2 minute read
Lower Sixth Community Service
from Prize Giving 2023
Further I have learned that the act of giving time through simple interactions from person to person cannot be understated. On the rst day, I met a four-year-old girl named Sandra. Initially she was extremely shy and could barely meet my eyes but eventually she turned to look at me and we smiled at each other. It is di cult to put into words how incredible it was to watch her slowly open up and talk to me; from just telling me her name to telling me her favourite places to play with her friends. After meeting her I became immersed in the experience on a new level and began to face the reality and importance of this project at its core.
In the second last week of Michaelmas Term 2022, the Lower VI travelled to Gilgil to complete our Community Service project and put the resources we had acquired throughout the year to use. We appreciate the generosity and kindness of those who donated funds, food items, sanitary items and more. ese items helped us enhance the impact left by classes before us as well as contribute to the successful projects we hope to see in years to come. is experience has been unlike any other. I have learned to appreciate the value of something I would have previously perceived to be a small gesture. A packet of biscuits. A bottle of juice. A high- ve. It was moving to see how much joy can be created from something seemingly small.
ere were moments that brought me an irreplaceable sense of joy. is was very prominent at the primary school we spent time cooking, painting and teaching. e children in the year 7 class I worked with were so eager to learn and participated wholly in anything they were presented with. When we left the school for the last time on this particular project, I was somewhat surprised at how overcome with emotion I was. ere were also stories and observations that were di cult to hear and see due to the harsh realities that many children face in our community. However, I am also grateful for these instances because they have encouraged me to continue thinking about how I can help to positively in uence our community going forward.
In trying to make a change for the better in our community, I also experienced a change in perspective. Nothing is too small to give when given with a kind heart. is is a lesson I learned from Wanjiku – in the youngest class - who had played every game on the playground with such enthusiasm. On our nal day at the primary school (during this trip), she gave me a small wild ower. I was truly touched by her thoughtfulness!
I am thankful to have been a part of such a meaningful project and hope to always strive to help make a positive impact on the community around me.
By Samar Ahmed - Head of School