POP March 2014

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Pep O’ Plant

March 31, 2014 • H.B. Plant High School • Volume 87 • Issue 7 The Dreamer• ENTP • The Visionary • ESTJ • In introverted •The Visionary • Intuitive • ESFJ • The Inspector • ISFJ • Extroverted • the counselor • Sensing • The Composer ISTP • The Healer • ISTP • EST INFP • Feeling • ENFP ISTJ • ISTJ • The architect • T The Craftsman • ENTJ ENTJ • The Commander • Perceiving • ENFJ • Judging • Thinking • The Performer • The Healer • ESTP • The Dynamo ENFJ • The Teacher • The Commander • The Supervisor • The Dreamer• ENTP • The Visionary • ESTJ • In introverted •The Visionary • Intuitive • ESFJ • The Inspector • ISFJ • Extroverted • The Counselor • Sensing • The Composer ISTP • The Healer • ISTP • Th INFP • Feeling • ENFP IISFJ • ISTJ • The Architect • The Craftsman • ENTJ ENTJ • The Commander • Perceiving • ENFJ • Judging • Thinking • The Performer • The Healer • ESTP • The Dynamo ENFJ • The Teacher • The Commander • The Supervisor • The Architect • Judging • ENFP • The Champion • The Mast The Dreamer• ENTP • The Visionary • ESTJ • In introverted •The Visionary • Intuitive • ESFJ • The Inspector • ISFJ • Extroverted • The Counselor • Sensing • The Composer ISTP • The Healer • ISTP • INFP • Feeling • ENFP • S ISTJ • ISTJ • The architect Sensing • The Craftsman • ENTJ ENTJ • The Commander • Perceiving • ENFJ • Judging • Thinking • The Performer • The Healer • ESTP • The Dynamo ENFJ • The Teacher • The Commander • The Supervisor • The Architect • Judging • ENFP • The Champion • The Mast The Dreamer• ENTP • The Visionairy • ESTJ • In introverted •The Visionary • Intuitive • ESFJ • The Inspector • ISFJ • Extroverted • the counselor • Sensing • The Composer ISTP • The Healer • ISTP • INFP • Feeling • ENFP ISTJ • ISTJ • The architect • The Craftsman • ENTJ ENTJ • The Commander • Perceiving • ENFJ • Judging • In Thinking • The Performer • The Healer • ESTP • The Dynamo ENFJ • The Teacher • The Commander • The Supervisor • The Architect • Judging • ENFP • The Champion • The Mast The Dreamer• ENTP • The Visionary • ESTJ • In introverted •The Visionary • Intuitive • ESFJ • The Inspector • ISFJ • Extroverted • The Counselor • Sensing • The Composer • INFJ ISTP • The Healer • ISTP • INFP • Feeling • ENFP • The ISTJ • ISTJ • The architect • The Craftsman • ENTJ • ENTI The Healer • I The Performer he Cham INFP • Per INFJ The

Can a test actually determine an individual’s personality? Page 6-7

2 • Opinions

Pep O’ Plant 2013-2014 2415 S. Himes Avenue, Suite 103 Tampa, Florida 33629 (813) 272-3033 ext. 247

Editors in Chief Alexa Castellano Christian Chambers

Production Manager Jessica Jagodzinski

Photography Editor Haley Babbitt

Graphics Editor Allison Figueroa

Circulation Manager Carson Collins

Online Editor Bennett Taylor

Opinions Editor Melissa Jassir

Features Editors Jesseca Sands Andrea Wynter

News Editors Meg Barrett Alexis Hayes

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Sports Editors Robby Killette Megan Przeslawski

Business Managers Emalee Herrera Helen Kahassai

Copy Editors Emily Greiwe Morgan Robinson Katie Whitson


Andrew Beekman Marlee Belford Haley Billig Matthew Blydenburgh Ysabella Canto Trevor Coulter Katherine Gabler Henry Jetmundsen Connor Jones Gabbi Okun E.V. Phillips Gale Porter Caroline Sandler Esme Yarnell

The Who?

Hipsters misunderstand rock ‘n’ roll Jessica Jagodzinski Production Manager Teenagers want to be edgy and in style but not to the point where they are actually being individualistic. They wear clothing embellished with rock references from the 60s that are borderline relevant. Teens buy faux clothing to match their new soft grunge personas. On Rock Star Day during spirit week students wore ripped black tights, shredded shorts, smudged eyeliner, and lots of beanies. That’s not the rock star “look”. That’s groupie chic.. Everyone can rattle off The Beatles’ top hits; most people still have “Penny Lane” or “Can’t Buy Me Love” buried somewhere in their iTunes library. However, to actually live the hipster-underground lifestyle, one must first listen to the truly obscure music. Forgetify is a new program that allows users to listen to songs that have never been played on Spotify. Twenty percent of songs - over 40 million - have never been played, not even once. Pressing play allows the songs to escape from the ignored

depths of the website. When hearing the heart-wrenching noise of a Russian man angrily strumming an acoustic guitar while screaming in a foreign language, the listener learns the struggle of listening to obscure music. When the listener can feel the pain of a neglected musician, that is when they have begun their journey to hipster stardom. Referring to Nirvana as “hippie music” shows the complete cluelessness of people who claim to love Kurt Cobain: the young fan base is completely misguided. Classic rock band pictures cling to shirts in Target, WalMart, and Forever 21, though no one even knows what he or she is looking at. The band’s music is already slipping away with fewer people listening to songs made decades ago. New sounds and styles are becoming more familiar, which is a normal trend in the music industry. However, rock bands that were crucial in the musical evolution are beginning to only be remembered through merchandise. The music industry is dying in the most ironic way that the hashtag-2k14 generation could kill it: slowly and painfully. Illustration by Nikki Lund

Anti Prom, fast-growing alternative Helen Kahassai Business Manager

Faculty Adviser Louisa Ogle

The Pep O’ Plant is Plant High School’s student run newspaper. Opinions expressed may not reflect the views of the entire staff or school. We welcome signed letters to the editors. Letters can be brought to room 103 or placed in Louisa Ogle’s school mailbox. We reserve the right to edit, condense, or reject any letters. Some material courtesy of MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Professional associations include Florida Scholastic Press Association, Southern Interscholastic Press Association,the National Scholastic Press Association and Quill and Scroll.

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March 2014

John Alvin/The Fresno Bee 2007/MCT

Anti-Prom, or Morp (prom backwards), is a protest against the school’s official prom. Many students participate in anti-prom for a variety of reasons. They don’t agree with the strict rules the school has for prom, including that of alcohol consumption. Often students believe that if they throw their own party, then they cannot get in trouble for drinking. Some students want a smaller, more intimate get together with close friends. At smaller parties, they can have a different selection of music and can avoid the large price tag that accompanies a prom. While some students think that prom

is worth the money, others only see the disadvantages: •tickets that range from $50- $80 a piece •dresses that cost a minimum of $200 •renting or buying tuxes •buying new shoes •renting a limo or party bus •the traditional expensive dinner right before prom. Some students just don’t see the need to spend $600 for one night. “I don’t want to go to prom because I don’t want to have to wear some expensive dress I’ll only wear once, uncomfortable heels, tons of makeup and get my hair done all for one night. I’d rather stay home and have a movie night with friends or even go out and see a movie and have dinner,” Indra Bradley, junior said.

Many attend anti-prom because the stress of having a date, being dateless, or being rejected could cause some people to be embarrassed. Others want to express their lifestyles without being judged on what they wear, how they look, or their sexuality. Many freshman and sophomores are known to throw parties the day of prom as they aren’t able to attend prom unless they go with a junior or senior. “I feel like prom should be available for everyone because if we all go to the same school then we should all have the same rights. Since I cannot attend prom I would either go to the beach or go to a party” freshman, Kate Mcduffy said.

Opinions • 3

March 2014

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4 • News

March 2014

Students visit Spain for break

Students attend a Real Madrid match. Soccer is Spain’s premier sporting event.

Courtesy of Lindsay Lopez Courtesy of Lindsay Lopez

The group visits an open air market while in Madrid. Elizabeth Padilla, Spanish teacher, and Alaina McCumber, sophomore, browsed the merchandise.

Courtesy of Lindsay Lopez

The students visit the Alhambra while in Granada. The historic fortress was famous for its Islamic influences.

Courtesy of Liana Fussell

The travelers watch a flamenco performance in Seville. “It [the dancing] was really cool because it’s nothing you can see here [ in America]. Dancers make eye contact with you and smile and get involved with the crowd,” Monica Phipps, sophomore said.

Emily Greiwe Copy Editor Over spring break, a group of students enrolled in Spanish 2, 3, and 4 toured Madrid, Granada, and Seville, Spain for a week, along with teachers Igxie Rivera, Alberto Rivera, Kristina Renaud, and Elizabeth Padilla. While in Madrid, they completed a walking tour, visited the Prado, the second largest art museum in the world and explored an open air market. Several students’ most memorable experience was visiting IES Gomez Moreno, a bilingual secondary school. The institute educates the equivalent of grades 7-12 and gives an optional bilingual program to its students.

The group tours a bull fighting ring in Seville. They were educated on the historical importance of the spectacle. Courtesy of Lindsay Lopez

The more advanced English students use English in the classroom for up to five hours a day, compared to Plant students’ optional one-hour elective class. “I thought it was interesting how they take some of their normal classes in English to learn the language better,” Liana Fussell, sophomore, said. “Overall, these students had an advantage over us because their school was bilingual.” “My favorite part of [the city] was going to the Real Madrid game,” Dylan Power, sophomore, said. Some students chose to attend Spain’s premier sporting event: professional soccer. “Everyone was really into it. There was a lot of screaming and cheering across the whole stadium. It’s such a big deal there,” Leah Dosal, junior, said.

After taking a train to Granada, they were guided on a sightseeing tour and visited Alhambra, a fortress with architecture famous for its Islamic influences. Alhambra was later converted into a royal palace. “My favorite part of the trip was visiting Granada because the scenery was beautiful and it was very historic-looking,” Lindsay Lopez, sophomore, said. The next day, a bus took them northeast to Seville, but not before stopping at an olive oil farm to sample fresh extra virgin olive oil. In the heart of the city, they toured a bull fighting ring and were educated on the historical importance of the traditional spectacle, as well as visiting the royal palace of Seville, Allcazar de Seville. At night, they attended a cultural flamenco performance.

March 2014

News • 5

E-cigarettes gain popularity, cause concern Matthew Blydenburgh Staff Writer Electronic cigarettes have become a more discreet, and popular way for cigarette smokers to act as if they were smoking any others, yet remain almost undetectable, especially in public locations. However, three students were found with a total of four E-cigarettes at Plant, according to Principal Nelson. As the products are recognized under the same offense as any other tobacco product, the devices were immediately seized from the students, following their confession to faculty members. Due to their availability to minors, e-cigarettes have become an increasingly popular medium for teenagers who normally don’t have access to nicotine products. They still have the same effects as those who take part in regular cigarette smoking. In response to this, Principal Robert Nelson and the rest of the administration have begun to take action against the use of these products on school grounds. “They are not allowed by the county, they fall under the tobacco policy with the school district, so we will handle it like any other investigation pertaining to tobacco products.” Nelson said. William Fine, teacher, adds, “You’re going to wind up in the office if I see you with them, and honestly it’s just a dumb decision to do it in the middle of the class.” Since the e-cigarettes release water vapor as compared to smoke, teachers and other faculty members would only be able to detect the presence of an e-cigarette if they caught the student in the act of using the product. This creates a significantly increased opportunity for smokers to use the products in secluded places of the school campus, such as the bathrooms, and also confined spaces of a classroom. Many people believe e-cigarettes are the gateway devices to using tobacco products. Sophomore Joe Rosenberger agrees “I don’t think it’s smart to use them since they would just give kids a better chance of smoking normal cigarettes later on,” he said. The county school board is currently meeting to discuss further treatment of this rising activity.


Dai Sugano/Bay Area News Group/MCT

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6 • Features

March 2014

What's Your Type?

The Sacramento Bee / MCT

The Break Down E: Extroversion I: Introversion S: Sensing N: Intuition T: Thinking F: Feeling J: Judging P: Perceiving Compiled by Jessica Jagodzinski; Photos by Haley Babbitt

The Myers-Briggs personality test was created to categorize the spectrum of n personalities found i est the human mind. The t t has emerged as the mos of widely used indicator y. a person’s personalit

Features • 7

March 2014



Love Everybo dy

‘The Visionary’ Senior John Rutledge is a captain on the track team, football player, and will strongly argue for his opinion, which is always right.

the t o n e r a e s o “Th cs i t s i r e t c a r a h only c e.” m e n i f e d t a h t ior n, jun o s r e d n A e ir a Cl

Read article and take the quiz on pepoplant.com

I N T J ‘The Scientist’

Junior Claire Anderson is a straight-a student, leader on the sailing team, and church activist. She admits she is smart, quiet, and introverted but said, “those are not the only characteristics that define me.”

E N F J ‘The Giver’ Sophomore Lena Shafee is an

aspiring music educator, a self-described partier, and the family peace keeper. “Everybody loves me and I love everybody.”

E N T J ‘The Executive’ Freshman Charlie Kingsbury is a talented orator and enjoys giving speeches in debate class. He chooses to take charge in group situations because “people are stupid.”

8 • Features

Guys Keep it fun with a pop of color in your tie or bow tie. (Always make sure it matches your date!)


Stick to one solid color! Instead of opting for complicated cummerbunds, vests and suspenders, keep it simple with a black button down.

Nice, clean dress shoes are a MUST!


With prom season rapidly approaching, The more bling, the upperclassmen better! Dresses coated are scrambling to in jewels give any girl a create the most glamorous feeling that’s memorable night perfect for prom. this year. Between elaborate buses, expensive dinners, and finding a date or a group of fun friends to go with, there is a lot that goes into planning! Looking fabulous should be the last thing you need to worry about. Here are some simple tips Long dresses with high slits for students (guys are an old style that’s trending right now. included) to make sure everyone is looking their best for this year’s prom! (Photos and story by Staff Writer, Gabbi Okun)

Try a white dress! This gives you total power to mix and match colorful accessories such as jewelry, bags, and shoes.

Kendall Bett, senior

Josh Devriend, senior


March 2014



Advice for a memorable ‘promposal’

1. Find out what your prom date likes. Whether it is a favorite book or sports team, incorporate it into the way you ask them. They will appreciate the effort to get to know them, and it makes the invitation more meaningful.

2. Network. No one knows your prom date more than their friends. Ask them what they would like, and

about their schedule. Friends of your soon-to-be date are most likely to know when they’re available to be asked.

3. Relax. Don’t stress over asking someone to prom. The invitation will be appreciated regardless. If it’s supposed to be a surprise, don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Go into it with pure confidence so your cover isn’t blown.

4. Be Creative. Create a scavenger hunt, set up a picnic, or use your resources like this staff writer did.

POP Andi Wynter

Gina Piccolo,

will you go to PROM with me? Love, Trevor

Compiled by Features Editor, Andi Wynter

March 2014

Arts & Entertainment • 9

‘300: Rise of an Empire’ disappoints Bennett Taylor Online Editor

Building on the success of the hit movie from seven years ago, “300: Rise of an Empire” offers more of the violent bloody battle scenes that made the original infamous, providing a refreshing change in genre to the dystopian book adaptations that flood theaters today. The film, directed by Noam Murro, tells the story of Greek general Themistocles (Sullivan Stapleton) waging a bloody sea battle against the Persian general Artemisia (Eva Green). The film brings relief to adult viewers who have growntired of Disney animations and teen novel adaptations. The R-rated film promised action and classic war movie themes before viewing-with a soundtrack written by Ozzy Osbourne, performed by Black Sabbath, and only a 104 minute viewing time, the movie boasted long monologues which were followed by even longer battle scenes. The film came into theaters as a rare R-rated film, as many current directors opt to change to PG-13 in order to attract a growing teenage audience. The film featured hundreds of Greek warriors with six-packs, eye candy for girlfriends dragged to the movie by their boyfriends. The plot of the movie mirrored the original as expected, but the beginning backtracks to the war that the current movie takes place in, and explains some questions that the film alone would not have answered. While many battle scenes provided blood splattering, old-school entertainment, the remainder of the movie was stuffed with monologue after monologue from the main characters, most of which were used to motivate their troops before another battle. Typical for a R-rated action movie, little character development and depth took place, as the main characters drove most of the dialogue and fought with each other the entire time. The limited number of sub-plots included a classic father-son bond, where the son was forbidden to go to war, but shows up anyway. Besides a few cliche sub-plots, the movie’s plot line moved in a very linear direction. The main draw of the movie involved the many bloody battle scenes that every viewer expected. The special effects dulled these scenes, and the blood resembled

water, as it shot out of bodies randomly. A scene involving Greek fire depicted a bright orange slush that clogged the water and burned like gas. Darkness plagued the movie, as every scene in the movie was dimly lit. Much like “The Walking Dead”, the darkness makes the sets harder to see, and events critical to the plot were shrouded by it. This movie provided a mediocre comeback for this series, with less-than-stellar special effects and a very shallow plot of theme line. The movie still provides relief from “The Hunger Games”, although battle scenes and monologues are the only half-credible draws of the movie. If “Divergent” sells out, pick up a ticket for “300: Rise of an Empire”and watch men kill each other.

Warner Bros. Pictures

10 • Sports



March 2014


To relieve the pregame tension, Bush told his team a knock knock joke. Knock knock. Who’s there? Second place. Second place who? Exactly. “Sadly, my theory didn’t work The head-to-head basketball game beand we were defeated.” Bush said. With tween students and teachers was one of the the fear of losing, the students sent in their biggest attractions of the school year, but stucoaches to play, hoping they would provide dents were disappointed after a loss to the the team with some points. Junior Maggie teachers. Ganther was the girl’s leading This year the teachers scorer .“I had a lot of pressure beat the students 47-30. The on me. It was hard to do but game was held on March 3rd we gave it our all even though in the gym. Senior Commitwe lost. Overall I am happy tee created a list of possible with the way we played. It was students eligible to play, and fun although the teachers took their peers voted to choose a lot of cheap shots,” Ganther the final lineup of students Throughout the game for the game. The teachers -Maggie said. the drum line tried to distract however volunteer to particthe teachers by beating on the ipate. Each team talks smack Ganther, junior drum just as they were taking before the game thinking a shot. they will take home the W. Although some were shocked, many of the The head coaches for the students, seniors teachers saw their victory coming. “It was Richard Bush and Andrew Sanders, reexpected, and it’s all about redemption from mained calm at the beginning of the game, last year. We didn’t want to win this year; we however as the teachers started to increase wanted to dominate, which is what we did. their lead over them, they grew increasingly We won by the end of the first quarter, but frustrated, untying their ties, throwing their the students put up a good fight,” Principal hands in the air and pacing up and down the Rob Nelson said. court. Jesseca Sands Features Editor

“It was fun although the teachers took a lot of cheap shots.”

Gardner Popp

The student girls attempt to defend teacher, Lindsay Tait, science teacher, while she shoots the ball. The girl teachers where able to make a big impact on the score against the students loose defense.

To see highlights and commentary from the game visit PepOPlant.com.

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813-299-6619 Tim Robinson

March 2014

Sports • 11

March Madness Trevor Coulter Staff Writer

March marks a special time of year for all basketball fans. Whether a college basketball fan, professional basketball fan, or someone who hardly knows anything about the game of basketball, each and every person can enjoy the exuberance resonating around college basketball’s March Madness. For those who don’t already know, March Madness refers to the NCAA Men’s Basketball National Championship Tournament. Of the 345 NCAA Men’s Division 1 basketball teams, only 64 are selected to compete in the tournament, and only one comes out a tried and true champion. Consistently comprised of heartbreaking losses, roller coaster rides, and Cinderella stories, the tournament is known for its shocking underdog upsets and its closely fought battles, regardless of the team seedings. Creating brackets is another reason that the tournament is so unique and appeals to such a vast and diverse group of fans. Because of the tournament’s level playing field and con-


Eamon Queeney/Columbus Dispatch/MCT

Ohio State forward Sam Thompson, walks away from the Dayton celebration. Dayton upset Ohio State in the first game of March Madness with a last second shot.

stant upsets, March Madness brackets make for a great deal of fun for any crowd: classroom contests, family competitions, office competitions, or friendly rivalries. Some Plant teachers are even known for giving extra credit points to the winners of their class’s March Madness bracket contests. Each person fills out their bracket differently. Those who understand and follow the sport tend to pick their teams based on seedings, their knowledge of the teams, and expert analysis opinions. However, many inexperienced participants choose their teams based on schools that they want to win, and sometimes even pick teams who have the better mascots. Regardless of how one fills out their bracket, March Madness is a great deal of fun for all photo by: Octavio Jones/Tampa Bay Times/MCT fans. Consisting of some of the best teams that college basketball has seen in the past decade, University of Florida point guard, Scottie Wilbekin and this year’s March Madness has been as wild small forward,Will Yuegete celebrate with the fans after and entertaining as ever. March Madness ends a win against the University of Pittsburgh. Wilbekin scored a game high 21 points. April 7th.


Jaime Green/Wichita Eagle/MCT

Kentucky forward, Alex Poythress, slam dunks the ball against Wichita State. Kentucky went on to give Wichita State their first lost of the season.

12 • Sports

Sports Briefs

OF/RHP Kyle Tucker who had a .411 batting average, four RBIs and scored seven runs and was named MVP after leading the baseball team to a championship in the Saladino tournament during spring break.

Alumni enter NFL draft

March 2014

Robby Killette Sports Editor

Junior track runner Jack Guyton broke the school record for the mile with a time of 4:19 on 3/15 and the 2 mile record with a time of 9:23 on 3/21. Flag football season recently started on 3/18 with seniors Hannah Taylor, Kira Zagorc and Shelby Hall as captains.

Many experts were saying that James Wilder underperformed during the Combine, but he raised their opinions at his pro-day.

Fast Facts

The Danceros hosted their annual showcase Friday, March 121 touchdowns thrown by Aaron Murray 25 in the gym. in four years at Georgia.

13 rushing touch-

downs by James Wilder in three years at FSU.

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rd-team All American. Aaron Murray was on the team in 2013. would be the most players selected from Plant in the same draft.


National Championship won by James Wilder and FSU last season.

Photos courtesy of James Wilder

Aaron Murray (left) and James Wilder (right) reflect on their careers at Plant. Both attended the NFL Combine but Murray was unable to perform because he injured his ACL during the regular season.

Two alumni will be entering the 2014 NFL draft on May 8. Aaron Murray, who was the starting quarterback in the 07-08 and 08-09 seasons. . Murray had a total of 6,331 passing yards, 84 passing touchdowns and only 12 interceptions in his career. Murray was injured and was unable to finish the last seven games of the regular season in 2008. He also made an impact on the ground with 1,189 rushing yards and 14 rushing touchdowns. The 205 lb, 6’1 quarterback went on to play at the University of Georgia for four years. There he broke multiple SEC records for most passing yards and most touchdowns in a career with 13,166 yards and 121 touchdowns. His other rewards and accomplishments include being named the 2013 Capital One Bowl MVP and a 2012 3rd-team All American. Murray is projected to be drafted between the third and fifth rounds. The other hopeful draftee is former running back/linebacker James Wilder Jr. In Wilder’s two-year career (09-10 and 10-11) at Plant, he ran for 2,617 yards and 37 touchdowns and racked up 113 tackles and 27 sacks while on defense. Many colleges recruited Wilder for both positions, but he decided to go to the Florida State University as a running back instead of linebacker. At FSU, he totaled 1,363 rushing yards and 13 touchdowns while splitting carries with a handful of other backs during his three years in college. One of Wilder’s greatest college achievements was being named the 2012 ACC Championship game MVP. Wilder declared for the draft this offseason and decided to leave early and declare as a junior. He is projected to be selected in the latter half of the draft. “It’s a true blessing to be able to have the opportunity to play in the NFL; the percentile is less than one percent from high school to NFL,” Wilder said. The Draft will be held in New York CIty at Radio City Music hall and broadcasted on ESPN and NFL Network

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