33 minute read

Life as a boarder: Tanna Bellotti

Tanna Bellotti Boarding House Captain (2023)

Why did your parents decide to send you to Penrhos? What did you find most challenging or difficult in your first few weeks?

After researching a number of schools Penrhos College fitted all of the expectations for my future development, with a culturally diverse and inclusive environment.

Penrhos had a great Indigenous group called Ngala Maya which immediately caught my attention as I wanted to grow my connection to others and country.

How did you feel when you first came to Penrhos?

What I found most difficult was being away from my family since we are such a close-knit family. But soon after settling in I realised I had found a second home and family who helped and encouraged me to become independent and strive for the highest.

How often do you travel home to Carnarvon to spend time with your family?

I travel back to Carnarvon on nearly every mid-term break and holiday but find with my independence and new relationships I spend time with other Penrhos families building new connections and exploring opportunities that the city has to offer.

Does your family come to visit you here at the Boarding House?

With the ease which the Boarding House accommodates for families to visit, my family takes every opportunity they can to come visit me.

At first, I was nervous as I was moving away from my family and from my small country town to the big city but the warm, welcoming nature of the school and everyone in it made me feel at home straight away.

Something that supported me greatly was the buddy system in the Boarding House, my buddy helped me navigate all the things that boarding at Penrhos College brings.

What are the benefits of being a boarding student at Penrhos?

Some benefits of being a boarding student at Penrhos is the independence granted as you progress through each year allowing for personal development and wiser decision making.

Another benefit is the strong friendships and connections that are encouraged in the kind environment by other peers and Penrhos staff.

What has your highlight been while Boarding at Penrhos?

One of the many great highlights I have achieved while Boarding at Penrhos is being a member of the Boarding House netball team which were lucky enough to win the 2022 Netball Grand Final.

As a MADALAH scholarship student, Penrhos embraces the many cultural, social and leadership events that MADALAH offers, which had really allowed for the transition through boarding to be easier.

What are your plans for Boarding House Captain next year?

My plans as Boarding House Captain for 2023 is to maintain and develop the inclusive and friendly environment of the Boarding House, I would love to guide and nurture the new families and students as they begin their pathway through the Penrhos boarding journey.

Meet the Board

2022 Board members

Chris Gee President

Sally Audeyev Vice President

Alistair Baron Secretary

Kay Kelly Treasurer

Bruce Broadbent Helen Jones Kay Lee Molly Delaney Simon Woods

Representatives from the College who sit on the Foundation Board:

Kalea Haran Principal

Stephen Cooper Director, Finance and Administration

Pip Lapelms Director, Marketing and Communications

Jaimi Rumbold Development Coordinator

Karen Ambrose Minutes Secretary

From the Penrhos Foundation President

Chris Gee Foundation President

This year, our much anticipated 70th anniversary year has been a special one, despite being one of the most Covid-affected years we’ve had so far. Mask mandates, capacity restrictions, and isolation requirements meant we needed to pivot and adjust, but certainly didn’t affect our strong Penrhos spirit, nor the commitment of the Penrhos Foundation to continuing to support the Penrhos community, and make plans for the future.

Significant work has gone on behind the scenes for the Foundation this year, with a focus on building a long-term plan for the future, which capitalises on our existing efforts and that will support the College’s future ambitions under the new strategic plan. With additional resources being put in place to support our goals, I look forward to a year of growth for the Foundation and our activities next year.

There are some exciting and significant aspirations for the College going forward and is important for the success of the College that we all work together to support the College for the benefit of all current and future students.

The Foundation has been thrilled to see the cooperation and collaboration across all areas of the College and its community through the process of developing Penrhos’ new strategic direction. We have continued to work closely with College Leadership and the College Council to provide support the future growth of the College, and we believe the new strategy is a fantastic evolution that will further support the College in setting our students up for a future with no limits.

Penrhos has a fantastic community, and culture of support. We are rich in resources – including students, staff, parents, alumni, and past community members – with an enormous contribution from all sides. I am confident this fantastic work will continue, and with the new strategic plan, I see our opportunity in the coming year is to continue to build and bring the community together for the benefit of the College and all of our community.

In line with the Foundation’s virtuous circle of giving, this year we have grown the Penrhos College Foundation’s Helping Hand initiative, where students and staff are encouraged to submit ideas for funding.

The Helping Hand initiative is in addition to our existing support for Parent Support Groups and the Foundation’s ongoing support for Penrhos’ Round Square membership which commenced in 2020.

We also once again ran a successful Tuition Fees Raffle, where the Gower family won $20,000 towards upcoming tuition fees. Read the full story on the next page.

In 2022, the Foundation was pleased to support the new fundraising initiative and annual tradition for Year 12 boarders, the Boarding House Flock of Birds. This year, and moving forward, Year 12 families will have the opportunity to gift a bird to their Year 12 boarders, symbolising spreading their wings into life after Penrhos College, whilst leaving their legacy within the corridors of the Boarding House for all the girls to come in the future. All money raised through the fundraising initiative will be invested back in the Boarding House by the Foundation for programs and initiatives the following year.

It is a privilege to have served the College in the capacity of President of the Penrhos College Foundation for the last year. As I learn more about our wonderful community and the opportunities for Foundation support, we are firmly committed to encouraging and growing more alumni and community engagement as part of our work. I would like to thank all my fellow board members, who generously give their time and expertise each year. In particular, I would like to acknowledge staff members who departed Penrhos this year, Paula Barrow and Sarah Woods, for their hard work and support and wish them success in their new roles.

A special thank you to the members of the Investment Committee for their continued work and communication with the Foundation’s Investment Adviser over a challenging year for investment markets. The Committee have continued to secure a long-term and disciplined approach, to manage the Foundation’s funds for the benefit of our current and future students.

I would additionally like to pass on my thanks to everyone beyond the Foundation Board for their support in 2022 – particularly to College staff, members of Council, members of the Alumni Committee, the many Parent Support Group representatives and to our generous donors.

I wish everyone a happy, safe and restful holiday break, and look forward to returning with a renewed vigour in 2023.

Thanks to our donors

The Penrhos College Foundation sincerely thanks the following donors, who have generously given to the College since June 2022.

T. Anderson Beulah Wines Boston Brewery Co. M & P. Cattle T & D. Cutts H. Dowzall C & S. Faulkner Fremantle Football Club M. Goonewardene A. Gunawan S. Hampson C. Hannah M & J. Hitchins Iconic Medispa D & G. Izzard R. Kempton K. Lee Penrhosian Club K. Pilatti Queen Status B. Rumford S. Strange L. Uppill R. Uppill

And the winner is...

Meet our 2023 Tuition Fees Raffle winner

What a wonderful surprise to end the year for the Gower family! Erin Gower held the lucky winning ticket for the 2023 Tuition Fees Raffle and will receive $20,000 credit towards her daughter’s tuition fees for 2023.

Erin said she was in shock when Foundation Board Member, Alistair Baron, called her on the night of the live draw at the annual Thank You Sundowner on Friday, 11 November.

“I was definitely not expecting to get the phone call but as soon as I heard the words ‘Good Evening Erin, it’s Alistair Baron from Penrhos’ my heart started racing and I had a rush of excitement, relief and disbelief all at the same time,” said Erin.

“Having won the tuition means one less thing to worry about for a little while. This will be a massive help for our family and a bit of relief knowing the winnings are going towards my daughter’s time at Penrhos”.

Erin urged everyone to give the raffle a go.

“I would definitely encourage people to have a go at the Raffle. It is not every day you get the chance to win a prize that can do so much for your family. I only got one ticket thinking there was no chance I would win but it is always good to participate and help give back”.

“We really appreciate everything the school has done and provided for our daughter during her first year at Penrhos. She is absolutely loving everything about Penrhos from her teachers, the classes she has and the amazing friends she has made along the way. We look forward to being a part of the Penrhos family over the next 5 years and beyond,” said Erin.

Community of giving

Since 1952, Penrhos College has been supported by its community, showing care for each other and the wider society. In the past the College ran the ‘For others’ program where students would start initiatives, fundraise, help and support the local community. This giving spirit still runs strong within Penrhos and has been growing throughout the younger girls.

Penrhos supports many key initiatives each year, including the Amanda Young Fair, the World’s Greatest Shave, the Christmas giving appeal, and continues to see new ideas start each year.

This year Penrhos held a Purple Bra Day event, in support of Breast Cancer Care WA – led by Year 9 student, Matilda Barrett.

Breast Cancer Care WA is an organisation that provides nursing care, counselling, financial support and practical resources for people in Western Australia facing breast cancer. The organisation is close to the heart for Matilda as they helped her family during her mother’s breast cancer diagnosis.

Purple Bra Day is an event that shows support for the organisation and it’s goals, while also spreading community awareness and of course raising much needed funds for the charity. On Purple Bra Day students wore purple accessories to help spread awareness and gave a gold coin donations. The Margaret Way Courtyard was also adorned with fabulous purple decorations, streamers and a giant purple bra. The day was a huge success – the initial goal was to raise $5,000 for Breast Cancer Care WA, however the Penrhos community dug deep and raised over $6,000 for the cause. Well done to all involved!

Zoe McAlpine, CEO of Breast Cancer Care WA sent a message to Matilda after seeing her initial email in March 2021 asking for ways she can give back to the community that supported her through the tough times. While waiting for confirmation of approval and a date to be set for Penrhos College to run Purple Bra Day, Matilda spent her time sewing drain bags for clients in active care and wrote personalised notes of inspiration for their clients. Zoe said “I’m so grateful to Matilda, Penrhos College and everyone involved in the Purple Bra Day fundraising – your incredible efforts will make a difference for so many WA families dealing with breast cancer.”

Matilda has shone in our community as a passionate and community minded person who wants to make the world a better place. Given her incredible efforts across all community service aspects, Matilda was also awarded the Junior Volunteer of the Year Award by the City of South Perth.

This award was given to Matilda for her noteworthy involvement in the local community, the significant impact she has made to community life, and her inspiring efforts in enhancing the local environment.

We are incredibly proud of Matilda and the work she has done in making a true difference in our community.

Photo gallery: Penrhos College events



7 2




1 - 6 Flower Day 7 - 8 Early Learning Centre Father’s Day


9 Early Learning Centre vet incursion 10 - 14 Production: The Wizard of Oz

12 3





15 16


20 21



15 - 16 Year 7 Movie Night 17 - 18 Junior School Father’s Day 19 - 21 Junior School Tea Time Concerts 22 - 24 Father Daughter Dinner 25 - 27 Staff vs Students volleyball game

24 17





Photo gallery: Penrhos College events



32 29



28 - 30 Year 9 Camp 31 - 32 Mother Daughter Dinner 33 - 34 Halfway Day 35 - 38 P-Day








43 40


46 41



48 49 50


39 - 41 Kindergarten - Year 1 Athletics Carnival 42 - 43 Year 7 Grandparents and Friends Day 44 - 45 Maths Night 46 - 47 Year 6 - 9 Swimming Carnival 48 - 50 Year 6 Celebration 51 - 53 Penrhosian Christmas Lunch

52 53

Extraordinary Women Norbert Fandry Life after Penrhos College Sonia Grant A Kobeelyan treasure

Extraordinary Women

Biannual magazine for the Penrhos alumni community

Extraordinary Women… and a few good men

In recognition of the members of our alumni who studied with us as boys (1952–early 1980s)


3From the President of the Alumni


4From the Old Kobeelyans' Association



Sonia Grant: A Kobeelyan treasure

6Life after Penrhos:

Norbert Fandry 8 Out and about

10 Class Reunions recap

11 Save the date: community events

COVER PHOTO Kobeelya, Katanning Painting by Norbert Fandry

From the President of the Alumni Committee

Helen Carr Alumni Committee President

The Penrhos Alumni Committee has enjoyed an exciting, rewarding, and successful year, keeping our alumni community well-connected through a busy calendar of 2022 events.

The much-loved Mother-Daughter Dinner is always a highlight of the Year 12 calendar and this year’s event was a truly memorable evening for our 2022 Leavers and their mums. Beaumonde on the Point was ablaze with dresses of all colours, flowers and twinkling lights, as we welcomed the Year 12 girls into our alumni community.

In June, we greeted so many of you to our annual Shakers and Stirrers networking get-together, held in conjunction with the Wesley Old Boys at the Windsor Hotel. We look forward to another great night with old friends on Friday, 31 March 2023. Please keep an eye on social media for further details and be sure to RSVP. We are planning on making it the biggest and the best!

An Alumni Soiree on the opening night of the College Production gave Old Girls an opportunity to enjoy a pre-show drink and mingle with familiar faces before enjoying The Wizard of Oz. The production was truly amazing; our current students are so talented.

In September, we presented the daughters of our alumni who are attending Penrhos with a special badge to wear on their blazer, to symbolise the students’ multigenerational relationship with the College at a special presentation attended by their families. Founders’ Day was a wonderful event celebrating the College’s 70th Anniversary. The day included the 60 and 70-year reunions, a chapel service, commemorative assembly and delicious luncheon.

We have held many wonderful reunion events through the latter half of the year. The Classes of 2013, 2003, 1993, 1983 and 1973 will celebrate their 10 Year Reunions in 2023, and the Class of 2021 will come together for their 18-month Leavers’ Reunion.

Congratulations to recent graduate Brooke Nield, who was recipient of the Meg Melville Alumni Endeavour Award in 2022. This Alumni- funded award provides financial support to a Year 12 student who aspires to do something extraordinary for others. Brooke’s project ‘Images of Sandakan’ involves using her skills in design and photography to produce a photobook to continue to commemorate those lost and educate future generations on the Sandakan Death Camp. Specifically, Brooke will be focusing on her home community in Boyup Brook assisting both the loyal high school and RSL. We look forward to hearing more on the outcomes of this thoughtful endeavour.

2023 heralds the launch of our greatly anticipated Mentoring Program. We are looking for 50 mentors to guide and advise our alumni in their careers. The program will allow digital connection among members of the alumni for the purpose of expanding or commencing their careers. I am particularly passionate about this project, as I feel it is an important step forward for our Alumni Committee. It recognises the modern woman and forges our support of our alum to transition within or into the work force. We are eagerly anticipating your interest.

I would like to say what an honour and privilege it has been to lead the Alumni Committee over the last 4 years. We have a wonderful and diverse group of committee members, and all positions of office filled for 2023 already. We always welcome new members, so if you have been thinking of joining come along to our next meeting on Tuesday, 7 February 2023 at 6.30pm in the Colwyn Centre.

From the Old Kobeelyans' Association President



Jill Clarke Old Kobeelyans' Association President

This year the Old Kobeelyans’ Association were proud to be celebrating our Centenary. Kobeelya’s 100th Anniversary and Reunion held on Saturday, 10 September and Sunday, 11 September provided many opportunities to honour the founding of Kobeelya back in 1922.

Around 150 former students, staff, parents and friends gathered to enjoy the sunny spring weather to celebrate, reconnect and share many memories together. On behalf of the Old Kobeelyans’ Association, I would like to thank Principal Kalea Haran, Community Engagement Coordinator Caroline Jenkins and Archivist Merilyn Orchard for travelling to Katanning to join us for the weekend.

Inclement weather did not dampen or halt the Kobeelya Garden Party which was held on Monday, 10 October at Penrhos College. This special event was held in honour of Kobeelya’s Centenary year to acknowledge the history and friendship between the two schools. The renaming of the Boarders’ Lawn to the Kobeelya Lawn and the unveiling of the garden arch and seat was a very special occasion in our Kobeelya story. It was lovely to see former and current Penrhos staff chatting with Kobeelyans. On behalf of all those connected to Kobeelya, I thank Penrhos for honouring our school name in this way and acknowledging us as part of your rich history. I look forward to the opportunities to hold events in this space in the future.

I enjoyed attending Flower Day including the Year 12 Awards at Penrhos College, to witness the Kobeelya book awards being presented and meet the winners. As we watched the girls file into their seats on the Rixon Theatre stage, we joked that the whole of Kobeelya would have fitted in this area!

With the centenary year almost behind us, I am sure we are all looking forward to a quieter 2023!

A Kobeelyan treasure

Merilyn Orchard Archivist

Regarded as one of those living treasures amongst the Kobeelya community, I recently had the privilege of spending a morning with Sonia Grant, reminiscing about her time at Kobeelya. We were so pleased that Sonia was able to attend the Penrhos College Garden Party in celebration of Kobeelya’s Centenary where we renamed the Boarders Lawn to the Kobeelya Lawn.

Sonia attended Kobeelya from 1935 - 1940 and commenced as a boarder when she was just 10 years old. Her family managed a well-known fabric and dress shop- Pearlman’s West End - in Perth, Sonia recalls her mother wanting her daughters to attend boarding school, as she did in London, and after a recommendation came from a family friend of a WA country boarding school with horses, the decision was made.

Commencing during primary school, Sonia remembers her time at Kobeelya with great fondness and humor - even the difficult times. Sonia required plaster casts on both her legs for the first 18 months and faced a challenging time with her mobility throughout her time at school. The horses at the school were a helpful mode of transportation for Sonia, taking her to school events and picnic lunches around Katanning. Regular trips back up to Perth were required to change the plaster on her cast, however, this proved challenging to arrange during the war with petrol being rationed. Having that extra layer of plaster on her legs was rather tricky during the heat of summer, so Sonia would tip perfume down her casts to ensure that the other students wouldn’t have to endure any odours.

Sonia recalls being a boarder in Burbidge House meant that the sliding down the staircase became a regular part of boarding life, as she livedin the upper dormitories with up to 10 girls in each room. Shopping day was on a Saturday morning where students were required to wear their brown school uniform into town and on Sundays when students attended Chapel, they wore a white silk dress in summer and a black velvet dress in winter. Sonia enjoyed playing basketball and golf at the local nine-hole Katanning golf course, and to earn one of her Girl Guide badges, Sonia would practice making her friends beds in the dormitory.

Sonia’s love for music was well nurtured at Kobeelya. She recalls sitting with her friends listening to classical music every Sunday evening in the Principal Hilda Strugnell’s study. As Sonia wasn’t able to participate in many sporting activities, she was given the opportunity to spend that time in the music rooms practicing her piano. Sonia eventually went on to sing in school choirs and perform in musical theater and took her love for music into a career with ABC Radio in Perth and Melbourne, becoming a music programmer.

Sonia told me her love of the food that was served at school, especially porridge for breakfast with dark brown sugar and clotted cream is one of her best memories of Kobeelya. In those days the main meal was lunch, with dinner being salad with cold meats. On those hot summer days, students were given cold grapes for morning tea.

Sonia has continued to stay connected with the Kobeelya community and the friends she made at school, becoming involved in the Pleiades Club, and even visiting Penrhos College in the 1980s for meetings.

On her final thoughts of her time at Kobeelya:

“The school was good to me; I enjoyed my time at Kobeelya, but my mother was pleased to have me home.”

Life after Penrhos

Norbert Fandry

It is now seven years since I retired from Penrhos College at the end of 2015. Prior to retirement, Penrhos had been my life for 27 years. It had been a wonderful 27 years with so many highlights, so many outstanding students and athletes who had been under my care, and also so many great staff to work with. I was also extremely lucky to share many of the years with my wife (14 years) and two daughters, Sarah and Kate at Penrhos.

At first retirement was somewhat of a shock. Especially as I had previously set off for Penrhos 5 days a week at 6am for training either swimming, cross country or athletics throughout the year, holidays included. However, in retirement, planning holidays took over as did my own fitness long walks with Kerry, who had also retired at the same time.

We travelled extensively both interstate and overseas, managing at least 2 trips per year prior to COVID-19. Without going into detail, we had some fabulous trips to Japan, France, Italy, Germany, Britain and the highlight for me was South America. Of course, Australian interstate trips were also featured. Our 4 grandsons (aged 5 to 10) have also occupied a great deal of time and brought pleasure to our lives in retirement. We see them often and attend school assemblies and their many sporting pursuits.

At all times, I was very conscious of getting some great photos which would make excellent subjects for a painting.

I also continue my role as Chairman of the Amanda Young Foundation and am heavily involved with many of the activities associated with the Foundation.

For many years I have been a keen gardener and have had a vegetable plot at the Community Garden associated with the Hollywood Bowling Club where I am the Treasurer and a volunteer.

Painting is something I started well before retirement but only did spasmodically, mostly during brief holidays in our holiday villa in Augusta. It all started about 20 years ago when Kerry gave me some watercolour paints and brushes for my birthday. She had heard me say often when we visited art galleries in Australia and overseas that “painting can’t be all that hard if many artists do it and galleries are full of art”. I had never tried painting previously and just picked it up by trial and error. So I am just self- taught.

I found a love for painting watercolour landscapes. Nearly all of my paintings are of photos I’ve taken on various trips within Australia and overseas. But over time I have done several commission paintings which have included buildings, boats and specific scenes.

Recently I held a solo exhibition where 42 of my paintings were displayed and auctioned. The main purpose of the exhibition was to raise funds for the Amanda Young Foundation as well as exhibit my work to family, friends and the wider community.

I was thrilled with the turnout at the exhibition, held at the Hollywood Bowling Club on a Friday evening. The large crowd included many past Penrhos students and parents. It was a wonderful night and nearly all paintings were sold. The success of the evening was very humbling and well beyond expectation.

This year Penrhos College approached me with the offer to create two commissioned pieces, one to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Penrhos College, and another in celebration of Kobeelya College’s Centenary.

I am truly honoured to not only have these pieces featured at the College, but also on the cover of this edition of the Penrhosian Magazine.

Out and about

Kellie Jane Pritchard (1980) has recently returned home to Perth and started a new position at the South West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub. Previously, Kellie spent some time in Bali after completing her Master of Sustainable Development at Murdoch; she was awarded the Sustainable Development prize for her research into crowd funding governance for small NGOs.

Congratulations to Jessica Rumble (2002) for the birth of first daughter Mackenzie Rose Ripper in September 2021. Jessica recently launched her own business; The Rumble Collective, a nutrition and strength coaching service for women. Jaclynne Truschel (1969) is part of a not-for-profit group called ‘Secret Women’s Business’. The singing group aim to use their music to create an inspiring performance that illustrates how singing and being with a supportive group can be a great healer, both physically and mentally.

Deborah Hirte (Strapp, 1990) recently launched her new business REACH ADHD Coaching and Consultancy. After teaching at Wesley College for over 29 years, Debbie moved into the Academic Extension and Intervention space, which became an area of passion. It was during this time that she recognised a need to support students and families who have received a diagnosis and to understand their unique brains. She undertook further study through an internationally recognised program based in New York. Debbie is excited to work with families to help demystify ADHD and to harness their strengths.

The Marketing & Development Office invites alumni to contribute to The Penrhosian magazine by emailing news items to alumni@penrhos.wa.edu.au. We publish alumni submissions in good faith, in the spirit of sharing and celebrating good news.

Emily Nind (1996) has recently published a children’s book aimed at educating young kids about bullying. After being a teacher for almost 20 years Emily hopes her book titled ‘Bird Poop in my Eye’ will support in the education surrounding bullying. Annagh Cielak (2014) was recently admitted as a lawyer of the New South Wales Supreme Court. Annagh moved to Sydney in 2016 and is currently working in the music industry as a lawyer for a record label.

The ‘Penrhos Pasties’ book club first gathered in May, 1994 at the home of former Head of Junior School, Jennifer Robertson. The group was born of a shared love of reading and has served as a wonderful way for friends to remain connected. Current members include Amanda Dryborough (Music), Kerry Richards (Science), Jan Phillips (Pre-Primary) Sue Clarke (Social Studies), Margaret Smith (Art) and Chloe Mauger (Library). Former Year 1 teacher Mary Noack Skinner now lives in Albany but continues to contribute via email. Dee Orvalho (1962) says her varied life is owed to her studies at school. “My love of English, Languages and Art opened doors to three different careers which have enabled me to travel the world and live in five foreign countries. I’ve gained life experience which probably would not have been possible, in my opinion, had I not attended MLC South Perth, a small school which might have lacked the facilities of larger colleges, but made up for such a lot via the possibilities for success it offered me with regard to sports, languages and art, for which I will always be grateful!”


Throughout the second half of 2022 we have enjoyed the wonderful company of the many alumni who have attended their milestone reunions at the College.

Class of 2002 20 Year Reunion Friday, 22 July 2022

Twenty years on, the Class of 2002 took a walk down memory lane as they toured the campus to see all of the changes that have taken place since their graduation – including the magnificent Creative Arts and Design Centre and the newly developed Meg Melville Science Innovation Centre. Gathering in the Colwyn Centre afterwards to reconnect with their fellow classmates, it was fantastic to see so many Old Girls come together to celebrate this significant milestone! The chat and laughter didn’t stop as everyone shared exciting stories and caught up on each other’s latest news.

Class of 1992 30 Year Reunion Friday, 12 August 2022

The Class of 1992 began their reunion by having a tour of the College and taking a step back in time to the hallways they used to walk, as well as exploring new parts of the campus. The night then moved into the Colwyn Centre, where the celebrations were continued. Much time was spent reminiscing over their years at the College and everyone enjoyed catching up with old friends. It was a wonderful evening enjoyed by all who attended.

Class of 2020 18 Month Reunion Friday, 2 September 2022

Our Class of 2020 finally made it to their Leavers’ Reunion after delays due to COVID-19. Hosted at The Windsor in South Perth, our 2020 alumni spent the night sharing stories of their new lives after Penrhos, reminiscing on their favourite times at the College, and reuniting with their old friends.

Class of 1972 50 Year Reunion Tuesday, 6 September 2022

We were delighted to host our Class of 1972 alumni back on campus in September for their 50 Year Reunion. The event was hosted on Penrhos College Founders’ Day, including a Chapel service, School Assembly, followed by a lovely lunch held in the Llew Woodford Function Centre. Many happy memories were shared as the ladies enjoyed reminiscing about their days at Penrhos College and how times have changed!

Class of 1962 60 Year Reunion Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Hosting our second ever 60 Year Reunion, we were delighted to welcome the Class of 1962 back to campus. The ladies enjoyed the usual Founders’ Day celebrations, followed by a social lunch as they compared memories of their learning environments with the incredible facilities of today’s Penrhos College. Those who joined us brought along school memorabilia and photo albums, collected over their time at the College – each provided a wonderful insight into the rich Penrhos College history.

Class of 1982 40 Year Reunion Saturday, 19 November 2022

The Class of 1982 recently gathered to celebrate their 40 Year Reunion at a sit-down dinner held at the Royal Perth Golf Club. There was a fantastic turnout, and a memorable night was had by all. Special thanks to Colette Nalder (Lange) and Bridget Ferrante (Egan) for all of their efforts to ensure the evening was such a success.

Community events 2023

Field Days

Wagin Woolorama Friday, 10 March and Saturday, 11 March

Mingenew Mid-West Expo Wednesday, 9 August and Thursday, 10 August

Dowerin Field Days Wednesday, 30 August and Thursday, 31 August

Newdegate Field Days Wednesday, 6 September and Thursday, 7 September

More dates and locations to be released.


A Night in White Saturday, 25 February

International Women’s Day Wednesday, 8 March

Shakers and Stirrers Friday, 31 March

Founders’ Day Tuesday, 5 September

Alumni Soiree at opening night of the College Production Thursday, 27 July

Tour events

Twilight Tour Thursday, 16 February | 4pm – 5.30pm

Junior School Open Morning Wednesday, 29 March | 9am – 10.30am

Tour Morning Tuesday, 16 May | 9am – 10.30am

Experience Day Tuesday, 25 July | 8.45am – 3pm

Tour Morning Wednesday, 13 September | 9am – 10.30am

Twilight Tour Thursday, 9 November | 4pm – 5.30pm


Class of 2021 | Leavers’ reunion Friday, 10 March

Class of 2013 | 10-year reunion Friday, 1 September

Class of 2003 | 20-year reunion Friday, 8 September

Class of 1993 | 30-year reunion Saturday, 16 September

Class of 1983 | 40-year reunion Friday, 15 September

Class of 1973 | 50-year reunion Tuesday, 5 September

Class of 1963 | 60-year reunion Tuesday, 5 September

We would also love to invite past alumni from these reunion year groups to assist in the co-ordination of the 2023 Reunions. For those interested, please email Caroline Jenkins at alumni@penrhos.wa.edu.au

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