NI Partner country profiles

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Climate: Bulgaria is situated in the moderate climatic zone. The country can be conditionally divided into two climatic zones. The Stara Planina Mountain is considered the watershed between them. Winters are colder in Northern Bulgaria and much milder in the Southern part of the country. Winter temperatures vary between 0° and 7°C below zero. Very rarely temperatures may drop below 20°C below zero. Population: 7,450,349 Animals: Brown Bear, Peregrine Falcon, Chamois, Grey Wolf,

Western Capercaillie and Wild Boar. Capital: Sofia Bulgarian Traditional Foods - Traditional Meat Dishes of Bulgaria: Meat dishes are a mainstay of Bulgarian cuisine. Those described above are more traditional dishes, but Kepabcheta or kufte are along with other meat dishes, may be accompanied by vegetables or potatoes at restaurants. The most popular sport in Bulgaria is football. Currency: Lev (BGN; symbol лв) = 100 stotinki. Bulgarian landcapes: Bulgaria is a land of contrasts. To the east extends the warm welcome of the Black Sea with its rocky capes, sandy beaches and sheltered bays. To the north lies the Danube, fringed by lakes and marshes, and bordered by an alternating succession of elevated plateaus and broad steppe-like plains. But it is the majestic mountains that dominate Bulgaria, forming the physical heartland of the country as well as the spiritual soul of the nation. Special occasions in Bulgaria: When there are special occasions the Bulgarians would usually throw parties, give gifts and entertain people. How do you say hello in Bulgaria? "Zrdasti" How do you say goodbye in Bulgaria. ‘ Dovijdane’

By Grace E. and Kirsty

How big is England:130,395 km2 (or 50,346 square miles) Weather: At the very least, the weather over there is very erratic, especially around this time of the year and in autumn. Temperatures will frequently hit 30 degrees Celsius or more (86 Fahrenheit).


Food they eat: Roast Beef

Yorkshire Pudding Toad-in-the-Hole

Roast Meats

Fish and Chips

Ploughman's Lunch

Cottage Pie

Shepherd's Pie

Gammon Steak with egg

Lancashire Hotpot

Bubble and Squeak

English Breakfast

Bangers and Mash

Black Pudding

Bacon Roly-Poly Cumberland Sausage


Language: English. Sports: Cricket football

Clothes: similar to what we wear

Capital city: London

Animals: Rabbit Swans Sparrow Tawny owl


Red Deer

Population: Nearly

84 per cent

of the total population of the United Kingdom lives in England.

Capital City: The Capital City of Estonia is Tallinn. Population: 1,322,893 Weather/Climate: Estonia is a little bit warmer than the average in neighbouring countries. It freezes to minus twenty-five degrees and it could get colder in inlands. That usually last’s 3 days and in the summer it can get up to thirty degrees. Clothes + Footwear: Estonian people wear costumes, warm clothes for the winter, sports wear, hats.

Sport: The Estonian sports is Basketball,cricket, Badminton, tennis, chess, Swimming, football and ice-hockey. Animals: The animals in Estonia are lynx, deers, wolves, bears and other common animals. Time: In Estonia it is exactly 2 hours ahead. Food: They eat sausages, cheese, weird pancake soup and it’s a bit smelly. Lots of potatoes and mushrooms, fruit from their gardens like apples and cherries. Money: In Estonia they use euros. Famous places: Some famous places in Estonia are Jagala Falls, Rocca-al mare open air Museum and Kihnu Island. Landmarks: Some of the Landmarks in Estonia are Laulukaar, Panga pank and Tuhamäed.

By Mia and Emily

Population: 46 % are men, 54 % woman 111,000,000 people Currency: Euro Capital city: Athens Landscape: 99 % Land and 1 % sea

Major Religion: Orhodox and Christian Parthen Famous Places/ land Marks: Meteora, Beaches of Crete, Lake Plastira, Delphi Ruins, Ancient Mycenae. Sports: Greece has got a football team, they are going to build a f1 track and they also play basketball. Alcohol: wine , beer , vodka , spirits , shots Where is Greece: Greece is considered to be part of "Western" Europe. To the north, Greece is bordered by Albania, Macedonia, and Bulgaria. In the Northeast, Greece shares a border with Turkey. Turkey also is just across the water for many Greek islands; in many cases, these islands are closer to Turkey than to Greece.

Greece food: Although one can find different ethnic foods in Athens,

the great majority of restaurants in Greece serve only one variety of food: Greek food! To most people who consider "variety" to come from different types of cuisines this might sound rather monotonous, but Greek food comes in many shapes, forms, and varieties to keep even the most demanding traveler satisfied.

Tom and Christopher

Climate The Northern part of Italy has hot summers and cold winter, although the temperature rarely drops below freezing during the daytime. The South enjoys mild winters and long, dry, hot summers. Mountain areas such as the Alps and the Apennines have long; cold winters long and short, cool summers.

Geography Italy’s distinct shape (the boot) makes it one of the most recognizable countries in the world. Being a peninsula, the majority of the country is surrounded by the crystal blue Mediterranean Sea leading to nearly 8000 km (nearly 5000 miles) of stunning white sand beaches. Capital City: Rome Population: 58 million Clothes: They prefer blouse or a sleeveless shirt and shorts in favour of dresses and skirts. They dress more formally than Americans. Time: One hour ahead of us. Landmarks: The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Roman Colosseum in Rome, Trevi Fountain in Rome, The Sistine Chapel in Rome.

Sport: Italy has a football team who won the World Cup in 2006.They have a Formula 1 track called Monza. Monza Language: Italian

By James Warwick and Morgan Crooks

Northern Ireland is a country in Great Britain and the British Isles Situated in the continent of Europe surrounded by the Irish Sea. The climate in Northern Ireland is a mixture of sun and rain and in the winter there is a tiny bit of snow. Although Northern Ireland is a small country the population is around about 1.8 million. The Capital city of the country is called Belfast which is in County Down and another well know city is called Londonderry which is in County Londonderry and the language we speak is English. The money that they use in Northern Ireland is pounds (ÂŁ) pence (p) and there is also bigger amounts of money which is called paper notes. Northern Ireland has also lots of sport and this is a table to show you some of the sports

Girls Sport Football Netball Hockey Ice Hockey Swimming Horse Riding Show Jumping Canoeing Walking

Boys Sport Football Rugby Hockey Ice Hockey Swimming Canoeing Golf Walking Mountain Walking

By Jack, Niall and Jordan.

There are also many famous places in Northern Ireland that you can visit. The places that people like to visit are Portrush and Portstewart which have lovely coastal views. There are also places like the Giant Causeway and Dun Luce Castle which are situated around Portrush. There are also many different places to visit like Storment in Belfast there is also the Odyssey and W5 which are situated in Belfast there is also many different Shopping Centres like Victoria Square, The Outlet and Junction one. The foods that they eat in Northern Ireland are Spuds which you can have chipped, mashed or you baked. We also eat the traditional Frye and the foods that are in the Frye are bacon, sausage, egg, potatoes bread, soda bread, The Special occasions that we have in Northern Ireland are Christmas which everyone likes there is Easter when you get lots of chocolate eggs there is the 12th of the July and the Last Saturday in August which I really like and there is also Halloween. Most of the landscape is flat in Northern Ireland but the there are also three mountains which are called the Sperrin mountains and the Antrim mountains and there is also the Mourne Mountains. The animals we have in Northern Ireland is sheep, cows, pigs, horses, hens, ducks, donkeys, geese, drakes, swans and there is pets like dogs and cats.

Capital City: Warsaw Population: 38 million President: Bronislaw Komorowski Language: Polish Weather: Generally, the Polish seasons are clearly differentiated. Spring begins in March and, although initially it is rather cold, as the days progress it gets warmer. Where it is: Poland is a country in Central Europe. Poland is bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian enclave, to the north. Houses: Houses in Poland can be divided into three categories: residential houses, recreational houses and mansions and palaces. Size: Poland is the ninth biggest country in Europe. Animals: The grey wolf, the European Beaver and the European bison. National Symbol: The national symbol of Poland is the white tailed Eagle. Currency: Zloty is the currency of Poland. Food: The most recommendable dishes are: bigos, kotlet schabowy, pierogi and gołąbki . Polish boast that their two basic products are bread and sausages. Landmarks: Wawel Royal Castle, Wawel Cathedral, Town hall tower and the City walls. Time-zone: The time in Poland is 1 hour ahead of us. Sports: Baseball, boxing. Fencing and American football.

Grace and Hannah.

Place and Population Portugal lies in the southwest of Europe. It’s capital city is Lisboa and in it live 2,831,000 people in the whole country there is 10,600,000 people. They mostly speak Portuguese. Animals

Man of War


Portuguese water dog

Popular foods Chorizo: a spiced meat Serrano Ham: the ham smells sweet and has a strong flavour Cheese: the most popular Portuguese cheese is sheep cheese Climate and landscape The Portuguese climate is warm compared to most European countries. Spring and Summer are very hot and sunny and Autumn and Winter are still quite warm with some rain. The landscape is very beautiful and picturesque. There are wonderful vast forests and sparkling crystal clear waters. Houses and famous places The Portuguese houses are white so that they don’t get to hot. The windows are small and the roofs are flat because there is hardly and rain. These are some famous places to visit The Gulbenkian Museum, S.T Jorges Castle, Aviero City and Belem. Other facts They use euros in Portugal. Their special occasions are :Merry Christmas ’Boun Natale’ Happy new year ‘Feliz Ano Novo’ and Happy Birthday ‘Feliz Aniversario’. By Brooke & Eloise

What is the capital city in Spain? The capital city in Spain is Madrid. What is the population in Spain? The population in Spain is 45,957,671. What do the Spanish eat? The Spanish people eat some of our food and Tortilla and Espanola chorizo. What is the climate in Spain? The climate in Spain is really warm and it hardly ever rains. What is the traditional clothing in Spain? In Spain the traditional clothing for women is flamenco dresses. For men it is traje corto. What sports do people play in Spain? The sport that people play in Spain is football, hockey, cricket, horse riding and a traditional sport is bullfighting. What animals live in Spain? Mammals that live in Spain are the Lynx, Red Fox, Wild Boar, Spanish Ibex, Stoats, Minks, Otters, Brown Bears, Grey Wolves, Wild Horses, Red Squirrel, Dormice, Water voles, Rabbits and Hares. Creepy Crawlies that live in Spain are the Great Centipede, Scorpions, Mosquitoes and many more. Venomous Creatures that live in Spain are spiders, caterpillars, wasps and ants Is the time zone in Spain before or after ours? The time zone in Spain is exactly 1 hour ahead than our time zone. Are there any famous places in Spain? The famous places in Spain are The Royal Place of Madrid, Costa del Sol and many others. What are the special occasions in Spain? The special occasions in Spain are New Years Day, Epiphany, Semana Santa, Workers Day, National Day, Christmas Eve, Immaculate Conception Day and All Saints Day. What is the currency in Spain? The currency that the people use in Spain is euros. What type of houses do they live in Spain? The types of houses they live in are called villas and they have flat roofs, they are white and they have small windows. What type of language do they speak in Spain? In Spain the people speak Spanish? What is the landscape like in Spain? The landscape in Spain has got mountains that you can ski on, rivers, seas and beaches. What else can you tell me about Spain? In Spanish hello is “Hola” and goodbye is “Adios”. Spain attracts the second most tourists in Europe. There was a famous artist that came from Spain called Pablo Picasso.

By Tamzin and Abbie

Weather The weather in Turkey can get as hot as 60°c. In winter in Turkey it is very cold with a temperature of 5°c

Capital City

The Capital city of Turkey is Ankara. Ankara is one of the largest cities in Turkey after Istanbul.

Wildlife The Wildlife of Turkey are very strange looking Creatures. Here are some names of them: Long eared Hedgehog, Serotine bat, Risso’s Dolphin, Wildcat; Lion and a European Jackal.


The Food in Turkey is very different to ours but some aren’t .Here’s a list on some of their foods: Fish, Burger, Kebab, Seaweed wrap, Stringy soup and shrimp pepper.


For Turkish money Turkish people use Euros and cents to buy all sorts of things for themselves


The Turkish clothes are very colourful for the women as their colours are usually yellow and red and the men are very dull because their colour is usually black.

Where it is?

Turkey is in the the Asian Minor and a small a portion of Europe.


The two religions of Turkey are Mecca and Islam. They are very different religions because Islam means a peace Christian and a Mecca means a normal peace.


The Turkish population is between 80million -90 million.


The famous Landmarks are very nice and interesting like Hegira Sophia, Sultamahmet Mosque, Topkapi Palace and Dolmabache Palace.


The language of Turkey is Turkish and it came from The Asian Federation.


Turkish houses are just usually flats they are very roomy and comfy and very large.


The sports of Turkey are very similar to ours as they are: Football, Athletics, Basketball, and Formula one, Motor cycle racing, Rugby Union and Wrestling.

Kirsten and Andrew

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