PT3 - Parents Meeting

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SAVING TIPS Calculate your monthly budget.

SAVING TIPS Foresee extraordinary expenses (for each year) such as: gifts, holidays, repairs, insurance, car maintenance or purchases of high value.

SAVING TIPS Review your budget every month. If necessary, correct it.

SAVING TIPS Every month, try to save some money to set up an emergency fund.

SAVING TIPS It is important to prioritize your spending. Understand which are the necessary expenses and those that you may reduce.

SAVING TIPS If each month you put aside a small amount for Christmas gifts or holidays, for example, you don’t have to worry so much when those moments arrive.

SAVING TIPS Get a piggy bank and save some money. Have breakfast and coffee at home, and keep this money in the piggy bank. At the end of the year, you will have a pleasant surprise ...

SAVING TIPS If you drink a coffee at home every day it will allow you a saving of 18 euro per month. Having lunch, during the week, in a restaurant costs at least 132 euro monthly.

SAVING TIPS Check the pressure of the tires of your car. An incorrect value can increase fuel consumption by 5 percent.

SAVING TIPS Avoid traveling by car for short trips. Walk because it is healthy and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure (you will save on medication and gain in health).

SAVING TIPS Choose seasonal products and from your region. These are cheaper, fresher and healthier...

SAVING TIPS Never forget to compare the prices per kilo or liter.

SAVING TIPS Go to the grocery store outside of mealtimes and avoid taking children. It is proven that when we go shopping with an empty stomach, we usually buy more things.

SAVING TIPS The pre-cooked meals are always more expensive. Prepare your meals for the week on Saturday and Sunday. You can freeze them.

SAVING TIPS Before leaving for the supermarket, make a shopping list and set a maximum amount to spend. Buy only what is on the list ...

SAVING TIPS Look for promotions and offers. Choose family packages.


SAVING TIPS Track promotions and choose "white spots".

SAVING TIPS Try to increase your income (if you like to cook or doing crafts, for example, you can sell what you produce).

SAVING TIPS Each energy-saving lamp saves between 5 and 10 euro per year.

SAVING TIPS The connected appliances on standby represent an annual increase of 10 euro in the light bill.

SAVING TIPS Avoid connecting heating on the maximum.


SAVING TIPS Be sure you don’t loose heat through windows or doors of the house. Choose double glazing (windows).

SAVING TIPS If necessary, choose the fan.

SAVING TIPS Take the cold water while waiting to reach the ideal temperature. That will serve to wash the floors, watering plants ...

SAVING TIPS Showers save 80,000 liters of water per year. A plastic bottle filled inside the cistern, determines a saving of 10 liters of water (day).

SAVING TIPS Close the tap while brushing your teeth. This gesture allows you to save about ten liters of water per year.

SAVING TIPS Remember to clean the ice from the freezer. A freezer filled with ice decreases efficiency and increases power consumption.

SAVING TIPS Close the sink while you are using it, so you avoid the waste of water. Use the water from washing vegetables to water plants. Adjust the amount of water.

SAVING TIPS Check regularly that dripping taps at home.




SAVING TIPS Don’t use the washing machine or dishwasher until they are full. Avoid wasting water and electricity.

SAVING TIPS To water the garden, use the rain, which can be stored in buckets. On summer, water only once per week, rather than all days. One hour of daily watering is equivalent to a consumption of 450 liters of water per year.

SAVING TIPS Wash your car with buckets of water, instead of using the hose.

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