May Issue

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May 2018 | Volume 91 | Issue 6 H.B. Plant High School | 2415 S. Himes Ave. Tampa, FL 33629

Contents News 5-7

What You Missed

Features 8-9 Sustaining the Lead singer Alina Dimaio, junior, of new band Tomorrows News performs center stage in the Brass Mug during a gig on Jan. 26. See page 21 for the full article.

Spirit of Discovery

17 11

Chess Club

Alumni Teachers 12 Tomorrows News 20 Expressions 13-19 Writing Contest

In the cello section of the school orchestra, senior Adam Gersholowitz focuses on his music during the spring concert. See pages 5-7 for briefs on school events.

Winners and Artwork

During a chess club meeting after school on May 2, club co-president Aidan Reilly, junior, demonstrates a chess move to sophomore Lee Gibson, sophomore. See page 12 for the full article.

Opinions Summer Plans 23 Summer Movie 25

Swinging her racket to return a shot, junior Meghan Gramling faces Steinbrenner High School in a singles match. See pages 2730 for a review of this year’s sports.

Previews Next Steps

26 Sports 27-30 Year in Review

30 2 Table of Contents | PO’P May 2018

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Features Editor

Chloe-Amelie Aikman

Opinions Editor Graham Hill

Sports Editor Katy Kasper


Riley Schofner

Business Manager Alexis Perno

Faculty Adviser Louisa Avery

This Issue’s Contributors

Brandon Lovinger Jason Szwejkowski Eric Zhao Niccola Harper Natalie Ulm Kai Alexander Jasmine Burgess Gracie Averiett

Plant High School

2,398 students 143 faculty & staff 2415 S. Himes Ave. Tampa FL, 33629 (813) 272-3033

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PO’P May 2018 | About 3

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Left: Front and center, senior Donovan Butler sings “Colorado Trail” as part of the men’s chorus. This was the last chorus program of the year held April 24 in the auditorium. Photo by Kit Longshore Right: Performing on stage, senior Carson Wiltshire reads sheet music while playing the cello to “Brahms Piano Trio No 1”. The Orchestra Spring Concert took place Thursday April 26 in the auditorium. Photo by Alea Jennings

Chorus performs final show The chorus program held its last concert April 24 of the year in the auditorium. "My favorite part was when my chorus, varsity women's, sang 'Rolling in the Deep,'" senior Sophia Chapdelanie said. "I thought the choreography went really well and I loved how we all sounded." All levels of chorus participated in the concert, along with both a capella groups. "It was cool to see everyone in chorus perform together and you could see how they've grown over the year," sophomore Lien Lamison said. "I didn't realize how much people had to put into chorus before." While this concert was the last of the year for the program as a whole, “Rick's Too” occurred Friday, May 4. The event featured a variety of acts and performances and mainly focused on showcasing underclassmen and seniors. Brief by Graham Hill

Orchestra hosts Spring Concert Orchestra hosted its annual spring concert and award ceremony on Thursday, April 26. Students were awarded certificates for their time in orchestra, along with awards for other events throughout the year, such as Solo and Ensemble or All County. "I'm very proud of them [the students]," orchestra teacher Steven Bossart said. "They all worked very hard; [the concert] was a culmination of a fantastic year here at Plant." The students had a choice in the songs they played and went with a Disney theme. Among others, pieces from "Star Wars," "Chronicles of Narnia" and "Alice in Wonderland" were showcased at the concert. Brief by Riley Schofner

Theater presents ‘Into the Woods’

Senior Maggie Musco and junior Logan Franke have reached finalist status among their fellow nominees – including freshman Clementina Francheschi, sophomore Jason Calzon and senior Harrison Reed – for Broadway Star of the Future after their performances in “Into the Woods”. The winner will be announced at the showcase June 3 at the Straz Center. Initially performed April 12-13, theater's second round of “Into the Woods” began at 7 p.m. April 18, with a final performance scheduled for April 21 in the auditorium. With music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, the musical production has its origins in the book by James Lapine and entails the crossover of children’s fairy tales, including classics like “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Jack and the Beanstalk,” “Rapunzel” and “Cinderella.” Brief by Chloe-Amelie Aikman

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Playing the role of Prince Charming, senior Dylan Fidler performs in theater’s “Into the Woods” production. The production was held April 12-13 and 18-21 in the auditorium. Photo by Kit Longshore

PO’P May 2018 | News 5

2018 14th Congressional District Award Barnie and Carlene Walker State Farm Agency

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Students rally against gun violence

Juniors Lexi Ashby and Lena Diasti stand to announce how the beginning of the walk out will start April 20 on the football field. Students came to demonstrate their concerns for school safety. Photo by Natalie Ulm

Prom committee awards royalty

Seniors Maren Scharf and Adrian Mendoza were crowned Prom Queen and King, respectively. Students attended prom at the Double Tree Hilton Saturday, April 14 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. "I definitely didn't expect to win, so when I heard my name get called I was very confused," Mendoza said. "It definitely makes me happy though to know people like me and voted for me. My favorite moment was anytime I hung out with my friends. They're the reason I had fun, so without them, there wouldn't be a 'special moment' from the entire night." Prom Princess and Prom Prince went to juniors Lexi Ashby and John Woodward. "I thought it was really fun," Ashby said. "I liked the atmosphere and I thought the decorations were really cool. I wasn't expecting [to win] at all so I thought it was really cool that my peers voted for me. I liked when the dance circle formed and everyone started having dance battles." In total, 462 students attended the 2018 Pantherilla, which had a luau theme. Brief by Alexis Perno

Students assembled the morning of April 20 on the football field in a peaceful demonstration against gun violence. Unified by the bright orange ribbons on their pins, a moment of silence was held in remembrance of victims of the Columbine shooting, followed by chorus students leading the group in singing "Imagine" by John Lennon. "We wanted every student to feel that they had a voice and they are empowered to ... [use it] in any way that they can," junior Lena Diasti said. Diasti worked with junior Lexi Ashby to organize this event. Voting pamphlets were distributed to participants, informing students of their role in the future of public policy. "I'm here today because I believe children should be able to go to school and not be afraid of people coming in and hurting them," senior Kalden Stone said. "I hope that this will show the people in our government that there needs to be a change — and that we're not going to stop until we can finally feel safe." Brief by Chloe-Amelie Aikman

Robinson hosts Relay for Life Students participated in annual Relay for Life at Robinson High School’s football field Friday, April 20. Students spent the night competing in challenges and games such as pie throwing contests and participating in walks to honor cancer survivors. “The beauty of Relay for Life [is that] they do a remembrance walk with all the luminaires that light the track at night,” administrator Randi Litwak said. “Each bag represents a person, and to see the massive visual effect of cancer on people’s lives, it’s awe inspiring.” Vendors sold snacks and meals like boiled peanuts, doughnuts and hamburgers in which profits supported cancer research. “My dad was diagnosed two years ago, and all the support I got being at the relay, raising over $135,000 in total, is so insightful on how many people are involved and passionate about the community,” junior Emmanuel Benitez said. Brief by Riley Schofner

Latin Club competes at State Forum Latin Club students attended the State Latin Forum from April 19-21 at the Wyndham Hotel in Orlando. Students participated in tests relating to the Latin language and culture, including grammar, derivatives and history. Creative contests were also held along with a dance and a bazaar, where students sold and purchased items. "My favorite thing was probably doing the bazaar," senior and club consul (president) Michelle Ferlita said. "We made it ‘Stranger Things’ themed, and we did Polaroid [pictures] with the letters and alphabet in the background. This is my seventh year taking Latin and sixth state Latin forum, so I've kind of been doing it for a while." Brief by Alexis Perno Performing during Relay for Life, juniors Abby Hoyt and seniors Ben Turner, Ethan Kramer, Will Dibbs and Nicholas Ellin participate in a drum off with Robinson High School. This event took place at 6 p.m. Friday, April 20. Photo by Kit Longshore

Page Designed by Alea Jennings

PO’P May 2018 | News 7





Kurt Rodriguez:

you tell me a little bit about your Q: Can experiment? A: My experiment was basically trying

to tackle the rising populations of this breed of mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti, which is most known for carrying the Zika virus and spreading it throughout the Western hemisphere. I was trying to find an organic, cost-efficient, eco-friendly way to stop that instead of using pesticides. you describe the procedure Q: Can you went through to carry out your experiment?

A: By the end of October, I knew what I

was doing; I had my research planned, I got in contact with the University of Florida, and Thanksgiving break I went up to Gainesville and I did the actual experiment. When I was in the lab, I got organic pecans and organic black walnuts because I was testing the phenol compounds which were in the nut shells, and I crushed it up and weighed it out. The purpose of my experiment was that I didn’t use any chemicals added to it ... so I just put it in natural spring water. I used 20 larvae per cup, including the control, so it added up to 400 larvae total. I hypothesized that the heated pecan nutshell solution would show the highest rate of mortality [in the mosquito larvae], but after 24 hours, neither provided a substantial amount — only about 5 percent.

Q: What was the most challenging part

of conducting this entire process? Conversely, what was the most rewarding part? Probably the most challenging part was the creative process in coming up with the project … and what would set my project apart from [other] experiments that were done. It wasn’t about getting the award at the fair; it was actually going to the University of Florida and being with the professor and other graduate students in the lab. It kind of opened my eyes — your hard work really does affect people in the community. My project was really trying to create a sustainable solution ... even though I didn’t “discover” anything, it was still a step in the right direction.


Q and A with junior Kurt

Rodriguez – top five finalist at State Science and Engineering Fair and winner of Regional Animal Sciences and the Sustainability Award – and junior Rajat Doshi – first place winner of the State Science and Engineering Fair and Florida representative at the INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair. 8 Features | PO’P May 2018

Page Designed by Natalie Kerr

What’s the next step for your project? I got first place in animal sciences [at Regionals] and I got the Sustainability Award. In February I advanced and [got] fifth place at States. It’s interesting because when you go to the state of Florida, you see the amount of depth that some of the students bring with some of their projects. I wasn’t necessarily disappointed when I didn’t get it, because over all, I had a good time and I met a lot of people at the University of Florida, so it wasn’t necessarily a loss. I’m happy for the people who did get the awards, because I could tell that they really devoted a lot of time and effort into those projects. Perhaps next year, maybe if I continued this project, then I would be able to be in that same position. What have you learned from this

Q: experience that you hope to take to

the next? The main thing that I learned from A: this project is that when you’re doing a scientific experiment, it’s all about the process. This year ... I was disappointed when my project didn’t turn out. But I did more research, and the main thing that I would change is that, if I were to continue this project, I would start it over the summer and go to the University of Florida, and I would do those techniques that I found and I wouldn’t give up. Article by Chloe-Amelie Aikman

Rajat Doshi:

Q: How are you planning to spread this




Tell me about your project. How did you place at the competition? What was the most challenging part? I essentially developed a novel molecule to remove arsenic from drinking water in a cost efficient and highly effective manner. I designed the molecule computationally using a two-part molecule system. The most challenging part was modeling the atomic structure of novel molecules to determine characteristics of it.

project to the areas that need it? What’s the biggest obstacle you think you’ll face? I am working on designing more prototypes of my filter to further validate the results so that I could eventually put my solution onto the market as a viable solution for people in developing countries to use. The biggest obstacle had to be balancing this project on top of schoolwork and clubs, but I fortunately learned how to manage my time way better.

Q: How did you place at the competition? Q: Personally, how do you hope to the State Science and Engineering pursue sciences in the future? A: At Fair, I presented my findings where A: In the future, I really want to work I won best at fair, and I will now be representing Florida at the INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair.

Q: What was running through your mind when you won? A: Honestly, when I heard my name, my

entire body froze for a second and then everything just was a blur. It kind of felt like a movie. I remember walking up to the stage and everybody’s eyes were beaming at me. My entire body started to vibrate; I just could not stop shaking.

in an interdisciplinary subsection between computers and water science. The small chance that I can help other people and impact their lives draws me to the fields of water science; hundreds of millions of people don’t have access to clean, portable water, so it is vital for people to enter water science. Article by Alexis Perno

Q: Why did you feel compelled to enter? Water is an issue that I can relate to A: on a personal level since my family in India grapples with this issue on a daily basis, so I decided that I had to make a difference. This project was arduous, but my personal investment motivated me to continue striving at finding a solution to this problem.

Q: How do you hope to see the results

of your project applied to the real world? What’s the next step after this project? Almost 300 million people worldwide are reliant on drinking water containing high concentrations of arsenic, so I see a lot of real world Junior Kurt Rodriguez is the winner of both application of my molecule being used the Sustainability Award and the Animal as a filter and cheap solution to a very Sciences category at the regional science expensive problem. I take away a sense of fair. He also placed fifth at the State Science satisfaction that I was able to contribute and Engineering Fair on March 27-29 for towards a solution. So the next step would his research project on mosquito breeds be to implement my filter on a large scale that carry the Zika virus. Photo by Taylor in India and Bangladesh. Harahan


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Junior Rajat Doshi is the first place winner of the State Science and Engineering Fair, which took place on March 27-29. His research project centered around methods of removing arsenic from water sources to make them drinkable. Photo by Morgan Shelton

PO’P May 2018 | Features 9

Thinking Outs de the Square Chess Club wraps up first year

In Chess Club’s first year, presidents Calvin Yang and Aidan Reilly, juniors, have invited several students to a new experience of gameplay. “I think a lot of clubs seem to focus on high stress [situations] and are no fun,” junior and club co-president Reilly said. “Chess Club is about a place where people who don’t even know how to play can learn a new skill and enjoy themselves.” Chess is a two-player strategy board game that was first made in the sixth century. Using plastic pieces, players can duel, only gaining the upper hand with skill, wit and a little luck. “I’ve never played chess before,” freshman Leila Wotruba said. “It’ll be pretty fun to finally learn and play against some new friends.” Chess has been one of the club staples in high schools in the 70s and 80s but has found a new home in our school during this modern era. “The chess club gives students a way to be a part of a group of people who focus on fun play, sharing a common interest in problem solving, all focused around the game,” club sponsor Mark Coleman said. Each chess game has three main phases — opening, mid-phase and endgame — and has been studied to such an extent that various tactics and openings have been perfected. Various strategies can focus on aggressive early board presence, responsive midgame sets, or strong overpowering endgames. “I love that this club will give me an opportunity to play the game,” sophomore Alix Rubin said. “It’s not often I get a chance to spar my wits with other players.” Chess focuses on precision and perception, and this attitude is why the game is still played. “Starting the club has been so successful, with a bunch of applicants who already joined,” senior Amaran Subramanian said.

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Chess Club co-president Aidan Reilly, junior, shows sophomores Lee Gibson, Alex Langler and Eric Zhao where to move his pieces next. As president, Reilly organizes meetings and brings boards to teach members.

Junior Aidan Reilly shows sophomore Trey Carlson how to set up his online chess board. Practicing at home is encouraged because of the few number of times they can meet during the year. Photos by Morgan Shelton “The game [is] focusing on keen play that not only stimulates peoples’ brains, but lets kids have fun while they’re doing it.” Article by Riley Schofner

Chess terms

Check: An attack on the king. You must move your king to safety. Checkmate: An attack on the king where there is no way for your opponent to finish his turn and no longer have the king attacked. The player in checkmate loses. Promote: When a pawn reaches the other side of the board, it can promote to a queen, rook, bishop or knight on the same square.

PO’P May 2018 | Features 11

Alumni Teachers

Graduates give advice to students

“Make the most of your experience. There are so many options, so many things to experience, both academic and social. Make your Plant experience something that will be a pleasure to look back on long after you have gone.”

“Make the most of the relationships you make here and think about how you want to be remembered. They will prove to be valuable whether you stay in Tampa after high school or not.”

“Pick the classes and activities you really like ... not just because everyone else is doing those things. Pay attention and take advantage of the education Plant offers. I did well in college and into adult life because I worked hard; you have to put in the work.”

“Don’t take for granted how lucky you are to go here. You have the best teachers who genuinely care about you. I know once senior year comes you are ready to move on, but enjoy high school while it lasts. Don’t take the easy classes because you don’t want to work; take the challenging classes because it will make college so much easier.”

See the full article online at

12 Features | PO’P May 2018

Photos by Alea Jennings Compiled by Kai Alexander Page Designed by Natalie Kerr and Jasmine Burgess




Writing Contest Winners

n response to the recent National Arts Honor Society exhibition held in the Media Center April 3-13, the Pep O’ Plant invited students to respond to the visual imagery of their peers with literary creations of their own. Accepting poetry, short stories and prose over the span of a week, this section seeks to showcase the creative talent and written works produced by the student body.

While all selected entries will be published online at, the top three submissions are included in this special section. Submissions were reviewed by a group of student editors. Winning entries were determined based on a weighted criteria, with points awarded for originality, word choice, composition and their strength of relationship to a selected work from the art exhibition. Pep O’ Plant is honored to present these works and will be keeping the student body updated on upcoming opportunities to continue this partnership between the young artists and writers on campus with our school publications. The following pages include the three highest scoring entries alongside the pieces that inspired their creation and, in addition to their selection for publication, winning entrants will also receive a prize. Winners, please come to room 103 to claim your prize. Page Designed by Alea Jennings

Art by Chloe-Amelie Aikman

PO’P May 2018 | Expressions 13


I stared at the painting of the doll with defeat. The canvas was still glossy, wet with paint, but that only seemed to taunt me. My brush dropped into a metal can of water staining it a dark brown. I felt the anger continue to build up within me like sediment on a mountain, gaining mass over time, turning my treasures of the past into fossils. For the past three years, each painting seemed to lose the spark that was once there. My vibrant flowers had wilted into deformed petals and weak stems. I shifted to look at the newspaper plastered on a wall with the headline “University Student Katrina Rahler is Showcased in Steltzkin Gallery.” Below the title was a photo of me a few years back in front of the gallery holding my masterpiece. Three years ago things had been different. I had my painting in galleries, showcases, and on social media. I had been making duds my whole life, and out of nowhere, I seemed to strike gold.  At the time, it never occurred to think about the future. I thought that I’d be able to paint a new masterpiece. I believed that once that gold had been stuck, I’d be pulling up a whole mine. Looking back now, I feel idiotic, doomed to be forgotten with the many other one-hit wonders, a goddess who had fallen back to Earth. I still yearn for those days of fame, which seem to vanish as the days pass by. The painted doll’s smirk looked at me, mocking me, as if she knew that I’d never be anything more than the short-lived fame I had. “Stop looking at me like that,” I said to the doll, but she continued to stare. “Stop looking at me like that,” I said again, but this time yelling. She was mocking me with her deformed frame, gaining pleasure in my failure. “STOP!” I grabbed the brush out of the water-filled soup can and ran at the canvas. With all my might and anger I stabbed at the doll, feeling a release of endorphins at each rip. Tears began to fall as I ripped my efforts into nothing but mangled pieces of linen. Once I stopped, too tired to continue, I was covered in red paint from the doll’s red dress, which made it look as though it were the doll’s blood. My breathing had transformed into rough pants that hurt with each inhale. After a few minutes had elapsed I mustered the will to wipe my tears and get up. I picked up the remains of the canvas and dropped it in the trash, done with it. For the following couple days, I wandered aimlessly through my apartment. The television would play while my body stirred on the couch, thrashing in attempts to break from the agony-provoking weight that seemed to press on my chest. I’d

14 Expressions | PO’P May 2018

throw the pillows off and spend my time walking in circles staring at the door to my studio. Countless times I’d walk by it. Sometimes I even went far enough to hold the cold metal handle. I’d never turn it though; I never gave in knowing there was only anger within the room. At a certain point, my apartment felt like a prison. Open concept designs were my favorite, but now it felt bare and empty. After a while, I began to feel as empty as the room. The next day I walked back into the neon pink studio and instantly felt the stress from the previous days disappear. Throughout my life, colors had that effect on me. I felt something special with each one. I’d see color in words, sounds, emotions, and days. Neon pink was associated with inspiration. I began to paint the first thing that came to mind, an apple. The idea was bland, but it was better to paint something rather than nothing. I began with the background, deciding upon a mustard yellow. I slathered it on with my largest brush then let the wet surface sit to dry. Next came the green base of the apple, but the paint was missing. In place of where the green once was, was a gray. Strange, I had always kept my colors organized, and I had never bought gray before. The background dried and I decided to ignore the odd paint. I’d make the apple red then. A sigh of relief came when the red was still in its designated spot. I colored the base and let it finish drying, then added the details. Once done, I felt as though I had wasted time, making something that was less than great. Instead of throwing out the canvas, I decided to just paint over it again the next day. With a headache, I called it a night. The next day I returned to the studio ready to be inspired again by the neon walls, but upon entry I noticed the walls were gray. My eyes widened in shock, had someone snuck into my house and changed the color? The alarm would’ve went off if that were the case. Distraught I went for the paint in the closet and was greeted by another surprise. Just like with the green, the pink had turned to gray. I must be going mad! With blue I went over the gray, illuminating the wall in color again. A sense of relief hit and I went out of the room exhausted, leaving the apple painting resting on the canvas. The next day, the walls were still blue and I let my body relax. So it was just a fluke. It must’ve been the isolation going to my head. I turned to the painting of the apple, ready to paint, and then jumped. The apple was now gray. The next day the walls turned to gray. The next day orange was gray. The next day purple. Maroon. Lavender. Mint. Every day a new color was gone until all that was left was

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Chloe-Amelie Aikman sophomore “Selective Hearing” mixed media

a gray. Each color had disappeared from my life, leaving nothing behind but dullness. Within a week, I lost my ability to distinguish color, and everything began to simply merge into one bland shade of gray. What’s happening to me? I tried working with the grays, but my failures from before had been reduced even more with this new disability. I’m losing my mind! My eyes grew glossy as I stared at the gray jars of paint scattered across the dark room. The anger returned as I saw my little anatomy figures lying around, the ones I used to model the painting of the mocking doll. I went around picking one figure up at a time, dropping it into a jar of gray paint, trying to just get it to leave me alone!

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Leave me alone! I’m not crazy! I’m not sad! I’m not lost. In my fit, I knocked over one of the jars spilling the colorless paint on the table. One of the little dolls spilled out onto the paint. My heart felt heavy. I fell to my knees, overwhelmed, and sobbed. Once the tears stopped, I picked up the drowning doll and watched its limbs dangle. I couldn’t help but relate to the small chunk of plastic, seeing my struggle within its frail form. I carefully positioned it to stand and couldn’t help but smile. Somehow I knew, as I looked at the figure stand up, it was smiling back. by Brandon Lovinger sophomore

PO’P May 2018 | Expressions 15

Niccola Harper senior “Labyrinth” graphite

# Section

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Getting Dressed The world is one big sweater,

It can be a pair of shoes,

the kind your grandma knits.

the one you walk the road.

From writing a simple letter,

People can sing the blues,

to using baseball mitts.

and shoulder a heavy load.

The world is one big sock,

But it may also be a pair of pants,

the one you wear on feet.

the ones that keep you warm.

It gives a boat to rock,

Where people can ungracefully dance,

and friendly people to meet.

Joy in its most elegant form.

The world is one big glove,

And finally the world is a hat,

the one on your hand.

one you wear atop your head.

The world is filled with love,

Although there is the occasional rat,

for those who understand.

look at the positives instead.

by Jason Szwejkowski sophomore Page Designed by Alea Jennings

PO’P May 2018 | Expressions 17

Chloe-Amelie Aikman sophomore “Morrow’s Eve” acrylic on canvas


Beyond mine world,

mine vision have taken me,

Beyond mine clear glass walls. And showeth me that mine brethren art for now,

imprisoned in their cells.

At which hour I take it upon myself To protest for freedom, for justice, for faith. Thou has’t decided to single me out, is that not right? Silencing mine voice in the darkness of the night. Wherefore has’t thee readeth the Riot Act of the English, when but one man speaks for twelve? Wherefore has’t thee imprisoned mine brethren, and feed those folk humble pie? At which hour I take it upon myself To protest for freedom, for justice, for faith, Thou has’t decided to take me away Quieting mine voice despite the brightness of the day. Wherefore has’t thee ruled with tyranny, at which hour none has’t challenged thee? Wherefore has’t thee subdued mine voice, with thy ruthless omnipotent might? Beyond mine world

mine vision have taken me,

Beyond mine clear glass walls. And showeth me that mine brethren art for eternity,

condemned within their cells.

Page Designed by Dylan Pitts

by Eric Zhao sophomore

PO’P May 2018 | Expressions 19

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Singing “Seven Nation Army” by The White Stripes, junior Alina Dimaio leads the band through the performance at the Brass Mug on Jan. 26. This was the band’s first professional gig. Photos by Madison White

Tampa Bay’s New Alternative Cover Band


Tomorrows News makes debut, performing for crowds at Brass Mug, Relay for Life

udience members looked upwards with wide eyes and open mouths. Bright lights shone down, filtered only by the smoke floating overhead, which framed the band within the setting of the bar. “It was really exciting to play at an actual venue, on an actual stage and in front of people who have never heard us before,” junior and lead singer Alina Dimaio said. The band, composed of five members, took to the stage and performed for a full house at the Brass Mug on Jan. 26. Throughout the night, the band played 12 songs, each having a musical style that

was a mix between pop and rock. “Their energy really came through in their songs,” senior Previn Martin said. “I loved the vibes I was getting from the people in the crowd dancing.” The audience applauded every song performed which included such hits as “Seven Nation Army” and “Feel It Still.” While the group is currently covering the songs of other artists, they said they hope to perform their own music in the future. “We do covers for now, but we’ll eventually move towards writing our own music,” junior and bass guitarist Abby Hoyt said. The band received its name purely by chance while passing a truck that had

a similar name. Yesterday’s News was the first mock up, however, after much deliberation, the name Tomorrows News came forth. “We hope to play more gigs and get our name out there a little more,” sophomore and guitarist J.D. Dibbs said. Most recently, the band performed April 21 at Relay for Life, an event aimed at raising money for cancer. Tomorrows News formed while taking lessons at Chop’s Music Studio, with Alina Dimaio joining a few months after they were already established. “We all clicked and play well together; it’s a lot of work, but it’s rewarding,” junior and drummer Nate Ripkey said. Article by Dylan Pitts

Page Designed by Dylan Pitts and Alea Jennings

PO’P May 2018 | Features 21

Tampa Bay area hosts events during break

Kendrick Lamar

AP ART History Trip AP Art History teacher William Renninger will be taking a group of about 25 students to Europe from June 8 to June 17. The trip will visit significant artistic and historical monuments in Amsterdam, Brussels, Antwerp, Paris and London. The trip is done through the Education First institution.

Wikimedia Commons Rap artist Kendrick Lamar’s Championship Tour will come to the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater in Tampa, May 22. Other performers will be featured, including SZA, Schoolboy Q and Jay Rock. Lamar has won 12 Grammy awards, five of them from the last year. Among these accolades were awards for Best Rap Album, Best Rap Performance and Best Rap Song. Tickets are on sale at

St. Pete Pride

Thousands of participants and tens of thousands of spectators are expected to attend the 16th St. Pete Pride Parade, which will begin Saturday, June 23 at 7:15 p.m. The Pride Festival­— where various vendors, artisans, entertainers and performers gather — will take place the next day from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wikimedia Commons

Crew Camp

Luke Bryan

Pixabay New and experienced rowers can attend the “Learn to Row” camp that the crew team will host over the summer. The dates for this camp are weekdays from June 4 to 30 and July 9 to Aug 4. In addition to basic instruction on how to row, campers will have the opportunity to participate in regattas. More information is available at

Photo by Tegan Fannin Page Designed by Caton Gonzalez

Wikimedia Commons Award-winning country music artist Luke Bryan will perform in Tampa Saturday, June 23 at Raymond James Stadium. Sam Hunt and Jon Pardi will be accompanying. Tickets are already on sale at lukebryan. com/tour. Briefs by Graham Hill

PO’P May 2018 | Opinions 23

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‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

A spinoff of the main storyline, this prequel will explore Han Solo’s backstory on his journey to become a famed rogue smuggler. Star Wars fans will be pleased to see familiar characters such as Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian, as well as an array of new faces. It arrives in theaters May 25.

‘The Incredibles 2’

For anyone who grew up watching Pixar films, “The Incredibles 2” is a must-see. The movie centers around a family of superheroes and begins directly after the first film, which was released in 2004. “The Incredibles 2” hits theaters June 15.

‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’

As the next Marvel movie installment, “Ant-Man and the Wasp” promises a lively film with fun characters and great action sequences. This film is also a historical milestone for Marvel Studios, as it is their first movie with a female lead. It stars Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly and will be arriving into theaters July 6.

‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’

This sequel to 2015’s “Jurassic World” will appeal to both nostalgic fans remembering the original Spielberg trilogy, as well as younger audiences who want a movie with action and adventure. Chris Pratt stars as Owen Grady in what will surely be one of the summer’s biggest hits. “Fallen Kingdom” comes out June 22.

‘Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again’

The story continues with the characters from the beloved “Mamma Mia”, a film based off songs by ABBA. This movie explores the past of Meryl Streep’s character, Donna, and will be told with both present-day scenes and flashbacks. Of course, it will also have a fabulous soundtrack to accompany it. The film comes out July 20.

‘Ocean’s 8’

This movie boasts an all-star cast, with names such as Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Sandra Bullock and Rihanna leading the ranks. The plot centers around a bold heist at the Met Gala. It comes out June 8. Briefs by Isabella Ank

Photo Credits: 1. Lucasfilm. 2. Pixar. 3. Marvel Studios. 4. Getty Images. 5. Universal Pictures. 6. Warner Bros. Page Designed by Caton Gonzalez

PO’P May 2018 | Opinions 25

Next Steps: Taking Action After the Protests Activists should maintain a clear objective, keep the conversation going


Art by Gavin Figuerelo

ast month, two protests manifested on school grounds. Although each reacted differently to recent acts of gun violence, both shared passion and commitment from students. However, as rapidly as the desire for school safety and the topic of gun control ignited debates across the nation, the passion of the subject has declined just as quickly. Without the motivation to change the world, gun violence will continue to take lives and nothing will be accomplished. So, how can students, as Mahatma Gandhi once said, “be the change [they] wish to see in the world?” If activists want to see a change — whether it’s increased gun regulations or arming teachers — they need to keep the conversation going. When an idea begins to dwindle and fade away, the entire movement collapses. As of April 20, there have been 20 school shootings in the United States in which, according to CNN, “victims have been hurt or killed”. Although not every school shooting is considered a mass shooting (the difference determined by the amount of fatalities), every shooting has an unforgettable impact on those who experience it. Activists should listen to school shooting survivors and allow them a platform to spread their message, such as through

social media or interviews. Their stories the movement, activists can hold town can persuade constituents and lawmakers halls where guests can ask questions. alike to take action against gun violence. Therefore, if any stance remains Additionally, activists need to keep ambiguous, activists can clarify their their movement’s goal clear. The message viewpoint on the matter. of a movement can easily become Overall, every step taken should be lost in translation, overwhelmed by aimed at a certain group of people: opponents and descending into chaotic, lawmakers. While it is important to off-topic debates. Should a debate with also influence voters, activists should an opposing side occur spark conflict, first and foremost focus on persuading arguments presented need to be factual politicians who have the ability to make and reasonable. legal changes. If politicians choose to In fact, debates are a great tool to keep be stagnant, not proposing or not taking the issue of gun control in the spotlight. appropriate action, the next step is to This allows both sides of the convince constituents to vote argument to have a logical them out. discussion and explore their Protesting can be an Every step influential ideas in depth and can also way to catch the taken should attention of representatives, lead to even more supporters joining the movement. be aimed at a but there are other actions For a movement to be certain group that can be taken as well. For successful, it must have a example, a widespread petition of people: may have the same impact as clear, explicit message rather lawmakers. a protest. This can easily be than taking a vague stance. A movement’s strength comes completed through websites through the shared beliefs of such as Another its supporters. If a movement way to persuade politicians is by lacks conviction, it is at risk of falling directly contacting them, through means apart before its supporters can accomplish such as calling their office or writing a anything meaningful. letter to their representative. Besides having a clear message, In order to prevent the talks about gun activists must also set a goal in mind and control from becoming a forgotten topic clarify the purpose of their movement. By in the United States, activists should take creating a solid objective, it will become the aforementioned steps. By directing easier to plan courses of action. their message at lawmakers and focusing To ensure that every supporter on a clear objective, change will be understands the goal and philosophy of inevitably arrive.

26 Opinions | PO’P May 2018

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From the PO’P Staff

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PO’P May 2018 | Sports 27






1. Joined side by side, juniors Laney Markman and Emma Morrison are midway through the race at Al Lopez Park. The girls team came in third during the cross country meet Oct. 11. Photo by Alea Jennings 2. In passing, seniors Derrick Powell Jr. and OJ Augustin pat each other on the back for the last play on Sept. 28. This was the team’s second game of the year, winning 36-0 against Sickles. Photo by Madison White 3. Jumping to get the ball, sophomore Elizabeth Price sets the ball over the net. Varsity volleyball team won on the road against district opponent Steinbrenner Oct. 5. Photo by Alea Jennings 4. As the blank was shot, many students begin the race sprinting. During the cross country meet Oct. 11 at Al Lopez Park, the boys team finished second overall. Photo by Alea Jennings 5. As a pre-meet ritual the swim team chants in excitement at the Plant vs. Robinson swim meet. Plant won overall against Robinson Sept. 4. Photo by Taylor Harahan 6. On the putting green, junior Victoria Gonzalez focuses on finishing her stroke. The girls golf team beat King, 199-192 Oct. 12. Photo by Alea Jennings 7. Sophomore Mac Suber watches the ball soar across the green. The golf team went up against their district rival from last year, overcoming their defeat at the beginning of the season. Photo by Gracie Averiett

28 Sports | PO’P May 2018


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10 9

12 11 Boys Cross Country: The boys cross country team finished the year as district champions and sixth overall in the state. Girls Cross Country: The girls cross country were district champions and qualified for states. JV Football: JV football ended the season with an undefeated record of 4-0. Varsity Football: Varsity football ended their season with a playoff run as district and regional champions, as well as qualifying for the semifinals. Boys Golf: The boys golf team won the Qdoba tournament, were district champs and took home sixth in the state. Girls Golf: The girls golf team was third in their district and qualified for regionals. Girls Swim: The girls swim team ended their season with many accomplishments, including being district and regional champions and second in the state. Boys Swim: Boys swimming claimed the title of district champion and qualified for states. JV Volleyball: JV volleyball ended their season with a 3-1 record. Varsity Volleyball: Volleyball were the district champions. JV Boys Basketball: JV boys basketball went 17-1 over their season. Varsity Boys Basketball: The boys varsity basketball team was district runner-ups and qualified for regionals. JV Girls Basketball: JV girls basketball went 7-3. Varsity Girls Basketball: Girls varsity basketball were district champions and qualified for regionals. Boys Soccer: The boys soccer team qualified for districts. Girls Soccer: Girls soccer made it to the district semifinals in their season. Wrestling: Junior Will Putnam was named state champion, and senior Carter Ellis qualified for states.

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8. Junior David Heizer looks for an open shot at a competing Steinbrenner High School wrestler during the County Championships at Wharton High School Feb. 9. Plant finished the championship with Will Putnam who advanced to compete both regionals and states. Photo by Morgan Shelton 9. Freshman Kendal Cheesman jumps to make a shot as Newsome players attempt to block. Plant won the game Jan. 24 with a final score of 46-23. Photo by Morgan Shelton 10. Dribbling the ball, senior Kyle Singletary runs down the court towards the net. The team won 59-42 against Steinbrenner Dec. 15. Photo by Taylor Harahan 11. Guarding his opponent, senior Jonathan Otterstad tries to gain possession of the flying ball at Wharton High School Tuesday, Jan. 9. The boys varsity soccer team won against Wharton 4-1. Photo by Alea Jennings 12. Kicking the ball out between her opponents legs, freshman Elyse Iller gains domination of the ball at Wharton High School Tuesday, Jan. 9. The soccer team tied the game 2-2. Photo by Alea Jennings

PO’P May 2018 | Sports 29







18 13. After an unsuccessful attempt at second base, senior Connor Scott jogs off the field. Plant lost with a score of 3-2 against Robinson. Photo by Chad Mendez 14. Between her competitors, freshman Reagan Flynn strides down the field toward the goal. The girls lacrosse team won against Tampa Catholic High School 16-1, April 19 at home. Photo by Alea Jennings 15. Focusing before the race, sophomore Andrew Kaptzan gets into position to start his race. Plant competed against Jesuit, Wharton and Tampa Catholic at the meet Tuesday, Feb. 13 at Jesuit High School. Photo by Taylor Harahan 16. Throwing the ball down the field, senior Jesse Harbaugh tries to score a touchdown for her team. Varsity flag football won 43-0 against Blake April 9. Photo by Kit Longshore 17. Squatting behind the batter, freshman Brianna Duggins catches the ball thrown by the pitcher. The softball team won against King 15-0 Tuesday, Jan. 13 at home. Photo by Alea Jennings 18. Taken in action, junior Bennett Davis gives off a powerful stroke to his competitor while playing at home. The boys tennis team lost all seven games against Steinbrenner Monday, March 26. Photo by Alea Jennings 19. Held up in the air by her teammates, junior Jenna Curl performs one of the stunts at the Robinson cheerleading competition Jan. 11. The team finished the competition in the Top Four, advancing on to the western conference. Photo by Taylor Harahan

30 Sports | PO’P May 2018

Baseball: Baseball qualified for districts on the back of a 20-4 season. Varsity Flag Football: Varsity flag football qualified for districts. JV Flag Football: JV flag football ended with an 8-2 record. Boys Lacrosse: Boys lacrosse qualified for regionals. Girls Lacrosse: The girls lacrosse team qualified for regionals. Softball: The softball team ended their season by qualifying for the district tournament. Boys Tennis: The boys tennis team was runnersup in the district and qualified for regionals. Girls Tennis: Girls tennis qualified for the state tournament. Boys Track: Boys track had one of their members, Wynne Thomas, run the fastest mile in the state for a freshman. Girls Track: Girls track has one member, junior Hope Skeins, going to districts for shotput. Cheerleading: The cheer team qualified for the semifinals. Compiled by Katy Kasper

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