Peru e e-Government Government Master Plan Comentarios y sugerencias, por favor escribir al e-mail:, Asunto: Master Plan
Mar, 2009
Table of Contents
Table of Contents I. Project Overview II Environment and Status Analysis II. III. e-Government Vision and Strategy IV. To-Be Model V. Implementation Plan
Background of Project
I. Project Overview
The Peru’s e-Government master plan project has been initiated and implemented based on Peruvian government’s sustained commitment to the project and experience-based support of Korean government
Peru’s Peru s ee-Government Master Plan • Analysis of Peru's informatization status
• Establishment of vision and strategy of e-Government
• Grasp of major requirements regarding the project
• Defining Improvement tasks
• Research of best practices
• Setting up detailed implementation plan
Analysis of Peru’s e-Government project as well ll as relevant l t requirements i t
Transfer of experience of Korea’s K ’ e-Government G t project j t
Commitment to eGovernment project
Increase in Demand for Informatization
Reinforcement of administrative services through e-Government project Sustained implementation of eGovernment project to enter into i f information ti society i t Promotion of industrial and economic development through eproject j Government p Increase in demand for Informatization projects 3
Experience of e-Government project
Entry into the leading information society through state-of-the-art information technology Accumulated experience of successful implementation of projects in public as well as private sectors
Reinforce support for e-Government of international society
Support of e-Government project of international society as a leader of e-Government Development of IT technology of Korea
Objective & Scope of Project
I. Project Overview
The primary goal of this project is to analyze the status and environment of Peru’s e-Government and to establish the vision & roadmap to implement improved task
Scope of Project • Analyze Status and Environment – Analyze Status . Status of national policies . Analysis of Peru’s e-Government project . Analysis of status of government services for people and corporations - Analyze Environment . Informatization status of each ministry . Status of laws and policies regarding eGovernment – Analyze of internal requests • Define a To-Be Model for efficient e-Government – Set up vision and objectives of Peru’s eGovernment – Design a To-Be Model for efficient e-Government – Define tasks to be improved • Establish implementation plan – Set up implementation plan for efficient implementation of tasks to be improved – Set up roadmap of implementation plan
Objectives of Project In order to present a blueprint to establish an efficient, systematic and productive Peruvian e e-Government, Government we are going to 1. Set up mid and long-term policy vision and objectives, j , 2. Come up with implementation strategies to carry out core tasks 3. Arrange implementation plans including organization and schedule 4. Set the direction of relevant laws and policies
Methodology and Approach
I. Project Overview
The project will be carried out three sequential phases of status and environment analysis, design of To-Be model and setup of implementation roadmap
Project Implementation Methodology 12/1
Phase 1(Evaluate)
Phase 2(Envision & Design)
Analyze status and environment
Design To-Be model
Stage 1.1
Phase 3(Realization) Set up implementation roadmap p
Analysis of environment Stage 0 Project Kick Off • Set up Work Plan • Kick Off Meeting
• National Policy • National ICT Status
Stage 1.2 Analysis of Status • e-Government Implementation System • e-Government Status • Informatization status of each ministry • Law and Regulation • Internal requirements
Stage 1.3 Identification of major issues and opportunitie s
Stage 2.1
• Identification of issues and opportunities • Presentation of future direction of the project
• Settle Identity of Peruvian e-Government • Establish vision of e-Government G t
Establish vision and strategy
Stage 2.2 Present core projects and tasks • Present core projects and tasks to achieve vision • Define core tasks
Stage 3.1 Set up Roadmap and Implementation Plan • Set up Roadmap and Action Plan
Table of Contents
Table of Contents I. Project Overview II Environment and Status Analysis II. 1.
Environment and Status Analysis Framework
National Policy Analysis
Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
e-Government Status Analysis
Law and Policy
Requirements Analysis
Improvement p Direction
III. e-Government Vision and Strategy IV. To-Be Model V Implementation Plan V.
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Environment and Status Analysis Framework
1. Environment and Status Analysis Framework
The national p policy, y, Informatization status,, laws and regulations g and specific p requirements q of Peruvian government g has been analyzed to come up with enhancement opportunities and future directions for a successful Peruvian e-Government project. As--Is Analysis As
Concluding Opportunities
National policy Analysis
Implications & Opportunities
To--Be Direction To
• National Development Agenda • Peruvian Digital Agenda (ICT Strategy) • National Strategy of E-Government Analysis of National ICT Status and e-Government Project System • • • • •
• • • • •
Policy status Informatization status e-Government e Government status Laws and regulations status Requirements
National ICT Status p y map p of e-Government Preparatory Definition and scope of e-Government e-Government execution system e-Government implementation process e-Government Status Analysis
• Informatization status • e-Government system status • Diagnosis of information system level Analysis of Laws and Regulations • Analysis of e-Government related laws and regulations status • Comparative analysis with Korean and American counterparts Requirements Analysis • Interview result 7
II. Environment and Status Analysis
National Policy Analysis Framework
2. National Policy Analysis
For p policy y analysis, y , ‘National Development p Agenda', g , Peruvian Digital g Agenda’ g as Informatization policy, p y, and ‘National eGovernment Strategy’ as e-Government policy has been reviewed to draw out correlations and implications among policy. National Development Goal (Nat’l Development Agenda)
ICT Strategy (Peruvian Digital Agenda)
Document on National Development Strategy
Vision & Mission
Framework Law for the Modernization of State Management Definition and establishment of the National Mandatory policy for Government Entities IDB Country Strategy with Peru
Major Content of Policy Strengthen public service for citizen Encourage the development channel for citizen participation Decentralization and Protection for minor groups Enhance transparency for State Enhance efficiency for public sector Make Stable Economy and Fiscal Enhance technological support to carry outt Development D l t
e-Government Strategy (Nat’l Strategy of e e--Government) Strategic Objectives
Peruvian Digital Agenda Infrastructure for the Development of the Information Society Development of Human Capacities Development and Application of the ICT in the Social Sector Development and Application of the ICT in the Production and the Service Sector e-Government
Simplification of administration through IT and implementation of e-Government public services Integrated system, Strategic project and acceptance of process Redesign of public administrative process Development of telecommunications infrastructure in isolated areas Education and training for information society and eGovernment
Action Plan • 34 Action Plans
Action Plan
Analysis of Correlation among g Policies
II. Environment and Status Analysis
National Development Goal - Overview
2. National Policy Analysis
National Development p Agenda g has been classified into seven subcategories g through g analysis y of relevant laws and plans p while Peruvian government effectuated 12 specific tasks that have been assigned to relevant administrative offices in 2007 to accomplish them
Peruvian National Development Agenda Strengthen public service for citizen Establishment of channel for citizen participation Decentralization and Protection of minor groups Enhancement of transparency for overall national affairs Enhancement of efficiency of public sector Maintenance of stability in national budget and macro economy along with expansion of investment Proactive P ti utilization tili ti off science i & technology t h l for f national ti l development d l t Source:「Basic Act for Modernization of National Affairs」,「 Act on National Strategic Plan」, IDB Country Report 2007-2011
12 Administrative Tasks Decentralization, Gender Equality, Protection of Youth, Tradition and Local Provinces, Protection of the Disabled, Prevention of Minor Group Isolation, Reinforcement of Technology/Environment/Corporate Competitiveness, Building up Social Exchange Capability, Job Creation and Medium-sized Companies, Simplification of Administration, Anti-Corruption, National Security and Defense Source:「Definition and establishment of the National Mandatory policy for Government Entities」
National development strategies has been defined based on urgent agenda regarding relevant laws and regulations instead of formal procedure of proclaiming vision and mission. The 12 specific tasks have been presented to have each relevant administrative office focus on its own tasks for National Development, which is comprehensively commensurate with National Agenda. 9
National Development Goal -12 Tasks of Administrative Offices (1/3)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 2. National Policy Analysis
The following g table shows 12 specific p tasks,, relationship p with national development p project. p j National Policy
• Swift and appropriate transfer of governmental rights, functions and resources to local and state governments • Define the scope of specific roles, responsibilities, and controls to build up administrative and financial competitiveness of local and state governments • Provide local and state governments with education designed to reinforce the capability to conduct administration • Develop a local platform to reinforce competitiveness of local and state governments for sustained growth and development • Develop telecommunications services that are easily accessible and reliable, and reduce regional Informatization gap in society
Gender Equality
• Promote gender equality and equal opportunity in planning and implementing public policies • Assurance of gender equality in overall social practices, communications, acceptance of values and equal t iti opportunities • Complete assurance of civil rights in politics, economy and social culture • Promote female access to and participation in decision-making in administration and social affairs • Support the needy households equal to or prior to support for women
• • • • • •
Support careers and self-realization of youth in each Ministry E Encourage youth th to t participate ti i t in i various i socio-political i liti l affairs ff i Promote employment, leadership, education and entrepreneurship for youth Enhance access and utilization of hygiene services by youth Prevent and/or rehabilitate you in vulnerable environment Reinforce capabilities of local youth and isolated class to recognize politics, society, culture and their identities • Management of technical and economic support through domestic and overseas public and private organizations • • • • •
Support implementation of project for development of native community Mediate efforts among local governments to promote development of native community Support pp , counseling, g training g and technical support pp for native community y Action Plans of local governments to protect diversity of Peru and intensive knowledge of native community Consult development of native community under the authority assigned to other governments 10
Related Agenda
Decentralization and protection of isolated class
II. Environment and Status Analysis National Development Goal - 12 Tasks of Administrative Offices (2/3) 2. National Policy Analysis The following g table shows 12 specific p tasks,, relationship p with national development p project. p j National Policy
Protection of the Disabled
Activities • Promote social atmosphere and competence where the disabled are respected and encouraged to grow to leadership position • Prepare social circumstance where the disabled participate in all sectors of society, including economy, politics and culture • Eliminate discrimination against the disabled • Monitor and supervise effective application of Disabled Protection Act
On Inclusion
• Make efforts to be inclusive of all social groups to participate in all sectors of society society, including economy economy, politics and culture • Develop program to promote nutrition for children, to prevent diseases and to reduce premature death of children • Ban on child labor and emphasize the roles and responsibilities of parents • Eliminate discrimination against socially weak class and assure their rights
Reinforcement of technology, environment and Competitiveness
• Promote basic research applied to technological innovation and provide incentives for technological R&D • Encourage scientific and technological innovation through individual institutions of diversified country and local communities • Implement policies regarding irrigation technology companies, improved stove, movable installation for elimination of smoke that occur in households • Subsidize S b idi ttechnological h l i l iinnovation ti th through hb business-related i l t d project j t • Provide institutional subsidies for young and talented researchers, innovators and inventors • Promote technologically innovative programs and projects • Support anti-contamination campaign on a national and local level • Take measures to prevent destruction of environment and threat of contamination • Promote technology, gy, method and marketing g regarding g gp production of waste p processors and their implementation • Provide proper information on markets and policies under the goal of transparent business opportunities • Training programs for state governments and small companies with intellectual properties
Enhancement of Social Skills
• • • •
National and local level support for poverty elimination, food security and local community development plan Promote rights and responsibilities with regard to public policy and program, and social services Promote the value of social ethics such as honesty, transparency, responsibility, collaboration and punctuality Promote and support collaboration and leadership 11
Related Agenda
Decentralization and protection of isolated class
Maintenance of stability in national budget and macro economy, along with expansion p of investment Proactive utilization of science& technology for national development Establishment of c a e s for channels o soc social a participation among people
II. Environment and Status Analysis National Development Goal - 12 Tasks of Administrative Offices (3/3) 2. National Policy Analysis The following g table shows 12 specific p tasks,, relationship p with national development p project. p j National Policy
Employment and SMEs
Simplification of Administration
• Develop the policy to create jobs • Promote technological competitiveness of small and medium enterprises • Encourage participation of small and medium enterprises in national procurement project
• • • •
Identify the most frequently occurring administrative procedures to save time and simplify them Implement unified management for citizen Encourage positive procedures of government offices Simplify the communication process among intermediate mediators for speed and efficiency of disorganized committee and public services • Promote the use of ICT in a variety of public institutions
Related Agenda Maintenance of stability in national budget and macro economy, along with expansion of investment Reinforcement of civil services Enhancement of efficiency in public sector
Anti-Corruption t Co upt o Policy
• Eliminate illegal and excessive practices and reinforce regulations on corruption on bidding, procurement and price rigging • Strengthen St th transparency t and d responsibility ibilit • Strengthen public ethics for implementation and communication • Monitor administration and promote participation in public affairs and management
Enhance transparency in overall national affairs
National security and defense
• Promote proactive participation of all institutions to implement the goals of National Security and Defense Council • Promote pride of Peru and national identity • Promote establishment and integration of border as a pole region developer
Maintenance of stability in national budget and macro economy, along with expansion of investment
II. Environment and Status Analysis
National ICT Strategy - Overview
2. National Policy Analysis
National ICT Strategy gy called ‘Peruvian Digital g Agenda’ g aligned g with National Agenda g is comprised p with five Goals and subsequent Action Plans but no binding force and concrete roadmap or implementation schemes for them
ICT Vision
Through g an active utilization of ICT, we take advantage g of information more effectively y and efficiently, y based on which, we create a society with principles of equality, inclusion and indiscrimination No.
Goal 1
Infrastructure for the Development of the Information Society
Implement telecommunication infrastructure for development of information society
Goal 2
Development of Human Capacities
Develop and promote capabilities of all people to enjoy convenience of information society
Goal 3
Development and Application of the ICT in the Social Sector
Provide various social services implemented by government through information society and enhance service quality
Goal 4
Development and Application of the ICT in the Production and the Service Sector
Enhanced support of service industries through ICT and increase of productivity
Goal 5
Provide superior administrative services for citizens and businesses by implementing e-Government Source:「Peruvian Digital Agenda」
Peruvian Digital Agenda defines the role of ICT as “Vehicle for Transformation that Implements Information Society” A number of major goals we set up to implement the information society includes expansion of ICT Infrastructure, development of human resources, enhancement in level of social welfare through ICT, reinforcement of industrial competitiveness through ICT, and implementation of e-Government, coupled with specific strategies and action plans to accomplish the goals. Although goals and detailed action plans are presented, there is neither binding force nor specific roadmaps and action plans.
II. Environment and Status Analysis National ICT Strategy - Implementation Strategy and Action Plan(1/4) 2. National Policy Analysis The Implementation p Strategies g for each Goal of Peruvian Digital g Agenda g are as follows. Policy
• Promote private investment on infrastructure Infrastructure for the Development of the Information Society
Development of Human Capacities
Development and Application of the ICT in the Social Sector
Action Plan
• Establish Backbone Network and promote investment • Accelerate development of isolated regions without ICT infrastructure
• Establish a comprehensive plan l th thatt includes i l d ICT iin education sector • Promote equal opportunities for socially isolated class to utilize ICT and get access to i f information ti
• Improve national hygiene status through ICT and enhance social welfare service for isolated class • Create and sustain jobs through ICT and provide support particularly for isolated class such as women and low-income families
• Provide policy-level incentives for telecommunication service providers by creating an environment of free and fair competition • Boost collaborative system in building roads, electric power and telecommunication network • Promote the establishment of broadband Infrastructure • Efficient utilization of frequency and other network resources • Develop large-capacity backbone network • Establish policy and encourage investment of telecommunication services providers to expand services to isolated local regions • Develop a low-cost wireless LAN environment in retarded regions • Promote capabilities of all people to utilize ICT and search for information they need through education • Integrate ICT into education curriculum, and establish and utilize e-Learning Community • Include Digital Literacy in the curriculum of national universities • Research on general access to information by isolated class through collaboration between academy and industry • Found ‘National Center for Technical Adapted’ to attract interest and promote utilization of ICT among isolated class such as natives • Sustain equal access to information through utilization of Public Cabinas in local provinces
• Proactive utilization of ICT for proper management of national hygiene, focused particularly on quality improvement in hygiene management for isolated class • Clear definition and modernization of the procedure of national hygiene system through ICT • Firm establishment of hygiene culture and prevention of diseases by increasing utilization of hygiene related information • Develop food safety measures and food hygiene preliminary warning system
II. Environment and Status Analysis National ICT Strategy - Implementation Strategy and Action Plan(2/4) 2. National Policy Analysis The Implementation p Strategies g for each Goal of Peruvian Digital g Agenda g are as follows. Policy
• Contribute to democracy, civil participation and observance of laws and orders through ICT
Development and Application of the ICT in the Social Sector
Action Plan
• Assure participation of isolated class such as the disabled, seniors and natives in decision-making in the society through ICT and establish the foundation for that • Promote and support science and technology on national level • Develop, conduct research on and promote technical resources for information society decision-making making of • Support decision people engaged in agriculture and forestry to strengthen national agricultural information system
• Create new types of employment for the disabled and others in isolated community through ICT (home-based work, electronic commerce and etc.) • Establish information network in all provincial government offices to create jobs • Provide incentives for companies that proactively utilizes ICT such as home working • Enactment of participation of all sectors of society and relevant procedures for information society • IT decision makers should contribute to sustainable and equal development of human resources • Promote the development of project to facilitate access of isolated class to ICT • Promote support of the disabled in workplaces through utilization of physical, technical and human resources • Promote application of IT to science, technology, innovation, and various scientific and technological projects and digitize the information on science and technology • Strengthen education of ICT for teachers and provide incentives for R&D on children and adolescents • Promote utilization of ICT by corporations and provided incentives for R&D on Informatization • Utilize ICT as job training in production workplaces • Establish appropriate environment to reinforce the capability to utilize, measure and manage agricultural information • Establish latest technical platform required for a successful implementation of national agricultural information system
II. Environment and Status Analysis National ICT Strategy - Implementation Strategy and Action Plan(3/4) 2. National Policy Analysis The Implementation p Strategies g for each Goal of Peruvian Digital g Agenda g are as follows. Policy
Development and Application of the ICT in the Production and the Service Sector
Action Plan
• Promote development of S/W and d H/W iindustries d t i and d legitimate use of S/W • Improve utilization and access of small and medium companies to ICT • Develop and promote electronic commerce
• Establish financial and institutional environment to promote domestic S/W and H/W industries • Encourage a legitimate use of S/W • Reinforce academic and industrial collaboration for academic issues in ICT and productivity d ti it enhancement h t iin ICT iindustry d t • Facilitate development of relevant industries by upgrading domestic S/W and H/W regarding education and health • Reinforce competitiveness of S/W industry • Encourage public sector to outsource S/W utilization and service develop • Invite relevant personnel in research institutes, corporations and NGOs to facilitate development of productivity in manufacturing industries through ICT • Preparation of feasibility test for establishing the ICT cluster • Provide management of small and medium-sized companies with education and consultation on new technologies to enhance managerial performance • Develop small and medium-sized company consultation program participated by educational institutions, research institutes, industrial clusters and etc. • Reinforce utilization of Multi-service Booth to facilitate utilization of ICT among small and medium-sized companies • Encourage establishment of ‘Technology Innovation Center’, a private institution • Eliminate and modify obstacles against execution of electronic commerce • Activate sales transactions of goods and services through electronic commerce • Promote, advertise and provide education on electronic commerce • Encourage the use of electronic commerce transactions in production, export and domestic transactions
II. Environment and Status Analysis National ICT Strategy - Implementation Strategy and Action Plan(4/4) 2. National Policy Analysis The Implementation p Strategies g for each Goal of Peruvian Digital g Agenda g are as follows. Policy
• Redesign the process to make government administration more efficient ffi i t and d transparent t t • Contribute to implementation e-Government
Action Plan
of information society by conducting strategic project • Reinforce governmental contact point services for citizens and businesses
• Propose Basic Act on e-Government, General Administrative Procedure Act and Act on Transparency of Government to implement the e-Government • Recognize requirements of e-Government users and reflect them in e-Government project • Proclaim regulations to improve quality of administrative services and rearrange processes • Set up information security plan for public sector • Establish National e-Government Strategy • Develop electronic ID • Conduct electronic vote • Prepare comprehensive foundation to implement Spatial Data Infrastructure • Develop national e-Government architecture • Execute electronic procurement system • Establish G4B, G2C portals • Execute electronic signature and publicly certified certificate • Establish platform for electronic payment • Create a portal site of each institution • Establish an environment where citizens are able to deliver p proposal p and/or request q to central and local governments • Establish virtual space to strengthen exchange of G2C policy information and transparency of government • Support development of corporate Internet and telephone service
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government Strategy - Overview
2. National Policy Analysis
The e-Government Strategy gy aligned g with National ICT Strategy gy is as follows.
To provide people with quality e-Government services,
e-Government Vision
St t i Strategic Objectives
to reinforce transparency of government and to enhance the level of social welfare
The following five strategic Objectives have been for a successful implementation of Peruvian eGovernment defined in National Development Agenda and ICT Strategy 1
To provide citizens and businesses with e-Government utilizing IT technologies for social convenience and welfare by simplifying traditional administrative procedures
To push ahead with integration of systems and implement strategic core projects for a successful e-Government through preliminary acceptance of enhanced processes
To design and develop more efficient and user-oriented public administrative processes and t optimize to ti i them th to t facilitate f ilit t easy access and d use by b citizens iti
To develop and deploy telecommunication infrastructure in isolated regions for a balanced development of information society and e-Government
To educate students, general public and isolated class to participate in information society and e-Government에 through ICT Source:「e-Government e Government National Strategy」
e-Government Strategy - Strategic Objectives and Action Plan(1/2)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 2. National Policy Analysis
Specific p Action Plans for Strategic g Goals 1 and 2 has been set up p and a number of projects p j including g citizen portal, p , procurement, electronic vote and GIS are currently under normal operation
Strategic Objectives
Action Plan
Strategic Objectives 1: • Commencement of public services of e-Government • Simplification of Administration based on IT
Establish the PSCE Portal ( for citizens and businesses Powerful and sustained development of Peruvian Government Portal (PEP) in association with functional integration of public institutions Create a virtual space between government and citizens for broad distribution of government information Provide information notification service for citizens through Call centers and PSCE Use a variety of media including radio and TV to promote and distribute services for citizens through information technology provided by government Establish the program to promote online service in small cities and villages by utilizing public Internet cabin or workshop Reuse conventional infrastructure to encourage e-Government related services and facilities nationwide Make a strategic alliance with universities with obligation of job training on computers and systems, and secure experts regarding public administration and e-Government
Strategic Objectives 2: • Implementation of Integrated System • Implementation of Strategic project • Acceptance of enhanced process
Develop and establish the platform to prepare national network and service cost management procedure according to the level of participating institutions and value creating process Develop and utilize PKI-based electronic signature and public certification Develop p and p promote virtual p payment y platform to enable online services p Develop and establish the Peruvian geographical information system using GIS, based on available resources, infrastructure, population, social economic development project, policy execution, Ministerial policies related projects in each institution Develop and utilize Electronic Procurement System (SEACE) and Electronic ID CARD project Develop and execute the system that enables effective electronic vote which attracts citizen participation and democratic election (in association with public certification system)
e-Government Strategy - Strategic Objectives and Action Plan(2/2)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 2. National Policy Analysis
Action Plans for Strategic g Objectives j 3,, 4,, 5 are abstract and not as specific p as those for ICT Strategy gy while action plans p with regard to government offices and local governments remain passive within limited level of encouragement and assistance. Strategic Objectives
Action Plan
Strategic Objectives 3: • Redesign public administrative process into user-oriented one • Optimize ICT to facilitate an y use by y citizens easy
Advance the process model of Peruvian government Enact a law to integrate public institutions, define authority and responsibility to advance innovation process and redesign process to upgrade quality of service Establish standards among relevant public institutions act national, at o a , local oca a and d integrated teg ated laws a s regarding ega d g e e-Government Go e e t po policy cy Enact Propose National E-Government and Informatics Act to help e-Government, and review the appropriateness and transparency of General Administrative Procedure Act Integrate information for public areas and advance integrated security plan Develop public administrative projects better than technological transfer projects by the government g the list of e-Government related regulations g and the estimated number of users included in short and Investigate mid-term plan Reinforce global collaboration to develop technology project that can contribute to improvement of services in public institutions Conduct sustained enhancement of national policy regarding e-Government
Strategic Objectives 4: • Develop and deploy telecommunication infrastructure in isolated regions
Promote competition and encourage public as well as private investment on global access and infrastructure f f for national and local integration (for maintenance of service quality and application scope within appropriate price) Encourage development of major network to expand telecommunication infrastructure Promote development of telecommunication infrastructure through global collaboration Reinforce support for institutions that conduct establishment of telecommunication infrastructure
Strategic Objectives 5: • Train students, adults, and isolated class to participate y and in information society e-Government through ICT
Push ahead with the plan to integrate ICT into regular education Facilitate an access by socially isolated group to ICT Educate general public to utilize e-Government through ICT Strengthen collaborative relations with Internet cafes trade unions to properly implement training programs Encourage superior talents to participate in development of information system public institutions Technology Center should encourage students to develop creativity through utilization of ICT
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Comprehensive Strategy
2. National Policy Analysis
Analysis y of strategic g tasks and action plans p suggests gg there is a high g correlation between National Development p Goal and ICT Strategy. National Strategy Tasks
ICT Strategy Tasks
e-Government Strategy Tasks
Simplifying Public Services through IT
Human Capacities
Establishing I Integrated d system
Application to Social sector
Redesign public process
Application to Production and Service sector
Develop ICT infrastructure in isolated regions
Provide education on e-Government
Services for citizens Channels for participation Decentrali ation and Decentralization Protection for isolated Transparency of overall national affairs Enhance public efficiency Stable economy Science & technolog technology resources e-Government maintains a close relationship with the National Development p Goal G including g support pp of its implementation p
High correlation between ‘e-Government’ task, the fifth ICT Strategy Tasks and e-Government G Strategy S gy
Source:「Basic Act for Modernization of National Affairs」, IDB Country Report 2007-2011, Peruvian Digital Agenda, e-Government Strategy
There is a high correlation between National Development Goal and ICT Strategy with much contribution to upper strategy The e-Government, the fifth task of ICT Strategy, can contribute to accomplishment of all National policy goals
Comprehensive Implication and Extraction of Opportunity Factors
II. Environment and Status Analysis 2. National Policy Analysis
The improvement p opportunities pp through g National Policy y Analysis y are drawn out as follows.
N ti National l ICT Strategy
Specify Action Plans of ICT Strategy and e-Government Strategy
Low executable authority of Action Plan due to low binding force Lack of concrete roadmap and action plan
Grant authoritative binding force for enhanced executable authority of e-Government Strategy
Action Plan of e-Government Strategy has not been specified as much as National ICT Strategy
Focused authority and systematic arrangement of organization for implementation of e-Government
e-Government Strategy Extremely low binding force and subsequently lack of collaboration for plans regarding other government offices including local governments
Relationship between policy and strategy
Clear definition of roles and responsibilities of other government offices and local governments in implementing e-Government project
High correlation between e-Government Strategy and ICT Strategy
The status of organization in charge of e-Government needs to be elevated with rearrangement of roles
The e-Government tasks of ICT Strategy are intimately related with efficient implementation of all national development tasks
Establishment of base and proactive expansion of application scope for implementation of e-Government
Framework for Analysis of National ICT status and e-Government Project
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
e-Government overview,, project p j status,, and project p j implementation p system y has been analyzed y for proper p p understanding g of e-Government project, based on which relevant problems and improvement opportunities has been drawn out.
National ICT status
National ICT status • • • • •
Telephony Status Internet Penetration PC Usage Public Cabinas FITEL
Definition of ee-Government
Preparatory Map of eeGovernment • UN Global e-Readiness • Network Readiness Index
Definition and Scope of e-Government • Definition of e-Government • e-Government Implementation Strategy
e-Government Project Implementation System e-Government Implementation System
e-Government System R&R Implementation • CODESI • ONGEI • PMDE
/ e-Government G Project P j Implementation Process • Define the project scope of Informatization • Informatization project implementation process • Informationzation project R&R
National ICT status - telecommunication infrastructure
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
When it comes to telecommunication usage, g , the wireless surpasses p the wired by y 6.7 times and more than 60% of subscribers are disproportionately concentrated in Lima and Callao regions.
Wired and wireless phone distribution rate 80.0 % 60.0 40.0
Telecommunication infrastructure concentration rate Wired Network 5.7%, Wireless Network 5.6%
Wireless phone distribution rates are overwhelmingly surpasses Wire phone.
Fixed M bil Mobile
Wired Network 63 63.4%, 4% Wireless Network 51.8% concentrated in Lima and Callao
0.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Number of wired and wireless telephone lines 20,000,000 15 000 000 15,000,000
Wireless line has been sharply increased due to its effectiveness and efficiency efficiency.
6.7 times
Lima y Callao Arequipa
Fixed Mobile
10,000,000 5,000,000
Wired Network 4.7%, Wireless Network 5.8%
La libertad
73.8% (wired), 63.2%(wireless) of total telecommunication infrastructure is concentrated in three regions with particularly excessive focus in Lima
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ƒ Disproportional concentration of telecommunication infrastructure in Metropolitan areas of Lima and Callao with the remaining infrastructure in rest of the regions less than 5%, creating a dramatically imbalanced distribution
ƒ The usage of wireless phones is much higher than that of wired and there has been a lot more dramatic expansion of wireless infrastructure than that of wired infrastructure
II. Environment and Status Analysis
National ICT status - Internet status
3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
The number of PC users and Internet users are steadily y on the rise. In p particular,, the number of broadband subscribers has recorded an phenomenal annual growth rate of 96% for the past six years with subsequent increase of distribution rate among households. Number of Broadband Users and Household Distribution Rate
Status of Internet and PC Users 30
(uniit :million peop ple)
31.2% 27.5% 20
22.8% 18.7% 14.0%
21 8% 21.8%
21 9% 21.9%
400,000 300,000
100,000 0
0% 2004
2007(E) 2008(P)
Total Population
PC Users
PC User Ratio
Internet User Ratio
500 000 500,000
9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0%
1 6% 1.6% 0.7%
Broadband Users Household Distribution Ratio
Internet Users
The number of broadband subscribers has increased 96% annually from 2002 to 2007, which sparked a soar in household broadband distribution rate up to 8.5%.
Overall PC and Internet Usage, pre-requisition for e-government, has been improved steadily.
ƒ The number of broadband (ultra-speed) Internet subscribers are steadily on the rise along with increasing household distribution ratio of ultra speed Internet, as a result.
ƒ The number of PC and Internet users out of total population are increasing at a steady pace.
II. Environment and Status Analysis
National ICT status - Internet status
3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
More than 70% of p population p get g access to the Internet in public p Internet access facilities called ‘Public Cabinas’,, which is rapidly proliferating nationwide.
Number of Public Cabinas Annually
Place of Internet Access
20 0% 20.0%
19.8% 17.6%
33,635 28,975
11 7% 11.0% 11.7%
40.0% 10 785 10,785
10 629 10,629
Work 2007
Public Cabinas
120.0% 100.0%
0.0% 2002
Public Cabinas
More than 70% of Peruvians get access to the Internet in Public Cabinas, similar to PC bang in Korea with less than 30% using the Internet at home or at work
The number of Public Cabinas is approximately 53,000 nationwide and is rapidly increasing. It is the most frequently used place for Internet access for Peruvians.
More than 70% of Peruvians get access to the Internet in Public Cabinas with less than 30% using the Internet at home, at work or educational institutions.
The size and number of Public Cabinas is rapidly increasing and it serves as the most contributing factor to raise the Internet access rate of Peru up to 20% despite relatively weak Internet infrastructure infrastructure.
II. Environment and Status Analysis
National ICT status - FITEL
3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
FITEL,, a Korean counterpart p of ‘Information Promotion Fund’,, continues to make investment on ICT infrastructure and currently focuses its investment on ICT infrastructure, including wired and wireless telecommunications, broadband and Public Cabinas.
Activity and Performance of FITEL
Performance of FITEL 6,517 6,740,000
Overview of Organization Established based on Telecommunication Act, it is a governmental fund designed to provide investment on Informatization of local and isolated regions. Major source of revenue is 1~2% of net profit of telecommunication service providers. The fund is operated and managed by MTC and OSIPTEL. Objectives To reduce polarization of infrastructure between cities and isolated regions. To facilitate access to ICT and to promote Informatization in isolated regions through education on utilization of ICT To promote private investment on telecommunication infrastructure in isolated regions MTC added ‘establishment of broadband and support of information society’ to the list of activities of FITEL in June, 2008.
5,000 4,000 , 3,000 2,000 1,000
3,840,000 , , 2,383 213
Rural Com m unitities Covered
8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4 000 000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0
FITELⅣ Population Benefiting
Information and telecommunication infrastructure has been set up in 6,516 regions nationwide through four times of projects, providing IT benefits for 6.7 million residents in isolated regions It also established 515 Public Cabinas nationwide since 1998.
FITEL, a Korean counterpart of ‘Information Promotion Fund’, continues to provide a national-level support for establishment of ICT infrastructure. The investment on ICT infrastructure such as wired and wireless telecommunication, broadband, and Public Cabinas is the major objective of the Fund.
e-Government Preparatory Status UN Global e-Government Readiness(1/2)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
“Global e-Government Readiness Report p 2008” of US,, an evaluation of e-Government Preparatory p y Map p of Peru based on Web, Telecommunication Infrastructure and Human Capital has been analyzed.
Evaluation Method of UN ‘Global e e-Government Government Readiness Report’ Five--Stage Model Five I. Emerging II. Enhanced III. Interactive IV.Transactional V. Connected
Web Measure Index
e-Government Readiness Index
Human Capital Index
Telecommunication Infrastructure Index
Five Primary Indicators - Internet Users /100 persons - PCs /100 p persons - Main Telephones Lines /100 persons - Cellular telephones /100 persons - Broad banding /100 persons
Two Primary Indicators - Audit Literacy Rate - The Combined Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Gross Enrollment Ratio
e-Government Preparatory Status UN Global e-Government Readiness(2/2)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
The rank of e-Government Readiness Index has not shown a significant g change, g , compared p to year y 2005 but is higher g than that of the average of Latin countries and global average as well. In addition, compared to the preparatory map of Latin countries with higher rank of e-Government preparatory map than Peru, the Infrastructure Index, in particular, has turned out to be lagged behind. Global Rank in
e-Government Readiness Index 2008
United States
Republic of Korea
0 5819 0.5819
-18 18
e-Government Readiness Index 2008
Sub Category Web Measure Index
Infrastructure Index
Human Readiness
0 5072 0.5072
The comprehensive e-Government Readiness index tops the global average as well ll as Latin L ti average. The Web Measure Index is 0.5652, higher than that of Argentina(39th), Chile(40th) Human Readiness Index has marked 0.872, comparable to that of Brazil(45th). The Th Infrastructure I f t t Index I d has h recorded d d 0.137, 0 137 much h lower l than th that th t off neighboring Latin American countries.
Source : UN Global e-Government Readiness Report 2008 29
e-Government Preparatory Status WEF Network Readiness Index(1/2)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
‘The Global Information Technology gy Report p 2007-2008’,, a report p by y WEF(World ( Economic Forum)) on global g IT competitiveness for development and growth based on the comprehensive evaluation of Environment, Readiness, and Usage Component.
IT Competitiveness (Networked Readiness Index) = 1/3 Environment Component subindex + 1/3 Readiness Component subindex + 1/3 Usage Component subindex
Environment C Component t
Readiness Component Usage Component
= 1/3 Individual readiness + 1/3 Business readiness + 1/3 Government readiness
• Individual readiness pillar; 10 variables • Business readiness pillar; 9 variables • Government readiness pillar; 5 variables = 1/3 Market environment + 1/3 Political & regulatory environment + 1/3 Infrastructure environment
• Market environment pillar; 12 variables • Political and regulatory environment pillar; 9 variables • Infrastructure environment pillar; 7 variables
= 1/3 Individual usage + 1/3 Business usage + 1/3 Government usage
• Individual usage pillar; 5 variables • Business B i usage pillar; ill 6 variables i bl • Government usage pillar; 4 variables 30
e-Government Preparatory Status WEF Network Readiness Index(2/2)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
The overall Network Readiness of Peru has slightly g y decreased due to the areas of g government readiness and usage g for ICT have recorded significantly low rank in recent report, revealing weakness in government sector.
Rank in 2008
Peru’s Peru s Detailed Index
׃ 9
K Korea
Rank in 07-08
Information Technology Competitiveness Index
I. Environment Component
Market environment
Political and regulatory environment
Infrastructure environment
II Readiness Component II.
Individual Readiness
Business Readiness Low national vision for ICT (102th)
Government Readiness
-19 19
Low government priority for ICT of (113th)
III. Usage Component Individual Usage
Lack of governmental procurement for high technology products(112th)
Business Usage 67th
Government Usage 70th 90th
Network Readiness Index is steadily on the decrease. However, there has been a dramatic fall recently in areas of Government Readiness, Government Usage This is attributed to low government priority for ICT(113th), ) lack of national vision for ICT(113th), and lack of government procurement for high technology products (112th)
Definition and Scope of e-Government Definition of e-Government
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
The e-Government defined by y Peruvian g government is a broad e-Government that includes services p provided within and by public institutions, primarily targeting at providing quality administrative services for its citizens and businesses alike through enhancement of administration.
Peruvian e-Government
“To provide better administrative services for people through enhancement of administration via IT
Service to Citizen
Service in Government
Service to Enterprise
Service to public employee
Nation-initiated services for citizens
Provide quality services for citizens and businesses
Enhance administrative transparency and expand benefits to isolated class
Efficient and economically viable administration
ƒ The primary goal of Peruvian e-Government is to provide and expand quality administrative services for its citizens and businesses service(G2C,G2B). ƒ For this, internal efficiency of public institutions, transparency, and decentralization policies are required.
Definition and Scope of e-Government Scope of Informatization Project
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
The tasks of the Peruvian e-Government p project j is largely g y classified into the government-level g task oriented toward PCM based on IDB fund and the ministry-level tasks implemented based on individual plans of relevant institutions and Informatization budget of relevant administrative offices.
Scope of Peru e e--Government Public employee Innovation o at o o of work within public institutions
Single Integrated Portal
Government -level Tasks Information sharing and process connection among institutions Planning based on Peruvian Digital Agenda Strategy ONGEI participates as a mediator or implementer Implemented with IDB budget
Institution Portal
Ministry-level Tasks Work efficiency within institutions Institution Portal such as G2G, G2E Strategic planning within institutions Implemented based on internal budget
Information sharing among public information sharing among institutions among
Lack of long-term strategy on the national level Insufficient collaborations among institutions It was nothing more than an one-time project implemented with the budget provided by IDB in 2003. Lack of proper response to sustained changes g and no connection with long-term plan
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government Implementation System
3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
CODESI,, a decision-making g council for comprehensive p affairs of Peruvian ICT influences upper-level pp policies while the p main executor in charge of implementation and coordination of the e-Government project is ONGEI, and PMDE is in charge of financial management for the e-government projects as supporter.
Implementation System of e-Government Implementation R&R Coordination
Mutual Agreement
As one of the councils, CODESI sets up strategies for proper implementation of ee
Establish ICT Strategy Consultation among Institutions Decision-making
Government based on opinions collected CODESI
from various stakeholders regarding ONGEI plays the role as a mediator between working groups and institutions in
Regulation Technical Support Mediation of Institutions
establishing policies for and implementing the e-Government project
Participate, Consent Proposal
PMDE only manages the funds for implementation of the e-Government project.
Implementation of e-Government projects Administration
Entity Independent Constitutional Institution
Justice Department
Public institutions(Entity) participate and Financial Management
implement the e-Government e Government project. project PMDE
Local Government
S Support 34
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government Implementation System - CODESI
3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
CODESI is a council p participated p by y public, p , private, p , educational and citizen groups g p to define Peruvian Digital g Agenda g as a basic plan for development of National ICT and supervises the ICT sector Vision Intensive utilization of telecommunication technology for efficient implementation of society that assures equality, integration and absence of crimes
Organization Chart President (Prime Minister) Coordinator (ONGEI)
Work Group1 Infrastructure
Work Group2 Cultivate ICT talents through education
Work Group3 Develop and utilize ICT
Work Group4 ICTIndustrial Development
Work Group5 e-Government
Organization • The highest level council for national Informatization participated by 207 relevant professionals in 87 public, corporate, academic, and civic group s • Chaired by Prime Minister with ONGEI in charge of working level tasks • In charge of activities of ICT related five working groups
Mission To utilize telecommunication technology as a tool to develop economy and to upgrade the quality of cultural and social life life, and to expand opportunities for people to get access to information technology Organization Overview Organized as a non-standing committee in 2003, it is targeting at establishing and working out strategies for development of National ICT Organization R&R To prepare an annual report on activities for implementation of Peruvian Digital g Agenda g To evaluate strategies, actions plans and actual performance of individual administrative offices and public institutions To monitor actions plans for development of information society To share experiences and know-how for successful implementation of Informatization as a leading guider
As a non-standing committee participated by a variety of institutions, it sets up the Peruvian Digital Agendas and manages and supervises their implementation Despite being the highest level committee, it carries low executable authority and insufficient level of mediation.
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government Implementation System - ONGEI
3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
ONGEI is one of the core organizations g in charge g of managing g g implementation p of e-Government but has difficulties in implementing e-Government due to insufficient size and lack of competency of the organization.
Organization Chart Chief Interinstitutional Committee of Informatic Coordinator
Organization • A total of 16 employees are working as a single organization on such tasks as legal, Services for citizen, business, and government and e-Government project management • It sets up national e-Government Strategy, conducts mediation and attracts collaboration ll b ti among relevant l t iinstitutions. tit ti
Vision To promote government transparency and national welfare with quality services for citizens by utilizing IT resources efficiently and providing integrated services Objective To promote the quality of life and business competitiveness by providing citizens with efficient and unified services through the use of intelligent use of IT technologies Organization Overview It has been elevated to an organization under the direct control of Prime Minister in 2006 by integrating Statistical Office e-Government functions in lower offices of PCM SG,, and is in comprehensive charge of e-Government project Organization R&R Mediation of institutions for proper implementation of Peruvian e-Government 9Propose e-Government Strategy 9Establish e-Government technical standards and rules 9Arrangement of collaborations among institutions in ICT 9Enact e-Government laws and regulations, and perform authoritative interpretation 9Develop and operate Peruvian General Public Portal General affairs for CODESI Monitoring and Support for e-Government Projects
It should perform comprehensive monitoring and controlling of Peruvian e-Government project but does not have enough human resources and competence to back it up. Direct implementation and supervision of Informatization tasks based on IDB funds.
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government Implementation System - PMDE
3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
PMDE is the committee in charge g of managing g g and supervising p g the IDB loans for decentralization and modernization and of reviewing, selecting and approving e-Government project-undertaking companies and associated budgets when it comes to financial affairs.
Role & Responsibility
Objective To conduct and manage such tasks as modernization of nation and decentralization based on IDB funds
Program Coordinating Unit
Executing Coordination Unit Modernization e-Government e-Procurement Pilot MTC HR
Executing Coordination Unit Decentralization
Executing Coordination Unit MEF
Legal Framework Support to Regional/Local
Organization O i ti • SGP(The Ministry of Public Management) manages comprehensive program designed to enhance national administrative affairs as a representative of PCM • Comprised of general managing unit in charge of comprehensive management of the program and IDB funds and working units in charge of modernization, decentralization, and financial affairs. • Operates coordinating units in charge of consultation and management, respectively
Participate in execution of funds only Utilize e-Government as a tool to accomplish the goal of modernization
Organization R&R To manage the IDB funds introduced in 2003 To T select l t e-Government G t related l t d projects j t and d to t review i stepwise implementation of tasks To review payment of funds Consultation Committee Members- Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Chairman of Local Autonomy Committee, PMDE Secretary-general To review program, to plan out budget and to provide guideline on implementation Management Committee Members - Mangers of units of PMDE and representatives of IDB and SGP Held on a monthly basis to set up action plans, to support and coordinate monthly activities and to make decisions on regular programs
Government-Level Informatization Task Implementation Process
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
The e-Government p project j implemented p primarily p y by y ONGEI is largely g y classified into three different steps p of selection of tasks, selection of undertakers and actual development.
Feasible Study y
Development p & Evaluation
Technical Evaluation
Initiation Task Requirement (PCM Receipt)
Implementation p
Consult Process Enhancement (Consultant)
Public Bid for Selection of U d t k Undertakers (PMDE, IDB)
Modify Process (Consultant) Select/Evaluate Undertakers (PMDE)
Evaluate/Finalize enhanced process (ONGEI)
Develop Application (Undertakers, Undertaking Institutions, ONGEI)
2 Evaluate Project Outcome (ONGEI, PMDE)
End Finalize Undertakers (ONGEI, IDB)
Financial Evaluation (MEF,BID,PMDE)
S l ti off Undertakers U d t k 1 Selection An international bid is required if IDB funded projects are conducted by outsiders. PCM engages in selection of undertakers and PMDE takes charges in bidding procedure. Conduct consulting on selection of undertakers and define evaluation index for current and post evaluation
E l ti off Project P j t Outcome O t 2 Evaluation Evaluation of most projects is focused on budget spending while ONGEI conducts evaluation during the budding process based on predetermined evaluation index.
Ministry-Level Informatization Task Implementation Process
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
The Informatization tasks of g general public p institutions are planned p as a part p of project p j implementation p plan p and annual plan just like any other general implementation task, and are developed and evaluated mostly by internal development personnel.
Development & Evaluation
Phase Initiation Requirement within Institutions
Make Project Charter (T h i l E (Technical Evaluation) l ti ) (Entities)
Develop application (Internal development team)
3 Flow
Institutional Operating Pl Plan (Entities)
Financial Evaluate (MEF)
Informatics Operating Plan (Entities)
Select undertakers (RFPÆBidÆ Approval) (Entities)
Evaluate Project Outcome (Informatics Dept & User Dept)
1 Set Plans
2 Execute Projects
3 Evaluate Outcomes
All public institutions prepare action plans for all projects, which is equally applicable to Informatization tasks as well.
Many institutions retain internal redevelopment personnel
Mostly focused on budget spending
Set an annual plan for the following year’s tasks (POA)
Most development of applications are conducted in-house by ICT personnel.
Evaluation conducted based on KPI defined in POI No formal evaluation for Informatization tasks
Roles of Implementing e-Government Project (Stakeholder)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
The roles of major j stakeholders in implementing p g Informatization tasks are as follows. Stakeholder
Government--Level Tasks Government
Ministry--Level Tasks Ministry
Set up Informatization strategy Select Informatization tasks
CODESI / PCM(ONGEI) - Operated based on Peruvian Digital Agenda announced in 2006
Institutional /Annual Action plan (POI/POA) - Reviewed by PCM and only some institutions conduct Informatization MP
Sponsor (Financial)
Provide project budget Take charge in implementing and evaluating project
PCM(PMDE) - Execute project related budget with the consent from IDB
Secretariat (SG) or financial department of individual institutions
Customer / User
Provide proposal and requirement on building system Supervise building process Utilize and operate established system
Entity(Institution in charge) - Participate in process enhancement and application development and accept the finalized system ※ONGEI also plays the role of customer
Working department - In most cases, improvements on internal process and application development are initiated and conducted by ICT instead of actual working departments
Consult process enhancement Develop application requested Prepare outcomes Provide and install HW, SW, and solution
Private IT Company - Select private undertakers through international bidding in case of utilizing IDB funds ※Institution in charge conducts development di directly l ffor smallll scale l projects j
Internal ICT team(Major) - Most institutions conduct development through internal personnel ※ Hire private IT company in case of using ODA funds
Entity(Institution in charge) - Manages progress status, and functions ONGEI -Evaluate E l t compliance li with ith ttechnical h i l quality, lit eGovernment standards and etc
Internal ICT team - Manage progress of project Accounting g team within organization g -Review execution of project budget
Portfolio Management
Performing Organization
Project a age e t Management
Manage progress of project Check process compliance during the building process Review whether system and outcome are appropriate
There is a lack of official procedure and documentation for Government-level project conducted based on IDB funds. Not able to maintain consistency as ministry-level Informatization tasks are affected by conflicted interests and procedures of different. There is not standardized procedure for evaluating and verifying Informatization tasks
Comprehensive Implication and Extraction of Opportunity Factors
II. Environment and Status Analysis 3. Analysis National ICT status and e-Government Project
Opportunities pp of enhancement through g analysis y of National ICT status and e-Government Project j are drawn out as follows.
National ICT status
Opportunities Overall national ICT level and competitiveness are improving but with regional imbalance
The Informatization service currently concentrated in metropolitan cities must be expanded to isolated areas
High Internet access rate thanks to Public Cabinas
The public sector services available for general public should be expanded.
The Informatization level of public sector is significantly low than that of private sector.
A long-term roadmap for a systematic implementation of e-Government is required
There is strategy for implementation of e-Government but no long-term long term roadmap
Definition of e-Government The e-Government Strategy does not include
e-Government Strategy should be able to support the enhanced level of Informatization for all public institutions
Informatization of all government institutions The role of setting up and implementing national Informatization strategy is defined but with little executable authority
The status off institution Th i i i in i charge h off implementing i l i eGovernment need be reinforced with clear role definition
The budget for implementing e-Government is limited to the IDB funds.
Informatization Lack of competence and professional personnel of Project e Government Implementation the institution in charge of e-Government System No sufficient procedure to execute, manage and
The process of implementing and evaluating Informatization tasks as well as guidelines needs to be set up.
evaluate Informatization tasks
The system to support Informatization of general administrative offices needs to be established along with securing relevant human and physical resources
Lack of competence of general administrative offices to support and manage Informatization on a national l level. l
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government Status Analysis Framework
4. e-Government Status Analysis
For p precise analysis y of e-Government p project, j , e-Government overview and p project j status,, project p j implementation p status have been analyzed, based on which relevant issues and implications are withdrawn. e-Government Project Progress Status
e-Government System Status
e-Government Status
Government--level Government Informatization status
Major System Status
e-Government Informatization Status
• Government-level Informatization project
• SEACE • SIAF • Citizen Portal(PSCE)
• Overview • Government portal-level • Informatization system retain status of relevant institutions • Level of network and interconnection • Obstacles to Informatization • Informatization management procedure • Informatization education status • Informatization Organization and budget
General Informatization project status • Progress status
Issue / Implication
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government Project Progress Status
4. e-Government Status Analysis
Based on interview and data analysis, y , 13 g government-level p projects j and 42 ministerial projects p j have been reviewed with nine categories of projects classified according to work enhancement projects aiming to introducing Infrastructure. Ministerial-Level Project
G2C National electronic ID card system (DNI)
G2B Online incorporation
Automate issuance of drivers license Inquire police records Automate issuance of passport Issue diploma p and certificate online Inquire criminal record and issue certificate online Electronic notification of Lawsuit information Upgrade Justice Department Portal
Work enhancement
Provide financial information via mobile Administrative Process Information System through electronic bulletin board (Ministry of Energy and Mining) Provide information of Ministry of Health on the Internet Support building houses for the needy
Advance national electronic procurement Single gateway for overseas trades Electronic tax payment/Electronic account book Inquiry of corporate name and reservation Real-time Real time fishery price notification system Develop new portal for Ministry of Production Ministry of Production Extranet Electronic payment of product related tax Improve online bank transaction system
Integrated Portal for Ministry of Construction Electronic voting (e-Voting) Ministry of Justice portal(Single Window) Digital City Olivas District Office IPTV
Infrastructure 18 projects in total Government-level(6), General Administrative Office (12)
G2G National Standard Geography Information System Manage Public servant payroll information Establish court information interconnection hub Register permission for travel and minors (RENAVIM) Improve management system through application of ITIL within MEF Introduce groupware within MEF Interconnect between MEF and local institutions through electronic bulletin board Interconnect approval and permission works of local governments and Ministry of Energy and Mining Integrate real estate registration system(CDPI) Integrate g registration g system(CDPI) y ( ) Establish construction project management system Establish administrative system of penalty for not participating in election Defense status management system Mediation and compromise management system Digitize civil information of local governments I t Interconnect t 53 educational d ti l institutions i tit ti within ithi Calloa C ll Local hospital management system (SIMEDH) Electronic signature Establish Callao wireless backbone network Mutual interconnection of local district courts Remodel data center of Justice Department Introduce VMS into Ministry of Energy and Mining OLPC(One Laptoc per Child) 21st century teachers Operate MTC data center Improve infrastructure (Technology & Communication) Digitize schools
Upgrade Central Bank Portal
Government-Level Project
10 projects in total Government-level(4), General Administrative Office (6)
27 projects in total Government-level(3), General Administrative Office (15), Infra(9)
Informatization project Status Government-level Informatization project
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
Based on interview of ONGEI and data analysis,13 y , g government-level Informatization p projects j have been identified. project
Major Offices in Charge
Establish national electronic ID card system(DNI)
ID cards are issued electronically for individual citizens to carry out public works safely and conveniently
Automate issuance of driver’s license
Photos and signature information managed by Citizen Information Office are automatically referred to on issuance of license Electronic payment of fees for issuance of driver’s license
Inquire police records
Ministry of Home Affairs, BN, RENIEC
Issue certificates of crime-related information retained by police
Automate issuance of passport
Immigration Office
Online request and issuance base d on RENIEC information
Issue diploma and certificate online
Online issuance of university diplomas and various certificates Online payment of fees and authentication through RENIEC
Online incorporation
Developing Completed
Facilitate establishment of corporation by processing various works of relevant institutions online
Inquire criminal record and issue certificate online
Ministry of Justice, BN, RENIEC
Inquire criminal records and issue relevant certificates online without having to visit relevant institutions
Upgrade national electronic procurement
FS Completed
Improve SEACE, national procurement system
National Standard Geography Information System
FS Completed
Establish national standard electronic map and support government offices to utilize it in order to increase the utility of geographic information
Manage Public servant payroll information
Pending g
Integrated g management g of p payroll y information in p public sector
Single gateway for overseas trades
Establish a single contact point to facilitate foreign investment and collaboration
Electronic tax payment/Electronic account b k book
Promote corporate convenience regarding tax payment and establish the foundation to activate electronic commerce
Electronic signature
Establish authentication base for security and expand online works
Detailed Description
Informatization project Status Ministerial-Level Informatization project(1/3)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
During g the interviews with 18 institutions (Justice ( Department, p , Administration(12), ( ), Independent p institutions(3), ( ), Local autonomous entities(2)), 42 Informatization projects have been addressed and classified according to detailed description, progress Status, and type of projects(G2G, G2C, G2B, Infra). Ministry
Poder Judicial
Energia Y Minas
Electronic notification of trial information
Notification of information on trials on the website
Designing Stage
Establish court information interconnection hub
Establish platform that interconnects RENIEC, Supreme Court, and Justice Department
Planning Stage
Register permission for travel and minors (RENAVIM)
Verify entry permit status online among works of Immigration Office
Upgrade Justice Department Portal
Upgrade Justice Department G2C portal
Designing Stage
Mutual interconnection of local district courts
Connect local district courts using network
Remodel data center of Justice Department
Re-establish data center
Designing Stage
Improve management system through application of ITIL within MEF
Secure efficiency by applying ITIL to Informatization, Supported at WB
Introduce groupware within MEF
Introduce groupware for telecommunication among administrative offices
Provide financial information service via mobile devices
Utilize local public institutions service via mobile telecommunication d i devices, Mutual interconnection of 200 city halls for just monthly cost of 45$
Planning Stage
Interconnect between MEF and local institutions through electronic bulletin board
Reduce the cost of communication with local government institutions without Internet by integrating 2,500 government administrative offices with electronic bulletin board
Planning Stage
Administrative process information system using electronic bulletin board
Provide online administrative services using electronic bulletin boards instead of User Login process
Interconnect approval and permission works of local governments and Ministry of Energy and Mining
Let local governments conduct approval and permission works of Ministry of Energy and Mining through online interconnection (Since local governments are granted the right of approval and permission, it will be implemented online)
Introduce VMS into Ministry of Energy and Mining
Introduce VMS and implement server virtualization, scheduled to commence from February next year
Planning Stage
Informatization project Status Ministerial-Level Informatization project(2/3) Ministry
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
OLPC(One Laptoc per Child)
Distribute low-cost laptop to students, gradual operation from 2008 until 2011 Collaboration with OLPC foundation in US
21st century teacher
Provide teachers with laptop for efficient teaching activities
I Inquiry i off corporate t name and d reservation
Inquire corporate names and reserve
Integrate real estate registration system(CDPI)
Integrate two systems used for real estate registration
Integrate registration system(CDPI)
Integrate PJ(corporation), PN(individual), and BM(movable property) registration into the system called IRCN
Planning Stage
Real-time fishery price notification system
Transmit information to users registered in portals of administrative offices via SMS
Develop new portal for Ministry of Production
Reorganize the current portal of Ministry of Production Provide a variety of functions such as blog, civil appeal through chatting and etc. etc
Ministry of Production Extranet
Corporations/individuals declare and register imports for automatic calculation of tax to be paid Manufacturers declare daily production, which is then aggregated to create domestic industrial statistics
Electronic payment of product related tax
Electronic payment of tax for production using credit cards
Salud (Ministry of Health )
Provide information of Ministry of Health on the Internet
Provide information of administrative offices transparently through the Internet
MTC(Ministry of Transportation p and Telecommunication)
Operate p MTC data center
Establish data center within administrative offices
Planning Stage
Establish construction project management system
Establish the system that traces, monitors and manages ongoing projects within administrative offices
Designing Stage
Support building home for the needy
Currently, applications can be processed on the Internet and the scope of work after receipt of applications(donation) will be digitized
Integrated portal of Ministry of Construction
Establish integrated portal that includes Ministry of Construction and subordinate institutions
Educacion (Ministry of Education)
SUNARP (Registration Office)
Production (Ministry of Production)
Vivienda (Ministry of Construction)
Informatization project Status Ministerial-Level Informatization project(3/3) Ministry ONPE
Central Reserve Bank
Local Government(Callao)
District Office(Olivas)
4. e-Government Status Analysis
Internet Electronic Voting (e-Voting)
Voting and aggregate through a terminal
Establish administrative system of penalty for not participating in election
Administrative system designed to impose penalty on those electorates who fail to participate in election
Defense status management system (Systema de defense)
Administrative system designed to provide legal defense service for those who are imprisoned and going through trial - Nationally designated lawyers register and verify information on trial status of clients - Administrator monitors the status
Ministry of Justice portal(Single Window)
Portal of Ministry of Justice that provides information on civil petition handling status
Development Stage
Mediation and compromise management system
The system that supports Ministry of Justice by conducting mediation and compromise prior to trial
Planning Stage
Digitize civil information of local governments
Integrate registration work of locals − What local government offices conduct are integrated and digitized into RENIEC
Enhancing infrastructure(Technology & Communication)
Replace low-spec PC, telecommunication equipment, servers and etc within administrative offices. offices
Improve Central Bank Portal
Improve the portal so that general public is able to get access to it through ID/Pwd login to inquire more information
Planning Stage
Improve online bank transaction system
Improve currently available money transaction system among banks
Planning Stage
Digital City
Provide civil services on the Internet as well as information on comprehensive administrative information including education and health
Establish Callao wireless backbone network
Share administrative and medical information by integrating medical and educational institutions
Interconnect 53 educational institutions within Callao
Create teaching methods and materials, and share them with relevant people
Local hospital management system (SIMEDH)
Local hospital management system, Currently one general clinic and two hospitals are interconnected. Started from Aug. 2008 scheduled to be completed May 2009
Digitize schools
Conduct IT education for school personnel and expand the education to general public
Olivas District Office IPTV
IPTV service provided by district offices
Planning Stage
Ministerio de Justicia
II. Environment and Status Analysis
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government System Status
4. e-Government Status Analysis
Based on survey y and interview,, 64 systems y have been addressed and representative p systems y of each type yp have been selected for detailed analysis of e-Government system status
Subjects for specific analysis
Central G Government t Offices
School administrative management system(SIAGIE) Degree registration System School personnel portal Support sudents in isolated areas Teacher’s task assist system Tour guide management/ evaluation system Justice Department Integration system Construction project management system Ministry of Construction administrative management system(SAV) Ministry of Science and Technology Fund management system(SGFC) SIPOI
Online resident information service
Comprehensive prison management Portal for Transparency of INPE Report management system RSIRAT SIDCOT National statistics planning management system SISCOOP SIIE SISD SIEMP Redatam WEB IPCC
Inquire resident information registration status SIO
Independent Institution
Investment portfolio management Prison registration system Inquire prisoner records on database Digital Document for INPE Distribute prison documents Manage prison visitors Visiting Administrative Offices
Local Government Total
Investigate labor environment
G2 C
Ministry of Education supplier payment information system
online application for re-issuance of resident certificate
Integrated Citizen Portal (PSCE)
Legal support system for laborers Labor contract management Labor dispute mediation National MYPE management Labor relations mediation system Cultural heritage registration system Museum visitor management system Embassy task management system Visa/passport approval system Immigration procedure management system
Monetary & Exchange system
DSD MarcaS
DDA Copyright Act DIN Patent management Intellectual property right management Inquire q criminal record SAN MATEO MENU SOL
Miraflores District Office portal
Surco Asset management system (SATTI)
6 in total
46 in total 48
12 in total
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government System Analysis - G2B : SEACE
4. e-Government Status Analysis
SEACE is a national p procurement support pp system y that manages g process p and information regarding g g national procurement p with additional functions such as reverse auction and e-Market. It is operated together with RNP system that registers procurement contractors.
Function 1. General procurement (4,000USD or more, Contracting with public act) Register contract result only after notifying intent of purchase through g offline system y 2. Petty procurement(less than 4,000USD, Contracting without public act) Selection and contract without bidding 3. Reverse Auction Select a company that offers lowest price on a bid for general consumer products and make a contract with it 4. e-Market Electronic purchase of registered items, mostly expendables. Currently 187 items have been registered Currently,
1.A company is required to be registered in a national institutions in order to deliver products to public institutions and this process is conducted online. 2.A public institutions verifies information on companies during the procurement process by entering the corresponding business registration i t ti number b
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government System Analysis - G2B : SEACE
4. e-Government Status Analysis
CONSUCODE is an institution in charge g of national procurement. p It enacts Peruvian national procurement p related Acts,, supervises the procurement process, and develops/operates the SEACE system to properly manage comprehensive procurement processes
Enactment of procurement process - Those companies that deliver products to public institutions are required to be registered in Procurement Office. Trades with unregistered companies may be invalidated SEACE : Opened in 2005 RNP : Opened p in 2004 The second version of SEACE is under review with the objective of opening it by 2009 – Utilize IDB funds, currently technical assistance step – e-Transaction expected to expand with reinforcement of e-Tendering, introduction of PKI and etc
279,000 279 000 national ti l procurementt ttransactions ti as off 2008 with ith estimated ti t d 1 1.3 3 billion USD(4.19 billion Sol) but merely 1% of the total transaction has been made electronically 2,700 public institutions are required to use it The transaction services available now include reverse auction and petty procurement with most of electronic payments made offline Login with corporate/institutional ID and password instead of individual authentication 187 items are available on the e-market
Acts for transparent e-transactions are prepared but there is a lack of technical support to implement and activate e-transactions A significant i ifi t portion ti off allll procurements is conducted offline Lack of security in e-transactions makes potential users hesitant to use it due to insecurity issue issue. Insufficient electronic payment functions Extremely E t l low l utilization tili ti off e-Market M k t
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government System Analysis - G2G : SIAF
4. e-Government Status Analysis
The information on financial spending p g and accounting g of approximately pp y 2,500 , public p institutions is managed g by y Ministry y of Finance, which develops and operates SIAF (Integrated Financial Management System) for proper management
Conceptual Image
Function It is the standard system that manages public income and spending of institutions, which is utilized by Budget Planning Institution (Executive Unit), Financial Bodies within Ministry of Finance, National Bank in charge of payment and other i tit ti institutions that th t require i iinformation f ti on it
Ministry of Finance(MEF) DNPP (national budget)
CPN (national accounting) ti )
DGTP (national finance)
1. Budget notification by Ministry of Finance Review/ Management
Executive Unit
- Notify budget spending information agreed by National Budget Team(DNPP) to individual institutions every month
2.Register information of general public institutions
Public institutions
Accounting information Local Government
Payment Requests
BN (National Bank)
– Administrative management(Administrative Register) : Purchase approval, Invoice registration, Payment management – Account Register : management of periodic accounting books
3.National budget management function – Monitor budget spending of individual institutions
Report p
– Manage g national financial and g general accounting g budget information – Request national bank(BN) for payment
CONTRALORIA (Audit & Inspection Office)
4. Report to relevant administrative offices
– COA report for Tax/Customs Office – Rapid accounting information for Audit & Inspection Office 51
II. Environment and Status Analysis
e-Government System Analysis - G2G : SIAF
4. e-Government Status Analysis
The MEF-initiated SIAF system y was developed p more than 10 y years ago g and is technically y outdated. The introduction of new technology and system upgrade for efficient management is urgently required.
Implications History
Pilot utilization began through development between 1997 and 1998 It started its full-fledged operation in 1999 as a standard system that manages national budget and spending by Ministry of Finance The technologically outdated 10-year-old system is currently under system upgrade with IDB funds and is expected to reopen in 2011
Utilized by about 2,500 public institutions The system is largely classified into public sector and local government It is not standardized finance management system but rather a simple system with t financial a c a regulations egu at o s and a d tables tab es a and d was as de developed e oped as a too tool to sshare ae information between public institutions and budget management departments Individual institutions get access to the system through institutional code and password assigned to them Comprised of Client-Server system Account function in p particular is p processed manually y Around 1,200 technical engineers are working on installation, maintenance and technical support of the system. Difficulty in delivering information due to obsolete Infrastructure
The system is technologically outdated due to long years of operation There is a part in budget management process which has not automated and thus requires development of additional function Difficult to assure security and stability in exchanging information among relevant institutions Infrastructure problems needs to be addressed
e-Government System Analysis G2C : General Public Portal (PSCE)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
It is crucial to p provide administrative services through g a single g unified portal p for promotion p of convenience and active utilization of e-Government. General Public Portal(Gateway for Business and Public Services) is the answer to address this challenge.
Conceptual Image
Function The Portal is designed to enable Peruvians to get access to civil information provided by public institutions and to conduct their own civil petitions and other public affairs online.
n o p
St ① Steps
Single unified access
Public institutions provide information on civil petition procedure
25,560 pieces of information in total are provided
On-line line Service ② On –
Public services provided online are linked
A total of 220 publicly provided civic services are provided within portal
People Civil petition Handling guideline
Information provided Update
Web Service
Collaboration among institutions (Ex. Incorporation)
Predefined 438 application forms for civil petitions and others
④ Administrator
Web Service
Institution Portal / Services
Legislative Body Justice Department Administration
③ Format
Independent Constitutional Institution
Relevant personnel in each institution maintain information up to date
467 administrators in 270 institutions
e-Government System Analysis G2C : General Public Portal (PSCE)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
General Public Portal was developed p with the initiation of ONGEI and is aimed at providing p g all people p p with information available at all public institutions. It continues to seek expanding relevant institutions and independent services.
ONGEI is i in i charge h off d development l t and d operation ti Opened in 2006
270 institutions out of 2,046 candidate institutions are interconnected with more institutions to be added continuously p g and Central independent p Justice Department/Administration/Legislature administrative offices take up more than 95% of participants with little involvement of local autonomous entities Separate tasks to expand online services are being conducted simultaneously (ex, incorporation)
132,206 Steps Online Format
120 100 80 60 94.7% Information Interactive Transactional
Individual institutions are in charge g of updating the information but it is very loosely managed. Thus, a more systematic management is required.
Service usage
Service automation level
40 20
0 Source :, 2008
The absence of personal authentication th ti ti function f ti necessitates it t a separate authentication procedure for individual civil petition works of each institutions
24,855 items, 94.7% of uploaded i f information ti are simple i l iinformation f ti The number of accesses in 2008 recorded 190,095, showing a high level of utilization but the utility of online services needs to be elevated by upgrading them on a continuous basis.
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Analysis of e-Government Level - Overview
4. e-Government Status Analysis
The survey y on Informatization has been conducted to identify y the level of Informatization of Peruvian g government institutions along with the analysis of the services provided by General Public Portal.
Master Plan Survey
General Public Portal (PSCE)
To identify Informatization status of Peruvian government offices to set up Master Plan Designed specifically for Central Administrative Offices, Independent Constitutional Institution, and Local Autonomous Entity Conducted survey in Dec Dec. 2008 and collected 22 survey sheets Survey questions are created to evaluate the overall level of Informatization of relevant institutions by classifying them into four areas
To identify T id tif and d analyze l th the status t t and d level of Peruvian government institutions by analyzing services provided by G2C representative portal
Questionnaire Information system status
Analysis Area Analysis of Level of government Portal
- Administration support system - Core work system - Level of general website System infrastructure status
Informatization system retain status
- Network, PC distribution rate, Interface etc. Informatization management status - Size of Informatization Organization, budget, education status
Level of Network and Interconnection
Information system utilization status p of utilization of information system y - Scope - Information system introduction issues
Obstacles to Informatization
Informatization management procedure and education
Service status − Mere automation of relevant administration − The status of services provided by each i tit ti institution
Informatization Organization and budget
e-Government Informatization Status - Level of government portal
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
The analysis y result of General Public Portal suggests gg that many y institutions provide p interactive or higher g level services but their utility is extremely low and the survey result of institution portals indicates that it remains at the level of being interactive. Level of service automation (17 administrative institutions)
Level of Service Automation by Ministry Number of information items provided by General Public Portal
Number N b off Interactive /Transactional services
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Women
Ministry of Production
Ministry of Defense
Ministry Level of automation for institutions (17 administrative institutions)
23.5% Only Informational Interac tive enable Trans ac tional enable
35.5% %
41.2 %
Level of automation for services provided (4,929 items)
97.3% Informational Interac tive Trans ac tional
Source :
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Construction
Mi i Ministry off Home H Affairs Aff i
Ministry of Labor
Ministry of Energy and Mining
Ministry of Education and Culture
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministry of Finance
Prime Minister Office
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Mi i t off Trade Ministry T d and dT Tourism i
Ministry of Public Health
41.2% of services provided by 17 administrative offices through General Public Portal is transactional service with 35.5% of them remaining at the level of being interactive services. Out O t of 4,929 4 929 ser services, ices there are onl only 42 interacti interactive e ser services ices and 94 transactional ones with ith 58 58.8% 8% of instit institutions tions pro providing iding first-class first class ser services ices onl only Source :, 2008
e-Government Informatization Status - Level of government portal
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
63.6% of respondents p from survey y on the level of p portal services said the level of portal p services is Interactive or above with average score of 3.0. Based on the survey result, The level of Peruvian government portal is determined to be the level of being ‘Interactive’ Government portal Level based on UN Readiness Operation Level
Operation Level of Institution Portal Networked
4.5% Transaction
Government portal Level of Peru
9 1% 9.1%
Source : Master Plan Survey, 2008 Web Measure Assessment, UN e-Government Readiness Report 2008
The information provided by Citizen Information Office institutions is organically linked through integrated portal Procurement Office Ministry of Education The information such as policy, laws MirafloresDistrict Office and news letters is delivered one way with search function through DB National Tax Office Ministry of Production Ministry of Construction, J ti Department Justice D t t Ministry of Trade and A number of online services such as Tourism information search or downloading Reserve Bank application forms with basic login Ministry of Labor security Ministry of Home Affairs, S B j Di t i t Offi SanBorjaDistrict Office SurcoDistrict Office Callao state Ministry of Science and Technology Intellectual Property Offi Office Li it d online Limited li services i are provided id d with basic security function Prison Administration Office National Broadcast Center National Statistical Office Offi i l website Official b it off iinstitution tit ti iis Ministry of Culture available with basic information Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided one way
e-Government Informatization Status Status of Information System retained by Institution
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
The information system y that supports pp administrative affairs features high g distribution and utilization ratio with advanced level of PC distribution ratio(78.5%) and network connection ratio of administrative PCs (91.4%) as well.
Administrative PC Distribution ratio
Administration support system status 20%
80% Retain ratio
Number of PCs per 100 people
Budget & Accounting
78 5 78.5
HR Asset Management Document Approval
Network connection ratio of administrative PCs 91.4%
Procurement e-mail System 1
Retain ratio
Utilization Level
Utilization Level
Source : Master Plan Survey, 2008
ƒ The systems that support administrative affairs shows around 80% of distribution ratio with high utilization ratio as well, which indicates that information system plays a key role in taking care of administrative affairs. ƒ The PC distribution ratio is recorded at 78.5 PCs per 100 employees, 91.4% of which is connected on a network.
e-Government Informatization Status Level of Network Infrastructure and Connection
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
The Network Bandwidth of institutions is as low as 21.0Mbps p on average g but there is a significant g gab g among g different institutions with most of them retain relatively low bandwidth, and the percentage of automatic information sharing among institutions through the network remains at 36% Internet Bandwidth Band idth within ithin Institutions Instit tions
Data Interface among Institutions Instit tions 200
100 B e-Mail By M il or storage device
32% 40
30 68%
Average (21Mbps) 20
Automatic interconnection through the network
72.7% SIAF, SEACE included
36% SIAF, SEACE excluded
0 Source : Master Plan Survey, 2008 ƒ Some 72.7% of institutions retain low network bandwidth less than 10Mbps, indicating low level of network infrastructure. ƒ The percentage of information sharing among institutions through network interface reaches 68% with SIAF and SEACE included but only 36% without them, demonstrating a low level of information sharing among institutions.
e-Government Informatization Status Survey on Obstacles to Informatization
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
The survey y respondents p mentioned lack of budget g and infrastructure,, difficulty y in education and training g and lack of willingness of top management officers as obstacles to Informatization. Survey result for obstacles to introduction of information system Detailed result for different institutions 68.4%
Lack of budget
Lack of infrastructure
Difficulty in education and training
Lack of Informatization willingness of top management
31 6% 31.6%
Lack of competence of SI company
Lack of demand for information system
Central administrative offices
Independent institution
Local Autonomous Entity y
S Source :M Master t Plan Pl Survey, S 2008
ƒ Lack of budget (68.4%) and lack of infrastructure (63.2%) have turned out to be the most compelling obstacles to Informatization. ƒ Administrators mentioned lack of willingness g of top p management g while Independent p institution p picked insufficient education and training, g and local autonomous entities pointed out lack of budget as the most crucial issue to deal with.
e-Government Informatization Status Informatization Management Procedure
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
According g to the survey y result,, the areas of the audit & inspection p procedure p (50%), ( ), securing g separate p budget g and relevant personnel(27%), Informatization education and training (50%) have been evaluated to remain at a relatively low level.
Informatization management procedure
Informatization education & training
Set up Informatization master plan
Audit & inspection of information system
36.4% 50.0%
HW/SW for security
13.6% Documented security regulations
Disaster preventive measures
Designated separate budget and personnel for security
27% 0%
Source : Master Plan Survey, 2008
Among surveyed instructions, 77% sets up IT Master Plan and only 50% of them conducts audit and inspection process, which indicates there is a lack of sophisticated and systematic approach toward Informatization. There is a HW/SW management g p procedure for security y but no separate p budget g and technical p personnel dedicated to it. Only 50& of surveyed institutions retains education on Informatization .
e-Government Informatization Status Informatization Organization and Budget
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
According g to the survey y result,, about 4.2% of total public p employees p y are Informatization staff,, and 70% of them are working g in development area.
Informatization Personnel
Informatization Budget
Portion of Informatization personnel 4.2%
Informationization personnel Non- informationization personnel
Portion of Informatization budget 6.6 %
Informationization budget
Classification according to work type
Budget gap between Ministry and Institution
General budget
4.6% 9 3% 9.3% 4.7% 71.3 %
Strategy /Planning Development
Source : Master Plan Survey, 2008
ƒ The portion of Informatization personnel 4.2%, higher than that of Korea(3%) but the portion of personnel in charge of strategy and planning is mere 1.2%. 71.3% of Informatization personnel is assigned to development, indicating a significant portion of in-house development. ƒ The Informatization budget is 6.6%, There is a big gap between ministry and institution
Comprehensive Implication and Extraction of Opportunity Factors
II. Environment and Status Analysis 4. e-Government Status Analysis
The improvement p opportunities pp identified as a result of analyzing y g the e-Government status are as follows.
Opportunities Lack of authentication for individual citizens makes it hard to provide a variety of services
The technical standards for individual authentication is required to be introduced in all sectors of government.
e-Government Limited or no finance related functions such as payment of fees fees, taxes and penalties i f information ti System Analysis
Partial automation of work processes necessitates visit to relevant administrative office
Revision of relevant laws and policies is required to promote exchange of information
The interconnection of information is restrained due to inappropriate infrastructure
The platform to facilitate the electronic transaction such as payment off taxes and d fees f is i required. i d
Significant gap in Informatization system and Informatization related investment
The infrastructure needs to be refurbished to accelerate the interconnection of information systems among institutions and local governments
A large amount of information system has been introduced but with poor work automation
Analysis of e-Government System Level
Every institution retain its own portal but services provided are limited to provision of simple information A high willingness to interconnect information system among institutions but poor level of system integration
The policy-level technical support is required to reduce the gap in the level of Informatization among institutions The additional development is required to provide citizens with quality administrative services.
Lack of Informatization budget and low priority on relevant education and investment
The project evaluation system is required to be established
Low level of Informatization management such as poor audit & inspection and security
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Law and Policy Status Framework
5. Law and Policy
For p proper p analysis y of Peruvian laws and polices, p , current legal g system y regarding g g e-Government,, legal g and policy p y requirements for Informatization, and the draft of e-Government Act have been examined and based on this, improvement factors as well as current status of laws and polices have been identified. C Current t llegall system t of ee-Government
Requirements for Informatization laws and policies
Draft of ee-Government Act
Classification of e e-G Government t laws l
Requirements q
Draft of e e--Government Act
• Informatization of public administration • Prevent dysfunction of Informatization • Form the basis for IT industry • Refurbish infrastructure
Peruvian e e--Government laws and policies • Coverage Analysis of Peruvian laws and policies regarding e-Government based on legal classification system
• Rapid enactment of Framework Act on eGovernment • Enact Acts on electronic commerce and Enact Acts on electronic financial transactions • Prepare legal system for protection of personal information • Reinforce legal support for promotion of S/W industry • Enact Acts on eLearninig/Telework • Prepare legal system to close the Informatization gap
• Analyze the draft of eGovernment and information technology related Acts
Analysis of status and improvement factors of laws and policies
Overview of Peruvian Legal System for e-Government
II. Environment and Status Analysis 5. Law and Policy
Based on the Korean legal g system y of e-Government and ‘e-Government legal g system’ y of World Bank,, the e-Government related laws are classified as described below.
Informatization of public administration
Prevent dysfunction of informatization
For, the basis for IT industry Establish infrastructure
Create Informatization environment
Protect personal information and security Informatization gap
Relevant Peruvian Laws
General facts of e-Government Information sharing among government institutions Criteria and procedure to introduce information system
Draft of e-Government Act Transparency and Access to Public Information Law Act on establishment of RENIEC
Electronic authentication and electronic signature Electronic approval, electronic commerce Assure citizens' access to information Assure binding effect of electronic document and stipulate relevant regulations National e-Government standards Manage Internet domains and S/W of public institutions
Digital g Signatures g and Digital g Certificates Law Prime Minister Decree on electronic transaction Prime Minister Decree on efficacy of electronic document Prime Minister Decree on authority to set standards of e-Government Prime Minister Decree on general provisions of domain management Prime Pi Mi Minister i t D Decree on participation ti i ti and d security it off national telecommunication system Copyright Act Prime Minister Decree on using genuine S/W
Protection of personal information by public institutions Protection and security of personal information Information on the Internet Government’s efforts to relieve Informatization gap Relieve Informatization gap for isolated class
Transparency and Access to Public Information Law Act on disabled people’s people s access to Internet Regulations on installation of Internet Cabin for disabled people’s access to Internet Prime Minister Decree on reduction of Informatization gap
Policies and tax incentives to nurture domestic IT industry Encourage R&D of domestic S/W companies,, tax incentives Protective system for fair competition of domestic IT market Part P t off funds f d for f telecommunication t l i ti infrastructure i f t t can be assigned to support e-Government
Telecommunication Act
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Peruvian Legal System for e-Government(1/2)
5. Law and Policy
Peruvian legal g system y status for e-Government is as follows.
Informatization Of public administration
Prevent dysfunction of informatization
Relevant Peruvian Laws
Draft of e-Government and Informatics Law Transparency and Access to Public Information Law Act on establishment of RENIEC
Draft of e-Government e Go ernment Act has not passed the approval of PCM yet so e-Government Act there is no Framework Act on e ITA Act Government Knowledge Information Act on regulation & procedure to Resource Management Act introduce public institutions information system is also absent
Digital Signatures and Digital Certificates Law, The provisions regarding information Prime Minister Decree on electronic transaction Prime Minister Decree on electronic document use environment, including public Prime Minister Decree on authority to set certification, electronic document, standards of e-Government electronic transaction, intellectual Prime Minister Decree on general provisions of property right are mostly available Create domain management informatization Prime Minister Decree on participation of national environment Most provisions are Prime Minister institutions’ participation and compliance with institutions security regulations for national Decrees instead of Acts, which telecommunication system makes them vulnerable to changes Copyright Act in political circumstances such as the Prime Minister Decree on mandating the use of change of presidents authentic S/W by 2011
protection of personal information/ information security
Relevant Korean Laws
Electronic Signature Act Framework Act on Electronic Transaction Internet Address Resources Management Act Telecommunication Network Act Copyright Act Act on Protection of Computer Program
Personal Information There is no laws regarding protection Protection Act of Public Institutions of personal information and there is Telecommunication only declaratory statement on the D ft off e-Government Draft G t Act A t Network N t k Act A t e-Government Act
Absence of specific laws
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Peruvian Legal System for e-Government(2/2)
5. Law and Policy
Peruvian legal g system y status for e-Government is as follows.
Prevent dysfunction of I f Informatization ti ti
Protection of personal information/ i f information ti security
Form the basis for IT industry
Relevant Peruvian Laws
Analysis There Th is i no specific ifi law l stipulating ti l ti obligations with regard to information security
Law of Transparency and Access to Public Act that Promotes Internet Access for Disabled Persons: Prime Minister Decree on installing the Internet Cabin to promote disabled people’s access to the Internet and to relieve Informatization gap
There is a particular law regarding the right of the disabled for access to the Internet and that of public institutions to get access to information but it needs to expand to include other socially isolated classes including women, youth and natives.
• There is no law regarding forming the basis of IT industry
There exists a law regarding industrial promotion of domestic IT corporations but no particular benefits or incentives for that A separate law relevant to management of digital contents is required as ICT develops
Telecommunication Act contains basic stipulations regarding regulations of telecommunication industry Reform infrastructure
Relevant Korean Laws
Act on Closing the g Divide Digital
Software Industry Promotion Act Online Digital Contents Act
Framework Act on Telecommunications
Telecommunication Act Add a provision that enables to use FITEL(funds for telecommunication infrastructure) for eGovernment policy support
Telecommunications Business Act
II. Environment and Status Analysis Law and Policy Requirements regarding Peruvian Informatization(1/2) 5. Law and Policy Requirements q of Peruvian government g regarding g g e-Government legal g system y are as follows. Requirements Due to the absence of Framework Act on e-Government, the institutions in charge of implementation of e-Government have weak authority to push ahead with the Peruvian e-Government project
Rapid enactment of Framework Act on e e-Government
Due to the lack of firm legal ground, e-Government related activities such as fund raising, securing IT personnel are not properly performed. The evaluation for the Informatization project and a preliminary consultation with central government are not conducted adequately There is the draft of Framework Act on e-Government, which has not
Due to the inadequacy of Framework Act on e-Government, major bodies in charge of implementing e-Government is expected to have weak and insufficient authority to push ahead with ith it and d thus th rapid id enactment t t off
passed an internal agreement.
e-Government Act is required.
Enact Framework Act on Electronic Commerce and Financial Transaction
The scope of the Framework Act on Due to absence of basic laws regarding electronic commerce and financial transaction, there is hardly any transactions regarding e-Government
financial transaction is required to include nationwide electronic commerce and exchange, public certification and etc. Enactment of responsive Acts
Currently, Currently there is no firm regulations available within legal system that
Prepare legal system to protect personal information
stipulate protection of personal information by administrative institutions Since the personal information protection is one of most critical matters relating to reliability of e-Government, enactment of relevant laws and ordinances for proactive protection of it is required required.
against possible infringement of personal information that might occur with the advancement of eGovernment is required.
II. Environment and Status Analysis Law and Policy Requirements regarding Peruvian Informatization(2/2) 5. Law and Policy Requirements q of Peruvian government g regarding g g e-Government legal g system y are as follows. Requirements
Reinforce legal support for promotion of S/W industry
The policy to promote the software industry within Peru is required to sustain the development of e-Government as well as advancement of domestic IT industry as a consequence of it. Enactment of Act for promotion of
e-learning / Telework
e-Learning is a tool that may attain distribution of equal education opportunities, which is one of the core Peruvian missions Telecommuting T l i may contribute ib to enhancing h i work k efficiency ffi i and d another h Peruvian mission of job creation
domestic IT industry is required to create a benevolent cycle with eGovernment Government. The e-Learning and telework will be more efficient if it is associated with enactment of Acts on relief of
The ICT C infrastructure f and education concentrated in Metropolitan areas cause a serious Informatization gap The Informatization gap between social classes may widen even further
Reinforce laws to relieve Informatization gap
with the sophistication of e-Government services, Thus enactment of relevant Acts to prevent this from happening is urgently Thus, required as the Informatization gap for e-Government services is directly linked to basic rights of Peruvians. Currently, the Act designed to close the Informatization gap is enacted but inadequate authority is assigned to assure its power of execution
Informatization gap. The currently available Act on relief of Informatization gap needs to be equipped with the assignment of adequate execution power.
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Draft of Peruvian e-Government Act
5. Law and Policy
The「Draft of Act on National System y of e-Government and Information Technology gy」, which is in the process p of being g enacted by ONGEI as Framework Act on e-Government is described as below. Chapter
Article 1: Definition
National system regarding e-Government and information technology
Article 2: Purpose
Purpose of law
Article 3: General Provisions
General provisions regarding e-Government under the Prime Minister Office
Article 4: Scope of Application
Scope of application of e-Government and information technology
Article 5: Responsibility of Nation
Define government’s responsibilities for eGovernment and promotion of information technology
Chapter Ch t 2 2: National System
Article A ti l 6, 6 7: 7 N National ti l Information I f ti Technology System and Authority
Define national information technology gy based on state and local governments Define policy decision and implementation authority.
legal force within the
Chapter 3: Implementation System
Article 8: Implementation System
Define major implementing organizations including Prime Minister Office and consultative committee
Article 9, 10, 11: ONGEI
Stipulate organizations, functions, Responsibilities and fund procurement methods of ONGEI
Stipulations regarding
Article 12, 13: Presidential Consultative Committee
Organize private consultative committee to encourage participation of general citizens
plans of e-Government
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Chapter 4: ONGEI Chapter 5: Consultative Committee
Chapter 6, 7 : Article 14, 15: Regional Mediation Mediation Committee Committee among Institutions
Stipulate on organization and operation provisions of Mediation Committee among institutions and local agencies
Chapter 8 : Article 16~20: 16 20: Other Organizations Oth Organizations Other O i ti
Define functions of institutions in charge, local government, autonomous institution, congress, court, and Prime Minister Office
Major terminologies are defined but not the scope of law
Lack of compelling content of law may weaken the power of
establishing action project and evaluation system are absent
Comprehensive Implications and Opportunity Factors
II. Environment and Status Analysis 5. Law and Policy
The following g opportunity pp y factors have been drawn out of analysis y of status of law and policy. p y
Absence of Framework Act on e-Government limits implementing activities of the organizations in charge of e-Government
Rapid enactment and effectuation of Framework Act on eGovernment
Absence of legal ground for introduction of information system and evaluation hinders performance evaluation of Informatization
A proper authority needs to be assigned to the organization in charge of implementing e-Government along with reformation of implementation system
e-Government legal system Lack of provisions regarding protection of personal / Requirements information and information security lowers reliability f e-Government for G t Analysis
A systematic introduction of e-Government project and establishment of performance evaluation criteria
Lack of provisions regarding promotion of domestic IT industry Provisions regarding e-learning, Telework, relief of knowledge gap and job creation through ee Government are required
Formation of the basis for implementation of e-Government and expansion of scope of application
A clear definition of e-Government and the scope of law is required
Peruvian eeGovernment Act Draft Analysis
Allowance of spending ICT infrastructure funds on policy implementation of e-Government
A provision that reinforces the power of execution for e-Government G t through th h assignment i t off compelling lli legal force is required
Setting up mid and long-term plan of Informatization for individual institutions and preparation of evaluation system
Lack of provisions regarding e-Government project plan and evaluation undermines the power of execution
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview Overview
6. Requirement Analysis
To collect opinions on the Informatization status of Peruvian government institutions and the future direction of Informatization, a survey among the CIOs of several institutions was conducted, based on which the implications regarding the problems of current e-Government and improvement direction have been identified.
Interviewed Institutions
Government Institutions
CIOs of 18 institutions - Justice Department, Administration(12), Independent institutions(3), Local government(2) • Poder Judicial • Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas • OSCE • Ministerio de Justicia • SUNAT • Ministerio de Educacion • Ministerio de Energia y Minas • SUNARP • MINISTRIO DE LA PRODUCCION • Ministerio de Salud • Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones • Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo • Ministerio de Vivienda • ONPE • RENIEC • Banco Central de Reserva del Peru • Callao Gobiernos regionales • Los Olivos Gobiernos locales
The Informatization status of overall Peruvian government institutions and requirements for e-Government projects Organization - The status and Informatization implementation system of the organization in charge of ICT operation - Informatization task management procedure, education status External environment of e-Government - Problems and solutions in implementing current e-Government implementation - Problems from system’s y perspective p p - External factors that influence implementation of eGovernment and pros and cons Informatization status - Projects that was under progress or under plan - Major systems within institution - Evaluation and future prospect of current Informatization - Overseas collaboration status
H d off institution Head i tit ti and d Leader L d off team t with ith core works k • Head of institution - Ramon Enrique Saldivar Bocangel • Legal affairs - Mario Camara Figueroa, Patricia Gamio Franco • project management - Cesar Vilchez Inga, Max Lazaro Taico
I Investigation ti ti off overall ll status t t off the th e-Government G t implementation system, including implementation vision and strategy, implementing organization, and laws and policies - e-Government implementation system and R&R - e-Government related laws and - Implementations status of current Informatization tasks and management process
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview -Poder Judicial
6. Requirement Analysis
The Justice information has the core information of administration that needs to be shared through interconnection but due to the lack of telecommunication network infrastructure, the interconnection level is poor even within Justice Department, let alone among relevant institutions. Organization − The Informatization department belongs to Court Administration Office(Gerencia General) with functional parts of development, telecommunication/support and operation. Competence required for Informatization project − Telecommunication network Infrastructure −Currently, y, onlyy 40% of 29 local district courts are connected to a network and it costs a lot to provide satellite connection for those that are not connected yet − Data Center needs to be refurbished −Data center needs to be established in accordance with TI 94 Act and substitute Data Center is also needed −Lack of p professional technical p personnel ICT education status − Basic education only is provided for general employees and it is difficult to conduct education in local areas − Mostly, education is limited to the one that is provided with the purchase of S/W Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government e Government project − Mid and long-term plan − Top management’s willingness for e-Government project − Collaboration scheme among institutions − Standards and investments to reduce gap in Informatization among institutions Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian Per ian government go ernment Informatization Informati ation − Pros: budget, willingness for innovation − Cons: limited role of institutions in charge, ONGEI needs to supervise project Informatization status and requirements − Ongoing Informatization tasks within institution : Inter connection de Judicino Reginale(mutual interconnection among district courts), data center remodeling, Electronic Notification
Implication Lack of mid and long-term e-Government strategy and implementation mid and long-term plan for Informatization and sustained implementation required Lack of central government’s monitoring for e-Government project Lack of information collaboration and information sharing among institutions Lack of collaboration among institutions in charge of implementing e-Government project Lack of infrastructure for Informatization 60% of 29 district courts are not connected to a network Lack of p professional technical p personnel Lack of Informatization education for Public servants Basic education on Informatization for general employees only No Informatization education for temporary workers
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas
6. Requirement Analysis
The Finance Management System(SIAF) is used jointly by all public institutions and Finance Ministry has put a lot of efforts in managing and developing it. The obsoleteness of the existing system has triggered a full-fledged system upgrade planning. Organization − The Informatization department falls under the umbrella of SG*. − IT organization is conducting development, operation, implementation, technology, quality control, and statistics with 250employees, among which 120 in charge of implementation are supporting 2,500 institutions. Competence required for Informatization project − There is neither IT strategy nor vision within MEF and a cross-government implementation is required. − Government institutions should share the sense of necessity of e-Government − IT related education이 is badly required. Top management does not feel the need for IT education budget assignment. − Peruvian government assigns 2~5%of total IT budget to Informatization of education sector ICT education status − No budget for education Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Informatization budget is insufficient and is not efficiently utilized either either. − Government needs to initiate setting up telecommunication network strategy and implementation Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: Institutions like SUNAT, RENIEC are advanced in terms of technology − Cons: There is no clear strategic vision Informatization I f ti ti status t t and d requirements i t − Ongoing Informatization tasks within institution : Finance Management System(SIAF) upgrade, ITIL application, groupware installation(to be completed in 3~4 months) − There is only one or two local governments with groupware installed in its district offices and there is a large Informatization gap among local district areas. − Administrative Ad i i t ti works, k especially i ll civil i il works k off di district t i t office, ffi are excessively i l complicated li t d and d time-consuming.
Implication Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation Lack of cross-government of mid and longterm e-Government vision and strategy
Lack of Informatization service for people Administrative works and services for citizens are excessively complicated and time-consuming
Lack of Informatization education for public workers IT related education is required Extremely little budget assigned to Informatization education Lack of willingness of management for education
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - OSCE
6. Requirement Analysis
The SEACE system is being operated to manage procurement works of all institutions and Informatization is consistently underway to improve manual-based procurement works
Organization − IT department consists of 39 employees to run three teams of S/W development, technical support, and Process/Design − Lack of education budget makes it difficult to conduct Informatization education Competence required for Informatization project − It can be obtained byy assigning g g budget g and conducting gp procurement work online ICT education status − Lack of education budget is the single most urgent matter to deal with − All employees are learning MS Office. − IT education for those who are in charge of Informatization is conducted by outside companies, around four times a year Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Lack of education and PR for users − Paper-based work processing is prevalent Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: P −The Internet usage ratio is high and there are many institutions with well-established infrastructure −The Informatization implementation plan such as digital agenda is available Informatization status and requirements − The amount of annual government procurement is estimated at 120 million USD but only 1% of it is conducted through online system with the rest conducted offline − Corporations that participate in procurement are required to visit government offices − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : SEACE(IDB support, international bid is scheduled following TA consulting) − Informatization tasks scheduled to be conducted : Arbitrage, Workflow − Resident information, school affairs information, and e-Voting are required 75
Implication Low level of Informatization in dealing with major work A high percentage of procurement works are conducted d d manually ll A physical visit to relevant institutions is required in participating in procurement Only 1% of all procurement works is conducted through system
Lack of Informatization education for public workers Insufficient budget for Informatization education Low education for employees and lack of professinalism
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Ministerio de Justicia
6. Requirement Analysis
To obtain efficiency in dealing with works of Ministry of Justice, including criminal information management, the personal information of all people from cradle to grave is required to be digitized along with organic interconnection of information among relevant government institutions Organization − Ministry of Justice conducts prison operation, operation of state-appointed legal counselors and etc. − Informatization department under SG (24 people in total) − Comprised of system development, telecommunication network , and technical support team − All systems y are developed p by y in-house p personnel Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Priority of Informatization budget is low, which makes it difficult to introduce information system and to conduct education − Security problem − Little or no information sharing among institutions and information tends to be monopolized by specific institutions − Continuity of project is not assured due to political problems − The personal information of all people from cradle to grave is required to be digitized. The nation manages personal information based on name, which makes it difficult to efficiently find and manage g critical information such as criminal information Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: Internet usage ratio Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Systema de defense - the system that enables to support legal counseling for those are imprisoned or undergoing trial and to facilitate judicial procedure (scheduled to be completed in first half 2009), Single Window - Portal that provides information on civil petition processing status in Ministry of Justice and that manages medication and compromise − Personal information is required to be informationized (information on birth, social status, financial affairs, career, criminal records and etc.) − Informatization implementation and sharing among institutions requires a mediating institutions.
Implication Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation Continuity of project is not assured due to political problems Informatization has a low strategic priority A mediating institution for e-Government implementation is required Lack of information collaboration and sharing for e-Government project among institutions Information is likely to be monopolized and not shared among institutions S Sometimes, ti it costs t commission i i tto share h information among institutions Lack of Informatization and sharing system of personal information The criminal information is managed based on name, which makes it inefficient to find and manage it The social status information of individuals from birth to death needs to be maintained and managed.
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview -SUNAT
6. Requirement Analysis
It has the largest Informatization organization in Peru to support tax and customs work with relatively high level of Informatization.
Organization − There is an e-Government organization under the direct control of the institution in charge of tax affairs, which is the one and only case in SUNAT − Absence of education for general employees is one of the weaknesses Competence required for Informatization project − The authority of ONGEI that is in full charge of implementing e-Government needs to be reinforced − Currently, systems of individual institutions are not integrated and to resolve this, the increased authority of coordinating institutions and sufficient Informatization budget support are required along with technical efforts. ICT education status − The Informatization level of SUNAT is relatively high among Peruvian government institutions b the but h llevell off IInformatization f i i education d i iis llow. − There is a program that provides a professional certificate for those who finish the educational courses regarding system integration , software or database through collaboration with colleges within INSI Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project policy related, and technical − Lack of integration among institutions (due to political, legal, policy-related, problem) − From a national perspective, strategic plan needs to be made Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: There are many government institutions equipped with well-established information system (SUNAT, Central bank, RENIEC) − Cons: Lack of collaborative system among institutions, cross-national Informatization strategic plan needs to made, lack of national ITA Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Single Virtual Windows for Foreign Trade( VUCE, a project that enables to conduct import/export and customs clearance of eight institutions through g a single g p portal), ), Project j that remodels tariff system y is underway(Business y( Process completed, scheduled to be re-established by year 2011) − e-Invoice, e-Signature required 77
Implication Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation National-level Informatization strategic plan is required The authority of ONGEI for e-Government implementation needs to be reinforced. Lack of information collaboration and sharing for e-Government project among institutions The authority of integrating and coordinating among institutions should be granted to ONGEI Difficult to integrate systems among institutions due to a large gap in Informatization level A proper amount of budget is required for integration There are political and legal issues to resolve to implement proper information sharing
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Ministerio de Educacion
6. Requirement Analysis
Ministry of Education is currently operating the information system that manages as many as 300,000 teachers and school personnel and is toiling over setting up centralized information system that integrates local systems scattered around the country for operational efficiency. Organization − The school personnel of the Ministry of Education belong to local governments and education budget is also administered by local governments as well. − It is under the umbrella of Strategy Planning Office instead of SG, which makes it easier to implement Informatization projects − Comprised of around 50 in total working for development, Operation& Maintenance, and technical support team − Ministry of Education is directly conducting Informatization education for as many as 300,000 school personnel Competence required for Informatization project − Currently, the database for information on school affairs and school personnel is managed locally but for operational efficiency, it needs to be centralized Challenges Ch ll faced f d by b Peruvian P i e-Government G t project j t − Lack of IT Infrastructure − Government is not committed to actively implementing the e-Government − The authority of ONGEI, which is in full charge of implementing e-Government needs to be strengthened − There is some resistance from private companies due to conflict of interest Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: There is a separate independent Informatization organization like ONGEI − Cons: Due to lack of budget, there is hardly any government services available on the Internet Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : The OLPC project that provides students with a low-priced laptop (scheduled to continue until 2011) − Electronic processing for personal authentication such as smart card and public certificate is required − Issuance of certificates such as business permission, confirmation of overseas trip and driver’s license is complicated and time-consuming and electronic processing of this procedure requires personal authentication − The resident information needs to be registered from birth and systematically maintained by the nation 78
Implication Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation Government’s commitment for eGovernment implementation is required The authority of ONGEI needs to be strengthened so that it can control state government when it comes to eGovernment implementation N personall authentication No h i i function f i for f secure administrative processing Electronic authentication for individuals is required The p personal information needs to be digitized through smart card, public certificate etc. Lack of Informatization service for people The process of issuing certificates needs to be simplified It needs to be centralized to share information on school affairs and school personnel information
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Ministerio de Energia y Minas
6. Requirement Analysis
A variety of G2B projects with regard to energy resources are underway and the importance of PR for e-Government has been mentioned to sustain its implementation.
Organization − It is in charge of managing and approving energy related businesses including electricity, mining, and petroleum − The Informatization department is under the umbrella of SG and due to the low authority of Informatization department, it has difficulty in implementing Informatization related tasks − Comprised of development(Development), management(Admin), and technical support(Technical Support) − Implementation of Informatization projects are not well sustained due to a frequent change of ministers Competence required for Informatization project − Proactive support from top management officials − Assurance of sustaining implementation of Informatization projects − Enhance the level of top management officials’ understanding of Informatization − The Informatization department should be an independent organization under the direct control of the Minister instead of being under the umbrella of SG Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Low level of cross-government awareness and priority for Informatization − Implementation I l t ti off projects j t is i mostly tl on a short-term h tt basis b i d due tto th the ffrequentt political liti l changes h − Lack of professional personnel within institutions(ONGEI is conducting technical consultation and Informatization education ) − Centralized management is needed for e-Government project (ONGEI should designate personnel in charge in implementing and managing ongoing projects within institutions more actively), − Acts and standards are rather alienated from reality Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution: establishment of administration information system through electronic bulletin board is underway, interconnection with VoIP within institutions as well as business approval/permission with local governments, establishment of virtual server using VMW (scheduled to be commenced from February February, 2009) 2009), − Electronic document system(using OCR) plan, electronic payment, and a separate government Internet network required 79
Implication Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation Autonomy and status of Informatization organization needs to be strengthened Centralized management of e-Government project is required Mostly short-term based projects due to political reasons
Lack of awareness for e-Government Lack of cross-government awareness of the importance of Informatization Lack of awareness for Informatization among top management officials PR for importance of Informatization tasks carried out by ONGEI is required
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - SUNARP
6. Requirement Analysis
It is in charge of registering movable properties and real estates and as for Informatization task, it is integrating individually operated systems along while digitizing and processing civil petitions online
Organization − In charge of registering properties (real estate such as land, corporation, automobile, ship, aircraft) − It posesses150 branches nationwide, 60 of which engage in issuing certificates and the rest only in receiving applications − 60% of all applications is developed by in-house personnel Competence required for Informatization project − Each item under the subject of registration including real estate, automobile, and corporation uses a different IT system, which makes it difficult to share information. − Thus, integration among systems is required Challenges g faced by y Peruvian e-Government p project j − The Informatization infrastructure is lacking nationwide including most of public institutions. − Lack of budget and subsequently difficulty in recruiting professional personnel Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: Existence of ONGEI − Sufficient personnel for Informatization Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Integration of real estate registration system, Online Enterprise Constitution − Plan to integrate registering corporation, individuals and real estate into IRCN − The portion of works orks that can be processed thro through gh the Internet is 5% of corporate application work and 60% of issuance work, currently working on elevating the portion of issuance work − The Informatization of processing comprehensive resident civil petitions including issuing certificate for marriage, birth and death is urgently required − The Informatization of issuing automobile related certificates is required
Implication Lack of Informatization service for people Implementation of online processing of civil titi iis required i d petition Only 5% of corporate applications is processed through the Internet with ongoing efforts to expand the portion of issuance work, especially automobile Digitization Di iti ti and d automation t ti off issuing i i comprehensive certificates including birth and marriage is required Information project such as car registration needed Lack of Informatization infrastructure among public institutions Lack of Informatization infrastructure nationwide There are sufficient Informatization personnel but it is difficult to recruit them due to lack of budget
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Ministerio de la Produccion
6. Requirement Analysis
It is in charge of administering all corporations and fishery and currently engages in G2B project as a part of e-Government. Due to lack of budget and poor collaboration among institutions, however, implementation does not proceed smoothly.
Organization − Ministry of Production is in charge of administering industries and fishery in Peru − The Informatization department is under the umbrella of Deputy minister of administration(Secretary General) Competence required for Informatization project − The Informatization asset and p personnel needs to be expanded p through g support pp of sustained budget Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Lack of budget is the most serious problem − The informationization education is available only for regular workers and there is hard any demand for Informatization education among g employees p y − Lack of competence ti utilize Informatization budget efficiently along with lack of budget − The Informatization personnel are mostly temporary workers with low salary Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros - Strong Presidential commitment to e e-Government Government −Relatively well-established infrastructure −The e-Government implementation like NGEI exists − Cons − The imbalance of Informatization budget among institutions − Lack of communication and collaboration among institutions Informatization status and requirements - As much as 50% of external civil petitions and up to 70% of internal works are processed through Informatization system − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Tax payment, Single Virtual Windows for Foreign Trade project − The function to simplify and to properly supervise administrative work and procedure is required 81
Implication Lack of Informatization budget for implementation of e-Government Imbalance of Informatization budget among institutions Competence to utilize budget efficiently is required Stable supply of Informatization personnel through sustain budget support is required
Lack of Informatization service for corporate service Task for corporate petition is underway Function to supervise administrative work procedure is required q and p The Informatization of business approval/permission is required Low weight of Informatization for processing major works Introduction of system for work efficiency such as BPM is required The function to simplify and to properly supervise administrative work and procedure q is required
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Ministerio de Salud
6. Requirement Analysis
As an institution in charge of public health, it manages as many as 7,000 medical and public health institutions but due to obsolete infrastructure, it has difficulty in interconnection of relevant systems among institutions
Organization − Operates around140 hospitals, 1,200clinics, and 5,000 public health centers − The Informatization organization, run by General Office of Statistics and Informatics.(OGEI), is comprised of three sub teams of technical development, telecommunication technology, and statistics. Competence required for Informatization project − Difficulty in securing Infrastructure (telecommunication, network, technical personnel) − Budget for e-Government implementation is required Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Insufficient budget and labor cost makes it difficult to secure Informatization personnel − No Informatization education is available for temporary workers along with difficulty in securing education budget − Due to insufficient PR, there are not many who utilize e-Government functions − Lack of infrastructure makes it difficult to integrate with local government offices − Frequent change of ministers makes it difficult to maintain implementation of Informatization projects consistently − Lack of authority to push ahead with national Informatization strategy (ONGEI sets up and implements national Informatization strategy but not all individual institutions conform to that) Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Strong commitment to e-Government implementation such as mandating every public institutions to have a portal Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution - Information Open System to enahance transparency of organization(Solicitud de accesso a informacion electronico) − New development requirement - Expansion of national portal(PSCE), purchase system
Implication Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation Systematic e-Government implementation plan l iis required i d Inconsistent implementation of Informatization tasks due to frequent change of Ministers ONGEI in charge of implementing eGovernment does not have enough g authority to implement Informatization strategy
Lack of Informatization budget g for implementation of e-Government budget, labor cost restratints Due to lack of budget for education, no education is available for temporary workers Lack of budget prevents expansion of Informatization despite a lot of areas to be informationized such as portal and legitimate SW.
Interview - Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones
II. Environment and Status Analysis 6. Requirement Analysis
MTC is in charge of Informatization as well as strategic planning and approval/permission work of transportation and telecommunication sector and manages FITEL fund for expansion of national telecommunication Infrastructure through one of its subordinate organizations called OPSITEL Organization − The Informatization organization is operated under the Secretaria General − It is comprised of approximately 50 employees working on technical support, development, and planning − Supervises telecommunication service provides (telephone, Internet) through OSIPTEL ICT education status − Conducts technical support and education through a contract with MS, and gets technical support from Oracle − Lack of budget prevents sufficient amount of Informatization education Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Lack of Informatization budget − Expansion of infrastructure such as network, data center is required − Support and expansion of consultant and development personnel − Frequent change of Ministers adversely affects Informatization project Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: P Hi High h iinterest t t iin IInternet t t and d e-Government G t among young adults d lt − Cons: Poor infrastructure Informatization status within institutions − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Plan to establish data center ,S/W development for issuance of driver’s license in local government offices Informatization work and requirement − Processing civil petitions is complicated and time-consuming − There is a significant demand for issuance of certificates such as birth and marriage certificate, which necessitates online processing − Securing Infrastructure is required for successful implementation of e-Government − PC distribution and replacement within institution is required
Implication Lack of Informatization infrastructure among public institutions Infrastructure such as network and data center is required Lack of network infrastructure that enables nationwide interconnection for processing civil petitions PC distribution and replacement with latest model is required
Lack of Informatization service for people Procedure to process civil petitions is complicated and time-consuming There is a large demand for issuance of various certificates and it procedure is complicated co p cated
Interview - Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo
II. Environment and Status Analysis 6. Requirement Analysis
It engages in Single Virtual Windows for Foreign Trade to expand overseas industrial exchange and makes a lot of efforts in collaboration with other institutions for G2B implementation
Organization − The Informatization organization is under the umbrella of Secretaria General − Comprised of S/Wdevelopment(8), telecommunication network (3), and technical support − There is no education available for ICT Informatization personnel as well as personnel within institution Competence p required q for Informatization project p j − Dire lack of Informatization infrastructure of public institutions − Instable network connection among government institutions Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Lack of Informatization budget makes it difficult to secure personnel needed − Lack of network interconnection with other institutions institutions, let alone efforts to resolve this − Information sharing is urgently required − Standardized systems are required Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Cons: Lack of telecommunication infrastructure(except Lima) L k off PR and Lack d education d ti (N (No b basic i kknowledge l d off utilizing tili i th the portal t l among users, llett alone conducting necessary education) Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Participate in Single Virtual Windows for Foreign Trade (Financial support of five million Euro from European Bank, to be completed by 2010) − Electronic document system is required, Informatization of issuing typical civil petition documents (resident registration, passport and etc.) is most urgently required − A significant portion of administrative documents is issued for the purpose of individual authentication and thus public authentication system is required to eliminated physical issuance of them
Implication Lack of information collaboration and sharing for e-Government project among institutions Lack of nationwide Informatization infrastructure Instable network connection among government institutions Information sharing among institutions is required Standardized system is required for Information sharing among institutions
No p personal authetication function for secure administrative processing Informatization for processing civil petitions is most urgently required Most civil petition documents are issued for the p purpose p of p personal authentication Individual person’s public authentication system is required to reduce the amount of civil petition documents to be issued
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Ministerio de Vivienda
6. Requirement Analysis
Ministry of Construction mentioned lack of budget and lack of awareness of the need for e-Government among top management officials as the problems of e-Government and pointed out the need to provide people with a variety of Informatization services Organization − The Informatization organization is under the umbrella of Secretaria General − Comprised of statistics division and information division with a number of subordinated teams organized under each division, respectively − Ministry of Construction set up “Establishment of paperless work environment’ as the Informatization vision Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Lack of awareness of the need for e-Government among top management officials − Every time a Minister is changed, Informatization tasks are modified or suspended − Lack of standardization of systems prevents a smooth interconnection among systems of different institutions − Difficult to obtain collaboration among institutions − No systematic Informatization education is available for employees within institution Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: ONGEI plays an important role implementing in e-Government − Cons: Lack of government support and collaboration among institutions Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : project management system, support for supply of house for the needy, integrated portal − All public services and administrative procedures for people are most urgently required in eGovernment (issuance of certificate such as birth certificate and passport, civil petitions of district offices and etc.) − System enhancement in procurement work is required
Implication Lack of awareness for e-Government Lack of awareness of the need for eG Government t among top t managementt officials Lack of government support and collaboration among institutions for proper implementation of Informatization
Lack of Informatization service for people Public services and administrative procedures for people are most urgently required in e-Government issuance of certificate such as birth certificate and passport and civil petitions of district offices have high priority in inplementing Informatization
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - ONPE
6. Requirement Analysis
As an independent Constitutional institution, National Election Commission(ONPE) administers national election and currently engages in developing and expanding electronic voting system
Organization − ONPE is an independent Constitutional institution and administers all national elections − The Informatization organization retains a high social status under the direct control of the head of institution − Comprised of S/W development, technical support(DB, network, telecommunication tool, infrastructure management), Process Modeling, budget and planning, and Help Desk team − Approximately 80% of system development is conducted by in-house personnel − Comprised of 10 employees working for development department and sometimes recruits as many as 50~60 people from outside depending on the size of project − The electronic voting terminal has been developed and utilized on-site Competence p required q for Informatization project p j − Education on latest technologies − Interest and support for e-Government among national leaders and parliament − Consensus for e-Government among government, institution, and people Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Lack of overall infrastructure including network network, H/W H/W, S/W and etc etc. − Political problems rather than technical problems − National level strategies for e-Government were set up a number of times before but implementation has not been sustained Informatization status and requirements − Informatization Informati ation task currently c rrentl ongoing within ithin institution instit tion :Internet Internet Voting(for overseas o erseas residents) residents), Administrative penalty system for those who do not participate in election (No proper interconnection with banks, though) − Digitization of electronic voting, resident registration/birth certificate and online tax payment required − Electronic authentication for online voting is required
Implication Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation Interest and support for e-Government among national ti l leaders l d and d parliament li t are required e-Government has more problem regarding political consent rather than technical one Previous national strategy for Informatization was not consistentlyy implemented Lack of Informatization and sharing system of personal information Digitization of resident registration/birth certificate is required Electronic authentication for online voting is required Difficult to interconnect among institutions Electronic payment for automation of administrative work is required Online tax payment is required Interconnection with banks is essential to conduct d t such h work k as online li penalty lt payment but no collaboration from financial institutions
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - RENIEC
6. Requirement Analysis
Resident Information Bureau(RENIEC) manages the resident information of all Peruvians and currently engages in implementing electronic resident registration for efficient management and sharing of resident information, the core administrative information Organization − RENIEC manages resident information of all Peruvians (birth, death, divorce, marriage and etc.) − Resident related certificates are provided via digital and the institution is designated by government − It is in charge of issuing certificates of resident information in Lima region while local governments are conducting the same task for local people large is under the control of head of RENIEC − The Informatization organization is relatively large, institution and relatively possesses high social status − The personal information of 20 million people out of 28 million total population is managed by this institution while the rest of the population have difficulty in having their resident registration card issued due to geographic reasons Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Securing S i llocall telecommunication l i i iinfrastructure f iis one off the h bi biggest challenges h ll and d a variety i off options including satellite are taken into account − Lack of PR for e-Government results in lack of awareness of it among people − Informatization implementation is mostly concentrated in large cities only Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: The resident information of 20 million people residing mostly in cities − Cons: Lack of education and infrastructure for Informatization Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Integrating local registration work into RENEIC y that enables information sharing g among gg government institutions is required q − The system − Functional integration among government institutions is required − Network and data center( government IDC) are required − Informatization project available in Lima needs to be expanded across the country − Electronic resident registration cards need to be distributed but it is not actually implemented due to lack of budget − Informatization of Justice Department is required
Implication Informatization gap among areas due to investment of Informatization concentrated in large cities Informatization services are limited to Lima region only Online services such as introduction of unmanned KIOSK are reinforced but mostly concentrated in large cities Difficult to issue resident registration cards for people in isolated areas due to geographic restraint Projects available in Lima need to be expanded across the country Lack of information collaboration and sharing for e-Government project among institutions Functional integration among Government institutions is required The system that enables information sharing among all government institutions is required along with functional integration Network data center needs to be established
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Banco Central de Reserva del Peru
6. Requirement Analysis
As an independent Constitutional institution, it manages national macro economy and currency strategy as well as online transactions among banks and is scheduled to upgrade the currency bank transaction system
Organization − Central Reserve Bank controls and manages inflation, commercial banks, online transactions among banks, creating economic statistics and etc. − The Informatization organization is under the umbrella of the administrative support department(Gerente Central Administrativo) − Comprised of IT Service(operation), IT Solution(development), and IT Risk(quality management) team What is required for e-Government implementation − Information sharing among relevant individual institutions − Online security is required − Services for p people p need to be p provided through g interconnection among g systems y of individual institutions just like National portal(PSCE) Requirements for Peruvian e-Government implementation − PR of e-Government to general public − Interconnection of work among institutions − National National-level level Informatization plan(Master Plan) is required − Lack of standardization because individual institutions implemented its own IT project Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: Large Internet usage ration − Cons: Infeasible planning Informatization Informati ation status stat s and req requirements irements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Portal Web upgrade(started in 2009), Online bank transaction system upgrade − What needs to be introduced in the future −Upgrade issuance of certificate (birth, death etc.) −Lawsuits and trials require a lot of documents and their procedures are complicated and thus require enhancement of work efficiency
Implication Lack of information collaboration and sharing for e-Government project among institutions Enhancement of citizen services through interconnection of systems among institutions such as National portal Work interconnection among institutions must be taken into consideration for proper e-Government implementation Information sharing among institutions is required Lack of standardization because individual institutions implemented its own IT project Lack of Informatization service for people People should be able to get access to the government system for inquiry of more information Online security is required for e-Government implementation Improvement of work in certificate issuance is required
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Callao Gobiernos regionales
6. Requirement Analysis
Callao Regional Government is making massive investment on Informatization with the objective of Digital City and shows relatively high level of Informatization among local governments
Organization − The Informatization organization serves the role of a staff for governor − Comprised of five teams of Digital City, Development, GIS, Graphic Design, and Education − No exchange with other state governments ICT education status − Lack of IT education for general workers within institution − The in-house personnel in Informatization department directly conducts education on an asneeded basis − There is rare education budget for Informatization personnel and subsequently hardly any education is provided for them Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − Technical standardization across the country is required (ONGEI should initiate and supervise its implementation) − Electronic payment and electronic document are not commonly available − In case of occurrence of interest of conflict with respect to Informatization among relevant private corporations, it is difficult to obtain collaboration Pros and cons of implementing Peruvian government Informatization − Pros: There are many institutions with well-established e-Government and much efforts are being made for its implementation − Cons: Lack of awareness of the importance of e-Government among politicians Informatization status and requirements − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Digital City(civil petition service and education provided for citizens through the Internet Internet, comprehensive administrative information also provided though the Internet with high priority laid on public health), GIS, administrative information system remodeling − Informatization requirement in the future −comprehensive public health information including hospital treatment records and patient information −Comprehensive C h i IInformatization f ti ti off civil i il petition titi work k off llocall governments t iis required i d
Implication Lack of information collaboration and sharing for e-Government project among institutions There is hardly any work exchange with other th local l l governments t Most administrative work system is developed internally National level technical standardization is required
Low weight of Informatization for processing major works Medical information system is required Informatization of comprehensive civil petition work of local governments is required Limited administrative works such as budget and distribution are automated
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - Los Olivos Gobiernos locales
6. Requirement Analysis
Informatization of Los Olivos district office(Gobiernos locales) is so advanced that almost all internal works of district office has been digitized, which tops the list of 1,834 district offices in terms of Informatization and it is currently preparing for digitizing resident data and implementing local hospital management system Organization − The Informatization organization is comprised of development team(24 people) and technical support team(21 people) − All applications are developed internally − The Informatization level is relatively high compared to other district offices but there is no district office that can handle all internal works through Informatization − The system developed by os Olivos has been expanded to other district offices based on mutual agreement − The head of district office who has been in office for 16 years is strongly committed to Informatization Informatization status − Inquiry of waste tax, district office tax, property tax and etc. − Inquiry of business permission/approval and progress status − Informatization task currently ongoing within institution : Informatization of resident data and administrative procedure (scheduled to be completed by 2010), interconnection with various institutions such as hospitals and schools within Los Olivas, Local hospital management system(SIMEDH , to be completed in 2009) Challenges faced by Peruvian e-Government project − No system interconnection with other institutions except Finance Ministry − Administrative institutions do not feel the need for e-Government − Negative g response p to introduction of information system y ((resistance to change) g ) Requirements for e-Government implementation − All services including education, Administrative services need to be provided through a single portal, − Finance Ministry system needs to be upgraded (structural problem of system ) − Informatization support initiated by central government − It has a weak authority for e-Government implementation
Implication Lack of information collaboration and sharing for e-Government project among institutions All applications utilized in district office are d developed l d iinternally t ll No system interconnection with other institutions except Finance Ministry Negative response to introduction of information system
Lack of awareness for e-Government Most local administrative institutions do not feel the necessity for e-Government e Government Negative response to introduction of information system
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - ONGEI
6. Requirement Analysis
ONGEI, positioned under the direct control of Prime Minister Office, is an institution in full charge g of implementing g Peruvian e-Government. It engages in setting up e-Government related laws and policies, managing and implementing Informatization tasks, and operating the National Portal.
Implication e-Government implementation organization − PCM administers d i i t allll administrative d i i t ti strategies t t i while hil ONGEI ttakes k charge h off e-Government. G t ONGEI was elevated to the institution under the direct control of Prime Minister in 2006 − Through cooperation with Peruvian public institutions with regard to ICT, it performs coordinating ICT sector in addition to e-Government (Law enactment, strategy establishment, communication and coordination among institutions, technical support, Informatization task implementation) e Government Definition and scope of e-Government − To provide people with better services by enabling the government to perform administration through IT e-Government implementation budget − The fund currently available under the control of ONGEI is IDB fund worth 40 million USD and is scheduled to be operated until 2009 this,10 10 million USD has been spend on e-Government e Government projects including e-Procurement e Procurement − Out of this and GIS − To use of FITEL fund is currently under review in addition to IDB fund. e-Government related issues − Alignment to the strategy : Each institution is supposed to share a single strategy with politics taken into consideration − Financing : required to obtain opportunity to secure fund by activating a project − Training : Fund for education of citizens and Public servants is required Factors affecting e-Government implementation − Low investment on education and difficulty in implementing − The social status and strategic/technical preparation of ONGEI have made significant progress but limited budget and political problems still stand in the way Informatization management procedure − Selecting Informatization tasks is conducted by participation of all administration institutions and the demand for information is the largest influential factor − ONGEI, PMDB and IDB participate in selecting tasks as well as undertakers ONGEI’s competence for Informatization − Human resources that manage and control Informatization tasks − Financial support and expansion of organization are required
Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation The autonomy of the organization in charge of implementing e-Government implementation has been substantially enhanced but securing implementation competence is required e-Government strategy that enables sustained implementation is required Education for citizens and Public servants needs to reinforced Consent-based implementation system has been established but more systematic management procedure for Informatization tasks is required As a main driver of e-Government e Government implementation, ONGEI needs to secure appropriate personnel & budget
Lack of Informatization budget for implementation of e-Government Lack of Informatization budget for implementation of e-Government Financial support and expansion of organization i ti are required i d ffor successful f l implementation of Informatization
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Interview - ONGEI
6. Requirement Analysis
ONGEI not only selects, coordinates and manages e-Government tasks but also actually executes working-level tasks. The e-Government task status and implementation procedure are as folllows.
e-Government task selection history − e-Government implementation made a full-fledged commencement through an agreement between PCM and IDB in 2003 − The e-Government projects currently participated by ONGEI were determined during the period of 2004~2006 (20 or projects in four different categories) − “Online Incorporation” project was added in 2008 − The project selection criteria is “Demand” with the Informatization level of the corresponding institution taken into account as well. e-Government project status − ONGEI initiated e-Government Project (Automation of issuing driver’s license, inquiry of criminal records, inquiry of police careers, automation of issuing passport, online issuance of diploma/certificate, national electronic ID system, online incorporation), establishment of base for national electronic geography information − Procurement Bureau(OSCE) initiation- electronic procurement − PCM SGP - Modernization of PCM − PCM SD - Decentralization e-Government task selection procedure − institution(Entitiy) asks PCM for a new task − ONGEI performs a first-tier examination, followed by the review of PMDE − PMDE p performs evaluation together g with IDB − SGP makes a final decision on whether or not implement e-Government project execution procedure − Feasible Study - conducted through consulting − Selection of undertakers - PMDE conducts selection procedure together with IDB − Development is conducted by a council of participating institutions under the guidance of ONGEI
Implication Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation The procedure to perform evaluation on Informatization tasks and reflect its result is not clearly defined The task management procedure is not standardized but is organized based on IDB agreement
Scope of current e-Government task is limited and various opinions of institutions are not reflected properly Th The currentt e-Government G t implementation i l t ti is based on IDB agreement Internal tasks of some institutions are not included within the scope of e-Government
Comprehensive Implications and Opportunity Factors(1/2)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 6. Requirement Analysis
The improvement opportunities drawn out of the analysis of interviews and requirements of institutions are as follows.
Opportunities Establishing a long-term, e-Government strategy that facilitates sustainable improvement is required
The scope of current e-Government task is limited and various opinions of institutions are not reflected properly
Reinforce the status and authority as well as redesign the role of e-Government implementation organization
Inadequate e-Government strategy & implementation Lack of information collaboration and sharing for e-Government project among institutions
Revise R i llaws and d policies li i to t facilitate f ilit t exchange h off information among institutions
Interview (Require Informatization concentrated in large cities ments) causes a large Informatization gap among
Improve infrastructure to facilitate exchange of information among institutions or local agencies
different regions
Lack of Informatization service for people
Expand public sector services available for general public bli
Lack of Informatization budget for implementation of e-Government
Secure budget for a stable implementation of eGovernment
Lack of Informatization infrastructure among public pub c institutions st tut o s
Comprehensive Implications and Opportunity Factors(2/2)
II. Environment and Status Analysis 6. Requirement Analysis
The improvement opportunities drawn out of the analysis of interviews and requirements of institutions are as follows
Opportunities Lack of Informatization services to support corporate activities
Expand public sector services available for general public
Electronic El t i paymentt ffor automation t ti off administrative work is required
Introduce and expand technical standards for electronic transaction such as e-tax payment
Lack of Informatization and sharing system of personal information
Introduce and expand technical standards for personal authentication
Interview Absence of personal authentication for secure (Require processing of administrative works ments)
Introduce and expand information system to automate major administrative works within institutions
Low weight of Informatization for processing major works
Reinforce status and redesign the role of the eGovernment implementation organization
Lack of Informatization education for public workers
Conduct systematic education on Informatization
Lack of awareness for e-Government
Increase public awareness for necessity of eGovernment with proactive PR
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Definition of Improvement Direction
7. Improvement Direction
The following g improvement p directions have been drawn from the analysis y of Peruvian national policy p y and the status of e-Government project.
Category of Policy
Analysis of national ICT status and eGovernment project system
Method IT
To-Be Direction
Specify action plans to push ahead with e-Government strategy
Define clear R&R of e-Government implementation organizations and assign practical authority accordingly
Improvement through development of information system(IT)
Enhance efficiency in administrative works
Include proper and specific Informatization and development strategies of public institutions in eGovernment strategy Sustained efforts to improve e-Government implementation strategy are required City-oriented City oriented Informatization services must be expanded to isolated regions Expand public sector services available for general public A systematic approach and long-term roadmap for successful implementation of e-Government
Expand information service for citizens Support pp corporate p activities
■ ■ ■
Promote administrative information sharing IT means that requirements will be solved by IT Method Improvement in Informatization implementation system (Governance)
■ ■
e-Government strategy must support enhancement of quality of Informatization throughout all public institutions Reinforce status of main bodies of e-Government implementation and define roles and responsibilities clearly Set up process and guidance for proper implementation of Informatization tasks as well as its evaluation Establish supporting system and secure physical and human resources for proper implementation of Informatization among general institutions
■ ■
Enhance e-Government implementation system (Centralization) Improve laws and policies regarding e-Government implementation Expand Informatization education Build up competence of implementing Informatization Set S up e-Government G evaluation system Set up Informatization implementation strategy
■ ■
Gov means governance Go go ernance which hich contains Law, La Regulations, Organizations
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Definition of Improvement Direction
7. Improvement Direction
The following g improvement p directions have been drawn from the analysis y of Peruvian national policy p y and the status of e-Government project.
Requirements Introduce and expand technical standards for authentication of individuals
Method IT
Improvement through development of information system(IT)
Revise laws and policies to facilitate exchange of information among institutions
Introduce and expand technical standards for Analysis of e- electronic transaction such as e-tax payment
Government Refurbish infrastructure for interconnection of information among institutions or local agencies status
Analysis of laws and policies
Policy-level and technical supports to reduce the gap in the level of Informatization among institutions
Develop system and service that can provide citizens with quality administrative services
To-Be Direction
Set up technical platforms and standards Enhance efficiency in administrative works Expand E pand information service ser ice for citi citizens ens Support corporate activities Promote administrative information sharing
Establish evaluation system for fair assessment of project performances
Rapid p enactment and effectuation of Basic Act on eGovernment
Provide organization in charge of e-Government implementation with focused authority and prepare proper implementation system
Systematic introduction of e-Government e Government project and fair evaluation system
Set up basic environment for implementation of eGovernment and expand the scope of application
Expand utilization of FITEL funds for e-Government
Set up mid and long-term Informatization plan and evaluation system for each institution
■ 96
Enhance Informatization Infrastructure
Improvement in Informatization implementation system (Governance) Enhance e-Government implementation system (Centralization) Improve laws and policies regarding e-Government implementation Expand Informatization education Build up competence of implementing Informatization Set up e-Government evaluation system Set up Informatization implementation strategy
II. Environment and Status Analysis
Definition of Improvement Direction
7. Improvement Direction
The following g improvement p directions have been drawn from the analysis y of Peruvian national policy p y and the status of e-Government project.
Method IT
Set up long long-term term strategy for e-Government e Government with sustainable improvement
Reinforce status of main bodies of e-Government implementation and define roles and responsibilities clearly
Improvement through development of information system(IT) Set up technical platforms and standards Enhance efficiency in administrative works Expand information service for citizens
Revise laws and policies to facilitate exchange of information among institutions
Support corporate activities Promote administrative information sharing
Improve infrastructure to facilitate exchange of information among institutions or local agencies
Policy-level P li l l and d ttechnical h i l supports t tto reduce d th the gap in the level of Informatization among institutions
Requirement Expand public sector services available for general Analysis public
To-Be Direction
Enhance Informatization Infrastructure
Secure budget g for a stable implementation p of eGovernment
Introduce and expand technical standards for electronic transaction such as e-tax payment
Introduce and expand technical standards for authentication of individuals Expand introduction of information system for automation of major administrative works within institution
Improvement in Informatization implementation system (Governance) Enhance e-Government implementation system (Centralization) Improve laws and policies regarding e-Government implementation Expand E d IInformatization f ti ti education d ti Build up competence of implementing Informatization
Set up e-Government evaluation system
Conduct systematic education on Informatization
I Increase public bli awareness ffor necessity it off eGovernment with proactive PR
■ 97
Set up Informatization implementation strategy
Table of Contents
Table of Contents I. Project Overview II Environment and Status Analysis II. III. e-Government Vision and Strategy 1.
Framework of e-Government vision
e-Government e Government Strategy and Action Plan
Value Proposition
Strategic Tasks
IV. To-Be Model V. Implementation Plan
III. e-Government Vision and Strategy
Framework for e-Government Strategy
1. Framework for e-Government Strategy
We establish new e-Government Vision in line with its upper pp strategy gy and define implementation p strategy, gy, action plan p and strategic tasks in a bid to materialize and accomplish it.
e-Government Upper Strategies • National Development Agenda • Peruvian Digital Agenda (ICT Strategy) • Current e-Government Vision
Conceptual Framework of ee-Government implementation Strategy
Abstract, Abstract Conceptual Strategic
e-Government Vision
T -Be ToTo B Di Direction ti • Improvement direction presented through status analysis –Improvement direction through ICT –Improvement direction of governance
Action Plan
e-Government Project
Concrete, Specific, Practicable
Define ultimate direction of Peruvian e-Government Master Plan
Define strategic g directions of five sectors of G2C, G2B, G2G, Governance, and Infrastructure
Define Action Plan as a specific scheme to implement strategy
Design information system as a tool to build the future of e-Government and define individual flagship projects
III. e-Government Vision and Strategy
e-Government Visioning
2. e-Government Vision and Mission
With upper pp strategies g above e-government g strategy, gy, and To-Be direction associated with ICT Vision and status analysis y into consideration, the e-Government Vision of Master Plan is defined as follows.
Peru e-Government Vision
To distribute benefits to all Peruvian people impartially and further contribute to national development by enhancing the way of handling administrative works through the use of ICT
Align with Top Strategy
Reflect Improvements Direction
Upper Strategy above ee-Government Strategy
To--Be Direction To
Peruvian National Development Agenda Reinforce services for citizen Establish channels to facilitate social participation among people Decentralization and Protection for minor groups Enhance transparency in overall state affairs y in p public sector Enhance efficiency Maintain stability of national finance and macro economy with expansion of investment Proactive utilization of science & technology for national development
Improvement through development of information system (IT) Set up technical platforms and standards Promote efficiency of administrative works Expand information service for citizens Support corporate activities Share administrative information Revamp information Infrastructure Enhance Informatization implementation system (Governance) Enhance e-Government implementation system (Centralization) policies Revise e-Government related laws and p Expand education on Informatization Strengthen competence to implement Informatization Establish e-Government evaluation system Set up Informatization implementation strategy
National ICT Vision(Peruvian Digital Agenda) To create a society where information is utilized more efficiently and effectively through the use of ICT and based on this, principles of equality, comprehensiveness and impartiality are realized.
III. e-Government Vision and Strategy
e-Government Vision and Implementation Strategy
2. e-Government Vision and Mission
We present the following strategies under the e-Government e Government vision of being ‘Enhance Enhance administrative works and distribute benefits to all Peruvian’
e-Gov Strategy
Action Plan
To distribute benefits to all Peruvian people impartially and further contribute to national development by enhancing the way of handling administrative works through the use of ICT
Citizen Centered
Enhance efficiency administrative works
Establish peopleoriented information supply system
Enhance corporate productivity through business support
Set up technical platform for efficient eGovernment
Set up management system to accelerate eGovernment
Automate core administrative works Digitize common administrative information to share Enhance work efficiency among institutions to set up administrative information sharing system
Expand online services Minimize corporate available to general burden through efficient public handling of corporate administration Lower the barrier of administrative institutions Activate electronic commerce to expand for easy access by all opportunity of business people with government and efficient transaction
Set up technical Set up efficient standards and system management system for of joint utilization of e-Government Informatization Secure personnel in resources charge of implementing Expand the joint e-Government and utilization of information competence and technology Revise e-Government ser ice related la service laws s and policies
Implementation strategy - G2G : Overall improvement on core government works
III. e-Government Vision and Strategy 3. Value Propositioning
The strategy gy to make efficient improvement p on government g works is designed g to enhance efficiency y in dealing g with overall state administrative works through standardization and digitization of procedures.
Beneficiary y (Public servant)
Value Proposition Supplier (Government)
Enhance efficiency of administrat ive works
Digitize administrative works / Enhance competency to process works through automation Improve Impro e national trust tr st through thro gh transparent administrati administrative e Enhance the level of satisfaction with administrative services through rapid handling of works Enhance work efficiency through automation and improvement on handling administrative works Reduce the work load by decreasing the amount of simple administrative works and provide quality services Improve the management level through information system and support for successful implementation of policies
Peruvian National Development Agenda
Policy Sector
Enhance quality of civil services Elevate transparency in overall state affairs Enhance efficiency in public sector • Encourage various public institutions to utilize CT
Peruvian Digital Agenda Elevate the level of national health through ICT Provide citizens and businesses with top quality administrative services by implementing e-Government Redesign government administration process to make it more efficient and transparent
e-Government National Strategy Simplify administration using IT Redesign public administrative processes into user-oriented ones
Action Plan for e-Government Project
Business Sector
National electronic ID system (DNI) Public servant payroll information management National standard geography information system
Automate administration on core national agenda Digitize & Share common administrative information Enhance works efficiency among institutions by setting up common administrative information sharing system
Implementation strategy - G2C : Citizen-centered information supply system
III. e-Government Vision and Strategy 3. Value Propositioning
The level of administrative services is elevated from the way yp people p seek services to the way y government g proactively p y provides information and quality services through utilization of e-Government .
Citizen Centered
Beneficiary (People) Value Proposition Supplier pp (government)
CitizenCitizen centered Information Supply System
Reduce complexity of administrative work and processing time for convenience and cost-saving Provide transparent p administrative services via online civil services Provide online administrative services available and accessible regardless of location, particularly for isolated people
Provide integrated administrative information through open gateway of public services Uplift the satisfaction level by simplifying administrative procedure and making real-time response.
Peruvian National Development Agenda
Policy Sector
Reinforce quality of civil services Establish channels for general public to get involved in social issues Decentralize and protect isolated class
Peruvian Digital Agenda Develop and promote people’s capability to enjoy the benefit of information society Improve the quality of social ser ices pro services provided ided b by go government ernment Provide citizens and businesses with top quality administrative services
e-Government National Strategy Simplify administration through IT Provide portal service for citizens and businesses Create cyber space between government and citizens to spread information Reinforce access to ICT by socially isolated group
Action Plan for e-Government Project
Business Sector
Automate issuance of driver's license Inquire police records Automate issuance of passport Online issuance of diploma p and certificate Online inquiry of criminal record and certificate 103
Expand online services available for people Lower the barrier of administrative institutions and redesign d i them th towards t d people-oriented l i t d ones
Implementation strategy - G2B : Expand corporate productivity through business support
III. e-Government Vision and Strategy 3. Value Propositioning
By y minimizing g business related administrative works,, the corporate p burden is reduced with more support pp for corporate p activities by proactively providing services to facilitate corporate activities
Beneficiary (corporation)
Minimize corporate burden and cost by eliminating unnecessary administrative works Improve on internal corporate process by providing online administration services Secure transparency of administrative works by sharing information through Informatization
Supplier ( (government) t)
Enhance satisfaction of businesses by simplifying and automating business related administration services Reduce the burden off administrative works by exchanging information f with corporations and provide accurate information
Value Proposition
Expand corporate productivit y through business support Policy Sector
Peruvian National Development Agenda
Peruvian Digital Agenda
Maintain stability of national budget and macro economy while expanding investment Utilize science & technology proactively for national development Provide information on market and policy to expand business opportunities Support job creation and small & medium companies
Reinforce support for manufacturing and service industries through ICT to increase productivity Improve utility and access to ICT by small and medium companies Promote electronic commerce Improve government service contact point with citizens and businesses
e-Government National Strategy Provide citizens and businesses with e-Government service through IT Develop and promote virtual payment platform that enables online service Electronic procurement system
Action Plan for e-Government Project
Business Sector
Online incorporation Advance national electronic procurement Single gateway for overseas trades Electronic tax payment/ electronic account book
Minimize corporate burden through efficient handling of business related petitions Encourage electronic commerce to expand government-related t l t d business b i opportunities t iti and d to t make transactions more efficient
Implementation strategy - Governance : Set up management system to accelerate e-Government
III. e-Government Vision and Strategy 3. Value Propositioning
The national level e-Government is implemented p with efficiency y by y redefining g roles of relevant organizations, g , revising g Informatization related laws and policies and securing Informatization competency.
Empowerment Set up g manageme nt system to accelerate eGovernme nt
Value Proposition
Beneficiary (government/ (g citizen/ corporation)
Accelerate online administration by revising relevant laws and regulations Enhance the level of satisfaction among citizens and businesses by providing comprehensive Informatization service s through accelerated implementation of e-Government
Supplier (government) ( )
Utilize limited resources for Informatization by strategic management system on a national level Rapid implementation of Informatization through clear R&R
Peruvian National Development Agenda
Policy Sector
• Strengthen competitiveness of local and state governments and develop local platform for development and growth Enhance efficiency in public sector
Peruvian Digital Agenda Set up comprehensive plan that includes ICT in education sector Expand democracy and civil participation through ICT Develop technology for information society Implement information society by carrying out planned projects strategically
e-Government National Strategy Set up laws and policies to integrate public institutions Define R&R to innovate process Set up comprehensive laws and policies on a national national, local amd regional level regarding e-Government Set up plan for integrating ICT into education
Action Plan for e-Government Project
Business Sector
Expand education on Informatization for personnel in Ministry of Education as well as students Introduce ITIL within Ministry of Finance(MEF)
Set up efficient management system for implementation of e-Government Secure personnel and competence for implementation of e-Government Revise e-Government related laws and regulations Expand education on Informatization
Implementation strategy - infrastructure : III. e-Government Vision and Strategy Set up technical platform for efficient implementation of e-Government 3. Value Propositioning The technical standards will be set up p to secure efficiency y in implementing p g e-Government and technical p platforms that can be utilized jointly will be secured to save costs by sharing information system.
Integration Set up technical platform p for efficient implement ation of eGovernme nt
Value Proposition
Beneficiary (government/ citizen/ corporation)
Reuse common technical platform to save development cost Set up national standard to expand collaboration among institutions and opportunities of participation by private corporations Enhance ease of use for end-users by providing standardized method of access
Supplier ( (government) t)
Enhance work efficiency through interconnection among systems and government-wide mutual operations Reduce cost of developing information system and secure stability of operation through integration and standardization
Peruvian National Development Agenda
Policy Sector
Enhance efficiency in public sector Utilize science & technology proactively p y for national development
Peruvian Digital Agenda
e-Government National Strategy
Implement ICT Infrastructure for information society development Develop technical resources and promote R&D for information society p y Promote development of S/W, H/W industries and legitimate use of S/W Promote electronic commerce
Implement integrated systems Develop and utilize PKI-based electronic signature and public certification system Develop De elop and promote virtual irt al payment pa ment platform that enables online service Set up management standards for public institutions
Action Plan for e-Government Project
Business Sector
Electronic signature Set up p national electronic ID system(DNI) y ( )
Set up national technical standards and the system to jointly utilize Informatization resources Expand E d joint j i t utilization tili ti off information i f ti and d technology t h l
III. e-Government Vision and Strategy
Strategic tasks
4. Strategic Tasks
Here are 15 strategic g tasks according g to e-Government strategy gy and direction of p project j implementation p
e-Government strategy G2G
Efficiency Enhance efficiency of administrative works
Citizen Centered Establish citizencitizen-centered information supply system
Productive Expand corporate productivity through business support Infrastructure
Integration Set up technical platform for efficient implementation of e e--Government
Empowerment E t Set up rigorous management system to accelerate Implementation of ee-Government
Action Plan Automate administrative works that support national ti l agenda d Digitize and share common administrative information Expand online public services for citizens
information system strategy task A B
Minimize corporate burden through efficient handling of corporate petitions Expand government-related business opportunities and promote e-Commerce Set up national technical standards and scheme to jointly utilize Informatization resources Expand technical platform for joint utilization of information and technology Set up efficient management system for implementation p of e-Government Revise laws and policies regarding e-Government service Expand personnel and competency for implementation of e-Government Expand education on Informatization 107
Administrative information sharing system
Electronic HR management system
e-Document system
Lower the barrier of administrative institutions and redesign them into citizen-oriented one
Local Gov. administrative info. System
Judicial information system(Poder Judicial)
National Accounting and Budget
National Identification
I t Integrated t d Single Si l portal t l for f Citizen Citi
Health and Welfare System
Education information system
Enterprise support system
e-Custom system
National procurement system
Digital Signature system
National Integrated Computing Center
Improvement Revise laws and p policies Improve e-Government project management
Table of Contents
Table of Contents I. Project Overview II Environment and Status Analysis II. III. e-Government Vision and Strategy IV. To-Be Model 1.
To-Be e-Government Landscape
To-Be Model of Information system
Organization for e-Government
Revision of Legal System
V. Implementation Plan
IV. To-Be Model
To-Be e-Government Landscape
1. To-Be e-Government Landscape
The landscape of the to to-be be model realized through the e-Government e Government Master Plan of the Peru is as follows
Efficiency The Legislature
National Identification Judicial information system
The Judiciary
(Poder Judicial)
National Accounting and Budget The Administration
Local Government
Citizen Centered
Local Gov. administrative info. System
Health and Welfare System National Strategy Administrative Works Human Resource Budget g and Account Diplomacy Trade for Foreign Development Resource Citizen Participation
Education information system
e-Custom system
Integration Administrative information sharing system
e-Document system National Integrated C Computing ti Center C t
Digital Signature system t
National procurement system
Electronic HR management system
Integrated Single portal for Citizen
Enterprise supportt system
Type yp of Project j G2G G2B G2C Infra
IV. To-Be Model
A. Local Gov. administrative info. System- Define Tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Local Gov. administrative info. System y enhances work efficiency y and uplifts p services for citizens by y automating g administrative as well as civil petition works of local governments
Local Gov. administrative info. System(Local e-Gov Informatization System)
To enhance work efficiency by digitizing works of front-line administrative institutions that serve as a liaison between citizens and central government To achieve decentralization, citizens’ participation, and local autonomy To support seamless administration services
Scope of Implementation
Major Considerations
Internet-based online processing of civil petitions through Integrated Electronic Civil Petition System(Single Portal for Citizen)
- Establish standard Local Gov. administrative info. System(GOBIERNOS REGIONALES)
Expand standardization of administrative works
- Establish standard administrative information system for district offices(GOBIERNOS LACALES)
Implement the function of consulting with central government
Connection - Central government institutions - Local governments Governance for interconnection of information/system among institutions - Implement escalation/statistics system among district offices, local governments and central government institutions - Standardize administrative works - Digitize civil petition works
A. Local Gov. administrative info. System- Issues and Solutions
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Local Gov. administrative info. System y is required q to reduce the Informatization g gap p among g different local governments, to informationize local administrative works, particularly those of district offices and to enable interconnection between central and local governments.
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
Institution Interview
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Reinforce services for citizens - Establish a channel for citizens to participate in social affairs - Decentralize and protect the isolated class - Enhance transparency and efficiency of public sector - Simplify administration National ICT Vision - Redesign process to make government administration more efficient and transparent e-Government implementation strategy - Simplify conventional administrative procedures using IT - Develop public administrative process into more efficient and user-oriented one
Informatization of district offices is needed and the level of Informatization of local governments lags behind - Ministry of Economy and Finance There is a significant Informatization gap among local governments and the level of Informatization in dealing with civil petitions is low and thus the Local Gov. administrative info. System is required - Callao local governments There is a significant Informatization gap among district offices - Los Olivos District Office
User (Citizen’s perspective) ti )
Reduce the occasions to visit institutions and processing time, provide convenient civil petitions services Enhance participation of citizens
Reduce workload through information shating and exchange h among government iinstitutions i i Enhance efficiency and transparency of conducting administrative works through vertical/horizontal User administrative interconnection among central (Government’s government offices, local governments and district perspective) offices Enhance work efficiency through collaborative system based on IT technology
Improvement Case
Korean Case(Local Administrative System, 2007) - Digitization ratio for administrative work processes(75%) - Digitization ratio for site works(70%) - Number of electronic reports and statistics(1,393) - Number of electronic civil petition services(398) - Number N b off iinformation f ti iinterconnections t ti iin d dealing li with civil petitions(184-> 550)
IV. To-Be Model
A. Local Gov. administrative info. System - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Local Gov. administrative info. System y is composed p of the integration g of Internet civil petition p system, y , civil petition p service center and internal/external systems, based on the integrated civil petition administrative system.
Local Government Administrative Information System Administrative processing of civil petition
Public servant
Internet civil petition system
Request and view civil petition / certificate
General public
civil petition information system civil petition processing system Civil petition service center
Environme E i nt
Local developme nt
Unmanned civil petition dispenser ((KIOSK))
External Interconnection
Integrated Administrative Civil Petition Processing System
Land register
H lth & Health Well-being
L Local l industry
Constructio n
Agricultural A i lt l district
C t l Central Interconnection System
Central Government
Local Government Interconnection System
Other local Governments
Internal Interconnection
Culture/ Tourism
Water supply and drainage
Stock breeding
Health Administration System
Transportat ion
Disaster and calamity
Education Administration System
Law/ Regulation
Internal administrati on
Electronic Payment System
A. Local Gov. administrative info. System - Functional Requirements
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The major j functions of the system y are as follows. Module Integrated civil petition administrative system
Functional Requirements
Digitize and manage civil petition administrative works such as resident, land register, automobile, construction and etc
civil petition information system
Receive civil petition application and provide information on processing procedure
civil petition processing system
Inform of application and processing result of civil petition
Unmanned civil petition dispenser(KIOSK)
Issue I civil i il petition titi application li ti d documents t
Central government interconnection system
Interconnected with the central government system to process administrative works and to share civil petition statistical information
local governments interconnection system
Interconnected with the local government & district office systems to process administrative works and to share civil petition statistical information
Internet civil petition system
civil petition service center
External interconnection
Internal interconnection
Health Administration System
Interconnected with Health Administration System of corresponding local governments
Education Administration System
Interconnected with Health Administration System of corresponding local governments
Electronic Payment y System
Interconnected with Electronic Payment System to process internal works
B. Administrative Information Sharing System - Define Tasks
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Administrative Information Sharing g System y enables all administrative and financial institutions to share administrative information to enhance administrative efficiency by reducing documents that citizens should prepare and submit
Administrative Information Sharing System (Government Information Sharing System)
To dramatically reduce the number of forms and applications that citizens should prepare by sharing administrative information
To elevate the quality of administrative services by reducing the need for physical visits to administrative institutions and processing civil petitions immediately upon preparation of necessary documents To enhance administrative efficiency by reducing documents to be issued and subsequently saving human resources
Scope of Implementation
Major Considerations
Define information for common use
- Manage interconnection among institutions
Define institutions that provides services for common use
- Coordinate large large-scale scale information
Set up technical standards for interconnection of heterogeneous systems among various institutions, along with regulations for them to comply with
- Manage authentication of public financial institutions Connection
Set up security policies and security standards
- API for interconnection of data/system among institutions gy, standardization - Common technology, Governance for interconnection of information/system among institutions - Define major administrative documents (regarding residence, real estate, automobile, company, tax etc.) for administrative /financial institutions - Set up laws and policies to eliminate the practice of printing out a variety of administrative documents including certificates
B. Administrative Information Sharing System - Issues and Solutions
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
Lack of administrative information sharing g due to lack of collaborative system y among g institutions is a problem p faced by y the e-Government project and the Administrative Information Sharing System is required to reduce physical visits to administrative institutions as well as issuance costs.
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
Institution Interview
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Reinforce services for citizens - Enhance transparency in operation of public sector - Simplify administration National ICT Vision - Redesign process to make government administration more efficient e-Government implementation strategy - Simplify conventional administrative procedures using IT - Develop public administrative process into more efficient and user-oriented one A scheme to promote collaboration among institutions is required- Justice Department Paper-based works make administrative procedures inefficient- Procurement Office Failing to share information due to monopoly of information is a problem faced by the e-Government project - Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Trade and Tourism Information is hardly shared due to lack of collaborative system among institutions- National Tax Office There is insufficient interconnection of systems among institutions due to lack of standardization - Ministry of Construction Absence of process interconnection among institutions is a problem faced by the e e-Government Government project - Central Reserve Bank
User perspective
Improvement Case
Reduce visits to the administrative institutions to have administrative documents issued as well as issuance costs Reduce the number of documents to be submitted
Korean Case(Government Information Sharing) - Reduced the number of documents to be submitted to issue a passport from seven to one application and a photo g 71 major j administrative documents - Digitized regarding resident, real estate, automobile, tax and etc.(2008) - Interconnect all administrative institutions(50)/local governments(252)/ public institutions(50)/ financial institutions(16) , 2008 - More than 80 million public usages (2008) - Reduced the amount of documents to be submitted by 67%, compared to 2003, with 290 million documents saved (2008) (29M$, 2007) - Issuance cost reduction (29M$
IV. To-Be Model
B. Administrative Information Sharing System - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Administrative Information Sharing g System y enables to p provide information seekers with administrative information retained by individual institutions.
Administrative Information Sharing System Portal for joint use of administrative information
Public servant administrative information view
Public institutions Person in charge
Financial institutions Person in charge
Standard management Administrative Information joint use management
Institution interconnection management Use institutions i t interconnection ti management
Supply institutions i t interconnection ti management
Log management
Version management
Information informationsystem system
Information view notification function View privilege management Institution and Person in charge login management
Administrative information summary DB
Large amount of information relay management Relay
Classify, Collect
Organization g and User management Usage management Information open processing
Institution that retains and/or requests information
Public Financial Authentication Management Authentication management
Authentication service
summary DB
Administrat ion DB
IV. To-Be Model B. Administrative Information Sharing System - Functional Requirements 2. To-Be Model of Information system The major j functions of the system y are as follows. Module Portal for joint use of administrative information
Institution interconnection managementt
Large amount of information relay management
Public financial authentication management
Functional Requirements
Description Standard management, administrative information joint use management, Person in charge information view notification function, view privilege management Institution and person login management, institution and user management, usage management, information view processing
Use institution interconnection management
Manage interconnection status with institutions that seek administrative information
Supply institution interconnection management
Manage interconnection status with institutions that supply administrative information
Log management
Provide log for using and providing administrative information
Version management
Manage the version of administrative information
Deliver administrative information to institutions that want to use it
Classify, collect
Collect and classify data from institutions that provide administrative information
Authentication management
Manage authentication information required to use administrative information
Authentication service
Perform login function required to use administrative information
C. Electronic HR Management System- Define Tasks
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Electronic HR Management g System y improves p the level of HR management g of government g by y integrating g ga comprehensive range of HR management, including payroll and career from employment to retirement.
Electronic HR Management System (Human Resource Management System)
To strengthen competitiveness of government by enhancing the level of HR management
To enable central government institution in charge of HR to inquire and collect updated HR information of all Public servants on a real time basis To provide basis for establishing government HR policies To enhance work efficiency of those who are in charge of HR in individual institutions
Scope of Implementation
Major Considerations
Implementation - Establish Standard HR system for administrative institutions: A comprehensive HR works ranging from employment to retirement (employment, promotion, career, education & training, pay, evaluation) - Establish central integration server: collect HR information of individual institutions for integrated analysis - Establish web server interconnected with integrated HR server: provides basic statistical data and employment information through the Internet Connection - Interconnect with electronic HR management system of individual institutions Governance for interconnection of information/system among institutions - Establish laws and policies to enforce interconnection of all institutions - Establish E t bli h managementt system t and d process ffor proper iinformation f ti management
Scientific statistics and data are required for HR policies to nurture creative and superior talents Standardization and integration of individual HR systems of various institutions is required to integrate HR information of institutions, which in turn requires improvement of HR work process and standardization of documents
C. Electronic HR Management System- Issues and Solutions
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
Electronic HR Management g System y integrates g and manages g the HR information of public p servants to provide p information needed to set up HR policies, through which efficiency and transparency of administrative works can be enhanced.
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Reinforce services for citizens - Enhance transparency in operation of public sector - Simplify administration National ICT Vision - Redesign process to make government administration more efficient e-Government implementation strategy - Simplify p y conventional administrative p procedures using g IT - Develop public administrative process into more efficient and user-oriented one
User perspective
System perspective Every institution operates its own HR management system but the absence of integration makes it difficult to set up governmental HR policies - PCM
Institution Interview
Improvement Case
Reduce workload by digitizing HR records management works Enhance transparency and fairness of HR works Enhance efficiency of HR works through electronic processing Help appoint right people Provide statistical data to set up HR policies Enhance transparency of HR administration (Necessary HR Information is available to HR policy maker, general Public servant, and citizens as well) To reduce cost by eliminating redundant investment through the use of standardized system To reduce cost and personnel by sharing information Korean Case(Electronic HR Management System) - 69 institutions adopted it (2007) - Usage ratio as opposed to all system functions was 94.8%(2007) - Thanks to seamless appointment workflow, the time to take from official appointment to its confirmation has reduced from three hours to two minutes - Time to collect and HR data and create corresponding statistical data has dramatically reduced
IV. To-Be Model
C. Electronic HR Management System- System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Electronic HR Management g System y is largely g y comprised p of an Electronic HR Management g System y of each individual institutions, integration server, and a citizen web server.
Integration server
Electronic HR Management g system y HR Management
HR work processing p g
Person in charge of HR
Record management g
Appointment management g
Salary class management g
Prize management g
Discipline management g
Education & training management
Organization management
Employment management
Evaluation management
Promotion management
Individual public servants
Policy maker Integration DB
Pay y management g
Service management g
Pay management
Work status management
Insurance management
Business trip management
Personnel management g Number of Personnel information management
Individual’s HR Information Management Vi / dif View/modify HR information
HR information
Personal information
Department manager information
Director information
Work support
Approval box
Open information
HR information
Citizen web b server Search employment information Search Statistics information
G General l public bli
IV. To-Be Model
C. Electronic HR Management System- System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The major j functions of the system y are as follows. Module
Electronic HR managementt
Functional Requirements
HR management g
Process a variety of HR works including HR records, employment & appointment, salary class, h honors & di disciplines, i li education d ti & ttraining, i i organization, i ti employment, l t evaluation, l ti and d promotion ti
Payroll management
Process pay and insurance works
Vacation management
Manage duty status, leave of absence, and business trip
Personnel management
Manage the information on the number of personnel
System for individual institution
Modify personal information Individual’s HR information management
View pay and tax information Manage holiday and business trip management Work performance evaluation HR evaluation
Integration server
Support policy maker
Official assignment of government HR Inquire statistical data of Public servant s Provide a variety of statistics information to ensure HR transparency by disclosing HR policy making procedure
Citizen web server
Provide statistical information
Information on the number of Public servants in each institution or classification by job title Information on employment, promotion, retirement and etc.
IV. To-Be Model
D. e-Document system- Define tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
e-Document system y is one of the most fundamental e-Government infrastructure that p pursues「p paperless p administration」 and aims at rapid handling of works within and among institutions, efficient handling of work through standardized work management, and efficient preservation of official records. T k Task
e-Document D t system t Save administrative costs during the process of manufacturing, distribution and warehousing through implementation of paperless administration
Integration I t ti off administration d i i t ti between b t central t l governmentt and d local l l governmentt Strengthen collaboration among institutions and monitor government administration on a real time basis Innovate the way of handling works and standardize government works Rigorous documentation of official records and improve the level of record preservation
Scope of Implementation
Core Considerations
Utilization of electronic document within institutions → distribution of electronic documents among institutions → public records management system
- Document Management System, Electronic Document Distribution S t System, Record R dM Managementt System, S t Electronic El t i Authentication A th ti ti System, S t Directory System(LDAP), Electronic Document Interconnection System And Outage & Statistics Management System
Revise laws and policies to enforce the use of electronic administrative documents and to ensure the administrative effect of electronic documents
Governance - Enforce electronic processing of administrative works, Revise provisions regarding di electronic l t i processing, i among generall administrative d i i t ti procedure d laws, Define administrative effect of electronic document, Educate personnel in charge on utilization of electronic document and educate managers about the necessity of electronic approval and change management
Sustain change of environment into electronic processing of administrative works including electronic approval Setting up functional standards, security and interconnection of eDocument system among institutions must be preceded.
IV. To-Be Model
D. e-Document system- Issues and Solutions
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Enhancement of efficiency y in p public sector,, simplification p of administrative work and paperless p p administration have been identified as the necessity of introducing e-Document system and it is expected to save administrative costs with the establishment of e-Document system
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
Institution interview
Expected p Effects
National development agenda - Enhance efficiency in public sector National ICT Vision - Redesign process to enhance efficiency and transparency of government administrative works e-Government implementation strategy - Simplify administration through IT
User Perspective
Rapid and easy documentation through standardized form Real-time distribution of documents through electronic approval, electronic mail Tight preservation preser ation of doc documents ments since electronic documents are preserved upon creation of them • Save administrative costs
System Perspective
Integrated I t t d and d democratic d ti operation ti off governmentt through decentralization Efficient operation through innovation of workhandling system Integration of administrative work processing by setting up connection, security and document standardization among governmental institutions
Advance Case
Korea selected and implemented digitization of all documentation procedures as one of the tasks of 31st e-Government project Currently, 96.9% of all government documents are approved electronically and 97.4% of all government documents are distributed electronically among administrative institutions
Improve p p paper-based p administrative services “e-Document system needs to be introduced”(Ministry of Trade and Tourism) “Paper-based documentation is dominant in dealing with comprehensive national administrative works”(Procurement Office)
IV. To-Be Model
D. e-Document system- System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Users ((Public servants)) in administrative institutions create and distribute documents using g electronic document system y and legacy system through designated work portal and interconnect them with Record Management System
Electronic Document System V i Various Institutions I i i
Document work processing
C Central l Management M IInstitutions i i
e-Document System
e-Document Distribution System
document relay
electronic approval
Verify transmit/receipt
Public servant
Other institutions
work porrtal
Process document works
document warehousing
Outage management
Digital Archiving System
e-Mail bulletin board
Public servant (manager)
Receipt/t transmission off document d t
Inquire records
Receipt of records
Interconnection of electronic approval
Search/ Utilize Disposal
Legacy Systems
Document Warehouse
IV. To-Be Model
D. e-Document system - Functional Requirements
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes major j functions of the system. y Module
Functional Requirements Work Portal
e-Document e Document system (Workflow)
Information and document flow management regarding electronic approval
Data management
Systematic management of documents by classify and saving various data according to work type Smooth distribution of information within institutions through digitization of communication tools among members such as mails and fax.
Address book
Systematic management of individuals’ factions scattered across organization
Schedule management
Efficient management of shared resources and schedules by sharing schedules among individuals and groups
Bulletin board
Broad information sharing among all members of institutions and collection of opinions
Document linking and interconnection
distribution system
Record management system
Distribute a variety of documents and information
Electronic mail
Community management
Electronic document
Portal to facilitate handling of individual works
Electronic approval
Document distribution
e-Document system
Function for improvement on communication within and among institutions Management of document transmission and receipt, investigation of distribution paths, security
Verification of transmission and receipt
Create and manage information to certify completion of delivery, Open, issue, store, manage certificate of document delivery
Outage management
Central management of electronic documents, records of electronic document distribution and statistics management, Help-Desk for individual institutions
(Central management system and monitoring)
Monitor and control inking and interconnection server and individual institutions server
Receive, register and classify records
Receive records to be transmitted and manage them according to classification criteria
Discard and transfer records
Discard and transfer records
Search and utilize records
Let institutions or general public records and manage relevant statistics
Confidential management
Manage and utilize confidential records regarding national security 125
IV. To-Be Model
E. Judicial information system - Define Tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Judicial information system y is an integrated g jjudicial information system y that standardizes and digitizes g the full range g of judicial works including a receipt of criminal cases, investigation, determination, judgment and execution to promote joint utilization of judicial information. T k Task
J di i l information Judicial i f ti system t ( J ti System) (e-Justice S t )
To standardize and digitize the full range of judicial works including a receipt of criminal cases, investigation, determination, judgment and execution to realize rapid, fair and transparent criminal justice procedures To prepare integrated management system for joint utilization of judicial information, which is current managed by justice institutions
Scope of Implementation
Major Considerations
Security system that can protect judicial information of citizens
- Establish a single gateway for citizen support services
Integrated DB for judicial information
- Document management service: preserves legal records
Enhance the nationwide telecommunication network
- Services that support investigation, judgment, execution etc.
Revise and improve laws and policies to enhance work efficiency in execution and judgment and to digitize relevant information
Connection - API for interconnection of data and system among government institutions, independent Constitutional institutions and financial institutions Governance for interconnection of information/system among institutions - Set up laws and policies to reinforce interconnection of all institutions
IV. To-Be Model
E. Judicial information system - Issues and Solutions
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Judicial information system y is required q to share jjudicial information and to streamline judicial j works by y digitizing g g information on lawsuits and court decisions.
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
Institution Interview
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Reinforce services for citizens - Enhance transparency in operation of public sector - Simplify administration National ICT Vision - Redesign process to make government administration more efficient e-Government implementation strategy - Simplify conventional administrative procedures using IT pp public administrative p process into more efficient - Develop and user-oriented one
Judicial information such as criminal records needs to be digitized and shared - Ministry of Justice Informatization is less prioritized in dealing with major works of Justice Department - RENIEC Judicial works such as lawsuits and court judgment require a lot of documents and complicated procedures, which needs to be renovated - Central Reserve Bank
Rapid processing of criminal lawsuit Work innovation of criminal judicature Improvement of criminal justice service quality for people
User perspective
Improvement Case
Korean Case(Criminal judicature information integration system) - 1,022 criminal cases have been digitized - 1,361 1 361 prescribed criminal case forms have been standardized - The period to handle summary procedures has reduced from 120days down to 3~5 days - 510 pieces of criminal cases information are g relevant institutions shared among - 48 civil petitions in criminal case are issued and processed online - 11 criminal case online Integration services are provided.
IV. To-Be Model
E. Judicial information system - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Judicial information system y is comprised p of a number of service modules,, including g investigation g support, pp , judgment j g support, execution support, document management, and citizen support service.
Judicial information system Investigation support service Justice department Perform Judicial work
Supreme court
Ministry of justice
Process Judiciary civil petition
General public Defense lawyers
Judgment support service Criminal/juvenile/family
Receipt/transmittance/indictment Investigation procedures electronic processing of Written opinion, notice of lawsuit electronic records
Electronic records such as statement of decision
Execution support service
Document management service
Confinement/ property
electronical Judgment procedures
Execution procedures electronic processing of Electronic records such as statement of instruction
Electronic legal document management
Judiciary Government Information institutions
Judiciary Constitutional Information
Citizen support services Apply for civil petition
Search progress status of case
Apply for certificate
Disclose administrative d i i t ti information
N tif resultlt Notify
Pay monetary penalties
Financial institutions
IV. To-Be Model
E. Judicial information system - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The major j functions of the system y are as follows. Module
Functional Requirements
Receipt/transmittance/indictment Investigation support service
Digitize investigation procedures Digitize records of written opinion and notice of lawsuit
Process investigation works including receipt of investigation, investigation transmittance and indictment electronically and digitize relevant documents that are created
Criminal/juvenile/family Judgment support service
Electronic processing of judgment procedures
Process judicial procedures electronically and digitize relevant documents that are created
electronic statement of decision confinement/ property Execution support service
Electronic processing of execution procedures
Process execution procedures based on court decision electronically and digitize relevant documents that are created
electronic statement of instruction Investigation/judgment/execution Document managementt service
Electronic lawsuits records document management Preserve records
Citizen support services
Digitize and manage documents that are created during the process of investigation, jjudgment, g and execution using g the Electronic Document Management g System y Preserve and manage a variety of electronic documents and records that are interconnected with Electronic Document Distribution System and individual application systems
Apply civil petition
Register and upload digitizable documents among various documents with regard to criminal case that used to be physically submitted to a number of different institutions
Inquire progress status of cases
Real-time inquiry of the information on progress status of cases
Apply online civil petition
Apply civil petition services such as online issuance
Disclose administrative information
Open application for judicial information
Notify result
Notify the result of investigation and judgment
Pay monetary penalties
Provide comprehensive penalty payment services including online inquiry and payment through a web link to financial institutions 129
IV. To-Be Model
F. National Accounting and Budget - Define Tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The National Accounting g and Budget g provides p a basis for innovation of financial policies p by y establishing g risk management g system based on integrated finance management.
National Accounting and Budget (National Accounting and Budget system)
To introduce advanced accounting policies including program budget policy, accrual basis, and double-entry system To automate the full range of financial activities including budget assignment, assignment execution execution, settlement of accounts, accounts and performance management performance management and to support financial activities based on integrated information To build an Internet-based portal to support efficient financial activities
Scope of Implementation
Major Considerations
Convert from expenditure/settlement system to budget plan basis
- Budget management
Standardize accounting practices of different institutions
- Accounting management
Set up a comprehensive financial management processes, processes including National budget operation plan, budget arrangement and performance management
- Project management - Statistics analysis
Work out a scheme to interconnect with existing legacy systems
Connection y among gg government institutions,, - API for interconnection of data and system independent Constitutional institutions and financial institutions Governance for interconnection of information/system among institutions - Set up laws and policies to reinforce interconnection of all institutions - Establish management system and process for proper information management
F. National Accounting and Budget- Issues and Solutions
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
Refurbishing g and upgrading pg g outdated National Accounting g and Budget g will pave p the way y for enhancing g efficiency y of financial system by integrating financial information and supporting transparent processing of financial works.
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
IInstitution tit ti Interview
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Sustain national finance and stability of macro economy and encourage investment - Enhance transparency in operation of public sector - Simplify administration National ICT Vision - Redesign process to make government administration more efficient e-Government implementation p strategy gy - Simplify conventional administrative procedures using IT - Develop public administrative process into more efficient and user-oriented one
Current National Accounting and Budget(SIAF) was developed with obsolete technology and thus a comprehensive renovation is required with much focus on budget planning function. It is also required to be interconnected with the Procurement SystemSystem PCM Current National Accounting and Budget(SIAF) has some structural problems that cause excessive time and effort to process regular works.
Implement efficient finance management through analysis from various perspectives Reduce budget waste through integrated National Accounting and Budget
User perspective
Improvement Case
Enhance ease of use through Internet-based userfriendly interface as well as management efficiency Secure transparency of financial activities through systematic management of financial information
Korean Case(National National Accounting Acco nting and Budget) - Reduced labor costs worth 79 billion won annually in finance & accounting related administrative institutions by simplifying and automating financial works - Saved mail delivery costs worth 25 billion won by eliminating mail delivery for financial data - Cut administrative costs of 16 billion won by digitizing a variety of finance related documents i l di including finance fi execution ti reportt s and d bills bill
IV. To-Be Model
F. National Accounting and Budget- System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
National Accounting g and Budget g is largely g y comprised p of the Integrated g finance management g system y that manages g budget, g , accounting and project and the statistics analysis system
National Accounting g and Budget g Budget management Perform Financial work
Person in charge
Accounting management
Finance planning
Preliminary feasibility test
Income/expenditur e management
National credit/debit management
Budget planning
Budget allotment
National asset management
settlement Financial formation
Project management Inquire financial Information
Project registration -> execution -> performance management -> project termination
Local government
Monitoring(individual project, execution, performance)
Decision maker
Financial Constitutional formation
Statistics analysis Inquire financial Information
Central Finance information government
Analysis y tool (OLAP,EIS)
Data Warehouse
General public
Raw data
Financial institutions
F. National Accounting and Budget- Functional Requirements
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The major j functions of the system y are as follows. Module
Functional Requirements
Financial planning Budget Management
Preliminary feasibility test Budget planning
Review and finalize budget execution status, performance information, feasibility test for individual projects
Budget allotment Income/expenditure management Accounting Management
National credit/debit management National asset management
Finance and budget execution and new transactions are automatically journalized so that they are utilized for performance management - Finance management(Income, expenditure, fund) System - Asset· Debt Management(national property, item, credit, debt) System - Accounting Management(settlement Management(settlement, cost accounting) System
Settlement Project Life Cycle Management Project Management Monitoring
Statistics Analysis
External Interconnection
Comprehensive management of all financial projects from beginning to end, Real-time inquiry of project status and risk management - Register a new project - Inquire detailed status of individual project - Preliminary feasibility test and monitoring execution performance
Support decision-making through rigorous analysis of finance information from various perspectives including sector, division and function - Finance Statistics Analysis Tool System(olap) - Eis(executive Information System) - Data Warehouse, Data Mart
Support integration management of financial Information from central government, local governments, and relevant institutions - External Interconnection I/F development, Electronic Document development - Establish Document Relay And Warehousing System 133
IV. To-Be Model
G. National Identification - Define Tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The National Identification is designed g to provide p citizens with more convenient public p services by y establishing g the basis for e-Government with regard to integrated resident information
National Identification(National Identification System)
To establish efficient NID management system
To sustain quality assurance management activities To establish the basis for providing services to support government policies through accurate statistics
Scope of Implementation
Major Considerations
Implementation - NID system: Establish management system for NID - Fingerprint information system: Identification, acquisition and utilization of fingerprint - Card Issuance System: Issuance and identification of NID - Citizen support service: online issuance of certificates for birth, marriage, death and etc. Connection - API for interconnection of data and system among institutions - Common technology, standardization Governance for interconnection of information/system among institutions - Set up laws and policies to reinforce interconnection of all institutions - Establish management system and process for proper information management
Security system to protect resident information Prevent forgery or alteration of resident registration certificate Prepare the basis for joint utilization of resident registration
IV. To-Be Model
G. National Identification - Issues and Solutions
2. To-Be Model of Information system
High g demand for birth,, marriage, g , and death certificates as well as complicated p procedures p necessitate the National Identification, especially for those who reside in remote areas. The National Identification is both a core citizen service and a basis of e-Government
Problems & Requirements
Expected Effects
National N ti l Policy
National development agenda - Reinforce services for citizens - Simplify administration National ICT Vision - Redesign R d i process tto make k governmentt administration d i i t ti more efficient e-Government implementation strategy - Simplify conventional administrative procedures using IT - Develop public administrative process into more efficient and user user-oriented oriented one
Institution Interview
Informatization is urgently required to deal with resident civil petitions such as issuance of various certificates including marriage, birth, and death certificate - Procurement Office, Ministryy of Education,, Registration g Office There is a high demand for birth certificate and/or marriage certificate and the procedure is complicated. Online processing is required - Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication Resident registration and birth certification need to be di iti d - National digitized N ti l El Election ti M Managementt C Committee itt Difficult to issue resident registration cards for people in isolated areas due to geographic remoteness, Electronic resident registration certificate is the viable alternative but is not implemented due to lack of budget- Resident Information Management Office Certificated issuance procedure(birth, death etc.) need to be renovated - Central Reserve Bank 135
User perspective
Improvement p Case
Active utilization of public administrative service by reinforcing NID Support rapid and precise national policy-making by utilizing basic demographic data Prepare the basis for e-Government e Government through basic demographic data
Korean case(Resident Registration Information Center) - Number of joint uses for resident registration data: 15,000 - 1,682 institutions use the authentication service to verify the validity of the resident registration certificate
IV. To-Be Model
G. National Identification - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
National Identification is comprised p of NID system, y , fingerprint g p information system, y , card issuance system, y , and citizen support service.
National Identification NID system
Issue NID
NID management
Card management
Image management
statistics management
Address Change
NID authentication service
Central Resident information g government
Local Resident information government
Inquire NID Central government
Fingerprint information system
Card Issuance System Independent
Local governments
Matching Server
Apply civil petition general public
Issuance Server
Card Printer
IC-Card printing
Citizen support service Apply pp y for issuance of NID card
Apply pp y for certificates
Resident Constitutional information
Resident information
IV. To-Be Model
G. National Identification - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The major j functions of the system y are as follows. Module
Functional Requirements
NID management Warehouse and operate identification data Card management
Deliver through card management system after extracting data for issuance Reissue, replace, p discard and distribute ID
NID system
Image management
Create reports Transform issuance number
NID authentication service
Verify the validity of ID Create issuance data
Statistics management Fingerprint recognition scan, feature extraction Fingerprint Information System
Register fingerprint recognition information Compare and validate fingerprint recognition
Card Issuance System
citizen support service i
Card and Application Management and Key Induction ID targets management, issuance, distribution, lost & found, withdrawal, view and etc.
Apply for Issuance of NID Cards
Request for issuance of a new ID card, request for reissuance if lost
Apply for certificates
Apply for a variety of personal certificates for birth, death, marriage, divorce and etc.
IV. To-Be Model
H. Integrated Single portal for Citizen - Define tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Citizens are able to g get access to information services of all administrative institutions through g a single g gateway g y and are able to have certificates and other administrative documents issued and have civil petitions taken care of online, promoting convenience and benefits for citizens. T k Task
T establish To t bli h the th E Establish t bli h Integrated I t t d Single Si l portal t l for f Citizen Citi To provide information services of all administrative institutions through a single portal website
Citizens are able to get access to administrative services through a single portal site without having to know which administrative institutions are in charge of which administrative works By integrating administrative works that go through a number of different administrative institutions, citizens can save time and effort to take care of their administrative affairs. Citizens are provided with convenience and economic benefits by minimizing physical visit to public institutions
Scope of Implementation
Core Considerations
Establish System
Establish governance to integrate services provided by individual institutions
- Integration Portal(integrated authentication, user information management, contents management etc.)
Integrated authentication applicable to institutions that provide civil petition services
- Security, DRM and etc.
Work out separate budget and roadmap to include current services of individual public institutions
- Function to verify validity of civil petition - Workflow to take care of processes among institutions
Current e-Government system
Interface of information systems among relevant institutions
- Establish Integrated Electronic Civil Petition Portal through functions of PSCE( system and expansion of its roles
- API that enables data and system interconnection among institutions - Common technology, standard Governance for interconnection of data and systems among institutions - Revise laws and policies to enforce interconnection of information/system of all institutions - Set up system and process for management of information
H. Integrated Single portal for Citizen- Issues and Solutions
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
Integrated g Single g portal p for Citizen is the gateway g y for citizens to get g access to online administrative services and one of the core systems in G2C that can increase the utilization of e-Government.
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
Institution interview
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Reinforce services for citizens - Establish channels for citizens’ social participation National ICT Vision - Expand citizen participation through ICT - Provide citizens and businesses with top quality administrative services - Reinforce contact point of government services for citizens and businesses p strategy gy e-Government implementation - Citizen Centered - Operate portal service for citizens and businesses - Create cyber space between government and citizens for distribution of information
User Perspective
Utilization of e-Government
Paper-based documentation is identified as a problemProcurement Office Digitization of civil affair documents such as ones regarding marriage, birth and death is urgently needed - Property Registration Office, Ministry of Transportation and Communication Ministry of Trade and Tourism Communication, Tourism, Ministry of Construction Functions of e-Government that has already established is not widely utilized due to lack of PR- Ministry of Public Health, Residence Information Management Office Single public portal Integrated services need to be provided through system integration among institutions - Central Reserve Bank 139
Advance Case
Increase ease of access to administrative services for convenience Reduce the period of handling civil petitions Reduce the number of certificates issued through online issuance to save time and cost for issuance of civil affair documents
Secure consistency in e-Government services of individual institutions Advertise new services of individual institutions effectively Increase utilization of e-Government by minimizing user confusion regarding the use of ee Government and maximizing convenience
Korea operates that enables application of 722 civil petitions, issuance of 33 civil affair documents, inquiry of 29 civil petitions 2007년 It recorded more than 10 million applications, 4.77 million issuances, and133 inquiries
IV. To-Be Model
H. Integrated Single Portal for Citizen - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The functions of Integrated g Single g Portal System y are largely g y comprised p of three major j subsystems y of application pp of civil petition, online issuance of certificate and PC inquiry and it is used as a bridge that connects institutions and citizens in terms of handling administrative works.
Integrated Single Portal System Handling civil petition Inquiry & view Civil petition/ certificate
General public
Receive civil petition
Inquire processing status
Result of civil petition
Search civil petition
Administrative information Administrative information Information Contents
Issuance/view of certificate Issuance of certificate
Issuance of certificate
Assure authenticity of certificate
integration DB
View certificate
user DB Search certificate
Civil petition DB
Technical platform DRM
Integrated authentication
Commission payment
Electronic document
Use record DB
Interconnection with institutions System S t interface i t f for civil petition information civil petition information Administrative Access by Administrative institutions Public servant information portal t l Register result of handling civil petition citizens informationRENIEC
Integrated authentication authentication institution
Bill Financial institution payment
H. Integrated Single Portal for Citizen - Functional Requirements
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes major j functions of system. y Module Administrative information
Handling civil petition
Functional Requirements Search administrative information
The function that enables users to search administrative works provided by government and to get necessary information
administrative Contents
Detailed information to process administrative works(workflow, person, fees, application etc.)
Search civil petition
Inquire / search civil petitions that can be processed portal Administrative institutions receive civil petitions online and provide necessary voucher documents electronically Verify processing status of civil petitions processed by individual institutions and provide additional g petitions information/document that are necessaryy to proceed with handling Inquire the processing result of civil petition and receive a voucher document Request for issuance of certificate online and print it using personal printer The printed document retains legal effect View administrative voucher information using PC, Verify legal status at the time of inquiry and printed material does not have legal effect Verify authenticity of a certificate document issued online A variety o information such as barcode, issuance number, and DRM are provided Interconnection of information between Integrated Electronic Civil Petition Portal and individual institutions The portal specifically designed for Public servants to enable those who work at institutions that are not connected online to inquire, receive and process civil petitions from another institution
Receive civil petition Inquire processing status Result of civil petition Issuance of certificate
Issuance/view of certificate
View certificate Assure authenticity of certificate
Interconnection of institutions
Civil petition information interface Portal accessed by Public servant Register result of handling civil petition DRM Integrated authentication
Technical platform Commission payment Electronic document
Register the result of processing civil petitions request through portal Security function for document and information that are issued or presented online User(citizen) login procedure for administrative works such as civil petition and certificate Single sign on function where the person who is authenticated in a portal does not have to go through another login authentication procedure to get access to another online services provided by other administrative institutions Online payment of fees for handling administrative civil petition and issuance or view of certificate and other civil affair documents Online transmission of documents through the procedure of making request for and receiving result of civil petitions 141
IV. To-Be Model
I. Health and Welfare System - Define tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The health and welfare is one of the most critical national agendas g with high g policy p y priority p y and establishing g relevant information system will contribute to enhancement of public health and welfare.
To establish Health and Welfare System
To provide top quality health services for public health through a systematic management of medical information, disease management food & beverage, management, beverage pharmaceuticals and welfare services To support independently managed medical and social welfare facilities to achieve higher managerial efficiency and to integrate information on operating status of social welfare facilities
Scope of Implementation
Core Considerations
Establish System - Welfare portal : provide citizens with information on welfare such as use of medical /social welfare facilities and utilization of welfare service as well as to receive and process relevant l t civil i il petitions titi - Social Welfare Facility Integration Information System : Support administrative works of independent social welfare facilities but not national institutions (budget, accounting, asset, supporter management etc.) Interface of information systems among relevant institutions - Establish technology standard and Interface for interconnection with relevant institutions including Ministry of Welfare, Ministry of Women, and Local Autonomous Entities Governance for interconnection of information system among institutions - Establish governance for interconnection of information system among institutions - Define R&R for support of application for use of information system of social welfare institutions, education, technical support and etc.
Support-oriented function instead of management & supervision to encourage voluntary participation of independent civil institutions Support for concerned institutions such as installation support and regular training and education system (facilities and education data) is required. Strategy to start from large facilities and to spread to smaller ones considering poor ICT Infrastructure is taken into consideration
IV. To-Be Model
I. Health and Welfare System- Issues and Solutions
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Health and Welfare System, y , one of the top p national polices, p , integrates g works scattered around various institutions to provide citizens with better health and welfare services conveniently
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
Institution interview
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Reinforce services for citizens - Protect isolated class : effective support for women, youth and natives taskss for o different d e e t institutions st tut o s 12 tas - Support for gender equality and needy households - Enhance health services for youth - Protect the disabled - Prevent social isolation of the needy National ICT Vision - Provide social welfare service through ICT - Reinforce social welfare service for isolated class - Expand utilization of health information - Develop preliminary warning system for food safety and hygiene
User Perspective
Comprehensive Informatization of local administration is required, particularly integration of information on health & hygiene including hospital - Callao government, Los Olivas District Office
Advance Case
Secure channel, through which major welfare beneficiaries such as the needy and the disabled are able to get information and easy access to administrative services Enhance operational p transparency p y since information is available on the Internet Integrated public welfare service that are scattered around a number of different intuitions including Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Women, Local Autonomous Entities, and Ministry of Labor Standardize and achieve efficient management of public health institutions including medical institutions Operators of social welfare institutions are able to manage facilities more efficiently
Example of Korea - 8,718 social welfare facilities use the system as off 2008 - 8,000 users per day
IV. To-Be Model
I. Health and Welfare System - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The major j roles of the system y include p providing g general g public p with information on health and welfare,, supporting pp g administration of social welfare facilities and collecting relevant information.
National Health & Welfare System Information on Public Health
Inquire Information
General public
Information on medical Institutions
Electronic El t i medical di l records
Medical M di l reservation
Food/ pharmaceuticals information
Prescription management
Patient information
Medical expense management
Disease preventive management
Administrative management of social welfare facilities Accounting management
HR/payroll management
administrative Institution report
Handling administrative works
Social welfare facilities
Tax management g
Welfare service record managementt
Donation managementt
integration DB
Ministry of Women
Local government
Public health integration DB Welfare institutions administrative DB statistics /analysis
Ministry of Public Health
Ministry of Labor
IV. To-Be Model
I. Health and Welfare System - Functional Requirements
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes the major j functions of the system. y
Information on Public Health
integration DB
Functional Requirements
Information on medical institutions
Provide information on local medical institutions Status of medical institutions (doctors, available services, how to use service, expense etc.)
Electronic medical records
Records of individuals’ use of national medical services Digitize and inquire medical examination/prescription/use records
Medical reservation
Inquire/search national medical institutions Provide information on medical institutions such as contract number and location Provide medical reservation service
Prescription management
Preserve records of hospital-issued prescriptions Determine authenticity of issued prescriptions
Patient information
Electronic management of medical records of individual patients Inquire services available for individuals such social insurance and public health service
Medical expense management
Provide guidance on standard expense for medical service Inquire expense of social insurance of individuals
Food/pharmaceuticals information
Provide guidance on safety of food and pharmaceuticals Provide information on usage of medicines and safety related information Provide PR & guidance on dangerous medicines and food safety
Disease preventive management
Provide PR & guidance on major diseases managed by government Manage the currently available major infectious diseases (investigation of cause, disease control, history management etc.)
Public health DB
Individuals’ medical information(information on medical records, prescription and , social insurance etc.) Food/pharmaceuticals information(safety of food and pharmaceuticals)
Welfare DB
Administrative information of social welfare facilities (budget, facility, HR, welfare history) Guidance on national welfare service
Statistics /analysis
Statistical analysis on the use of information system Comprehensive statistics and analysis of national Public health/welfare information 145
IV. To-Be Model
I. Health and Welfare System - Functional Requirements
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes the major j functions of the system. y
Functional Requirements Accounting management
Description Input, output, search notes, Print report - Transaction management - Manage budget, budget performance and balance Manage taxation affairs of welfare institutions
Tax management
Welfare administrative management
- Taxation management of welfare institutions - Sales/purchase tax invoice management, report document management etc.
HR/payroll management
Manage employee payroll/ payroll transfer - HR card management - Attendance management, temporary worker management - Fixtures·expandables management
Donation management
Resister supporter, Issue receipt of donation etc. - supporter and affiliation information management - Donation receipt / payment management, CMS / OCR management and etc. - Supporter group management / bank account management for the affiliated
Historyy management g
Report of administrative i tit ti institutions
Service history management for different type of services - Registration of users, search, history of check-in/check-out and etc. - Management M off detailed d il d iinformation f i on b basic i ffacts, h health l h status, ffamily, il articles i l iin custody, d room arrangement and etc. Automatic creation of reports for Local government, administrative institutions(Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Women etc) - Application A li ti off subsidies b idi for f social i l welfare lf facilities f iliti and d accountt report, t regular l / non-regular l reportt - Prepare budget statement, additional budget statement and, statement of accounts and etc. 146
IV. To-Be Model
J. Education Information System - Define tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Education Information System y is designed g to p proved students with information on quality q y education and to enable parents and school personnel to get access to and utilize information easily while automating school administrative works.
To establish Integrated Single portal for Citizen (Single Portal for Citizen)
To improve convenience of school administration by digitizing the school administrative procedure
To apply and proliferate efficient educational policy To expand educational opportunities for economically isolated class by providing information on education through ICT To promote information society by expanding education on ICT
Scope of Implementation
Core Considerations
Establish System
Non-networked interconnection of information is considered due to poor infrastructure
- Provide school teachers and administrative managers with education administrative information system
Role sharing is required. For example, school administrative information is managed by individual local education offices and major education information is provided by central administrative institutions such as Ministry of Education
- Portal to provide students with information on education - e-Learning system to provide educational contents Interface of information systems among relevant institutions
Establishment of information infrastructure in all schools should be considered as well
- To establish C/S-based system organization and interface for interconnection of geographical infrastructure
ICT education for teachers should be conducted and separate budget for this is urgently required
Governance for interconnection of information and systems among institutions - Interconnection among institutions in charge of education (Local autonomous entities, Ministry of Education)간
IV. To-Be Model
J. Education Information System - Issues and Solutions
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Education takes a relatively y high g p priority y in Peruvian national strategic g agenda g and is one of the core factors for national development. The efficient education administration through ICT and educational support for isolated class is required.
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
Institution interview
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Protect isolated class 12 ministry-level tasks - Prevent social isolation of the needy National ICT Vision - Include ICT in education sector - Promote equal opportunity of education through ICT e-Government implementation strategy - Reinforce education and access of socially isolated group to education through ICT
Common opinion is to increase awareness of Informatization for society of citizens and for this, expansion of school Informatization is required Administrative Informatization and automation in education and public health sector is being conducted in local governments with high priority − Digital City (Callao regionales) − SIMEDH (Los Olivos locales)
User Perspective
Advance Case
Expand opportunity of education among isolated class in geographically remote and isolated regions by providing education information through ICT Strengthen teachers’ capability of utilizing ICT by digitizing school administration Maximize productivity of education administration and to reduce workload of school personnel Satisfy the people’s right to know by letting parents get access to education information
Advance case on education using educational contents p of ADL,, e-Learning g − US - With the leadership standard has been created to share and spread educational contents created by educational institutions nationwide − Japan- Led by private institutions − Malaysia- Distribution of CD contents Korea (NEIS) − Standardize school administrative works to increase productivity of education administration − Online inquiry of educational activities of teachers and school personnel
IV. To-Be Model
J. Education Information System - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Education Information System y is largely g y comprised p of the p portal that provides p education information for parents p and students and the system that manages education administration
Education Information System y
Inquire in formation e-Learning
Online education
Parent Information Portal Inquire student information
Education curriculum management
user management
education Handling civil petition
Issuance of certificate
Receive civil petition
e Learning e-Learning
Issuance of certificate
School affairs management
Ministry of Interconnection of monitoring Education institutions Interconnection API statistics /analysis
student information f DB
Education administrative information system
School administration
School affairs administration
Public health
budget/ g accounting
School personnel management
Institution report
education Contents School affairs administration DB
Local autonomous entities
J. Education Information System - Functional Requirements
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes the major j functions of the system. y Module Parent Information Portal
Online education
Education civil petition
Education administrative information
Interconnection with institutions
Functional Requirements
user management
Parents are granted the right to register a user and to view information Students are automatically registered through school
Inquire student information
Parents are able to get education information regarding personal information of students, academic performance, school reports, certificates and etc.
Education curriculum management
Verify comprehensive curriculum for online education with description Introduce online/offline curriculums to student or school personnel
Provide education contents online Conduct education using various IT technologies and multimedia contents including download, electronic document, and flash
School affairs management
School report management, attendance management, course completion and exam management and etc. etc for online education
Receive civil petition
Receive education-related civil petitions such as school administrative civil petitions and notify the result of processing them via online
Issuance of certificate
Online application and issuance of various school-issued certificates, including graduation certificate, proof of registration, transcript, and credentials Issuance of certificate using a personal printer
School affairs administration, Public health, budget/accounting, School personnel management, facility management, institution report
Standardize and digitize school administrative works for school operation Provide C/S program that automates the processing of administrative works Make school administration effect and minimize administrative works conducted by teachers by digitizing and automating various administrative documents
Interconnection with higher institutions
Integrate education information through school administrative system Education administrative information is transferred to central server periodically for analysis Various types of media to be supported considering difficulty in Internet connection
statistics /analysis
Statistical analysis and various report for education information Online management of accurate education status ensures establishing correct education policy 150
IV. To-Be Model
K. Enterprise support system - Define tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Informatization of Enterprise p support pp administration is conducted to provide p businesses with administrative supports pp for corporate activities beyond time and space restraints by providing relevant industrial information
Enterprise support system(Single Portal for Business)
To support comprehensive corporate life-cycle including incorporation, everyday corporate activities, discontinuance of business
To create a single interface between administrative institutions and corporations To increase corporate competitiveness by minimizing administrative time and cost among corporate activities
Scope of Implementation
Core Considerations
Establish System - Corporate petition administrative - Industrial information Interface of information systems among relevant institutions - API that enables interconnection of data and system among institutions - Common technology, standard y among g Governance for interconnection of information and systems institutions - Establish laws and policies to strengthen interconnection of all institutions - Establish laws and policies to set up information management system, process and online participation of legal representatives of corporations y and accountants such as lawyers
Set up governance to integrate services provided by individual institutions Revise laws and policies to encourage participation of legal representatives and to obtain technical scheme for security (such as public authentication certificate) Arrange separate budget and roadmap to include current services available in individual public institutions Should be separated from currently available e-Government system PSCE - Expansion of service like Online Enterprise Constitution Ongoing VUCE project and interconnection Corporate services currently available at PSCE portal should be separately operated due to difference in characteristics of users individual vs. corporation) and major institutions
IV. To-Be Model
K. Enterprise support system- Issues and Solutions
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The current Peruvian e-Government lacks corporate p support pp services and should seek strengthening g g corporate p competitiveness through cost reduction and work efficiency by expanding corporate support services
Problems & Requirements
National Policy y
Expected Effects
12 ministry-level tasks - Reinforce technology, environment and corporate competitiveness - Support for employment and small and medium companies - Simplify administrative works National ICT Vision - Reinforce support in manufacturing and service sectors through ICT and elevate productivity - Reinforce contact point of government services for citizens and businesses e-Government implementation strategy - Simplify administrative works through IT
User Perspective
e-Government e Government Operation
Institution interview
Information system that can reduce time and effort to issue certificates such as business permission is required - Ministry of Education, Ministry of Production The weight of works that can be processed through the Internet is too low- Registration Office (SUNARP)
Advance Case
Reduce cost and time in conducting administrative works Reduce workload conducted by legal representatives Increase administrative transparency of conglomerates Improve the level of corporate administrative services Provide various services for small and medium companies that do not get legal and administrative services due to high expenses
The e-Government service for corporations with relativelyy superior p IT infrastructure is expected p to result in significant effect
Corporate p support pp of Korea (( g ) − 17 ministries, 140 applications, processing and result of corporate petitions available − 231 private institutions have interconnection with government institutions − Some 200,000 items of information provided
IV. To-Be Model
K. Enterprise support system- System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Enterprise p support pp system y is largely g y comprised p of two components p of electronic processing p g of corporate p petitions p and information to support corporate activities of not only domestic but also foreign companies.
Corporate Support Integration System Corporate petition administration civil petition / Information supply
Receive civil petition
Inquire processing status
Result of civil petition
Search civil petition
Interconnection with institutions
Overseas Portal
Interface among corporate information system
Peruvian investment information
Issuance of certificate Issuance of certificate
Interconnection with foreign companies
integration DB
Assure authenticity of certificate
Ci il petition Civil titi DB
Administrative institutions Local autonomous entities civil petition
Access by Public servant information administrative portal information
Issuance of certificate Corporate Support Contents Information on investment opportunity
Foreign company
Search information
Business f foundation d ti information
Corporate administration
Export information
National procurement plan
Industrial index
Contents DB Corporate Support DB Industrial index DB
Integrated Authentication authentication institution
Commission payment
Financial institution
K. Enterprise support system- Functional Requirements
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes the major j functions of the system. y Module Corporate information o at o
Corporate petition administration
Interconnection with foreign company
Issuance of certificate
Interconnection of institutions
Functional Requirements
Corporate search information
Search function that facilitates search of various information that supports corporate activities
Corporate contents
A variety of corporate support information on industry industry, overseas affairs and administration
Search civil petition
Inquire/search corporate petitions that can be processed through portal
Receive civil petition
Online receipt of corporate petition by administrative institutions and supply of necessary support documents electronically
Inquire processing status
Verifyy the processing g status of ongoing g g corporate petitions at individual institutions and provide additional information/document for processing
Result of civil petition
Inquire result of processing civil petitions and receive the proof of result
Overseas Portal
Corporate portal designed to encourage foreign direct investment on Peru
investment information
Information on investment opportunity, opportunity business opportunities for foreign companies PR for foreign companies that investment on Peru Integrated Call Center to deal with corporate petitions of foreign investment companies
Issuance of certificate
Online request for issuance of certificate and printout using a personal printer The printed document retains legal effect
Assure authenticity of certificate
Online validity authentication of documents issued online A variety of authentication methods including barcode, issuance number, and DRM
Interface with relevant institutions
Share information among relevant institutions such as Ministry of Enterprise support system and Production, SUNAT, and SUNARP Automatic interconnection among systems through data Interface
Portal accessed by Public servant
Portal designated for Public servants to get access to, inquire and receive corporate requests and petitions to jointly handle them among relevant institutions
Technological protection tool that is used to authenticate validity of documents issued online and to prevent illegal use of electronic documents
Commission payment
Online payment of commission to process corporate petitions or to view and issue certificates Electronic payment of corporate tax and public fees
Technical platform
IV. To-Be Model
L. e-Custom system - Define tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Digitizing g g import/export p p works will reduce time and cost for import/export p p customs clearance and will enhance transparency of customs administration, consequently contributing to national industrial competitiveness
e-Custom system
To reduce the time and cost for customs clearance for work efficiency
To increase accuracy of information on cargoes that pass the customs and to eliminate potential risks based on real time management To minimize inconvenience of travelers through real time processing of information on entry into and departure from the country To secure transparency of customs administration by disclosing accurate information on a real time basis
Scope of Implementation
Core Considerations
Establish System
Interconnection with Airport/seaport management system is required to secure accurate information on entry into and departure from the country as well as logistics
- Portal for private, public employees - Customs administration
Interconnection of information with relevant institutions such as Justice department, police and tax office to properly manage information on entry into and departure from the country
- Interconnection with logistics information - Management of entry into and departure from the country Interface of information systems among relevant institutions
Functional expansion of e-Custom system currently operated by SUNAT is taken into consideration.
p p management g system y - Airport/seaport - Interconnection with financial institution for corporate tax payment Governance for interconnection of information and systems among institutions
IV. To-Be Model
L. e-Custom system - Issues and Solutions
2. To-Be Model of Information system
e-Custom System y is established from the p perspective p of securing g competitiveness p of import/export p p and crisis management g such as prevention of drug trafficking and criminals
National Policy
Advance Case
Problems & Requirements
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Enhance efficiency in public sector National development agenda - Enhance corporate competitiveness - Simplify administrative procedures National ICT Vision - Reinforce support of manufacturing and service industries sector and increase productivity through ICT - Enhance utility of ICT and improve access of small and medium companies to ICT - Develop and promote electronic commerce
Save logistics expense by reducing time and cost for customs clearance Enhance work efficiency of import/export companies through online verification of customs clearance process on a real time basis Accurate imposition of tariff through transparent customs clearance Improve the service quality through precise administrative procedure Reinforce competence of trading companies through compliance with international standard Efficient preventive measures against borderless crimes such as drug trafficking and international crimes
User Perspective
Electronic tariff attracts attention of many advanced countries with high level of informationization and is becoming an important issue as international trades are expanded A large economic benefits that can be obtained by enhancing efficiency in processing import/export works through Informatization justifies investment
Advance Case
UNI-PASS(Korea) – Reduce time for customs clearance (23daysÆ3 6days) (23daysÆ3.6days) – Reduce logistics expense (3.8 trillion won, estimated in 2007)
IV. To-Be Model
L. e-Custom system - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The e-Custom system y is largely g y comprised p of additional functions of import/export p p cargo g tracing, g, monitoring g airport/seaport and interconnection with external institutions
e-Custom system
Inquire civil petition / information
Internet customs clearance civil petition portal
Customs administration Import
Requirement of i import/export t/ t
Investigation g
Process administration
works portal
Public servant
Cargo tracing
Customs clearance for traveler
Cargo Selection
Relevant External Share information institutions interconnection Information interconnection (API) Electronic document management
Airport/Seaport monitoring
Financial Payment y information institution
Inquire information Trading company
Traveler information
Information analysis Location management
Integrated Data Warehouse
Criminal management
Shipping company
IV. To-Be Model
L. e-Custom system - Functional Requirements
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes the major j functions of the system. y Module Internet customs clearance
Interface for external i t interconnection ti
Functional Requirements civil petition portal Work portal Information Interconnection API Electronic document management Import/export Import/export Requirement
Customs administration
Investigation Customs clearance for traveler Examination/imposition/refund
Cargo tracing
Cargo Selection Cargo g location management g Airport/seaport management
Surveillance of Airport/seaport Information analysis
Criminal management Data Warehouse
Description Portal for citizens and businesses that conducts customs clearance works Conduct customs declaration, inquiry of processing status, payment and etc Internal portal for personnel of customs office in charge of customs clearance Conduct tariff related administrative works for customs clearance Provide technical support and processing system to enable information exchange with external institutions and private institutions API-based request for customs clearance works and exchange of information on logistics Electronic management and DB collection of a lot of standard documents required for customs clearance Import cargo management, bonded transportation, tariff management Management of customs clearance for different types of items such as personal belongings, international package, overseas movement Regulations such as protection of intellectual property rights and endangered species Crime related investigation (transaction of foreign currency, crackdown on dug trafficking, terror and export banned items) Import/export cargo investigation Comprehensive administrative works regarding customs clearance for travelers Management of passport & visa information, history, declaration of belongings etc. Determination of tariff rate, declaration, payment of tariff, and reduction of and exemption of tariff Information management to prevent tariff evasion Select cargo for customs investigation Management g of information on cargo g location at airport/seaport, p p customs clearance status Collect airport/seaport information Entry into port, board declaration, ship investigation, vehicle search and etc. Information exchange with international investigating institutions to crack down on international criminal suspects, Criminal designation g and cancellation Comprehensive analysis of customs clearance information, report creation Information presented to institutions(Audit and Inspection Board, administration, SUNAT etc.) 158
IV. To-Be Model
M. National Procurement System- Define tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Transparency p y of the p purchasing g procedure p will be obtained along g with cost reduction by y digitizing g g purchasing p g procedures p of all institutions. The Informatization level should be elevated by encouraging electronic transactions within Peru.
National Procurement System
To digitize national procurement procedure and to operate national budget efficiently
To secure transparency of procurement procedures To reduce the procurement period and administrative expense through efficient procurement procedure Online purchase of major products and services required by the government
Scope of Implementation
Core Considerations
Establish System
Electronic authentication, security and electronic payment platform must be considered for safe electronic transactions
- Digitize comprehensive procurement works including public announcement, bidding, selection, delivery, and examination - Authenticate transactions through electronic documents
Gradual introduction of security systems is needed considering current level of Informatization of Peruvian corporations
Interface of information systems among relevant institutions
Refurbishment of currently available SEACE is taken into consideration
- Interconnection with budget accounting system(SIAF) Governance for interconnection of information and systems among institutions - Revise laws and policies for electronic transactions
IV. To-Be Model
M. National Procurement System- Issues and Solutions
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Digitization g of national procurement p will not only y bring g about economic benefits such as transparency p y and efficient utilization of national budget, but also a byproduct of promoting electronic commerce.
Problems & Requirements
National Policy
Institution interview
Expected Effects
National development agenda - Increase transparency in overall national affairs 12 ministry-level tasks - Encourage participation of small and medium companies in national procurement project - Simplify administrative works through ICT - Administrative transparency National ICT Vision - Strengthen support for manufacturing and service industries through ICT and increase productivity - Develop and promote electronic commerce e-Government implementation strategy - Operate electronic procurement system
Most countries that implement Informatization carries procurement administration through information system to reduce cost and to enhance administrative transparency It belongs to the Supply Chain Management sector and its high efficiency has long been attested Government needs to proactively intervene in expanding electronic commerce
User Perspective
Advance Case
Reduce purchase price of government asset through electronic procurement을 Enhance transparency of procurement works Reduce administrative cost of corporation via online transactions Government as a large purchaser can contribute to activation of electronic commerce activities
Korean Case(Nara – It recorded annual transaction of 56Billion USD (as of 2007), 90% of total national procurement amount – 4.6B$ 4 6B$ cost reduction annually (estimated) SEACE – Annual transaction worth 7 billion USD
IV. To-Be Model
M. National Procurement System - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The National Procurement System y is largely g y comprised p of bidding, g, contract,, payment p y and online purchase. p
N ti National l Procurement P t System S t e-Procurement system Bidding
corporation (supplier)
monitoring CONSUCODE Goods classification system
e-Procurement ASP Portal
Ministry of Finance
Supplier supporting service Contracted products catalogue
Unit contract system
Report Inquiry
request for purchase
public institutions (buyer)
User registration
Integrated notice
Supplier’s Performance
Commercial products catalogue
Documents distribution and outside linkage
authentication e ca o Integrated au authentication institution
Commission payment
Financial institution
IV. To-Be Model
M. National Procurement System - Functional Requirements
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes the major j functions of the system. y Module
Online Shopping
Functional Requirements
Electronic purchase
Conduct bidding and selection among general procurement procedures Tender of supplier and registration of evaluation result Finalize selection of supplier
Supplier support service
Q&A for supplier Comprehensive supportive works for bidding procedure
Unit price contract
Prepare Agreement for contract with supplier selected and support comprehensive process up until delivery
institutions(buyer) portal
Register purchased items for each institution Inquire purchase history and processing status
corporation(supplier) portal
Register R i supplied li d iitems b by each h corporation i Inquire sales history and processing status
Integrated public announcement
Search and inquire purchase-sales information Provide procurement information on changes in system, laws, policies and etc.
Product categorization
Register standards for all products and services purchased by the government Register purchase procedure and regulations for each standard
Product registration
Corporations register their products on online shopping mall
Supplier pp management g
Products are evaluated along with delivery history of relevant supplier Overall O ll evaluation l ti off suppliers li
Electronic payment
Electronic payment of purchased products and services
Electronic document
Digitize documents required for electronic transactions Assign binding force for online transactions just like offline transactions
user management
Integrated I t t d managementt off users such h as supplier, li personnell iin charge h off purchase h iin purchase institutions
Support function
IV. To-Be Model
N. Digital Signature system- Define tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The most critical challenge g to resolve in implementing p g e-Government is to ensure security y and reliability y in online transactions between government and people and for this, establishment of PKI-based authentication system is required.
Digital Signature system
Authentication: verification of user identity through electronic authentication
Integrity: Assurance of legal effect of electronic documents by preventing forgery and alteration of them Confidentiality: Assurance of reliability of electronic commerce through maintenance of confidentiality of electronic document Non-Repudiation: Prevention of denial following an electronic transaction
Scope of Implementation
Core Considerations
Establish national authentication system(institutions to protect and supervise information, upper, lower authentication institution, authentication registration institution and etc.) and assign clear R&R
- Establish authentication institution and technical standards for public authenticate profile, algorithm, management, operation, and protocol for establishment of path and verification
In developing counties like Peru, work processes in private sector are heavily affected by the way government conducts administrative works and thus Digital Signature system must be introduced to internal government institutions such as in dealing with civil petitions for its rapid settlement
Connection - G4Cservice, application for permission and approval, tax administration, government procurement, Import/export customs clearance, public document distribution Governance - Establish authentication institution and assign authority, work out electronic signature and public authentication law, preliminary introduction of public authentication in administration sector, arrangement of organization and system to establish government-wide government wide protection system
The electronic processing of government works must be made mandatory for rapid introduction of electronic signature into internal government works along with establishment of G2G, G2E infrastructure Prepare rigorous laws and policies as well as technical standards for protection of personal information Present various authentication tools
IV. To-Be Model
N. Digital Signature system- Issues and Solutions
2. To-Be Model of Information system
Currently, y, electronic authentication is hardly y introduced and p password-based authentication makes electronic transactions vulnerable to unsolicited intervention and hacking attack. Introduction of common authentication procedure is required to elevate the level of security.
Problems & Requirements National Policy
Overseas Case
Institution interview
Expected Effects
To properly implement e-Government and to promote the growth of IT industry, the introduction and proliferation of authentication and forgery & alteration preventive measures such as electronic signature are a must. must
User Perspective
More advanced e-Government services such as electronic transaction, provision of personal information and online civil petition are available thanks to identity authentication on the Internet By replacing existing electronic seal, efficiency of government administration can be greatly enhanced by conducting assurance of legal effect of electronic document in G2G, electronic approval and etc. Increase convenience of G2B corporate activities such as electronic procurement and taxation
System Perspective
Establish foundation for secure and reliable distribution of information Establish government-wide information protection system and increase the level of protection of overall national information With th the IInternet t t ttransaction ti available il bl now, more advanced e-government services such as electronic payment and provision of individual information are possible
Korea has performed the electronic signature system since 1999 to secure security and reliability of electronic transactions and to promote them Government is deeply involved in activation of electronic transitions by giving tax incentives to online payment of tax and public imposition through issuance of public authentication certificate Electronic signature is required to authenticate the identity of individual - Electronic tools to authenticate individuals such as smart card and public authentication certificate are required (10 ministries including Ministry of Education) g overall civil p petition handling gp procedure Digitize - Electronic processing of handling basic civil petition works is urgently required (common answer from 15 ministries including Ministry of Construction) Activation of electronic payment is urgently required - Online payment of tax and public imposition is required (10 ministries including Ministry of Production)
Advance Case
With government’s t’ proactive ti iintervention t ti iin electronic signature expansion policy, the number of users reached 14 million in January 2007(30% of total population) and is continuously on the rise Due to this electronic signature expansion trend, Korea has been able to obtain both development of e-Government and of IT industry
IV. To-Be Model
N. Digital Signature system- System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The Digital g Signature g system y is generally g y comprised p of a number of supportive pp functions including g authentication,, registration, policy management based on essential factors of directory, and key generation
Authentication Certificate Issuance System (Example)
Authentication Certificate Issuance System Government
Authentication system
National Root CA
Issue & Managing Certification
Bank CA I
Trading CA
Key generation system Others
Application service system
Key Generation
Web Server
Issue & Managing Certification RA
Registration management
Public servant 165
N. Digital Signature system- Functional Requirements
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes the major j functions of the system. y Module
Functional Requirements Register subscribers
Issuance of authentication certificate (authentication institution)
Issue authentication certificate
Generate public key
Register subscribers who have their authentication certificate issued Verify user registration status Issue authentication certificate for electronic signature and encryption securely Save issued authentication certificate securely Generate public key of authentication certificate referred to by user as well as additional information
Authenticate public key
Verify electronic signature for integrity check upon connection
Encryption/ yp description p
Encrypt yp / decrypt yp a registration g request, q g generate and p process security y message g
Administration Registration of authentication certificate (Registration institutions)
Verify subscribers Register g authentication certificate Encryption/ description
Manage authentication policy Verify user identity/ privilege information to generate public key authentication certificate Issue and register authentication certificate by notifying the authentication institution of user id tit verification identity ifi ti Encrypt / decrypt a registration request, generate and process security message The system for user to keep and use PKI authentication based personal key Request for issuance of authentication certificate
Keep and manage key/authentication certificate Regulate access to key/authentication certificate Generate G t and d process security it messages including i l di authentication th ti ti request, t encryption, ti description, and electronic signature 166
IV. To-Be Model
O. National Integrated Computing Center- Define tasks
2. To-Be Model of Information system
The IT resources of individual institutions including g information systems y should be integrated g across the government g to jointly utilize information and resources, to enhance efficiency and to establish national-level backup system against potential risk factors such as natural disasters T k Task
Integrated Government Information System (National Computing & Information Resources Administration)
To reinforce stability and security through operation of Integrated Government Information System
To enhance efficiency by establishing joint utilization system for conventionally scattered human and physical computing resources To advance the level of e-Government services through 24 hour operation of information system as well as quality services
Scope of Implementation
Core Considerations
Implementation - Integrate infrastructure facilities as well as information systems→Establish and advance e-Government administrative computing network → Stable transfer of information systems of individual institutions → Integrated operation of information systems equipped with security and standardization Connection - As the first step, data center is integrated, followed by development of operating system for integration of security and resources, and of dashboard, user support system and common support system - Secondly, apply and integrate information systems developed by government institutions within Lima region
Work out agreement regarding establishment of National Integrated Computing Center among National Integrated Computing Center Establishment Committee, ONGEI, and relevant institutions in charge of Informatization Establishment of nationwide administrative network separate from commercial network is required but since it is in the beginning stage, network building work should be conducted for administrative institutions within Lima region and be expanded according to the condition of infrastructure Standardize information system, including resources and status management, outage and change management, performance and capacity management, and DB·API management Establish rigorous integrated security system including preventive measures against cyber terror
Establish a complete plan of transfer of concerned information system through a thorough investigation into relevant resources
- Enforce laws and ordinance to establish integrated information system environment and to transfer - Found National Integrated Computing Center Establishment Committee and grant the control authority
O. National Integrated Computing Center - Issues and Solutions
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
A number of needs and requirements q including g enhancement of efficiency y in public p sector,, system y integration, g , and efficient management of information resources have been identified and the level of Informatization is expected to be elevated by establishing integrated information system environment
Problems & Requirements q
National Policy
Expected p Effects
National development agenda - Enhance efficiency in public sector - Enhance transparency in overall national affairs National ICT Vision - Redesign process to make government administration efficient and transparent e-Government implementation strategy - Simplify administration through IT - Implement p integrated g system y
Eliminate redundant investment through joint utilization of resources among institutions Build up security system through integration and User stability of e-Government through easy access Perspective Elevated standardization of the level of Informatization in individual institutions Reinforce professionalism and sense of among personnel in charge of Informatization
22 surveyed institutions retain their own data center However, there was a huge gap in the level Informatization among institutions, which necessitates the integrated information system for elevated standardization - Establishment of government-level Integrated data center is required(RENIEC) Institution - The investment of individualization on Informatization interview needs to be centralized for proper arrangement and efficient outcome(Ministry of Energy and Mining)
Reduce R d costt b by supporting ti iintegrated t t d security it control t l and integrated automation of operation, disaster recovery system System More intensive system security than independently Perspective operated ones as well as 24 hour non-stop service will prevent cyber terror, personal information infringement and etc.
Advance Case
Korea has established two tow data centers and is expected to achieve economic effect worth 1.8 billion USD by year 2010 After establishing integrated data center, the monthly outage time per system has dramatically reduced from 67minutes to 1.15 minutes The number of servers managed by a single person has dramatically increased from 1.8 unit to 13 units for efficient management The relative weight of detection and interception has increased from 65%to 100% to reinforce security
IV. To-Be Model
O. National Integrated Computing Center - System Diagram
2. To-Be Model of Information system
National Integrated g Computing p g Center is largely g y comprised p of three subcategories g of systems y that are commonly y used by y institutions, integrated operation management system to support them and the base infrastructure.
National Integrated g Computing p g Center Elements of Computing System
Integration operation Integrated operation management
public institutions Administration Network
Integrated resources management
Local autonomous entities
Integrated security management
Public Network
Base infrastructure People Electricity
Controlling system
Fire-fighting system
Command post
O. National Integrated Computing Center - Functional Requirements
IV. To-Be Model 2. To-Be Model of Information system
The following g table describes the major j functions of the system. y Module
Functional Requirements
Operation management
Monitor and control the government information system properly Maintenance schedule and work management Update, application status management Outage management and etc.
Resources esou ces management a age e t
Comprehensive management of H/W and S/W infrastructure including server, storage, and network Server status management, Storage / network overload management
Security management
Safe management of information system assets Security management for personnel in charge User management -User -Building entrance management -Entry/take-out management for information system resources System security management -Preventive measures against unsolicited network scan and infiltration -Responsive Responsive measures against virus and hacking attack -User login authentication -Preventive measures against disasters through a regular backup
Introduce a UPS to prevent electric failure or overvoltage
Controlling system
Introduce a Controlling system for stable operation of servers
Integrated operation
Base infrastructure
Fire-fighting system
Command post
Introduce a fire-fighting system to prevent the disaster from fire Operate command post to manage the current status of information system infrastructure including server server, network and storage Physical security control through building entry management
Improvement Framework for e-Government Implementation System
IV. To-Be Model 3. Organization for e-Government
The p problems faced by y the Peruvian e-Government Implementation p System y have been drawn out of the analysis y of implications and advance cases of e-Government
Implementation System Status Analysis
e-Government Implementation System Analysis
Analysis of R&R of relevant organizations
Informatization task process Analysis
Define concrete and specific “Implementation System Improvement Scheme� for successful implementation of eGovernment, including redesign of
Analysis of Advance Cases
roles and responsibilities of Korean e-Government Implementation System US e-Government Implementation System
e-Government vision and strategy Implementation p status R&R among Implementation Systems Success factors of e-Government e Government
implementing organizations
IV. To-Be Model
Organization for e-Government - Overview
3. Organization for e-Government
The e-Government related tasks are developing p g from individual tasks of relevant institutions into composite p civil petitions p that involve multiple institutions at the same time, which requires main bodies dedicated to implementation of eGovernment to be granted with proper status and authority accordingly.
Evolution of e e-Government Government tasks Simple civil petition tasks within institutions Front Office (G2C, G2B)
Composite civil petition tasks among institutions Future direction off e-Government
Authority A thorit of organi organization ation in charge of implementation according to the work model Individual works within institutions −Relatively small conflict of interest among stakeholders, controllable within organizations −Willingness of head of institutions is the most important factor Composite civil petition tasks among institutions −There is a complex conflict of interest among g relevant institutions and ease of use for users must be considered
Back Office (G2G)
Current Peruvian e-Government Individual works within institutions Low work correlation
III Composite civil petition tasks among institutions High work correlation 172
− It requires a cross-institution collaboration and compromise, which can be attained through focused organization and d authority th it − Most major projects of Peruvian government are composite civil petitions that involve multiple institutions and the adequate q authority y and status of implementing organizations is a must for success of e-Government
Organization for e-Government Reinforce of status of organization in charge of Informatization
IV. To-Be Model 3. Organization for e-Government
The status of organization g dedicated to e-Government p project j has to do with the role of e-Government and the it is required q for the organization to be granted with proper status and authority in order to implement Peruvian ICT strategy, defined as ‘Vehicle for Transformation and National Development’ Peruvian Digital Agenda
Classification according to the importance Support Stage
Enable Stage
Drive Stage
There are little or no governmental requirements regarding eGovernment
e-Government brings g significant g efficiency in performing government services
e-Government is used as a fundamental tool for innovation and change of government
e-Government Strategy
Peruvian ICT/e-Government strategy defines the role of eGovernment and Informatization as the ‘Vehicle for T Transformation’ f ti ’ and d proper status and authority is required for successful implementation
Status of e-Government Organization according to Importance Prime Minister Tool for government innovation(Drive) Sufficient authority of level 2 or higher required to implement innovation Tool for work efficiency(Enable) Authority of level 2 or 3 required to reform government service and to reinforce interoperability among institutions Tool for work support (Support) Authority of level 3 required to serve simply as IT administrator * Source: The CIO’s Role in Parliamentary Governments, Gartner 2004
Level 1
Minister Level
L Level l2
Deputy p y Minister,, Senior Manager Level
Level 3
Manager Level
S Secretaria General
Analysis of Advance Cases Republic of Korea e-Government Implementation System
IV. To-Be Model 3. Organization for e-Government
Republic p of Korea has achieved a world class e-Government with the objective j of implementing p g open p e-Government by y establishing consistent strategy, concrete implementing tasks and schemes, and clear role sharing among implementing organizations.
Republic of Korea e-Government G t Implementation I l t ti System S t
Implementation status – e-Government Vision of implementing “World-class open eGovernment” – National objectivesÆ National tasksÆ Relate them with eGovernment ‘s vision – Set up p five-year y roadmap p with concrete implementing p g objectives j – Defined and implemented 31 tasks based on gradual implementation of Phase 1- Form the basis, Phase 2 - Sophisticate services R&R – Informatization Strategy Committee - presented, presented deliberated and coordinated e-Government roadmap & tasks – Ministry of Public Administration and Security -implemented and supported administration as a competent authority – National Information Society Agency - technical consultation, project management Success factors – A clear definition of R&R for implementation of e-Government – The competent authorities have sense of ownership in eGovernment project and budget – Maintenance M i t off consistent i t t policy li direction di ti ffrom ttop national ti l strategy down to concrete tasks – Securing professional personnel and competence for implementation of each of e-Government task – Responsibility-based performance management with concrete objectives bj i
Informaionization Strategy Committee
National Information Society Agency (NIA)
Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS)
Local Government
Analysis of Advance Cases - US e-Government Implementation System
IV. To-Be Model 3. Organization for e-Government
The US e-Government initiated by y Office of e-Government and CIO council under the umbrella of OMB has had a number of institutions systematically share the roles of setting up e-Government strategy, technical support, project assessment, evaluation and implementation with reinforced authority granted to OEG to elevate its power of execution. Implementation status – e-Government G t vision: i i “The government that provides services according to requests of people using information technology” “Implementation of efficient government through reengineering utilizing information technology” – Finalized and implementing nice core tasks among five categories of G2C, G2B, G2G, internal efficiency, government R&R – Office of Management and Budget: in full charge of e-Government, information resource management and setting up regulations – Office of e-Government: in charge of actual implementation of eGovernment strategic planning Government, planning, project plan evaluation evaluation, EA/ITA development, project plan review and evaluation – CIO council: develops a variety of standard guidelines and coordinates collaboration with other institutions – Office of Acquisition and Logistics: Implements electronic procurement – Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs: develops information policy, information security, EA – technical support team: conduct technical review of service and innovation Success factors – Sustain implementation of e-Government e Government despite the change in President – Rapid reformation of laws and policies as well as relevant regulations – Granted competent organization of e-Government with sufficient authority and reinforced collaboration through clear I l Implementation t ti system t – Secured strong leadership by designating e-Government as one of the Presidential agenda
US ee-Government Project Implementation System
OMB(Office of Management and Budget)
CIO Council
IC (Interagency Committee)
State Government
OEG (Office of e-Government)
OFPP (Office of Federal Procurement Policy ) OIRA (Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs)
e-Government Competent Organization's Roles(1/2)
IV. To-Be Model 3. Organization for e-Government
The strong g power p of execution can be obtained by y clearly y and concretely y defining g the roles of relevant institutions,, including setting up e-Government strategy, coordination among institutions, task management, budget allotment, and actual implementation, based on relevant laws and policies Definition
Role & Responsibility
Success factors for successful implementation of ee-Government
Set up long-term national plan for implementation of e-Government and d draw d agreementt ffrom national ti l perspective
• Set up e-Government strategy • Set up long-term Master Plan for implementation • Critical decision-making and compromise
• Participation of top executive in decisionmaking is required to have the strong power of execution • Participation P ti i ti off various i institutions i tit ti iis desirable • A separate budget needs to be secured
Set up concrete action plans and monitoring and evaluation of actual activities
• Monitor implementation of individual tasks in accordance with Master Plan • Perform decision-making regarding implementation • Execute the budget • Coordinate resolution of conflict of interest among institutions
• The competent organization must be comprised of independent organizations to maintain autonomy with their roles defined by laws • Supplementary budget and sufficient authorities are required to obtain the power of execution
Establish detailed implementation guidelines and standards including Act on implementation of eGovernment, policy, technology, and infrastructure
•T Technical h i l supportt ffor iimplementation l t ti off e-Government • Set up technical standards and guidelines • Participate in set up plans & guidelines, design, select contractors, and evaluation l ti and d etc. t
• Enforcement of laws and policies for support • Assure autonomy of supporting organizations • Secure key personnel
Implement and operate eGovernment tasks
• Set up e-Government tasks • Present requirements and process reformation • Operate p system y after completing p g implementation of tasks
• The national strategy must be reflected in implementing Informatization tasks among individual institutions • Major j tasks must be funded by y separate p budget instead of by individual institutions
Strategy & Planning
Roles of Organizations in Charge of Implementing e-Government(2/2)
IV. To-Be Model 3. Organization for e-Government
In order to p perform the role of coordination,, strategy gy implementation, p , project p j management g and support, pp , the competence p of CTO, resource purchase, and user support by public institutions must be boosted
Strategy & Planning
CIO of Peru Government (PCM) CIO Council
Investment Review Board
Portfolio Management
Informatiza ation Organizattion Functions to be implementted
Customer Support
Project Management
Strategy& Transformation
Application Development
Standards/ Architecture
Domain Management
Projects Oversight
Data Center
Enterprise Application
Business Analysis
Project Managers
Channel Management
Network/ Telecomm.
Portfolio Management
Sourcing Strategy
Information Management
Help Desk
Control Functions required in Drive Stage
Comparative Analysis between Advance Cases and Peruvian Implementation System Comparative Analysis - R&R
IV. To-Be Model 3. Organization for e-Government
Compared p to Advance Cases,, the Peruvian e-Government implementation p system y lacks clarity y in defining g role of control and support, let along insufficient competence for it. Republic of Korea
OMB(Office of Management g and Budget)
Informatization Strategy Committee
CIO Council
Ministry of Public Administration and Security ( (MOPAS) )
National Information Society Agency (NIA)
Prime Minister
Local Government
OEG (Office of eGovernment)
State Government
Role of Entity
Local Government
Do not classified
ƒ There is no clear designation of organization in charge of controlling and supporting Peruvian e-Government implementation system ƒ Currently, ONGEI is in charge of controlling and supporting but no sufficient legal force to properly conduct it is available. The personnel for implementation are not secured either.
Improvement Schemes of e-Government Implementation System
IV. To-Be Model 3. Organization for e-Government
Two improvement p directions for efficient implementation p of e-Government are defined base on the implications p drawn out of analysis of status and advance cases
Organizational Implications
Improvement Factors
National Informatization strategy and role for implementation are defined but with little power of execution The tasks budget for integration among institutions is limited t the to th IDB ffund d
Status Analysis
Lack of competency and personnel of the organizations in charge of e-Government
Competent organizations secure the status and authority for rigorous implementation of e-Government
Lack of a concrete procedure to conduct Informatization tasks as well as management and evaluation Lack of national-level competence to support Informatization of regular institutions Retain powerful coordinating authority based on eGovernment implementation budget
Advance Cases Analysis
Retain professional organization for technical and policy-level support Secure strong status for coordination among institutions Sustained implementation of e-Government regardless of political changes
Reinforce R&R and competency of implementation
IV. To-Be Model
Detail Improvement Schemes
3. Organization for e-Government
Detailed schemes to reinforce the status and execution role for successful implementation p of e-Government are described below. Secure the status of competent organizations for rigorous implementation of e-Government
Reinforce R&R and competency of implementation
Clear Definition of R&R for Implementing organization in accordance with e-Government Act
Reinforce the status of the organization in charge of e-Government e c e t for o President es de t to directly d ect y manage a age age agendas das to secu secure e tthe e Itt iss efficient power of execution for those nations with presidential system
A clear definition of roles and responsibilities for coordinating and supporting implementation of e-Government must be provided by law. The authority and role for implementation of e-Government must be clearly defined in the e-Government Act(Draft) and rapid enactment is required
Set up Informatization plan To secure effectiveness of mid and long-term policy, basic national plan for e-Government and ICT need to be updated every three years with implementation plan updated every year
The management process and evaluation procedure in conducting Informatization tasks of all institutions must be stipulated
Set up evaluation system, Assign authority of evaluation
Secure Implementing Personnel
The evaluation system for implementation of e-Government policy is required
o so so on secu securing gp professionals o ess o a s o of e e-Government Go e e t must ust be Provisions stipulated in relevant laws
Effective distribution of resources can be obtained by interconnecting the result of evaluation with budget allotment with increased power of execution
Secure sufficient working-level personnel by stipulating administrative professionals and technical professionals separately in the process of forming the organization Establish educational institution to nurture professionals(for Public servants)
Secure budget, Grand authority to manage budget Establish a new Chapter regarding the Informatization fund within Framework Act on Informatization
A sustained supply of professional personnel must be stipulated by law for stable support in implementing Informatization tasks
Set up strong and effective Implementation System by securing eGovernment implementation budget
gy Establishment of institution to education information technology professionals must be stipulated by law
Framework for Peruvian Informatization laws and policies Improvement Scheme
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
The improvement p Schemes for legal g system, y , Requirements, q , Draft of Peruvian e-Government Act are p proposed, p , based on the analysis of advance cases as well as of Peruvian Informatization law & policy.
Legal System Improvement Scheme
Legal System Status Analysis Analysis of Advance Cases Analysis y of current e-Government legal system
Analysis of Informatization related laws and policies and requirements
Republic of Korea e-Government legal system
US e-Government legal system
Direction of e-Government e Government policy
Legal System Improvement Scheme
Proposals for Informatization related laws and policies and requirements
History of e-Government Implementation
Draft of e-Government Act
e-Government Act
e Government Act e-Government Improvement Scheme
Analysis of Advance Cases - Republic of Korea e-Government related Laws and Policies Improvement Direction
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
In a bid to establish the effective legal g system y for e-Government,, Republic p of Korea has implemented p its e-Government project under the strong leadership of the President with the dedicated Presidential Committee setting up strategy and reforming relevant laws and policies.
e-Government Implementation Strategy gy of Korea 1
Improvement Direction for Laws and Policies Procedural Legitimacy in Legal Reformation Process
liaison with Administrative Renovation
Phase 1(Reform basis) reform internal administrative works, establish common basis, innovate selective services for citizens and large corporations Phase 2(Advancement) implement integration of institutions
Create social consensus for reforming legal system regarding eGovernment and to obtain its legitimacy through public hearings and surveys including online hearing
Link with annual government legislative plan Complete p reforming g ITA Act and Personal Information Protection Act in line with the regular legislative plan of Ministry of Government Legislation
Step-wise Implementation according to Law Reform Plan
User-oriented Project Implementation
Avoid government-oriented, authoritative and authoritative, and administration-oriented system
Flexible Implementation according to Urgency and Efficacy 3
Performance Objective & Management
Reform laws regarding electronic processing of civil petitions (reformed 317Presidential Decrees in March 2004) Reformed individual regulations including Administrative Procedure Act, Access to Information Act through revision of current acts and applied online administrative appeals policy
Present clear performance objectives for civil and administrative services to avoid redundant investment and to clarify responsibilities
Efficient Collaborative System among relevant Institutions
e-Government for promotion of IT industry
The system where competent institutions take charge of reformation in conformation with committees and e-Government institutions in charge of coordinating Presidential tasks The system where competent institutions are in charge of reforming individual institutions’ Acts such as ITA Act and Protection of Personal Information Act
Develop and apply cutting-edge IT technology to eGovernment to use it as a test best for growth and development p of IT industry y
Analysis of Advance Cases - History of e-Government related Laws and Policies for Republic of Korea
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
The e-Government related laws started to be reformed following g the enactment of the e-Government Act in 2001 and ‘Republic of Korea e-Government ’ was officially launched in 2002, leading to a full-fledged operation of e-Government.
History of e-Government related laws and policies for Republic of Korea 1986 ~1998
Enacted Act on Expansion of Computer Network et o and a d Promotions o ot o s of o Use ((1986) 986) Enacted Framework Act on Informationalization Promotion (1995) Enacted Public Institutions’ Personal Information Protection Act by (1994)
1999 ~ 2002 Reformed Framework Act on I f Informationalization ti li ti Promotion(1999) P ti (1999) Enacted Electronic Signature Act (1999) Enacted e-Government Act (2001) Enacted Knowledge Information Resource Management Act(2000) Reformed Copyright Act Enacted Act on Closing the Digital Divide (2001) Enacted Telecommunication Infrastructure Protection Act(2001) Reformed Act on Protection of Computer Program (2002) Official launch of ‘Republic of Korea eGovernment ’ (2002)
2003 ~2007 Enacted Internet Address Resource Act (2004) Reform on Act on Opening Public Institution Information (2004/2007) Act on Efficient Introduction and Operation of Information System(2005) Reformed Public Records Management Act(2006) ct( 006) Reformed Personal Information Protection Act of Public Institutions Reformed Act on Prevention of Discrimination against the Disabled and Redemption of Right (2007) Reformed S/W Industry Promotion Act (2007) Reformed Telecommunications Business Act (2007) e-Government Act reform(2007)
Republic of Korea started reformation of legal system starting from enactment of e-Government Act in 2001 and reformation of Framework Act on Informationalization Promotion and expanded its efforts to reform e-Government related laws until 2002 Most e-Government related laws were enacted or reformed after reformation of the e-Government Act and Framework Act on Informationalization Promotion. After 2004, legal reformation was focused on closing the Informatization gap and maximizing efficiency and effectiveness of e-Government through promotion of the IT industry. 183
Analysis of Advance Cases - Republic of Korea e-Government Act
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
In p particular,, after the enactment of e-Government Act in 2001,, the competent p organization g in charge g of e-Government,, budget, and personnel were legally supported with proper authorities focused on cross-institution e-Government project coordination and management, elevating the efficiency in implementing the e-Government project
Prior to Enactment of Republic p of Korea e-Government Act
After Enactment of Republic p of Korea e-Government Act e-Government Act regulated fundamentals of e-Government project, promoting consistent and effective implementation of eGovernment.
Prior to the enactment of the e-Government Act, the e-Government project was governed by Framework Act on Informationalization Promotion while electronic signature and telecommunication infrastructure was regulated by Electronic Signature Act and Telecommunication Network Act and etc.
A sustained and consistent support for securing competent organization as well as professionals for e-Government project was legally guaranteed
When it comes to the legal ground for administrative affairs, Administrative Procedure Act, Access to Information Act, Protection of Personal Information Act, Act Government Records Act, Act Administrative management regulation, Administrative Actions Act, Civil Petitions Treatment Act and etc regulated e-Government related affairs but were not enough because they are offline-based laws.
The legal ground to spend part of Informatization promotion funds on e-Government e Government project was created. A number of critical works including setting up mid and long-term e-Government project plan, e-Government project launch and management, evaluation of e-Government in each institution were performed by the competent organization for e-Government
The absence of clear definition for implementation system and operating principles to properly implement e-Government prevented effective implementation of e-Government.
Individual institutions enacted the preliminary agreements with competent organization prior to the implementation of eGovernment project to eliminate redundancy and waste of limited resources
Enactment E t t and d effectuation ff t ti off Independent I d d t e-Government G t Act A t instead i t d off being b i subordinate b di t to t Framework F k Act A t on Informatization I f ti ti created t d legal l l infrastructure for achieving the objectives of e-Government. As supporting infrastructure of e-Government project, reinforcement of authority of competent organization of e-Government, as well as of budget and personnel was conducted through the e-Government Act. The authorities for setting up mid and long-term e-Government project strategy, implementing and evaluating e-Government were stipulated in the e-Government Act. Act The preliminary consultation and coordination regarding e-Government among individual institutions was stipulated in the e-Government Act.
Analysis of Advance Cases History of Laws and Policies regarding US e-Government(1/2)
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
US e-Government p project j was actively y conducted during g the period p of the Clinton Administration through g the first term of the Bush Administration as one of the core Presidential agendas with the enactment of e-Government Act and 24 eGovernment projects proposed in 2002.
History of e-Government e Government related laws and policies for US 2001~2004(Bush Administration 1st Term)
1993 ~ 2001(Clinton Administration)
he implementation of e e-Government Government was specified as a tool to creat
Governme ent Policy
Led the economic prosperity by implementing six core digital
an ‘active and small government' under the national vision for the
policies including e-Government Clinton Administration selected and implemented 49 tasks within 13 projects of IT-based comprehensive e-Government based on the initiative of NPR NPR.
President’s vision of “Need for renovation of government operation” were presented - Citizen-centric, not Bureaucracy-centered
The problems during the process of implementation were
- Result-Oriented
identified, reformed and evaluated through publication of
- Market-based, actively promoting innovation)
Strategy Report
• 24 projects proposed for enhancement of efficiency of G2C, G2B,
Open the government portal,
Relevant Laws
next 10 years.
and d G2G
Government Performance and Results Act(1993) Paperwork Reduction Act(1995) Clinger Cohen Act(1996) Government Paperwork Elimination Act(1998) Electronic Signature Act(2000)
Established e-Government funds and the team dedicated to eGovernment (2002) Federal Information Security Management Act(2002) e-Government Act(2002)
Analysis of Advance Cases History of Laws and Policies regarding US e-Government(2/2)
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
Bush Administration sustained the efforts of implementing p g and advancing g the e-Government p project j established in the early stage of the term throughout the second term with increased spending on e-Government and IT while new Obama Administration is said to utilize e-Government as a tool to democratize government administration more actively than any other administration.
History of e-Government e Government related laws and policies for US 2004~2009(Bush Administration 2nd term)
2009~(Obama Administration)
Governme ent Policy
With emphasis on fair rights, transparency, responsibility and Sustained implementation of 24 e-Government projects
constitutionalism, It is expected to reinforce democracy and
Raised e-Government funds in accordance with e-Government
domestic policy based on IT infrastructure.
It is expected to enhance government transparency, to promote
− Sustained a gradual hike of e-Government fund from $45 million in 2003 to $150 million in 2006
citizens’ participation and to build public trust utilizing e-Government It is expected to newly established national CTO position and to let
Organized T/F for five core works in 2004
all institutions of federal government open records and allow access
Achieved cost reduction through e-Government and published a
to them to build up transparency
memorandum for major works in 2006
It is said to utilize e-Government very actively in overall national
Relevant Laws
operation ti and d policy-making. li ki
It is expected to newly establish national CTO position Promotion of Access to Government Information Act(2007)
It is expected to have people participate in legislation process online
Approved federal government IT budget increase for fiscal year
It is expected to apply a variety of new technologies in government
2009 (2008)
sector and public communications Source:「Obama transition committee website」,「 Obama CTO website」
Source:「esent status of U.S e-Government and its implication, NIA 2008」
Analysis of Advance Cases - US e-Government Act
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
US e-Government Act of 2002 reinforced the authorities of Office of e-Government within Office of Management g and Budget, as the e-Government competent organization and stipulated the relationship between other institutions and state governments, establishment of e-Government fund, information disclosure and administrative innovation.
Background of enacting US e-Government G t Act A t off 2002 The implementation of institution-based Informatization without national level strategy until productivity y as 2001 is evaluated to incur low p opposed to investment and poor administrative services for people and as a response to this, the e-Government was proposed to be implemented as one of the ‘President’s management agendas’. Federal-level level competent organization for ee Federal Government needed to build up interoperability while maintaining traditional Informatization organizational functions and to push ahead with efficient e-Government project with proper authorities The e-Government fund needed to be established to support the e-Government project that involves other institutions.
Major Content of US e-Government G t Act A t off 2002 Office of Management and Budget g e-Government Services
Federal Management and Promotion of eGovernment Services
Government Information Security Reform
As a main body of e-Government implementation, it newly established the Office of e-Government within OMB while reinforcing the authorities of federal government through it Reinforced R i f d policy li iinteroperability t bilit th through h establishment t bli h t off CIO council Secured finance through establishment of e-Government fund Collaboration among institutions through e-Government Stipulated Sti l t d electronic l t i signature, i t iinformation f ti security, it di disclosure l of administrative information, education of IT professionals, performance evaluation of e-Government project and etc. Legislature and Justice department joined the e-Government implementation
Stipulated a regular audit and inspection on government information security system
The individual institution-based implementation of e-Government project did not create a significant performance and as a remedy for that, federal government pushed ahead with the national-level e-Government project with strong authorities, which is similar to the case of Korea By stipulating basic principle and scope of e-Government as well as environment to facilitate its implementation such as organization, eGovernment fund, and CIO, it paved the way for stable and efficient implementation of e-Government
IV. To-Be Model
Comprehensive Analysis of Advance Cases
4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
The improvement p direction of the legal g system y for successful implementation p of the Peruvian e-Government is p presented by comparing relevant legal systems of Korea and US regarding e-Government.
Peruvian • Due to absence of eGovernment Act, no authorities and policy-making functions are provided for eGovernment competent organization • Laws regarding introduction y , of information system, protection of personal information, electronic commerce, promotion of domestic IT industry, and elearning are absent. • There exists a law designed to close the Informatization gap but no power of execution is assured • Most relevant regulations are in the form of Prime Minister Decrees instead of Acts, making them vulnerable to political instability
Republic of Korea
• Centralization of policy coordination functions with rapid enactment of eGovernment Act from the early stage of e-Government
• Centralization of policy coordination functions with enactment of e-Government Act from the early stage of eGovernment
• Secured strong driving force with Presidential agenda
• Secured strong driving force with Presidential agenda
• Rapid reformation of individual e-Government related laws and decrees
• Maintained consistent policy even after a change of administration
• Enacted and reformed Personal Information Protection Act • Enacted Act on Closing Informatization Gap • Used e-Government as a tool to promote IT industry • Recognized e-Government not as a technology but as a tool for administrative innovation
• Secure the ground for federal government budget regarding eGovernment • Drastic budget supplement for e eGovernment • Active utilization of eGovernment to close Informatization gap and to promote administrati administrative e democracy • Recognized e-Government as a tool for administrative innovation
What e-Government Advance Cases of Republic of Korea and US have in common ①Centralization of policy coordination functions by enacting the e-Government Act ②Secured strong driving force with Presidential agenda g ③Much efforts to close Informatization gap ④Recognized e-Government as an administrative innovation As opposed to this, Peru is not equipped with basic e-Government related laws including eGovernment Act, weakening the base for implementation of eG Government t The laws that are currently available do not assure the proper power of execution, failing to implement legislative intention
Improvement Scheme Peruvian Legal System for e-Government
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
The analysis y of Peruvian Legal g System y for e-Government and relevant requirements q has drawn the following g improvement p factors for each policy and a comprehensive range of renovation in policy and infrastructure is required for successful implementation of e-Government.
Implement informationization in public administration
Electronic government
Create environment for information use e-Government legal system
Prevent dysfunction of Informatization
protection of personal information/ Security
Close Informatization gap
The absence of Framework Act on e-Government causes weak authorities of eG Government competent organization and the lack off fund f as well as professional f personnel. The Framework Act on e-Government that stipulates assignment of sufficient authorities, eGovernment fund, and securing professional personnel for Informatization is urgently required The procedure to evaluate the performance of Informatization project and information system y is required q to be legalized. g Framework Act on electronic commerce and electronic financial transaction Most provisions on environment of information use are not more than decrees and thus must be formally legalized to ensure stability of performance and proper power of execution execution. The law on protection of personal information in public institutions is urgently required. The information security is required to be boosted along with rigorous criminal punishment for infringement Act on Closing the Digital Divide for the disable needs to be expanded to include a variety of socially isolated classes including women, youth and natives as the subject of special care. The power of execution of the Act on Closing the Digital Divide needs to be reinforced. A special Act that stipulates activation of e-learning and Telework needs to be enacted to close the informatizaiton education gap and to create jobs
Prepare IT industry Infrastructure
The S/W industry promotion Act that includes stipulation on tax incentives and R&D subsidies needs to be enacted to encourage R&D activities. The Act that promotes the development of online contents industry is required.
P Prepare infrastructure
Needs N d tto secure th the llegall ground d tto enable bl tto spend d FITEL FITEL, ICT iinfrastructure f t t ffund, d on supporting e-Government project
Improvement Scheme Laws and Policies regarding Informatization
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
Peruvian requirements q regarding g g Informatization related laws and policies p and corresponding p g Advance Cases of Korea and US are as follows. Requirements
Advance Cases and Resolutions
Absence of Framework Act on e-Government Lack of powerful legal ground Rapid enactment of Framework Act on eeGovernment
Lack of performance evaluation for Informatization project, not enough preliminary consultation with central government The draft of Framework Act on e-Government exists but has not passed the internal consent yet.
Enact Framework Act on Electronic Commerce and Financial Transaction
Prepare legal system to protect personal information
Both Korea and US has provided the competent organization in charge of e-Government with powerful authorities and responsibilities as national level policy maker, evaluator and coordinator by enacting e-Government e Government Act Both Korea and US has legalized securing e-Government fund, performance evaluation, and expansion of personnel by enacting e-Government Act It took about one year for Korea to finalize internal consent and approvall off and d congress while hil it took t k two t years for f US, US Rapid R id enactment of e-Government Act may determine the fate of eGovernment implementation.
Lack of Framework Act on Electronic Commerce and Financial Transaction
Both Korea and US performed implementation and technical application of laws regarding electronic signature and public certification and security in the early stage of e-Government.
Absence of powerful provision on administrative institutions’ protection of personal information
Korea retains laws regarding ‘protection protection of personal information in public institutions’ as general law along with seven other relevant individual regulations. US implemented electronic authentication policy in 2002 for eGovernment security and protection of personal information while OMB announced relevant authentication policies.
Improvement Scheme Laws and Policies regarding Informatization
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
Peruvian requirements q regarding g g Informatization related laws and policies p and corresponding p g Advance Cases of Korea and US are as follows. Requirements
Reinforce legal support for promotion of S/W industry
e-learning / Telework
Advance Cases and Resolutions
Korea enacted Software Industry Promotion Act, which includes S/W industry promotion policy within Peru
provision regarding tax incentives, policy support, protection of small and medium companies, applicable to S/W companies
e-Learning is currently used as a tool that enables provision of equal education opportunities, one of the core tasks in Peru
Korea enacted e-Learning Industry Development Act and provided eLearning g with national p policy y support, pp , tax incentives,, mandating g
Telecommuting may contribute to enhancement of work efficiency and increased employment, another core task in Peru
certain portion of public institutions’ education curriculum(20%) conducted via e-Learning
The ICT infrastructure, which is concentrated in Metropolitan areas causes a serious setback to Informatization gap
Enact the law to relieve the Informatization gap
Since Informatization gap in e-Government services may directly affect ff the basic rights off people, enactment of relevant laws to relieve it is urgently required Currently, the law designed to close Informatization gap exists but the authority to execute it is absent
Korea enacted ‘Act on Closing the Digital Divide’, ‘Act on Prevention of Discrimination against the Disabled and Relief of Right’ to ensure fair and equal opportunity of access to information US enacted e-Government Act and e-Government strategy is designed merely to ensure citizens’ access to information and to minimize the Internet gap. However, Obama Administration is expected to dramatically reinforce policy support in this particular sector, considering the current policy trend of ‘Open Internet’
Improvement Scheme e-Government Act Improvement Scheme Proposal(1/2)
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
The improved p e-Government Act must p provide a clear definition on the content and scope p as well as R&R among g implementing organizations while fostering private sector through e-Government, based on legal ground.
Chapter 1 General Provisions Chapter 2 national System Chapter 3 Implementa tion S System stem
Relevant Peruvian Laws
Improvement Direction
Article 1: Definition
The definition and role of national system regarding e-Government and information technology is stipulated. The scope of application is required to be clarified byy defining g the concept p of e-Government and information technology .
A clear designation of the scope of application as well as definition of concept for project contents including e-Government , G4C, G4B, G2G must be presented
Article 2: Purpose
A clear purpose of public Informatization is presented The balanced development and growth strategy of overall society are presented by describing promotion of IT industry associated with information technology
Newly enact provisions on nurturing private sector and promotion of IT industry through e-Government as well as roles and responsibilities of government
Article 3: General Provisions on eGovernment
e-Government affairs have been controlled and managed by Prime Minister Office It can be considered that President is in direct charge of implementation in order to secure strong driving force.
A strong t leadership l d hi th thatt corresponds d tto th the nation ti with presidential system such as including eGovernment within residential agenda is required.
Article 6: Organization of National System Article 7: Authority of National System Article 8: Implementation System
The national e-Government system is organized on the national, local and autonomous basis The national system is assigned with the authority for policy policy-making making and execution execution.
Implementation System is well defined
Improvement Scheme e-Government Act Improvement Scheme Proposal(2/2)
IV. To-Be Model 4. Legal System Improvement Scheme
ONGEI must retain p powerful status and authorities along g with stable support pp of fund,, personnel p and evaluation as the competent organization in charge of e-Government as well as coordinator of e-Government project.
Relevant Peruvian Laws
Improvement Direction
9: Status and Authority
As one of the organizations under Prime Minister Office, it performs comprehensive functions of national system regarding e-Government and information technology Execute national p policy y regarding g g e-Government Lack of basis for rigorous implementation in the nation with presidential system
The status of ONGEI should be under immediate supervision of Prime Minister or be an independent organization within Prime Minister Office or Presidential Office Conduct role as coordinator of e-Government project
10: Finances
Stipulate supply and control of finance No power of execution due to absence of basis for actual fund raising
The weak power of execution is expected due to absence of fund stipulation, thus new establishment of fund stipulation is required FITEL, fund for ICT infrastructure should be used for supporting e-Government policy
11: Responsibilities
e-Government related affairs are controlled and regulated by Prime Minister Office Set up basic plans and action plans for individual institutions
Th The mid id and d llong-term t basic b i plans l regarding di Informatization for individual institutions and corresponding evaluation are required ONGEI should be assigned with the authority to evaluate and conduct audit & inspection on Informatization projects for individual institutions The authority of ONGEI needs to be strengthened in line with Informatization budget and evaluation result.
12: Private Consultative Committee 13 P 13: President’s id t’ Consultative Committee
Encourage participation of private sector by organizing private consultative committee President’s P id t’ consultative lt ti committee itt iis stipulated ti l t d but its functions are stipulated by decree.
The legal basis for roles and functions of President’s consultative lt ti committee itt needs d to t be b obtained. bt i d
Chapter 4 ONGEI
Table of Contents
Table of Contents I. Project Overview II Environment and Status Analysis II. III. e-Government Vision and Strategy IV. To-Be Model V. Implementation Plan
Evaluate priority between tasks
Project phase plan
3 3.
Road Map
Action Plan Implementation Framework
V. Implementation Plan
This is the step p to prioritize p strategic g tasks for efficient implementation p of information system y with the clear definition of roadmap in the implementation stage. Strategic tasks on information system A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
Local Gov. administrative info. System Administrative information sharing system Electronic HR management system e-Document system Judicial information system National Accounting and Budget National Identification Integrated Single portal for Citizen Health and Welfare System Education information system Enterprise support system e-Custom system National procurement system Digital Signature system National Integrated Computing Center
Quick Wins
Nice to Have F CJ K O
15 strategic t t i ttasks k are selected l t d based on the status analysis and e-Government strategy
Strategic Initiatives
Estimate implementation p p period for individual tasks Establish implementation roadmap with priority and actual competence taken into consideration (5years)
Evaluate E l t strategic t t i tasks t k for f prioritization i iti ti Determine practicability and degree of significance of individual tasks Define desirable task implementation scheme
I Importance t
Analysis of logical and physical correlation among different tasks Analysis of advance case (Republic of Korea) TFT Workshop - 12, Feb, 2009
Leave for Now
Priority effectiveness
Road Map
Evaluation criteria and method
F Feasibility ibilit
Technical realization
Degree of effectiveness and influences on other types of works upon completion of successful establishment Business Opinion Survey F b 2009 Feb,2009
Difficulty and implementation viability with technical level and competence taken into consideration IT Opinion Workshop - 1st :12,Feb,2009 - 2nd : 20,Feb, 2009 195
Cultural / Political feasibility Feasibility of execution in the politic and regulatory aspect in the process of establishment Business Opinion Survey Feb,2009 , IT Opinion Workshop 20,Feb,2009
Priority Evaluation - Analysis of Pre & Post Relationship, Advance Cases
V. Implementation Plan
The analysis y of the implementation p history y of Korean e-Government p project, j , which was chosen as an advance benchmark case for prioritization of Peruvian e-Government implementation tasks, reveals that it has made progress by conducting accumulation of basic administrative information, followed by utilization of information system, and interconnection for integration of processes.
Phase I
~ 1996 Digitize and Accumulate Administrative information
e-Government Act/ Infrastructure
Phase II
1996~2000 Utilize Information System
Phase III
2000~2008 Integrate Processes among Government Institutions
1995, Enacted Basic Act for Promotion of Informatization
1998, Enforced public institutions to designate CIO
2001, Enacted e-Government Act
1996, Master Plan for informatization promotion
1998, Enacted joint utilization of administrative information
2005, Operated administrative institutions telecommunication network for
1996 IIntroduced 1996, t d d ISDN IInternet t t
1998 IIntroduced 1998, t d d ultra-speed lt d telecommunication network
2001, Special Committee for e-Gov
1999, Cyber Korea 21
e-Government system
1991, Digitized resident registration
1996, Medical information network
1993, Set up comprehensive administrative information network
1997, Parliament legislative information service
1994, Set up information system for passport issuance & renewal 1995, National Statistics System
1998, Internet-based civil petition services Digitized real estate registration 1999, Integrated administrative system for local governments Digitized nationwide census registration
2000, Parliament legislative information service i 2002, National civil petition portal service National procurement system Education information system 2003 Informatization of provincial 2003, administration Digitized registration of seal impression 2005, National HR management system 2006, National GIS DB 2007, Integrated data center
Priority Evaluation - Time Order Relationship Analysis
V. Implementation Plan
Implementation p tasks should maintain time order based on connections between them,, and be executed accordingly. gy We give a score 5 to 3
Cumulate administrative data Integrate between Entities
Utilize Information System G C E
National Identification Electronic HR management g system Judicial information system
Construct Information share system B
Administrative information sharing system
e-Document system
Local Gov. administrative info. System
National Accounting and Budget
Health and Welfare System
Education information system
e-Custom system y
National procurement system
K Enterprise support system O
Digital Signature system
Amend Laws and Organization Revise laws and policies Execute continually
Improve e-Government project management 197
Integrated Single portal for Citizen
National Integrated Computing Center
V. Implementation Plan
The following g is an evaluation result on each action plan p based on primarily p y major j performance p feasibility. y Importance Task
Priority effective ness
Impact/ Effective ness
Feasibility Average
Technical Systematic /cultural realization feasibility
Local Gov. administrative info. System
Administrative information sharing system
Electronic HR management system
e-Document system
Judicial information system
National Accounting and Budget
National Identification
Integrated Single portal for Citizen
Health and Welfare System
Education information system
Enterprise support system
e-Custom system
National procurement system
Digital Signature system
National Integrated Computing Center
IT Portfolio Quadrant
V. Implementation Plan
Implementation p priorities p on the strategic g importance p of IT issues through g IT Portfolio Quadrant analysis y should be decided.
IT Portfolio evaluation Quadrant definition Quick Wins
H High
Nice to Have
Feasib bility of exec cution
III Leave for Now
Strategic Initiatives • Must be invested because its strategic value and impact on management is high • Link with other processes is high and professional technology is required
Strategic Initiatives
• Huge impact on management because of its high strategic value • Preferential investment is needed because realization is easy and tangible results can be produced in a short period of time
Quick Wins
Nice to Have • Realization is easy and tangible results can be produced in a short period of time • Not urgent because the possibility of realizing a potential profit and its strategic value is low
Strategic importance
Leave for Now
• Realization is complicated and its strategic value is low • Can be excluded under limited resources
Implementation Priority
V. Implementation Plan
15 p priorities were derived from IT Portfolio Quadrant analysis. y
Execution task priority 5.0
Nice to Have Not urgent
Quick Wins Preferential investment needed
Fe easibility of e execution
Implementation tasks
I 3.0
O 2.5
Low 1.5 1.5
Leave for Now Can be excluded 2.0
Strategic Initiatives Strategic investment is needed 2.5
Strategic importance
National Identification
Digital Signature system
Judicial information system
e-Document system y
Electronic HR management system
Administrative information sharing system
National procurement system
e-Custom system
Education information system
Health and Welfare System
Local Gov. administrative info. System
National Accounting and Budget
Integrated Single portal for Citizen
Enterprise support system
National Integrated Computing Center
Step-wise Development Direction
V. Implementation Plan
The strategic g tasks have been divided into two different steps p of establishing g the basis for implementation p of effective and efficient e-Government, followed by expansion of citizen support services as well as enhancement of management efficiency.
Phase II
Phase I
Current e-Government Project Introduce citizen services and cumulate data • Partial establishment of base information such as resident information and criminal information • Provide information through institution portal • information-oriented service through corporate portal and national portal
Reinforce basis of e-Government for systematic implementation • Reinforce the basis of e-Government for systematic implementation through main bodies of implementation and management functions • Secure trust from general public through proactive PR and education infrastructure and collect requirements • Establish the mid and long-term project implementation basis with consistency • Establish common ground for eGovernment among institutions
Expand civil services with efficient ffi i t managementt off e-Government • Enhance efficiency in Informatization of core national administrative works • Reorganize administrative works of individual institutions and share information mutually • Develop a variety of e-Services for citizens as well as businesses • Secure and sustain nationwide consensus for implementation of eGovernment • Provide citizens with administrative convenience through integration of processes Phase 1 (2009~2011)
Phase 2 (2012~)
Road Map
V. Implementation Plan
Action p plans depending p g on priority p y matrix analysis y by y task are as follows: base establishment 2009
Implementation p Tasks G2G
Digital Signature system
Ph hase I
Judicial information system
Electronic HR management system
e-Custom system Education information system
F/S 8M F/S 12M G2G
F/S 12M F/S 12M F/S 12M
F/S 18M F/S 8M
Phase II
F/S 9M F/S 12M
F/S 12M
National Accounting and Budget Integrated Single portal for Citizen
Enterprise support system
F/S 12M F/S 9M
National Integrated Computing Center Infra
Go ov
Improve e-Government project management
F/S 6M
Health and Welfare System Local Gov. administrative info. System
F/S 12M
Administrative information sharing system National procurement system
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
National Identification
e-Document system
F/S 12M Recommend
Revise laws and policies
Road Map - Detail(1/3)
V. Implementation Plan
A detailed roadmap p is structured with relevant laws,, policies p and systems y taken into account prior p to the establishment of individual systems 2009 Q1
2010 Q3
Implement informatization tasks
Digital Signature system
IImplement l t informatization tasks
Judicial information system
Implement iinformatization f ti ti ttasks k
Required to secure precedent technologies regarding Electronic Authentication
Implement informatization tasks F/S
(Test trial using electronic documents within institutions)
Electronic HR management system
Standardize HR administration process of central and local governments
Implement informatization tasks
Enforce information sharing among public institutions Enact information security procedural law
Law/System Organization/Policy
Select Fingerprint Information System, Electronic Card Issuance System
National Identification
e-Document system
Add utilization of electronic documents to general administration procedural law Electronic signature law is required Set the guidelines regarding functional standardization, shared operation among institutions, security connection and standard electronic documents 203
Road Map - Detail(2/3)
V. Implementation Plan
A detailed roadmap p is structured with relevant laws,, policies p and systems y taken into account prior p to the establishment of individual systems 2010 Q3
Administrative information sharing system National procurement system e-Custom system y
Education information system Health and Welfare System
Law/System Organization/Policy
2011 Q4
2012 Q3
2013 Q3
Establish security standards and policies
Implement informatization tasks
Implement informatization tasks
Implement informatization tasks
Implement informatization tasks
Implement informatization tasks
Prepare several functions to facilitate public access, including call center Set policy to expand ICT education Implement electronic payment function for Electronic commerce Set up standard technology for linking diverse institutions/Systems
Required to secure educational facilities to train and educate personnel in education/welfare facilities
Road Map - Detail(3/3)
V. Implementation Plan
A detailed roadmap p is structured with relevant laws,, policies p and systems y taken into account prior p to the establishment of individual systems 2011 Q3
Local Gov. administrative info. System National Accounting and Budget Integrated Single portal for Citizen
2012 Q4
2013 Q3
Implement informatization tasks
2014 Q3
Implement existing systems in local government offices
Implement informatization tasks
Implement informatization tasks
Enterprise support system
Implement informatization tasks
National Integrated Computing Center
Implement informatization tasks
Establish legal system that enables participation of legal representatives
Law/System Organization/Policy
Make a detail plan to establish and expand Pilot Standardize local administrative affairs Set up laws and regulations to enforce the use of systems
Set up Enterprise Architecture Set up ITIL for standard operation Establish standard technology for integration of portal Enact law designed to reinforce interconnection and collaboration among relevant institutions Secure funds and educational facilities to minimize the informatization gap among institutions 205