Lallemand | July/August Feed Compounder

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How Much Selenium Does the Cow Need and above all, in what form?

Classic selenite, rumen-protected selenite or selenium yeast? What influence does the source of selenium have on the selenium status of dairy cows, dry cows and the transfer to youngstock?

Selenium is an essential trace element that is now rightly included as standard in almost every mineral feed. Selenium supplementation has become necessary, not only because soils, and consequently feedstuffs, have ever lower selenium levels, but also because the challenges faced by livestock are becoming ever greater.

Selenium plays an important role in various biological processes, e.g. for antioxidant defence against oxidative stress, normal thyroid function and optimal reproductive performance. But if selenium is already used as standard, why are we even talking about it? We now know that ‘not all selenium is the same’. The choice of selenium source (inorganic selenium or organic selenium) can have a considerable influence on the selenium status of adult animals, and the possible transfer to offspring via placenta and colostrum, particularly in ruminants, due to the influence of the rumen.

The rumen - a blessing and a curse?

There is no question that the rumen, with its complex microbiota, is a marvel of nature. It enables the digestion of fibrous plant material that is inedible for other animals, and us humans.

However, the rumen poses a real challenge for selenium supply. Classic inorganic selenite, which is very cheap to use, is chemically reduced in the rumen environment by the influence of microbes to a form that can no longer be absorbed by the animal in the small

intestine. This mechanism is not found in monogastric animals and is solely due to the rumen.

As a result, a large proportion of the selenite that is administered to ruminants via mineral feed is simply excreted again. This is directly reflected in the animals’ selenium status.

An independent study from Estonia1 showed that, according to KINCAID (1999)3, the selenium status of dairy cows that received only classical sodium selenite via the ration could be classified as marginally deficient (see Table 1 for selenium reference values for cows). This status does not automatically mean that diseases will occur due to a selenium deficiency, but the full potential of selenium, particularly with regard to antioxidant defences and its role in the immune system, is not being achieved.

What does this mean for ruminants? In order to fully exploit the important positive effects of selenium, the goal should be a beneficial supply in the upper range of the scale. A classic selenite source cannot guarantee this. So, what other options are there?

Selenized yeast and the rumen

Selenized yeast contains organic selenium, mainly in the form of selenomethionine and selenocysteine. These selenium components are found (albeit in very low levels) in plant protein. This means that it is a form of selenium that animals have always consumed and metabolised. Selenite (inorganic selenium), on the other hand, is found in the soil and not in plant material, which is why it is not a natural selenium source for animals.

The selenium compounds in selenized yeast remain intact in the rumen and are not reduced. This means that they are available for absorption in the small intestine. Some of the selenomethionine is

Plasma and serum analyses are the most suitable for assessing selenium status.

Table 1: Reference values for whole blood, serum and plasma selenium concentration (µg/l)

then stored in the muscle and in the case of lactating cows, also in the milk protein. The remainder is available to the animal as a source of selenium for the production of biologically important enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase or selenoprotein P.

The before-mentioned study from Estonia not only investigated the influence of inorganic selenite on the selenium status of dairy cows but also the effect of feeding an organic selenium source in the form of a high-quality selenium yeast (ALKOSEL, Lallemand Animal Nutrition).

The trial was carried out over a period of 121 days. Blood from 10 dairy cows (mid-lactation) was regularly examined and their selenium status determined. Before the start of the trial, the animals were given a standard combination of inorganic selenite and selenium yeast (each 0.2 mg Se/kg feed) via the mineral feed. On day one of the feeding trial, the previous proportion of selenium yeast was replaced by selenite (a total of 0.4 mg Se/kg). Over a period of 64 days, the change in selenium status in the blood was observed (Figure 1).

While the blood analysis showed a beneficial supply of selenium before the start of the trial, the animals were classified as marginally deficient after approximately 7 weeks. In this case, the selenium status decreased quite slowly because the previous supplementation of selenized yeast had created additional selenium storage in the body protein. Whole blood reacts relatively slowly to changes in selenium supply due to the stored selenium in the erythrocytes.

However, the plasma fraction in whole blood reacts more quickly and is primarily responsible for the drop in values. Erythrocytes have a lifespan of four months, which is why the complete influence of the

change in selenium source after 64 days cannot be fully assessed in this study.

After 9 weeks of selenite-only administration, organic selenium was reintroduced into the ration (0.2 mg Se/kg from selenized yeast in addition to 0.2 mg Se from selenite), and a renewed increase in blood selenium levels was measured. After just one week, the blood selenium levels of the dairy cows moved beyond the marginally deficient threshold, and then increased even more significantly over time. Here too, the increase largely corresponds to the increase coming from blood plasma.

And what about rumen-protected selenite?

For some years now, rumen-protected inorganic selenite has also been available for feeding. Here, the sodium selenite is protected by a coating so the reduction in the rumen no longer takes place to the same extent as with unprotected selenite.

In an independent study from Poland4, a research group looked at the influence of different selenium sources on the selenium status in the last trimester of pregnancy of Simmental cows, as well as on the transfer of selenium to their offspring. There was also a control group that did not receive additional selenium supplementation. The selenium sources tested were:

1. classical (unprotected) selenite, 2. rumen-protected selenite and 3. high-quality selenized yeast (ALKOSEL, Lallemand Animal Nutrition).

At the start of supplementation, the cows were already marginally

Figure 1: Selenium concentration (µg/l) in the whole blood of dairy cows over the trial period1

Table 2: Selenium concentration in blood serum of cows2

No added Se supplement Unprotected selenite Rumen-protected selenite Selenized yeast

Selenium concentration start of trial period

Selenium concentration immediately after calving

a, b, c = p ≤ 0.05


deficient, with a selenium concentration of 47 µg/l in the serum. The selenium status in the blood was determined again after three months of supplementation immediately after calving (Table 2).

It was found that the selenium deficiency increased by a further 9% in the animals fed no additional selenium supplementation. The cows that received unprotected selenite or rumen-protected selenite were still marginally deficient or just at the threshold of an adequate supply and no significant difference was found between the two groups, even though the selenium status in both groups was slightly higher than at the start of the trial. The literature5,6 describes an increased risk of placenta retention, metritis and ovarian cysts at serum concentrations below 50-60 µg/l. The cows that received selenized yeast managed to overcome the marginal deficiency threshold and were able to improve their selenium status by 57%, so that they could be classified as adequately supplied with a lower risk of corresponding post-calving reproductive diseases.

What effects did the different selenium sources have on the calves?

The selenium status of the calves was identical between the animals whose dams received no additional selenium supplementation or a classic, unprotected selenite supplementation (26 µg/l). Calves from cows that received rumen-protected selenite or selenium yeast had significantly higher blood selenium levels (36 µg/l and 40 µg/l).

The selenium status of the newborn calf is particularly important for muscular function in the few days after birth.

It was also shown that the selenium content in the colostrum was clearly dependent on the supplemented selenium source. Again, no difference could be seen between no supplementation and unprotected selenite administration (0.70 and 0.74 mg/day). The colostrum of cows receiving rumen-protected selenite was significantly higher compared to unprotected selenite (0.99 mg/day) but significantly lower than cows supplemented with selenized yeast (1.28 mg/day).

In summary, this study shows that unprotected, classic selenite is not beneficial for the selenium status of ruminants and that at least a protected form should be used. At the same time, it could be shown that in this critical phase around calving, only the addition of a high-quality selenized yeast could provide a benefit to the suckler cows, as it significantly improved the selenium status of the animals and consequently created a better starting point for early lactation.



Selenium is an indispensable part of today’s rations. However, the rumen presents a challenge, and classic selenite in particular is proven to be ineffective at improving selenium status. It is therefore important to ensure that not just ‘any’ selenium source is included in the mineral feed, but that a highly bioavailable selenium source is used. An organic selenium source, such as a high quality selenized yeast, ensures a good supply for animals, particularly during critical phases (e.g. the transition phase), where it may even be advisable to use a combination of rumen-protected selenite and selenized yeast to ensure the best possible supply of selenium. It should also be borne in mind that only an organic selenium source, such as selenized yeast, significantly increases the selenium content of milk. Consequently, organic selenium helps to support the supply of selenium to humans so that we too are not just ‘barely sufficient’ but are ‘optimally’ supplied.


1 Ling et al., (2017): Selenium supplementation of diets of dairy cows to produce Se-enriched cheese. J. Dairy Sci. 71:76–81

2 Niwinska & Andrzejewski, (2017): Effects of selenium supplement forms on the diet-cow-calf transfer of selenium in Simmental cattle, Czech J. Animal Sci, 62, (5):201-210

3 Kincaid, (1999): Assessment of trace mineral status of ruminants. A review. Journal of Animal Science. 77

4 Guyot & Rollin, (2007): Contribution to diagnosis and correction of iodine and selenium deficiencies in cattle

5 Moeini, M. M.; Karami, H.; Mikaeili, E. (2009): Effect of selenium and vitamin E supplementation during the late pregnancy on reproductive indices and milk production in heifers. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 114, (1-3), S. 109–114

6 Harrison, J. H.; Hancock, D. D.; Conrad, H. R. (1984): Vitamin-E and selenium for reproduction of the dairy cow. J. Dairy Sci., 67, (1), S. 123–132

7 Yaeger, M. J.; Neiger, R. D.; Holler, L.; Fraser, T. L.; Hurley, D. J.; Palmer, I. S. (1998): The effect of subclinical selenium toxicosis on pregnant beef cattle. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest., 10, (3), S. 268–273

8 Raven, J. (2013): Studies on the diagnosis of selenium supply in dairy cows. Clinic for Cloven-hoofed Animals, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Free University of Berlin.

Lallemand Invests in UK Organic Selenium Production

L allemand Animal Nutrition is pleased to announce significant investments to its production infrastructure in Felixstowe, one of the company’s main production sites for its organic selenium source, the selenium enriched yeast, ALKOSEL.

Mark McFarland, feed additive product manager for Lallemand Animal Nutrition UK & Ireland, explains that these investments are strategically designed to address sustainability goals while strengthening the company’s resilience and adaptability to external pressures and dynamic market conditions, thus remaining a reliable partner for customers.

Lallemand’s selenium enriched yeast ALKOSEL (Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC R397), has a specific production process which is constantly optimised to ensure consistent quality of the final product.

Mr McFarland explains ALKOSEL is produced by fed-batch culture: nutrients, including selenium, are supplied incrementally to the growing cells.

“The crucial part is to add the right amount of selenium at the right time,” he says.

“Adding too little results in a low concentration of organic selenium in the final product, whereas adding too much will inhibit the growth of the yeast.”

Once the yeast has reached its optimal growth, it is washed and harvested by centrifugation and the selenium enriched yeast cream is further processed to inactivate the yeast cells before careful drying in a drum dryer.

Each batch of ALKOSEL comes with a certificate of analysis, which includes a total selenium content, and crucially also a measure of organic selenium content.

Strategic Investments Driving Sustainability Improvements

Andre Zigani, Lallemand Felixstowe operations and plant director, explains: “Drying of the yeast cream is one of the highest energy consuming phases of the whole yeast production process.

“In recent years, we have

made significant investments to reduce this cost and streamline our overall operation.

“In 2023, we invested in a new, more energy efficient drying technology, allowing us to reduce electricity usage by nearly 40%. New blowers have also allowed us to reduce energy consumption in air supplied for fermentation by 30%.”

In addition, the site is producing its own energy.

Mr Zigani explains: “Combined heat and power deliver 100% of plant electricity, 25% of steam and 10% of hot water requirements.

“Concerning water management, the use of reverse osmosis (RO) has reduced the plant potable water consumption by 35%.”

He adds: “I’m also excited to announce we’re planning to reduce our gas consumption. The installation of an anaerobic digestor next year, which will run on plant waste streams, is projected to cut gas consumption by up to 50%.”

Mark McFarland adds: “By investing in these improvements, the company confirms its dedication to delivering high-quality selenized yeast, optimising operational efficiency and reducing its environmental footprint”.

Why Selenium is Important

Selenium contributes to several important functions in the body, such as prevention of oxidative stress, proper thyroid function, immunity, and reproduction, explains Mr McFarland.

“Its usage is therefore beneficial for all animal species, from livestock and aquatic species to companion animals,” he says.

“Inorganic selenium is not a natural selenium supplement for animals and is therefore significantly less bioavailable than organic sources.

“Organic selenium, on the other hand, in the form of selenoamino acids such as selenocysteine and selenomethionine, is naturally found (albeit in very low levels) in plant protein and is therefore a form of selenium that animals have always consumed and metabolised.

“ALKOSEL delivers a full profile of selenoamino acids and is the gold standard for selenium enriched yeast. To have it produced locally, in an increasingly more sustainable manner, should be great news for our customers.”

Mr McFarland concludes: “The Lallemand Animal Nutrition team is extremely proud of our production colleagues in Felixstowe, not only because of the positive environmental improvements they have achieved but also because of their continued dedication to producing the highest quality product possible.”

Products Influencing Feed Characteristics



Among feed-derived antioxidants, selenium has a special place as an essential part of 25 selenoproteins. It plays an important role in various biological processes, such as defence against oxidative stress, normal thyroid function and optimal reproductive performance.

The selenized yeast ALKOSEL, from Lallemand Animal Nutrition, is a source of organic selenium, which is significantly more bioavailable than mineral forms such as sodium selenite. The main advantage of organic selenium is the non-specific incorporation of selenium into general body proteins. This forms an endogenous selenium reserve that can be utilised during periods of stress.

Other selenized yeast

How to select a good quality selenized yeast?

Visual inspection is one indicator of quality. A light beige colour is Alkosel

a sign of a product dried slowly with care, whereas a darker, brown colour can be a sign of lower digestibility (see above). ALKOSEL is carefully produced to be a minimum 98% organic selenium. Each batch comes with a certificate of analysis, which includes a measure of organic selenium, and not just total selenium content. Certifying both total and organic selenium is the gold standard for selenized yeast.

Specific livestock benefits

In poultry, ALKOSEL has demonstrated improvements in eggshell

and bone strength, increased hatchability and lower risk of muscular selenium deficiencies. In ruminants and pigs, ALKOSEL enhances selenium transfer to the newborn via the placenta, colostrum and milk. Improved fertility parameters, fewer issues with retained placentas and reduced somatic cell counts are also commonly observed.

For more information, call Mark on 07827 228161 or email

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