PEPY Quote book

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Do what you say. Practice what you learned. Share what you have received and improve the world around you.

Sela Chham, Accountant at PEPY Tours 2009-2011



Healthiness is power! Konnitha Sien, Finance Manager


Failures are inevitable. If you don’t talk about them, they become the elephant in the temple, and elephants in ancient temples are hard to hide. Admitting failures, learning from mistakes made, and sharing those lessons with others so they can learn not only helps us better achieve our own goals but can help others achieve theirs.


Daniela Papi, Board Member


There will always be committed, kind, creative, and thoughtful citizens, united in a desire to serve others.


Katie Anthony, Sponsor

Curiosity can either break or make you, but you’ll never know unless you try. Don’t fear mistakes or rejection, it’s just another adventure.

Rithy Thul, PEPY staff member and trip leader

Privilege carries social responsibility, and that r material wealth doesn’t confe happiness and that for each of us the most important job in the world is simply the one we care about most.

Eric Lewis, PEPY intern 2009, PEPY Tours staff 2010

Don’t Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, just don’t repeat the mistake.

Kimline, Executive Director at PEPY


When travelling, always keep these questions in mind: When I spend money, who does it support? When I visit a community, how can I be respectful of the local culture while positively representing my own culture? How can I travel in a more environmentally responsible manner? What can I learn and bring back home to share with others?


Josh Bloomfield, PEPY Supporter


We have no control over the life we are born into, only the life we leave behind.


Lindsey Miller, Past PEPY tour participant

When it floods, go fishing.

Bory Kas

We are who we are and we must accept it, especially if we expect others to accept it.

Jason Rice, PEPY supporter


Crickets C rickets taste exactly like what you think they taste like.


Adam Kronk, Operations Officer 2010-2011

Push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Only then, you will learn, experience, see, taste and feel things you didn’t know were possible for yourself.

Jacqueline Kronk, Chief Communications Officer 2010-2011

Open your eyes, trust your instincts, use your voice, and when you see an opportunity, don’t hesitate – go for it!

Elise, Graphic Design volunteer 2011


The best type of criticism is self-criticism. The more we are trying to be better people, the more powerful and successful our efforts . e m o c e b e g n a h c t c a n e to


Maryann Bylander, Board Member

intentions alone can be “Good dangerous, but the amazing

potential of good intentions combined with and unwavering commitment to identifying, accepting, and learning from your mistakes can be an incredibly potent force for positive change.


Adam Vaught, Board Member


Change comes in stages, and you have to be willing to shift direction in the gaps.


Mike Jones, Program Consultant and Teacher Trainer 2010-2011


Education is very important for the people; if we have money, we can pay for a short time only. But if we have knowledge, we will be able to pay it forever.


Phan Satra, PEPY English teacher



The pace of development can be slow, and it takes people wholly committed for the long haul to make a difference.

Mandy Gatewood, PEPY volunteer 2007-2008

PEPY changed my world, allowing me to comprehend its beauty and inequities with such critical insight that I felt inspired, empowered and compelled to act and give more responsibly ever since. Plus, the very first thing I did after returning home from my PEPY trip was to buy a bicycle!”

Daniela Kon, Documentary film maker and PEPY Tour Participant 2005, 2006, 2009


Laugh more. L augh more. It might might not not It fix the the problem problem fix but it it sure sure puts puts but you in in a a better better you frame of of mind mind frame to solve solve it. it. to


Anna McKeon, Communications Manager at PEPY 2011-2013

The world is too big for me to say that I can change it but I still strongly believe that I can, I know that I can start off small, with myself.

Chor “Joe” Choch, Bookkeeper for PEPY Tours

meone An “educated person” isn’t necessarily so ved who attended an elite private school, achie world straight. As and then went on to study at a who class university. Rather, it can be someone n, to has the skills to tackle problems on their ow tside take initiative, to be resourceful, to think ou eded. the box and make a difference when it is ne on” that Because it is not the “world’s best educati people need anymore, it is AN education. And that is achievable with passion, commitment and a love of learning.

up Aileen Cameron, PEPY Special Interest Gro from 2008-2009; Intern from an rter Jason Rice, in Jap PEPY suppo inator Coord Jan-Jul 2010.

We HAVE to learn before we can help Daniela Papi, Board Member


You learn while you are learning and you play while you are playing, but at PEPY, I would like to say that you are playing while you are learning.


Bopha Soth, Translator and Program Assistant 2010-2011


Education E ducation is a life long learning process, so step in now.


Sarakk Rith, Senior Program Manager

If you ask me what I want to be – I would reply I don’t know! Why? Because it is my desire that I don’t want to end – I want to be always learning and exploring.

Sopheak Sun, PEPY


Empathy, not sympathy, creates successful teams, programs, and connection. Leading from behind is both the most difficult and most rewarding style of leadership.


Maryann Bylander, Board Member


A team that shares common issues, common ideas and common goals is a strong team.


Samal, PEPY Board Program Committee member


Giving Power to people to have ownership, to make decision and to work independently will help them improve their thinking, self-responsibility, confidence and ability to seek help when needed.


Sok Vey, PEPY staff 2011


Great leaders move us. They ignite our passion and inspire the best in us. When we try to explain why they are so effective, we speak of strategy, vision or powerful ideas . But the reality is much more primal: Great leadership works through the emotions. No matter what leaders set out to do, even if they get everything else just right, if leade rs fail in the primal task of driving emotions in the right direction, nothing they do will wo rk as well as it could or should.


JefMaryann f Strachan, Bylander, BoardBoard membMember er, trip participant and


IIt’s t’s the TEAM that matters. Leaders can only stand alone if they are Atlas, but even he got tired. Real humans need really great teams to achieve success.

Daniela Papi, Board Member


Searching for bottom Searching up rather than topdown solutions takes spirit, determination, inclusion, individualism and a strong belief that you can reach your goals.


Michelle and Bruno, PEPY supporters

Never forget that an attitude of love and devotion to the human family can make a very tangible difference in people’s lives. The Keeley family

“Surround yourself with

inspirational people, they will help you unlock your potential, drive you to success and motivate you to make a change.


porter Rakesh Mehta, Past tour participant and sup Jason Rice, PEPY supporter

No N o one should attempt to do the ‘insanity’ program in a tropical country

Maria Hach

What I knew about Cambodia was that it was hot. What I didn’t know was that my eyebrows would stop working and I would have to adjust to a life with sweat in my eyes. What I knew about myself was that I wasn’t ready to go home. What I didn’t know was a year later I still wouldn’t want to leave.

Nikkola Errington, Communications Officer 2010

The best bike rides start at 6 am. Sharp. Steph, Communications Officer 2011


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