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Mandurama Meet Up
from VJMC #154
Article by John McNair
DURING OUR HOLIDAYS LAST OCTOBER IN SOUTHERN NSW CHERYL AND I WERE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO ATTEND A MEET UP OF THE CENTRAL WEST NSW VJMC REGION MEMBERS IN MANDURAMA WHICH IS ABOUT 30 MINUTES NORTH OF COWRA. With lots of very heavy rain around that weekend six members attended the lunch at the Royal Hotel in Mandurama. All attending opted for four wheeled transport on the day which was a wise decision. Great to see they made the effort to be there. The Royal Hotel is one of those old corner hotels with the balcony running down both sides and iron lace railings. Inside through the bar was a very nice dining room where we enjoyed a delicious meal and a little something to wash it down. A most pleasant time. The Meet Up was organised by Peter Ezzy who is the VJMC Rep for the area after discussions with Wayne Lavers from Grenfell. In attendance were Brian, Rob and Bryan from Cowra, Peter from Orange, Peter from Blayney, Peter Ezzy from Milthorpe and Cheryl and I all the way from Brisbane. Everyone enjoyed the day and talk was about having another one soon. Glad we could be there.