epgra Trustable CRO Partner
Scientific Manuscript
Clear, Concise, Confidential | Appropriate, Accurate, Applied | Proficient, Problem-Solving, Presentable
Trustable CRO Partner
Who We Are WE,Pepgra, bring scientific, clinical and medical editing
epgra Trustable CRO Partner
services to pharmaceutical, biotech, device companies and researchers, scholars, academic societies and publishers. With a mission to help science break through the confines of language and geography by offering world-class publication support, Pepgra was found in the year 2009. Now, our offices are located at USA, UK, India, China and Malaysia. We have more than 100,000 individuals working across the globe and expertise across over 300 scientific disciplines.
“The power of
simplicity: you can explain anything simply so that we can understand it clearly.
Trustable CRO Partner
What We Do With a team of 200+ experienced editors who edited research documents in more than 170 specializations, we ensure that the scientific documents are polished and ready for publication. Our scientific editors can proofread and format your scientific documents, create tables and figures, and embed images to make your presentation an appealing one.
Types of Documents
We Handle Scientific communications Biomedical communications Medical and clinical communications Regulatory documents Research proposals and papers Dissertations and theses Scientific journal articles Technical reports Clinical summaries IRB documents Conference proceedings
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Ethical Guidelines We suggest you the following ethical guidelines for the principled publication process. *Submit a paper to only one journal simultane-
ously. *Proper attribution is required to that work that
Pepgra works with principles of creativity, timely deliverance and proactive process. Our experts who have been working with global pharmaceutical companies, CROs and academia across the continents dig deep into client’s scientific discoveries and bring out the best and accurate interpretation of any finding by applying analytical and logical mindset.
was previously published. *Never copy a text from a published work. But if it is necessary, it must be treated as a quotation. *It is better to get permission from authors and publishers to reproduce figures from previously published works. • Conform to the internationally recognized principles for the use of animal and human subjects in research.
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How We Examine Before the proper editing, we initially examine whether the manuscript consists of required aspects. After receiving a manuscript, we examine and ensure each section of the manuscript from title to appendix.
To ensure the efficiency and accuracy of the title Title To ensure the efficiency and accuracy of the title Abstract To examine whether the abstract in your paper consists of objectives, methodologies, findings and conclusions Introduction To identify the correct problem to be addressed and the brief background of literature review Main Body of Paper To ensure the quality of literature review, research methods, results of the study and the data in figures and tables Conclusion To ensure the quality of literature review, research methods, results of the study and the data in figures and tables References To check the style of references and ensure whether the correct sources are used Appendices To identify and recognize how supplementary materials are necessary
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How We Edit Our comprehensive editing involves three levels of editing: substantive editing, copyediting and proofreading.
Substantive editing During this editing, the entire document is evaluated to examine and correct the structure, organization, coherence and logical consistency. Some ineffective and inappropriate sentences are removed or proper sentences are added to make the manuscript highly effective and accurately logic.
Copyediting In copyediting, we aim to achieve accuracy, clarity and consistency in a document and correct problems of grammar, style, repetition, word usage and jargon.
Proofreading Finally, we check whether the document includes all the features are in proper order and all amendments have been inserted and all the errors have been deleted in the manuscript.
Why Choose US?
We ensure the efficiency of your manuscript title, abstract and keywords because this metadata makes your paper discoverable by search engines. We, a leading global service provider, help you get published your manuscript to capture global recognition
epgra Trustable CRO Partner
India #10, Kutty Street, Nungambakkam, Chennai, TN. +91-8754446690
UK The Portergate Ecclesall Road Sheffield, S11 8NX +44-1143520021
US Mockingbird 1341 W Mockingbird Lane, Suite 600W, Dallas, Texas, 75247. +44-1143520021