Journal Launch Week
wednesday, AUGUST 14 For
thursday, AUGUST 15
This Friday will follow a Monday schedule.
Normally scheduled Monday classes begin today
Due to Labor Day Weekend, classes that are normally scheduled on Mondays begin today
Pepperdine Caruso Law Mission and Vision
“Strengthening Lives for Purpose, Service, and Leadership”
As part of Pepperdine University, Caruso School of Law aspires to be a preeminent global Christian law school, integrating premier legal training with the highest standards of ethics and morality. This aspiration is built on a foundational commitment to both academic excellence and Christian values.
Pepperdine Caruso Law seeks to provide students with an outstanding and rigorous legal education through classroom instruction, advanced experiential learning, and hands-on clinical and externship placements. We not only seek to instill in our students a deep understanding of the law, but we also seek to engage with them holistically—to provide them with a transformative educational experience that strengthens them for lives of purpose, service, and leadership. Our abiding goal is to equip our students to lead with character and conviction—to serve the world as outstanding legal professionals imbued with the highest standards of ethics and morality.
As a diverse community grounded in Christian values, our institution is guided by faith in Jesus Christ and intentionally seeks to reflect him to the world. We therefore seek to build a community that is rooted in love, justice, truth, and grace—one that engenders a deep sense of belonging and connection with respect to every single member. We celebrate, embrace, and seek to broaden the diversity of personal backgrounds, lived experiences, and viewpoints within our
community, as such diversity is essential to our community’s vitality. We welcome students from all faith backgrounds (or no faith background at all). This core commitment to diversity is grounded on our Christian values: we value each individual as a perfect creation of God (Col. 1:16–17), and we are called to be all things for all people so that we can best serve them (1 Cor. 9:21–22). Care for the whole person therefore guides our relationships and motivates our pursuit of holistic wellness from a mental, physical, and spiritual perspective. We strive to be a place where people make meaningful lifelong connections—not simply as students, professors, or staff, but as human beings.
Furthermore, the pursuit of truth underlies our institutional commitment to academic excellence. We are therefore committed to nurturing respectful discourse and debate within an environment that values free speech principles—one that encourages a broad range of different arguments and perspectives and does not shy away from difficult conversations. This commitment to intellectual diversity is rooted not only in the academic imperative to pursue the truth fearlessly, but also in our pedagogical imperative to train future legal professionals that are equipped to confront and consider differing viewpoints and arguments. We seek to build an academic and scholarly community in which this sort of vibrant, wide-ranging discourse is conducted in a spirit of unity and love—one that respects the dignity and diverse viewpoints of each person.
Selected Student Life Policies and Regulations
Students are bound by all of the policies located in the Student Handbook. The following selected policies are highlighted for discussion during Launch Week:
Reporting Obligations All students of the Caruso School of Law owe a continuing duty to report in writing to the dean of the Caruso School of Law any conviction, guilty plea, or plea of nolo contendere (no contest to the charge), except regarding minor traffic offenses. The report must be made within 14 days of the conviction or plea. The University reserves the right to dismiss a student, after reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard, who has been convicted or pled guilty or nolo contendere to an offense other than a minor traffic violation, or who fails to notify the Caruso School of Law of a conviction or plea as described above.
Alcohol and Drugs It is the desire of Pepperdine University to foster an alcohol-and-drug-free environment in which to work, live, and learn. As a Christian university, Pepperdine attempts to take an approach to individual problems of alcohol or drug use characterized by helpfulness, compassion, understanding, and encouragement on the one hand, and by directness and concerned firmness on the other. It is also the law school’s intent to comply with the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Amendment of 1998. See Substance Abuse Policy in the Student Handbook. Consequently, the consumption or
In Case of an Emergency CALL 911– EMERGENCIES AND AMBULANCE THEN CALL 310.506.4441 (Public Safety)
Escort or Service Request 310.506.4442 Road Conditions Hotline 310.506.ROAD
Student Health Center
Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm
Student Counseling Center
Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm Student Assistance Center 177 student.counseling.center@pepperdine.edu
Malibu Urgent Care
Monday–Sunday, 9 am–8 pm Pacific Coast Highway and Webb Way
Area Hospitals
UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica 424.259.6000
St. John’s Health Center, Santa Monica 310.829.5511
Kaiser Permanente, Thousand Oaks 888.515.3500 Los Robles Hospital, Thousand Oaks 805.497.2727
Substance Abuse
Alcoholics Anonymous Los Angeles 323.936.4343
Lawyers Assistance Program California State Bar 877.527.4435
The Other Bar 800.222.0767
possession of alcoholic beverages or possession of empty containers is prohibited on University property, regardless of a student’s age. Intoxication is also prohibited. The use, possession, distribution, or sale of all illegal or potentially harmful drugs or drug-related paraphernalia is strictly prohibited. Anyone involved in the sale of drugs will be dismissed immediately. Pepperdine is a smoke-free campus.
Dishonesty Dishonesty in any form, including plagiarizing, cheating on assignments or examinations, knowingly furnishing false information on University records, forging, altering, or misusing documents, records, or identification cards, or failing to comply with written or verbal directives of duly authorized officials acting in the performance of assigned duties is strictly prohibited.
Working as a 1L Working during the first year of law school is strongly discouraged, but if there is an extraordinary circumstance, first-year students should speak with the dean of students or the associate dean for academic affairs before accepting either a paid or voluntary commitment.
Eating Disorders
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders 630.577.1330
Serenity Malibu Treatment 888.247.7175
Domestic Violence and Physical Abuse
National Domestic Violence Life Line (24/7)
Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center (24/7) 310.319.4000
Sojourn Services-Battered Women (24/7) 310.264.6644
Suicide Hotline
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (24/7) Call or Text 988
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health 800.854.7771
211 Los Angeles County (social services) dial 211
Smokers Anonymous
Nicotine Anonymous 877.879.6422
Gamblers Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous 855.222.5542
Mental Health Resources for Law Students
Religious Outreach
Hub for Spiritual Life
310.506.4545 spirtuallife@pepperdine.edu
University Church of Christ 310.506.4504 church@pepperdine.edu
Office of Student Accessibility (Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm) 310.506.6500 student.accessibility@pepperdine.edu
Pepperdine University
Caruso School of Law
Jason Jarvis 310.506.7110
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs jason.jarvis@pepperdine.edu
Chalak Guinses 310.506.4623
Dean of Students, Belonging, and Career Development chalak.guinses@pepperdine.edu
Al Sturgeon 310.506.4623
Assistant Dean of Student Life and Spiritual Development
Senior Fellow, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution al.sturgeon@pepperdine.edu
Student Information and Services 310.506.4638 lawstudentinfo@pepperdine.edu
Financial Assistance 310.506.4633 lawfinaid@pepperdine.edu
Student Organizations
Student Bar Association (SBA) sba@law.pepperdine.edu
Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL) apil@law.pepperdine.edu
American Constitution Society americanconstitutionsociety@law.pepperdine.edu
Armenian Law Student Association (ALSA) americanconstitutionsociety@law.pepperdine.edu
Asian-Pacific American Law Student Association (APALSA) apalsa@law.pepperdine.edu
Black Law Students Association blsa@law.pepperdine.edu
Cannabis and the Law Student Association (CALSA) CALSA@law.pepperdine.edu
Chess Club ChessClub@law.pepperdine.edu
Children's and Family Legal Society CFLS@law.pepperdine.edu
Christian Legal Society (CLS) christianlegalsociety@law.pepperdine.edu
Criminal Law Society criminallawsociety@law.pepperdine.edu
Dispute Resolution Society drs@law.pepperdine.edu
Environmental Law Society environmentallawsociety@law.pepperdine.edu
Federalist Society fedsoc@law.pepperdine.edu
First-Generation Law Student Association firstgeneration@law.pepperdine.edu
Health Law Society (HLS) healthlawsociety@law.pepperdine.edu
Intellectual Property Student Association ipsa@law.pepperdine.edu
International Law Society internationallawsociety@law.pepperdine.edu
Iranian Law Student Association iranianlawstudentassociation@law.pepperdine.edu
Jewish Law Students Association jewishlawstudentassociation@law.pepperdine.edu
Muslim Student Association (MSA) MuslimStudentAssociation@law.pepperdine.edu
National Latinx Law Student Association nllsa@law.pepperdine.edu
National Lawyers Guild nlg@law.pepperdine.edu
Pepperdine International Arbitration Society (PIAS) PIAS@law.pepperdine.edu
Pepperdine OUTLaw outlaw@law.pepperdine.edu
Phi Delta Phi phideltaphi@law.pepperdine.edu
Spanish Conversation Club spanishconversationclub@law.pepperdine.edu
Sports and Entertainment Law Society sels@law.pepperdine.edu
Student Plaintiffs Bar (SPB) studentplaintiffsbar@law.pepperdine.edu
Students for Life studentsforlife@law.pepperdine.edu
Students for Reproductive Justice studentsforreproductivejustice@law.pepperdine.edu
Veterans Legal Society vls@law.pepperdine.edu
Video Game Law Society videogamelawsociety@law.pepperdine.edu
Women’s Legal Association wla@law.pepperdine.edu
Student Journals
Pepperdine Law Review lawreview@law.pepperdine.edu
Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal drlj@law.pepperdine.edu
Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship, and the Law jbel@law.pepperdine.edu
Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary naalj@law.pepperdine.edu