Jan. 24, 2013 issue

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The future of journalism lives here.


Volume XLIII, Issue 12 | January 24, 2013 | www.pepperdine-graphic.com

PR director loses battle with cancer By Whitney Irick

» Fan Central can’t be contained. Hear from the athletes on B9.

SGA curbs HAWC theft By Falon Opsahl News Assistant

Online Managing Editor

Bill Krenn, director of media relations at Pepperdine University, passed away Jan. 19 after battling cancer. He was 64. According to a statement released Wednesday morning to the Pepperdine community, Krenn won several awards working at PR and marketing agencies across the country. Krenn came to Pepperdine in 2010 after spending over a decade at The Phelps Group in Santa Monica, a pioneer in integrated marketing communications. As director of media relations, he was instrumental in the publication of mu l t i p l e Bill Krenn high proDirector of Media file stories Relations promoting the university in both local and national publications, including Guideposts magazine. “When I first met Bill Krenn my first reaction was: what a solid, talented person and how fortunate we were to attract him to come and work with us. He was the consummate professional and he guided us skillfully through many interesting challenges. Although we knew of his cancer, his death was still a shock. He died much too young and we grieve with his family,” President Andrew K. Benton wrote in an email to the Graphic. Krenn had a master’s degree from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Jerry Derloshon, director of Public Affairs, not only viewed Krenn as a colleague but as a great friend. “He was honest, hard-working and cultivated relationships based on mutual trust, respect and a keen sense of humor,” Derloshon said. “He knew what journalists, editors and assignment producers were looking for.” Alex Rangel, senior and art editor with the Graphic, reflected on her time with Krenn working in the PR office. “Bill was really great to work with. He always had a positive attitude and joked around with everyone.” Krenn’s memorial service is today at 10:30 a.m. at Saint Monica’s Catholic Church. His family has requested that all flower arrangements be sent to the parish office at the church’s address. g




Editorial..........A6 Crossword......B7 Sports............B8

»See HAWC, A5

SERIAL THEFT­­ — A student poses in the HAWC mimicking an upward trend: to skip the register line and steal food. Sodexo estimated that about 1 percent of the products they make and send to Pepperdine is stolen, according to SGA.

Waves witness inauguration By Patrick Rear News Assistant


Record applications hit By Amy Fan Staff Writer

This year, Seaver College received its highest number of applications since 2007. Pepperdine received 10,443 applications for the 2013-14 academic year, 10 percent more than the previous year. The next closest total was 9,896 applicants in 2011-2012. Pepperdine’s deadline for college seniors and transfer students was Jan. 5. Pepperdine has not had an Early Action or Early Decision Deadline since 2003. The Office of Admissions will be processing applications for the next few months. The results will arrive on or before April 1, and final statistics on the admitted students will be revealed afterward. Ten applicants for the Posse Scholarship have also been selected for a four-year,

Binary ban

DPS Reports..A2 Calendar........A2

Stealing from the HAWC has become a problem as the year has progressed, and the SGA is looking at different options for preventing future thefts. During the weekly SGA meeting on Wednesday, General Judicial Councilmember Sarah Houston introduced the issue to class representatives and the discussion remained the topic for the day. At first, representatives suggested catching thieves by reviewing surveillance cameras or paying someone to keep track of customers. However, as the conversation deepened, SGA adviser Hunter Stanfield pointed out that the goal should be to prevent people from stealing, not punish someone for stealing a $2 bag of chips. “We want people to be aware that taking something once in a while costs a lot of money, and it’s a serious problem,” said Wil Fisher, junior

Is your professor a friend or foe of technology?


full-tuition scholarship to Seaver College. The Posse Foundation, created in 1989, seeks to send students “who may be overlooked

Pepperdine’s deadline for college seniors and transfer students was Jan. 5. Pepperdine has not had an Early Action or Early Decision Deadline since 2003.

by traditional college selection processes” to top colleges on full-ride scholarships. According to Posse’s website, it was originally created to identify “promising students from disadvantaged urban back-

grounds using an alternative set of qualities as predictors of success in college.” The students are picked in groups of 10 for each college through nontraditional methods such as problem solving, rather than SAT scores. The students graduate from college at a rate of 90 percent and are mentored as they progress through their university years. Pepperdine first partnered with Posse in 2010, and next year’s group will bring the group total to four, one in each class. Pepperdine professors who participated in the selection process traveled to Washington, D.C., to see the applicants and make the final decision. The 10 individuals are meant to reflect the diversity of the D.C. metro area. Professor of Religion and

»See APPS, A4

Crowds gathered outside on a cold Monday in our nation’s capitol to witness the second Presidential Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Members of the Pepperdine program in Washington, D.C., attended the festivities and participated in a tradition that is as old as the United States itself. “I enjoyed the inauguration and feel everyone should experience this once in their life!” wrote senior Chris Patrick in an email about his experience at the inauguration. Patrick was one of about 800,000 people in attendance at the National Mall to watch Obama’s second inaugural address. The inauguration came in the middle of a week of events that began Saturday, Jan. 19 with the National Day of Service celebrating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Since Inauguration Day is actually Jan. 20, Obama was officially sworn in to his second presidential term at a private ceremony on Sunday, and he re-took the oath of office at

Te’o and the evolution of ‘Catfish’ Learn about the latest word to enter the Internet lexicon.

» L&A, B4

the public event on Monday to appear before the nation and deliver his second inaugural address outlining his plans for his second term in office. “I was beyond inspired by Obama’s speech and feel he touched on every point he wants to focus on this term, just not in detail,” said Patrick, who was close enough to hear the President’s speech in front of the Capitol building. To get as close as Patrick was to the ceremony, he had to receive a ticket from a senator or congressional representative. Those who were unable to get a ticket had to observe the proceedings from the National Mall where large screens were set up. “I would say that unless you were within 300 yards of the stage, your only way to see the events was to look up at the giant screens set up all along the mall,” said junior Evan Shorter. Each member of Congress receives only 100 to 200 tickets that are distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. “Unless you are one of the ones lucky enough to get

»See DC, A5

The Waves of Malibu Fri. 1 ft @13s

Sat. 1.1 ft @13s

Sun. 1.2 ft @2s

Mon. 1.2 ft @13s


A2 Graphic


January 24, 2013

Volunteers hypnotized during lock-in


PGM President

Senior reflects on journey


MALIBU DREAMING — Fourteen bold volunteers went before their classmates at the sophomore lock-in Friday night in the Caf to be hypnotized. Members of the audience were encouraged to join in for the experience and attempt to get as much rest in one hour of hypnosis as in eight hours of sleep.

1/14/13 1:16 p.m. Incidents – Suspicious Circumstances Location: George Page Residential Complex Summary: A student reported returning to their dorm room from winter break and discovering their belongings were out of place. No items were reported missing. 1/14/13 3:08 p.m. Crimes – Larceny/Theft – Petty Theft – Misc. Location: Dorm – Phi Beta Summary: A student reported their unsecured bicycle was stolen from their dorm over the holiday break. 1/15/13 12:27 p.m. Traffic Related – Traffic Enforcement - Reckless Driving Location: Seaver Drive Summary: A student reported nearly being struck by a car while using a crosswalk. The driver never slowed down.

1/15/13 2:29 p.m. Crimes – Trespassing Location: Communications and Business Center Summary: A Public Safety officer reported that an unauthorized solicitor was warned of trespassing on private property and escorted off campus. 1/15/13 2:36 p.m. Crimes – Larceny/Theft – Petty Theft – Misc. Location: John Tyler Drive Summary: A student reported that they witnessed a theft; two individuals removed scuba diving equipment from the back of a pick-up truck and loaded it into their vehicle. Public safety officers and LA County Sheriff’s deputies responded. 1/16/13 4:07 p.m. Departmental – Lost/Found Property Location: Off-Campus Location Summary: A staff member



THURSDAY Women’s Basketball vs. Gonzaga 7 p.m. Firestone Fieldhouse


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1/16/13 4:52 p.m. Crimes – Indecent Exposure Location: Baxter Drive Summary: A resident witnessed two individuals possibly taking inappropriate pictures. A Public Safety officer responded and identified the two individuals as students and determined that there were no inappropriate photos. Both students were warned that the area is a private residential area. 1/17/13 1:15 a.m. Crimes – Assault/Battery – Simple Battery or Fighting Location: George Page Residential Complex Summary: A Public Safety officer responded to investigate a report of a student under the influence of alcohol. The

student had noticeable trauma on their cheek and indicated that they had been struck by a bouncer at a Hollywood nightclub. The LA County paramedics and LA County Sheriff’s Department responded. The student was treated at the scene and released. 1/17/13 12:47 p.m. Parking Related – Wheel Lock Location: Flag Lot Summary: An unregistered illegally parked vehicle with multiple unpaid parking citations was wheel-locked for identification purposes. 1/17/13 3:25 p.m. Traffic Related – Traffic Enforcement – Vehicle Stop Location: John Tyler Drive Summary: A driver who was exceeding the speed limit failed to yield to a Public Safety officer’s emergency lights and sirens and drove off campus.

The vehicle’s license plate was registered to a student. 1/19/13 4:18 a.m. Drugs & Alcohol Related Incidents – Drunk in Public Location: Off-Campus Location Summary: The LA County Sheriff’s department reported that they arrested a student under the age of 21 for being drunk in public while walking on Pacific Coast Highway. 1/19/13 5:31 p.m. Parking Related – Illegally Parked Vehicle Location: George Page Residential Complex Summary: A Public Safety officer responded to a report of an illegally parked vehicle. The registered owner of the vehicle returned as the officer was issuing a citation and became argumentative.


The ‘Bu

Stranded hikers flown to safety

FRIDAY Comedy Night 7 p.m. HAWC


reported that their department issued identification badge was stolen from their purse while attending a public sporting event.

Malibu Search and Rescue saved two hikers from a cliff after one fell and injured himself. They called for help at 9 p.m. on Monday. The men tried to scale a cliff in Malibu Creek State Park when they got stranded by water in the gorge. A LA County Fire helicopter picked up the hikers within an hour.

Malibu offers adult acting classes


Three shot at college near Houston

A shooting at Lone Star College in Houston resulted in injuries to three people. Two of these were students wounded in cross-fire and the third was a suspect who is now in custody. Another armed suspect fled the campus. Authorities are still investigating the incident.

Italy tackles mafia-owned businesses

The Malibu Parks and Recreation Department will offer an acting class to adults 18 and older starting next week at the Malibu Civic Theater. The program will begin on Jan. 30 and will be held every Wednesday at 7 p.m. through March 20 for $205. Scott Alan Smith, actor, director, writer and Pepperdine professor will teach the class.

Italy’s National Agency for the Management of Assets Confiscated from Organized Crime has seized hundreds of businesses from the mafia. The agency is trying to remove gang traces from these businesses and sell them to honest owners. Only a fraction of the businesses have recovered from the transition but many of the gang leaders have been arrested.

Homeless youth count their own

British grandma sentenced to death

Reports compiled from Malibu Patch

Reports compiled from BBC News

For the first time, the Homeless Services Authority has enlisted up to 100 homeless youth to help calculate the number of homeless people under the age of 25 who live in LA County. It is participating in a nationwide homeless count to help assess the financial needs of homeless services.

A 56-year-old British grandmother has been sentenced to death by firing squad. Indonesian police arrested her in Bali’s airport last year when officials found 10 lb. of cocaine in her suitcase. The sentence shocked the defense, but the judges said that the incident has caused permanent damage.

A final-semester senior gives his manifesto on what each year of college affords. It’s my last semester of college, and it is time to get real. It is the end of my academic training, the end of a cycle of my life but the beginning of a new chapter: adulthood. This transition is an exciting, bittersweet moment where we can decide if we are on the right path or completely misguided. But one thing is certain — in only seven semesters, I went through a period of selfreflection and self-discovery that allowed me to cut the parental umbilical cord and truly understand who I was as an individual. As freshmen in college, we go through exciting moments like leaving home and being “free” — no curfew, no chores and no mandatory vegetables for dinner. By the time we are sophomores, we are either excited about traveling abroad or embodying the typical college lifestyle. As a junior, we are obsessed with landing an internship, and finally, by the time we are seniors, we realize that we need to get a job and pay our bills. But this transition from freshman to senior is more than just transitioning between college to adulthood; it is indeed a time of maturity and personal growth. It is a phase where we challenge ourselves, experience new things and explore our true identity. Four years went by in the blink of an eye, but the changes that it made are noticeable. Once a friend, whom I met during my freshman year, said that I was different, that I had changed. But did I really change and become a different person? I don’t think so. College is a period of self-discovery where we allow our inner-self to flourish and become who we are meant to be — or at least begin the process. It is not simply a change but instead a maturation period. We are in a wholly different culture and environment. We are instinctively influenced by our surroundings: They allow us to get ourselves out there and help us step away from our comfort zone and feel “uncomfortable.” In almost four years, my career goals have stayed the same, but what is different today is how I see my aspirations and how I go about attaining goals. As a freshman, I wanted to be a movie and television producer, hoping to win an Emmy or an Oscar. As the years progressed, I realized that it is not just a TV show or film that I want to create, but it is more about the core of my interest to inspire people to make a change through the stories that I am telling. Semester eight has begun, and as I recollect my collegiate years, I spend more time focusing on the things that I have discovered about myself rather than the changes that happened in my life. With this new phase, I conclude a seminal phase of my life, but I now phase into my new life filled with bigger hopes of more challenges, learning and growth. g



January 24, 2013



Shanghai pollution increases By Nate Barton Assistant News Editor

With the end of the Year of the Dragon comes increased environmental uncertainty for the People’s Republic of China. Air quality in China has been a growing concern worldwide, as a January 12 study by the Environmental Protection Agency shows air pollution in Beijing ranking a staggering 744 on a 1-500 scale. This is especially significant to those involved in Pepperdine’s study abroad program located in Shanghai, a city whose air quality was deemed “unhealthy” by the local U.S. consulate. According to the Environmental Performance Index collected by Yale University, China ranked 128 out of 132 countries in terms of air quality — a result of rapid industrialization and dependence on diesel and coal. Smog is a constant problem in Shanghai, according to Mitch Bennett, RA for Pepperdine’s Shanghai program. “The air quality varies from day to day,” Bennett wrote in an email. “Most days the sky is just overcast but occasionally a thick smog can be seen around campus.” Originally from Denver, Bennett said the effects of pollution impact everyday life.

“We can all feel it in our who want to visit. breathing,” Bennett wrote. “We “Pollution is real in Shangtake shorter breaths. Every now hai in a much larger way than and then, someone develops in any other city I’ve ever visita bad cough that can result in ed,” Zhou said. “Air pollution is some nasty black mucus. Worst definitely a concern for anyone of all, is the pollution is so bad it who lives in Shanghai, but I’d affects the skin.” never let it deter me from ever Sophomore Allison Jack- living in such an amazing culson, originally from rural Ohio, tural and urban center.” said that while the nearest maZhou said she thinks the sitjor factory uation is blown is almost 40 out of propormiles away, tion. Every now and then, smog often “Honestprevents stu- someone develops a ly, the freaky dents from bad cough that can statistics are seeing stars at result in some nasty usually used night. black mucus. Worst of as scare tactics “The polto deter the all, is the pollution is so unsuspecting lution really affects you bad it affects the skin. tourist,” Zhou the first few said. “Yes, —Mitch Bennett days,” Jackthere is a lot RA for Shanghai Program son wrote in of smog, and an email. “A yes, in some argood amount eas of the city, of us got pretty bad coughs. if you are outside for too long, My skin tends to get grimy it can hurt to breathe. But I’ve more easily as well. I tried to never been deterred from living run in China, but I found that a normal life and experiencing I couldn’t catch my breath very all that Shanghai has to offer easily and often times I would just because the trucks still use run through clouds of smoke diesel.” due to the large number of One of the most hazardous smokers.” aspects of pollution in China is Freshman Tiffany Zhou said the concentration of particles in while she did notice the pol- the air that are smaller than 2.5 lution in Shanghai during the micrometers, which is on averthree years she lived in the city, age 10 times higher in Beijing it should not intimidate those than in New York, according

Convo separates drug use and abuse

By Nate Barton Assistant News Editor

When talking about the dangers of drugs, few consider the neatly packaged pills prescribed by doctors across the country. In fact, more Americans die every year from using prescriptions bought in a pharmacy than drugs bought on the street. In an attempt to “increase knowledge about risks of taking commonly abused prescription drugs,” Assistant Director of the Counseling Center Robert Scholz addressed the crowd on Wednesday for a Convocation event titled: “Drugged: Prescription Drug Abuse Among College Students.” Fire codes prevented some students from attending the crowded Convocation session in Plaza Classroom 190, yet the congregation remained relatively hushed as they waited for Scholz to approach the front of the class. “There is an overall perception among teenagers that you can’t be harmed as much by prescription drugs as you can be harmed by coke or something like that,” Scholz said. “This is an issue we haven’t talked a lot about. It’s one of those topics we’re afraid to look at because it’s so common for people to use prescription drugs.” “Prescription drug abuse causes the largest percentage of deaths from drug overdosing,” Scholz wrote in an email. “More than heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine combined.” Part of the problem is the

way society views prescription drugs as relatively safe. “I think the reason why this has become such a problem is that pills have become the norm,” Scholz said. “Sometimes in a college setting, when people offer pills or provide pills, we don’t think anything of it. And yet I can tell you story after story of people who ended up in the ER or had a psychotic reaction to taking somebody else’s medication. “They had no idea what they were taking when they popped it in their mouth,” Scholz said. Scholz said 10 to 15 percent of college students use prescription drugs that are not prescribed to them. That is a huge increase since the early 2000s, when only 2 to 3 percent did so. “We’ve seen a rapid increase in prescription drug abuse among teenagers and young adults over the past 20 years,” Scholz said. “Unintentional drug poisoning is the second leading cause of accidental deaths.” Scholz said the culture of alcoholism on college campuses adds to the risk, referencing an article by the national council of patient information and education “Educate Before You Medicate.” “The article wrote, ‘It’s a perfect Storm — Roughly half (49 percent) of all college students binge drink and a growing number report misusing or abusing prescription drugs (NCASA, 2007),’” Scholz wrote in an email. “‘Taking these substances together or with other illicit drugs can

quickly spell trouble, leading to dangerous interaction, possible overdose and death.’” Many of the cases of overdose among college students are the result of painkillers such as Vicodin, sedatives such as Xanax and stimulants such as Adderall. Scholz warned against mixing these drugs with each other, as well as with energy drinks or alcohol. “Mixing medications — don’t do it,” Scholz said. “Bottom line. We see more and more ER runs are the result of mixing energy drinks and alcohol or stimulants and alcohol.” Freshman Hayden Paulsen said the event reminded him of the power of drugs — prescription or otherwise. “We are under a lot of pressure,” Paulsen said. “Everything from grad school, to jobs, to social lives, to sleep, to health is always on our minds. A stress relief or ability booster in pill form is a miracle for a lot of college students. How easy it is to play the system to get prescription drugs that have the ability to really harm your body and others by giving them away. Once you have them, it’s only natural to want to spread such powerful pills.” Freshman Cassandra Claudio said that while some of the information in the presentation was common knowledge, it gave her a better basic understanding of the dangers of prescription drug abuse. “It enhanced what I already knew,” Claudio said. “It gave me more knowledge on the basics.” g

the Atlantic. At this size, particles can penetrate the lungs and enter the bloodstream. Because Shanghai is located on the coast, many claim it experiences less air pollution than Beijing to the North. Student Communication Coordinator Kali Jelen agreed that while pollution levels in Shanghai are noticeably worse than Malibu, it is not nearly as bad as cities like Beijing. “The air pollution in Shanghai is not nearly as bad as some other industrial cities in China,” Jelen wrote in an email. “I felt that both Beijing and Xi’an were much, much worse. After a day of touring outside, I could feel the silt and sand in my pores and on my hair. Everything just felt dirty.” Students can take steps to protect themselves. “There are measures you can take to reduce your health risk,” Bennett wrote. “First of all, stay informed. You can gain up to date information from the U.S. consulate in Shanghai and their website. Second, avoid exercise or heavy exertion outside that would cause your lungs to work harder. Third, for any students with asthma or other lung conditions, take your medication regularly.”



COURTESY OF Koryakov Yuri

COURTESY OF Mitch Bennett

SOPHOMORES — Rachel Boyle, Alley Richey, Mitch Bennett, Carissa Heller, Quinn Jones pose in a smog-filled West Lake Hangzhou in October 2012.

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A4 Graphic


January 24, 2013

New SGA reps nominated By Falon Opsahl News Assistant

SGA is holding a special election for the student body to vote on an amendment to the Constitution of the Seaver College of Pepperdine University Student Government Association. Students will vote on the amendment through a ballot sent via email on Wednesday, Jan. 30. Voting will be open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. SGA members voted on the amendment during their weekly meeting Wednesday, and it passed with a two-thirds majority vote. In order for the amendment to be added to the constitution, the student body must also pass it with a twothirds majority vote. The proposed amendment is to change the date of regular elections from fall to spring. This was the case until only a couple of years ago.The freshman elections will be the only exception and will continue to be held in the fall since students will not be present during the preceding spring term. Overall, the change will have several benefits, according to SGA. Holding the elections in the spring preceding their term of office would allow the SGA members to spend the summer preparing for their term rather than waiting nearly a month into the fall semester to take on their duties after elections.


RISING STARS­­ — From left, freshmen Leilani Zito and Emily Hirsch and junior Mark Travis are starting the semester as the new senators of their respective classes. They were nominated after their predecessors resigned for various reasons.

This would also allow SGA to compete with other groups and organizations on campus that have their application processes in spring, which would help ensure that the best leaders are representing the student body. However, during the SGA

meeting, several members raised concerns about the change. Some were concerned that students abroad may have an unfair advantage or disadvantage in running for an SGA position. However, the advocates of the amendment said

be mentoring the fourth. “I think that it’s a challenge for them, and my job is to try to help them meet the challenge,” Banks said. “And for some it’s easier than others.” President Andrew K. Benton said on the Posse Foundation website that the values of the Posse Foundation are wholly supported by Pepperdine’s mission. “There is so much symme-

try between the mission and values of The Posse Foundation and those of Pepperdine University,” Benton said in 2009. “As a leading Christian institution of higher education, we care deeply about issues of equity and access and are keenly aware of the tremendous benefits, both intellectual and spiritual, to having a diverse campus community.”

APPS: 10 chosen FROM A1

Hispanic Studies Daniel Rodriguez said that the 10 recipients are a diverse group, including Asians, Hispanics and African Americans. Rodriguez was in charge of mentoring the second Posse group, while Professor of Humanities Jeff Banks took the first and third group and will



that International Programs Director of Admissions and Student Affairs Jeff Hamilton was not worried about the change. Other SGA members suggested the possibility that students would apply to several leadership positions in

the spring and then bow out of their responsibilities to SGA in the fall. However, the amount of responsibility and accountability expected of SGA members seems to make this an unlikely possibility. The amendment has the approval of SGA, as well as Dean

of Student Affairs Mark Davis and Associate Dean of Student Affairs Tabatha Jones Jolivet, according to SGA representatives. Now it’s up to the student body to decide whether it will be permanently added to the constitution. g



January 24, 2013



HAWC: ‘It’s a serious problem’ FROM A1

class president and food committee representative. “We need to encourage each other to do the right thing.” Sodexo estimated that about 1 percent of the products they make and send to Pepperdine is stolen, Fisher said. While that may not seem like a lot at first, if you take one percent out of every student account, that’s about $15 per person. If you multiply that by 3,000 people, the amount of stolen money adds up quickly. Peak hours in the HAWC are usually from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., 4:30 to 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., according to the supervisor, Malak Bostros. Bostros and other workers in the HAWC said the times are a rough estimate and differ from day to day but are normally when the register will have the longest lines. “It’s a serious problem, and we need to work together to solve it,” Fisher said. After all, the money will have to be made up somewhere and that will likely mean higher prices for all students. “This is everyone’s problem. We want to


MIDNIGHT MUNCHIES­­ — Students stand in line at the HAWC for a late-night snack. The HAWC became a popular destination, especially at night, following its renovation and the new operating hours for the Caf.

make it clear to people that fixing this problem is something good for all of us.” SGA plans on campaigning to show students the importance of accountability. They

intend to take the approach of prevention over punishment and said that they hope the student body will work together to solve the issue.

began malfunctioning. The Pepperdine students returned to the Washington, D.C., house to watch the remainder of the ceremony on television. While some, such as Shorter, were able to watch the speech at another location, many had to watch a replay of the event. “I will never go again unless I have VIP seats,” Patrick wrote.

After the inauguration, the ceremonial balls and special events began with the inaugural parade as President Obama joined in the festivities before getting back to work on the many issues confronting the U.S. and as Pepperdine students return to their internships all over the capitol.



DC: Students celebrate the day FROM A1

tickets from your representative, there is really no way to witness the ceremony in person,” Shorter said. Shorter and other Pepperdine students had to change their initial location once a viewing screen on the north side of the Washington Monument



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BIG DAY­­ — President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama welcome the crowds during the inaugural parade Monday in Washington, D.C. The photographer, Chantal Portune, is a Pepperdine senior who was selected based on her skills and interest to serve the President during the inaugural ceremony. Out of 56,000 people who applied, Portune was one of 15,000 selected to volunteer.

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SECOND TERM­­ — Vice President Joe Biden and Jill Biden celebrate President Obama’s second inauguration.



PERSPECTIVES January 24, 2013



Three steps to asserting superiority Dear Grace, How do I assert my intellectual and social superiority so that the people around me understand that I’m better than them? Sincerely, Above Average Dear AA, You and I seem to have a lot in common, and no, readers, I did not write this question to myself. For 21 years I have lived my life in a constant struggle to advertise my crippling supremacy to those plebeians I deign to call my friends and acquaintances. Alas, I remain a mediocre student at a middle-tier university, unrecognized by students and faculty alike for those various achievements I have every right to take credit for. Regardless, I will share with you three of my most pseudo-successful undertakings. No. 1. Post anonymously in social media forums Tragic indeed was the day that CollegeACB.com was forced into premature retirement. Not only was such a website the perfect place to catch up on factual Pepperdine gossip, but it was also conducive to seeing precisely how little anyone cares about you as an individual. My own ACB strategy involved scanning the forum from the dark, damp depths of my A-suite freshman dorm room and posting scathing, well-thought-out remarks in regard to this Greek organization or that individual of questionable sexual orientation. Nothing says “I’m the best” like spending Saturday night attempting to casually bring yourself up in an online forum about something entirely different and staying up until dawn checking every 10 minutes for new comments, fully prepared to adamantly defend yourself disguised as an objective third party. No. 2 Select a theme song An essential step in becoming a badass emcee is the selection of an anthem. Surrounding yourself with motivational and inspiring music is a surefire way to remain in the mindset of someone who simply couldn’t care less. My personal hymn of choice is the timeless classic “Beez in the Trap,” produced by the self-ordained “Female Weezy,” Nicki Minaj. Other selections I find help to calm the emotional storms of my tortured, advanced mind include the following: “Ayy Ladies” by Travis Porter, “Work Hard, Play Hard” by Wiz Khalifa, “Hands” by Jewel and “Faded” by Tyga. No. 3 Cultivate a unique hobby In that same vein, I recommend dabbling in freestyle rap or taking up the mandolin. Seemingly nerdy, embarrassing hobbies are the bedrock of any life lived above the rest. That is, regardless of the ridicule you might be subject to as a result of your unpleasant temperament, subpar IQ score and chafing personality, you and every other person who walks this earth may cling to the excuse that no one understands the disposition of a true savant.





Green awareness is key Environmental issues continually bubble up in public discourse, raising the question of how our choices affect the planet and our quality of life. As an environmentally minded generation, it is important to know the positive and negative results of our actions. Pepperdine has a strong commitment to sustainability and recycling, but many students are totally unaware of what Pepperdine does in the direction of sustainability. Students who are already conscious of their environmental impact are left feeling as if living a sustainable lifestyle at Pepperdine is too difficult, while students who are not as in tune with sustainable living do not see how they are already involved. In reality, both groups of students that are helping Pepperdine have a positive impact without knowing it. Beyond the fact that all the water used to keep Pepperdine a lush oasis is reclaimed water stored in the lakes in Alumni Park, students are either directly or indirectly involved in other sustainable practices.

For example, all the trash deposited on the Malibu campus is sorted by Crown Disposal, Pepperdine’s recycling vendor. Only 22 percent is sent to landfills, while 78 percent is reused or recycled. The reason students are either left hoarding their recyclables or never paying it a second thought when they toss them in the trash is not that they are incapable of making sustainable choices, but it is due to a lack of awareness about their options. As we graduate and move off into the world, it is important to be aware of our decisions and the impact they can have. Our years in college are the first chance many of us get to live away from home and make our own choices about how we want to live, and they are very important in building the habits that we will carry through the rest of our lives. Though Pepperdine’s trash is already sorted for recycling, there are many other things that we can do to build sustainable habits and realize that very little work is actually

involved to have a large positive impact. Everything from turning off the lights when you leave a room to purchasing used books whenever possible can save money while also reducing the amount of waste generated. Pepperdine has a number of opportunities to promote personal sustainable living habits. At the end of every semester, donation bins are set up around campus so items no longer needed can be repurposed. The Salvation Army has bins set up around campus as well for clothing donations, which are used to help the homeless, abused or disadvantaged. Used cell phones, batteries and printer cartridges can be dropped off on the second floor of Payson Library and other places on campus. These are measures taken to avoid tossing used items in the trash, allowing them to be reused or recycled. Another little-known project, undertaken by the Pepperdine Green Team to promote sustainability, is hosting a community garden on

campus just below the practice soccer field, which is open to everyone at no cost. Pepperdine provides a number of incentives to provide sustainable transportation for students living both on and off campus. Shopping shuttles, Hertz rental cars on campus and carpool parking passes for students who drive to campus reduce the number of cars on the road during peak hours and the environmental impact of students driving to campus. As we move on from Pepperdine and into the real world, it is important to make decisions that will affect the Earth in positive ways, and now is the best time to start. Not only is this good for the environment, but it can also promote Pepperdine’s values of purpose, service and leadership and benefit our pocketbooks. It is not nearly as difficult as some people think it is and will help us leave a better world for our children.

Face Off

Should professors be allowed to ban technology, such as laptops, from their classrooms?

Executive Editor Nikki Torriente Managing Editor Andrew Kasselmann Creative Director Alexander Hayes News Editor Mariella Rudi Assistant News Editor Nate Barton News Assistants Falon Opsahl Patrick Rear Sports Editor HuiWen Chen Assistant Sports Editor Stasia Demick Sports Assistant Marissa Baly Perspectives Editor Allegra Hobbs Assistant Perspectives Editor Breanna Grigsby Perspectives Assistants Elisabeth Armstrong David Hutchinson Life & Arts Editor Ben Kryder Assistant Life & Arts Editor Danielle DiMeglio Life & Arts Assistants Danielle Accovelli Chirag Patel Page Designers Esther Kang Ellen Kim Iris Lee Photo Editor Rebecca Herron Assistant Photo Editors Monica Case Gina Choi Photo Assistant Connor Wheeler Art Editor Alexandra Rangel Assistant Art Editor Sacha Irick Copy Chief Ruth Book Copy Editors Lydia Evans Matthew Finley Brittney Gibson Elise Keitz Janae Masnovi Rachel Rant Nate Tinner Online Managing Editor Whitney Irick Assistant Online Editor Genevieve Chong PGM President Al Lai Director of Student Journalism Elizabeth Smith Assistant Director of Journalism Courtenay Stallings Graduate Assistant Heather Manes

Mission Statement:

YES: I think they should Kai Woods Decker be able to ban technolJunior ogy in their classrooms. It’s their lesson and they should teach it the way they please.

Hannah Samson Sophomore

NO: I think we need to internalize our responsibility as students to listen. I think it’s also the responsibility of a teacher to make a class engaging to where I don’t bring my computer, to where I don’t even want to check my phone because I’m so engaged in what is going on in the class.

The Graphic is an editorially independent weekly student newspaper for the greater Pepperdine community. It serves the community with news, opinion, contemporary information and a public forum for discussion. The Graphic strengthens students for purpose, service and leadership by developing their skills in writing, editing and publication production, by providing a vehicle to integrate and implement their liberal arts education, and by developing students’ critical thinking through independent editorial judgment. The Graphic participates in Pepperdine’s Christian mission and affirmations, especially the pursuit of truth, excellence and freedom in a context of public service. Although the Graphic reports about Pepperdine University and coordinates with curricula in journalism and other disciplines, it is a student and not a University publication. Views expressed are diverse and, of course, do not correspond to all views of any University board, administration, faculty, staff, student or other constituency.


January 24, 2013

Readjusting life’s rhythm DAVID HUTCHINSON

Perspectives Assistant

At some point in our lives, we’ve all probably heard someone compare life to the performing arts. Shakespeare told us, “All the world’s a stage,” and numerous musicians, from Patrick Park to Teddy Pendergrass, have crooned “life is a song worth singing.” Regardless of the discipline, performing arts and life share a key similarity: Both provide a limited amount of time, a determined number of notes, words or scenes that we try to live out to the best of our ability. We can always try to extend our performances, but at some point we’ll all reach our last note. No one lives forever. Of course, life doesn’t provide us with sheet music, so we rarely know when our final notes will come. We usually don’t anticipate our deaths, but if we could see exactly how many minutes we had left and the precise number of notes remaining in the music of our lives, how would this knowledge affect the way we played the song? Would we try to cram in as many additional notes as possible before we finished the piece? Would we play louder? Would we drag it out? I believe that in almost every case, such knowledge would negatively impact the way we live. If I knew how many hours I had left to live, I would probably try to cram as much content as possible into my remaining time. Like Morgan Freeman’s character Carter Chambers, I would form a bucket list and try to use every waking minute to impact the world. If anything delayed my plans, I would


feel guilty for wasting those precious hours. I haven’t conducted any studies on this subject, but after several conversations with friends, I believe that most students at Pepperdine would also feel this pressure. We’re a school of achievers, and if any of my classmates knew how much time he or she had left, this person would probably feel obligated to invest it for as large a return as possible. If each student in the symphony of life at Pepperdine knew when his or her song would end, I would

expect them all to add as many extra notes as possible, trying to pack their final moments with meaning. Although few of us know when we will die, almost everyone at Pepperdine can anticipate when they’ll graduate. Instead of counting our days left on earth, we count the days left at school and feel a similar pressure to make each minute count. This awareness may explain why many Pepperdine students overcommit themselves: We want friendships, work experience, good grades

and better memories, so we continue adding activities to our schedules. Many students here will take on at least three high-commitment extracurricular activities in addition to their fulltime academic schedule. Unfortunately, quantity of notes rarely improves the quality of music and numerous activities won’t improve the quality of life. In a 2008 study conducted by the Associated Press, four in 10 college students reported that they felt stress often, and nearly

one in five admitted that they feel stressed almost constantly. According to Pepperdine’s Counseling Center, about 34 percent of Pepperdine students report that stress negatively impacts their academic performance, a number about six percentage points above the national average. While the students never made a direct connection between stress and over commitment, I believe many Pepperdine students would agree that over commitment significantly increases their stress. Ironically, by overcommitting, we actually make ourselves less effective in our education, in our work, and in our relationships. The University of Texas’ Counseling and Mental Health Center warns that stress can “decrease interpersonal and academic effectiveness” by reducing self-esteem, lowering self-control and increasing fatigue. This weariness and corresponding lack of focus make it even more difficult to accomplish the legion of to-do list items on most students’ schedules. We do ourselves a disfavor when we strain to squeeze every drop of productivity out of our years at Pepperdine. Like a musician adding extra notes to an otherwise beautiful song, we throw off the balance of our lives when we spend our days scrambling from one activity to another. So, here’s my proposition: don’t place your worth in the activities in which you participate at Pepperdine. Pick a few that you enjoy, and invest yourself in these activities to the best of your ability. Instead of adding notes to your life’s song, turn your eyes to the music already set before you, and savor playing each note in its time. g


Groupthink smothers progress ALLEGRA HOBBS

Perspectives Editor

“Groupthink” does, admittedly, sound like the title of a psychological thriller, and the premise a bit like the set-up of an Orwellian dystopia, but unfortunately, it’s closer to home. Groupthink is more or less a standard component of any unified group of people — whether on a macro level (country of origin) or a micro level (school clique). There is something inherent in us that spurs the desire to find belonging within a larger group, to feel that we are part of a whole and central to the self-conceptions of our individual identities. Rather than seriously pursue truth, which requires questioning one’s own fervently held beliefs and carefully considering oppositional views, we are lazily content to disregard anything that challenges the harmony of our ideologies. Groupthink occurs when the desire for a cohesive group identity and ideological harmony are prioritized above all else. The fear of disrupting group unity and of being made a group outcast lends itself to a generating of blind loyalty, the goal of which is largely preventative.

The real danger of groupthink is that it creates a self-inflicted barrier to any kind of critical analysis of accepted norms within the group. Members of the group fear that an intrusion of outside ideas could challenge the group’s homogeneity. This particular phenomena has been on my mind lately because in watching the development of events across our sociopolitical landscape, it seems that the fierce and often baseless loyalty with which people cling to their beliefs is a very real affront to progress of any kind. We live in a country that extols individual liberty as a foundational virtue. Our collective national identity is rooted in the Horatio Alger narrative of triumphant individualism, of independent will being strong enough to overpower societal ills. However, while we deeply value individual liberty as an American ideal, the truth is that the rationalization of our beliefs is deeply entrenched in our identification with a group. The group exists, and we ascribe to the group, because its existence provides the necessary affirmation we need to continue on our desired path with the knowledge that we are right and anyone outside of the group is wrong. Their support allows us to reinforce our belief systems until they are utterly logic-proof


and even common-sense-proof. Once you’ve locked yourself in the ideological prison of groupthink, it becomes incredibly easy to rationalize your beliefs, often equipped more with rhetorical flourishes than with actual reason. This is why we often go through the motions expected of a “group member” without questioning our own motives or the motives of others; as a result, we fail to examine the basis of our belief systems. This can manifest itself at various societal levels in very different ways. As professed members of a certain

political party, we may be likely to welcome opinions automatically from our own side of the aisle and thus reject others. The perceived ethos of a pundit may lend baseless credibility, within the group circle, to whatever they espouse, so they are judged on group-assigned status rather than the content of their words. If we are brave enough to examine the basis of our ideologies—to keep asking why we believe something to be true until we reach the heart of the matter—we may find that what we tell ourselves are logically sound and well-thought-out

beliefs are more thoughtless and petty than we’d like to admit. As long as we stay in our ideological prisons, refusing to recognize the potential validity of outside perspectives, we will resist progress. We will continue to proclaim loudly without critically examining, willfully turning our backs to anything that might shatter the groupthink-induced illusion that we are justified in clinging to our beliefs.

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Graphic Pepperdine University 24255 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90263 310-506-4311 graphic@pepperdine.edu graphicadvertising@pepperdine.edu






Staff Writer

Technology ban justified? Many professors specify that their classes are “technology-free,” and most of them even go the extra mile to make sure that those who use technology will be punished by lowering students’ grades. Their good will aside, many professors even suggest reverting back to the mighty pen and paper, insisting that the act of writing itself will enhance learning more than typing — an act they consider to be “too passive.” However, the question at hand is hardly whether or not technology is helpful to learning. The question is: If instructors must resort to punishing students to keep them from using technology inappropriately, what does it say about their courses? Is the real reason that instructors find it too hurtful that students find screens more engaging than their lectures? Or do they genuinely believe that students on laptops or iPads will “distract others”? Is it even their responsibility to make sure that students are paying attention? It seems reasonable to give students the benefit of the doubt and assume they possess a desire to succeed. Student Shane Longway, who insists that he “should be allowed to use computers to take notes” and that he does not think it is the professor’s responsibility to make sure students pay attention. I also think, however, that situations can vary. Technology is not necessarily a right to which that all students are entitled in every type of class. But is starting off a course “technology-free” with the assumption that students will use laptops inappropriately consistent to Pepperdine’s resolve that the student is a “person of infinite dignity” or the “heart of educational enterprise”? Will perfectly constructed learning environments without any forms of distraction adequately prepare students to “lead purposeful lives as servant-minded leaders”? I may be underplaying the role of the instructor. Junior Alexander Booker insists that since it is the job of the instructor to teach a subject, the instructor should use everything in his or her power to make learning possible. He equates this to a patient telling a doctor that he cannot be forced to take medication. However, under the assumption that it is one of the professor’s obligations to make sure students pay attention, I am open to the possibility that making students pay attention can take place in more constructive forms. Some professors hold insight so absorbing that students cannot help but to listen. Is that not the education that we hope and pay for? The main distinction is that too many instructors mandate attendance, ban technology and spend class time regurgitating the textbook or PowerPoints. But the blame does not end there. Many students only come to class to spend time on Facebook. Regardless of the professor’s ability to engage the material in insightful or sophisticated ways, the pursuit of wisdom or knowledge — or even decent grades — should not be too lowly of a pursuit. At any rate, the mere fact that instructors feel obligated to ban technology calls for a change in the community as a whole to rethink the way we approach learning — even if it means questioning the role of professors and students. g


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January 24, 2013

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January 24, 2013

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B2 Graphic


January 24, 2013


Tan with caution I despise Coco Chanel. Weird, right? I have a perfectly sound reason for my animosity. In the 1920s, Coco Chanel went on a cruise near the French Riviera and accidentally got sunburned. Her resulting tan skin became an instant trend. This little incident is a major reason I will never be trendy. For those of you who do not know me, I’m a redhead. And being a redhead means no tan. Ever. Growing up as a redhead, or “a ginger,” was no easy task, especially when it came to things like pool parties or hangouts on the beach. Every time I donned a bathing suit, the comments about my fair — or nearly invisible — skin were relentless. So why is it that all you beautiful Malibu-ites get to enjoy a perfectly tanned complexion, while my pale-skinned compatriots and I must sit out the swimming and beach volleyball to hide under hats, umbrellas and SPF 100 sunscreen? It has to do with something called melanin. Melanin is a brown pigment present in all skin, with the exception of people with conditions like albinism, and its job is to reduce the harmful effects of UV light. When UV light hits the pigment, the light is absorbed and mostly transmitted harmlessly as heat. This is absolutely crucial to human health because UV light is damaging to DNA, and if DNA is damaged in cells, those cells can become cancerous. So more melanin is good, right? Unfortunately, melanin production and protection from sunlight is much more complex than that. It turns out that a “tan” is more of a protective response than a healthy one. When you get sick, your body will raise its temperature to kill the virus and stop it from spreading and hurting your body. Similarly, when you expose your skin to too much sunlight, the upper layers of your skin fill with melanin to keep any more sun from damaging it. In other words, when you damage your skin by tanning, it responds by filling with melanin to keep you from damaging it again. Equally important is the location of melanin in our skin. Our skin has layers, and pigments can be found in the bottommost layers or in layers that are closer to the surface of the skin that we see. When we tan, melanin will move from the bottommost layers of our skin to the upper ones, and this is when we see the brown color that we call a “tan.” When we damage our skin with UV light, the pigment will move to upper layers to absorb any more light and prevent DNA damage and further harm. So, fellow gingers and fairskinned friends, this is unfortunate for us because we naturally have less of the protective pigment that keeps our DNA from getting damaged. But by no means does that imply that having naturally darker skin means no care must be taken in the sun. Before you go out tanning again, please think about your poor skin cells that think you are insane for torturing them. They can see past your folly. So stop picking on us poor, pale, ginger souls, and let us all enjoy the skin tone God blessed us with. g


Photos courtesy of CES IMAGE GALLERY

CES illuminates the way of future By Chirag Patel Life & Arts Assistant

The International Consumer Electronics Show kicked off the new year with a showcasing of new and emerging technologies sure to bring the world of tomorrow to the consumer of today. The event, which took place in Las Vegas from Jan. 8 through Jan. 11, was a techie playground of awe-inspiring gadgetry and electronic doodads that are soon to hit the market and empty our wallets. From upgraded TVs and tablets to self driving cars and massage robots, there was something for everyone to look forward to at CES. Televisions, smartphones, tablets and computers allhad a big presence at CES, boasting faster speeds, bigger screens and thinner profiles. One of the more interesting innovations in this market has come from Sony, which introduced the upcoming Xperia Z, a smartphone that is water resistant. Sony claims that the phone can survive being submerged in nearly ten feet of water for up to 30 minutes. Continuing the trend of faster and better, CES saw the introduction of 4K resolution OLED home televisions, which nearly doubles the screen resolution and quality of common 1080p televisions on the market. LG also introduced new era televisions with finger-gesture capabilities, allowing users to control their television in a completely hands-free way, using only their hands and fingers. Similarly, the Tobii Rex for Windows 8 allows users to navigate and control their PCs using their eyes to track and select objects. Display screen technology has also undergone a transformation for CES. Samsung

introduced its new Youm screens, promising a new way to develop and use traditional screen technology. Made of plastic rather than glass, the Youm screens are extremely thin, highly flexible and nearly unbreakable. This new technology not only provides higher protection for our devices, but it also allows for the creation of various screen shapes and sizes that could lead to phones and monitors breaking away from the rectangular format to which we have grown accustomed. Displair also introduced a revolutionary new screen, described as an airborne interactive display. This display uses vapor in the air to project a holographic image capable of reading and reacting to touch. Tablets and televisions also amazed attendees –– companies showcased tablets of up to 20 inches in size and televisions spanning more than 100 inches. New devices in the world of video gaming have also made a splash at CES. The Razer Edge gaming tablet aims to provide consumers with a high quality gaming experience coupled with the functionality and portability of a Windows 8 tablet. Nvidia’s Project Shield takes portability a step further by providing a handheld controller (similar to an Xbox controller) with an attached screen for gaming on the go. The Oculus Rift headset brings virtual reality to a whole new level, allowing users to experience gaming in a fully 3-D world. Valve software also introduced new gaming technology via their Steam Box, which brings high-end PC gaming to the living room. Automobile innovations were abundant at CES as well, with many manufacturers showcasing new hybrid concepts as well as better software

WELCOME TO THE YEAR 3013- Thousands of techies flocked to Las Vegas for a chance to get a sneak peak at the latest gadgets and gizmos. The conference opened Jan. 8 and was on display through Jan. 11.

integration for smart vehicles. One of the more interesting ideas shown at the event were concept cars from Lexus and Audi showcasing self-driving vehicles. Although this technology is still a long way from being integrated into the consumer market, it is interesting to see it in action, with Audi demonstrating a parked vehicle driving toward its owner, who simply sent the car a command from a smart phone. CES also provided its fair share of not-so-common gadgets to pique the interest of techies far and wide. The Pebble smart watch is a stylish time piece that uses Bluetooth 4.0 to communicate with smart phones, allowing users to control their music, check text messages, email, Facebook and Twitter right from the watch itself. The ZBoard electric skateboard combines the thrill of skateboarding with the ease of motion control found in Segways. Trakdot is a device no bigger than a deck of cards that tracks your luggage while you travel. The device is airplane safe, thanks to a feature

GADGETS OF TOMORROW­­ — Some of the biggest companies, including Samsung, debuted the latest innovation in entertainment technology.

that automatically turns the device off when the airplane reaches a certain speed, then turns it back on when the airplane has landed, ensuring that you will never lose your luggage again. Sensus is a plastic iPhone case that uses sensors to add touch-screen sensitivity to the back and sides of the iPhone, allowing users to control certain aspects of their phone by touching the case rather than the screen. Hapilabs has created a set of utensils designed to monitor the rate at which you consume food, indicating whether or not you

need to slow down by gently pulsing. Tactus introduced their morphing touchscreen technology, which creates inflatable tactile keyboards on a touch screen for greater precision. And of course, robots. There were a lot of robots. CES had another great showing at their 2013 event, ensuring that the future is here today. Be sure to check online for some of the other great devices and tech innovations showcased at this year’s event.

However, the most coveted items on the menu are the savory soft tacos filled with your choice of seasoned meat and fresh toppings. Let’s not forget that every traditional dish is spiced up with something new that’s exploding with flavor. Ladies and gentlemen, these aren’t just your average tacos. You can choose from meats prepared in a variety of ways. My absolute favorite are the “mole poblano tacos,” which are soft corn tortillas stuffed with chicken in their original mole poblano sauce, topped with toasted sesame seeds, finely chopped onion and queso fresco. For something new and different, try the “albondigas en chipotle tacos,” which are meatballs in a tomato chipotle sauce with finely chopped onion and cilantro also served in a warm corn tortilla. Que rico! Let’s say you’re not really in the mood for red meat. Well amigos, you’re in luck. Loteria Grill offers plenty of seafood options as well, infusing the best traditional tastes of the

Mexican coast. One of my favorites is the “huachinango o camaron a la veracruzana,” which is a choice of either pan-seared red snapper or shrimp served in a tomato, onion, olive and caper sauce and accompanied by white rice, black beans and plantains. Another great choice is the “sea bass al morita,” which is pan-seared sea bass in a smoky and spicy chile morita sauce with spinach and white rice on the side. The Loteria Grill gets its name from the popular Mexican game “Loteria,” which is similar to what we Americans call “Bingo.” This little restaurant will make you a winner every time! Aye caramba! Visit their website at: loteriagrill.com Santa Monica Location: 1251 3rd Street Promenade Hollywood Location: 6627 Hollywood Blvd.



Take a gamble at the Loteria Grill By Danielle DiMeglio Assistant Life & Arts Editor

Sizzling fajitas, tomatillo salsa and crispy tortilla chips — need I say more? Let’s be real here. It would be terribly indecent of me to write restaurant reviews without first paying culinary homage to my relatives across the border. My familia Mexicana knows how to cook it right, my friends. Fresh ingredients. Pungent chiles. Powerful spices. Que bueno! While Taco Bell may seem like a little slice of heaven at 2 a.m., you have to treat your taste buds to the real deal. And how could you do otherwise? Mexico is the rich cultural threshold for some of the world’s finest little gems like guacamole, pinatas and Mario Lopez. Think about it. Would watching the latest sports game really feel the same without the usual mouth-watering tortilla chips and salsa by your side? Absolutamente no. Luckily for us Angelenos,

authentic Mexican cuisine is fully within our reach, and I know just the place that would have my abuelita beaming with pride. With bold flavors, beautifully plated food and great prices, Loteria Grill transports you right to the heart of Mexico. Located on 3rd Street Promenade, the Loteria Grill offers savory bites that will keep you coming back for mas. Imagine cascading pinatas, a man playing la guitarra and blown-up Loteria game cards hanging on the walls. This chic place gives each traditional dish a new twist, bringing Mexican cuisine to a whole new level of delicioso. Now this may sound a little outlandish, but I can always tell a good authentic Mexican restaurant by the initial chips and salsa. Think of them as first impressions. They’re the precursor to the rest of the meal. One oily chip or bland bite of salsa, and I’m out of there. OK, not really. My life isn’t a soap opera. I can’t walk into

places acting like I’m Chef Aaron Sanchez. But still, the point is, I’m not coming back. Trust me when I say Loteria Grill passed the test of first impressions. Start off with a warm basket of crispy housemade tortilla chips and fiery roasted salsa. You’ll know you’re in good company. Moving on to the main event. My favorite dish, you ask? It’s definitely the “carnitas en salsa morita,” which are pork carnitas, Michoacan-style, in a spicy and smoky chile morita sauce served with slices of fresh avocado, onion and cilantro, white rice and black beans. Another dish that will tantalize your taste buds? Try the “quesadillitas de plaza,” which are fresh corn masa turnovers filled with a seasonal selection of fresh squash blossoms, huitlacoche corn truffle, strips of chile poblano and Oaxaca cheese. Top that with crema mexicana, salsa verde cruda and queso fresco. The combinations of different flavors are sensational.




January 24, 2013



Unearth the roots of the Artifac Tree By Alexis Allison Staff Writer

The Artifac Tree is Malibu’s local thrift store — a place where people can go to discover treasures, stories and sometimes, themselves. The store itself has a garden of things. VHS tapes such as “The Fiddler on the Roof,” “Beauty and the Beast” and “Free Willy” lounge in a corner bookcase, while a Dr. Seuss trivia game and a popcorn machine sit atop stacks of books and chipped lawn chairs. Sunlight hugs the cluster of tarps and small buildings, and trees twist along a cracked path. Customers step past their trunks, comfortable with the natural intrusion on their shopping. A man in the corner wears jeans, an oversized moss green shirt with wolves on the front and a baseball cap. His name is Donald LaPointe, and he introduces himself as an artist. “I paint bikes,” La Pointe said, leaning down to wipe a wilted rag across the top of an antique piano. He said he discovered the Artifac Tree last August after hitchhiking down Pacific Coast Highway. He needed a bike, and he found a 1992 Fuji model here in the thrift store. He began working at the thrift store in return for the bike, which needed repairs. To finish paying off the repairs, he traded in a vase he painted with a lion-and-lamb scene from the Garden of Eden. Since revealing his artistic talents, he has been commis-

sioned to paint artwork using bicycles as his canvas. In the past four months, he has received transportation, work and community from this shop. Plopped along a sycamore-riddled patch of Cross Creek Road, the shop uses profits garnered from reselling donated items to people like LaPointe in the community. “There was a woman recently who was couch-hopping with two kids, and we provided an entire kitchen set and even a chair to watch the sunset go down with,” LaPointe said. “That’s what this place does. They help everybody; it doesn’t matter who you are or what your religion is or anything. If you’re in jeopardy, that’s not a problem.” According to the store’s website, the Artifac Tree began as a response to the 1970 Malibu fire that ravaged 187 homes. As the community sought help, Malibu resident Honey Coatsworth organized volunteers who would help in redistributing donated items to provide for the newly homeless in their recovery process. Gradually, the project unfolded, and on Sept. 4, 1973, the Artifac Tree became an official non-corporate, momand-pop charity. Maria Landa, a personal assistant at the Painted Turtle Camp, said she comes to browse at the Artifac Tree every morning. Today, she wears jeans, a black tank top and a black sweater, all purchased at this place. “I spent, let’s say, $15 and I look cute. I’m a walking ad-

vertisement!” Landa said. She lifts her sweater to reveal a better glimpse of her jeans and twirls around. “See?” Landa also brings food to the volunteers who work here and purchases clothes to send back to her family in Mexico, habits she said that are simply “other ways to help. There are a lot of lost souls out there, and this [store] is a way to help them,” Landa said and gestures around two or three times. “The rich people throw their stuff away, but for me, these are treasures!” These treasures –– things like boogie boards and book– shelves and drum sets –– arrive here through the generosity of private estate owners and other local residents, according to Martha Templeton, who manages the Artifac Tree. The shop purposes everything –– profits, donations, volunteers –– to foster growth in the Malibu community. “That’s why I believe in this place, because it really helps people,” Templeton said. “You’re a part of the community; you should be a part of this. We don’t pick up stuff usually from farther than Santa Monica.” The Artifac Tree, which is led by a seven-female board of directors, serves in another way by doling out burritos to hungry visitors throughout the week. They also provide costumes and props for local theaters and donate vintage merchandise to Webster Elementary when the kids study colonial history. Most importantly, though, the shop helps


A TREE OF GIVING— The Artifac Tree takes forgotten treasures and produces real betterment for the community. The store is located on 3728 Cross Creek Road, Malibu, CA 90265.

people in need of friendship and support. “Martha is very gracious and uses the store as an opportunity to give people who are struggling a second chance at a job and an avenue to turn their lives around,” junior Shannon Looney wrote in an email. “She has shown incredible generosity to me and my friends, helping us gather supplies for the orphanage that we visited in Haiti in 2011.” Looney, who said her favorite item purchased from the Artifac Tree is a gold-engraved, antique pocketknife she bought for her brother, said she “first became con-

nected with the Artifac Tree through a friend who works at the store. Her friend, Winston McCalip, is considered the Artifac Tree’s “biggest cheerleader” by Templeton, and has volunteered at the store for some time. “I used to be a hobo and I used to ride the rails, so I know about charities and how they’re not as helpful as they should be,” McCalip said. “I’d like to see more people start mom-and-pop charities [like this one]. We’re personal.” Students interested in conversing with these characters or browsing the store’s bountiful cache may explore the

Begin your career as a mental health professional.

Artifac Tree Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers who can organize donations, give customers rides to the DMV or medical clinics or simply promote the store are desperately needed, Templeton said. However, according to McCalip, once students come and invite the Artifac Tree into their own stories, they might not be able to leave. “You get caught up in doing this, in helping people,” McCalip said. “Being good is an addiction.”



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Te’o catches a ‘Catfish’ By Danielle Accovelli Life & Arts Assistant

In 2012, Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o seemed to have made an immensely popular name for himself, both on the field and with the public, by demonstrating his fearless leadership skills and dedication to his team despite a series of personal tragedies. In September, it was reported that Te’o had lost his girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, to leukemia and his grandmother within a matter of days. The news soon went viral, and Manti Te’o became a household name. The shocking news that once again put Te’o in the media spotlight came Jan. 16 when it was reported that the death of Te’o’s Internet girlfirend was a hoax. The news came in light of the revelation that there was no record of Kekua’s death, and the real woman in the pictures on her profile claimed to have never met Te’o. The scandal has also raised some questions about Te’o’s role in the hoax. In particular, there is speculation in the minds of those who have followed the scandal that Te’o played a role in promoting the death of a fake woman to enhance his chances of being awarded the Heisman Trophy. Notre Dame quickly responded to this allegation in a statement on the NBC Sports website that was penned by the university spokesman, Dennis Brown. Brown stated that Te’o was a “victim of what appears to be a hoax.” Te’o has also released a


statement, saying, “This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but over an extended period of time, I developed an emotional relationship with a woman I met online. We maintained what I thought to be an authentic relationship by communicating frequently online and on the phone, and I grew to care deeply about her. To realize that I was a victim of what was apparently someone’s sick joke and constant lies, was, and is, painful and humiliating. It further pains me that the grief I felt and the sympathies expressed to me at the time of my grandmother’s death in September were in any way deepened by what I

believed to be another significant loss in my life.... In retrospect, I obviously should have been much more cautious. If anything good comes of this, I hope that others will be far more guarded when they engage with people online than I was.” The Te’o scandal seems like a classic example of what airs every Monday night on MTV’s reality series “Catfish,” which chronicles Internet relationships and exposes many online identity hoaxes. The series derives from the 2010 documentary “Catfish” that details creator Nev Schulman’s online relationship with a woman named Megan. When

Shulman ventures to meet Megan, he finds out that she is a completely fictional online person created by another woman named Angela. Shulman now hosts MTV’s “Catfish” to help unite people in online relationships that have ended like his own. TIME Magazine reports that the term “Catfish” has now gained a place in the urban dictionary and refers to people who pretend to be someone they are not on social media (usually in pursuit of romance), while the individual who has been “catfished” is the victim of the hoax. Clearly, it seems that Te’o has been “catfished,” like many of the oth-

er people who appear on the MTV show. Shulman was quick to express his sympathy towards Te’o and quickly dispelled rumors of Te’o’s involvement in the hoax by comparing Te’o’s situation to his own experience. Although Shulman and those involved in MTV’s “Catfish” are still looking into the situation, Fox News suggested that Shulman has reached out to Te’o, citing a tweet stating, “I know how you feel. It happened to me. I want to help tell your story & prevent this from happening to others in the future. Let’s talk.” g


January 24, 2013 BENJAMIN KRYDER Life & Arts Editor

Cope through imagination Last week was chock-full of accusatory speculation surrounding the sordid details of Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o’s romantic tryst with recently passed Lennay Kekua, who had not actually passed — in so many words — since she had never actually really been alive, in so many words. Minutes after the hoax surfaced to its seedy veneer of lies, thousands upon millions of self-righteous hypocrites took to prodding questions and angry suspicion all over the blogosphere. But I say, who are you to cast such aspersions? It’s almost as if these pharisees had never mourned the death of a loved one they never had really met because he or she was absolutely a work of fiction. Excuse me if I’m not so quick to draw the executioner’s sword on this 260-pound Samoan teddy bear (and not just because he would promptly knock it out of my hand and eat me). Tell me. What is really so messed up about this whole thing? If you’re in my camp, the only thing that keeps you up at night is the thought of the twisted rapscallion who lured Te’o into the most tragically star-crossed relationship that he would never have in all of his life. But Manti? Sweet Manti is a victim here, folks. How do you really know that your loved one is real? You don’t. One day you wake up and realize your sweet girl is an evil, robot succubus (“Transformers 2”). Or maybe you discover that the person of your dreams is actually a smoothie-making, sentient, computer-programmed hologram (“Smarthouse”). Better yet, the one that captures the most ardent admirations of your soul was dead the whole time (“Casper”). At best we have only a small degree of evidence to say that our significant other is a genuine, thinking thing with full-fledged ontological status. Maybe your darling is nothing but the puppeteered manipulations of a malignant god or a construct of your own solipsistic psychosis. You see, Manti is no different than me. So what Te’o’s delusions persisted even after clear and decisive evidence that his dearest Kekua’s existence was on par with that of Gandalf ? Put yourself in his size 16s. Imagine you’ve found the love of your life — albeit with Control+F on the web browser of your fancy. Nevertheless, you grow to deeply love the virtual manifestation of the person you believe to be sitting on the other end of that Facebook chat. Then one day you are struck to the bone in a moment of breathless despair when you receive the dreaded phone call that the woman you earnestly (though falsely) believe exists, has passed away. Perhaps you mourn the thought of a love cut short, or you mourn the loss of the one you had created, but you mourn nonetheless. And then, on a quiet, lonely night, you receive a phone call. Is it her ghost? No. Is this some cruel trick? Yes. What else is a man to do in the cold, animal hours of a sleepless night? My friends, Manti Te’o did only what we fear of ourselves. How could he fabricate a summer day in Oahu, bathing in the sun with Kekua? How could he engineer the sublimity of her eyes glistening in the stands? My friends, in his darkest moments, how could he not? g



January 24, 2013




Staff Writer

Paint or be painted Becca Herron/ PHOTO EDITOR

FILM:‘Reel’ in good times By Bud Davis Staff Writer

Stories create reality. And there is no better place to experience a captivating narrative than the REELSTORIES FilmFest that will open this Friday and showcase a variety of student films and award-winning feature-length documentaries. It is a chance to appreciate and celebrate the art of filmmaking with the Pepperdine and Malibu community while witnessing how stories can move and inspire an audience. REELSTORIES FilmFest began in 2009 when Pepperdine alumna Susie Lee (‘10) and other passionate students pursued a vision to showcase student-made films that captured storytelling’s impact. Senior Madi Unell, executive director of REELSTORIES, explained that the festival strives to “challenge the audience to think beyond the accepted norms in society.” It is an opportunity for students

Becca Herron / PHOTO EDITOR

A FESTIVAL FOR ALL — (Above & below) During last year’s event, Los Angelenos flocked to the hills of Malibu to be a spectator at “REELSTORIES.” The festival will be held on Friday, Jan. 25.

to put forth work alongside critically acclaimed films that confront the status quo and invigorate change. “This year was the most competitive year for the student submissions thus far,” Unell stated. “We had some really great films submitted. We are so excited to see the amazing work of our student

filmmakers, and I think people will be really impressed with their work.” Along with the student films that will be shown, three feature-length documentaries will also be available for viewing around campus. “BonesBrigade,” a film selected by the Sundance Film Festival, documents the evolution of

six individuals — including the famous skateboarder Tony Hawk — who as a team redefine skateboarding and themselves along the way. This film can be viewed in the Caf. Alison Klayman’s “Ai Wei Wei: Never Sorry,” also part of Sundance selections, chronicles the controversial Chinese artist and activist who

tries to break free of cultural constraints. This film will be featured in Smothers Theatre and will include a special talk with Klayman. Third is Sony Pictures’ “Searching for Sugarman,” a documentary that has been nominated for an Academy Award for Best Feature Documentary. It describes the history of Rodriguez, a massively famous South African musician who is, nevertheless, a mystery to Americans. “Sugarman” will be available in Elkins Auditorium. The reception will begin at 6 p.m. in Joslyn Plaza, when students can pick up tickets and enjoy a Mexican buffet, photo booth, T-shirt giveaway for the first 500 people, the red carpet and an interactive art show. Films will be showcased at 7 p.m. and will include a Q&A with filmmakers.



Everyone has that thing they’ve always wanted to try but have never actually attempted. For me, it was paintballing. I put it off and life went on but, I carried a paintball-sized hole in my heart. Excuses (money), fears (doesn’t it hurt?) and laziness (Netflix) got in the way. It’s easy to put off things that take you out of your comfort zone but during break I decided to step up and bought my brother and me a game. What better way to bond than shooting a bunch of strangers with bright paint? Hunter saw the bonding opportunity too, just not with me. He was bro-scouting and deserted me for some dudes. Bros before sisters, apparently. But I’m getting ahead of myself. When we first pulled in, I was giddy with visions of secret agent stealth. Then I saw the parking lot packed with bulky guys in special uniforms with expensive, hardcore guns. I searched for another girl. Searched again. I was one of two girls in the entire mob. My mom had tagged along to take pictures and as we waited in line for our equipment, she turned and asked a group of serious paintball players, “You guys wouldn’t shoot a girl, right?” My stomach dropped. I do a pretty good job making myself seem uncool. I don’t need anyone else’s help. The guys laughed in a dark and sinister way and assured her they would. “It’s her first time!” She protested cheerfully. I think (I’ve worked to repress it, so I can’t be sure) she actually used the phrase “my baby.” “Mom. You’re aware that you just erected a huge target on my back, right?” Then, to further identify us as newbies, we were given huge, shapeless jumpsuits. I felt so sexy. Waiting to enter the grounds, images of being shot by “real” paintballers swirled in my head. Then, the picture of cocky swaggered past us: a player with gun in hand and shirt nowhere to be seen. The game began; at first I hesitated, spending most of the time hiding behind a blockade, afraid of getting hit. But it turns out that avoiding getting hurt also means avoiding excitement. So I decided to play the way that seemed the most fun to me: with lots of running and crouching and rolling and shooting. Did I play skillfully? No. Did I get shot almost instantly? Yes. But I played, dang it. It came time for our last game and I had twice as many paintballs as Hunter, so I gave him a generous helping of mine. Using him as a giant human shield, I went into enemy territory. Then bam — he was shot in the heart and left me dodging and zipping across the field, firing along the way. I made it to the castle and dove for cover. Then the ref informed me that I could go no further for safety reasons. Around the curve of the castle, four or five enemies lurked. I took careful aim and nothing. I aimed again. Still nothing. I was out of bullets. Curse my kindness! Hunter was probably somewhere, shooting all of my paintballs. Moral of the story: Generosity leads to certain death and nothing marks a well spent moment like bravery, even when you just summon it to try something new. g


B6 Graphic


January 24, 2013


Rogue Wave BEN HOLCOMB Staff Writer

Stop, drop and park

Embark with me on a journey. This past week I had 10 minutes to get to a class in Elkins and was driving down from Drescher. As you probably know, Pepperdine hates residential campus drivers more than Al-Qaeda hates “The Bachelorette.” And yet, I soldiered on. Down the hill I drove, past countless open spots reserved for the proverbial — and often ethereal — commuter student or carpooler. I tried my luck at the Smothers lot, hoping maybe God had pulled off a little Tuesday magic and opened up the gate with a well-timed lightning strike. No dice. My last ditch effort of the four hidden spots near OneStop proved also to be futile. The pleather of my steering wheel became ensconced in my fingers as I squeezed on it like a feeble child unable to burst a roll of bubble wrap. Warding off tears, I rolled back around, only minutes before class, desperate for a spot. And there it was, off in the distance, almost too good to be true, the Lennay Kekua of parking spots. I pulled up to it, a narrow space between a Maserati and a BMW, and attempted to talk myself into what would prove to be the most challenging part of my day: the parallel park. I evened up with the Maserati, tried to remember how parallel parking worked, realized no one — not even my father — had taught me how to parallel park and resorted to prayer. This prayer was interrupted within seconds by a line of cars, student shuttles and a motorcade of buses carrying inner-city youth. “One moment!” I shouted. I cut hard to the left, more than 300 people scrutinizing my every move, and could’ve sworn I heard a Compton third grader shout, “Oh there’s just no way he makes it.” Unfortunately, he was right. I had gone in way too hot, was now perpendicular to the sidewalk and had reduced my chances of success into the single digits. I aborted the mission, tried to start back at square one, but the cars behind me began trying to pass, and then there were cars trying to proceed up the hill in the other lane. Alas, the patience of the Lord was nowhere to be found. So I drove back to Drescher and made myself a Hot Pocket. I think we have a parking problem here on campus. Actually, we have more car issues than Detroit in 2008. And thanks to half of our students parking with less care than the headmistress from “Matilda,” if you aren’t Ryan Gosling in “Drive,” even the free spots prove insurmountable. The obvious answer is more parking lots, but I don’t have time to sit around and wait for that awesome project that will make Pepperdine cool for my grandkids. We need solutions fit for a microwave, not an open-roast fire. What if there were spots reserved for those with a GPA above 3.25? What if freshmen could only park at Drescher? What if we fed visitors to the lions like the rest of us? Are these awful solutions? Perhaps, but at least I’m trying — which is more than you can say about our school at the moment and its hapless drivers. g



DO NOT FORGET ME, 24601­­— Prisoner 24601 (Hugh Jackman) struggles to forget his past and overcome the foibles of Jean Valjean in the silverscreen portrayal of the Broadway classic, “Les Miserables.” The movie opened in theaters across the country on Christmas day.

Hear the people sing in ‘Les Mis’

By Ayden Smalling Staff Writer

Unless you aren’t as cultured as the rest of us at Pepperdine, I’m sure you have heard of that musical where everybody dies at the end. No, not “Rent”; it’s the show that literally has “miserable” in the title. “Les Miserables” is quite a silver-screen spectacle to behold. Director Tom Hooper captured the intimacy of a stage show while providing us with the marvel of cinema. Outside of a few spots of weak casting, the film is quite an achievement and absolutely worth seeing. It’s too bad Daniel Day-Lewis played Abraham Lincoln this year, because Hugh Jackman now has no shot at winning an Academy Award, even though his performance is certainly Oscar-worthy. Jean Valjean is such a good man, and Hugh

Jackman makes the audience truly love his character. He sings every song with passion and his acting is spot-on; it makes you forget he ever did “Real Steel,” a film about boxing robots. Another spectacular member of the cast is Anne Hathaway. Her tragic tale helps frame the film’s first act and gives us our first great solo. With some Broadway experience under her proverbial belt, Hathaway’s solo is staged so beautifully that it emotionally rocks the audience. Hathaway injects power into her song not by belting out notes but by crying through them. And she cries. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be crying with her. Natalie Portman made shaving your head hardcore (and weirdly pro-terrorist) — Hathaway makes it just sad. There goes empowerment! Fortunately, we get a nice break from all the sadness with Sacha Baron Cohen as

the “Master of the House.” He seems to be channeling Johnny Depp in this role considering he’s playing opposite Helena Bonham Carter (and does she appear with anyone else?). We see Baron Cohen perpetrating the ridiculous, taking a cue from what he does best in films like “Borat” and “Talladega Nights.” His entire number is choreographed like “Punk’d” meets the 19th century. He has the audience laughing whenever he is on screen. Finally, the stellar cast is rounded out among our revolutionaries. Marius, played by Eddie Redmayne, has a fantastic voice and his emotions play well across the screen. And Aaron Tveit’s revolutionary leader has that certain “it” factor that you can’t seem to look away from. But the M.V.P. of the revolutionary troop is young Gavroche. He adds soul and smiles to an otherwise dark

and somber scene. But don’t worry — he’ll make you cry at one point, too. Some of these players, however, don’t live up to their hype. Russell Crowe is a critically acclaimed actor who has helmed countless blockbusters and award-winners, but the key word there is actor. In “Master and Commander,” he may have shown us that the world isn’t flat, but most of his singing clearly is. Javert is Valjean’s nemesis — they are rivals playing a game of chess throughout the entire film. I mean Crowe versus Jackman? All we need is Mel Gibson for the Australian trifecta. And to go toe-to-toe, Crowe has to sing very intense and powerful songs — he struggles. The film does a good job capturing the feeling of 19th-century France. Since this is Pepperdine, it is safe to say that many have been to France, so we can all appre-

ciate it. The iconic barricade from the stage show carries its role into the film as well. For something as simple as a pile of broken wood and idealistic youths, director Tom Hooper brings us right up to the action, as if we are in the front row of the orchestra pit. And that is what this film does best. It brings the magic that made “Les Miserables” such a long-running and successful Broadway show and puts it in a theater near you. It’s stacked with a nearly perfect cast and will make you bring a few tissues along the way.

I give this film:




Widowspeak’s ‘Almanac’ sounds like home

By Nikki Torriente Executive Editor

Widowspeak, a Brooklyn-based duo, debuted their dreamy, indie-pop sophomore album, “Almanac,” earlier this week on Tuesday, Jan. 22. Comprised of Robert Hamilton and Molly Earl, the band takes various instruments and genres and melds them together to create a unique collection of tracks. The 12-track record is a refreshing spin on the band’s first-album sound and shows that Hamilton and Earl haven’t been resting on their laurels. “Almanac” is a whimsical mix of musical influences. The sounds that filter throughout the album range from country twang to 90s ambient rock, but what stays consistent throughout the album is Widowspeak’s dependence on guitar effects and Earl’s melancholic, hazy vocals. Altogether, Widowspeak creates a funky indie-pop sound that’s unusually captivating. In all honesty, any of the tracks on the album could easily have been used in a 90s Freddie Prinze Jr. rom-com film, with their vague reminiscence of decades past that is, nevertheless, a breath of fresh air. The duo’s album reveals the talent that Hamilton and Earl possess as musicians and

song-crafters. They seamlessly integrate layered guitar and organ effects into simple beats that pair nicely with Earl’s purposeful, less-thanclear vocals. The best way to understand Widowspeak’s sound is to take a good listen to their album because, for all it’s worth in explaining their sound, it’s rather unexplainable. “Dyed Wool,” one of the more twangy, upbeat songs, is one of the best tracks on the record. Reminiscent of classic rock band the Eagles’ laidback sound, the song’s rhythm is a sultry, up-tempo beat that underscores Earl’s breathy vocals. The song takes a simpler route by keeping the guitar-driven sound less synthlike, yet they play up the sound by layering the track with lots of pedal-work. The pairing of the guitar rhythm and vocals would be the equivalent of a Stevie Nicks– Fleetwood Mac–era vibe with “Rhiannon,” except that Earl’s voice isn’t as commanding as Stevie Nicks’. Nonetheless, Earl’s vocals in “Dyed Wool” work well for the track and keep the melancholic tone ever-present. Another song on the album worth listening to is “Thick as Thieves.” The track is another ode to the Western twang, but the New York duo mix it in with various

other instruments to create a whimsical rhythm. Earl’s soft, dreamy vocals lend themselves well to the upbeat rhythm and create an ethereal, lilting vocal ribbon that weaves itself throughout the track. Widowspeak’s melancholic tone doesn’t disappear into the upbeat rhythm, however; the chorus of the track places the otherwise full instrumentation on simmer and focuses on Earl’s hazy vocals. Yet fear not, the playful, nurseryrhyme-like lyrics make up for the melancholic chorus. “Thick as Thieves” is a catchy song that deserves a thorough listen because Hamilton and Earl’s fine craftsmanship is superb. “Ballad of the Golden Hour” proves that Widowspeak is a versatile music group. With Earl’s vocal range and the duo’s melancholic tone, it’s easy to pigeonhole them. However, this track, which marks the midway point on the album, highlights the duo’s ability to master a more mainstream sound. With its indie-folk sound, “Ballad of the Golden Hour” could have found a nice home on one of the “Twilight Saga” soundtracks. For what it’s worth, that’s not a negative thing in their case; if the “Twilight” franchise has done anything right, it has created some solid

soundtracks featuring a great array of artists. “Ballad of the Golden Hour” has a simple guitar rhythm that is used as a strong foundation to layer multiple guitar effects, including a lot of pedaling. Earl’s vocals are a little more solid in this track than many of the others, but she still maintains her unique dreamy quality. The song is another catchy track that brings together instrumentation, vocals and lyrics to create a great piece. “Almanac” is a refreshing album that utilizes Widowspeak’s strengths yet shows that the band isn’t afraid to take musical risks. The group’s dream-pop, folk sound and hazy, melancholic vocals aren’t for everyone, but the duo presents a strong sophomore album effort that’s worth a listen. Remember that Widowspeak is all about the atmosphere that their guitar effects and dreamy vocals create, which means that “Almanac” is more than just an album to listen to. It’s an experience.

Courtesy of WIDOWSPEAK.

Key Facts Artist Widowspeak


Indie Folk


Captured Tracks

On Tour? Yes, check out widowspeak.bandcamp.com



January 24, 2013

Be a good sport

Across 5. Michael Jordan’s “home” team 7. Cheese-head frenzy 9. America’s football team 12. Jay-Z’s Brooklyn investment 13. Devastated by “the decision” 19. Moneyball 22. Hines Ward 24. Spike Lee’s favorite team 25. Karl Malone, John Stockton 26. Megatron’s team

CALENDAR Friday, Jan. 25

REELSTORIES 6 p.m. (Film Festival –– Joselyn Plaza)

Saturday, Jan. 26

William Inge’s “Bus Stop” 6 p.m. (Show –– Lindurst Theatre)

LIFE & ARTS Down 1. Toronto’s extinct creature 2. The Mighty ____ 3. Sedin twins 4. Chipper Jones 6. The Great Bambino 8. Indianapolis Luck 10. This tribe represents Chitown on the ice 11. Soon saying “bye” to Sacramento 14. Representing “the hockey town” 15. Belichick & Brady 16. Ace Ventura Part 1 17. Gold mining in the bay 18. Golden State ballers 20. Purple & Gold 21. The Montreal HABs 23. Anaheim in the outfield 27. The 2011-2012 NBA champs 28. Daa “football team” 32. Sidney Crosby’s “home” team 34. Beantown’s luck of the Irish 35. Colorado sluggers

29. The 2012-2013 AFC Champs 30. Al Davis RIP 31. Lob City 33. Vin Scully 34. Electrifying Qualcomm Stadium 36. The 2011-2012 World Series Champs 37. Hosted the “Malice at the Palace” 38. Major League: The movie 39.____ come marching in 40. Representing the “home of the alamo”


SCORPIO: Write a love letter to your middle school crush. GEMINI: Brag to your Midwest friends about the California winter weather. They will appreciate it. CAPRICORN: Buy a juicer. Juice everything from carrots to pizza. Yum! AQUARIUS: Celebrate! You’re in the Age of Aquarius! PISCES: Try to be good in the new year. Call your parents every once in a while.

For answers to the crossword, visit pepperdine-graphic.com

ARIES: Taylor Swift knew you were trouble when you walked in.


TAURUS: Watch all the TV shows starting back up so you can talk about “Girls” and “Downton” without looking like a weirdo. SAGITTARIUS: Tie–– dye your mom’s white towels. She will also appreciate it. VIRGO: Walk on the wild side this week. Wear moon boots to class. LIBRA: From now on, flip a coin to help you decide life’s hardest decisions. CANCER: Channel Spiderman and try to jump between the roofs of buildings.

LEO: Take up a sport that makes you work out. Wii bowling does not count.

>> g n i k par job of the week


With a HP 4500 Inkjet printer and a fair amount of audacity, you too could have a parking spot for the rest of your life. Next time you’re walking down the road and see an awful parking job, take a photo and send it to us at graphic@pepperdine.edu.

Sunday, Jan. 27

Los Angeles Art Show (Last Day) 7 p.m. (Art –– Los Angeles Convention Center)

Monday, Jan. 28

dineLA Restaurant Week Ends Feb. 1 (Food –– Los Angeles)

Tuesday, Jan. 29

Lakers v. Hornets 7:30 p.m. (Sports – Staples Center)

Wednesday, Jan. 30 Refim Bronfam Recital 8 p.m. (Concert –– Walt Disney Concert Hall)

Thursday, Jan. 31

“Dance In Flight” (Opening) 8 p.m. (Show –– Smothers Theatre)



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January 24, 2013


Waves kick off second semester

1/19: Women’s Basketball vs. St. Mary’s The Waves have gone 1-4 during the WCC season and fell to the Gaels, who are 4-1 thus far. A rough away game for our Lady Waves ended in a final score of 72-61.

By Stasia Demick Assistant Sports Editor

Students across campus were excited for a week of promising home games, including the beginning of men’s volleyball and men’s tennis in the second semester. Both teams had wins against big conference rivals, but not all teams were as successful.

1/20: Men’s Volleyball vs. Stanford The No. 4 Waves defeated No. 2 Stanford in four relentless matches. The final match scores were 25-22, 23-25, 2516 and 25-23. The student section was full during this heated game. Senior Maurice Torres said: “We played really well as a team, and were able to play volleyball as a team. We were able to execute our game plan and come out and play to the best of our ability. We had to battle at times, but we were able to overcome adversity and pull it together for a win.”

1/12: Men’s Basketball vs. San Diego The Toreros earned victory on the road with a final score of 62-50, in spite of the Waves ability to shoot more accurately: 41.8 percent to San Diego’s 40.9 percent. 1/17:Women’s Basketball vs. Santa Clara In a low-scoring game, the Waves fell to the Broncos, 3836. This tight game ended an eight-game winning streak the Waves had against the Broncos. 1/18: Men’s Volleyball vs. Pacific There was no question about who owned the court last week, with No. 4 Pepperdine shutting down No. 15 Pacific in a 3-0 victory. Maurice Torres was responsible for 11 kills on 14 swings. The team fed off the crowd’s energy during their blowout. This was the Waves first home match of the season


BLEEDING BLUE AND ORANGE — Sophomores Matthew Sugar and Tanner Heckle cheer on the men’s basketball team during their game against San Diego on Jan. 12.

1/18: Women’s Swimming and Diving Team Last week, the Waves placed

seven swimmers in the top 10 against rivals like San Diego and Loyola Marymount. On day two of the Beach Cup, the team celebrated Senior Day by honoring Gina Vrablik, Phyllis Reffo, Klaire Korver, Andrea Kacynski, Brooke Fugate, Sar-

ah Burris, Natalia Barragan and Shannon Adkins. “I felt like we did really well; this was definitely one of our hardest meets this year,” Korver said. “Our hard work paid off in this meet, and it’s a good thing that leading up to confer-

up conference play and gear up for the championship season in men’s and women’s basketball. Women’s basketball plays Gonzaga tonight at 7 p.m. The Waves will challenge one of the best teams in the conference at home. This will be the game to come cheer our girls on.

lar meet of the season. According to senior Klaire Korver, they are hoping to continue with a strong performance. The upcoming meet will be very emotional for the seniors as it is their last year. “We would like to make the coaches proud by doing the best we can.” said Korver. However, speaking for the other girls on the team, Korver also stated that she is proud of where the team is as a group and feels great satisfaction in the knowledge of how far the team has come.

Waves face big week ahead

By Stasia Demick Assitant Sports Editor

After a bittersweet week of wins and losses, the Waves face big competition in upcoming conference play. Sports to look out for this week are men’s and women’s tennis, men’s and women’s basketball and men’s volleyball and men’s golf.

Men’s Volleyball Men’s volleyball will play Hawai’i Friday and Sunday. The Waves look to improve their 3-1 season. Senior Maurice Torres said, “Hawaii is a formidable opponent … it is always tough to play Hawaii, they have a great following and fan base … a history of good, consistent volleyball, and we have to be ready to play.” However, Torres said that if the team continues to play in top form, they will do well this upcoming weekend.

Men’s Tennis Watch out for men’s tennis at the Intercollegiate Tennis Association Kick-Off Weekend Saturday and Sunday, hosted on campus. Pepperdine will be hosting the ITA qualifying matches against Denver, Florida State and Drake University to hopefully qualify for the ITA national indoors. “We have a really good team this year ... and we have a good chance of making it to the finals,” said senior Finn Tearney.

Swim & Dive Look out for the Pepperdine Swim and Dive team on Jan. 26 during the PCSC Time Trials. It will be the final regu-

Basketball Look forward to some exciting rematches this upcoming week as the Waves finish

ence we have difficult people to compete against. It’s good motivation to round out the end of our season.” 1/19: Men’s Basketball vs. Santa Clara Over the weekend the Waves

fell in a close game against Santa Clara, 83-76. The Waves had an outstanding comeback, closing a 13-point difference in the second half to only trail by two points. Unfortunately, the Broncos initial lead allowed them to win the game.


Santa Clara


Jan 19



Women’s Basketball vs.

Santa Clara Saint Mary’s


Jan 17 Jan 19

Men’s Tennis vs.



Jan 20

Men’s Volleyball vs.

Pacific Stanford


Jan 18 Jan 20

Record: 9-9



Men’s Golf After a successful fall season, the men’s golf team will be back in action at the Arizona Intercollegiate in Tucson. The tournament will last from Monday until Tuesday.




BLOWOUT — The men’s volleyball team huddles after a victory against rival Pacific University on Jan. 18.

SCOREBOARD Men’s Basketball

1/20: Men’s Tennis vs. Pacific No. 7 Pepperdine began their first game of the dual season with a 7-0 victory. In singles play, senior Sebastian Fanselow defeated Alex Golding 6-1 and 6-2. In doubles, senior Finn Tearney and junior Francis Alcantara finished Alex Golding and Alex Hamilton 8-5.

NEXT UP... Thursday, January 24

Sunday, January 27

Friday, January 25

Men’s Tennis Championship Match at 1 p.m. Men’s Volleyball at Hawaii at 7 p.m. Women’s Tennis at National Collegiate Tennis

Men’s Basketball at LMU at 6 p.m. Women’s Basketball vs. Gonzaga at 7 p.m.





Women’s Swimming PCSC Time Trials at

Men’s Golf at Arizona Intercollegiate



Men’s Tennis vs. Denver at 10 a.m. Women’s Basketball vs. San Diego at 2p.m. Men’s Basketball at Saint Mary’s at 3 p.m.

Tuesday, January 29

L, 38-36 L, 72-61 W, 7-0

W, 3-0 W, 3-1

4-11 4-12 1-0

2-1 3-1

Men’s Volleyball at Hawaii at 9 p.m.

Saturday, January 26 9:30 a.m.

Classic (All Day)

Monday, January 28

Men’s Golf at Arizona Intercollegiate


January 24, 2013


Which type of fan are you?

By Marissa Baly Sports Assistant

The NBA is one of the most exciting professional sports leagues in the world. With 30 teams playing approximately 80 games every regular season, the NBA provides countless games for sports fanatics to enjoy. For those who don’t like the NBA, don’t understand it or are pleasantly apathetic to the sport, reconsideration is in order. One of the unique aspects of the NBA is the one-on-one match-ups between veteran athletes and league newcomers. It’s fun to see 35-year-old players like Paul Pierce give young players a run for their money on the court or a 34-year-old legend like Kobe get nominated for his 15th NBA All-Star Game, which also set an NBA record. But although watching veteran players show up younger players is exciting, don’t discount the young’uns. Players like Kevin Durant, who is 24, have made waves of their own during the season. Durant achieved the second longest streak of scoring 25 points or more in consecutive NBA games. Even though Durant is one of the few players in contention for league MVP, the entire league is full of strong performances so far. Current standings have the Eastern Conference led by the Miami Heat, New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets and the Western Conference led by the Oklahoma City Thunder,


San Antonio Spurs and LA Clippers. Aside from awesome oneon-one match-ups, spectators experience some of the most exciting games in professional sports. Three of the nine games on Jan. 18. went into overtime, and in six of the games, the winning team scored more than 100 points — pretty exciting to come across in the HAWC or the gym. Interested in discovering a place to fit in to the NBA fan landscape? Check out this list of the different types of fans at Pepperdine: 1. The Peer Pressure Fan This fan is best characterized as the one who watches sports because everyone else does. “I watch basketball because my friends watch it, and I try to like the things that my friends like,” said senior Jae Kim. “I consider watching sports very boring. But of all the boring sports to watch, I would prefer to watch basketball.”

2. The Snapback Fan This fan is a dude or dudette who rocks a “snapback” (flat-brimmed baseball-like cap) for an NBA team. Sometimes the embroidery on a snapback has a cool logo or bright color that makes the hat more of a fashion accessory than a representation of fan pride. Snapback fans are all about rocking the logo and showing the world what team they rep, rather than really supporting the team.


LA RIVALRY­­ — Matt Barnes, Kobe Bryant and Lamar Odom face off in a recent Clippers vs. Lakers game at the Staples Center.

3. The Loco-for-Lakers Fan These fans are characterized by their extreme love for the Lakers — and extreme means an all-consuming obsession with the Purple and Gold. “I love watching the Lakers win championships,” said freshman Lydia Kiros. “Even though the team isn’t doing so hot [this season], there’s

so much pride in just being a fan.” 4. The Flip-Flop or Phantom Fan Flip-flop or phantom fans are fans who can’t seem to make a commitment to a particular team or are apathetic to the sport in general. Similar to peer pressure fans,

flip-flop fans are not intrinsically passionate about the sport. However, they differ in that these fans tend to jump on bandwagons rather than support a single team that their friends like. Pepperdine NBA fans cover the wide spectrum of fan types. While some Pepperdine

students watch the NBA out of sheer fascination, others pass through the HAWC to order a brownie sundae and only offer a game a sideways glance. Whatever their type, one thing is for sure, Pepperdine fans are unique.



Ask A Wave

Which superhero would you pick to be your best friend?

“I already have one; her name is Lilla Frederick.”

“Michelangelo: the orange ninja turtle.”


Kim Hill women’s

Juliet Casillas women’s track

Ahmed Wahba men’s water polo



Like this photo? Tweet the perfect caption @peppgraphic with #sportscap



“Barnacle Boy.”

Caitlin Racich women’s

Ivan Dilda

Shannon Adkins swim & dive



FAN CENTRAL Do you bleed orange and blue? ‘Cause these guys do. Wil Fisher sports a horse mask at the mens basketball game against San Diego.

Pepperdine Graphic Sports Like. Follow. Share. Hashtag. Pin. Get.

Why the horse mask? “It’s something crazy to freak people out and to get them excited. I wanna give back some spirit.”


B10 Graphic


January 24, 2013

This time of the year, with the NBA and NCAA being devoutly followed on TV, basketball fever is burning up the courts, sports media and fans’ hearts around the world. If you haven’t been infected yet, these tips should help! For those hapless individuals who think that understanding the sport is beyond their ken, I bring you Basketball 101, a few short sections that should serve to alleviate all your symptoms of confusion, bewilderment and perplexity when your friends go basketball mad.

By Wen Chen Sports Editor

The Game: If you didn’t already know, there are two teams of five players each in a basketball game, each trying to score as many points as possible by getting the basketball into in the opponents’ net (aka “making baskets”). With me so far? Good. Moving on, the rules are relatively straightforward: the team on offense (that is, the one with the ball) attempts to make baskets, and that team’s players must “dribble” (continuously bounce, one hand at a time) the ball when in motion — save two steps before shooting or passing — and cannot remain in the large painted rectangle in front of the basket for more than three seconds. To go out-ofbounds (the painted black lines surrounding the court) stops play and causes the other team to get the ball. On defense, teams attempt to prevent the opponent from making baskets and cannot commit fouls (impeding the motion of an opposing player). Also, opponents switch nets halfway through a game. Ever wondered what the countdown right above the backboard was for? Yeah, so did I. That is the shot-clock, showing the time that the offensive team has to make a shot before they are forced to turn it over; this resets every time the ball touches the rim — 24 seconds for the NBA and 35 for NCAA games. The teams alternate on offense, during which either the shot-clock runs out or a shot is made or missed. The defense in basketball is usually

either a zone (players defending a certain area of the court) or manto-man (defending a specific offensive player). NCAA games run for a total of 40 minutes in two halves of 20 minutes each (NBA and WNBA games are 48 minutes each). It seems simple enough, but this is further complicated by four commercial timeouts per half (every four minutes — the profit mechanism in basketball). The coaches can call four 30-second timeouts and a full, one-minute timeout per game. Overtime is the extra five minutes that are allocated when the score is tied at the end of the game (double-overtime occurs if the first overtime also ends in a tie, triple-overtime and so on). The Players: The point-guard is the playmaker who primarily passes the ball to set up his team’s shot (which are attempts to make a basket). He is typically the smallest person on the team and usually also the best ball-handler (meaning he dribbles well while on the move). The shooting-guard is the one who tries to score and whose role in the game is to look for shots. A very similar position to this is the small-forward, who tends to be taller and tries to rebound (secure the ball after a missed shot). The center and the power-forward also play similar roles to each other and are typically the bigger guys on the court who play the best defense. The center is usually the biggest or tallest and functions to block shots (meaning he deflects them in mid-air). Another feature of basketball that distinguishes it from other sports is the ability to substitute players an unlimited number of times, but only when the ball is

By Nate Tinner

Copy Editor

not in play (such as after a player goes out-of-bounds or a foul is committed). The Shots (and other terms): Different shots determine the points scored. The three-pointer is any shot released from outside the painted three point semicircle (20.75 feet from the basket in the NCAA, but 20 in the WNBA 23.75 in the NBA); all other attempts during live play are worth two points. Shots taken a good distance away from the basket, with two hands and from a two-footed jump, are called jump-shots, and shots taken at point-blank range (often using the backboard) are called layups. Other common terms used in basketball include “turnovers,” when one team commits any action resulting in the loss of the ball to the other team, and “dunks,” a more forceful version of the layup (usually involving a simultaneous grabbing of the rim). The Calls: You’ve probably heard the saying, “It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught.” While morally dubious, this adage applies very well to basketball. The function of the referee is to catch all infractions on the court, including fouls, traveling (taking steps without dribbling the ball) and players going out-of-bounds. The ball is considered “dead” when the referee blows his whistle to call any such violations. Usually the most-contested referee calls, or lack thereof, are the fouls. Fouls committed during a normal shot result in free-throws, two if the player was attempting a two-pointer, and three if he was shooting a three; if the shot is made despite the foul, the player is awarded one free-throw. If a player or coach complains about

a foul call or no-call in a way that the referee feels is unsportsmanlike, he will give a player a “technical foul,” which results in the opposing team getting to shoot a free-throw (an uncontested shot from the black line at the far end of the painted area in front of the basket) and receiving possession of the ball. Flagrant fouls are deliberate fouls that are especially violent and not intended to make contact with the ball. These have the same penalty as a technical foul. Each foul committed in a half adds to the total of “team fouls” for each team, which, after a team reaches seven of them, causes their next foul to result in free-throws for the opposing team, as opposed to the usual pass-in from the sideline. In this scenario (called “the bonus”), the player attempting the free-throw has to make the first to get a second attempt, otherwise the ball is “live” (back in play), allowing for a rebound. National Basketball Association (NBA): In the NBA, each team plays a total of 82 games in one of two conferences, Eastern and Western. The top eight teams from each conference advance to the playoffs, where they play elimination matches in a best-of-seven series for two “rounds,” before two Conference Finals matchups. The winners of these will face each other in the Finals to compete for the O’Brien Trophy and bragging rights for the rest of the summer.

Alexander Hayes / CREATIVE DIRECTOR Alex Rangel / ART EDITOR

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