Thessalonians 3:10-13. In the vernacular of the day, get up. It’s time to get busy. May God bless and keep you forever.

Do you know this man?

Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? Will it matter when it is your sister, mother, aunt or grandmother or maybe YOU?

STAR COURT You are invited to attend the Graduation Celebration of The Dallas County

STAR Court Diversion Program Graduates Monday October 24th at 2pm Frank Crowley Criminal Court Bldg., 7th Fl. Criminal District Court 7 133 N. Riverfront Blvd. Dallas, Texas Prostitution, Drug Rehabilitation and Mental Health Judge Elizabeth Frizell, Presiding Judge Criminal District Court 7


POLICE have not apprehended “Pookie” the serial rapist. We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers


Week of October 19, 2016

Three key skills Vanessa Morrison is a HR copywriter, a New Hire Consultant/ Coach. She has been in business for seven years writing resumes and now teaches others and is the author of Maximize Your Job Success Series, most recently Maximize Your Job Success – Writing Your Resume – 8 Essentials to Get HR’s Attention to be released this fall. For speaking engagements, you can contact her at 214-8105790. You can submit your questions about your resume to resumereminders@gmail.com.

Ask Vanessa addresses the most common issues regarding resumes. From time to time there will be an article written on trends concerning the resume, as well as articles pertaining to resumes and interviews. Let’s continue in the vain that I’m in and go to the next section. I’m talking about Competencies or Key Skills. But what does “key skills” mean and how many should you list? An effective resume usually looks at three different key skills: 1) Job Specific Skills, 2) Transferable Skills, and 3) Adaptive Skills 1) Job Specific Skills Job specific skills are the obvious choice for you to include in the Key Skills section. They are skills gained directly from doing a certain job currently or in the past. They are skills gained directly from doing a certain job currently or in the past. For example, the job specific skills of a translator would be the daily output of translated words per day in a specific language, etc. 2) Transferable Skills Transferable skills are skills you gained in one profession that are also beneficial in other job fields. For example, presentation skills, time management skills, and customer service skills are all things which “transfer” well between multiple positions. 3) Adaptive Skills At first sight, adaptive skills are pretty similar to transferable skills. They are however even more general than transferable skills. A good example of an adaptive skill would be one’s ability to work “independently” or one’s level of “reliability”. How many should you list? As a rule of thumb, you should list job posting relevant skills that make you look like the perfect match for the position. Don’t make them overly long. No one likes to read long chunks of text or an endless list of bullet points. So, now that you know the three kinds of skills. Go for it and try it out! If you liked this article and want to submit your question about your resume. Do so, at copywritersmarket@gmail.com. For speaking engagements, you can contact her at 214-810-5790.





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Week of October 19, 2016


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Week of October 19, 2016


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