En10 pubilicity campaign

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Activity 26: Publicity Campaign Write a slogan about financial Education and add photos from the last 2 years

Spend your money wisely Children have learnt about what to spend their money on. They have learnt about spending money on every day items, for example, at the fruit and vegetable shop.

Spend your money wisely The children have learnt about counting out their coins and getting change. They have learnt about what to spend their money on. The children are beginning to explore using coins in their role play.

Spend your money wisely The children take part in singing a selection of number rhymes on a regular basis. They enjoyed singing ‘5 currant buns’ where they learnt about spending money to buy items at the bakery.

Spend your money wisely The children have been exploring and using coins in their play. They have enjoyed playing with the large coins as they begin to learn about the different values. The children are able to count the total of 1p and 2p coins.

Spend your money wisely The children have learnt about where to get their money from. They have learnt about going to the cash point to take money out before going to the shops.

Spend your money wisely A child drew this picture to show their Mummy buying a toy at the shop. They talked about using coins to pay for the toy.

Spend your money wisely The children had a discussion about what we should spend our money on between going on holiday, buying a toy or spending it on school. Initially the children said they wanted to go on holiday or buy a toy. Then we changed the discussions to which was the most important for them to do and the children began to talk about school.

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