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Comenius Multilateral Partnership: Bulgaria; Estonia; Greece; Italy; Northern Ireland; Poland; Portugal; Spain; Poland; England.


RIGHT TO LEGAL PROTECTION AND AN ACESSIBLE JUSTICE According to one of our children called Viki, lawyers need to protect the consumers’ interests.


People are entitled to television and internet…

People are entitled to a service of quality.

People are entitled to quality on clothing and shoes.


The consumers are entitled to receive information in an accessible way about what are their rights and who can protect their interests.

The consumers have the right to buy goods with quality for the money they give.


Gabi says that children have the right to know what kind of material are made the toys of, be safe and if they are not harmful to human health. When she went to the store she wanted to see the label of each product, to know how much it costs and what the product contains.

Selin is 6 years old and she said that people are entitled to buy beautiful clothes, can choose and have a variety to wear beautiful clothes.




ďƒź The consumer has the following rights:

1. To buy what he wants when he wants

2. If not, return it

3. High safety standards

4. To know what he eats

5. Fair contracts

6. Change their minds

7. To compare prices easily

8. Be not deceived

9. Protection during the holidays

10. Effective redress for transnational claims


 Do not be afraid to complain.  Learn about your rights.  You are more likely to solve the issue if you are calm and clearly express your views.  Focus on the facts.  Say what you expect: an apology, a replacement product, a refund, better service or compensation.  Make sure you talk with someone who is authorized to act.  Keep a record of important information: receipts, warranties, contracts, letters, dates and name caller talks.  If you need to send any of the above, keep one copy and the original.  Once you realize the problem, act immediately.  You should always present yourself: name, address, phone, address and email (if any) data file with your company.


“Buy what you wan t, where you wan t”

“Possiamo comprare ciò che vogliamo, dove vogliamo”

“Possiamo restituire ciò che non funziona”

“If it doesn’t work, send it back”

“High safety standards for food and consumer goods”

“Norme di sicurezza elevate per alimenti e altri beni di consumo”

“Know what you are eating”

“Informiamoci su ciò che mangiamo”

“Sometimes consumers can change their mind”

“Possiamo cambiare idea sugli acquisti”

“Making it easier to compare prices”

“Il confronto dei prezzi deve essere più facile”

“Consumers sh ould no t b e misled”

“I consumatori non vanno ingannati”

“Protection while you are on holiday”

“La tutela dei consumatori durante le vacanze”

“Effective redress for cross-border disputes”

“Mezzi di ricorso efficaci per le controversie transfrontaliere”


BINGO IS A NO NO UNLESS YOU’RE OLD ENOUGH TO GO GO!! You can go in when you’re 14 but you Have to be 18 to play!!!

Here are things that buy if you under 18!!

some other you shouldn’t are

You have to be over 16 to take tobacco. It is the law but people break it. It is VERY dangerous because you could die. Many young people pick up these habits every year – in fact, 90% of all adult smokers started when they were kids. Each day, more than 3,900 kids become regular smokers. Chewing tobacco (smokeless or spit tobacco) can lead to nicotine addiction, oral cancer, gum disease, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks.

When you buy an item, take it home and you discover that it is broken, go right back to the store it came from and you demand to get another one. If they don’t have any, you demand for your money back and show them the receipt.

If you have a receipt, get your money back or get a refund.

Consumer rights are if you buy something and it is broken like a jumper or a t-shirt with holes as long as you have your receipt you can get your money back.

A dirty seller is a seller who will make a deal with you and then when the item is being bought they put the price up. A dirty seller may also tamper with the item and then charge you for them to fix it.

What we can do We can be more careful when we’re buying things and ask lots of questions.

Gambling is the getting of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the gambling is evident within a short period.

Horses are a good sport for betting on and you can get lots of money from it.

Football and golf are sports that can be bet on.

Under age gaming is strictly against the law!

Avoid This Sign! Stick to Pokemon they are more fun and have no trace of violence.

If a shop keeper sells you a game that is over your age he is breaking the law. When you make an Apple account it will ask you for your age. When you put in what age you are it will not allow you to download apps over your age.

Missold games means that someone is selling you a second hand game that they say is in perfect condition but could not work when you use it or its been hacked.

If you are sold a Missold game you have as many rights as an adult so you have to get your money back if you are not happy. If they won’t give you your money back call the police and get them involved because they will sort the people out.

If a game says a number in the bottom left corner it is the age you have to be to buy it. You can play a game that is above your age if your parent or guardian allows you.

Make sure that you buy you phones from a legal website or shop and keep the receipt. If your phone is broken when you buy it send it back as soon as you find out it is broken.

Don’t wait, until it’s too late!!!

If something is broken you should bring it back to the place you bought it and get a refund.

If you wait too long you will

NOT get your money back.

You can be any age to get a refund but you have to have your receipt from when you bought the item.

If it’s

broken DON’T WAIT


You can get your money

back if it is broken or you just don’t like it.



1. Czytaj uważnie wszystkie informacje na etykietach opakowań. To Twoje prawo i obowiąz (Read very carefuly all of the information on the labels of packages. It’s your right and responsibility).

data produkcji,  data ważności,  nazwa produktu,  producent produktu,  składniki,  informacje odżywczych,



 wagę produktu.

production date,

 expiration date,  name of product,  product’s producer,  ingredients,  information about nourishment,  weight.

2. Twoim prawem i obowiązkiem jest uważne czytanie wszystkich znaków i symboli na opakowaniach. (Your right and responsibility is to carefully read all signs and symbols on the packages of the products).

Produkt powstał zgodnie z wymogami Unii Europejskiej. (European Conformity)

Produkt nie był testowany na zwierzętach. (Not tested on animals)

Opakowanie należy wyrzucić do kosza. (Package should be tossed into the garbage)

Opakowanie po produkcie może zostać ponownie wykorzystane. (Package can be reused)

Produkt bezpieczny dla ozonu. (Safe for ozone)

Produkt nieodpowiedni dla dzieci poniżej 3 roku życia. (Inadequate for children under 3)

3. Masz prawo wybierać taki towar, jaki Ty chcesz, jakiego potrzebujesz lub jaki Ci się podoba. Masz prawo wybierać produkt, biorąc pod uwagę jego skład, jakość, wygląd oraz producenta.

(You have the right to choose all of the products you want, need or like. You also have the right to choose articles and view their ingredients, quality, design or producer)



4. Masz prawo do dokonywania zakupów także po obniżce cen. To Ty wybierasz towar po obniżonej cenie. Pamiętaj jednak, że Twoim obowiązkiem jest sprawdzenie i dowiedzenie się dlaczego cena towaru została obniżona oraz czy produkt, który chcesz kupić, ma jakieś uszkodzenia. (You also have the right to buy products on sale. You have the right to choose the article you want to buy. But remember that it is your responsibility to check and get to know why the price has been reduced and if the product you want to buy has any damages)

5. Zawsze czytaj instrukcję obsługi zakupionego sprzętu lub zabawki Remember to read the directions when using any equipment or toy you bought.

Jak mam z to złożyć? Może powinienem przeczytać instrukcję obsługi?! How should I assemble it? Maybe I should read a directions for use?

6. Twoim obowiązkiem jest korzystanie z zakupionych rzeczy zgodnie z ich przeznaczeniem. Czytaj uważnie wszystkie informacje, które dotyczą obsługi oraz korzystania z zakupionych przez Ciebie przedmiotów. It is your responsibility to use things you bought in a manner consistant with it’s purpose. Read carefuly all the information important to the proper handling and using of products you bought.

Myślałem, że mogę używać odkurzacza do odkurzania ubrań. I thought that I could use the vacuum cleaner for cleaning my clothes.

7. Zachowaj paragon na 2 lata.! Możesz w tym czasie zareklamować zakupiony towar, jeżeli ulegnie zniszczeniu. Możesz dokonać jego naprawy lub wymiany, a w niektórych przypadkach domagać się zwrotu pieniędzy. Masz na to 2 miesiące po znalezieniu wady lub usterki. Keep a receipt for 2 years! During this time you can claim proof of purchase for the product you bought in case of its damage. You can ask to have it repaired or exchanged, and in some situations you can also demand your money to be returned. You have 2 months to do it if any damage or defect has been found.

8. Zachowaj paragon po każdych zakupach spożywczych.! Jeżeli chcesz zareklamować jedzenie masz na to 3 dni od dnia dokonania zakupu lub momentu otwarcia produktu, jeżeli przechowywany był w szczelnym opakowaniu. Keep a receipt after each grocery shopping! If you want to claim the food, you have 3 days to do it, since the date of purchase or the moment when product was opened, if it was kept in an airtight container.

Dzisiaj jest 10.03.2012 r.

9. Twoim prawem i obowiązkiem jest zapoznanie się z listą praw i obowiązków konsumenta. Your right and responsibility is to read the list of Consumer rights and responsibilities.

10. Jeżeli, któreś z Twoich praw nie jest przestrzegane, masz prawo i obowiązek zgłosić to do miejskiego lub powiatowego Rzecznika Konsumentów. If any of your consumer rights are not obeyed, your right and responsibility is to inform the Regional Consumer’s Spokesman about it.

Skarga do Rzecznika Konsumentów o nie przestrzeganie moich praw przez....

Complaint to the Regional Consumer’s Spokesman about obeying my consumer rights by…





The goods and services that the consumer purchases must meet the purposes for which they are intended. The trader must ensure their quality and compliance. It is assumed that the goods and services comply with the contract if:


They correspond to the given description by the seller and possess the presented qualities.


They answer to the consumer needs.


They have the expected quality and performance for that type of good and match what is advertised in advertising and labeling.



The goods or services provided should not admit risks to health or physical safety.

There are products that, by their nature, can endanger the health and safety of consumers (pesticides, insecticides and detergents, e.g.).

In these cases, manufacturers are required to inform consumers about the risks (irritant, flammable or harmful to the environment), setting clear warnings on the labels and symbols.

There should also be given simple rules on how to handle the products safely, referring, for example, that one should wear gloves and mask.


The consumer information is essential, since it is one of the ways that he has to assert his rights.

AIM – Develop a critical attitude and make informed choices, based on:


The relation between quality and price of products and services;


Contract conditions;


The analysis and consideration of the alternatives on the market.



Consumers can go to court to defend their rights and interests.


Consumers have a set of responsibilities/duties:

Duty of solidarity: the duty to organize themselves as consumers, in order to develop the necessary influence to promote and protect their interests.

Duty of critical consciousness: duty to be aware and be critical relatively to prices and quality of products and services one use.

Duty to act: duty to enforce their views and demand fair treatment. If you remain passive, you will continue to be explored.

Duty of social solidarity: the duty to consider the impact that the choices one makes in terms of consumption has on other citizens, especially the poorest, at local, national and international levels.

Duty of environmental awareness: duty to think about the environmental consequences of consumption. The consumer must assume their individual and social responsibility in the preservation of natural resources and protecting the planet.


Deure de la Solidaritat

Deure de la Consciencia Critica

Deure d actuar

Dret a la proteccio juridical I justicia accessible



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