POP January 2014

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Pep O’ Plant

•January 2014• H.B. Plant High School • Volume 87 • Issue 5•

Editorials Cover Photo Credits top left to bottom right:

Photo of Kaylee Hill (12) and Alyson Gage (12) taken by PO’P Carson Collins; photo of Hannah Smith (10), Madi McGonnigal (10), Crosby Melendi (10), Ella Fernandez (10) taken by PO’P Carson Collins; photo of PHS Drumline taken by PO’P Carson Collins; photo of PHS Mens Golf courtesy of Todd Sessums; photo of Claire Anderson taken by PO’P Meg Barrett.

B rthdays ru n l ves

Alexis Hayes News Editor Everybody has one. It comes every year. And for many, it’s the highlight of their year. Birthdays. Once a year, for a full 24-hours, every single person existing on this planet will, “celebrate” the day their mothers brought them into the world. Among the high school set, especially with teenage girls, this gives them a free ride to straighten their hair (every girl needs compliments on their split ends as well as birthday wishes), put on their most “fab” Tory Burch boots (Again, one compliment just isn’t enough!) and act like complete spoiled brats. Cut off someone in the lot? It’s okay, because, “It’s your birthday!” Cut in front of the old man at Xtreme Juice? Totally fine because, “It’s your birthday!” The idea of being showered in gifts and drowned in attention on a birthday is not only ridiculous, but unnecessary. In the grand scheme of things, people, namely those vehemently tweeting their birthday countdowns on Twitter, are completely insignificant. Oh, today’s your birthday? Well guess what, it’s about sixteen million other people’s birthday as well. And don’t forget the other 350,000 babies that will be born today! That’s a total of 16,350,000 people celebrating alongside you on your, “special day.” Other people’s narcissism is really putting a damper on their peer’s lives. It is literally impossible to get through a single day on social networking without being bombarded with emoji-ladden tweets and collages of selfies created by those friends who don’t actually know (or care about)

other individaul’s birthdays; they just saw it on their newsfeed while they were scrolling away and felt obligated to give the, “birthday boy or girl” a shout out. That’s the thing, besides, perhaps, one’s closest friends and family, people don’t remember other people’s birthdays. There are more important things on their radar. Between school, sports, jobs, significant others, activities, and everything else going on, your self-centered day of gluttony is certainly not marked on their calendars.

Birthday tweets and shoutouts show up daily on the newsfeeds and accounts of social-media users. Bella Jackson wishes her, friends a happy birthday and includes a nostalgic photo.

Pep O’ Plant

Editors in Chief Alexa Castellano

Christian Chambers

2013-2014 2415 S. Himes Avenue, Suite 103 Tampa, Florida 33629 (813) 272-3033 ext. 247

Production Manager Jessica Jagodzinski Proud member of: Columbia Scholastic Press Association Florida Scholastic Press Association National Scholastic Press Association Quill and Scroll

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Haley Babbitt Andrew Beekman Marlee Belford Haley Billig Matthew Blydenburgh Ysabella Canto Carson Collins Trevor Coulter Allison Figueroa Katherine Gabler Emily Greiwe

Katherine Gabler Henry Jetmundsen Connor Jones Gabbi Okun E.V. Phillips Gale Porter Morgan Robinson Caroline Sandler Bennett Taylor Katie Whitson Esme Yarnell


Robert Nelson

Faculty Advisor David Webb

Editorials Editor Melissa Jassir

Features Editors Jesseca Sands Andrea Wynter

News Editors Megan Barrett Alexis Hayes

Political Editor Leigh Miller

Sports Editors

Robby Killette Megan Przeslawski

Business Managers Emalee Herrera Helen Kahassai


Validity of Affirmative Action Melissa Jassir Editorials Editor

A top of the class caucasian is always being compared to minorities that are in advanced classes. If both students have the same academic Applying to college is a stress inducing process. achievements but the minority student is less With all the competition among students, chances involved in extra curricular activities, the minority for acceptance in one’s top choice are slim. As a will likely get the spot in a college over the realization that minorities were at a disadvantage caucasian. Race is the ultimate determinant. in all areas of society, affirmative action was signed Many people believe that affirmative action by John F. Kennedy in the 1960s. This established should be retired. The minorities that are fighting that race, color, sex, and religion be taken into for elite college acceptance should not have an consideration of minority groups in areas of advantage over whites because many times they employment, education, and business. Affirmative are completely equal. These minorities do not face action therefore eased the application process of socioeconomic issues at home. They have grown up minorities. This gave under representative groups an with the same education and advantages as whites, equal consideration to college as whites. so therefore, their ethnicity should not be the Stereotypically speaking, blacks and Hispanics deciding factor. are less likely to graduate high school as whites. Also many of the people classified as minority Affirmative action was an incentive for minorities students are exploiting the system. If someone to graduate, it gave hope that they would not be has a Hispanic grandparent but has no Hispanic compared and held to the same standards as whites. upbringing and does not speak the language, Despite the years a first generation Hispanic should they be considered a minority? has lived in the United States, it can be difficult to While it is fair that minorities be considered understand all parts of the English language. While differently in the college application process, the they might have a mastery in speaking, the SAT definition of “minority” should be more distinctly is culturally biased. This test asks questions about defined. It should be standardized as groups with a English idioms, which non-Americans would socioeconomic disadvantage and people who were have difficulty with. Therefore, it is understandable born and raised outside the United States for a that colleges have different required SAT ranges distinct period of time. depending on an applicant’s ethnicity.

Hometown holidays:

flowers, pirates , circus

of for years. But to outsiders the whole idea can even come off a bit strange! I remember the exact weekend I moved to As Christmas season Tampa, Fl myself. It happened winds down people all to be, you guessed it, Gasparilla over the country begin weekend! I was so amazed, and to feel the sluggish blues even a little confused that a that come with the end town came together, decked out of winter. But for many their fronts doors, and outfits, people in the Tampa Bay area, it’s only the beginning with pirate gear and essentially created their own holiday! This of our own personal holiday season, our beloved kind of good-spirited unity Gasparilla! Gasparilla is a can definitely leave a lasting impression on a city or town. 3 day long holiday event So this leads me to wonder; that is also considered one What other towns have crazyof the country’s largest and most unique outdoor fun events like this? With a little research I found there are festivals / parades. To Tampa natives, Gasparilla tons of one-of-a-kind events, just like Gasparilla, all packed is an annual fun-filled with their own unique historys event they’ve been apart and themes. Gabrielle Okun Staff Writer

3 January 2014

Every year Lompoc, California, hosts a 5 day long ‘Flower Festival’ before and during the last weekend of June. The Lompoc Valley Flower Festival was established in 1952 not as a flower festival, but as an annual rodeo and parade. The flower concept developed after years with the rodeo scene due to the fact that Lompoc’s world famous flower fields stood out in the crowd of the over 200 rodeos held in California annually to date. Now the festival is brought to life with not only beautiful flowers but games and carnival rides galore! Another wild parade is the ‘Great Circus Parade’ in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

For over 30 years a large parade of marching bands, circus wagons, clowns, performers, and animals performed between 1963 and 2009. This elaborate event is a fundraiser for the “Circus World Museum” that attracts hundreds of thousands of attendees. In this two hour parade you’ll see over 30 types of bands and almost 400 amazing horses! New and elaborate, or historic and old, hometown holidays are always a show stopping way of bringing a community together! So grab your eye patches, and hit the high seas and get ready to celebrate Tampa’s favorite time of the year,


Z’s might get you A’s

waking at 11am and getting tired around 11pm, many high school students do not get the proper amount of sleep. They are being forced to work against their natural sleep tendencies, by waking up around 6am for class. To get the National Sleep Foundation’s recommended 9 hours, a teen would need to go to bed around 9am, shifting their internal clock back a whole 2 hours. This process is unnatural, and the health of high school students suffers because of it. Many schools are even switching to later start times in order to counteract this problem. The teenage brain is changing in the same way a toddler’s brain is, so high school students and preschoolers need almost the same amount of sleep. The difference? Toddlers take naps. Not only can napping improve memory, mood, and make up for crippling school start times, it can also be a major boost to a person’s health. The Archives of Internal Medicine reported in 2007 that people who habitually nap 30 minutes a day are 37% less likely to die of heart disease than those who aren’t nap-happy. So catch some Z’s, it might get you some A’s, a smiley face, and keep the doctor away.

Allison Figueroa Staff Writer

Dozing off in class could get someone into trouble, but it also might improve their memory, concentration, and mood. If the class is quiet, you’re exhausted, and the teacher finished the lesson, it might be the perfect time to catch a few Z’s. Research from the University of Notre Dame in 2012 suggests that sleeping directly after receiving new information can help test scores. However, this research is based on a full night’s sleep after a lesson. If a person wants to test Notre Dame’s research, they would need to study before bed and get at least six hours. But for those of us at school who have gotten less than six hours, a classroom powernap might be right up our alley. Companies like British Airways, Nike, Pizza Hut, and Google are now offering recliners and dark rooms to promote a 15 to 30 minute snooze The beauty of a short nap is that it allows you to wake up quickly. A 15 to 30 minute nap won’t take you into the deeper sleep stages, therefore it won’t be difficult to wake up. Because the internal sleep clock for teenagers has them

Letter to the Editors

This last point is especially critical given the urgent situation surrounding bullying right now. Many grave I think the Pep O’ Plant is a great platform for student instances of bullying have been brought to our attention, including the recent instance of a student in Lakeland writing, yet I was concerned reading the articles on taking her own life because she was bullied. An important bullying in the November issue. piece of the problem in that instance was the attitude that In particular, I felt triggered by the language of the the student needed to get a “thicker skin.” We need to article by Ms. Hayes, for example, when she referred re-evaluate how we deal with bullying and eradicate these to people who feel they’ve been victimized as “thinharmful responses. The treatment of bullying in the Pep O’ skinned brats.” I imagine that other readers, especially any who have been bullied, felt the same. I also found the Plant legitimizes the view that victims must toughen up, and undermines the efforts of those working to cultivate comparison of bullying to extroversion and criticism in more constructive responses to bullying. I think… a the workplace to be unrepresentative. Bullying is a very published apology [should be issued]. personal attack on someone that can go so far as to break Thank you for reading my letter, and I look forward to down that person’s inherent sense of self-worth. Moreover, I am worried by the choice of the editors and the next issue of the Pep O’ Plant. faculty supervisors to allow such an article to be published Sincerely, in order to represent bullying as a two-sided issue. Bullying Ali Ankudowich, 2008 Plant Graduate is wrong, just like cheating on a test. While it may be appropriate to talk about issues that a person may face which could lead him or her to put someone else down, that behavior is never justified. We should not be Have a comment for the Pep O’ Plant? little the needs of victims or prioritize the needs of bullies over those of victims. We want to hear from you.

4 January 2014


Dragon has landed

Katherine Gabler Staff Writer Saturday, December 14, China’s flag joined the USA’s and Soviet Russia’s on the surface of the Moon. The Chang’e 3 lunar probe is the first man made object to make a soft landing, when nothing is damaged, on the Moon in 37 years, the last time being in 1976. The Jade Rabbit, a six-wheeled solar powered rover, detached Sunday, and added its tracks to the many footprints of past astronauts. For three months, the Jade Rabbit will be roaming the surface of the moon, searching for natural resources. The Chang’e 3 will conduct experiments while at the landing site also, and send back images. No doubt, landing on the moon is an amazing feat for any nation. China has made great strides on getting to the Moon for years, since first launching a man into space in 2003. Yet, their space program still lags behind those of the USA and Russia in terms of experience with the subject, and by means of technology. He Qisong, a space expert in Shanghai, said, “China’s moon probe is a way to exhibit to the world that we have acquired advanced space technology.” The event was broadcasted live on Chinese

Central Television for everyone to see this important mark in history. In 2010, China captured pictures of the Bay of Rainbows, the landing site, to send back to Earth. Monday, both the lander and rover sent back pictures of each other on the Moon. Some people are concerned whether this landing will disrupt NASA’s already ongoing experiments about its dust environment. NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) is keeping a close watch on both the rover and lander, continuous pictures will allow it to measure changes caused by their movement. Others question what China will do next. Is this landing going to constitute another great space race? Within 10 years, China has said that they are planning to open a permanent space station, then land an astronaut on the moon. Junior, Sarah Emond believes this event is starting a new space race and she feels like it is good to have competition, “so now NASA can make more advancements.” In 10-20 years, China could be rivaling the USA and Russia in the area. Billions of euros are already being spent on China’s space program as it tries to prove themselves to the rest of the world’s leaders. China has advanced and is ready to show what it can do.

Governor election Andrew Beekman Staff Writer In 2014 Florida will undergo a process that has been a cornerstone of our society; elections. The stage is set for an exciting race which will surely have many twists and turns throughout. The modern campaigning system has reached the heights of a comedy show at times and the questionable campaign financing that has pumped the races with insane amounts of cash. Whether or not one agrees with the current campaigning policies the race will more than likely run under the current rules. The race is still early but projections show that the amount of money to be donated to the candidates is supposed to reach an all time high. Last race around $100 million was donated to both campaigns, with current governor Rick Scott loaning 40 million of his own fortune to his race. However, his competitor Alex Sink had significant donations exceeding 8 million. These type of numbers are supposed to repeat themselves and the ever increasing role of money in politics will likely escalate this campaign. The candidates appear to be set financially with former republican governor Charlie Christ and incumbent governor Rick Scott already pouring money into their races. Charlie Christ is eligible to run after serving his two consecutive terms and then sitting out a race. He is ready to try his luck again from the other side of the aisle. Moving form Democrat to 5 January 2014


pri ce tag


Republican was a strange move for the moderate Christ, but it wasn’t surprising, as he was always seen as a more left leaning republican. Christ is often criticized as a populist because he never ran away from an opportunity to jump on the bandwagon and to appease making promises that seem unrealistic. Rick Scott has had a difficult time for the majority of his term sporting the lowest approval rating out all the governors due to his unpopular stand against high speed rail and his handling of the health reform. Governor Scott used a large sum of his personal fortune for his campaign and was therefore accused of “buying the election” after pouring $40 million into the race. Scott has seen things mellow out in the past year after he made some positive moves, but there are fears that his earlier exploits as governor might hinder his ability to get reelected. The stage is set for an interesting race, and an expensive one regardless of the candidates.The race is still young and the twists and turns ahead will create the usual spectacle that we have come to expect from elections.

FREADOM Meg Barrett News Editor

According to the American Library Association, 464 challenges were reported to the Office of Intellectual Freedom in 2012, and so many more go unreported. More than 11,300 books have been challenged since 1982. What does it mean for a book to be banned or challenged? It means somewhere in the country, a concerned citizen finds a book offensive and attempts to fight to have that book removed from libraries and classrooms, and sometimes they succeed. A challenge is an effort to remove or restrict a book based on the objections of a person or group, and a banning is the removal of said material. Challenges do not simply involve a person expressing a point of view; rather, they are an attempt to remove material from the curriculum or library, thereby restricting the access of others. Due to the commitment of librarians, teachers, parents, students and other concerned citizens, most challenges are

unsuccessful and most materials are retained in the school curriculum or library collection. The American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom keeps record of these bannings and challenges in their battle against censorship. The ALA brings attention to it with the annual Banned Books Week—a week in September when people celebrate the right to read. The campaign was introduced in 1982 as retaliation to a rapid increase in the amount of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. The biggest argument is that people should always have the right to read and explore ideas, due to the First Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

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, I’m sorry, I’m sorry

I’m sorry

Leigh Miller Political Editor

Recent emails from the close staff of New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, reveal a ridiculous arrangement for revenge against Fort Lee, New Jersey Mayor Mark Sokolich. The emails, which affirmed that Christie’s staff had arranged for the closure of two lanes on the George Washington Bridge, causing chaos in Fort Lee, could be damaging to Christie’s future political career. The attempt at political retribution was prompted by Sokolich’s endorsement of Christie’s opponent, Barbara Buono, in the New Jersey election for governor. Members of Christie’s administration worked closely with Port Authority officials David Wildstein and Bill Baroni to close two lanes on the extremely busy Washington Bridge, causing a week-long traffic jam and clutter in the streets of Fort Lee. The traffic jam generated massive school bus delays, prevented New Jersey commuters from reaching New York, and also deferred police officers from responding to emergencies. Governor Christie recently announced that he fired his Chief of Staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, who ordered the traffic jam. Although Christie continues to deny any association to the scandal, many are questioning his excuse that he was not involved in the matter. Although there is no solid evidence in his connection to the scandal, the Washington Bridge debacle could be detrimental to Christie’s political career.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie denies any involvement in the George Washington Bridge scandal.

panynj.gov Passengers of the George Washington Bridge suffered delays and traffic difficulties.

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Although it may seem as if we live in a world millions of miles away from that of a celebrity our age, our lives are not at all that different. Many times we face the same pressures they do. We have the same flaws, insecurities, and imperfections that come along with being a teenager, and being successful. A Celebrity’s lives may seem glamorous and extravagant on the outside, but they are confronted by the same tribunals that plague teenagers daily. Who should I hang out with tonight? Do my clothes look okay? Do I seem awkward? What am I really doing with my life? These are all questions that are associated with the teenage angst that doesn’t care if you’ve won a Grammy or star in a reality TV show. Take pop-singer Lorde for example. At just barely 17, she has been nominated for

3 Grammy awards and her single “Royals” has gone triple platinum. Yet under the stage name she is just Ella Yelich-O’Conner, a teenager who grew up in the suburbs of Auckland, New Zealand. Her songs often reflect the insecurity, uncertainty, and nostalgia one feels as they come of age which is something all teenagers can relate to whether their from New Zealand or Florida. Uncertainty about the future is something that students at Plant can surely relate to. Senior, Camile Cleveland applied Early Decision to Duke University and was accepted in December. “It’s such an awesome feeling knowing that all my hard work from these past three and a half years has paid off. All of the stress and pressure I was put under to be a successful student has finally gone away, and now I have a clear vision for my future,” said Cleveland.

Always in the


Nominated for 3 Grammy Awards.

Accepted to Duke University class of 2018.

Despite their different lifestyles, they spent their youth working hard towards their goals.

In top 5% of her class.

Number one on the Billboard Hot 100.

Her first single “Royals” went triple platinum.

National Merit Commended Scholar

Camile Cleveland, PHS senior 8 January 2014

Lorde, international singer Article by Marlee Belford & Andi Wynter


Save The Date!

April 26, 2014

The cinematic


Jessica Jagodzinski Production Manager

A nighttime journey through Paris leads to a descent through a manhole and down a ladder beneath the Earth’s surface. A maze of dark hallways stretch only lit by the flashlights of the venturing explorers In the 1980s, a movement dedicated to the exploration of the elusive underground tunnels began, and still little is known about the several secretive bands and what they are doing in the Paris’ catacombs. Part of the catacombs are welcome to the public, but since 1955, going outside of the limits is hazardous and illegal. Members of a force squad police the

New explorers sit on makeshift seats in the underground cinema. the Theater was discovered in 2004 and has since then been abandoned.

hundred-eighty-five miles that lie below Paris. In 2004, the police uncovered a hidden underground cinema. A sign reading, “Building site, No access” covered the entry, a probable attempt to deter any novice explorers. A tunnel beginning behind the sign held a desk with a closed-circuit television programmed to automatically record images of any person passing by. What followed was “clearly designed to frighten people off ”, described a police spokesman. Upon entrance, a recording of dogs barking blared within the opening. Traveling further into tunnel, a cave emerged “like an underground amphitheatre, with terraces cut into the rock and chairs”. The extensive space was four-hundred square meters and eighteen meters (fifty-nine feet) underground. The cave hosted a complete cinema including, a projection set, full-size theater screen, and an extensive collection of films. Ranging from 1950’s Hollywood noir classics to recent thrillers, none of the films were banned or offensive. A

In memory of the Ysabella Canto Staff Writer

Martin Luther King Jr. was born as Michael Luther King Jr. on January 15, 1929. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968 at age 39, but not before altering the course of history. Dr. King stood as a symbol for American blacks all throughout the United States and became a world figure. Martin Luther King Jr. is a man who dedicated his life to fighting segregation, poverty, and injustice. Dr. King received his B.A. degree from Morehouse College and his doctorate from Boston University. Evidence of plagiarism in many of Dr. King’s college papers came to light, however, Boston University voted on abstaining from retracting his doctorate. While living in Boston Dr. King met, and eventually married, Coretta Scott. They had two

10 January 2014

neighboring space was renovated into an informal dining room filled with tables and chairs, and featuring a bar stocked with alcohol and a pressure-cooker. It was reported that the entire space ran on a professionally installed electricity system, as well as hosting three phone lines. Police returned three days later with experts in attempt to trace how the electricity was powered. Upon returning, the phone and power lines were cut. A note was found lying in the middle of the floor saying, “Do not try to find us.” Patrick Alk, a photographer close to the tunnel exploration movement, admits that the discovery of the cinema “was a shame, but not the end of the world.” Alk claims that there are hundreds of sites just like the cinema and restaurant that the police haven’t found yet. “You guys have no idea what’s down there.” Due to theft of skulls and vandalism within the catacombs they were closed from October through December of 2009. Upon reopening of the site in 2010, additional security was added.


daughters and two sons together. Dr. King led the first largescale Negro nonviolent demonstration in U.S. history, preached about equality, and served as a beloved Reverend at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Throughout Dr. King’s life he was arrested about thirty times, beaten, had his house bombed, and endured endless criticism and personal abuse. His most notable speech was his “I Have a Dream” speech was delivered to over a quarter of a million people at the “March on Washington” protest. Another of his famous works is his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”. Dr. King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 at age 35, the youngest man to do so. Shortly after receiving it he announced that the prize money, all

$54,123, would go towards funding for the civil rights movement. Dr. King’s legacy is that of a man who believed strongly in equality among men of every race and justice for all men under the court of law. Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered across the nation on the third Monday of January as a national holiday. His words continue to embrace the true essence of not just his, but the American Dream.

Hot Vs. Not Haley Babbitt Staff Writer



Tampa Bay’s unique pirate fest which features the Gasparilla invasion, the brunch, and pirate parade were held this year on January 25; it also includes a children’s parade which took place on January 18.

School Sports

Spring sports such as track and lacrosse (tryouts January 27) started up, and basketball takes on districts.

The Arts

The Winter Art show began January 13 and ends February 7. Also, chorus goes to multiple middle schools to try to recruit some incoming freshmen, and the Literary Magazine submissions are due by the end of the month (club members only).


Miley’s Antics

Miley Cyrus has not failed to entertain her fans. Her most recent antic, involving her going topless, apparently was to show her stance on sexual equality and women’s rights. Is she interesting to watch, or could this just be a cry for attention?

Warm, Cool, Warm... again?

Florida is known for its constant sunshine but for some Floridian’s the warm winters take away from the holiday feel. And just when it starts to get cooler, the temperature shoots back up to 80.

First Transvestite VS Model?

Last year, Carmen Carrera applied for a spot in the Victoria Secret Fashion show but never got a response. The company did not even acknowledge her application. It might have been because she could have changed one of America’s most popular fashion shows in a huge way, but she is still a human and deserves recognition. The least they could have done was politely tell her they weren’t interested.

11 January 2014

Stevens brings Festivus to the rest of us Morgan Robinson Staff writer South Florida atheist Chaz Stevens made the trek to the Florida Capitol to “air his grievances” about holiday displays in the building. The Florida Prayer Network applied to the state for permission to display a nativity scene at the state capitol. The request was approved and a nativity scene was erected in the rotunda, a public forum for all forms of speech and expression. Stevens caught wind of the event and immediately applied for permission to install a holiday display of his own. The state had no choice but to grant him permission. Stevens piled into his car and set out to take a stand alongside his own holiday: Festivus. Festivus is a secular holiday invented by George Costanza’s dad on Seinfeld. It is typically centered around an unadorned aluminum pole to promote a holiday outside of consumer Christmas and involves practices such as the “Airing of Grievances” and “Feats of Strength,”

and the labeling of easily explainable events as “Festivus miracles. Stevens took it to the next level by constructing his very own Festivus pole: six feet of PVC pipe atop a wooden stand and covered with recently emptied Pabst Blue Ribbon beer cans. “This is about separation of church and state...the government shouldn’t be in this business of allowing the mixture of church and state,” Stevens commented. Public forums such as these are infamous for the conflicts they attract and tend to become free speech battle zones. “We are taking a stand for Christ in Christmas, a stand for truth and religious freedom, and what better place to do this than the heart of our state government?” Pam Olsen, Florida Prayer Network director. The Chicago-based group that sponsored her celebration aims to do the same at every state Capitol. Stevens says he and his pole are up for the challenge.

Defendant’s status affects DUI case Katie Whitson Staff Writer This past June in Burleson, Texas, 16 year-old Ethan Couch struck and killed four people while driving drunk. Pertinent to Texas’s Zero Tolerance law for minors driving while intoxicated, the prosecution called for 20 years in state prison. However, Couch received no jail time- just 10 years probation and a yearlong stay in a rehabilitation facility in Newport, California that costs $450,000 per year. The defense for Couch’s behavior? “Affluenza”, or “rich kid syndrome”, a condition brought about by access to money and privilege, accompanied by a lack of sufficient parenting. On June 15, Couch hit and killed four people who had stopped on the side of the road when 24 year-old Breanna Mitchell’s car broke down. Hollie Boyles, her daughter Shelby Boyles, and youth pastor Bryan Jennings were hit while they were trying to help Mitchell. Three hours before the crash, Couch and seven friends stole two cases of beer from a local Walmart.

When he was arrested, Couch’s blood alcohol content was 0.24 - three times the legal limit for drivers over the age of 21. Traces of Valium were also found in Couch’s blood. Couch was driving 70 mph in a 40 mph zone. The two friends riding in the back of his Ford F-350 pickup truck were seriously injured in the accident. Sergio Molina, one of the passengers, is now completely paralyzed and can only communicate by blinking his eyes. Psychologist Dick Miller testified that Couch’s lack of supervision resulted in him beginning to drive at age 13 and his later alcohol abuse. Miller said that Couch’s parents allowed him “freedoms that no young person should have”, arguing that Couch has the emotional age of a twelve year-old and requires years of therapy. Many people disagreed with the verdict, claiming that if Couch had been an inner-city kid of a lower socioeconomic status, he would be put in prison for his crimes. This court case may have enforced the belief that money and status wield more influence in courtrooms than the truth does.



Train Up scores athletes academic success

Carson Collins Staff Writer Andria Roger’s mission for four years has been to transform unfocused student athletes into driven young men and women, with the ability to qualify for Division I scholarships. Started in 2009 at the request of football coach Robert Weiner, Train Up was designed as a way to keep football players involved in academics and focused on goals beyond football. Train Up began in 2009, initially as an after-school program in which Mrs. Rogers would talk to the players about life skills and improving their work in the classroom. Since then, Train Up has expanded to 24 schools in 8 counties. On Tuesday November 19th 2013, Train Up received a $50,000 grant from AT&T in order to promote and expand their program to over 100 schools, with a special program called the Star of the Month. Every month, each

12 January 2014

of the eight counties involved in the program select one male and one female athlete to represent its “Star of the Month.” Candidates are chosen based on their athletic and academic success, as well as their personal character. Winners receive a variety of incentives, such as being introduced to legendary athletes, Vincent Jackson, Victor Hedman, and Alex Cobb. “I started with seniors who could not qualify for Division I scholarships because of their grades. I realized if we could start these boys off with the rights tools freshman year, we could provide them with a solid foundation for academic success,” said Rogers. Train Up not only encourages academic success, it provides players with a sense of self esteem and teamwork. “The foundation has provided an environment where boys can achieve academic and athletic success. It provides the time, structure, and resources these boys need in order to be successful on the field and in

the classroom,” said Weiner. Train Up is currently working to become officially recognized by Hillsborough County. Andria Rogers hopes to have the program implemented in middle schools, high schools, and even colleges across the nation. When asked what one of her greatest memories with Train UP, Mrs. Rogers replied, “Just the idea that we were taking at risk players and transforming them into honorable young men with the possibility of an academic

future.” With the Train Up Foundation by their side, student athletes are becoming passionate about their education. They have successfully qualified several student athletes for college scholarships who otherwise might no have been eligible. The possibilities for this rewarding program are unlimited and Train Up hopes to continue advancing the academic possibilities for young men and women across the nation.


Time Magazine’s

person of the year

Emalee Herrera Business Manager

Time Magazine recently announced their Person of the Year: Pope Francis. One of the main reasons why is that “Francis’ contributions in his short time in office have changed the church’s image as well as its substance,” according to Bobby Ghosh, Time Magazine’s International Editor; “He’s changed the tone in which the church speaks to one of compassion. It’s all about the poor.” He has acoomplished many things not done by any other Pope. In Rome he washed a young woman’s feet at a prison, and in a letter

directed to the church, he advised to concentrate more on helping the poor than anything else. In the letter, Pope Francis explained, “I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting, and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security,” according to CNN News. He is known for his service to the people and for changing the view of the church to focus more on the service of others. Many of the people became shocked, too, when the Pope did not want to focus as much on issues such as same-sex marriage,

contraception, and abortion, but instead believed he was in no position to judge them. Francis told Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, “You can sell you desk...You don’t need it. You need to get out of the Vatican. Don’t wait for people to come ringing. You need to go out and look for the poor,” according to CNN news. In fact, the Pope is known for getting out and doing these things instead of just telling others to. Although he has raised much controversy, Pope Francis was officially named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, for his contributions to the church and to others.

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FSU unconquered

Henry Jetmundsen Staff writer The BCS bowl games brought excitement, joy, anger, and rivalry. Fans around the country eagerly watched as their favorite teams went head to head in an attempt to win. From the smaller bowl games such as the Orange Bowl,which featured lower ranked teams,to the Rose Bowl, with the top 2 teams in the league, the entire country roared with noise.

In post game interviews, red shirt freshman quarterback, Jameis Winston expressed the role his entire team played in their victory over Aubern. Winston was under pressure to play well and avoid the “Heisman choke”, a word used to describe Heisman trophey winners underpreforming in the National Championship game, after reciving the award weeks before. “They won because of Winston’s toughness and will to win,” said sophomore James Thedford.

The most prominent bowl game, and what most call the most exciting game, was the Rose Bowl. #2 Auburn faced off against #1 Florida State. Both teams put up a fight and were determined to overpower their opponent. Auburn demolished FSU in the first half leading them 21-10. Some fans were wondering if the FSU quarterback, Jameis Winston, really deserved the Heisman trophy he had won

earlier in the year. FSU wasn’t going to put up with losing much longer and came back from halftime full force. Auburn started to slip and FSU began a comeback. Auburn managed to only let up a single field goal in the 3rd quarter. However, the 4th quarter changed everything. FSU scored 3 touchdowns in the 4th quarter alone and only let up a touchdown and a field goal, ending the game with an FSU victory of 34-31. Many of Auburn’s points are credited to the star running back Tre Mason with 195 yards rushing that game. They assumed they would win easily after Florida State’s performance in the 2nd quarter. Up until now the SEC has had an 8 year winning streak of the National Title. This was a great day for not only FSU fans, but fans of all other conferences. They were finally able to stop the SEC’s reign over the National Championship.

In Loving Memory of Mrs. Cynthia Ruff

Mrs. Ruff was President of the Plant Academic Foundation for one year and was in her fourth year as President of the Plant Athletic Foundation. She was also the unofficial office assistant and score book keeper the past six years for the Lady Panther’s Basketball program. Mrs. Ruff was honored Plant’s Volunteer of the year award twice. She was greatly appreciated and will be deeply missed.

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All you need is

Robby Killette Sports Editor Just one day after their season ending 42-17 loss to the New Orleans Saints, the Buccaneers organization fired their head coach Greg Schiano and General Manager Mark Dominic. As Head Coach Schiano went 11-21 in two seasons. As referenced in the October issue of the Pep O’ Plant, the fans were starting to get aggravated with Schiano after going 0-8 and wanted him fired immediately. Even though Schiano lead the Bucs to win four out of their last eight games the Glazer family decided to cut him and


Dominic. Nearly 24 hours later the Bucs were interviewing their future Head Coach Love Smith. “It’s a good choice, because with the hiring of Lovie Smith the Bucs have a coach who has experience in the playoffs and as well as the Super Bowl.” said junior Zack Perez. Smith has plenty of experience in the NFL unlike Schiano for example leading the Chicago Bears to three division championships and a Super Bowl appearance in 2006, but the thing that intrigues most Buccaneers fans is that he was the Bucs linebackers coach from 19962000 and coached under the

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During his opening press conferance, Smith answered many lingering questions and set his goals for his new team.

ex-Buc, legendary coach Tony Dungy. The Glazers seemed to make most Buccaneers fans happy with the hire and hopefully Smith can turn things around down here in sunny Tampa Bay.

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During a summer tournament, Grant Preston(left) strips the ball from an attackman. “We should win districts,”said Preston.

Bennett Taylor Staff Writer The simple thought of sports rivalries spark countless riots, Twitter wars, trash-talking, and a few punches being thrown on each side, like the one between the University of Florida and Florida State University. For many Plant students, who live in a town full of graduates of said schools, this rivalry sparks hate and excitement at the same time. But what other rivalries do Plant’s student body associate with? Countless high school rivalries and college rivalries are coveted by our community. This upcoming Fall, Plant’s lacrosse captains will be immersed in a special rivalry that has played for over five decades: Roanoke vs. Washington and Lee. “Roanoke was everything I was looking for in a school,” Julian Taylor said. “It’s strong lacrosse tradition complements a great liberal arts school.” The current senior can often be found roaming the halls of Plant in a Roanoke Maroons hoodie, talking to his fellow captain, Grant Preston. “Washington and Lee is a great academic school, with a great lacrosse team.” Located 50 minutes apart in Western Virginia, Washington and Lee University

16 January 2014





Photos by Jose Marnotes

Roanoke commit Julian Taylor runs with the ball. He is looking to lead the team to victory. “Everyone should come watch us,” said Taylor.

and Roanoke College are private undergraduate schools that boast rich tradition in lacrosse. Both participate in the Old Dominion Athletic Conference, or ODAC, for sports. The ODAC is one of the most competitive and respected conferences in Division 3 athletics. “The ODAC is probably one of the best conferences for lacrosse in D3,” Julian said. “Being a part of that is very special.””The ODAC is all historic schools in Virginia so it’s great to be a part of that tradition.” The actual rivalry finds it’s roots in 1967, when the two teams first played each other. In the 48 meetings since, each game has found a way to be as exciting and nail-biting as the next.”The rivalry is very unique because it’s been played for over 45 years”, Julian said. Grant said that the rivalry is great because it draws a lot of attention in the lacrosse community. The two teams, often ranked number one and two in the ODAC, play physical and aggressive lacrosse throughout the game. Yet, off the field, the two teams are often friendly and respect one another. This game is one that every player dreams of playing in. Roanoke boasts it’s own unique game day traditions, namely their jerseys. The team has always

kept stripes on the sleeves of their jerseys, no matter the color or style of the jersey. Although it rarely makes an appearance, the black jersey is something hallowed by Roanoke lacrosse players. Bought in secrecy in 1992, the jerseys have sat on the pads of a Roanoke team only about a dozen times, with the announcement of the jerseys saved for games of utmost importance. The coach of the Maroons, Bill Pilat, is known to wait to reveal the black jerseys until moments before the team leaving the locker room. This extra morale boost is reserved for the most iconic and influential games. “Black jerseys are special since they are always brought out when the team knows they are going to get a big win,” Julian said. The rivalry that Julian and Grant will soon face has been put on hold as they prepare for their first, and final, varsity high school lacrosse season. Each of the co-captains have big goals for the first year Panther program. “This season’s going to be amazing! Everyone should come out to support,” Julian said. “The team is looking really strong. We have a lot of senior leadership and talent all the way down to the freshman class,” Grant said. With expectations high, the two seniors hope to succeed in high school, as well as their college careers.

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