THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS REVAMPED Mickey "The Flying Busman" Mahan ANGER is a way of seeing yourself through your enemies’ eyes think of it as empathy on steroids where you reach out with fist and fiery tongue for a scrap of flesh or a handful of hair a keepsake for the moment you came to your senses and realized the depth of your affection ENVY gives you everything you’ve always wanted as a bitter pill too big to swallow it won’t bounce and it makes a lousy soup bone but it’s no cause for concern because the essence of everything desired is in the inexhaustible spark envy engenders that little light almost as bright as the diamond on your neighbor’s bony finger GREED goes a long way towards setting you free from the responsibility of being more or less human it pinches every penny and hoards hell-fire and heavenly peace holding in every thought and feeling like constipated turds until your death grip on life becomes a ruby studded collar around your wrinkled neck LUST turns a lazy libido into love just long enough to scorch you to singe the fringe around your soul so that whatever petticoat you prance around in can go up in an amoral flame of irresponsibility Fall 2020 | 87