Coping With Prostatitis: What All Men Should Know

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Coping with Prostatitis: What All Men Should Know About half of all men will develop prostatitis at some point during their lives, but a survey by the American Foundation for Urologic Disease found that only 15 percent of men had even heard of the disorder, which can cause painful ejaculation and urinary-related symptoms. Since some forms of prostatitis are remarkably easy to treat when the proper medications are applied, it pays for men to more about what to watch for and how to care for themselves when the problem arises. In some cases, proper penis care could also help men prevent prostatitis from even taking hold. Multiple Forms, One Name The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that's located right below a man's bladder. It's considered part of the reproductive system, as the prostate produces semen, but it shares the same pathway used by the kidneys. This shared road could lead to infections, as bacteria found inside the urine can sometimes creep into the prostate, causing bacterial forms of prostatitis. Acute forms of infection can lead to:  Fevers  Back pain  Chills  Painful urination The pain can be overwhelming, but quick treatment with antibiotics can do the trick and restore a man to normal. Not all men have such a bold cue to follow, however. There are subtle infections that can cause symptoms that can be mild and easy for a man to ignore. A feeling of heaviness or mild pain during urination or ejaculation could be all these men notice. Yet other forms of prostatitis lead to no overt symptoms at all, aside from mild swelling a doctor might notice during a routine exam. Risk Factors While it's true that prostatitis is common, it's also true that the condition remains a bit of a medical mystery. Young men who have unprotected sex are generally considered at risk for some forms of prostatitis, as infections with sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS and chlamydia have been linked to prostatitis problems in some men. In addition, men who are quite ill and who require a catheter to be placed as they recover might also be at increased risk for prostatitis, as these sorts of medical interventions can introduce bacteria into the body and lead to infections in all kinds of places. Some men develop prostatitis for reasons their doctors can't quite explain, however, although research continues on this important issue. Staying Safe Pain during urination, discolored urine or pain or aches in the abdomen might all be signs of prostatitis, and a visit to the doctor can help men obtain a firm diagnosis. A prostate exam, followed by urine tests or other laboratory tests, could help doctors to pinpoint the cause of the symptoms, and medications might help to ease symptoms or make the problem go away altogether. Augmenting this medical treatment with proper home case could help men to heal a bit faster. Drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day allows the bladder plenty of fluid for flushing out harmful bacteria, and these organisms will quickly move through the body when a person is adequately

hydrated in this manner. Heading to the bathroom when the urge to urinate arises is another healthy step, as the bacteria will be able to leave the body as quickly as possible. Staying clean can also keep bacteria from building up on the penis, providing fewer chances for germs to enter the body. A daily rinse with soap and warm water can help to remove common inflammatory agents, and following up that cleaning with a penis health crème (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is another prudent step. Penis health crèmes keep the skin soft and supple, providing fewer nooks and crannies of dry skin for bacteria to hide in. Smooth penis skin is also more responsive and receptive, which could provide men with benefits of an entirely different nature.

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