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Knowledge + Networking
Past Month's events
Workforce Planning in the post-COVID Era
People Matters
BeNext 4th June 2021 Online Workforce planning is an increasingly critical function for HR and the changing nature of work, especially in a time that demands the HR community be better prepared for dramatic shifts in attrition and turnover, talent gaps, and talent needs. In this webcast, we discussed the challenges of workforce planning and the opportunities in the way organizations strategically manage their talent.
People Matters 10th June 2021 Online People Matters EX Virtual conference is a fullday event that will feature two virtual tracks and will take a deep dive into different aspects of the EX with keynotes, case study sessions, panel discussions, and dedicated virtual exhibition space for service providers to showcase their latest offerings. It will cover the foundations of EX to maximize business success, accelerating the development of a consumer mindset to solving people & work challenges in order to attract and retain future talent, bolster productivity and ultimately build happier workplaces, which makes more business sense in the long run.
People Matters EX - A Virtual Conference Workforce Planning in the post-COVID Era
Performance Management for Hybrid Teams
People Matters &
LinkedIn 9th June 2021 Online When the coronavirus pandemic erupted, companies had to change. Many business-as-usual approaches to serving customers, working with suppliers, and collaborating with colleagues—or just getting anything done—would have failed. They had to increase the speed of decisionmaking while improving productivity, using technology and data in new ways, and accelerating the scope and scale of innovation. And it worked. Businesses need “One HR” that will set the agenda to reinvent the workplace for tomorrow, at speed. In this panel discussion by People Matters & LinkedIn, we looked at the key pivots to keep pace in today’s environment and the new ways of working. New elements of digital transformation and how it has evolved from the three phases– preCOVID, COVID, Second Wave?
People Matters
BeNext 11th June 2021 Online We are entering a new era of ‘hybrid’ workplaces. Should the old rules of performance management processes and practices still apply? How can organizations maximize people’s performance and engagement in this new scenario? Should the perWorkforce Planning in the post-COVID Era
People Matters &
LinkedIn 9th June 2021 Online With rapidly evolving business models, and people having to adapt to these changes in real-time, it is now evident that an organization's success would depend on its ability to transform and drive this transformation digitally. But before HR initiates a transformation exercise, it is imperative to build a solid business case for Digital HR Transformation, answering the What? and the How? This webcast discussed all your doubts about embarking on a digital transformation journey. Let’s come together and build a future-ready organization that enables your distributed workforce to become agile, productive, and outcome-oriented.
formance management processes themselves change to align with this shift? This webinar discussed that the spotlight will be on all aspects of managing and executing performance management systems for remote and hybrid teams and how you can learn more about it at the upcoming People Matters BeNext Certification program on Performance Management for Hybrid Teams.
Upcoming events
Title: People Matters TechHR India 2021: The Great Emergence Title: People Matters Are You in the List Awards People Matters EX APAC Virtual Conference
People Matters 4th Aug 2021 Online With everything disrupted, considering going back to the old ways of working is not at all a winning strategy. Companies have accelerated their business agility & speed by adopting new ways of working. People Matters TechHR 2021’s theme, The Great Emergence will answer the question that stares us in the face - WHAT NEXT? It marks the beginning of reimagining the possibilities presented by our new reality. A perfect opportunity for you to network with 2500+ delegates and discuss how HR continues its quest to become more digital, data-centric, and business-driven than ever before, with execution being at the core. People Matters 27th Aug 2021 Online As HR leaders played a pivotal role in spearheading their organizations through the uncertainty, stress, and change, they developed and defined a new core set of skills which is going to be a prerequisite of emerging HR leaders in the second year of the pandemic and beyond. It is these very visionary and talented HR leaders that the People Matters Are you in the List 2021 Awards which is in its 10th year of running aims to recognize- the new generation of HR leaders who rose to the challenge of 2020 and became the answer to the challenges in the People and Workspace and have redefined HR for the future HR leaders. Then People Matters Are you in the List 2021 awards in association with DDI is the right stage for you-as it has been for the last 10 years, identifying the emerging HR leaders of tomorrow who can rise to the challenges of the future. People Matters 9th Sept 2021 Online People Matters EX APAC Virtual conference is a full-day event that will feature four virtual tracks and will take a deep dive into different aspects of the EX with keynotes, case study sessions, panel discussions, and dedicated virtual exhibition space for service providers to showcase their latest offerings. It will cover the foundations of EX to maximize business success, accelerating the development of a consumer mindset to solving people & work challenges in order to attract and retain future talent, bolster productivity and ultimately build happier workplaces, which makes more business sense in the long run. So Come, Learn, interact, and network virtually with over 1000+ delegates and explore how EX translates in every decision in the talent strategy.