Activity 27: Reports
Wants and needs – the importance of choosing
Wants and needs – the importance of choosing
The children took part in discussions about money and what they should spend it on. Their Key Worker created a spider diagram to show their ideas. The children were talking about all of the items their parents buy with money.
Wants and needs – the importance of choosing Another group of children talked about spending money on either toys or school. They looked at which one it was most importance to spend money on. They talked about toys as something they wanted but schools as something that is needed in the world.
Wants and needs – the importance of choosing The children were asked to draw pictures showing what was most important when spending money, something they wanted or something they needed. This child decided to draw a picture of a school with them stood outside waiting to go in. The child talked about buying items for the school.
Wants and needs – the importance of choosing • The children found it difficult at first to decide what it was most important to spend their money on • Most children were eager to spend money on something they wanted, e.g. toys or sweets • With adult support the children began to think about what they needed to spend money on. • The children talked about every day and long term items
Wants and needs – the importance of choosing • The children began to talk about things they used everyday that their parents needed to buy. They talked about buying food and clothes. • With adult support the children talked about what would happen to schools if there was no money to spend. The children talked about items in school that were bought with money.
Wants and needs – the importance of choosing • The children are beginning to understand that they have to think carefully about what to spend their money on • The children were also able to think about what happens to families who have very little money. They discussed what these families would need to buy.