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The return of International Exchange

‘Konnichi wa’ could be heard throughout the College campus in March, as 24 Japanese exchange students made their way through the Margaret Way Courtyard. After a three-year absence due to COVID-19, Penrhos staff and students were thrilled to see the Japanese students from Kyoritsu Girls School, an elite school centred in Tokyo.

The Japanese students immersed themselves into Penrhos College for 7 days. The visit, while short in length was packed with memorable experiences the exchange students will never forget. Naturally, no exchange would be complete without a day trip to Rottnest Island and the ultimate quokka selfie. The students also had the opportunity to meet koalas at Caversham Wildlife Park.

During their time at the College, the Kyoritsu School students participated in an array of special lessons crafted for them by the amazing and generous Penrhos College staff. After meeting their ‘school buddies’, the exchange students were given an orientation lesson about Australian high schools, taught some Australian slang, and were shown around the campus…they were left speechless by the amazing facilities, the vastness of the College and the amount of greenery.

The exchange students buddied up with a similar age student and spent the first day as a ‘day in the life of a Penrhos College student’. Many were surprised by the way the students openly interact with the teachers and the amount of discussion and conversation there is. In most Japanese schools, the teachers ‘teach’, and the students ‘listen’.

The exchange students dived into Australian culture and made lamingtons with the wonderful Mrs Rivett. Apart from the joy in making them, the eating at the end was a huge highlight, with many of the students mentioning they will try to make lamingtons for their family upon returning to Japan.

Next up was conquering the climbing wall. Apart from the fact they had never seen a climbing wall like that in school, they were taken back when we told them they would be climbing it! Much laughter and screams could be heard as they pulled, pushed and fell from the wall. Several students, who were complete beginners, even managed to reach the top. Mr Mizen and Mr Armitage with his one word Japanese entertained and supported the students…even with a language barrier, when it feels as though your life depends on it, it is amazing how communication can be made.

The special treat for them was attending the annual Amanda Young Fair and many of the students took up the opportunity to get involved in all the activities, including throwing wet sponges at us staff, something you would never do in Japan!

Mr Horwood and Mrs Campbell blew the exchange students away with the College’s IT facilities, with the exchange students particularly engaged with the virtual reality glasses. Even though the bell went to go home, they insisted on staying and continuing the activity.

Our dance teacher showed them how to dance!!! The exchange students were extremely enthusiastic and learnt the dance routine with considerable ease and enjoyment, thanks to the expertise of Mrs Best.

After an Australian barbeque, the exchange students had a cultural exchange opportunity with the Year 5 Junior School students and Mrs Clifton. The excitement was deafening, and the Penrhos students played a variety of Japanese traditional games and activities.

We then moved on to learn about Australian heritage and participated in Aboriginal art with Ms O’Donnell and the Ngala Maya students. The meaning of the art was explained, and the exchange students showed a real interest in the stories behind them.

The Farewell Ceremony sums up why exchange programs are such an important aspect of schooling life. After speeches from the Penrhos and Kyoritsu students, as well as Principal Ms Haran, the exchange students were entertained by the Ngala Maya girls and a traditional Aboriginal dance.

Once all formalities were complete, lots of photos, hugging and tears were shed as the students farewelled each other. It is that moment when the value and amazing experience of international exchange is highlighted. The Penrhos students escorted the exchange students to the front gate, waving the students off and yelling they will see them in Japan in June for our upcoming Japanese Tour!

It is amazing to have international exchange opportunities return this year, they are a chance to not only develop their vocabulary, but an opportunity to build self-confidence, independence and friendships, while learning cultural customs you could never teach in a classroom.

Scott Haddrell
Head of Department and Exchange Coordinator
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