PO5 - finantial education

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VISITING A MARKET AND MONITORING THE SALES PROCESS. While attending the preschool and school’s camp, we were able to purchase goods for the children in a real situation by shopping in the local shop. We wanted our pupils to understand the exchange of coins and notes for goods and have them spend their money reasonably on their wants.



During shopping, our students could have a question and answer interview with the shop-assitant which allowed them to know more about this profession and the process of buying and selling.

The interview with a shop-assistant: (conducted by 6 year old pupils)

1. What’s your name? My name’s Monika Karolak. 2. Does this shop belong to you? No, this shop is not mine. 3. How long have you been working here? I’ve been working here for 1 year now. 4. Who often comes to your shop? Mostly adults, but sometimes also children come to do some shopping. 5. What kind of products are often bought? We often sell basic groceries like: bread, meat, flour, cheese, sugar, milk, vegetables and fruits. People come to our shop to buy some home chemicals.

6. What people use to pay for their shopping? They use cash, as well as plastic. 7. How often do you have to buy all the wares? It depends on what is missing in the shop. Generaly we buy the new wares every second week, sometimes every week. 8. What the customers can buy in your shop? We have groceries and chemicals here. 9. Do the children buy only sweets? No, not only. They also do some shopping for their parents. 10. Do you like your job? Yes, it’s nice. I can say that I like it. 11. What are the hours that the shop is open at? Our shop is open from 8:00 a.m to 8 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays we are open from 10:00 a.m to 5 p.m. 12. When there are a lot of customers in the shop? I’ve noticed that we have more customers in the afternoons and in the evenings, because then many people come back

from their work. They come to the shop while passing by. 13. Which day people choose for doing the biggest shopping? It’s Friday. A lot of customers come to us on this day to do shopping for the weekend. But because weekend is free, I can say that we have many of then on Saturdays and Sundays.

Thank you for this conversationď Š

A ROLE-PLAY SITUATION WHERE CHILDREN CAN EXCHANGE THE SAME KIND OF PRODUCTS IN ALL COUNTRIES FOR MONEY. Within this activity we decided to create a small market in each group to allow our pupils to experience the buying and selling process of the same kinds of products in all countries. We used this activity to practice the names of identical products in different languages of our Comenius partners.

Before being involved in the buying and selling activity, our students were introduced to particular vocabulary essential for the proper communication between a shop-assistant and a costumer. They also gained knowledge regarding the way customers should behave while doing shopping.


Our primary pupils were able to get to know the names of some traditional products from each Comenius partner’s origin. During this activity they were introduced to the prices for each product. Thanks to this knowledge, they could exchange the euro currency into Polish zloty and compare the prices with those in our country.

First Grade

Second Grade

During this activity, primary pupils got to know what is an interview and how do we name participants of a question and answer interview. Later they were able to create their own and practice it in a role-play activity, where one child was a shop-assistant and the rest of our pupils, became a group of journalists asking the questions. Below, you can see the result of their labour.


A shop-assistant

The original version of the interview

The interview with a shop-assistant: (conducted by grade II, 9 year old pupils)

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Does your profession give you satisfaction? Yes, it does. I like it very much. Are the products in your shop cheap? I’ve got products from different countries, so it happens that they are expensive. Is your shop big? It is neither big, nor small. It’s medium-sized. Are your products healthy? Yes, all the products in my shop are healthy. What are your working hours? I work from 10 a.m to 7p.m.

6. How much you would like to sell your shop for? For 1000 euro. 7. Can you afford buying a castle? Unfortunately, no. 8. How much do you earn per week? I earn 250 euro. 9. How long have you been working here? I’ve been working here for 2 years now. 10. Do you like your job? Yes, very much, because I meet a lot of people here. 11. Are the products in your shop natural? Yes, the products I sell are natural and heathly. 12. What’s your name? My name’s Michał.

13. Is this shop a family business? No, it’s not. I run this shop by myself. 14. Is it possible to buy outdated products in your shop? Definitely, no. Thank you for this conversationď Š

Thank you for your attentionď Š

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