Start Inkjet Laser Toner Printer Cartridge Business Book Free Publication Download

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Hewlett Packard ‐ Canon Epson ‐ Brother Lexmark ‐ Dell and all the Major Name Brands j Inkjet & Laser Toner Cartridges

T h einto B othe o k great , Let me give you a suggestion allusion that has been created by Billion Dollar Ink The Fortune Companies Billi D likellHewlett Packard, I k Gregory Bodenhamer Fortune 100 Expert NDIT Research Institute Copyrighted 2009 2010 Cannot Be Reproduced Improved or Altered for any other use by law.

Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few.


Gregory Bodenhamer’s


The Book, Billion Dollar Ink The most stimulating business book ever written! Fi P bli h d W ll S First Published Wall‐Street Academic Journal 2009 Copyrighted 2010 NDIT Research Institute Nollijy University A d i J l 2009 C i h d 2010 NDIT R hI i N llij U i i

It’s The Home Based It’s The Home Based Small Business that Small Business that Small Business that You Can Afford

This is the business that you can start without anyy of the financial or economic fear that surrounds most business start ups. With very little hard cash you can start selling inside the multi‐billion dollar ink business business. The fresh and contemporary author allows you the up‐to‐the‐minute information you need to create your own business and launch your own great success. With this fortune 100 pioneer and the father of his own business you can have a new beginning. The foundation information that you must have is given to you freely and without all the counterfeit advice found inside so many business books. This is a genuine and real life guide book that allows you to start, survive, create The Book Billion Dollar Ink Gregory Bodenhamer Fortune 100 Expert The Book, Billion Dollar Ink, Gregory Bodenhamer Fortune 100 Expert success and become a noteworthy seller of Copyrighted 2009 2010 that has been created by The NDIT Research Institute Fortune Companies like Hewlett Packard, inkjet, laser toner cartridges. Gregory Bodenhamer Fortune 100 Expert

Let me give you a suggestion into the great allusion Cannot Be Reproduced Improved or Altered for any other use by law.

Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few. NDIT Research Institute Copyrighted 2009 2010 Cannot Be Reproduced Improved or Altered for any other use by law.

Gregory Bodenhamer The Book, Billion Dollar Ink

Supply Sources & Resources Supply Sources & Resources The Underground Top Secret Restricted Classified Report that Hewlett Packard Canon Epson Lexmark Brother Dell doesn’t want you to know

No Distribution Rights Allowed. SINGLE USE ONLY Copyrighted 2010 Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa NDIT Research Institute $10,000.00 Per Infraction Thi B k Billi D ll I k This Book, Billion Dollar Ink, Cannot be distributed, reproduced, modified in part or whole or otherwise used except with prior written certified approval of the owner. Paid Single Use Only GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com

Gregory Bodenhamer Copyrighted 2010 Mechanicsburg Pa

ILTC2010 C 0 0 Worldly Goods Report, The Underground Top Secret Restricted Classified Report Inkjet Laser Toner Cartridges 2010 All Rights Reserved

Copyright is a form of intellectual property that gives the author Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa and his original work THE BOOK, BILLION DOLLAR INK, exclusive right for a certain time period in relation to that work, including its publication, distribution and adaptation. This is not a public domain document. Copyright applies to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete and fixed in a medium. Some jurisdictions also recognize "moral rights" of the creator Gregory Bodenhamer New Deal Ink & Toner Company of a work, such as the right to be credited for the work. Copyright is described under the umbrella term intellectual property $10,000.00 Fine and Legal Prepaid Fees apply for any infraction of this copyright plus all legal and collection fees.

Worldly Goods Report Th U d dT S t R t i t d Cl ifi d R t The Underground Top Secret Restricted Classified Report

Inkjet Laser Toner Cartridges Inkjet Laser Toner Cartridges Wholesale Resources Wholesale Resources ‐‐ Sources & Supply Gregory Bodenhamer Copyrighted 2010 Mechanicsburg Pa

ILTC2010 Worldly Goods Report, The Underground Top Secret Restricted Classified Report Inkjet Laser Toner Cartridges 2010 All Rights Reserved

This BOOK, BOOK Billion Dollar Ink, allows the average person to understand and profit from the giant ink and toner business. p g and the inner workings We’re ggoingg to explore the outer markets for ink and toner. We’re going to explode the fairy tales of this profit making business. business You You’re re going to gain knowledge of the ink and toner business that nobody talks about. If you want to start your own business, you’re going to realize your own business, home based or commercial that will be the foundation for your greater success. success Welcome to Billion Dollar Ink.

Copyright is a form of intellectual property that gives the author Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa and his original work THE BOOK, BILLION DOLLAR INK, exclusive right for a certain time period in relation to that work, including its publication, distribution and adaptation. This is not a public domain document. document Copyright applies to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete and fixed in a medium. Some jurisdictions also recognize "moral rights" of the creator Gregory Bodenhamer New Deal Ink & Toner Company of a work, such as the right to be credited for the work. Copyright is described under the umbrella term intellectual property and you agree to pay in full the $10,000.00 Fine and Legal Prepaid Fees apply for any infraction of this copyright plus all legal and collection fees. Infraction fees to be paid within 15 days of request.

No Distribution Rights Allowed.

S I N G L E U S E O N LY Copyrighted 2010 Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa NDIT Research Institute $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 P e r I n f r a c t i o n

This Book, Billion Dollar Ink, Cannot be distributed, reproduced, modified in part or C b di ib d d d difi d i whole or otherwise used except with prior written certified approval of the owner. Paid Single Use Only GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com

BILLION DOLLAR INK This BOOK should have been p put on p paper p several yyears ago. g You can q quicklyy p profit from this great business by using your brains and common sense.

T H E S EC O N D M O U S E A LWAYS G E T S T H E C H E E S E The original leaders in the refilling business are most likely failing along with some of the major retailers that sell original equipment manufacturing O.E.M. inkjet and laser toner cartridges. People mostly find this an amazing statement. We don’t want any group to fail within business, but we can learn from their massive mistakes in manufacturing, supply chain distribution, inventory controls and expenses, and most importantly taking advantage of customers and recycling efforts. Original equipment manufacturer, the original manufacturer of a component for a product, product which may be resold by another company. company

Why write it now? We’re expanding our own business from coast to coast and we’re searching for real people that want to own their very own ink and toner business. The Ink and Toner business is not what you think. think In many ways the ink and toner business remains a gigantic cloak‐and‐dagger business because of all the cash money churning around in the market‐place today. As we explain this business we also want you to complete your own research. There remains in this business many people that are not always truthful, sincere or reliable with their opinions, products or profits. I would suggest that the printer ink and toner business is jam‐packed full of activities and actions that might be considered on the shady side. Our attempt will be to show you the way to profits and pride at the same time. The Second Mouse always gets the cheese because the first mouse had a really difficult and awkward moment with the mouse trap.

BILLION DOLLAR INK The Second Mouse always y ggets the cheese because the first mouse had a reallyy difficult and awkward moment with the mouse trap. We don’t have to explain a mouse trap? Private label products or services are typically those manufactured or provided by one company for offer under another company's brand. Private label goods and services are available in a wide range of industries from food to cosmetics to web hosting. hosting These private label products now include ink and toner cartridges. They are often positioned as lower cost alternatives to regional, national or international brands, although recently some private label brands have been positioned as "premium" brands to compete with existing "name" brands

The Second Mouse is a lucky or smart little creature. You and I can never really know because nobody gets to talk to the first mouse.

The Second Mouse also has many problems BUT IT SEEMS THAT THEY DO GET THE PRIZE. Traps are durable and inflexible and tricky to avoid which is why they’re called traps. Y no longer You l need d to buy b the h original i i l reall thing hi Hewlett H l Packard inkjet cartridge from expensive big box retailers to get the original real thing Hewlett Packard inkjet or toner cartridge. g What? The p partyy is more or less over or at least very nearly over for big box retail domination within the ink and toner business. It’s your turn to jump in and make some money. It seems that you just might be the second mouse.

BILLION DOLLAR INK Get on‐line and type in the search words inkjet cartridges. On average you will receive about 9,750,000 responses from Google. How in the world can one little product generate almost ten million responses from any search engine? It’s a very big business. It’s worth tens of BILLIONS of dollars. Its growing larger. It is extremely profitable. You don don’tt need a degree from Harvard. You can quickly earn serious honest income as the second mouse. It seems that everybody that sells ink and toner cartridges charge way too much money? Ink refilling companies are seemingly on every corner and they don’t save the consumers a lot of money?


Inkjet refills have a very large failure rate. Customers are leaving these little refill companies Refills leak and companies. often fail the quality test.

BILLION DOLLAR INK Inkjet j p printer and laser toner cartridges g are needed around the world. You can imagine g that our own country is the leading consumer of this technology. You also have a few hundred players within the market, but 99.% of the business is controlled by only a few major brands, in order, Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Brother, Lexmark, Dell, and lastly Kodak. What you don don’tt read about or hear about are the giant potential failures in the market. The executives who bought Nu‐kote also felt ignored by their corporate parent. After the 1986 merger of the Burroughs and Sperry computer companies that produced Unisys, corporate headquarters decreed in a confidential memo that "ancillary" units would be put on the auction block. Reinhold Tischler, then president of the Nu‐kote Nu kote division, division called his boss and said, "Ancillary division reporting in. We'd like to buy it." On Jan. 16, 1987 ‐‐ Tischler calls it Independence Day ‐‐ he and 20 other managers bought Nu‐kote for $60 million. After theyy eliminated several aging product lines, overall sales grew 17% last year, to $150 million. Nu‐kote's $55.6 million in debt amounts to more than eleven times equity. If sales plummeted or interest rates rose, those debt loads could b become crippling i li burdens. b d Th new The manager‐owners have made a good start at running their companies, but the test will come during the next economic downturn.

Whyy are major j p players y failing? g How can yyou avoid the same mistakes? How can you capture their customers and profits? Major players in the market are subject to immediate failure. It’s time that you jumped in, with your brain engaged. There’s plenty of profits available to smart people that are blessed with common sense. The filings say Nukote owes lender CIT Group about $30 million on a secured financing package. The company owes $2.6 million to its largest unsecured creditor, Grupo American Industries S.A. de C.V., of Chihuahua, Mexico. Other major creditors are located in Canada, Hong Kong, Vietnam and across the U.S. This is Nukote's second trip through the local bankruptcy court. It filed here under Chapter 11 in 1998, when it was a publicly traded company, and emerged in 2000 with private equity firm Richmont Holdings of Dallas as its majority owner. Nukote International manufactures and markets imaging supplies for imaging devices. It offers ink jets, laser, thermal fax supplies, ribbons, toners, and custom coating products. The company is headquartered in Rochester, New York. Nukote International operates as a subsidiary of Nu‐Kote Holding, Inc. On June 3, 3009, Nukote International, Inc., along with its affiliates, filed a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 in the US Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Tennessee

BILLION DOLLAR INK With the Billions of dollars available in the market‐place p yyou can also imagine g that theyy are criminals, felons, lawbreakers and just plain old robbers within the inkjet and laser toner business. The driving forces of Hewlett Packard , Canon, Epson, Brother, Lexmark, Dell and Kodak are all enjoying a very good reputation and are highly regarded within industry These dependable companies really created the technology and the market‐ industry. market place of printers and cartridges. With that said, we also feel that these same companies have subjugated their customers, demoralized their customers and supply chain partners through very high prices, recycling strategies and schemes to keep you out of the business and continue earning billions. Bankruptcy is a legally declared inability or impairment of Do your sales numbers and actual paid commission just not add up? A class action lawsuit against HP in the San Francisco federal court is currentlyy p pending. g Three former employees p y of HP claim that theyy sold millions of dollars worth of HP equipment and services, but HP failed to pay them commissions for those sales. The former employees also claim that HP failed to give them credit for sales made, which impacted their ability to meet their quotas and earn bonuses. The suit alleges that the total commissions HP owes to current and former employees is over $5.0 $ million. We believe that if these allegations are true, a monetary penalty – over and above the commissions HP owes – may be assessed against HP. If you are a current or former HP employee and you believe HP failed to pay you commissions you are owed, contact us and protect your rights. CONTACT US: CONTACT US: Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C. (303) 757‐3300 1‐800‐544‐9922

ability of an individual or organization to pay its creditors. Creditors may file a bankruptcy petition against a debtor ("involuntary bankruptcy") in an effort to recoup a portion of what theyy are owed or initiate a restructuring. g In the majority of cases, however, bankruptcy is initiated by the debtor (a "voluntary bankruptcy" that is filed by the insolvent individual or organization).

Some of these big companies have big problems. We’ve found a way to stay small, stay out of sight, sell more and more ink products. Every cartridge that you sell will produce a profit.

BILLION DOLLAR INK The stratagem g is simple. p To create a device called the inkjet j or laser toner p printer that uses their patented cartridges that the consumers must purchase over and over again at extremely excessive retail prices. Their plan worked so well that it also fashioned a third party industry. This third party industry reversed engineered their technology and became skilled at the refilling of the original ink or toner cartridges, cartridges thus cutting out the big name brands we mentioned. Most Ink and Toner refilling companies are little companies that fill inkjet cartridges out of a hut somewhere with a sign on the front door. Their quality is mostly poor because this cottage industry has older equipment or very poor equipment, very poor training of personnel, used and worn out cartridge parts, low cost, low quality ink. A confidence trick or confidence game (also known as a bunko, con, This stratagem means that you can mask your real goals, by using the ruse of a fake goal that everyone takes for granted, until the real goal is achieved. hi d Tactically, T ti ll this thi is i known k as an 'open feint'; in front of everyone, you point west, when your goal is actually y in the east. Byy the time everyone realized it, you have already achieved your goal.

flim flam, gaffle, grift, hustle, scam, scheme, swindle or bamboozle) is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. The h victim i i is i known k as the h mark, k the h trickster i k i called is ll d a confidence fid man, con man, or con artist, and any accomplices are known as shills. Confidence men exploit human characteristics such as greed and dishonesty, and have victimized individuals from all walks of life.

BILLION DOLLAR INK Over the yyears this cottage g refillingg industryy has moved from the little hut business p plan to the main street structures that you see today. Ink refillers moved to main street because printer customers wanted to save lots of money on ink and toner cartridges. Ink refilling companies still had the poor technology, the sloppy work habits, the used or patched up parts very poor output quality but now they have big store front rents, parts, rents major competition across the country, complaining customers about leaky refills, non‐working refills, payroll taxes and the infamous franchise fees they must pay on every gross dollar they generate. The little cottage business grew up to the big time due to the inkjet laser toner customer really wanting a solution. These refillers struggle today and we would suggest that they fail often. Injecting ink: Depending on the type of cartridge being refilled, ink can either be injected through a hole on top of the cartridge, or directly into the ink chambers after the top has been popped off. off The ink can be injected directly from a bottle (with a needle tip on it) or from a needle filled with ink. The ink must be slowly injected into the cartridge so as not to cause damage, or overfilling, or overflow to other‐color ink reservoirs. (For colors, a label on the cartridge might have 3 ordered color color‐dots dots to indicate the corresponding 3 ink colors of the reservoir chambers.

BILLION DOLLAR INK The refillingg trade seemed to have the right g idea and have stolen major j revenue dollars from the big manufacturers. But, something very important has happened in the last few years and consumers don’t know it and the refilling industry doesn’t talk about it and the big brands, Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Brother, Lexmark and Kodak would just as soon us not write about it. it The cottage refill industry that moved to downtown and malls and now have their own store fronts still produce low quality, leaking cartridges, high priced alternatives , very poor actual guarantees other than their brochures. The refilling industry has one advantage and its gone away in the last couple of years. They can charge less. That’s it and its not enough. People want to save money but they don’t want to purchase useless items. Installing/running: Once the cartridge is filled, the top is placed back on (if necessary) and the cartridge can be reinstalled in the printer. printer Extra ink flowing from the cartridge print‐head can be wiped/blotted (for a few minutes). On some cartridges the ink has a problem getting to the bottom of the cartridge (especially the colored cartridges), it must be forced to the bottom either by suction through the jet plate or by putting pressure from the top with a syringe to purge the ink through the jet plate very gently. It might be necessary to run the printer cleaning utilities on the refilled cartridge, in case any excess ink is leftover from the refilling process.

BILLION DOLLAR INK The refillingg trade started somethingg that theyy cannot finish. You can easilyy start yyour very own inkjet refilling business, in a couple of weeks. Go buy a $50,000 to $200,000 inkjet cartridge refilling machine. Put it in your own building, hang up your sign, get the power turned on and plug the machine in and get going. But, not so fast. Which machine do you buy? How much should you pay? Who really knows if the machine works? What do you do about machine repairs? Do you buy a machine made in China? Buy one from an American factory? Should you use vacuum technology? What’s wrong with refilling kits? Can you get cartridge parts? How much is good ink? How many different types of ink? SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR REPAIRS

Ink ‐‐ O Ink O –– Matic It’s difficult for me to place my future financial and business success on a machine called the Ink – O – Matic, maybe its just me? It might be the best machine in the world or made d in i some guys garage? When it breaks down do you go on vacation for a month?

BILLION DOLLAR INK Well that sounds risky. y Maybe y yyou should buyy a franchise, makes everything y g easy. y Maybe y for the same $200,000 you can have your own inkjet refill franchise? You have to do everything their way. You have to pay gross sales fees forever. You must rent prime retail space, certain square footage, use their signs, their boxes, their branding or image maker brochures buy their ink, brochures, ink buy their cartridge parts and they always remain your little helpers. You will spend about $250,000 to open up a first class refilling operation. The money spent doesn’t make you qualified to operate your business, refill inkjet cartridges, satisfy customers, compete on a national scale, out sell junk cartridge dealers, out run the counterfeit group selling cartridges and pay the rent, your employees, pay insurance, power bills and advertise at the same time. What’s PREBATE Ink? It is sometimes overlooked that this ruling only applies to Lexmark's "Prebate" ink cartridges, where the contract states that in

exchange for purchasing the ink cartridge at a lower price, the consumer agrees to not tamper with the cartridge and return it to Lexmark for refurbishing and repackaging. repackaging The consumer agrees at time of purchase that they will return the cartridge to the original factory and will not tamper with the inkjet cartridge. This means that the consumer cannot give the cartridge to the refiller or a j cartridge g factory. y Is this Legal? g inkjet

BILLION DOLLAR INK Would yyou want to spend p $50,000 to $250,000 to open p a refillingg business? I don’t think so! In fact we really see through our research that the ink refilling business, on the local level, will catastrophically fail in the next few years. Fortunately if you follow our exclusive BILLION DOLLAR INK BUSINESS PLAN you will gain a great deal of customer and profits when the now traditional inkjet and laser toner business paradigm changes. changes The blueprint to change is already in place and the new design is already working. Our configuration can out produce and out perform any local refilling operation and produce customer relationships and profits. What we’re seeing now is that the original equipment makers, as Lexmark for an example, has cornered d the h inkjet i kj cartridge id buyer b into a binding contract. The consumer agrees not to refill the cartridge g and send it back to the Lexmark company. Big Ink and Big Retail will even threaten their customers with legal actions to keep them from saving money. money It’s true. true United States Court of Appeals states that its legal.

About the Lexmark Return Program Lexmark is pleased to offer our printer customers the choice of using Lexmark Return Program Cartridges for many Lexmark printer families. Lexmark Return Program Cartridges are sold at a discount versus the prices of regular cartridges in exchange for the customer's agreement to use the cartridge only once and return it only to Lexmark for remanufacturing or recycling

Arizona Cartridge Remanufacturers Association Inc. v. Lexmark International Inc. 03‐16987 D.C. No. CV‐01‐04626SBA/JL OPINION (9th Cir. 2005) was a decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit which ruled that an End User License Agreement on a physical box can be binding on consumers who signal their acceptance of the license agreement by opening the box.

BILLION DOLLAR INK Look at the past, past Overseas Factory Produces the inkjet and laser toner cartridges. The big ink brands that you know, Hewlett Packard, Canon, Lexmark, Dell, Brother, Epson p etc do not make their cartridges g in the United States. Theyy make them overseas for pennies and then import them back to the United States and earn billions of dollars from their use of cheap impoverished labor. g Company. p y Theyy will do Bigg Brand Name Manufacturingg and Design anything, just about, to keep their money. Court actions are typical to protect their billions. Look what Lexmark is doing.

Big Retail Chains, supply chain partners that sell ink and toner. They’re retailers but they have lots of pull with big ink. They buy millions of dollars worth of ink. They will support anything that will protect their profits. Interesting to note that Big Retail is also now selling quality remanufactured ink and toner cartridges. They see the future. The End User Customer. The Human being that buys ink and toner. The consumer pays for everything. Consumers pay for the ink, factory, advertising, lawyers, salaries and everything else. The end consumer is also the last person on earth to know and understand the truth.

The graph on the right shows us something. You know about it but you never think about it. it You can make anything cheaper overseas. The example would be that you can make something within the Asian area of the world for about 34 cents on the dollar. In other words Big Ink can manufacturer a ink or toner cartridge for pennies by using overseas workers and not Americans. The Big Ink companies import their own goods back to the United States and d earn billions billi off dollars. d ll Th They continue to diminish and weaken foreign workers and at the same time deplete p and drain American Consumers by making gigantic profits on every cartridge. The New Deal Ink and Toner Company allows regular people people just like you, people, you to understand and profit within this billion dollar ink business.

Your success will be found by getting connected to trustworthy, dependable and reliable ink and toner remanufacturing companies in the United States.


Ink Refill Ink Refill


The End User Customer stopped buying from the Big Retail Chains and started buying the low‐priced, cut‐rate refilled cartridges. The Overseas factory, Big brand manufacturers and their Retail supply chains starting losing customers and tens of millions of dollars in gross revenue to the refilling industry.

BILLION DOLLAR INK The End User Customer was winning the price advantage through the cottage refilling i d t industry. J t like Just lik any business, b i th refill the fill business b i started t t d to t grow and d grow as customers thought they found the economical knight in shining armor. They soon learned that their liberator cottage refiller had very poor quality and was really charging g g them hundreds and hundreds of dollars p per ggallon of ink. Its rational and even evenhanded to say that the refilling industry had poor quality. Their great guarantees were valueless as they often advised their upset customer that the customers cartridge was bad and it wasn’t their fault. The refillers meaningless guarantees and fancy signs are forcing customers to look at their next solution, solution the new deal ink and toner solution. The End User Customer has been looking for a reall solution. l ti Th tried They t i d refill fill kits. kit They Th tried refiller companies. It seems that their solution, that they’re willing to pay for is the ink and toner remanufacturingg segment. g Refill Kits, cheap, leaky and remain th mostt horrible the h ibl solution.

Its was a great business, until the I.R.S. said that my ink contraption was not a lawful deduction. They allowed some under useless items and second hand goods..

Refiller Companies, and their contraptions were a little better, but not the solution. Poor equipment, no quality standards, poor employee training and cut‐rate parts ruin any benefits.

B I L L I O N D O L L A R I N K The Consumer/Customer of ink and toner is quickly moving to the Remanufacturing Company. The Ink Th I k Toner T R Remanufacturing f t i Company C was quickly proving the better solution for quality, value and the consumer price point. High Tech Equipment, q p Proper p personnel Trainingg and p Development, O.E.M. quality standards is producing the better value. These remanufacturing companies started overseas due to low‐cost low cost labor costs. costs Now, Now American companies are building remanufacturing factories.


The h Customer is leaving l the refill industry due to quality and price HAPPY REFILLER

DOMESTIC This 3rd party Remanufacturing Company based in the United States provides proof that the industry of remanufacturing ink and laser toner cartridges will command the future. Americans can create American Jobs, Receive reliable quality, Be given factory warranties and guarantees and toping all of that receive a better price. Remanufacturing is growing through customer satisfaction and gaining dramatic market shares from the big ink and toner original manufacturing companies.

BILLION DOLLAR INK The refill industry cannot compete with the remanufacturing industry. Value and Q lit superiority Quality i it has h been b th trait the t it off the th remanufacturing f t i industry. i d t Y Your success will be found within this new standard of operations found within these factories. There is always a warning with any new production system coming to market. Not all factories are equal. q You have ggood and bad factories in the market today. y Some factories are terrible and produce dreadful ink and toner cartridges. Our research and actual findings show there is only a small number of high quality cartridge remanufacturing companies in the world. Lets say right now. When you get passionate about quality you produce quality. quality You have to be addicted to high quality. Customer satisfaction starts with quality, not just price. People by the millions have stopped buying their local, regional i l or national ti l newspapers. Now N th i buying their b i access to t computers and internet news and services. When people sit at their computers they also print interesting articles, pictures etc. The printer business is getting bigger and bigger. Position your business with the customers. Staying with the customers increases your honest revenue and honest profits. Within the ink and toner business, along with new printing technologies the business segment has a very strong future. People don’t buy the printed newspaper. They visit places on their computer and then only print out what they need or just simply want. Internet access is growing and so will your business profits.

BILLION DOLLAR INK Take a look at these people. These are your customers. Every one of these people own and d operate t a computer t and d also l a computer t inkjet i kj t or laser l t toner printer. i t Take a second and count them. How many people did you come up with? If every other one of them gave you $200.00 how much do you have? If every other one of them gave your $300.00 how much cash in your hand?




I k R fill Ink Refill The Big International Brand Name Manufacturing companies, companies THE BIG INK BOSSES, came up with a dastardly plan to protect their billions of dollars. These companies would do just about anything to protect their profits. Their shameful and reprehensible actions are little known.

The Big Brand Manufacturing companies had to do something to stop the flow of empty inkjet and toner cartridges from moving to these refilling companies. Hundreds of little ink refill companies starting sprouting all across our country. These little companies were taking hundreds of millions of dollars away from the Giant Ink and d Toner T companies. i

BILLION DOLLAR INK The Big Brand Manufacturing companies came up with a immoral plan by some estimations. They would tell their supply chain and their customers the truth about one thing and then leave out some important details. The Big Brand Names, told their printer customers, if you use a refilled inkjet or laser toner cartridge they would null and void the printer warranty.


United States of America

Supreme Court The Supreme Court of the United States quickly put an end to this reprehensible attempt to stop free enterprise. Using Ink or Toner Refills cannot void any warranty, by court order, by the United States Supreme Court. Its against the law to void a printer guarantee because any consumer may use a refilled ink or toner cartridge.

BILLION DOLLAR INK The Supreme Court also stated that the consumers inkjet cartridge was their personal property This is a big deal. property. deal You You’llll discover the legal trick Lexmark has put in place that keeps you spending more and more money for their products. When you buy something it becomes your personal property. property That’s per the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States of America. If the

Why doesn’t Lexmark and others contract against you concerning their printers and computers? Why don don’tt they pay for the shipping back to their factories when you’re done with your computer? All their profits are found within the ink and toner cartridges. Their scheme is not about saving the planet, its about making more money.

inkjet cartridge is empty or full it belongs to you and d you alone. l Y can toss it You i in i the h trash, h give i it i to a friend, take it to a refiller, send it back to the factory or anything else you can think of to dispose or use. Lexmark disagrees with your rights. Theyy embedded a contract within the p packaging g g that states if you buy their ink you also agree with their contract inside. The contract says you cannot refill or reuse. If you buy Lexmark cartridges your locked into very high prices.

220 Million Printers within the United States use millions of inkjet and laser toner cartridges every week. These empty cartridges were being tossed in the trash or taken to local refilling companies that were germinating all over the world. The Big ink companies were losing out big time. Refilling ink was a major problem.

BILLION DOLLAR INK People, started to refill their inkjet and laser toner cartridges by the millions. The Big Ink Companies came up with another plan. It was a big plan and its working rather well, even today. Big Ink knew that millions of inkjet cartridges were hitting the trash can, but th really they ll didn’t did ’t care. Only O l when h consumer groups and d earth th friendly groups barked they started to pay attention. Big Ink really cared when people started filling their cartridges and not going to the store to buy a new expensive cartridge.

Save the Planet


HP's annual report says that the money in printing is in supplies‐‐ some specialty papers, but mostly ink and toner. Lexmark's SEC filings describe no fewer than six restructuring programs since 2006 and detail the company'ss efforts to focus its products on "high‐usage" company high usage markets markets‐‐the the ones that consume the most supplies.

Printer companies have been trying to protect the fat margins on their printer supplies with everything up to and including smart chips that only accept digitally signed supplies, leading to lots of lawsuits and consumer enmity. And those margins remain under pressure as consumers look for lower‐cost ink, with new services such as Costco's on‐site inkjet cartridge refill service emerging to put even more of a squeeze on printer manufacturers.

Millions and Millions of empty inkjet and laser toner cartridges were being placed in the trash. trash The refilling business played this cash card quickly. quickly Refill them don don’tt throw them away, save money and save the earth at the same time. A green cash cow was born.

BILLION DOLLAR INK Now, people could put up with bad refill quality and even feel good. They were t i to trying t save the th planet l t every time ti th refilled they fill d the th cartridge. t id Save the Planet


are able to maintain or increase market share for a particular product, product revenue could decline because the product is in a maturing industry. Revenue and margins also could decline due to increased competition from other types of products products. For example example, refill and remanufactured alternatives for some of HP's LaserJet toner and inkjet cartridges compete with HP's supplies business. In addition, other companies have developed and marketed new compatible cartridges for HP's LaserJet and inkjet products

The Big Ink Companies were overwhelmed by the consumer response People refilled their ink and response. toner cartridges by the millions. People stopped throwing their empties away and started taking them to their local ink and toner refiller. Big Ink Sales dropped like a rock. Retail Chains, their supply chain partners wanted some kind of quick relief. relief Sales of manufacturers own brand ink and toner cartridges have fallen during the recession, a new study has revealed. Branded inkjet consumables from companies such as Canon, Brother and HP have declined by 19.2 per cent, according to research firm IDC. Sales of official laser toner also fell by 24.9 per cent in the first half of this year. However, sales of third party compatible ink cartridges and refillable units have grown steadily over the same period, increasing by 5.1 per cent. Refillable and compatible ink cartridges now account for a 37.3 per cent share of the Refillable and compatible ink cartridges now account for a 37.3 per cent share of the market in consumable printer goods.

Millions and Millions of dollars were moving to the refilling segment. Big Ink was starting to see these cash money shifts on their balance sheets. Retail Chains wanted a better deal on ink and toner. The supply chain was starting to squirm and twist and most importantly growing smaller and shrinking due to less cash money flow.

BILLION DOLLAR INK Sales of manufacturers own brand ink and toner cartridges have fallen during the recession, i a new study t d has h revealed. l d Branded B d d inkjet i kj t consumables bl from f companies i such as Canon, Brother and HP have declined by 19.2 per cent, according to research firm IDC. Sales of official laser toner also fell by 24.9 per cent in the first half of this year. However, sales of third party compatible ink cartridges and refillable units have grown steadily over the same period, increasing by 5.1 per cent.

Refillable and Compatible ink cartridges now account for a 37.3 per cent share of the market in consumable printer goods.

Key Competitor Seeks Damages SAN JOSE, Calif., July 13 /PRNewswire/ ‐‐ Hewlett‐ Packard Company (HP) (NYSE: HWP) falsely labels packages for its inkjet cartridges to deceive consumers into believing that replacements which are frequently more economical are incompatible with HP printers, according to a ruling by a Federal Court Judge in San Jose, California. HP, which strongly encourages consumers to purchase completely new inkjet cartridges each time the ink is exhausted, is being enjoined by the Court from falsely labeling its packaging.

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Dec. 15 ‐‐ Harry Nicodem of McHenry, Ill., and Timothy Knecht of Buffalo Grove, Ill have developed an apparatus for refilling inkjet Ill., cartridges. The inventors were issued U.S. Patent No. 7,628,181 on Dec. 8. According to the abstract released by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office: "An integrated inkjet‐cartridge refilling system that is comprised of an arrangement of mechanical, electrical, electronic, pneumatic, and software elements, which is used by an operator in a retail environment

Big Ink was starting to lose millions and millions of dollars because the major drop of ink and toner cartridges Big Ink tried the courts to stop refilling cartridges. companies. Big Ink tried to sue refillers. Big Ink tried to sue people for any patent infringement. Big Ink ended up at the Supreme Court. Big Ink put less ink inside their ink cartridges to create more profits. Big Ink was caught charging people almost $8,000.00 per gallon for inkjet ink. Big Ink was losing the battle for the consumers confidence and money. They tried everything to hold on to the cash pile. Nothing honest seemed to work so they keep trying insincere plans and programs.

Big Ink almost gives you a printer so you will be forced to buy their expensive ink. Their plan was failing, a cheap printer and cheap ink was a cash disaster. Consumers got smart really fast.

You can set up your own company to collect used and empty inkjet and laser toner cartridges. Have your friends and family collect them from every little business around town and earn hundreds of dollars every month. Real companies will send you real money for used and empty O.E.M. inkjet and laser toner cartridges.


INK NK $8 $8,000 000 GALLON G LLON It’s not a joke when hundreds of inkjet cartridges are collected and then sold to remanufacturing companies. Some specific cartridges sell for $3.00 each to remanufacturing or cartridge collection companies.

If Bigg ink and Bigg retail can hold on to used or empty cartridges they can continue to control the market. Never forget, an empty inkjet and laser toner cartridge has a cash value. If the Original Equipment Manufacturer O.E.M. O E M can keep empty/used inkjet and laser toner cartridges off the free enterprise market they can continue to control and be in command of the overall retail selling price. Your money. Big Ink, Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Brother, Lexmark and Kodak, and in some cases their partners or retail partners Big Retail, partners, Retail Office Max, Max Office Depot, Depot Staples, Wal‐Mart, Best Buy, K‐Mart and more to come, do everything they can to trick you out of your empties. The caper is simple, they offer you some kind of inflated buy back recycling plan so they can control the empty cartridge market‐ place.

BILLION DOLLAR INK Again, g if theyy can scam yyou out of yyour empties p yyou’re forced to p payy the ggigantic g retail prices for a new cartridge. Most people know very little about retail pricing and the actual gross profit margins built into every purchase you make.

Big Retailers give you pennies for your valuable inkjet cartridge. You get a couple of bucks and they receive hundreds of dollars in new sales. sales

If you give your inkjet or laser toner cartridge to a big retailer you will always l pay more and d more for f a new printer cartridge.

If the Retail partner gives you ten dollars for ten empty inkjet cartridges you feel good. You think they are going to be recycled, don’t you? They are going to be destroyed, never to be returned as a low cost inkjet cartridges. You’re going to get $10.00 which equals about $350.00 to $400.00 in new cartridge sales for the retailer. Big Ink and Big Retailer Recycle Programs continue to trick some people. You thought it was like the old days. They know how you think about things. Turn in the old aluminum can and get your nickel and then at some point a brand new can appears on the shelf made out of your recycled can? That’s how you recycle, y , like yyour p parents did,, like yyou did as a kid. Collect a couple p of cans and get some fun money. What they really do is destroy the old empty cartridge and forces you to buy a new one at very high prices. Customers think they’re helping the planet and all they’re really doing to helping big ink and big retail get more and more of the consumers money. You can start your own business by collecting these empty cartridges. Real companies will buy them from you for real cash. They will be remanufactured and brought back to the market‐place at a lower price that will save people money.

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