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The PDBY editorial must approve letters, comments
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PDBY Year 82 | Issue 4 9 March 2020
yourcampusnews. Tel: 012 362 7180 PDBY
COVID-19: UP suspends biometric access system

New TB detection technology
Image: Kayla Thomas and Sam Mukwamu
EMS Faculty turns 100
Interview with “Moffie” actor Stefan Vermaak
Know something, say something
2 | From the Editor Don’t
Yes, COVID-19 is in South Africa and UP is taking steps to prevent an outbreak among students. But this is not the end of the world – in fact it is very promising that UP is being so proactive in preparing for COVID-19. We all need to exercise a reasonable amount of caution, and practice hygienic habits both at campus and in our personal lives. Read the article on page 3 for all the info you need and some tips for preventative hygiene habits.
That being said, this is still a disease that is spreading around the world. And while we joke about “cambola” (and by we, I mean me, in the last edition), a campus wide outbreak is far from desirable. It is our responsibility to maintain our health as far as we reasonably can and communicate any COVID-like symptoms to health care officials. If China’s approach to the outbreak has shown anything, it’s that containment can be an effective means of fighting the virus. But of course, prevention is the best overall approach.
But, moving on from the coronavirus, I want to take this opportunity to discuss campus security in general. In suspending the biometric system, UP has prompted me to think about access to campus and the approach to it. I often speak to students who say they feel as if they are doing something wrong in trying to access campus. While I understand safety concerns and limiting access to registered students, it has been made exceptionally difficult for students to get onto campus,

and something as simple as forgetting their student card can cause a lot of hassle. How do you feel about the dreaded “main gate” instruction? Let me know at editor@pdby. co.za or on Instagram, I’d love to know what you think, and start a conversation about UP’s approach to campus access.
In happier news, recess is soon! By the end of March, we will all be watching Netflix with slightly less stress, while we procrastinate and avoid our recess work. The next edition of PDBY comes out in April but until then, you can keep up to date and informed by following @PDBYMedia on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and checking pdby.co.za for regular online exclusives. Until next time,
Kayla Thomas
9 March 2020 PDBY Media
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