Care Lab Blueprint 3

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How do we create conditions for building and sustaining care-centred collaborations?

Care is complex and unravelly. Dictionary: Care is “serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk”. Care is 2-way and reciprocal. Care is open communication and making no judgment. Care is Love. Care is the process of protecting someone or something and providing what that person or thing needs.

What is Care?


Reflections from Suzanne Alleyne, Care Lab Facilitator

Moving between spaces and working with our worst fears

The common theme of tensions and opposites came up immediately. Dre started by talking about the challenge of giving this provocation by “moving from a producer’s space into an artist’s face, and suddenly looking at themselves as an artist”. This got me thinking about each of us as individuals and the challenges of thinking and doing care. There are all the outside tensionsbudgets, time lines, deadlines, reporting and process procedures - but there is also the tension and challenge within ourselves. Part of Dre’s provocation explained to us, the participants, what clown practice is: “basically the clown nose is the is the smallest mask and what it allows us to do is remove the mask that we have in the world and put on this other tiny, tiny little mask, which enables us to be our most vulnerable self”. I wonder how care would look and feel differently if we could all be our most vulnerable selves, knowing that we would be cared for in our process of revealing what we need. How could this human-centred approach apply to everyone in the creative process? And it feels important to come back to that theme of what is harmony for one is discord for another - for Dre just thinking about the notion of care is a really heavy subject that brings out visceral and seemingly painful feelings, which is why she finished by asking “can we have more conversations to address issues around care and drive change without it feeling heavytackling it seriously whilst holding it lightly”.

Moving Forward

I was left with the overriding question from these provocations:

How do we take action whilst listening to our bodies and emotions and the bodies and emotions of those around us?

How do we not become rooted in the fear of failure?

What is tension and what is lack of care?

Where do the two meet and overlap and for whom, how and when?

Why is care important between artists and organisations and beyond, funders, wider society?

Three prompts to begin


Focus on what resonates with you but if you feel a desire to run from something, in this moment, try to think about sitting with your feelings and examining them.

Care and disruption:

Asking to work with embedded care is fundamentally disruptive.

How can we reduce fear around this to encourage disruption?


Usually there is a transactional relationship between artist and commissioner.

How might a brief centre care rather than have a separate agreement?


All systems need review in order to centre care.

In what ways can we use what we have more usefully?

How can we communicate if systems are not fit for purpose?

How can we start again?

Care-caution Care-control Care-prescription Care-contingency Care-intervention Care challenge Care code Care shift Care gift Care care
“an affective connective tissue between an inner self and an outer world, care constitutes a feeling with, rather than a feeling for, others.”
- Hobart and Kneese, Radical Care: Survival Strategies for Uncertain Times

Tricia Hersey is an artist, thinker, writer and self-proclaimed Nap Bishop. She connects the relationship with our current grind culture with the impacts of the slave trade and capitalism.

Tricia found that rest as resistance saved her life. She created the conditions to thrive for herself.

This made me think of myself as an artist. An artist who studied clowning because I was a bad actor. An artist who was always behind in academic studies and in physical theatre training because I couldn’t really take instructions.

The clown is the most human character and to be human is to be flawed and contradictory. The clown faces all sides of itself at the same time.

Clown is also a highly sensitive space (as an autistic person this is what enriches my clowning).

I often work with objects as a way to create abstraction in such a dense emotional world.

Right now, when I think of care, am overwhelmed by that big responsibility. It is so heavy. The weight of it is huge - caring for my friends, family, the environment, anyone the government isn’t caring for…

With abstraction I can bring lightness.

Sometimes with the pressure of it all and the weight of responsibility, especially working with a care centred organisation, the weight can crush us, the work or the people we work with.

There is so much seriousness that comes with care and that seriousness sucks the oxygen out of new possibilities

Where is the lightness in care?

How do we play our way into it?

Care is a heavy subject - it can be overwhelming It takes a lot of bravery to honour our care. It’s not possible to think about care without also thinking about really intense bravery

We make assumptions that other people’s communications needs are the same as ours Centring care can touch deep emotions/memories of not being cared for.

You won’t get a different outcome with the same action. Lean into the discomfort of new, difficult ideas. Abstraction can sometimes help you move forward. The reality is that in any one conversation both people can be aware that everyone communicates differently, and be trying to take that into account, and still talk past each other.



How do we create conditions for building and sustaining care-centred collaborations?

Some people might be disempowered by the word ‘care’ - it has a long history as a ‘label’ in disability politics.

Intention, action and understanding/decoding - it can be easy to make assumptions

Organisations often think in terms of deficits, for example if only we had more time, people, money etc.

“Systems of care” - rather than each individual having to define and practice their own would a care-centred system operate?

When we’re rethinking and reshaping - the way that it sounds may be unreasonable because care can be disruptive.

What if I/You/We…

Can the practice of care sometimes stop us from moving forward?

What can we do for ourselves to make sure we can flourish and thrive in a space?

What can we stop doing to make the time to embed care?

How do we use what we have better, instead of thinking about what we’d do if we had more?

How do we acknowledge that what we have isn’t fit for purpose and start again?

How do we lean into the discomfort in an environment where the space isn’t held?

Is care about who hears you, when they hear you and how they hear you?

Is there a systemic problem of people expecting for more to be done with less money rather than asking, what would happen if you applied for more money to do less?

What do we need to create the conditions to care?

Had a shared template for an artist rider/ practice of care and accountability agreement? Could it be a series of prompts and questions around your practice for both artist and commissioner to complete and exchange, creating the foundations for how they work together

Shaped project briefs together as the first act of collaboration between artist, co-creators, commissioners in all projects?

Developed a practice of care for everyone in the team?

What if we created it together then held each other accountable for living it, modelling internally what we seek to create space and resource for in our work with communities

Acknowledge that we’re not always doing these things in a receptive environment and do it anyway!

Let our comms reflect our journey of learning, adapting and evolving, communicating boldly that we (the organisations) don’t always know things - that we often don’t!

Worked with paradox and oxymorons, in solidarity?

Worked to showcase the beauty of asymmetry? (this is reference to a guiding rule of the Performance Art Forum - People come from different places, inhabit different bodies, have different experiences, are situated differently in power structures and have different boundaries. Take this into account, challenge your own position and let it be challenged, while respecting other people’s boundaries.)

…exploring the foundations, context and ingredients for centring care in collaborations • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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