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PeopleNology - PeopleTopia - PeopleTopian - PeopleTopianism
Imagine all the People in the world as your customers.
Imagine all the Customers in the world leaving your company and moving their business to a new company, that I started.
Imagine yourself all alone in front of the bankruptcy judge because you refused to accept the idea that a new company could pluck away all your customers.
The Diary of Secrets PeopleNology send for your free ebook GregoryBodenhamer@Live.com
Imagine knowing what will happen before it happens concerning Humans by understanding how human-beings drink from a natural wellspring, deeper than any water well ever discovered.
Topia Peopleand perfect
, deal people h The i t i w l ea as ay to d iples known Kn w f o h t s c l ea rin and being T he W using p pian ideas, um a n h l l a e a o g ed g opleT d as where e n i e P r d e a d e i l e on s ge nly a re c irst usi n g o n l y th d, k no wl ed o , f ll y s las a se sp eci e F o rm u u e s fu fact b q i n , h s c d e n e n o s ed t les fou m th a E qu at i p o i b r c f n i r ed i fi c nd P ology, S ci en t e v el op Laws a N d e t l c p i o r t s ne of Pe evelop w it hi n everyo study fully d e r o , u T d s s to a s n id e a ny an a limits. s o i a p m o r T a e ws o pl e n h f or t h the Pe principles,vie iv es i l s i ll y s, h in g t ha t theorie niques to fu st e ve ry t e b n h c te ma earth a n d te a b s ol u a l l hu o f ople, e d p n a s t n es. ss u nd er s concer terpris ga rd l e n e e r . d s l f r e beli b ei ng s m er an d w o former denha r o o B e y r r n cultu Grego leTopia m er
Nologyedge e l p o e P owl
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PeopleNology The study of the foundation of all human-beings and their Evolutionary Development within the knowledge of Geology, Biology, Ecology, Anthropology, Chemistry and Sciences.
PeopleTopia The Perfect Way to deal with all human-beings, based on New and Ancient Intelligences such as Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Logic and the new Science of PeopleNology.
PeopleTopian The person that has accomplished the study and, acquired the Prosperity Knowledge found within the principles, equations, formulas, notes and laws of PeopleNology.
PeopleTopianism The belief that the human-being is the most perfect creature ever to roam the earth.